Vercel News


waitUntil is now available for Vercel Functions
Vercel News
You can now use by importing in your Vercel Functions, regardless of the framework or runtime you use.waitUntil@vercel/functionsThe method enqueues an asynchronous task to be performed during the lifecycle of the request. It doesn't block the response, but should complete before shutting down the function.waitUntil()It's used to run anything that can be done after the response is sent, such as logging, sending analytics, or updating a cache, without blocking the response from being sent.The package is supported in Next.js (including Server Actions), Vercel CLI, and other frameworks, and can be used with the .Node.js and Edge runtimesLearn more in the .documentationRead more
Vercel Functions for Hobby can now run up to 60 seconds
Vercel News
Based on your feedback, Hobby customers can now run functions .up to 60 secondsStarting today, all new deployments will be able to increase the maximum duration of functions on the free tier from 10 seconds up to 60 seconds. If you need longer than 60 seconds, you can upgrade to Pro for .up to 5 minutes to learn more.Check out our documentationRead more
Recommend branch based feature flag overrides
Vercel News
You can now recommend feature flag overrides for specific branches in order to equip your team and quickly share work in development. The Vercel Toolbar will suggest flag overrides to team members working on the branch locally or when visiting a branch Preview Deployment. This extends the recently announced ability to from Vercel Toolbar, currently in beta.view and override your application's feature flagsAs part of this change, we’ve improved the onboarding for setting up and integrating feature flags into the toolbar.Learn more about the and .Vercel Toolbarfeature flagsRead more
Access groups now generally available on Enterprise plans
Vercel News
Enterprise customers can now manage access to critical Vercel projects across many Vercel users easier than ever with Access Groups. Access Groups allow team administrators to create a mapping between team members and groups of Vercel projects. Users added to an Access Group will automatically be assigned access to the Projects connected to that Access Group, and will be given the default role of that group, making onboarding easier and faster than ever for new Vercel Team members.For customers who use a third-party Identity Provider, such as Okta, Access Groups can with their provider, making it faster to start importing users to Vercel without creating manual user group mappings (Vercel is compliant).automatically syncSCIMFor example, you can have a Marketing Engineering Access Group, which has a default project role of "Developer". When a new member is added to the Marketing Engineering group, they will automatically be assigned the Developer role, and access to all Projects assigne
Python 3.12 and Ruby 3.3 are now available
Vercel News
Starting today, new Python and will use version and new Ruby Builds and Functions will use version .BuildsFunctions3.123.3If you need to continue using Python or Ruby , ensure you have selected for the Node.js Version in your project settings to use the . 3.93.2older build image18.xFor Python 3.9, ensure your and corresponding have set to exactly. Similarly, for Ruby 3.2, make sure is defined in the .PipfilePipfile.lockpython_version3.9ruby "~> 3.2.x"‌Gemfile‍​‍​‍‌‍‌Check out to learn more about our supported runtimes.the documentationRead more
How Dub grew to 3,000 active domains with Vercel’s multi-tenant SaaS toolkit
Vercel News
is an open-source link management platform that helps marketing teams create marketing campaigns, link sharing features, and referral programs. Currently, Dub boasts over 3,000 active domains, growing at a remarkable 25% month-over-month rate.DubRead more
Vercel Functions are now faster—and powered by Rust
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Vercel News
Vercel Functions run code on demand without the need to manage your own infrastructure, provision servers, or upgrade hardware—and are now powered by Rust under the hood.Read more
Vercel AI SDK 3.1: ModelFusion joins the team
Vercel News
Today, we're releasing the AI SDK 3.1, with joining our team.ModelFusionThis release brings us one step closer to delivering a . It is organized into three main parts:complete TypeScript framework for building AI applicationsRead more
Vercel supports HIPAA compliance
Vercel News
