


4/27 (土)

Remix v2.9 で導入された Single Fetch
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azukiazusa のテックブログ2
Remix v2.9 で導入された Single Fetch はクライアントサイドでのページ遷移が行われた際に、サーバーへの複数の HTTP リクエストを並行して行う代わりに、1 つの HTTP リクエストを実行しまとめてレスポンスを返す機能です。Single Fetch は v2.9 ではフィーチャーフラグとして提供されており、v3 以降ではデフォルトの挙動となります。
tea.xyz Spam Plagues npm and RubyGems Package Registries Socket
Tea.xyz, a crypto project aimed at rewarding open source contributions, is once again facing backlash due to an influx of spam packages flooding public package registries.
Planes in 3D space Blog | Alex Harri
Visual and interactive introduction to 2D planes in 3D space.
Bun v1.1.5 bun.sh
Fixes 64 bugs (addressing 101 👍). Cross-compile standalone JavaScript & TypeScript executables to other platforms with bun build --compile. import any file as text via the `type: 'text'` import attribute. Introduces a new crash reporter. package.json with comments and trailing commas. Fixes a bug where `bun run --filter` exited with 0. Fixes a bug in bun install with file: dependencies. Fixes bugs in `node:tls`, `node:crypto`, `node:readline`, `node:http`, `node:worker_threads`
Here's everything we launched in Spring 2024 Mux Blog - Video technology and more
Looking to get caught up on the latest features, releases, and content from Mux? Say no more fam. This blog post has you covered.
musicForProgramming(); Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
Happy Friday! I think I’m a bit unusual in that I typically like to listen to nothing as I work. Or more specifically, code or write. I love listening to music when I’m ever doing anything rote, and podcasts when I drive. But I gave musicForProgramming(); a try when I saw it the other day […]
Feedbin Email Newsletter… Emails Chris Coyier
Feedbin has custom email addresses now so you can use a unique email address for each newsletter and not worry about a spam leak.
bun.report is Bun's new crash reporter
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How we built an anonymous Zig/C++ crash reporter that doesn't require debug symbols to be shipped with the application.
GitHub Actions, Arm64, and the future of automotive software development The GitHub Blog
Learn how GitHub's Enterprise Cloud, GitHub Actions, and Arm's latest Automotive Enhanced processors, work together to usher in a new era of efficient, scalable, and flexible automotive software creation.The post GitHub Actions, Arm64, and the future of automotive software development appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

4/26 (金)

