


10/5 (土)

Escape vs Invicti Escape - The API Security Blog
Discover why Escape is a better API security solution.
A journalist-turned-product leader on reshaping the internet through community and creative coding The Mozilla Blog
Here at Mozilla, we are the first to admit the internet isn’t perfect, but we know the internet is pretty darn magical. The internet opens up doors and opportunities, allows for human connection, and lets everyone find where they belong — their corners of the internet. We all have an internet story worth sharing. In […]The post A journalist-turned-product leader on reshaping the internet through community and creative coding appeared first on The Mozilla Blog.
Privacy-preserving digital ads infrastructure: An overview of Anonym’s technology The Mozilla Blog
BRAD SMALLWOOD, SVP AND ANONYM CO-FOUNDERGRAHAM MUDD, SVP OF PRODUCT AND ANONYM CO-FOUNDER It’s been four months since Anonym joined Mozilla. Anonym was founded with the belief that new technologies can keep digital ads effective and measurable while respecting privacy. Mozilla has long been a leader in digital privacy, so Anonym is happy to report […]The post Privacy-preserving digital ads infrastructure: An overview of Anonym’s technology appeared first on The Mozilla Blog.

10/4 (金)

SonarQube 10.7 Release Announcement Blog RSS feed
Sonar introduces powerful AI-driven features, expanded support for new and existing languages and frameworks, and deeper security, all to elevate your code quality. These updates bring significant advancements for developers and teams.
Le bestiaire des longs formulaires Marmelab blog
Étapes, accordéons, onglets ou sommaire : quelle est la meilleure structure pour optimiser les longs formulaires ?
Terraform VS CDK Scott Logic
Comparing the experience of coding with Terraform and AWS CDK.
How A Bottom-Up Design Approach Enhances Site Accessibility Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers
You can’t overstate the importance of accessible website design. By the same token, bottom-up philosophies are crucial in modern site-building. A detail-oriented approach makes it easier to serve a more diverse audience along several fronts. Making the most of this opportunity will both extend your reach to new niches and make the web a more equitable place.
shufコマンドがないときに同じことをするシェルスクリプト hogashi.*
shuf コマンドとは、入力の行をシャッフルして出力するコマンド。 shuf invocation (GNU Coreutils 9.5) 手元の環境に入ってなかったので、こういうのを書いてみた。 Bash で試しています。オプションとかは実装してません。 function shuf() { OLD_IFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' ( for line in $( if [ -n "$1" ]; then cat "$1" else cat /dev/stdin fi ); do echo "$RANDOM"$'\t'"$line" done ) | sort -n | cut -f2-…
「一休×AEON 事業会社のサービスを支える基盤開発トーク」を開催しました 一休.com Developers Blog
はじめに kymmtです。 先日2024年9月18日に、「事業会社のサービスを支える基盤開発トーク」と題してイオンスマートテクノロジー(以下AST)さんと合同で技術イベントを実施しました。 ikyu.connpass.com イベントでは、各会社の事業を支える基盤プロダクトの開発や運用における苦労や工夫について登壇者の方々にお話しいただきました。 この記事では、このイベントの様子や発表の内容を紹介します。なお、X(旧Twitter)でも#ikyu_aeonというハッシュタグで当日の様子がご覧になれます。 会場 会場は、一休のオフィスも入っている東京ガーデンテラス紀尾井町内のLODGEでした。 …
MEGA SEO: Building the next generation of blogging with AI workflows Inngest Product & Engineering Blog
Joe Adams from MEGA SEO shares how Inngest enabled them to build AI workflows that would have been difficult or impossible to achieve with SQS.
ESLint is Now Language-Agnostic: Linting JSON, Markdown, and Beyond
はてなブックマークアイコン 1
ESLint has added JSON and Markdown linting support with new officially-supported plugins, expanding its versatility beyond JavaScript.
How students teamed up to decode 2,000-year-old texts using AI The GitHub Blog
Students used GitHub Copilot to decode ancient texts buried in Mount Vesuvius, achieving a groundbreaking historical breakthrough. This is their journey, the technology behind it, and the power of collaboration.The post How students teamed up to decode 2,000-year-old texts using AI appeared first on The GitHub Blog.
Introducing Netlify Extensions: Create more powerful, customized workflows Netlify RSS
Use Netlify Extensions with ready-made third-party services or personalized interfaces to create customized workflows to tailor and enhance your Netlify experience.
Pixel's Proactive Approach to Security: Addressing Vulnerabilities in Cellular Modems Google Online Security Blog
Posted by Sherk Chung, Stephan Chen, Pixel team, and Roger Piqueras Jover, Ivan Lozano, Android teamPixel phones have earned a well-deserved reputation for being security-conscious. In this blog, we'll take a peek under the hood to see how Pixel mitigates common exploits on cellular basebands.Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, but few of us think about the complex software that powers them, especially the cellular baseband – the processor on the device responsible for handlin
Evaluating Mitigations & Vulnerabilities in Chrome Google Online Security Blog
Posted by Alex Gough, Chrome Security TeamThe Chrome Security Team is constantly striving to make it safer to browse the web. We invest in mechanisms to make classes of security bugs impossible, mitigations that make it more difficult to exploit a security bug, and sandboxing to reduce the capability exposed by an isolated security issue. When choosing where to invest it is helpful to consider how bad actors find and exploit vulnerabilities. In this post we discuss several axes along which to ev
A free and open internet shouldn’t come at the expense of privacy The Mozilla Blog
MARK SURMAN, PRESIDENT, MOZILLA Keeping the internet, and the content that makes it a vital and vibrant part of our global society, free and accessible has been a core focus for Mozilla from our founding. How do we ensure creators get paid for their work? How do we prevent huge segments of the world from […]The post A free and open internet shouldn’t come at the expense of privacy appeared first on The Mozilla Blog.
Improving online advertising through product and infrastructure The Mozilla Blog
LAURA CHAMBERS, CEO, MOZILLA CORPORATION As Mark shared in his blog, Mozilla is going to be more active in digital advertising. Our hypothesis is that we need to simultaneously work on public policy, standards, products and infrastructure. Today, I want to take a moment to dive into the details of the “product” and “infrastructure” elements. […]The post Improving online advertising through product and infrastructure appeared first on The Mozilla Blog.
The Schedule is Live: The Elephant in AppSec Conference Escape - The API Security Blog
Explore the agenda of The Elephant in AppSec Conference. Discover expert-led sessions on what's broken in AppSec and how to fix it. Register now!
The Proliferation and Problem of the ✨ Sparkles ✨ Icon CSS-Tricks
Kate Kaplan hits on something over at Nielsen Norman Group’s blog that’s been bugging me:The challenge with this icon is sparkle ambiguity: Participants in our recent research study generally agreed that it represented something a little special…The Proliferation and Problem of the ✨ Sparkles ✨ Icon originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
Introducing Lumigator The Mozilla Blog
In today’s fast-moving AI landscape, choosing the right large language model (LLM) for your project can feel like navigating a maze. With hundreds of models, each offering different capabilities, the process can be overwhelming. That’s why Mozilla.ai is developing Lumigator, a product designed to help developers confidently select the best LLM for their specific project. […]The post Introducing Lumigator appeared first on The Mozilla Blog.
Netlify launches Async Workloads: The future of durable serverless architecture Netlify RSS
Explore the launch of Netlify Async Workloads, a new feature that enables developers to create durable, event-driven workflows on any Netlify site, enhancing reliability and efficiency without additional infrastructure management.

