


7/27 (土)

Blurring Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
This 9-minute video from Juxtopposed on blurring is a great watch. There are an awful lot of ways to blur things on the web, from filter, backdrop-filter, <feGaussianBlur>, to WebGL. I particularly like the idea of masking an element with a backdrop-filter with a gradient so, for instance, a header can fade out how much […]
Why video quality matters Mux Blog - Video technology and more
High-quality video boosts engagement, SEO, and brand credibility. Learn more about why this matters and what you can do to deliver quality video experiences.
Where AI Developer Tools Miss the Mark Builder.io Blog
AI coding tools promise to revolutionize development, but often fall short. Let's look at where they miss the mark and how to best leverage AI for coding.
Where AI Developer Tools Miss the Mark Builder.io Blog
AI coding tools promise to revolutionize development, but often fall short. Let's look at where they miss the mark and how to best leverage AI for coding.
How to Mitigate the Risks of Using Open Source Packages with Git Dependencies Socket
Git dependencies in open source packages can introduce significant risks, including lack of version control, stability issues, dependency drift, and difficulty in auditing, making them potential targets for supply chain attacks.
Picture-in-Picture lets you watch videos while ‘working’ The Mozilla Blog
Some days there’s something extra interesting to watch online — a sports event, election coverage, a certain show is leaving Netflix so you gotta binge — but you’ve got work to do. The Picture-in-Picture feature in Firefox makes multitasking with video content smooth and easy, no window shuffling necessary. Picture-in-Picture allows a video to be […]The post Picture-in-Picture lets you watch videos while ‘working’ appeared first on The Mozilla Blog.

7/26 (金)

Flags as code in Next.js Vercel News
We recently introduced a new that allows using feature flags, in Next.js and SvelteKit, and works with any feature flag provider—or when using no flag provider at all. It's not meant to be a competitor to other feature flag providers. Instead, it’s a tool that sits between your application and the source of your flags, helping you follow best practices for using feature flags and experiments, keeping your website fast. Flags SDKFollow along below to get started with the Flags SDK, beginning with
5 Serious Games To Better Know Each Other Marmelab blog
During this 10th edition of #play14, we have filled up on workshops to help you with your team building, and here are 5 more.
更新可能なデータレイクを構築するテーブルフォーマットApache Hudiについて
はてなブックマークアイコン 30
Repro Tech Blog
Reproでチーフアーキテクトを担当しているjoker1007です。 今回、社内のデータストレージの将来的な選択肢の一つとしてApache Hudiというテーブルデータフォーマットについて調査と実データでの検証を実施しました。 この記事では2回に分けて、そもそもhudiってどんなフォーマットなのか、どういうデータで検証してどんな結果が得られたのかについて紹介します。 ということで第1回は、hudiそのものについての紹介をしていきます。 この記事はhudi-0.14.1を利用して検証した時のものです。また社内向けに書いた資料の手直しであるため丁寧語でないことに御留意ください。 Hudiとは何か、…
Node.js Adds Experimental Support for TypeScript Socket
Node.js has added experimental support for TypeScript, a move that highlights the growing importance of TypeScript in modern development.
