12/12 (木)
生成AIは安心安全に貢献できるのか [CA DATA NIGHT] CyberAgent Developers Blog | サイバーエージェント デベロッパーズブログ
CAが運営するメディア・サービスは、日々投稿されるたくさんのコンテンツによって成り立っています。一方 ...
Fluid Superscripts and Subscripts CSS-Tricks
How much attention do you pay to the alignments of your subscripts and superscripts? Lorenz Wöehr has you covered with a recipe for fluid scaling.Fluid Superscripts and Subscripts originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
Responsive Tables & Readable Paragraphs Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
You can make a table responsive by letting it horizontally scroll. But if you do that, make sure any paragraph style text isn't any wider than the screen.
Not every user owns an iPhone Web Performance Calendar
As software engineers and technologists its common to have access to some powerful devices and super fast bandwidths. It’s highly likely that you will be developing/testing on a high end Mac (or similar) or pulling out an expensive mobile device such as an iPhone from your pocket. But we need to be careful that this […]
CodeQL zero to hero part 4: Gradio framework case study The GitHub Blog
Learn how I discovered 11 new vulnerabilities by writing CodeQL models for Gradio framework and how you can do it, too.The post CodeQL zero to hero part 4: Gradio framework case study appeared first on The GitHub Blog.
An Introduction To CSS Scroll-Driven Animations: Scroll And View Progress Timelines Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers
10 years after scroll-driven animations were first proposed, they’re finally here — no JavaScript, no dependencies, no libraries, just pure CSS.
12/11 (水)
Software and AI in 2025 — Sonar Perspectives on What’s to Come in the New Year Blog RSS feed
Several Sonar leaders share their perspectives on what to expect in 2025 with AI and software development.
Extra Space Storage's build times became 17x faster with Vercel Vercel News
As the largest self-storage company in the U.S., manages over 3,800 stores nationwide. Delivering a consistent, high-quality digital experience to their customers is essential, and their engineering team recognized the need for faster iteration and more stability in their customer acquisition channels—public websites and kiosks.Extra Space StorageHowever, their legacy architecture was creating bottlenecks, impacting time-to-market for new features, and slowing down development. By partnering wit
Beautiful focus outlines Piccalilli - Everything
I like this a lot. Thomas has not only given plenty of detail on how to make outline look nice, but they’ve provided useful breakdowns of problems that could be happening for you and how to fix those problems.Keyboard focus styles are so important to get right, not just for accessibility, but for overall quality UX. One tip from me though is if you use box shadows (like one of the examples of a double outline), they won’t show up in high contrast mode. Transparency is a handy trick there though.
Devin review: is it a better AI coding agent than Cursor? Builder.io Blog
I tested Devin, the $500/month AI coding agent, against Cursor. Here's what I found, what worked, what didn't, and why I think one has a brighter future.
AWS Lambda RuntimeをRuby3.3にしたら外部エンコーディングが変化した話
Repro Tech Blogこんにちは。Feature2 Unitのうなすけです。我々のチームの担当範囲のひとつには「データの入出力」というものがあり、お客様からAPI呼び出しやファイルアップロードなどで受け取ったデータを適切に処理するコンポーネントの運用・開発をしています。 AWS Lambdaの処理が失敗するようになった 皆さん、AWS Lambdaはお使いでしょうか。我々も様々な処理にAWS Lambdaを活用しています。一例として、ユーザーからアップロードされたCSVファイルのバリデーションを行うLambda functionをAWS Step Functionsの一部として実行しています。 ある日、機能追加とし…
BigQueryのLanguage Serverであるbqlsを作っている話
エムスリーテックブログAI・機械学習チームの北川(@kitagry)です。 このブログはエムスリーアドベントカレンダー11日目の記事です。 このブログではタイトル通りOSSで作成しているbqlsというLanguage Serverについて紹介します。 github.com 座ってたら遊んでほしすぎて絡んでくる猫(本文とは関係ありません)
RSpec で書くひとにやさしいテストコード
STORES Product Blogこんにちは。 STORES ネットショップ の開発をしている、hsm_hx です。 この記事は STORES Product Blog Advent Calendar 2024 8日目 の記事です。 わたしと RSpec STORES ネットショップ チームでは、ネットショップの注文データを保存するために作られたモデルを POS レジ などのデータを保存できるように拡張された新しい注文モデルにリプレースする大きなプロジェクトを進めています。 このプロジェクトについては phayacell さんのこちらの記事でも扱われているので、興味のある方はお読みください! product.st.inc そし…
Malicious npm Package Typosquats Popular TypeScript ESLint Plugin, Exfiltrates Data and Enables Remote Exploitation Socket
Attackers used a malicious npm package typosquatting a popular ESLint plugin to steal sensitive data, execute commands, and exploit developer systems.
TanStack Virtualを使用してパフォーマンス改善をした話 PR TIMES 開発者ブログ
こんにちは、フロントエンドエンジニアのやなぎ(@apple_yagi)です。 先日、メディアリスト機能のリニューアルを実施しました。リニューアルの詳細については、以下のプレスリリースをご覧ください。 本エントリーでは、私 […]
Next.js PPR と比較して理解する Astro Server Islands
Shinya Fujinoさんのフィードはじめに2024 年 12 月 3 日、Astro 5.0 がリリースされましたが、v5 の目玉機能の一つが Server Islands です。この記事では、Next.js の Partial Prerendering などの各レンダリングモデルと比較しながら、Server Islands の概要や仕組みについて解説します。「基本的に Server Islands は Astro 版の Partial Prerendering といえるが、動的なコンテンツの取得方法という点において両者は決定的に異なっており、そのことの帰結として Server Islands はパフォーマンスに...
CyberAgent Developers Blog | サイバーエージェント デベロッパーズブログこの記事は CyberAgent Developers Advent Calendar 2024 1 ...