How to secure GraphQL APIs: challenges and best practices Escape - The API Security Blog
Dive into the complexities of securing GraphQL APIs and common vulnerabilities and learn best practices for enhancing GraphQL security.
How Vercel helped Tonies expand into new markets and improve conversion rates Vercel News
‌ ‍ ​‍​‍‌‍ ‌ ​‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌ ‌‍‍‌‌‍ ‍​‍​‍​ ‍‍​‍​‍‌‍​ ‌‍ ‌‍ ‍‌ ‌​‌‍‌‌‌‍ ‍‌ ‌​‌‍‌‍‌ ‌‌‌‍ ​​‍ ‍‌‍​ ‌‍ ‌‍ ‌​‍​‍​‍ ​​‍​‍‌‍‍​‌ ​‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‌‍​‍​‍​ ‍‍​‍​‍​‍ ‌‍​‌‌ ​​‌‍‍‌​‍ ‌‍​‍‌‍ ​‌‍ ‌‍‌ ​‍ ‌‍‌‌‌‍‌​‌‍‍‌‌ ‌​​ ‌‍‌‌​ ‌​ ‌‌‌‍ ‌‌​‌‌‌‌‌ ‌‌​‌‌‍‍‍‌​ ​​ ‌ ‌ ​‌‌​​‌​ ‌‍‌​‌​‌​‍​‌​‍​‌ ‌​​ ‌‌​ ‌​‌​​‌‌​‍‌‌​​‌‌‍ ​ ‌ ​‍‌‍‌ ‌​​ ‌‌‍‌‌​‍​‍​‍ ​​‍​‍‌ ‌​‌ ‍‌‌ ​​‌‍‌‌​‍​‍​ ‍‍​‍​‍‌ ‌​‌‍‌‌‌ ‍​‌ ‌​​‍​‍​‍ ​​‍​‍‌‍‌​‌‍​‌‌ ‌​‌‍​‌​‍​‍​ ‍‍​‍​‍‌ ​ ‌ ‌‌‌‍​‍‌ ‌​‌‍‍‌‌ ‌​‌‍ ​‌‍‌‌​‍​‍‌ ‌, creators of the smart audio system for children, sought to expa
How Village Roadshow improved DX and UX while cutting costs by 50% Vercel News
Founded in Australia in 1954, is known for diverse operations, including movie theaters, theme parks, film production, and film distribution across the world.Village Roadshow Entertainment GroupRead more
Faster defaults for Vercel Function CPU and memory Vercel News
The default CPU for Vercel Functions will change from (0.6 vCPU/1GB Memory) to (1 vCPU/1.7GB Memory) for created after . unless manually updated.BasicStandardnew projectsMay 6th, 2024Existing projects will remain unchangedThis change helps ensure consistent function performance and faster startup times. Depending on your function code size, this may reduce cold starts by a few hundred milliseconds.While increasing the function CPU increase costs for the same duration, it can also make functions
The End Of The Free Tier Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers
Free-tier pricing is a common marketing strategy. “Free” gets people in the door and allows them to settle in and see how things work. But, as Juan Diego Rodriguez explains, the practice of free *tiers* is often conflated with free *trials*. And while the distinction may be nuanced, the consequences of sunsetting free-tier pricing may be huge.
Build an AI Voice assistant like Siri (use OpenAI AI Assistant) SerpApi
Learn how to build an AI Voice assistant like Siri, Alexa, etc. We will use OpenAI assistant as the main brain for the assistant.
PR TIMESにおけるPlaywrightを用いたVisual Regression Test
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PR TIMES 開発者ブログ
こんにちは、フロントエンドエンジニアのやなぎ( @apple_yagi )です。 昨年、Integration TestツールをCypressからPlaywrightに移行しました。その際、Visua […]
分析による思考の麻痺を脱し、自信を持って決断を下す方法 POSTD | ニジボックスが運営するエンジニアに向けたキュレーションメディア
「決断の時における最善の選択は、正しいことをすること。最悪の選択は、何もしないことだ。」セオドア・ルーズベルトの言葉です。 人生を左右する可能性のある重要な決断を下すとき、結果が不確実であることや、…
ActiveRecord::Base#pluck adds support for hash values in Rails 7.2 Saeloun Blog
In day-to-day life, we see many dashboards which consist of charts and reports.To build these charts or reports quickly, we required specific data fromdifferent database tables in faster queries.The ActiveRecord::Base#pluck method is used to query single or multipleattributes from the database without loading the entire record.It returns the results as an array of attribute values.User.pluck(:id, :name, :email)The above code will result in the following query:SELECT users.id, users.name, users.e