10/3 (木)

Web Components are Bad, Good, and OK Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
There is a meta conversation of “Web Components are very definitely going to be around 10 years from now while any JavaScript framework today will not” is worth considering, but pits the two directly against each other when we really don’t need to.
Catching Up on the WordPress 🚫 WP Engine Sitch CSS-Tricks
Many of you — perhaps most of you — have been sitting on the sidelines while WordPress and WP Engine trade legal attacks on one another. It’s been widely covered as we watch it unfold in the open; ironically, in …Catching Up on the WordPress 🚫 WP Engine Sitch originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
Benchmarking the performance of CSS @property Bram.us
With @​property now being Baseline Newly Available, I thought it’d be a good time benchmark the impact – if any – it has on the performance of your CSS. When starting to use a new CSS feature it’s important to understand its impact on the performance of your websites, whether positive or negative. With @property … Continue reading "Benchmarking the performance of CSS @property"
Serverless servers: Efficient serverless Node.js with in-function concurrency
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Vercel News
We’re sharing a first look at a new version of with that brings the best of servers to serverless functions.Vercel Functionssupport for in-function concurrencyWe’ve been testing this new version with customers and are seeing a without latency impact.20%-50% reduction in compute usage and respective cost reductionIt’s a serverless product optimized specifically for interactive workloads such as server-rendering of web pages, APIs, and AI applications. Vercel Functions continue to offer native Nod
In-function concurrency now in public beta Vercel News
In-function concurrency is now in , and allows a single function instance to handle multiple invocations concurrently, improving resource utilization by taking advantage of idle time in existing function instances.public betaTraditionally, serverless architecture maps one function instance to a single invocation. With in-function concurrency, overlapping invocations can increase efficiency by 20%-50%, reducing gigabyte-hours and lowering costs.​As part of the beta, we’re limiting the number of c
Instant Code Fixes at Your Fingertips: Announcing Sonar AI CodeFix Blog RSS feed
Sonar AI CodeFix is a powerful capability that suggests code fixes for issues discovered by our code analysis solutions SonarQube and SonarCloud.
Building Confidence and Trust in AI-Generated Code Blog RSS feed
Sonar AI Code Assurance is a robust and streamlined process for validating AI-generated code through a structured and comprehensive analysis.
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dwango on GitHub
【重要】ランキング過去ログファイル 提供終了のお知らせ いつもニコニコをご利用いただき、誠にありがとうございます。 2024年6月8日に発生したサ
A helpful approach to navigating the SEO AI shift Builder.io Blog
Explore AI's impact on SEO strategies and content creation. Find out how to balance AI tools with human expertise for better search rankings.
MongoDBをサービス無停止で継続的かつ安全にバージョンアップしている話 PLAID Engineer Blog - 株式会社プレイド
DroidKaigi 2024に参加しました CyberAgent Developers Blog | サイバーエージェント デベロッパーズブログ
こんにちは。サイバーエージェント FANTECH本部 CL事業部でAndroidアプリエンジニアをし ...
Leading the way: 10 projects in the Open Source Zone at GitHub Universe 2024 The GitHub Blog
Let’s take a closer look at some of the stars of the Open Source Zone at GitHub Universe 2024 🔎The post Leading the way: 10 projects in the Open Source Zone at GitHub Universe 2024 appeared first on The GitHub Blog.
Astro x Cloudinary SDK The Astro Blog
We are happy to partner with Cloudinary to launch the Astro x Cloudinary SDK: a comprehensive API for building with images and videos in Astro.
More security visibility for 1Password Teams accounts with new reporting trial 1Password Blog
It’s no secret that it’s hard to protect against what you can’t see. One of the biggest challenges facing security and IT experts is visibility into whether their team is following business security best practice – and this is especially true for small businesses.That’s why we’re giving 1Password Teams and Teams Starter Pack (TSP) accounts a chance for more visibility into password health, data breaches, and team usage with a new 1Password reports trial.Starting today, 1Password Teams and Teams