Digital Moment: The charity inspiring young people to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals 1Password Blog
1Password recently donated $50,000 to three pioneering organizations that teach technology skills to underrepresented youth. Now, we would like to introduce them to you! In this 1Password for Good interview series, we want to spread the word about their amazing work and inspire more technology professionals to get involved with them.Montreal-based charity Digital Moment doesn’t shy away from asking kids to explore complicated questions. As CEO Indra Kubicek explained: “We want youth to consider
Next.js debugging: tips and techniques from dev to prod Sentry Blog RSS
Debugging. It’s a critical skill for all developers. And when you’re building a dynamic, high-performance application with Next.js, Chrome DevTools, and console...
A Deep Dive Into CommonJS and ES Modules in Node.js AppSignal
While CommonJS has served the Node community well, ES modules are rapidly gaining traction. Let's take a deep dive into both.
Makeshift hot reload: my submission to HTMHell 2024 Evan Hahn's blog
HTMHell’s Advent Calendar is a December celebration of cursed web development topics.My submission, “Makeshift hot reload”, was just published. It talks about a hacky, primitive alternative to hot reloading.Go give it a read!
6 best user management services for 2024 WorkOS Blog
Explore the top user management services in 2024, including WorkOS, Okta, Zluri, and more.
The ultimate guide to user management in 2024 WorkOS Blog
Learn about user management, including why it’s important, the most important functions, key protocols, and more.
The 5 best Frontegg alternatives in 2024 WorkOS Blog
Discover the top five Frontegg alternatives for 2024. Compare features, pricing, and best use cases to find the perfect fit for your needs.
The 5 best Clerk alternatives in 2024 WorkOS Blog
Explore why businesses seek Clerk alternatives, featuring top options like WorkOS, Auth0, Okta, Firebase, and OneLogin.
5 best Auth0 alternatives in 2024: head-to-head WorkOS Blog
Explore the top Auth0 alternatives in 2024: WorkOS, Cognito, Firebase, KeyCloak, and Frontegg.
4 WorkOS alternatives + which to choose WorkOS Blog
Explore four top WorkOS alternatives: Auth0, Frontegg, Clerk, and Stytch. Compare their features, pricing, and what they are best suited for.
RBAC vs. ACL: what's the difference and how do they work together? WorkOS Blog
Compare RBAC vs. ACL, their differences, how they work together, and which to use.
Caching on a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
DebugBear Blog
Learn about the basics of CDN caching, how it differs from browser caching, and how it can improve your website's performance.
Honeybadger and ilert: smart incident response Honeybadger Developer Blog
We're thrilled to announce a native integration with ilert, combining Honeybadger's full-stack application monitoring with ilert's real-time alert routing and on-call management platform. Read the announcement to learn more.
Makeshift hot reload HTMHell
by Evan HahnIn short: put <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1"> in your <head> element to refresh your page every second. This is a makeshift "hot reload" for development. It's not perfect, but it can be a quick solution!Hot reloading automatically reloads parts of your page while you're working. Change some HTML and see your work instantly! Tweak some CSS and the results are right there! Gone are the days of repeatedly switching to your browser to refresh, because hot reload takes care of it.
LinkedIn is Drowning in AI Generated Content Slop
software engineering, open source projects, startups, product design, strategy, web performance, security, and more
One-line paragraphs, LinkedIn broetry, and the inevitable 'Agree?' - welcome to your AI-generated feed
FlutterKaigi 2024に参加しました CyberAgent Developers Blog | サイバーエージェント デベロッパーズブログ
こんにちは。タップルでモバイルアプリエンジニアをしている緒方 裕樹(@icoriha)です。現在タッ ...
Simple Web Performance Mentoring Web Performance Calendar
This article is noticeably light on numbers for a web performance article but hopefully relevant nonetheless. What mattered to me to write about was software acceptance and getting buy-in for web performance solutions. Essentially: did people accept the tool you proposed to work with? Did they feel a sense of ownership of the results of […]
Chris Coyier
Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert join Adam and Jerod for a ShopTalk & Friends conversation on the viability of the web, making content, ads to support that content, CodePen’s future plans, books, side quests, and social networks devaluing links. ShopTalk & Friends
Automatically Contrasted Colors Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
What is a good contrast text color on a black background? White. What about on a white background? Black. What about on #f06d06? Less clear. Devon Govett posted a good trick to having CSS pick for you, which works across browsers today. Lea Verou has a much deeper dive. There is supposed to be a […]
Google Cloud expands vulnerability detection for Artifact Registry using OSV Google Online Security Blog
Posted by Greg Mucci, Product Manager, Artifact Analysis, Oliver Chang, Senior Staff Engineering, OSV, and Charl de Nysschen, Product Manager OSVDevOps teams dedicated to securing their supply chain and predicting potential risks consistently face novel threats. Fortunately, they can now improve their image and container security by harnessing Google-grade vulnerability scanning, which offers expanded open-source coverage. A significant benefit of utilizing Google Cloud Platform is its integrate
CSSWG Minutes Telecon (2024-12-04): Just Use Grid vs. Display: Masonry
CSS-TricksThe CSSWG met to try and finally squash a debate that has been going on for five years: whether Masonry should be a part of Grid or a separate system. We've got coverage of both presentations for ya.CSSWG Minutes Telecon (2024-12-04): Just Use Grid vs. Display: Masonry originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
Smashing Meets Product Design CSS-Tricks
I had the pleasure of hosting a recent Smashing Magazine workshop on product design, subbing for Vitaly Friedman who usually runs these things.What? A front-ender interviewing really smart people about their processes for user research, documenting requirements, and …Smashing Meets Product Design originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
Never Underestimate CSRF: Why Origin Reflection is a Bad Idea Blog RSS feed
CORS misconfigurations are often overlooked, but they can have severe consequences. We demonstrate how reflecting the origin header leads to code execution in Whistle.
What the EU’s new software legislation means for developers The GitHub Blog
The EU Cyber Resilience Act will introduce new cybersecurity requirements for software released in the EU. Learn what it means for your open source projects and what GitHub is doing to ensure the law will be a net win for open source maintainers.The post What the EU’s new software legislation means for developers appeared first on The GitHub Blog.