ZIO Lambdaを用いてScalaネイティブバイナリをAWS Lambdaで動かしてみた
はてなブックマークアイコン 21
こんにちは。エムスリーエンジニアリンググループでScalaとマミさんが好きな安江です。今回は私が所属しているデジカルチームのお話です。ZIO Lambdaを使ってScalaネイティブバイナリをAWS Lambdaで動かしてみました。こちらの技術スタックの紹介をします。 ZIO Lambda 背景 技術スタック Scala ZIO ZIO Lambda GraalVM Native Image 実装 プロジェクトの作成 ライブラリの追加 ハンドラーの作成 ネイティブバイナリのビルド AWS Lambdaへのデプロイ まとめ We are hiring !! 背景 特定の処理で、外部から提供された…
Unmanaged devices run rampant in 47% of companies 1Password Blog
Tl;dr: The Shadow IT report, conducted in late 2023, shows that 47% of companies allow employees to access their resources on unmanaged devices, authenticating via credentials alone.Some context about this blog: This article pulls heavily from a Shadow IT Report, which was originally conducted by Kolide, and as such, uses Kolide’s name and branding. Now that the team at Kolide has happily joined our team at 1Password, we wanted to share the insights and information from this survey with our audi
Beyond Automation: Unveiling the True Essence of BDD Scott Logic
Many organisations mistakenly think Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) is simply about writing test cases in Given-When-Then format or using test automation frameworks. While automation is a valuable by-product, the true essence of BDD lies in enhancing team collaboration and understanding business requirements. BDD includes three practices- discovery, formulation, and automation, with the discovery phase being foundational. Adhering to best practices ensures that BDD scenarios are clear, focuse
ESLint v9.8.0 released ESLint Blog
HighlightsIgnoring the directory where ESLint runs is no longer possible. Previously, a global ignores pattern like "/" would ignore the entire base directory.The feature flags specification has been updated to forbid the usage of inactive flags.Features13d0bd3 feat: Add and use SourceCode#getLoc/getRange (#18703) (Nicholas C. Zakas)Bug Fixesab0ff27 fix: Throw error when invalid flags passed (#18705) (Nicholas C. Zakas)70dc803 fix: basePath directory can never be ignored (#18711) (Milos Djermano
Please Stop Using Barrel Files TkDodo's blog
Why you probably shouldn't be adding index.ts files everywhere
What’s New at Socket: Introducing Our Product Changelog Socket
Check out what's new at Socket with our Product Changelog. It tracks all public-facing updates, improvements, and fixes so you can take full advantage of our features.
What Code Issues Caused the CrowdStrike Outage? Sonar Blog RSS feed
This blog post takes a look at the potential code issues behind the recent global CrowdStrike outage.
Benchmarking AWS Lambda Cold Starts Across JavaScript Runtimes Deno
When running production JavaScript in the cloud, performance is a critical consideration. Here’s how Deno’s cold start times compare against other JavaScript runtimes on AWS Lambda.
GitHub Accelerator Showcase: Celebrating our second cohort and what’s next The GitHub Blog
Meet each maintainer, watch their project demos, and discover the unique story of each open source AI project.The post GitHub Accelerator Showcase: Celebrating our second cohort and what’s next appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

