Babel Blog

7.26.0 Released: stage 4 features enabled by default, and a new experimental code printer
Babel Blog
Babel 7.26.0 was just released!

7.25.0 Released: Safari bugfixes and duplicated named capturing groups
Babel Blog
Babel 7.25.0 is out!

CVE-2023-45133: Finding an Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerability In Babel
Babel Blog
On October 10th, 2023, I stumbled upon an arbitrary code execution vulnerability in Babel, which was subsequently assigned the identifier CVE-2023-45133. In this post, I’ll walk you through the journey of discovering and exploiting this intriguing flaw.

7.23.0 Released: Decorator Metadata and many new `import` features!
Babel Blog
We just released Babel 7.23.0! 🎉

7.22.0 Released: Explicit Resource Management support and Import Attributes parsing
Babel Blog
Babel 7.22.0 is out, with parsing/transform support for the Explicit Resource Management proposal, including both the sync and async variants, and with parsing support for the Import Attributes (an evolution of the old Import Assertions proposal).

7.21.0 Released: Inline RegExp modifiers, TypeScript 5.0, and Decorators updates
Babel Blog
We just published Babel 7.21.0!

7.19.0 Released: Stage 3 decorators and more RegExp features!
Babel Blog
We just published Babel 7.19.0!

7.18.0 Released: Destructuring private elements and TypeScript 4.7
Babel Blog
We just published Babel 7.18.0!

7.15.0 Released: Hack-style pipelines, TypeScript const enums and Rhino target support
Babel Blog
This release enables parsing top-level await (Stage 4 at the May meeting) and transforming ergonomic brand checks for private fields (Stage 4 at the July meeting) by default. There is also now support for the Hack-style pipeline operator. We also improved our TypeScript support, implementing transform support for const enums and namespace aliases, and we expanded our heuristics to add .displayName to React components created by React.createContext() (#13501).

Babel is used by millions, so why are we running out of money?
Babel Blog
Since 2018, Babel has been doing a funding experiment: can full time work on Babel be sustained? We've learned the answer might be no.

7.14.0 Released: New class features enabled by default, TypeScript 4.3, and better CommonJS interop
Babel Blog
Babel 7.14.0 is out!

7.13.0 Released: Records and Tuples, granular compiler assumptions, and top-level targets
Babel Blog
We just published Babel 7.13.0, the first minor release of 2021!

7.12.0 Released: TypeScript 4.1, strings as import/export names, and class static blocks
Babel Blog
We just published a new minor version of Babel!

7.11.0 Released: ECMAScript 2021 support in preset-env, TypeScript 4.0 support, printing config and the future of `babel-eslint`
Babel Blog
We just released a new minor version of Babel!

7.10.0 Released: Class Fields in preset-env, '#private in' checks and better React tree-shaking
Babel Blog
We just released a new minor version of Babel!