12/10 (火)
Robotcop: enforcing your robots.txt policies and stopping bots before they reach your website The Cloudflare Blog
Today, the AI Audit dashboard gets an upgrade: you can now quickly see which AI services are honoring your robots.txt policies and then automatically enforce the policies against those that aren’t.
Discover JetBrains Consulting Partner Services Company | The JetBrains Blog
At JetBrains, we are committed to empowering developers to do their best work with world-class tools. But even the best tools can deliver so much more when paired with expert guidance. That is why we’ve built a global network of Consulting Partners – professionals dedicated to helping you and your team maximize the value of […]
Vercel Firewall now stops DDoS attacks up to 40x faster Vercel News
The —enabled by default on all plans—now features upgraded network analysis powered by real-time stream processing of web traffic. This enhancement stops volumetric DDoS attacks 40x faster and low-and-slow attacks 10x faster.Vercel FirewallBy blocking malicious traffic and earlier, the Firewall further reduces costs by preventing threats from reaching your applications and backends.mitigating DDoS attacksThis improvement is live for all Vercel customers today with no action required.Learn more a
TDD vs. BDD: What’s the Difference? (Complete Comparison) Semaphore
Discover the key differences between TDD vs BDD, their workflows, tools, and best practices for developers.The post TDD vs. BDD: What’s the Difference? (Complete Comparison) appeared first on Semaphore.
Baseline 2024: more tools to help web developers web.dev: Blog
web-features dataset, Web Platform Status dashboard, Baseline status widget and more! Take a look back on Baseline in 2024.
ミッションはグループ会社のTRANSFORM - グループ会社支援チームのご紹介
エムスリーテックブログこちらはエムスリー Advent Calendar 2024 10日目の記事です。 エンジニアリンググループ、プロダクトマネージャーの岩田(@a___iwata)です。 以前、「目指すは企業価値最大化!? グループ会社支援チームのご紹介」というタイトルでグループ会社でのエンジニア・デザイナー組織作りの記事を書きました。 www.m3tech.blog 組織ができあがったら、次はプロダクト作りです。ということで、(やや強引ですが)グループ会社のTRANSFORMを題材とします。 前提:TRANSFORMとは イノベーションには実験が不可欠! - 言うは易く行うは難し - プロダクトチームへの信頼…
CA Tech JOB からYANSに参加してきた話 CyberAgent Developers Blog | サイバーエージェント デベロッパーズブログ
はじめに こんにちは、慶應義塾大学理工学部四年の加藤駿です。私はCA Tech JOBとしてABEM ...
Running Durable Workflows in Postgres using DBOS Blog - Supabase
Technical deep dive into the new DBOS integration for Supabase
データ移行の話で RubyWorld Conference 2024 で発表してきました STORES Product Blog
テクノロジー部門リテール GTM B グループの @phayacell と申します。 RubyWorld Conference で発表してきましたので、その報告投稿としての STORES Advent Calendar 2024 7日目の記事です。 どんな発表してきたの? 以下の発表をしてきました。 speakerdeck.com Ruby を書くのって、たのしいですよね。 Ruby で書かれているサービス開発って、たのしいですよね。 そんな Ruby のサービスは、できる限り長く続けたいですよね。 これは、長年運用してきた Ruby のサービスを、今後も長く続けていくためにやったお仕事の話で…
Ultralytics PyPI Package Compromised Through GitHub Actions Cache Poisoning Socket
The Ultralytics' PyPI Package was compromised four times in one weekend through GitHub Actions cache poisoning and failure to rotate previously compromised API tokens.
Rails 8 Adds Parameters#expect To Safely Filter And Require Params.
Saeloun Blog
Rails 8 introduces params#expect, a new method that enhances parameter handling by filtering parameters based on expected types. This reduces errors caused by tampering or invalid input.BeforeActionController parameters allows us to choose which attributes should be permitted with the help of require and permit. By default, the recommended way of handling parameters in Rails works fine. Until someone using our app starts messing with the parameters and causing 500 errors.params.require(:post).pe
Building the Sentry Unreal Engine SDK with GitHub Actions Sentry Blog RSS
Ensuring a seamless player experience is critical for game developers, and yet unanticipated crashes and performance issues continue to harm games’ reputations ...
Distributed Phoenix: Deployment and Scaling AppSignal
In part one of this series, we managed distributed state using GenServers. In this part, we'll explore deployment and scaling strategies.
Why Google Zanzibar shines at building authorization WorkOS Blog
Learn what makes Google Zanzibar the best authorization solution and how WorkOS FGA builds on top of these features.
Access management: What it is and how it works WorkOS Blog
Learn what access management is, why it matters, how it works, and strategies to protect your business data effectively.
SSO best practices WorkOS Blog
SSO is necessary if you want to sell to enterprise customers, but doing it well is hard. We gathered some best practices that can help you with that.
How To Fix LCP Resource Load Delay DebugBear Blog
How to fix LCP resource load delay to improve LCP score.
The Principles of Durable Execution Explained Inngest Product & Engineering Blog
Learn what Durable Execution is, how it works, and why it's beneficial to your system.
step.ai: the quickest way to build reliable AI applications on Serverless while saving on compute Inngest Product & Engineering Blog
Combining step.run() and step.ai.infer() is the best toolset to build reliable AI applications on Serverless while saving on compute.
Submit to the Quirks of HTML HTMHell
by Felix HessenbergerIt was on a cold February evening. I had been working on a client project, building an order item list—nothing out of the ordinary. To adjust an item’s quantity, the user would open a popup form with a single input field, type a number, and hit enter.<form> <label> Quantity <input type="number"> </label></form>Everything worked as intended when suddenly, a new requirement came in: add another input field to also set a bulk quantity. I did what I was told, but to my horror, t
HTML Details Element: The Native Accordion You're Not Using software engineering, open source projects, startups, product design, strategy, web performance, security, and more
Discover how the HTML details element can replace your JavaScript accordions and why it might be better than your current solution
Tattoos Won't Break Your Tech Career software engineering, open source projects, startups, product design, strategy, web performance, security, and more
Building a tech career with a sword tattooed on my neck
Spot Non-Composited Animations in Chrome DevTools Bram.us
The animations track of a performance trace can now tell you why an animation was not composited.