令和時代の API 実装のベースプラクティスと CSRF 対策
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CSRF という古の攻撃がある。この攻撃を「古(いにしえ)」のものにすることができたプラットフォームの進化の背景を、「Cookie が SameSite Lax by Default になったからだ」という解説を見ることがある。確かに、現実的にそれによって攻撃の成立は難しくなり、救われているサービスもある。しかし、それはプラットフォームが用意した対策の本質から言うと、解釈が少しずれていると言えるだろう。今回は、「CSRF がどうして成立していたのか」を振り返ることで、本当にプラットフォームに足りていなかったものと、それを補っていった経緯、本当にすべき対策は何であるかを解説していく。結果として見えてくるのは、今サービスを実装する上での「ベース」(not ベスト)となるプラクティスだと筆者は考えている。
Disclosing code injection vulnerabilities in safe-eval-2 npm package Node.js Secure Coding’s Blog
A project fork is not without risks, and this time it's the safe-eval-2 npm package that is vulnerable to code injection attacks.
The HTML, CSS, and SVG for a Classic Search Form Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
Let’s build a search form that looks like this: That feels like the absolute bowl-it-down-the-middle search form right now. Looks good but nothing fancy. And yet, coding it in HTML and CSS I don’t think is perfectly intuitive and makes use of a handful of decently modern and slightly lesser used features. The Label-Wrapping HTML […]
Ideas for my dream CMS daverupert.com
Matt Haughey wrote a blueprint for his “Dream CMS” and we had him on ShopTalk to talk about it. That got me thinking about what features I’d want in my dream CMS. It’s fun to think of what a modern CMS might have like inline editing, asset serving, monetization/membership functionality, and more imaginative comment moderation.Most of my dream CMS features center around improving my writing and content surfacing. All these ideas seem like a pretty good fit for LLMs or AI, even though I don’t drin
Llamafile’s progress, four months in
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Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
When Mozilla’s Innovation group first launched the llamafile project late last year, we were thrilled by the immediate positive response from open source AI developers. It’s become one of Mozilla’s top three most-favorited repositories on GitHub, attracting a number of contributors, some excellent PRs, and a growing community on our Discord server.The post Llamafile’s progress, four months in appeared first on Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog.
The AI Advantage: Reshaping Cybersecurity in the Age of Autonomous Threats Socket
As cyber threats become more autonomous, AI-powered defenses are crucial for businesses to stay ahead of attackers who can exploit software vulnerabilities at scale.
Cypress Ambassador Spotlight: Normia Pop Cypress Blog
What motivates you to be a Cypress Ambassador?I am driven by a passion to share my knowledge and experiences with the community. My goal is to be a contributing member of this fantastic community, and I have a deep fondness for using Cypress as a tool.How do you currently help others that are either using Cypress or interested in using Cypress?At the moment, I'm focused on writing articles about Cypress on a platform, which I then share on social media. Additionally, I provide mentorship a