7/25 (木)

How to Get the Width/Height of Any Element in Only CSS
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Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
Unlike JavaScript, there is no simple built-in method in CSS to access an element's width and height. But using some (call it hacky) modern CSS techniques, we can get our hands on the number and even use it.
Pop(over) the Balloons CSS-Tricks
I’ve always been fascinated with how much we can do with just HTML and CSS. The new interactive features of the Popover API are yet another example of just how far we can get with those two languages alone.You …Pop(over) the Balloons originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
Making WAF ML models go brrr: saving decades of processing time The Cloudflare Blog
In this post, we discuss the performance optimizations we've implemented for our WAF ML product. We'll guide you through specific code examples and benchmark numbers, and we'll share the impressive latency reduction numbers observed after the rollout
4 Serious Games To Improve Collaboration Marmelab blog
This year marked a special edition as #play14 celebrated its 10th anniversary. Here are four serious games you can use to improve team collaboration.
はてなブックマークアイコン 16
Repro Tech Blog
こんにちは。ReproのProduct Planning Teamでプロダクト企画を担当している正木です。 Product Planning Teamって何?という方はこちらの記事を併せて見ていただけると嬉しいです! tech.repro.io さて、プロダクト開発に関わっている皆さんであれば「我々の作った機能は果たしてちゃんと使われているんだろうか…」と思ったことは一度はあるはずです。 今回はリリースした機能をお客様に使ってもらうための試行錯誤について2回にわたってお話しようと思います。 ReproにおけるGoToMarketとは? Reproにおいてはリリースされた機能をお客様に使ってもら…
An SEO aha moment: understanding Core Web Vitals Builder.io Blog
Core Web Vitals measure your site's speed and user experience. Focusing on loading, interactivity, and visual stability improves search engine rankings.
複数の検索条件をリアルタイムに判定するスマートリストの設計 STORES Product Blog
こんにちは、STORES でエンジニアをしているmochizukiです。 STORES 予約 では、5月に「スマートリスト」という新機能をリリースしました。 このブログでは、このスマートリストを実現するために採用した設計と、その背景についてお話しします。 スマートリストとは スマートリストの要件 背景と解決したい課題 要件 設計の検討 どうやって判定するか SearchFormを使ったDB検索で判定する方法 SearchFormを使わずRuby上で判定する方法 どのタイミングで判定するか ここまでの検討まとめ 具体的な実装方法 検索条件の保存方法 SearchFormを使ったリアルタイム判定を…
1Password is ISO 27001 certified — and more 1Password Blog
We’re incredibly proud to announce that 1Password has achieved ISO 27001, 27017, 27018, and 27701 certifications.While the building blocks for ISO certifications have been embedded in 1Password DNA for years, we’ll share the reason we pursued them now, what the certifications mean for us, and most importantly, what they mean for you and your organization.What are ISO/IEC certificationsThe International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a non-governmental organization that develops intern
What is device trust? 1Password Blog
The first known security incident involving a compromised device occurred during the Bronze Age, in present-day Turkey.In that case, the Trojan guards were good men, not malicious bad actors. But they made a fatal mistake when they failed to inspect the large, horse-shaped device they dragged inside the city gates.You’d think that after 3000 years, we would’ve learned. And yet today, compromised devices are one of the greatest threats to cybersecurity. Employees routinely log into their work acc
Functional Programming In React Saeloun Blog
Every program or application we create follows a certain style or approach, known as a paradigm.Functional ProgrammingFunctional programming is a paradigm that emphasizes the use of pure functions and immutable data. This approach leads to cleaner, more predictable code and easier for testing, and a more declarative style of programming.In contrast to the imperative programming paradigm, which emphasizes changes in state. Key principles of functional programming include:Immutability: Data cannot
Announcing TutorialKit: Interactive tutorials in the browser
はてなブックマークアイコン 1
StackBlitz Blog
A new open-source project that enables teams to onboard users with interactive experiences.
The perks of a good OpenAPI spec Val Town Blog
Taking advantage of our typed REST API to build a platform aroundVal Town.
What Elements Contribute to Interaction to Next Paint? DebugBear Blog
Learn what interactions are considered for Interaction to Next Paint (INP), a Core Web Vitals metric
Announcing: Batch Keys Inngest Product & Engineering Blog
Batch keys allows developers to group work units by leveraging Inngest's efficient event-matching engine.
Day 108: the of S syntax in :nth-child() Manuel Matuzović - Blog
You can use the of S syntax in the :nth-child() pseudo-class to filter elements before the arguments in :nth-child() apply.The S in of S stands for a forgiving selector list./* :nth-child(An+B [of S]?) */ tr:nth-child(even of .visible, .active) { }Let's say you have six list items and want to highlight every second item, but two of them are hidden.HTML<ol> <li>Element 1</li> <li hidden>Element 2</li> <li>Element 3</li> <li>Element 4</li> <li hidden>Element 5</li> <li>Element 6</li></ol>CSSli:nth
A World-Class Code Playground with Sandpack
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Josh Comeau's blog
No developer blog or technical documentation site is complete without an interactive code playground. The CodeSandbox team recently released a wonderful tool called Sandpack, to help us create these live-updating code editors. In this tutorial, I'll show you how I use it on this blog.
Shows Chris Coyier
Over the last few months I watched… They were all kinda dark. I’m starting the Bear Season 3 now and we’ll see if I can take it. I might need something a little funnier or lighter or something for a while.
Ladybird & Independent Browser Engines Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
Web browsers are tens of millions of lines of code written over decades to adhere to long, complex standards specifications and defend against all manner of malicious behavior. I’ve long been convinced that an entirely new browser (not a fork or a skinning) would be impossible to build today. Just scratch pad math, maybe 100 […]

7/24 (水)