Is OpenAI's o1 model a breakthrough or a bust? Builder.io Blog
OpenAI's o1 model is slower and costlier, but its step-by-step approach could improve AI agents. Progress in AI may be slower than the current hype suggests.
Solved: Why ChatGPT Won't Say 'Brian Hood' (Blame Regexes) Builder.io Blog
ChatGPT can't say certain names, like "Brian Hood". Solve the mystery behind this error and learn how strict regexes can improve your code.
Yet Another Anchor Positioning Quirk CSS-Tricks
As awesome as I think it is, CSS Anchor Positioning has a lot of quirks, some of which are the product of its novelty and others due to its unique way of working. Today, I want to bring you yet another Anchor Positioning quirk that has bugged me since I first saw it.Yet Another Anchor Positioning Quirk originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
Drizzle Database Migrations Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
Drizzle ORM is a powerful object-relational mapper that combines SQL capabilities with a strongly typed API, enabling complex queries. Here we'll look at using it's ability to help with migrations, both code-first and database-first.
Putting Performance in Relatable Terms Web Performance Calendar
A 300ms improvement may sound like a big win to someone immersed in web performance optimization, but for most people, mentioning milliseconds doesn’t usually resonate or seem meaningful. Whenever I’ve mentioned how we could save a few hundred milliseconds to an executive, my proposal was often met with quizzical looks and a nod to proceed, […]
dwango on GitHubこんにちは。2024年新卒エンジニアのhayapo(@hayapo)です。 本記事では4月中旬~7月末の約3ヶ月間受けたドワンゴの2024年新
12/9 (月)
Cloudflare 2024 Year in Review The Cloudflare Blog
The 2024 Cloudflare Radar Year in Review is our fifth annual review of Internet trends and patterns at both a global and country/region level. For 2024, we added several new metrics, as well as the ability to do year-over-year and geographic comparisons for selected metrics.
From ChatGPT to Temu: ranking top Internet services in 2024 The Cloudflare Blog
The 2024 popular Internet services landscape highlights rising generative AI, e-commerce shifts, and the continued dominance of platforms like Google and Facebook, as revealed by Cloudflare’s rankings
Vercel and AWS partner on AI tools and experiences Vercel News
Last week at AWS re:Invent 2024, the Vercel team met with thousands of builders in the Developer Solutions Zone, celebrated v0's launch on AWS Marketplace, and hosted hundreds of customers and partners with various event activations. Now, we're taking our AWS Partnership further: Vercel has been selected for a Strategic Collaboration Agreement (SCA) with AWS—to deliver the next generation of AI-enabled developer tooling and experiences.This collaboration underscores the value of Vercel and AWS t
Nile and MotherDuck join the Vercel Marketplace Vercel News
and are now available as first-party integrations on the Vercel Marketplace. NileMotherDuckYou can integrate or leverage directly from the Vercel dashboard, complete with integrated billing and CLI provisioning.Nile's database servicesMotherDuck's data analysis capabilitiesGet started with the , available to customers on all plans.Vercel MarketplaceRead more
Introducing the Vercel TypeScript SDK Vercel News
We’ve published a TypeScript-native SDK for working with the Vercel API.This SDK includes:This SDK can be used to automate every part of Vercel’s platform including: or .View the docsexplore the repoRead moreFull type safety for accessing the Vercel REST API with Zod schemasNew documentation for every function, argument, and typeBetter tree-shaking support with optional standalone functionsIntuitive error handling and detailed error messagesConfigurable retry strategies (including backoffs)Deplo
You Are Already Using Wasm In Production Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
I am often surprised when I hear folks ask, “When will WebAssembly be ready for production?” There seems to be some lurking suspicion that something is holding WebAssembly back.
One of Those “Onboarding” UIs, With Anchor Positioning Piccalilli - Everything
I’ve been keeping half an eye on popovers and anchor positioning. I see the latter as a requirement for the former though, so I’ve been waiting not just for browser support, but also, for a deeper dive into how to apply these in the real world.Ryan’s here with exactly what I was looking for. This is a fantastic article with loads of useful demos and code samples. All we have to do now is wait a bit for browsers to catch up because this stuff is hard to progressively enhance, as I see it.Check it
Mastering SVG Arcs Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers
SVG arcs demystified! Akshay Gupta explains how to master radii, rotation, and arc direction to create stunning curves. Make arcs a powerful part of your SVG toolkit for creating more dynamic, intricate designs with confidence.
マネジメントはシミュレーションゲーム、Rubyのお気に入りポイント、仕事だと障害対応が一番楽しい【Rubyistめぐりvol.5 onkさん 後編】
STORES Product Blog
Rubyist Hotlinksにインスパイアされて始まったイベント『Rubyistめぐり』。第5回はonkさんをゲストに迎えて、お話を聞きました。こちらは後編です。(前編はこちら) hey.connpass.com 最先端で障害対応ができる自負がある 藤村:最近はどんなことしてるんですか? onk:最近はマネージャーをやっております。仕事では手を動かしてないですね。 藤村:主な関心ごと、主な時間を使っているところってどういうことですか? onk:定例ミーティングと1on1でほぼ全ての時間が消えていくので、主な関心ごとは見ている全てのプロジェクトが破綻しないことですね。カレンダーがテトリスにな…
プログラミングのきっかけは『ゆいちゃっと』、こんな楽しいことだけやっていてお金をもらえるんだ【Rubyistめぐりvol.5 onkさん 前編】
STORES Product BlogRubyist Hotlinksにインスパイアされて始まったイベント『Rubyistめぐり』。第5回はonkさんをゲストに迎えて、お話を聞きました。こちらは前編です。 hey.connpass.com 漫画禁止、ひたすら本を読む小学生時代 藤村:今回はonkさんに来ていただきました。よろしくお願いします。 Rubyistめぐりの趣旨を改めて説明すると、Rubyist Magazineというメディアに『Rubyist Hotlinks』という記事があって、いわゆるRubyistの人たちの生い立ちから仕事、プログラミングなどいろんな話を聞くコンテンツで、僕は駆け出しのエンジニアの頃にそれをすごく読…
React Tech Stack [2025]
Robin Wieruch - Freelance Web DeveloperPopular React Tech Stack for Full-Stack Applications in 2025 to create your product (i.e. SaaS) ...