4/25 (木)

Improved infrastructure pricing is now active for new customers Vercel News
Earlier this month, we announced our , which is .improved infrastructure pricingactive for new customers starting todayBilling for existing customers begins between June 25 and July 24. For more details, please reference the email with next steps sent to your account. Existing Enterprise contracts are unaffected.Our previous combined metrics (bandwidth and functions) are now more granular, and have reduced base prices. These new metrics can be viewed and optimized from our improved Usage page.Th
Conducting Accessibility Research In An Inaccessible Ecosystem Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers
Conducting UX research that includes participants with a variety of disabilities is vital to building inclusive technology, but most prototypes used for testing are inaccessible. Rather than continuing to leave out feedback from disabled consumers, which ultimately leads to exclusive technology, researchers must get creative in their workarounds and be relentless in their efforts.
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Link and Motivation Developers' Blog
モチベーションクラウドのエンジニアをしている白倉です。先日社内にて、「技術書ペラワングランプリ」という取り組みを実施しました。本取り組みの紹介をしつつ、開発チームの雰囲気を感じていただけたらいいなぁと思い、筆を執ります。 技術書ペラワングランプリとは 技術書ペラワングランプリとは、技術書をスライド1枚で紹介し合い、最も印象に残った発表を決めようという取り組みです。 いい感じのフォントを見つけて準備したスライドから抜粋 広くモチベーションクラウドに関わるメンバーは、週に30分ほど「DSM(Developer Squad Meeting)」という時間があり、開発に関する重要なお知らせから、比較的軽…
How to Scrape Yandex Reverse Image Results SerpApi
Yandex Search Engine is the most popular search engine, especially for Russian content. Similar to Google's Reverse Image Search, Yandex Reverse Image Search allows you to search for information, related web pages, and similar images from your images.You can upload an image directly from your device or
株式会社ドワンゴは TSKaigi 2024 をスポンサーしています
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株式会社ドワンゴは2024年5月11日に開催される日本最大級のTypeScriptをテーマとした技術カンファレンス TSKaigi 2024 にプラチナスポンサーとして協賛いたします。 TSKaigi 2024 当日は弊社教育事業エンジニアが複数名参加します。スポンサーブースをいただいていますので、現地で参加される方は是非お気軽にお越しください。 スポンサーブースではN予備校内にあるTypeScriptの教材を触れる他、限定ノベルティもご用意しております! ドワンゴの教育事業とは? 私たちは、未来の「当たり前」の教育をつくるため、生徒・学生や教職員の「学ぶ」「教える」体験の最大化を日々目指して…
Astro 4.7
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The Astro Blog
Astro 4.7 is out now! This release includes significant improvements to the API for making toolbar apps, a new way to keep yourself up to date, and more.
Five things I like/dislike #9 pawelgrzybek.com
It’s been a while since I posted a like/dislike kind of post. I accumulated a bunch of things I wanted to share in Apple Reminders. The fact that I accumulated a lot more things that I like than the ones I am not a fan of makes me feel optimistic. Let’s go!LikedKintsugiLindt EXCELLENCE Dark Sea Salt BarThe Fastest Maze-Solving Competition On EarthThe year Twitter died: a special series from The VergeJeff Bezos: Amazon and Blue Origin | Lex Fridman Podcast #405DislikedLe Creuset Casseroles prices
React 19 Beta
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React Blog
React 19 Beta is now available on npm! In this post, we'll give an overview of the new features in React 19, and how you can adopt them.
React 19 Beta Upgrade Guide
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React Blog
The improvements added to React 19 require some breaking changes, but we've worked to make the upgrade as smooth as possible and we don't expect the changes to impact most apps. In this post, we will guide you through the steps for upgrading libraries to React 19 beta.
Introducing Node.js Security Permissions Model, Threat Model, and Security Releases Node.js Secure Coding’s Blog
Learn how to secure your Node.js applications with the new Permissions Model, stay informed about security releases, and understand the Node.js Security Threat.
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 193 WebKit
Safari Technology Preview Release 193 is now available for download for macOS Sonoma and macOS Ventura.
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 193 WebKit
Safari Technology Preview Release 193 is now available for download for macOS Sonoma and macOS Ventura.
Feedback on Masonry Layout
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Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
Jen Simmons posted Help us invent CSS Grid Level 3, aka “Masonry” layout over on the WebKit blog the other day and is actively soliciting feedback. Our hope is that web designers and developers chime in (post to social media, write blog posts) with your thoughts about which direction CSS should take. Don’t mind if I do. Do […]
How Warner Bros. Discovery puts viewer experience first with Mux Mux Blog - Video technology and more
From smart TVs to the Apple Vision Pro, learn how Warner Bros. Discovery uses Mux to ensure their leading with innovation and exceeding viewers’ expectations.
Web Awesome Kickstarter Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
What is the go-to component library these days? I’m not sure there is a clear winner right now. Bootstrap is still popular I’m sure. It seems stable but also sort on maintenance mode and the fact that they are recommending this feels like they are kinda done. I imagine the Sass dependency makes it slot […]
Securing millions of developers through 2FA The GitHub Blog
We’ve dramatically increased 2FA adoption on GitHub as part of our responsibility to make the software ecosystem more secure. Read on to learn how we secured millions of developers and why we’re urging more organizations to join us in these efforts.The post Securing millions of developers through 2FA appeared first on The GitHub Blog.
JSR Is Not Another Package Manager
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JSR introduces a new way to share JavaScript and TypeScript code across platforms, focusing on simplifying distribution without replacing existing package managers.
Builder.io closes $20 million in funding led by M12, Microsoft’s Venture Fund Builder.io Blog
We’re pleased to announce that as a team we’ve raised an additional $20 million dollars in funding led by M12, Microsoft’s Venture Fund.
Using AI For Neurodiversity And Building Inclusive Tools Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers
This article illustrates how AI can be leveraged to build tools that can be inclusive with a little bit of an additional effort.

4/24 (水)