ASP.NET Core Web Apps Sonar Blog RSS feed
Sonar recently added new rules for ASP.NET WebAPI and ASP.NET MVC. In this blog post, we discuss the details of these frameworks within ASP.NET Core and how Sonar’s solutions help keep your ASP.NET web apps clean and free of issues.
Elkjøp's Digital Transformation: Powering Retail Innovation with Next.js and Vercel Vercel News
With over $1B in revenue flowing through their digital properties, Elkjøp (Elgiganten), Nordic subsidiary of Currys PLC and leading consumer electronics retailer in the region, knew their digital presence needed to reflect their in-store commitment to innovation and excellence. Their previous e-commerce platform, built on Angular and self-hosted on Kubernetes, had become a source of frustration for both customers and internal teams. Slow page loads, SEO struggles, and cumbersome developer experi
Improvements to command line logs Vercel News
Vercel CLI v35 introduces new commands to access of deployment and runtime logs:You can now use the option to stream logs as JSON. This makes it easier to parse and filter logs using tools like .--jsonjqTo use these features, update to the latest version of the Vercel CLI:Read more deploys and shows vercel deploy --logsbuild logs shows for an existing deploymentvercel inspect --logsbuild logs now follows of an existing deploymentvercel logsruntime logs
Instantly redirect traffic using custom Vercel Firewall rules Vercel News
You can now redirect requests to a new page using , adding to the existing challenge and block actions.custom Firewall rulesPublishing custom rules does not require a new deployment and will instantly propagate across the global Vercel Edge Network. Therefore, using custom rule redirects in moderation could provide a fast alternative to , particularly in emergency situations.Edge Network redirectsFirewall redirects execute before Edge Network configuration redirects (e.g. are evaluated.vercel.js
Integrating Image-To-Text And Text-To-Speech Models (Part 1) Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers
Joas Pambou built an app that integrates vision language models (VLMs) and text-to-speech (TTS) AI technologies to describe images audibly with speech. This audio description tool can be a big help for people with sight challenges to understand what’s in an image. But how this does it even work? Joas explains how these AI systems work and their potential uses, including how he built the app and ways to further improve it.
What to Expect When You're Optimizing Writing on Web Performance Consulting | TimKadlec.com
One of the most common pain-points I hear from companies is that they spent a bunch of time chasing an optimization, only to find that, after shipping it, they could provide no evidence of it making a difference in their performance.There are a lot of things involved in making performance more predictable, but one immediate thing you can do is do the work up front to set expectations about which metrics you expect the optimization to move, and how you’ll measure the impact.For example, I have a
5 Low-Cost Database Services to Migrate to Semaphore
In this article, you will dig into popular database services to understand what they offer and how much they cost.The post 5 Low-Cost Database Services to Migrate to appeared first on Semaphore.
BAFTA Award-Winner Siobhán McSweeney to host Mozilla’s 2nd Annual Rise25 Awards in Dublin, Ireland on Aug. 13 The Mozilla Blog
Following the news of our 25 honorees for The 2nd Annual Rise25 Awards, Mozilla is thrilled to announce that actress and presenter Siobhán McSweeney will be hosting this year’s ceremony which will celebrate these individuals for leading the next wave of AI. The Irish actress, best known for her BAFTA award-winning performance as Sister Michael […]The post BAFTA Award-Winner Siobhán McSweeney to host Mozilla’s 2nd Annual Rise25 Awards in Dublin, Ireland on Aug. 13 appeared first on The Mozilla Bl
GA4 to Piwik PRO Using Server-side Google Tag Manager Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics on Simo Ahava's blog
There are two new custom templates available in server-side Google Tag Manager. These templates have been designed to facilitate Piwik PRO tracking in a server-side container. Piwik PRO Client -> This Client template interacts with the Piwik PRO JavaScript tracker and lets you route Piwik PRO tracking through a server-side GTM container. GitHub repo. Piwik PRO -> The tag template works in unison with the Piwik PRO Client, forwarding the hits to the Piwik PRO endpoint.
New Piwik PRO Templates In Server-side Google Tag Manager Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics on Simo Ahava's blog