Design Doc でチームを跨いだ開発を円滑に行う
一休.com Developers Blogこの記事は 一休.com Advent Calendar 2024 7 日目の記事です。 宿泊事業本部 ユーザー向け開発チームの原です。 一休.com と Yahoo!トラベルの主にフロントエンドの開発を担当しています。 今回は、普段の開発でコードを書き始める前段階で Design Doc を作ることで、円滑な開発を進められるようになったというお話をします。 チーム構成について まず、前提を共有するために私達が普段どのような体制で開発しているかを説明します。 私が所属している宿泊事業本部 ユーザー向け開発チームは、一休.com と Yahoo!トラベルの主に toC のユーザー向けの機能開発を…
How To Check Broken Image Urls In The New Blog Posts Better world by better software
<p>Imagine you write and publish a blog post only to check it later and see a broken image link:</p><p><img src="../images/check-images/bro
Figma Components: Supercharge Your Design System Builder.io Blog
Figma components can streamline your design process, maintain consistency, & save time. Learn tips for creating, organizing, & managing components effectively.
エムスリーテックブログこちらはエムスリー Advent Calendar 2024 9日目の記事です。 こんにちは。4月に新卒でデジスマチームにジョインしたソフトウェアエンジニアの池奥です。先日京都で開催されたTSKaigi Kansai 2024ではコアスタッフとして活動していました。 私の所属するデジスマチームではフロントエンドにTypeScriptが採用されており、型の柔軟性を活かした実装をたびたび見かけます。そこで今回は、TypeScriptの型ともっと仲良くなるべく、型レベルで四則演算のパーサーから実行器まで実装した話をお送りします。 今回作成したプログラムを利用すると、次のような計算を型レベルで行うこと…
Understanding the main thread in the browser Web Performance Calendar
The browser makes use of a single main thread for executing most important tasks, it’s responsible for running JavaScript, handling user interactions, and updating the DOM. The main thread also performs the layout and painting. These are browser’s high-level tasks that are bound to the main thread, so what is this “main thread” we’re talking […]
How education nonprofit Mission Bit is inspiring students to code 1Password Blog
1Password recently donated $50,000 to three pioneering organizations that teach technology skills to underrepresented youth. Now, we would like to introduce them to you! In this 1Password for Good interview series, we want to spread the word about their amazing work and inspire more technology professionals to get involved with them.Growing up, Christina Ortega didn’t know anyone working in technology. She was raised in the Mission District neighborhood of San Francisco, far removed from where m
Missing indexes are slowing down your database - here's how to find and fix them with Sentry
Sentry Blog RSS
Slow database queries drag down performance for both developers and users. They waste resources, slow down testing, and frustrate customers with laggy experienc...
What Are Lighthouse Performance Audits And Why Do Their Results Vary? DebugBear Blog
Lighthouse's Performance category currently has 38 audits, each evaluating the page for a different web performance signal. In this post, we'll see how they work and why you get different results for the same audit.
How to build a serverless web application
Honeybadger Developer BlogThis comprehensive guide walks you through how to build a scalable web application using JavaScript. Learn how to build a serverless backend from scratch today!
Native HTML light and dark color scheme switching
HTMHellby Vadim MakeevIt’s getting dark early in Berlin in the winter. It’s not even close to evening, but my OS and all apps have already switched to dark mode. Well, not all of them, unfortunately. And that’s the thing: dark mode has become a quality-of-life feature for many users, and I often try to avoid using apps or websites that haven’t implemented it, especially in the evening. They literally hurt my eyes!When it comes to color scheme implementations, they range from rather useless ones that re
12/8 (日)
ECMAScript proposal updates @ 2024-12
ECMAScript Daily
The changes of proposal’s status @ 105th meeting of Ecma TC39ECMA-262New ProposalsProposal Stage Sync Imports 1 Stabilize 1 Updated ProposalsProposal From To Immutable ArrayBuffers 1 2 Error.isError 2.7 3 ECMA-402New ProposalsProposal Stage More Currency Display Choices 2 Updated ProposalsProposal From To Intl.DurationFormat 3 4 This diff is generated by ECMAScript Proposal Diff Tool.AgendaAgendasBabelbabel/proposals: Tracking the status of Babel’s implementation of TC39 proposalsOther proposal’
Firebase AuthenticationでメールリンクパスワードレスかつCookieによる半永続的セッションを実現する
こちらはエムスリー Advent Calendar 2024 8日目の記事です。 AI・機械学習チーム(以下、AIチーム)の中村伊吹(@inakam)がお送りします。 社内横断的に機械学習周りをなんでもやるをモットーにするAIチームですが、現在私はクライアント向けに認証機能が組み込まれたプロダクトを開発しています。 認証要件は次のようになっており、これをFirebase Authenticationで実現する方法をこの記事では解説します。 なお、Firebaseの導入についてはこの記事の範囲外とします。*1 メールリンクを用いてパスワードレスに認証する セッション情報をCookieに保持する …
動画や画像の同時視聴アプリ「ぺたぺた」を作った marmooo's blog
動画や画像を画面内にぺたぺた貼ることで、たくさんのデータを同時に視聴するためのアプリを作りました。画面全体に等間隔で並べたり、サムネイル形式で表示したり、自由配置で表示したり、様々な表示形式に対応しています。ぺたぺたたとえばこんな感じの UI で動画や画像を見れます。割とサクッと作れましたが、なかなかいい感じです。D & D での貼り付け、Ctrl + V での貼り付けに対応しており、スムーズに動画や画像を追加できます。動画サイトの同時視聴などもできると嬉しい人がいるかなと思って、HTML タグの貼り付けにも対応しておきました。HTML タグが貼り付けられるので SVG や数式、メモの貼り付けなどもできます。ホワイトボードアプリや付箋アプリとしても使えるかも知れません。ちなみに YouTube だったら共有用の embed タグをコピーして貼り付ければ良いだけです。ただ YouTube などの動画サイトはウィンドウサイズによって色々挙動を変えているので、コツを掴まないとリサイズ処理がスムーズにいかないのが欠点です。たぶんどうしようもない。
Ref Callbacks, React 19 and the Compiler TkDodo's blog
Reflecting on useCallback, how the Compiler changed my thinking about it, and what React 19 has in store for Ref Callbacks...