Improved team onboarding experience Vercel News
It’s now easier to join a team on Vercel. New team members no longer need to re-enter their email, or create a Hobby team or Pro trial. Team invite emails now lead to a sign up page customized for the team. This includes simplified sign up options that reflect the team's .SSO settingsYou can invite new team members under "Members" in your team settings. Learn more about managing team members in the documentation.Read more
A Guide to CI/CD Costs Optimization Semaphore
Learn how to optimize CI/CD workflows to reduce resource use. Includes caching, fail-fast strategies, and more.The post A Guide to CI/CD Costs Optimization appeared first on Semaphore.
zig devlog ep1 erock's devlog
After years of sticking to the languages I know, I decided to jump into a newlanguage. I'm pretty passive when it comes to my interests, they always presentthemselves to me. I don't always know what draws me to a language, but in thiscase the obvious one was bun.sh. I've never used bun, nor did I previously haveany interest in using it, but I did follow jarred for awhile and was impressedby his productivity. Clearly a very bright engineer. I also meandered onto acouple blog posts about zig recen
HTML attributes vs DOM properties
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Jake Archibald's blog
They're completely different, but often coupled.
UnitedHealth Group Discloses Protected Health Information Compromised for “Substantial Portion of People in America” in Recent Cyberattack Socket
UnitedHealth Group disclosed that the ransomware attack on Change Healthcare compromised protected health information for millions in the U.S., with estimated costs to the company expected to reach $1 billion.
Enhancing Rails Log Output with SQL Query Count Saeloun Blog
Rails developers often faced challenges optimizing performance due to logs that lacked detailed SQL query information.This made it difficult to identify specific performance bottlenecks, as the logs only provided general data on database interactions and view rendering times.A recent update to the Rails framework, offers an insightful enhancement to how Rails logs SQL queries during template rendering.This feature is particularly useful for developers who need to monitor SQL queries to optimize
Why don’t we talk about minifying CSS anymore? Sentry Blog RSS
Remember Grunt files? Gulp files? We rarely need to think about CSS minification, chunking, splitting and post-processing anymore. Here's why.
Should You Use Ruby on Rails or Hanami? AppSignal
Let's explore the strengths and weaknesses of Rails and Hanami.
Our biggest product updates from Sessions 2024
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Stripe Blog
We announced AI-powered payments, our biggest-ever upgrades to Stripe Connect, new support for usage-based billing, increased interoperability, and a lot more.
Celebrate JavaScript Naked Day every year on April 24 Zach Leatherman
Today my personal web site is being served sans-JavaScript in honor of JavaScript Naked Day.I implemented this on my web site using a global JS_ENABLED in my Eleventy configuration file (propagated to templates via Eleventy’s global data). This removed the <script> elements in the output of the site’s build.Origin Story #It started with a toot celebrating CSS Naked Day:It’s #CSSNakedDay! I love this trend—it highlights the importance of a foundation of good HTML. We need a similar one for JavaSc
Mouse Gestures in Edge text/plain
Over twenty years ago, the Opera browser got me hooked on mouse gestures, a way for you to perform common browser actions quickly. After I joined the IE team in 2004, I fell in love with a browser extension written by Ralph Hare and I later blogged about it on the IEBlog and helped RalphContinue reading "Mouse Gestures in Edge"
Megan Marie Myers Chris Coyier
In Bend, you can’t miss the illustration work of Megan Marie Myers. It’s absolutely everywhere. There are murals. There are calendars for sale everywhere. Prints are hung up at coffeeshops, sometimes as whole exhibitions. She’s got books, stickers, hats, postcards, notecards, and heck, even neck gaiters. If her art wasn’t as charming and well done, […]
Porting a cross-platform GUI application to Rust
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Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
In this blog post, we delve into the motivations for choosing Rust for our crash reporter, outline the unique challenges of designing an application that operates when the main browser has failed, and discuss the new architecture we've implemented. We also share insights into the technical nuances of the implementation, demonstrating how Rust's features are leveraged to handle crashes more effectively and securely.The post Porting a cross-platform GUI application to Rust appeared first on Mozill
I am Available as a Freelance Developer Write Software, Well
With my current projects wrapping up, I have the capacity to take on at least one or two new freelance projects, and I can devote my full attention for 20-30 hours each week per project. If you (or your team) are looking for a freelance Ruby and Rails developer, please reach out to me via email.