Vercel is committed to providing a and reliable platform for hosting websites and applications—across all industries. But this can be challenging with industry-specific regulations, especially for healthcare organizations and entities that process protected health information (PHI). secureRead more
Accounts can now have multiple email addresses
Vercel News
You can now add multiple email addresses to your Vercel account.For example, both your personal email and work email can be attached to the same Vercel account. All verified emails attached to your account can be used to login. You can mark an email as "primary" on your account, which makes it the destination for account and project notifications.Learn more in our .documentationRead more
Faster build times with optimized uploads
Vercel News
We've optimized our to reduce upload times by 15% on average for all customers. build processFor customers with large builds (10,000 outputs or more), upload times have decreased by 50%. This results in a time saving of up to 5 minutes per build for several customers.Learn more about builds in .our documentationRead more
Vercel Terraform Provider v1.9
Vercel News
The allows you to create, manage and update your Vercel projects, configuration, and settings through infrastructure-as-code.Vercel Terraform ProviderYou can now control significantly more Vercel resources through Terraform: Learn how to get started with the . If you already have Terraform set up, upgrade by running:Terraform provider for VercelRead moreControl whether custom production domains are automatically assignedEnable and disable on a projectGit LFSConfigure Automatic Function FailoverAllow the over preview builds prioritization of production buildsConfigure Skew Protection Create and manage Deploy HooksEnable and disable on preview deployments CommentsEnable and disable for a projectGit CommentsSet up and manage Configurable Log DrainsCreate and manage Account WebhooksConfigure stores, schemas and access tokens.Edge Config
How Vercel helped Tonies expand into new markets and improve conversion rates
Vercel News
‌ ‍ ​‍​‍‌‍ ‌ ​‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌ ‌‍‍‌‌‍ ‍​‍​‍​ ‍‍​‍​‍‌‍​ ‌‍ ‌‍ ‍‌ ‌​‌‍‌‌‌‍ ‍‌ ‌​‌‍‌‍‌ ‌‌‌‍ ​​‍ ‍‌‍​ ‌‍ ‌‍ ‌​‍​‍​‍ ​​‍​‍‌‍‍​‌ ​‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‌‍​‍​‍​ ‍‍​‍​‍​‍ ‌‍​‌‌ ​​‌‍‍‌​‍ ‌‍​‍‌‍ ​‌‍ ‌‍‌ ​‍ ‌‍‌‌‌‍‌​‌‍‍‌‌ ‌​​ ‌‍‌‌​ ‌​ ‌‌‌‍ ‌‌​‌‌‌‌‌ ‌‌​‌‌‍‍‍‌​ ​​ ‌ ‌ ​‌‌​​‌​ ‌‍‌​‌​‌​‍​‌​‍​‌ ‌​​ ‌‌​ ‌​‌​​‌‌​‍‌‌​​‌‌‍ ​ ‌ ​‍‌‍‌ ‌​​ ‌‌‍‌‌​‍​‍​‍ ​​‍​‍‌ ‌​‌ ‍‌‌ ​​‌‍‌‌​‍​‍​ ‍‍​‍​‍‌ ‌​‌‍‌‌‌ ‍​‌ ‌​​‍​‍​‍ ​​‍​‍‌‍‌​‌‍​‌‌ ‌​‌‍​‌​‍​‍​ ‍‍​‍​‍‌ ​ ‌ ‌‌‌‍​‍‌ ‌​‌‍‍‌‌ ‌​‌‍ ​‌‍‌‌​‍​‍‌ ‌, creators of the smart audio system for children, sought to expand into new markets, but it became clear that their existing platform couldn't support this growth. In response, they undertook a strategic transition to a new frontend platform powered by Vercel's Frontend Cloud and Contentful's CMS.ToniesRead more
Faster defaults for Vercel Function CPU and memory
Vercel News
The default CPU for Vercel Functions will change from (0.6 vCPU/1GB Memory) to (1 vCPU/1.7GB Memory) for created after . unless manually updated.BasicStandardnew projectsMay 6th, 2024Existing projects will remain unchangedThis change helps ensure consistent function performance and faster startup times. Depending on your function code size, this may reduce cold starts by a few hundred milliseconds.While increasing the function CPU increase costs for the same duration, it can also make functions execute faster. If functions execute faster, you incur less overall function duration usage. This is especially important if your function runs CPU-intensive tasks.canThis change will be applied to all paid plan customers (Pro and Enterprise), no action required. Check out our to learn more.documentationRead more
Improved infrastructure pricing is now active for new customers
Vercel News
Earlier this month, we announced our , which is .improved infrastructure pricingactive for new customers starting todayBilling for existing customers begins between June 25 and July 24. For more details, please reference the email with next steps sent to your account. Existing Enterprise contracts are unaffected.Our previous combined metrics (bandwidth and functions) are now more granular, and have reduced base prices. These new metrics can be viewed and optimized from our improved Usage page.These pricing improvements build on recent platform features to help automatically prevent runaway spend, including , , , , and more.hard spend limitsrecursion protectionimproved function defaultsAttack Challenge ModeRead more
Improved team onboarding experience