Past HTML, Future HTML? HTMHell
by Jens Oliver MeiertConsider the following HTML document:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 1996-01//EN"><html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <p class="Author"> <h1></h1> <P> <P> <H2></H2> <P> <UL> <LI> <LI> <LI> </UL> <P> <!-- … --> </body></html>You will notice a few things:The unusual doctypeThe inconsistencies in element case (most notably, <p> vs. <P>)The inconsistencies in omitting optional tags (like dropping </p> and </li> end tags, but keeping </body> and </html>)Yet in so
What Makes a Great Engineering Manager? software engineering, open source projects, startups, product design, strategy, web performance, security, and more
People don't quit jobs, they quit bad managers. Here's what great engineering leadership actually looks like
Your website is a restaurant Web Performance Calendar
In most organizations, even before creating a website, teams select the technologies to use, often without having defined the functional scope and desired user experience. I won’t infer here on their motivations, but the fact is that they present this to stakeholders who often do not know what it is about, and validate from a […]
12/7 (土)
こちらはエムスリー Advent Calendar 2024 7日目の記事です。 前日は大垣さんのアニメキャラらしさ姓名判断師AIを作る ~字画に注目したモデリング~でした。とても面白いのでそちらもどうぞご覧ください。 はじめに こんにちは。AI・機械学習チームの氏家(@mowmow1259)です。 今回のテーマはリモートワークです。 最近オフィス回帰の流れがあるとはいえ、リモートワークを導入する企業はコロナ禍以前と比べて確実に増えてきています。 エムスリーでも2021年からリモート勤務がベースとなっており、さらに最近では関西と九州にもサテライトオフィスができるなど、全国各地からリモートワーク…
Zod を使って OpenAI の構造化された出力を扱う
azukiazusa のテックブログ2OpenAI の gpt-4o-2024-08-06 以降のモデルではパラメータとして JSON Schema を指定することで構造化された出力をサポートしています。Node.js 向けの OpenAI SDK では Zod を使ってスキーマを定義し、構造化された出力を扱うことができます。この記事では実際に Zod を使って OpenAI の構造化された出力を扱う方法を紹介します。
Prefer If Statements To Polymorphism... </> htmx - high power tools for html
#Or, Watching Myself Lose My Mind In Real Time…“Invert, always invert.” –Carl Jacobi, by way of Charlie MungerIf Statementsprefer if statements to polymorphismwhenever you are tempted to create a class, ask yourself: “could this be an if statement instead?”The Closed/Closed PrincipleIn grug-oriented programming, the closed–closed principle (CCP) states “software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be closed for extension, but also closed for modification”they should just do somet
Almost, but not quite, entirely unlike... HTMHell
by Léonie WatsonCan you give me the HTML for an accessible button please?It was a simple enough question. Or it would have been, had I been asking another person. As it was, I was asking ChatGPT, and so of course there was nothing simple about it.For the briefest of moments, I caught myself thinking even ChatGPT couldn't get this wrong. The <button> element is probably the most talked about HTML element in accessibility. Literally all you have to do is use it, give it an accessible name, attach
navigator.clipboard - The New Asynchronous Clipboard API in JavaScript software engineering, open source projects, startups, product design, strategy, web performance, security, and more
Copy and paste text, images, and files using the new navigator.clipboard API
CSS Wrapped 2024
Join the Chrome DevRel team and a skateboarding Chrome Dino on a journey through the latest CSS launched for Chrome and the web platform in 2024, highlighting 17 new featuresThat breaks down (approximately) as:ComponentsInteractionsDeveloper experiencePlus:…CSS Wrapped 2024 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
The Evolution of Instant Web: What It Means for Performance Tooling
Web Performance Calendar
For years, traditional optimization techniques like caching and resource compression have been the go-to solutions for speeding up websites. They’ve been effective at reducing load times and easing server strain. Performance tools have made these advanced techniques more accessible to site owners, whether they have technical expertise or not. However, as user expectations for near-instant […]
Knowing CSS is Mastery to Frontend Development CSS-Tricks
Anselm Hannemann on the intersection between frameworks and learning the basics:Nowadays people can write great React and TypeScript code. Most of the time a component library like MUI, Tailwind and others are used for styling. However, nearly no …Knowing CSS is Mastery to Frontend Development originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
Malicious Maven Package Impersonating 'XZ for Java' Library Introduces Backdoor Allowing Remote Code Execution
SocketSocket researchers found a malicious Maven package impersonating the legitimate ‘XZ for Java’ library, introducing a backdoor for remote code execution.
Can’t seem to remove the formatting from a string of text? Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐨 is not just Potato formatted.
12/6 (金)
CSS @supports: Write Future-Proof CSS software engineering, open source projects, startups, product design, strategy, web performance, security, and more
Detect CSS feature support and provide smart fallbacks with @supports
Native CSS Nesting Is Here software engineering, open source projects, startups, product design, strategy, web performance, security, and more
CSS nesting is finally supported in all major browsers. Write cleaner, organized stylesheets without Sass or Less
Un regard sur le Devfest Strasbourg 2024 Marmelab blog
Marmelab était au Devfest Strasbourg 2024. Voici ce qu'on en a pensé et ce qu'on y a découvert.
The top 10 gifts for the developer in your life The GitHub Blog
Whether you’re hunting for the perfect gift for your significant other, the colleague you drew in the office gift exchange, or maybe (just maybe) even for yourself, we’ve got you covered with our top 10 gifts that any developer would love. The post The top 10 gifts for the developer in your life appeared first on The GitHub Blog.