Dialog と Popover #6
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ついに <toast> -> <popup> -> popup -> popover として、要素から属性になり名前も決まった。とはいえ実装は popup とそんなに変わらないので、 popup でやっていた Origin Trials を継続しながら、徐々に実装を進めていくフェーズが 2022/12 くらいの話だ。Intent to extend Origin Trial: Popover APIhttps://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/kZXexHhH7EA/m/UmQYwGW3DAAJしかし、 popover を実用するには足りていない議論があった、それが Animation だ。
Atomic Repositories in Clean Architecture and TypeScript Sentry Blog RSS
You’re checking out on an e-commerce site. You have a cart with several items and quantities, and you click the checkout button. Under the…
PR TIMESはアクセシビリティカンファレンス福岡2024にゴールドスポンサーとして協賛します& PR TIMESのアクセシビリティの現在地 PR TIMES 開発者ブログ
こんにちは。フロントエンドエンジニアの夛田(@unachang113)です。 PR TIMES はアクセシビリティカンファレンス福岡2024にゴールドスポンサーとして協賛・スポンサーブースの出展をします。今回は、アクセシ […]
ESLint now officially supports linting of JSON and Markdown
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ESLint Blog
Back in July we announced ourplan for ESLint going forward. Part of that announcement discussed transitioningESLint to be a more general-purpose linter that is capable of linting anylanguage. A lot of the core functionality of ESLint (finding files, parsingthen, reporting problems) is generic, and so we’ve spent the past few monthsextracting the JavaScript-specific parts of the core. We’re now happy to sharethat this work has paid by allowing ESLint to now lint both JSON and Markdown!JSON lintin
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LegalOn Technologies Engineering Blog
はじめに こんにちは、株式会社 LegalOn Technologies 検索・推薦チーム エンジニア の 勝田 (WinField95)です。この記事では、先日実施した検索・推薦チームの社内ハッカソンについてレポートします。 「よし、みんなで楽しく開発合宿!」と行きたいところですが、なんと予算0円です。 急遽ハッカソンを企画したため、残念ながら予算を確保できていませんでした。 しかし、予算がないからといって開発合宿ができないわけではありません。遠方での合宿は難しいものの、やる気さえあればハッカソンは可能です。そこで、チームメンバー全員が通常業務を効率よく終わらせ、生み出した2日間を使ってハッ…
Fix Your LCP Score By Improving Render Delay DebugBear Blog
Learn how Render Delay can impact the LCP score for a page and optimization examples to improve the LCP sub-part.
Unveiling Members Hub: A Large-Scale Campaign to Artificially Boost Discord Server Metrics Socket
Members Hub is conducting large-scale campaigns to artificially boost Discord server metrics, undermining community trust and platform integrity.
KDD 2024 参加報告 CyberAgent Developers Blog | サイバーエージェント デベロッパーズブログ
AI事業本部でデータサイエンティストをしている杉山(@ysugiyama)と須ヶ﨑(@sugasak ...
Masonry Feedback, Round 2 Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
After the big shakeup with masonry layout recently (Apple: Make it part of display: grid;! / Google: Make it display: masonry;! / Me: I’ve got questions and I’d rather see tabbing order issues fixed first), I was very keen to hear where it would go. It took 5 months, but we’ve got movement. The CSS […]
How to protect your privacy online like a Twitch streamer The Mozilla Blog
How do Twitch streamers connect with so many people on the internet while keeping their personal lives private? For those unfamiliar, Twitch streamers are content creators who broadcast live to audiences in real-time, covering everything from gaming to productivity. Viewer interaction is a huge part of the experience, but it also opens up streamers to […]The post How to protect your privacy online like a Twitch streamer appeared first on The Mozilla Blog.
Delightful React File/Directory Structure
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Josh Comeau's blog
How should we structure components and other files in our React apps? I've iterated my way to a solution I'm really happy with. In this blog post, I'll share how it works, what the tradeoffs are, and how I mitigate them.
CSS Anchor Positioning Guide
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Learn about CSS Anchor Positioning, including its syntax, properties, how it is used to position one element next to another, and even how it's used to resize elements relative to other elements.CSS Anchor Positioning Guide originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