Piwik PRO has two new server-side Google Tag Manager templates, and this article explains what they are and how they work.The first template, Piwik PRO Client, is designed to work in unison with the Piwik PRO HTTP API. Most often these requests are generated by the Piwik PRO JavaScript tracker, but theoretically any HTTP source that uses the same scheam can send requests for the Client to claim. Once the Client claims the request, it generates an event data object that can be consumed by tags in
Google Cloud の CDC サービスを活用した請求フローの構築
はてなブックマークアイコン 42
Repro Tech Blog
はじめに こんにちは。新規事業のプロダクトマネジメントを担当している taison です。 先日、顧客への請求金額を算出するために日々実行しているデータフローを刷新しました。 その際に Datastream という Google Cloud が提供する CDC サービスを活用したことで、構築・運用が楽になったのでご紹介します。 なお今回は開発にご協力いただいている 株式会社 Rabee の abyssparanoia さんの提案・検証があって実現したので、ここで感謝させていただきます。 全体像 それまではとある BI ツールを活用して、請求根拠となるデータを各内容にあわせて出力するデータフロー…
How we improved search results in 1Password 1Password Blog
Accuracy is important in just about everything we do, so it’s difficult to think of a situation in which one can be too exact. But it’s not impossible.There’s good ol’ 1Password search, for instance, which is perfectly functional. It’s also overly precise and highly inflexible. When I search the term bank, my bank login is never returned because my financial institution doesn’t have the word bank in its name, and I lacked the foresight to tag every banking-related credential with the appropriate
Incrementally adopting an orchestrator Dagster Blog
How Petal’s incremental adoption of Dagster let this FinTech firm build out its data platform at its own speed.
What's Coming in Ruby on Rails 7.2: Database Features in Active Record AppSignal
Let's take a look at some noteworthy changes in Ruby on Rails 7.2, particularly in Active Record.
Grokking DynamoDB with TypeScript AppSignal
DynamoDB is the perfect choice for high-data applications that need low latency. Let's see how to model your data in DynamoDB based on your access patterns.
Smart Jerks Aren't Worth It Tony Alicea
Smart Jerks Aren't Worth ItMyths proliferate in every culture. Some are harmless. Some are not. The myth of the "difficult genius" is perhaps one of the most harmful myths that still exist in software development today.Your software is hurt by toxic personalities on your team. Smart jerks aren't worth it. Let's dispel the myth.The Myth of the Difficult GeniusThe myth of the "difficult genius" is not unique to software development. The myth itself proliferates in part because of famously difficul
How to add Type Checking and Linting to your Playwright Project Checkly Blog: Monitoring Insights & Trends
This blog post provides a detailed guide on adding TypeScript type checking and linting to an existing Playwright project to enhance developer safety and reduce common Playwright errors. This gained developer safety will prevent unnecessary CI/CD loops and increase your end-to-end testing development speed.
Improved error messaging for require(ESM) in Node.js Zach Leatherman
The Eleventy code-base is now written using ESM.However, Eleventy projects can be written using CommonJS or ESM (and we’ll continue to support both moving forward).As Eleventy is a command line tool, this offers a bit of wiggle room navigating the CommonJS/ESM divide. That is, until we started bundling application plugins in the core library.Consider this application configuration file, making use of Eleventy’s Render Plugin.const { EleventyRenderPlugin } = require("@11ty/eleventy");If you try t
Clip Pathing Color Changes
はてなブックマークアイコン 1
Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
Let's look at a cool animated nav effect (from a recent post by Emil Kowalski) that uses CSS `clip-path` to move the highlighted nav item around. It's an interesting look at this CSS feature and adds a lot of polish to a simple idea.
How we improved availability through iterative simplification The GitHub Blog
Solving and staying ahead of problems when scaling up a system of GitHub’s size is a delicate process. Here's a look at some of the tools in GitHub's toolbox, and how we’ve used them to solve problems.The post How we improved availability through iterative simplification appeared first on The GitHub Blog.
How to review code effectively: A GitHub staff engineer’s philosophy
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The GitHub Blog
GitHub Staff Engineer Sarah Vessels discusses her philosophy of code review, what separates good code review from bad, her strategy for finding and reviewing code, and how to get the most from reviews of her own code.The post How to review code effectively: A GitHub staff engineer’s philosophy appeared first on The GitHub Blog.
Meta Llama 3.1 now available on Workers AI
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The Cloudflare Blog
Cloudflare is excited to be a launch partner with Meta to introduce Workers AI support for Llama 3.1