The Importance Of Graceful Degradation In Accessible Interface Design Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers
Few things are as frustrating to a user as when a site won’t respond. Unfortunately, it’s also an all-too-common scenario. Many websites and apps depend on so many elements that one of any number of errors could cause the whole thing to fail. As prevalent as such instances may be, they’re preventable through the practice of graceful degradation.
2024 Festive accessibility quiz Accessibility in government
We hope you enjoy this light-hearted, festive quiz brought to you by Kelly and Samantha.
What do the State of CSS and HTML surveys tell us? web.dev: Blog
A look at the survey results from the State of HTML and State of CSS surveys.
アニメキャラらしさ姓名判断師AIを作る ~漢字の字画に注目した識別器モデリング~
こんにちは、テックブログでは業務と全く関係ないMLをやるのが好きなエンジニアリンググループゼネラルマネジャーの大垣です。 私は普段は就業後は妻とアニメを観ていることが多いんですが、先日"地面師たち"を観てから、我が家ではドラマが一時的なブームとなっています。 最近見ている"全領域異常解決室"では、日本神話の神が転生して人間として暮らしているという、アニメっぽいトンデモ設定でちょっと好きです。 例えば、アメノウズメノミコトは天野さんとして暮らしています。 そういう夢のある話を想像すると、みなさんも日常に潜む神を見つけ出したくなりますよね!ということで、今回は姓名判断師AIを作ります。 私はやっぱ…
database.build v2: Bring-your-own-LLM Blog - Supabase
Use any OpenAI API compatible LLMs in database.build
K2移行、やるぞ! STORES Product Blog
こんにちは。STORES 決済 でAndroidエンジニアをしているn-sekiです。 つい最近まで暖かな気候で「今年は紅葉が遅いなぁ」なんて思っていましたが、気がつくと師走です。困ったものですね。 今回はK2移行について書こうと思います。 なお、この記事は STORES アドベントカレンダーの5日目の記事です。 K2 JetBrainsがKotlinの新たなコンパイラを開発しており、「K2」というコードネームで呼ばれていたことはAndroidエンジニアのみなさんには周知の事実でしょう。 Kotlin2.0より前のバージョンではデフォルトでは以前のコンパイラが利用されるため、K2を使うには設定…
Node.js Delivers First LTS with require(esm) Enabled, Enhances Security and Release Automation Socket
Node.js v22.12.0 (LTS) debuts with require(esm) enabled by default, alongside security milestones and automated workflows for faster, more stable releases.
クローラの品質向上へ!「Puppeteer + Node.js」バージョンアップの話
PR TIMES 開発者ブログ皆さんこんにちは!PR TIMESの開発部からのThaiです。 絶え間なく進化するテクノロジーの世界において、ソフトウェアプロジェクトの維持とアップグレードは、競争力と効果を確保するためには欠かせない要素です。最近、We […]
Parting ways: How to divide a shared 1Password account 1Password Blog
Couples break up, friends fight, and roommates move apart. These are unfortunate and emotional realities of modern life. During these periods of transition, there may come a time you want to separate and secure what’s yours — that includes your 1Password information.Segregating and protecting your digital property can be a daunting task when you have hundreds (or even thousands) of items in 1Password. And that task can become especially discouraging when you share the bulk of those items with th
Catching Flaky Tests Before It's Too Late Sentry Blog RSS
This is a guest post from Artem Zakharchenko, creator of MSWJS, an API mocking library for Javascript. He also writes about testing for EpicWeb and on his perso...
Failed authentication events: use cases and how-to WorkOS Blog
Learn about the failed authentication events you can get from WorkOS and how you can use them to implement features in your app.
How To Fix Largest Contentful Paint For Background Images DebugBear Blog
Learn how to optimize Largest Contentful Paint for background images.
Can a Node.js Secure Code Review Find Future Vulnerabilities? NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
Half a dozen secure code review comments and none of them mentioned the potential security vulnerability that exists in the code snippet. Let's dive into a Node.js secure code review and see if you can spot the security bug you totally missed.
aria-labelledby = self HTMHell
by Weston ThayerAn accessible name is how UI components are identified to assistive tech. Having a good accessible name is important. If not, negative effects may include screen reader users missing out on vital information, voice control users struggling to interact, and any number of other issues with the assistive technologies that rely on it.By default, accessible name is computed from an element's own contents. That's part of the spec'd algorithm that browsers implement.<a href="/updates">
CSS Wrapped 2024 Bram.us
Chrome and CSS in 2024 journeyed through the forest, over the mountains, and across the seas…
How to deploy a no-code app to Netlify with bolt.new Netlify RSS
Learn how to deploy a no-code application to Netlify using the AI-powered bolt.new platform.
SUX sells, but how to sell SUX? Web Performance Calendar
2024 was the year my public speaking career really took off – I did a quick count and realized I’ve done 10 speaking events about web performance across 5 countries and 2 continents. You could even argue Great Britain is another continent after Brexit (3 continents then! 😉) Giving my talk “The state of Web […]
Announcing the launch of Vanir: Open-source Security Patch Validation Google Online Security Blog
Posted by Hyunkwook Baek, Duy Truong, Justin Dunlap and Lauren Stan from Android Security and Privacy, and Oliver Chang with the Google Open Source Security TeamToday, we are announcing the availability of Vanir, a new open-source security patch validation tool. Introduced at Android Bootcamp in April, Vanir gives Android platform developers the power to quickly and efficiently scan their custom platform code for missing security patches and identify applicable available patches. Vanir significa
How to generate unit tests with GitHub Copilot: Tips and examples
The GitHub BlogLearn how to generate unit tests with GitHub Copilot and get specific examples, a tutorial, and best practices.The post How to generate unit tests with GitHub Copilot: Tips and examples appeared first on The GitHub Blog.
Multi-State Buttons Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
Typically, buttons are either pressed or they aren't. But as long as you handle it accessibly, you can make a group of radio inputs look like a multi-state button with some CSS trickery.