10/2 (水)

How Cloudflare auto-mitigated world record 3.8 Tbps DDoS attack The Cloudflare Blog
Over the past couple of weeks, Cloudflare's DDoS protection systems have automatically and successfully mitigated multiple hyper-volumetric L3/4 DDoS attacks exceeding 3 billion packets per second (Bpps). Our systems also automatically mitigated multiple attacks exceeding 3 terabits per second (Tbps), with the largest ones exceeding 3.65 Tbps. The scale of these attacks is unprecedented.
Vercel WAF upgrade brings persistent actions, rate limiting, and API control Vercel News
At Vercel Ship, the new , an application-layer firewall that complements our platform-wide firewall. This enables our customers to implement custom or managed rulesets, such as protection against the OWASP Top 10 risks.we introducedWeb Application Firewall (WAF)Since its release, Vercel’s WAF has blocked billions of malicious requests, demonstrating its resilience and reliability across a wide variety of use cases, from small startups to large enterprise deployments.Read more
Vercel WAF rate limiting now generally available Vercel News
Vercel Web Application Firewall (WAF) rate limiting is now generally available, giving you precise control over request volumes to your applications.With over 15 parameters, including target path, headers, method, and cookies, you can define the business logic for rate limiting. Then, apply a rate-limiting algorithm tied to IP, JA4 digest, headers, or user agent to control the frequency of matching traffic within your set limits.When paired with , rate limiting can help reduce resource abuse acr
Vercel WAF now supports persistent actions Vercel News
Vercel now supports persistent actions to block repeat offenders who trigger firewall rules.Web Application Firewall (WAF)These persistent actions enforce specific responses—such as blocking—against clients for a defined period, ranging from 1-60 minutes. While active, these actions prevent unnecessary processing by blocking requests earlier in their lifecycle, reducing edge request load.You can apply persistence to existing rules for actions like deny, challenge, and rate-limiting, adding an ex
Application-aware Observability now in limited beta Vercel News
We're beginning to roll out new Observability capabilities which will give enhanced insights into your application's performance and behavior in the Vercel dashboard.This will provide detailed analytics across functions, data transfer, caching, and API requests to bring further observability to Vercel's .framework-defined infrastructureNew insights include:Observability is now available in limited beta for existing Monitoring customers. Access it directly from your Vercel project’s new .Observab
The Arrange, Act, and Assert (AAA) Pattern in Unit Test Automation Semaphore
Learn what the AAA pattern is, how it works, the benefits it offers, and its role in unit test automation.The post The Arrange, Act, and Assert (AAA) Pattern in Unit Test Automation appeared first on Semaphore.
Interview With Björn Ottosson, Creator Of The Oklab Color Space Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers
Go behind the scenes with Björn Ottosson, the Swedish engineer who created Oklab color space, and discover how he developed a simple yet effective model with good hue uniformity while also handling lightness and saturation well — and is “okay” to use.
Benchmarking the performance of CSS @property
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web.dev: Blog
What impact does @property have on the performance of your CSS?
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こんにちは。AI・機械学習チームの氏家(@mowmow1259)です。 エムスリー福岡オフィスの一人目のエンジニアとして福岡で働いています。 マクドナルドの月見バーガーが好きで、今年も発売開始当日に食べに行きました。 私が所属するAI・機械学習チームでは基本的に2週間から1ヶ月程度で新規プロダクトをリリースするなど、高速にプロダクトを開発しています。 その過程で、「この書き方は落とし穴があるから使わない方がいい」といった開発に際したベストプラクティスが溜まっていきます。 そういったベストプラクティスはレビューでの指摘や技術共有会*1でチームに浸透してきますが、レビュー負荷や新メンバーへの周知な…
Expanding accessibility standards at 1Password 1Password Blog