7/23 (火)

The State of GraphQL Security 2024 Escape - The API Security Blog
Insights from 13,000 GraphQL API issues: Read our deep dive into the current state of GraphQL security.
It's official, Meteor 3.0 Official Release is out! It's official, Meteor 3.0 Official Release is out!
I’m not sure under what circumstances this issue arises. Does it occur in dev mode, when loading locally after meteor build, or when deploying to iOS production?I tested on my end and found that using Meteor.settings or the settings.json file works for both the skeleton and simpletasks projects, in dev mode.I suggest removing added native plugins and meteor packages and code related from your project incrementally, running the app continuously until it stops crashing. Then, try to replicate the
It's official, Meteor 3.0 Official Release is out! It's official, Meteor 3.0 Official Release is out!
janmp:What’s the status of Cordova? Getting in to run on iOS used to work without any configuration (well except for the certificate in Xcode). Have not got it to work with Meteor 3 yet.Hi, without any further checking, just a quick info: I built our app on Meteor 3.0 + iOS last week, and it probably hat its settings or nothing would have worked.We’re using an explicit --mobile-settings ./mobile-settings-live.json for the build though.Also another settings package to be able to have default sett
How to choose the best rendering strategy for your app Vercel News
Web rendering has evolved from simple server-rendered HTML pages to highly interactive and dynamic applications, and there are more ways than ever to present your app to users.Static Site Generation (SSG), Server-Side Rendering (SSR), Client-Side Rendering (CSR), Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR), and experimental Partial Prerendering (PPR) have all been developed to optimize performance, SEO, and user experience in various situations.Read more
Turbopack updates: Moving homes Vercel News
Turbopack is a new JavaScript/TypeScript bundler we’ve been cooking at Vercel. Building on 10+ years of learnings from webpack, we want to build a bundler that can be used with many frameworks.We’re moving the Turbopack codebase into the Next.js repository—and wanted to share an update on our progress with Turbopack so far, as well as where we’re headed.Read more
G2 Review Static Code Analysis | Sonar Named a Leader in Grid Report Sonar Blog RSS feed
G2 has once again ranked Sonar #1 in Static Code Analysis in the Summer 2024 Grid Report. In addition to leading the pack in each of the Enterprise, Mid-Market, and Small Business segments for Static Code Analysis, Sonar was also named a leader in the Static Application Security Testing (SAST) category.
It's official, Meteor 3.0 Official Release is out! It's official, Meteor 3.0 Official Release is out!
Meteor.settings is not defined on iOS builds. That’s what was causing the problems. Just a white screen with no error message of any kind. Took me a hole day to figure out. Problem also happens when you actually have a settings file. Meteor.settings seems completely broken on iosRead full topic
Summer of Spin 2024 Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Fermyon's Summer of Spin is a Spin-off on the Advent of Spin, consisting of fun coding challenges!
OpenAI API Alternatives Semaphore
This article reviews top alternatives to OpenAI API, highlighting various AI APIs for different applications like text generation and NLP.The post OpenAI API Alternatives appeared first on Semaphore.
[Checklist] How to make back-to-school (and family life) easier with a password manager 1Password Blog
The back-to-school season is a hectic and overwhelming time for both students and parents alike.Along with the usual stress of pick-ups and drop-offs, schedules, extra-curriculars, and report cards, now you also have to worry about cybersecurity, school portals, hackers, and social media, too! Not to mention all the other life administration you take on, like bills, doctor’s appointments, pet care, family vacations, and more.It’s exhausting just thinking about it.Back in the day, it was just pen
Credential-based data breaches: Five ways to shore up defenses and prevent unauthorized access 1Password Blog
Note: 1Password has not been compromised. This blog post provides practical tips to protect your organization from a recent string of credential-based breaches.Over the last few months, there have been a number of credential-based breaches, including the attacks on Ticketmaster, Santander Bank, and others.As details regarding this string of attacks continue to be uncovered, it is critical that organizations take precautionary measures in order to protect themselves and their customers from poten
Val Town Newsletter 19 Val Town Blog
Full-screen Editor, 5x faster HTTP vals, new Dashboard, improved Search, Townie redesign, Trending redesign, Profile filters, and more!
Enhancing Your Elixir Codebase with Gleam
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Let's look at the benefits of using Gleam and then add Gleam code to an Elixir project.
Introducing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for AuthKit WorkOS Blog
AuthKit now supports RBAC as part of its core authorization capabilities. RBAC is a common authorization scheme where each user is assigned one or more roles, and each role is assigned a set of permissions that defines which resources and actions the user can access in your application.
Sharding high-throughput Redis without downtime Inngest Product & Engineering Blog
Read about how we rolled our new sharded infrastructure out to production without a millisecond of downtime and how it improved Inngest's overall performance.
MoonBit's build system, Moon, is now open source MoonBit Blog
MoonBit's build system, Moon, is now open source
Risky Biz Podcast: How Socket Goes Beyond Vulnerabilities to Tackle Modern Supply Chain Attacks in Open Source Software Socket
In the latest Risky Biz Podcast episode, Socket CEO Feross Aboukhadijeh discussed the limitations of the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) in addressing the modern risks associated with using open source package registries.
How we use DDEV, Vite and Tailwind with Craft CMS Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
I love a good post from real-world developers building real-world websites for clients that share how they work and the tools they use. Here, Joshua Pease of Viget shares How we use DDEV, Vite and Tailwind with Craft CMS, which is a change from webpack and Docker. Goodbye complex esoteric Webpack configuration, hello Vite. Goodbye complex […]
Practical SVG is Now Free to Read Online Chris Coyier
Back in 2016 I wrote a book called Practical SVG. Recently, the publisher, A Book Apart, closed shop. Now you can Read Practical SVG on the web, here on this site, for free. I always like how Mat’s book was online so now mine can join that cool club. I’ll echo what I say on […]
3 ways to get Remote Code Execution in Kafka UI The GitHub Blog
In this blog post, we'll explain how we discovered three critical vulnerabilities in Kafka UI and how they can be exploited.The post 3 ways to get Remote Code Execution in Kafka UI appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