Vercel News
It’s now easier to join a team on Vercel. New team members no longer need to re-enter their email, or create a Hobby team or Pro trial. Team invite emails now lead to a sign up page customized for the team. This includes simplified sign up options that reflect the team's .SSO settingsYou can invite new team members under "Members" in your team settings. Learn more about managing team members in the documentation.Read more
Latency numbers every frontend developer should know
Vercel News
Web page load times and responsiveness to user action in web apps is a primary driver of user satisfaction–and both are often dominated by network latency.Latency itself is a function of the user's connection to the internet (Wifi, LTE, 5G), how far away the server is that the user is connecting to, and the quality of the network in between.While the latency numbers may seem low by themselves, they compound quickly. For example, a of depth 3 on a 300ms link leads to a total latency of 900ms. Technologies like can move network waterfalls to the server where the same request pattern might be 100 times as waterfallReact Server ComponentsRead more
How Global Retail Brands cut development time from months to 1 week with Vercel
Vercel News
is one of Australia’s fastest-growing retailers, specializing in homeware and kitchenware goods with over 250 physical stores throughout the country. GRB is known for its flagship brands such as , , ,, and Global Retail Brands (GRB)HouseMyHouseHouse Bed & Bath BaccaratRobins Kitchen.Read more
Upcoming change in Let's Encrypt Chain of Trust
Vercel News
This change does impact customers currently using custom certificates issued by commercial CAs and using them on Vercel via the [custom certificate]( feature.Important:notVercel uses as its certificate authority (CA) to auto-provision TLS certificates to enable secure connections by default. When using custom domains in your Vercel app, traffic between clients and Vercel Edge Network is encrypted and protected using the auto-provisioned Let's Encrypt certificate.Let's Encrypt, on , the current Let’s Encrypt cross-sign root certificate issued by IdenTrust will expire and no longer be available. Considering the small proportion of internet users with older devices today, Let's Encrypt has decided to officially sunset this cross-sign certificate chain. This change has been planned by Let's Encrypt over the past few years, under their mission of providing safe and secure communication to everyone who uses the Web. You can read
Building an interactive 3D event badge with React Three Fiber
Vercel News
In this post, we’ll look at how we made the dropping lanyard for the , diving into the inspiration, tech stack, and code behind the finished product.Vercel Ship 2024 siteRead more
Releasing safe and cost-efficient blue-green deployments
Vercel News
Blue-green deployments are a great way to mitigate the risks associated with rolling out new software versions.Read more
AI-enhanced search for Vercel documentation
Vercel News
You can now get AI-assisted answers to your questions directly from the Vercel docs search:Start searching with (or on Windows) menu on .⌘ moreUse natural language to ask questions about the docsView recent search queries and continue conversationsEasily copy code and markdown outputLeave feedback to help us improve the quality of responses
Creating a robust platform for documentation with Next.js and Vercel
Vercel News
, an open-core platform for secure infrastructure access, sought to unify and enhance their website and documentation. They needed a framework that could support dynamic content, provide a smooth developer experience, and ultimately provide a robust and up-to-date resource for their customers.TeleportRead more
Gemini AI Chatbot with Generative UI support
Vercel News
The Gemini AI Chatbot template is a streaming-enabled, starter application. It's built with the , , and React Server Components & Server Actions.Generative UIVercel AI SDKNext.js App RouterThis template features persistent chat history, rate limiting to prevent abuse, session storage, user authentication, and more.The Gemini model used is , however, the enables exploring an LLM provider (like , , , , or using ) with just a few lines of code.models/gemini-1.0-pro-001Vercel AI SDKOpenAIAnthropicCohereHugging FaceLangChain or .Try the demodeploy your ownRead more
Composable AI for ecommerce: Hands-on with Vercel’s AI SDK
Vercel News