Making a product and website accessible means making a site or app as usable as possible for everyone, regardless of their physical or cognitive disabilities.Disabilities can include:Hearing impairments like being deaf or hard of hearing.Vision impairments like low vision, color blindness, and myopia.Cognitive disabilities like autism, dyscalculia, dyslexia, and memory loss.When it comes to 1Password, giving everyone equal access and equal opportunity to use and benefit from our products strengt
Dialog と Popover #5
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このあたりから、まだ議論中の話が多いため、今後変わる可能性が高い点に注意。popup が紆余曲折を経て popover 属性になり、 2023/3 に Safari が TP166 で実装した。そのまま Safari 17 に入ることを 2023/6 の WWDC で発表したあたりから、 popover の実装は各ブラウザで一気に話が進む。Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 166https://webkit.org/blog/13964/release-notes-for-safari-technology-preview-166/News from WWDC23: WebKit Features in Safari 17 betahttps://webkit.org/blog/14205/news-from-wwdc23-webkit-features-in-safari-17-beta/そして、 2024/4 ごろに発表された Baseline 2024 に popover がエントリしたことで、 2024 年は全ブラウザで互換
Debugging a Slack Integration with Sentry’s Trace View Sentry Blog RSS
While building Sentry, we also use Sentry to identify bugs, performance slowdowns, and issues that worsen our users’ experience. With our…
Measuring the Impact of Feature Flags in Ruby on Rails with AppSignal AppSignal
We'll set up feature flags in a Solidus storefront using Flipper and AppSignal's custom metrics.
Integrating Open edX with AppSignal AppSignal
Let's see how we can use AppSignal to monitor and improve performance in an Open edX application.
Tauri 2.0 Stable Release
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Tauri | Blog
Tauri 2.0 stable is released!
How to use npm audit NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
Getting started with the npm audit command and learn why it's not enough and how to advance your project's security posture with more robust security tools like Snyk.
Eleventy v3.0.0 is now available! Zach Leatherman
After over a year of work, our very first stable release of ESM-friendly 3.0 is now available: Eleventy v3.0.0 🎈🐀We are very excited to see this ship and look forward to what y’all build with it 🏆Eleventy v3.0.0: Possums ❤️ ESM (includes full release notes, features, upgrade guide, and thank you notes!)
はてなブックマークアイコン 1
CyberAgent Developers Blog | サイバーエージェント デベロッパーズブログ
はじめに 私は金沢工業大学工学部情報工学科3年の松村拓洋です。 2024年9月、サイバーエージェント ...
NIST Misses 2024 Deadline to Clear NVD Backlog Socket
NIST has failed to meet its self-imposed deadline of clearing the NVD's backlog by the end of the fiscal year. Meanwhile, CVE's awaiting analysis have increased by 33% since June.
The Ultimate Contract Templates for Tech Consultants: Protect Your Business and Get Paid CSS Wizardry
As a tech consultant, having airtight contracts isn’t justabout the paperwork—it’s about protecting your business and ensuring you getpaid on time. I’ve developed a Contracts StarterPack specifically fortech consultants to address common challenges, such as securing intellectualproperty, managing payment terms, and avoiding scope creep.Why You Need Contract Templates as a Tech ConsultantIn the fast-paced world of tech consulting—especially where shorter, moretactical engagement are concerned—it’
Cybersecurity spotlight on bug bounty researcher @imrerad
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The GitHub Blog
For this year’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month, the GitHub Bug Bounty team is excited to feature another spotlight on a talented security researcher who participates in the GitHub Security Bug Bounty Program—@imrerad!The post Cybersecurity spotlight on bug bounty researcher @imrerad appeared first on The GitHub Blog.
Interop 2025 Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
I love the Interop project. We’re a couple of years into it, and each year it worked just like it was supposed to: features are chosen, those features are implemented (or fixed up) across all browsers. Choosing the features is somewhat democratic, and submissions are open for 2025. Remember last year I measured the positive […]

10/1 (火)