4/23 (火)

Making the first mile as reliable as the last mile: SRT support is now GA Mux Blog - Video technology and more
Now in general availability -- Secure Reliable Trasport (SRT) live ingest for Mux Video. SRT on Mux also supports HEVC. Learn more.
Blocking AI Bots Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
I heard from a guy once who was incredulous I’d want to block the bots that scrape websites to train AI models. Why wouldn’t I want to help train the intelligence of the future? I get that perspective, I do, but shouldn’t it be up to me? The companies that are scraping my sites are […]
The Front End Developer/Engineer Handbook 2024 — A Guide to Modern Web Development
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Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
We just released the highly anticipated Frontend Handbook 2024, by Cody Lindley! The handbook provides an in-depth overview of the skills, tools, and technologies necessary to excel as a front-end developer / engineer. With 38,000 words of practical knowledge and advice, it covers the core technologies—HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—and how they form the foundation of […]
Lessons from building an automated SDK pipeline The Cloudflare Blog
During Developer Week 2024, we announced the revamped SDKs that are automatically generated using our OpenAPI schemas. Today, we’re taking a deeper look at how the pipeline works and share lessons we’ve learned along the way
Latency numbers every frontend developer should know
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Vercel News
Web page load times and responsiveness to user action in web apps is a primary driver of user satisfaction–and both are often dominated by network latency.Latency itself is a function of the user's connection to the internet (Wifi, LTE, 5G), how far away the server is that the user is connecting to, and the quality of the network in between.While the latency numbers may seem low by themselves, they compound quickly. For example, a of depth 3 on a 300ms link leads to a total latency of 900ms. Tec
Announcing the Hookdeck SDK on JSR Deno
Hookdeck, an event gateway for distributed and async architecture, now has an SDK on JSR.
F-Shape Pattern And How Users Read Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers
Scrolling, scanning, skipping: How do users consume content online? Here’s what you need to know about reading behavior and design strategies to prevent harmful scanning patterns. An upcoming part of Smart Interface Design Patterns.
Announcing Apple Silicon Machine Types Semaphore
Announcing new Apple Silicon M2 machine types for faster macOS and iOS app development.The post Announcing Apple Silicon Machine Types appeared first on Semaphore.
Google Search Parameters (2024 Guide) SerpApi
In this blog post, we will explore some of the Google search parameters with their corresponding attributions in SerpApi Documentation.
How Threat Actors are Abusing GitHub’s File Upload Feature to Host Malware Socket
GitHub is susceptible to a CDN flaw that allows attackers to host malware on any public repository.
Are we ready to put AI in the hands of business users? Scott Logic
Lots of businesses want to use AI, if they can find the right business case for it. We look at some new and enhanced AWS products which take a low-or-no-code approach to using AI to enhance Business Intelligence tools.
Deep Diving Into the Erlang Scheduler AppSignal
Let's see how Erlang's scheduler works internally and dissect some of its key components.
Setting up service workers on Vultr MDN Blog
This guide introduces you to service workers and their lifecycle. Learn how to deploy a project using service workers with HTTPS on Vultr.
Backing up my life with a Synology NAS Human Who Codes
Data in a public cloud is out of your control, that's why I decided to create my own private cloud in my office.
Shipping Rails logs with Kamal and Vector
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Honeybadger Developer Blog
You've deployed your Rails app with Kamal, but now what? How do you know what's happening under the hood? You can tail your logs on the server (otherwise known as hard mode), but there's a better way: ship them off-site with Vector!
Chris Coyier
Most internet travels by wire. Straight through the dang ocean. Josh Dzieza in a feature for The Verge: These fragile wires are constantly breaking — a precarious system on which everything from banks to governments to TikTok depends. But thanks to a secretive global network of ships on standby, every broken cable is quickly fixed. […]
Faces.js and Playing with Densely Packed Grids Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
I only just recently saw Faces.js, a library for producing controllable cartoony avatars. It was launched in 2012, so I’m a little late to the party. It produces faces (busts, really) randomly, or with certain parameters locked to what you want. I think that’s a really cool idea, and if you needed this kind of […]
Using open source to help the earth The GitHub Blog
This Earth Day, we discuss how tech and open source are helping two organizations combat the effects of a changing climate.The post Using open source to help the earth appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

4/22 (月)