Imagine you have a great idea for an AI-powered feature that will transform your ecommerce storefront—but your existing platform stands in the way of innovating and shipping. Legacy platforms come with slow and costly updates, and you're beholden to your vendor's roadmap.Read more
How Ruggable saw 300% more organic clicks by optimizing their frontend architecture
Vercel News
Ecommerce brands today face immense pressure to stay agile and innovate continuously. Recognizing the need to optimize site performance, enhance SEO, boost conversions, and improve developer experience, Ruggable, a leading online rug retailer, embarked on a digital transformation with Vercel and Contentful.Read more
Improved infrastructure pricing
Vercel News
Based on your feedback, we're updating how we measure and charge for usage of our infrastructure products.Read more
Hostname support in Web Analytics
Vercel News
You can now inspect and filter hostnames in Vercel Web Analytics.This feature is available to all Web Analytics customers.Learn more in about filtering.our documentationRead moreAnalyze traffic by specific domains. This is beneficial for per-country domains, or for .Domain insights: building multi-tenant applicationsApply filters based on hostnames to view page views and custom events per domain.Advanced filtering:
Demant achieves global scalability and 30x faster response times with Vercel
Vercel News
, a prominent hearing healthcare and technology group, has been dedicated to improving people's health and hearing since 1904.DemantRead more
Design Engineering at Vercel
Vercel News
Design Engineer is a new role that is gaining popularity—a role that is both confusing and exciting. Expectations for what good software looks and feels like have never been higher. Design Engineers are a core part in exceeding that expectation.Read more
Node.js v20 LTS is now generally available
Vercel News
Node.js 20 is now fully supported for and . You can select in the Node.js Version section on the General page in the Project Settings. .BuildsVercel Functions20.xThe default version for new projects is now Node.js 20Node.js 20 offers improved performance and introduces new core APIs to reduce the dependency on third-party libraries in your project.The exact version used by Vercel is and will automatically update minor and patch releases. Therefore, only the major version () is guaranteed.20.11.1 20.x for more.Read the documentationRead more
Protecting AI apps from bots and bad actors with Vercel and Kasada
Vercel News
The growth in popularity of AI applications, and the relative high cost of the LLMs to power those calls, means AI apps have emerged as an incredibly high-value target for bots and bad actors.Read more
Revolutionizing video editing on the web with Next.js and Vercel
Vercel News
set out to revolutionize video editing by embracing the web.OzoneRead more
Skew Protection is now generally available
Vercel News
Last year, we introduced Vercel's industry-first and we're happy to announce it is now generally available.Skew Protection mechanism solves two problems with frontend applications:Skew ProtectionSince the initial release of Skew Protection, we have made the following improvements:Skew Protection is now supported in SvelteKit ( of the Vercel adapter), previously supported in Next.js (stable in ), and . Framework authors can view a .v5.2.0v14.1.4more frameworks soonreference implementation here to get started with Skew Protection.Learn more in the documentationRead moreIf users try to request assets (like CSS or JavaScript files) in the middle of a deployment, Skew Protection enables truly zero-downtime rollouts and ensures those requests resolve successfully.Outdated clients are able to call the correct API endpoints (or React Server Actions) when new server code is published from the latest deployment.Skew Protection can now be managed through UI in the advanced Project SettingsPro cus
Next.js AI Chatbot 2.0
Vercel News
The Next.js AI Chatbot template has been updated to use with React Server Components. AI SDK 3.0We've included examples so you can get quickly create rich chat interfaces beyond just plain text. The chatbot has also been upgraded to the latest and . Generative UINext.js App RouterShadcn UILastly, we've simplified the default authentication setup by removing the need to create a GitHub OAuth application prior to initial deployment. This will make it faster to deploy and also easier for open source contributors to use when they make changes.Vercel Preview Deployments or .Try the demodeploy your ownRead more
Leonardo.Ai performantly generates 4.5M images daily with Next.js and Vercel