12/5 (木)
Re-imagine the web with Scroll-Driven Animations Bram.us
Here’s a video we – Chrome – launched as part of our EOY campaign, highlighting Scroll-Driven Animations. Create fluid, responsive scroll-driven animations that give your users engaging, app-like web experiences—with only a few lines of CSS, JavaScript, or both. I really like how Scroll-Driven Animations – a feature I have been working on as part … Continue reading "Re-imagine the web with Scroll-Driven Animations"
Life of a request: Securing your app's traffic with Vercel Vercel News
In any given week, Vercel Firewall blocks over one billion malicious connections—proactively safeguarding your app before the first request arrives. Defining access rules ensures your infrastructure scales only for legitimate traffic, keeping resources secure and associated costs in check.With Vercel, application protection is integrated into every step of the request lifecycle. It starts with the platform-wide Vercel Firewall—active by default for all users—and extends to Deployment Protection
Lower prices for domains on Vercel Vercel News
We have lowered the prices for purchasing domains by .up to 50%Vercel offers hundreds of top-level domains (TLDs) for purchase, including the most popular TLDs like and of domains..com.aiour most recent additionVercel automatically configures and manages nameservers and SSL certificates for your domain, with fast domain search and automatic DNS setup for easy deployment of your next idea. or .Buy your first domainexplore all supported domainsRead more
CSS content-visibility: The Web Performance Boost You Might Be Missing software engineering, open source projects, startups, product design, strategy, web performance, security, and more
The content-visibility CSS property delays rendering an element, including layout and painting, until it is needed
Record and analyze a performance trace with DevTools developer.chrome.com: Blog
Record and analyze a performance trace with DevTools.
CSS Wrapped 2024
developer.chrome.com: BlogJoin the Chrome DevRel team and a skateboarding Chrome Dino on a journey through the latest CSS launched for Chrome and the web platform in 2024.
What's new in DevTools, Chrome 132
developer.chrome.com: BlogDebug network requests, source files, and performance traces with Gemini, view AI chat history, and more.
KubernetesとPyTorch Lightningによる医療AI開発環境とそのTips
こちらはエムスリー Advent Calendar 2024 5日目の記事です。AI・機械学習チームの三浦 (@mamo3gr) が、深層学習に基づく医療AIの開発環境とTipsについてお送りします。 DALL-E 3が生成した「巨大クラスタによるAI開発」のイメージ図 Kubernetesクラスタよる医療AIの開発 モデルの性能改善に注力できるフレームワークPyTorch Lightning デバイス特有のコードを書かなくてよい 学習ログやチェックポイントの保存機能が充実している 細かなユーティリティ関数やクラスの実装がある ハマりポイントとワークアラウンド 学習ログファイルを正しく保存する…
The new SonarQube free tier is here Blog RSS feed
Announcing a new free tier of SonarQube, hosted in the cloud. This tier goes beyond our current community offering and gives individual developers and small teams many of the features of our commercial SonarQube offering.
High Performance Disk Blog - Supabase
Store up to 60 TB of data with 100x improved durability and 5x more IOPS
Jetpack Compose移行に手間取ったボタンの話 STORES Product Blog
はじめに こんにちは! STORES 決済 のAndroidアプリを開発しているchukaです。 こちらはSTORES Advent Calendar 2024 4日目の記事です。 突然ですが、みなさんボタンは好きですか? Material3の公式ドキュメントを覗いてみると、そこには9種類ものボタンが紹介されていました。 一口にボタンと言っても、その目的や用途によって様々なデザインのものがあるかと思います。 Material3で紹介されているボタンたち STORES 決済 Androidチームでは、Android ViewからJetpack Composeへの移行に絶賛取り組んでいる最中です。…
npm Updates Search Experience with New Objective Sorting Options Socket
npm has a revamped search experience with new, more transparent sorting options—Relevance, Downloads, Dependents, and Publish Date.
PR TIMES 開発者ブログこんにちは、コーポレートチームの宮川です。 コーポレートチームで日々取り組んでいるWindows端末における資産管理について共有したいと思います。 PR TIMESにおけるPCについて PR TIMESでは、Webサービ […]
Aligning with ISO 27001 compliance 1Password Blog
In a world where security incidents and cyber threats are escalating, achieving and maintaining compliance with ISO 27001, the international standard for information security management, is more crucial than ever.ISO 27001 certification demonstrates that an organization has implemented robust security controls to protect its sensitive data, minimizing the risk of security incidents and ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.However, as work environments evolve,
How I reduced an API call from >5 seconds to under 100ms Sentry Blog RSS
Given that 100% of the databases I have interacted with in my professional career have been SQL databases, my data-based mental model (please enjoy my pun) has ...
Catching Flaky Tests Before It's Too Late kettanaito.com
Learn how you can use reporting tools to automate flaky test discovery
The complete guide to OAuth 2.0 WorkOS Blog
Learn everything you need to know about OAuth: what it is, what problem it solves, and how it works.
How to build document access control with S3, WorkOS FGA, and Lambda authorizers WorkOS Blog
In this tutorial, paired with companion code, you’ll learn to build a secure, scalable document access control system using WorkOS FGA, AWS Lambda Authorizers, and Amazon S3.
How to improve your page load time with browser caching
DebugBear BlogLearn the basics of caching on the web, and understand how to implement browser caching on your website
Forced Colors Mode Futility HTMHell
by Matthias Zöchlingfigure{margin-bottom:2.4rem}figure img{aspect-ratio:4;border: 6px solid #000}figcaption,sup,.highlight,section:has(#resources) span,section:has(#fns) ol{font-size:87.5%}.highlight{margin-left:1.5em;padding:1rem;text-wrap:balance}.highlight::before{content:attr(data-icon);content:attr(data-icon) / '';position:absolute;margin-left:calc(-1.5em - 1rem);filter:grayscale()}.highlight em{font-style:inherit;text-transform:uppercase}sup{position:relative;top:-.5em;vertical-align:basel