Custom Roles Are Here Semaphore
This article introduces Custom Roles for Scaleup plans, allowing tailored permissions alongside default roles for organizations and projects.The post Custom Roles Are Here appeared first on Semaphore.
Streaming now enabled by default for all Node.js Vercel Functions
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Vercel News
is now enabled by default for all for Pro and Enterprise teams, marking the final step in . This means Vercel Functions can now send data to the client as it’s generated, instead of waiting for the entire response.StreamingVercel Functions running on Node.jsthe plan we published on July 8th, 2024The environment variable is no longer required—streaming is now applied automatically upon deployment.VERCEL_FORCE_NODEJS_STREAMINGStreaming responses . If you are using Log Drains, check that your inges
What's new in Svelte: October 2024 Svelte blog
Better each blocks and a callstack for infinite loops
Spin Verman - The Version Manager Plugin Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Get started using the Spin CLI Version Manager plugin to easily switch between versions of Spin
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こんにちは。エムスリー エンジニアリンググループ プロダクト支援チームでプロダクトマネージャーをしている中村です。 今回の記事では、プロダクト支援チームのプロダクトマネージャー陣が活用している「合宿」と呼ばれる会議をご紹介します。「合宿」と言っても、泊まりに行くわけではなく、オフィスの会議室に集まって2時間程度集中してプロダクトについて議論する場を指します。エムスリーのプロダクトマネージャー陣は、この「合宿」という場を活用し、プロダクトビジョンや戦略について議論を深めています。 はじめに 「合宿」とは 議論の流れ ステップ1 ステップ2 ステップ3 「合宿」の効果 まとめ We are hir…
Impact of Verizon’s September 30 outage on Internet traffic The Cloudflare Blog
On Monday, September 30, customers on Verizon’s mobile network in multiple cities across the United States reported experiencing a loss of connectivity. HTTP request traffic data from Verizon’s mobile ASN (AS6167) showed nominal declines across impacted cities.
NIST proposed password updates: What you need to know 1Password Blog
This article will be updated over time as NIST password requirements continue to evolve.The latest draft of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) password guidelines aims to simplify password management by eliminating outdated practices and providing clearer guidance on best practices.Start:Require passwords to be a minimum of eight characters, with a recommended minimal length of 15 characters.Allow passwords to be up to 64 characters long.Accept all printing ASCII [RFC20] c
Unbundling the JavaScript ecosystem
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StackBlitz Blog
We’re excited to welcome VoidZero. Their work in Rolldown, Oxc, and Vite will have a profound effect on the Web ecosystem.
Top picks — 2024 September pawelgrzybek.com
End of September! Shocking how quickly time goes. This month for me passed like a blink of an eye, probably because of a pretty intense family holiday and a crazily busy time at work. Nonetheless, I managed to come across a few interesting bits around the web, so I would like to share them with you, as I have done for the past years on every last day of the month. And as always, a little music recommendation nugget from my collection just for you. Enjoy.Album of the monthMy friend from Poland re
Thousands of Adobe Commerce stores hacked in competing CosmicSting campaigns Sansec - experts in eCommerce security
Sansec research shows that seven different groups have been hacking into 4275 online stores since the publication of CVE-2024-34102 (also known as CosmicSting) on June 11th. Despite ongoing warning...
September Updates WorkOS Blog
Enterprise Ready Conference, HIPAA compliance, frontend sessions, AuthKit branding customization
Google's New CrUX Vis Tool: Explore Core Web Vitals Data DebugBear Blog
Google has launched a new tool to explore historical Core Web Vitals data.
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 204
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Safari Technology Preview Release 204 is now available for download for macOS Sequoia beta and macOS Sonoma.
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 204 WebKit
Safari Technology Preview Release 204 is now available for download for macOS Sequoia beta and macOS Sonoma.
Code referencing now generally available in GitHub Copilot and with Microsoft Azure AI The GitHub Blog
Announcing the general availability of code referencing in GitHub Copilot and Microsoft Azure AI, allowing developers to permit code suggestions containing public code matches while receiving detailed information about the match.The post Code referencing now generally available in GitHub Copilot and with Microsoft Azure AI appeared first on The GitHub Blog.
What’s the Difference Between HTML’s Dialog Element and Popovers?
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Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
They are pretty similar in both look and functionality, but are have some important differences, slightly different APIs, and functionality. The use cases are also a bit different, so let's have a look!
Notes on TypeScript 5.6
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Effective TypeScript
<p>We TypeScript developers are a lucky bunch. While some languages (<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Python">Python</a>, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECMAScript_version_history">JavaScript</a>) are released annually, every three years (<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B#Standardization">C++</a>) or even less, we get <em>four</em> new versions of TypeScript every year. TypeScript 5.6 was <a href="https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescr
The nuances and challenges of moderating a code collaboration platform The GitHub Blog
Sharing the latest data update to our Transparency Center alongside a new research article on what makes moderating a code collaboration platform unique.The post The nuances and challenges of moderating a code collaboration platform appeared first on The GitHub Blog.
Forrester's CISO Budget Planning Guide for 2025: Prioritize API Security Escape - The API Security Blog
Discover why API security is crucial in Forrester's CISO 2025 Budget Planning Guide. Learn how to prioritize investments and justify your budget.