7/22 (月)

Countdown to Paris 2024 Olympics: France leads in web interest The Cloudflare Blog
As the Paris 2024 Olympics approach, our analysis reveals France, the host nation, leads in DNS traffic to official Olympic sites, followed by the UK, the US, and Australia
Alvaro Montoro: CSS One-Liners to Improve (Almost) Every Project CSS-Tricks
These sorts of roundups always get me. My wife will flip through Zillow photos of the insides of homes for hours because she likes seeing how different people decorate, Feng Shui, or what have you. That’s her little dip into …Alvaro Montoro: CSS One-Liners to Improve (Almost) Every Project originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
Introducing the API Threat Landscape, a new resource for API security researchers Escape - The API Security Blog
Since 2022, Escape's security research team has been tracking API-related data breaches. We’ve decided to make our database public, providing detailed insights into primary attack vectors, threat actors, tools, and techniques. The database is updated every two weeks.
はてなブックマークアイコン 18
Repro Tech Blog
こんにちは。ReproのProduct Planning Teamでプロダクト企画を担当している正木です。 Product Planning Teamって何?という方はこちらの記事を併せて見ていただけると嬉しいです! tech.repro.io 今回はプロダクトや作っている途中の機能に対して、全社からのフィードバックを得るために行っているプロダクトフィードバック会(通称プロフィ会)の運用と改善についてのお話です。 プロダクトフィードバック会とは? 毎週木曜11:00-12:00で全社員を対象に開発チームがプロダクトに関する発表やプレゼンを行い、フィードバックを得る会です。この会は、プロダクトに…
Longer history available in Speed Insights Vercel News
We've increased the viewable history in Speed Insights for all plan types:Measure your site's performance over longer periods, at no additional cost. or for your project.Learn more about Speed Insightsenable Speed InsightsRead more: Now (up from 24 hours)Hobby7 days: Now (up from 7 days)Pro30 days: Now (up from 30 days)Enterprise90 days
Automatically skip unnecessary deployments in monorepos Vercel News
Vercel now automatically skip builds for unchanged code in your monorepo. Projects without changes in their source code (or the source code of internal dependencies) will be skipped, reducing build queuing and improving the time to deployment for affected projects.This feature is powered by , and works with any . For more advanced customization, like canceling builds based on branches, you can configure an .Turborepomonorepo using workspacesIgnored Build StepLearn more about .skipping unaffected
It's official, Meteor 3.0 Official Release is out! It's official, Meteor 3.0 Official Release is out!
I have tried running a fresh meteor create app on iOS and that’s working. Figuring, what’s wrong with my actual app is pretty hard, because I do not get any error logs from the cordova app. I don’t get any console.logs from the app at all. The problem must manifest before meteor startup.Found another problem with Safari on iOS and dynamic imports when connecting to the dev server.Read full topic
AI Security: How Hard Is It to Develop Secure AI? Escape - The API Security Blog
This blog is based on our conversation with Rob van der Veer, Senior Principal Expert at the Software Improvement Group. It explores the complex challenges of developing secure AI systems and the critical role of governance and role segregation in AI security.
Data Fetching with Server Actions in Next.js Robin Wieruch - Freelance Web Developer
Can I fetch data with Server Actions in Next.js? There are different ways to fetch data. Normally Server Actions are used to mutate data, but ...
It's official, Meteor 3.0 Official Release is out! It's official, Meteor 3.0 Official Release is out!
Cordova works well in Meteor 3.0 for Android and iOS projects. I tested it on both Meteor basic skeletons and the simpletasks app.Did these problems occur in any existing Meteor 2.x project during the transition to Meteor 3.x?If so, it might be an issue with your specific configuration, setup, plugins, or package incompatibilities with latest Node somehow, since nothing around Cordova deps was changed on Meteor 3.x. The new Node.js version used for compilation could cause different building of n
First-Party Mode For Google Tags
はてなブックマークアイコン 2
Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics on Simo Ahava's blog
Google has released a new feature, First-Party Mode (FPM), into public beta. Image sourceFirst-Party Mode seeks to make it easier to wrap Google’s measurement and advertising technologies in a first-party, same-origin context.This means that the user’s browser, when visiting a website running FPM, would no longer communicate directly with Google’s domains when fetching measurement libraries such as Google Tag or Google Tag Manager.Instead, the requests would be sent to a subfolder of the website
はてなブックマークアイコン 3
POSTD | ニジボックスが運営するエンジニアに向けたキュレーションメディア
CSS units rem, em, px, vh, vw, percentage Saeloun Blog
CSS units are used to style the HTML elements by specifying the size, position, and other properties of HTML elements. There are several types of CSS units like rem, em, px, vh, vw, percentage and each with its own specific use case.CSS units can be broadly categorized into two main types: absolute units and relative units. Each type has specific use cases and characteristics.Absolute UnitsAbsolute units are fixed and do not change based on other elements or the viewport. They provide exact meas