How to Route an Incoming URL to a Rack Application in Rails Write Software, Well
The Rails router can dispatch an HTTP request to a Rack endpoint, either in your application or within a gem. This is useful when you want to provide a well-isolated web UI or front-end to the users of your gem. In this post, we'll learn why you may want to do this, how it works, and how to do it.
About the sweet and powerful 'use case' code pattern Practica.js Blog
Intro: A sweet pattern that got lost in time
Async APIs - don't confuse your events, commands and state Scott Logic
This blog is about the different types of message you can put on systems like Rabbit MQ and Kafka. It discusses the differences between commands, events, state and gives a few tips around how to structure your messages.
新しく入社したデータサイエンティストが語る、ウォンテッドリーにおける推薦の魅力とは。| Cross Talk / Data Chapter Wantedly Engineer Blog
フォントを様々な形式に変換する fontconv を作った
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marmooo's blog
フォントを様々な形式に変換する fontconv を作りました。.ttf, .otf, .svg, .woff, .woff2 の相互変換とサブセット化に対応しています。.eot も出力だけは対応しています。なぜ作ったかというと、フォントを Web 上で利用するための woff2 最適化に苦労したからです。私の場合は以前 ttf2svg を自作したので、ttf2svg -> svg2woff2 の2回で woff2 は最適化できるようにしていたのですが、巷のアイコンは woff2 形式でしか配布されていないことがあることに気付きました。これがなかなか強敵で、woff2 をロードして最適化した後、woff2 へ再変換できるライブラリが見つかりませんでした。具体例を上げれば Material Icons の最適化は大変で、びっくりしました。さすがにこれはおかしいなと思い、様々な形式に対応したフォントコンバーターを作りました。pyftsubset は動きますが、Python でインストールがやや面倒で、異体字に対応していない問題があります。 fontminfont-carrierfont-e
Apache Spark - What does going from 2.4 to 3.5 get you? Scott Logic
We look at what has changed between Apache Spark 2.4.x and 3.5.1, describing some of the new functionality and the significant boost in performance .
ESLint v9.1.1 released
はてなブックマークアイコン 1
ESLint Blog
HighlightsFixed an issue that would sometimes cause an outdated version of @eslint/create-config to be used when running npx eslint --init.Bug Fixesa26b402 fix: use @eslint/create-config latest (#18373) (唯然)
React Native 0.74 - Yoga 3.0, Bridgeless New Architecture, and more
はてなブックマークアイコン 1
React Native Blog
Today we're releasing React Native 0.74! This release adds Yoga 3.0, Bridgeless by default under the New Architecture, batched onLayout updates (New Architecture), and Yarn 3 as the default package manager for new projects.
New App: Icon Preview Sindre Sorhus — Blog
Preview your app icon and menu bar icon
Going Electric – Solar 1 Year Later text/plain
In March of 2023, I had an 8kw solar array installed and I was finally permitted to turn it on starting April 21, 2023. My pessimistic/optimistic assumption that my buying an expensive solar array was going to be the trigger for technological breakthroughs in solar technology that rendered my panels obsolete wasn’t entirely unfounded. SureContinue reading "Going Electric – Solar 1 Year Later"
Math.max() にスプレッド構文で大きな配列を渡すとエラーになる恐れがある azukiazusa のテックブログ2
`Math.max()` は、引数に渡された数値のうち最大のものを返す JavaScript の組み込み関数です。この関数は任意の数の引数を受け取るので、配列最大値を求めたい場合にはスプレッド構文で展開して渡す使い方が一般的です。しかし、引数の数が多すぎるとエラーになることがあります。

4/21 (日)

コンテナ要素に基づく相対的な CSS の単位(cqw, cqh, cqi, cqb, cqmin, cqmax) azukiazusa のテックブログ2
コンテナクエリ単位とは、コンテナ要素に基づいてスタイルを定義するための相対的な長さを表す単位です。例えば `1cqw` はコンテナ要素の幅の 1% に相当します。
Common Node.js Security Issues and How to Mitigate Them Node.js Secure Coding’s Blog
Learn about common Node.js security issues and how to mitigate them. This blog post covers Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks, DNS rebinding attacks, unintended package publication, information exposure via timing attacks, and command injection vulnerabilities.
Chris Coyier
You’re doing yourself a grave disservice if your writing opens with something boring or banal. You’re going to lose me, at least. I’ve got a list of stuff to read and watch as long as your arm. Maggie really digs into this, in an effort to get better. Your challenge is finding the compelling problem […]