Vercel News
Generating more than 4.5 million images a day, merges artificial intelligence with creativity to transform content creation across industries like gaming, marketing, and design.Leonardo.Ai Read more
WordPress monolith to Vercel: How Personio elevated site performance and efficiency
Vercel News
As Europe's leading all-in-one HR solution for small and midsized organizations, is committed to the highest standards of both user experience and application security.Personio Read more
Prioritize production builds available on all plans
Vercel News
To accelerate the production release process, can now prioritize changes to the over .customers on all plansProduction EnvironmentPreview DeploymentsWith this setting configured, any Production Deployment changes will and go to the front of the queue.skip the line of queued Preview DeploymentsYou can also increase your to give you the ability to start multiple builds at once. Additionally, can also to purchase enhanced build machines with larger memory and concurrency limitsEnterprise customerscontact salesCheck out to learn more.our documentationRead more
Manage your Vercel Functions CPU and memory in the dashboard
Vercel News
You can now configure Function CPU from the project settings page, where you can change your project’s default memory, and by extension CPU. Previously, this could only be changed in . vercel.jsonThe memory configuration of a function determines how much memory and CPU the function can use while executing. This new UI makes it more clear increasing memory boosts vCPU, which can result in better performance, depending on workload type.Existing workloads (that have not modified ) are using the cost-effective basic option. Increasing function CPU increases the cost for the same duration, but may result in a faster function. This faster function may make the change net-neutral (or a price decrease in some cases).vercel.json to learn more. Check out the documentationRead more
Improved hard caps for Spend Management
Vercel News
Pro customers can now when a spend amount is reached.automatically pause all projects Spend Management allows you to receive notifications, trigger a webhook, and now more immediately pause projects when exceeds the set amount within the current billing cycle. This stops you incurring further cost from the production deployments.metered usage to learn more.Check out our documentationRead moreYou'll receive realtime notifications when your spending approaches and exceeds the set amount. For further control, you can continue to use a webhook in addition to automatic project pausingThis includes and notifications at 50%, 75%, and 100%. You can also receive notifications when your spending reaches 100%WebEmailSMS
Introducing feature flag management from the Vercel Toolbar
Vercel News
Using feature flags to quickly enable and disable product features is more than just a development technique; it's a philosophy that drives innovation and ensures that only the best, most performant features reach your users.However, when working on a new feature you need to leave your current browser tab, sign into your flag provider, switch the flag to the value you need for development—all while coordinating and communicating this change with teammates. This adds a lot of overhead and disrupts your work.Today, we’re making that workflow easier by adding the ability for team members to right from the Vercel Toolbar.override your application’s feature flagsYou can manage flags set in any provider including , , , , or —and additionally you can integrate any other provider or even your own custom flag setup. By creating overrides for your flags from the toolbar, you can stay in the flow and improve your iteration speed.LaunchDarklyOptimizelyStatsigHypertuneSplitRead more
View and override feature flags from the Vercel Toolbar
Vercel News
You can now view and from the Vercel Toolbar.override your application's feature flagsThis means you can override flags provided by LaunchDarkly, Optimizely, Statsig, Hypertune, Split, or your custom setup without leaving your Vercel environment.Vercel can now query an API Route defined in your application to find out about your feature flags, and will pick up their values by scanning the DOM for script tags. From there you can create overrides from the Vercel Toolbar, per session, for shorter feedback loops and improved QA and testing. Additionally, the overrides will be stored in an optionally encrypted cookie so your application can respect them.This functionality is currently in beta and available to users on all plans. to learn more.Check out the documentationIf you're a feature flag provider and interested in integrating with the Vercel Toolbar, . contact usRead more