9/30 (月)

CSS Masonry & CSS Grid
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An approach for creating masonry layouts in vanilla CSS is one of those “holy grail” aspirations. I actually tend to plop masonry and the classic “Holy Grail” layout in the same general era of web design. They’re different types of …CSS Masonry & CSS Grid originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
Wrapping up another Birthday Week celebration The Cloudflare Blog
Recapping all the big announcements made during 2024’s Birthday Week.
Performance Hero: Sia Karamalegos SpeedCurve Blog
Sia Karamalegos is a web performance diva we've come to know through her many articles, workshops, conference talks, and her stint as an MC at performance.now() last year – not to mention her role in speeding up a pretty big slice of the internet! Sia is kind, funny, smart as heck, and always down to talk web performance (especially if you have a Shopify site). For those reasons and many more, we are excited to share that Sia is this month's Performance Hero!Sia currently works as a freelance we
Creating a public counterpoint for AI The Mozilla Blog
Mozilla is releasing a vision for Public AI, a robust ecosystem of initiatives that promote public goods, public orientation and public use throughout every step of AI development and deployment. Read the paper here. Look around. There are buses driving alongside cars on the road. Some of your packages are delivered by private couriers, others […]The post Creating a public counterpoint for AI appeared first on The Mozilla Blog.
Crows, Ghosts, And Autumn Bliss (October 2024 Wallpapers Edition) Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers
Could there be a better way to celebrate the beginning of a new month than with a collection of desktop wallpapers? We’ve got some eye-catching designs to sweeten up your October. Enjoy!
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エンジニアリンググループHRBPの我如古です。この度、山本舜さんにエムスリーエンジニアリングフェローに就任いただくことになりましたのでお知らせいたします。 エムスリーエンジニアリングフェローとは 在籍中または卒業後に顕著な活躍をしたエンジニアに対して、エムスリーを卒業しても継続的にフェローとして称えるものです。また、エムスリー卒業生として定期的な意見交換を行ったり、エムスリーとエンジニアコミュニティをつなぐハブを担ってもらうという役割もあります。卒業は寂しいですが、新たな関係性のスタートですので引き続き仲間として良好な関係を築いて行きたいと思います!
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先日、社内有志で開催していたDB自作本 Database Design and Implementation の輪読会ならぬ輪実装会がついに完結を迎えました。 RDBMSをゼロから、毎週一人ずつ、1章分を実装してPullRequestを出しつつ資料も準備して発表をこなすという一見ハードな勉強会で、完走できるか不安もありつつスタートしましたが、やってみるとめちゃくちゃ楽しく最後まで完走できました。 本記事ではみなさんに「うちでもやってみたい」と思ってもらえることを願って、読んだ本の推しポイントや、どのように勉強会を進めたかを紹介したいと思います。 感動で涙の出るコード Part1: おすすめポイ…
How Bun supports V8 APIs without using V8 (part 1)
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Bun is built on JavaScriptCore, not V8. Here's how we're implementing V8's C++ API on top of it.
New to the web platform in September web.dev: Blog
Discover some of the interesting features that have landed in stable and beta web browsers during September 2024.
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High Link テックブログ
ハイリンク開発エンジニアの梶山(@h__kajiyama)です。今回は大切なエラートラッキングの改善についてのおはなしです はじめに サービス運営において、本番環境でのエラーは避けられません。入念に自動テストや動作確認を行なったとしても、予期せぬ障害は発生します。起きてしまったとき、エラートラッキングを適切に行うことで、問題の早期発見や迅速な原因特定を行えます。障害の被害を最小限に抑えるうえで適切で迅速な対処が最も大切です。 エラートラッキングはツールを導入するケースが多いと思いますが、導入しても適切な利用をしないと問題の早期発見や迅速な原因特定に寄与しません。 この記事では私たちのチームが実…
Escape vs Salt Security Escape - The API Security Blog
Discover why Escape is a better API security solution.
Types of React Components [2024]
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Robin Wieruch - Freelance Web Developer
There are many types of React Components that make it difficult for React beginners. This tutorial goes through each React Component Type by example ...
Cloudflare Adds Security.txt Setup Wizard Socket
Cloudflare has launched a setup wizard allowing users to easily create and manage a security.txt file for vulnerability disclosure on their websites.
まずはイテレータ(range over func)の仕様を学ぼう - Goのイテレータ深堀りNight
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newmo 技術ブログ
はじめに こんにちは。newmoでソフトウェアエンジニアをやっている@tenntennです。 本稿では、2024年9月24日(火)にファインディ株式会社主催の「Goのイテレータ深堀りNight」というイベントで登壇してきましたので、その報告と内容について紹介します。 findy.connpass.com 「Goのイテレータ深堀りNight」は、2024年8月にリリースされたGo1.23の機能の1であるrange over func(通称イテレータ)について、6人の登壇者がさまざまな角度で10分のライトニングトーク(LT)を行うイベントです。筆者は、トップバッターということで「まずはイテレータ(…
What's new in Astro - September 2024
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The Astro Blog
September 2024 - Beta 5.0, Astro Storefront, $100,000 Ecosystem Fund update, and more!
Cyberpsychologist Dr. Erik Huffman explains why social engineering attacks are so effective 1Password Blog
Social engineering works on all of us, regardless of how tech-savvy we are. Why is that? Dr. Erik Huffman, a founding researcher in the emerging field of cyberpsychology, the study of how the human brain works while in a cyber environment, has answers.Talking with Michael “Roo” Fey, Head of User Lifecycle & Growth at 1Password on the Random But Memorable podcast, Dr. Huffman revealed social engineering success involves some key factors like the different ways people can influence us, generationa
Dialog と Popover #4
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ここまでで <dialog> 要素が標準化され、 Modal/non-Modal な Dialog がネイティブで出せるようになった。今まで自前で実装していた z-index の指定や、フォーカスの管理、非活性化、キーボードでの処理、スタイルなども、細かい仕様がほぼ標準によってカバーされた。Top Layerinert:modal / ::backdropCloseWatcherFocusable Scrollersetcしかし、 <dialog> はあくまで「ユーザのインタラクションを求める」という用途で使うものであり、 role=dialog ではない、例えばちょっとしたメッセージの通知などに使うものではない。そこで、これらの資産を活用し、より汎用的な UI を標準化しようという話が、 <dialog> の標準化の裏で並行して行われた。
5 Best Practices AI Engineers Should Learn From Data Engineering Dagster Blog
AI engineering is data engineering. Here are 5 best practices the former should adopt from the latter to succeed.
Why Gumroad Didn't Choose htmx
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</> htmx - high power tools for html
At Gumroad, we recently embarked on a new project called Helper. As the CEO, I was initially quiteoptimistic about using htmx for this project, even though some team members were less enthusiastic.My optimism stemmed from previous experiences with React, which often felt like overkill for our needs. I thought htmxcould be a good solution to keep our front-end super light. Source with htmx - Click Image To ViewIn fact, I shared this sentiment with our team in Slack:“https://htmx.org/ may be a way
Supabase Launch Week 12 Hackathon Blog - Supabase
Announcing the winners of the Supabase Launch Week 12 Hackathon.
Typed Linting: The Most Powerful TypeScript Linting Ever typescript-eslint Blog
Explaining what linting with type information means, why it's so powerful, and some of the useful rules you can enable that use it.
A practical guide to web scraping with Ruby
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Honeybadger Developer Blog
Web scraping with Ruby opens up a world of possibilities. Would you like to get a text message when something gets restocked online? Dig into this article, where we'll solve a practical shopping problem in Ruby with web scraping!