7/21 (日)

It's official, Meteor 3.0 Official Release is out! It's official, Meteor 3.0 Official Release is out!
I’d like to know for Meteor-Desktop as well. We’re many full versions behind due to the existing limitation of NodeJS on Meteor 2.x - will you be working on migrating it to 3.x and pushing all dependencies @storyteller ?Read full topic
It's official, Meteor 3.0 Official Release is out! It's official, Meteor 3.0 Official Release is out!
What’s the status of Cordova? Getting in to run on iOS used to work without any configuration (well except for the certificate in Xcode). Have not got it to work with Meteor 3 yet.Read full topic
Let's blame the dev who pressed "Deploy" yield code();
Following the CrowdStrike outage, I've stumbled upon an articles that claims that developers should have consequences. Do they?
新しいビルドツールの Farm azukiazusa のテックブログ2
Farm は Rust 製の新しいビルドツールです。パフォーマンスを重視して設計されており、Vite と互換性のある JavaScript プラグインをサポートしているという特徴があります。バンドルの戦略には Partial Bundling というものを採用しており、モジュールのネットワークリクエスト数を削減するため、20 ~ 30 のファイルにバンドルするという特徴があります。
簡易的な暗視カメラ Nocto Camera を作った marmooo's blog
OpenCV の練習で簡易的な暗視カメラ Nocto Camera を作りました。暗視カメラと書いていますが、露出不足の環境でも綺麗に撮影ができるカメラアプリです。画像のコントラストを補正する画像アプリとしても使えます。暗視カメラとか使ったことないし、使う人もそんなにいない気がするのですが、今回は OpenCV のアルゴリズムの精度と速度を確認する勉強目的で作ったので、まあ良いです。Nocto Cameraたとえばこんな感じになります。 アルゴリズムは CLAHE ヒストグラム平均化を利用しています。類似アルゴリズムとしては ToneMap を使った HDR (High Dynamic Range Imaging) があります。TonemapWeb 上だとカメラ撮影でも複数の撮影データを自動で用意するのはなかなか難しいです。iPhone/Android の 自動 HDR はおそらく ToneMap を利用していますが、カメラが 1つしかない iPhone 7 時代から HDR 機能はあるので、露出時間を変えたものを同時に撮影して ToneMap をしていると予想できます。ただこれと同じ

7/20 (土)

It's official, Meteor 3.0 Official Release is out! It's official, Meteor 3.0 Official Release is out!
Congrats to the team and community.It was a huge undertaking and really inspiring to see.Read full topic
It's official, Meteor 3.0 Official Release is out! It's official, Meteor 3.0 Official Release is out!
Kudos to whole Meteor Team!! Wonderful work and been waiting for this. Congrats!!Read full topic