9/29 (日)

Solved by CSS Scroll-Driven Animations: hide a header when scrolling down, show it again when scrolling up.
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By adding a long transition-delay to a CSS property under certain conditions (which you can do using a Style Query), you can persist its value.
Oxc Transformer Alpha The Oxidation Compiler Blog
We are excited to announce an alpha release for Oxc transform (a.k.a transpile).This release contains three major features:Transforming TypeScript to ESNext.Transforming React JSX to ESNext, with built-in React Refresh.TypeScript Isolated Declarations DTS Emit without using the TypeScript compiler.In this alpha stage, we recommend to experiment with these features to speed up build times.Our benchmark shows:Transform: Oxc is 3x - 5x faster than SWC, uses 20% less memory, and has smaller package
New App: Supercharge
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Sindre Sorhus — Blog
Elevate your Mac experience
Web components are okay Read the Tea Leaves
Every so often, the web development community gets into a tizzy about something, usually web components. I find these fights tiresome, but I also see them as a good opportunity to reach across “the great divide” and try to find common ground rather than another opportunity to dunk on each other. Ryan Carniato started the […]

9/28 (土)

UI を閉じる動作を処理する CloseWatcher API
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azukiazusa のテックブログ2
CloseWatcher API は UI を閉じる動作を処理するための API です。キーボードの `Esc` キー、Android の戻るボタンなどのデバイス固有のメカニズムによって閉じるイベントを提供します。
Malicious “express-dompurify” npm Package Steals Browser and Cryptocurrency Wallet Data Socket
The Socket Research team breaks down a malicious npm package targeting the legitimate DOMPurify library. It uses obfuscated code to hide that it is exfiltrating browser and crypto wallet data.
Slide Through Unlimited Dimensions With CSS Scroll Timelines CSS-Tricks
The creator of CSS has said he originally envisaged CSS as the main web technology to control behavior on web pages, with scripting as a fallback when things weren’t possible declaratively in CSS. The rationale for a CSS-first approach was …Slide Through Unlimited Dimensions With CSS Scroll Timelines originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.