Support for Remix with Vite
Vercel News
Vercel now supports deploying Remix applications using Vite.We've collaborated with the Remix team to add to Remix. Vercel will now detect Remix projects using Vite and optimize them using our new Vite preset ().Server Bundles@vercel/remix/viteThis preset enables adding additional features for Remix on Vercel such as: or learn more .Deploy Remix to Vercelin the docsRead moreDynamically stream content with both Node.js and Edge runtimesStreaming SSR: Easily build your serverless API with Remix and a route API Routes: loaderUse powerful cache headers like Advanced Caching: stale-while-revalidateRun inside Vercel FunctionsData Mutations: actions
Introducing AI SDK 3.0 with Generative UI support
Vercel News
Last October, we launched , a generative UI design tool that converts text and image prompts to React UIs and streamlines the design engineering process.v0.devToday, we are open sourcing v0's technology with the release of the . Developers can now move beyond plaintext and markdown chatbots to give LLMs rich, component-based interfaces.Generative UIVercel AI SDK 3.0Read more
The Frontend Cloud: Powering resiliency for global web applications
Vercel News
Modern web apps are global, omni-channel and fast. Above all else they must be Every second of website downtime translates to lost revenue and eroded customer trust.available at all times. Leveraging Vercel's Frontend Cloud allows you to:Read more
Prevent malicious traffic with Attack Challenge Mode for the Vercel Firewall
Vercel News
protects your application from DDoS attacks.Vercel FirewallSpikes in high volumes of traffic sometimes indicate malicious activity on your site. Customers can now quickly lock down traffic and further protect against DDoS attacks by challenging requests, minimizing the chance that malicious bots get through.. When temporarily enabled, all visitors to your site will see a challenge screen before they are allowed through.Attack Challenge Mode is now available for all Vercel customers at no additional costLearn how to and protect your site.enable Attack Challenge ModeRead more
Deploying safely on Vercel without merge queues
Vercel News
In order to prevent issues from reaching production, repositories often have settings enabled to keep the branch green whenever any code is merged. When there are many developers contributing code, such as in a , this usually results in a slowdown in developer productivity. mainmonorepoIf branches are required to be synced to before merge, developers may have to update branch multiple times before they can merge their code, unnecessarily performing a lot of the same checks over again. A merge queue is an alternative solution to alleviate this pain, but this can also slow down productivity by forcing commits from each developer to be tested before merge in serial, even from unrelated commits.HEADWith Vercel, you can ensure the safety of production developers can merge quickly.and , without using a merge queueRead more
Effortless high availability for dynamic frontends
Vercel News
Vercel’s Frontend Cloud is designed for high availability from the ground up, with robustness against large-scale regional cloud outages at every layer of our architecture. This includes making it extraordinarily easy for our customers to run the compute they deploy to Vercel in the same highly resilient architecture. Concretely speaking, this can make the difference between downtime or smooth operation during major sales events such as Black Friday.Read more
No action required: Lowering default function timeout in new Enterprise projects
Vercel News
The default Vercel Function timeout of all new projects for Enterprise customers will be reduced to 15 seconds on Feb 20th. This change helps prevent unintentional function usage, unless explicitly opted into the (up to 15 minutes).longer function durationExisting Enterprise projects will not have their defaults changed. to learn more.Check out our documentationRead more
@vercel/otel 1.3.0
Vercel News
Vercel and Next.js provide increased observability of your applications through OpenTelemetry. of now providing custom resource and operation names for to satisfy their cardinality requirements. You can group related URL paths for a given span to reduce cardinality and associated usage.v1.3.0Datadog@vercel/otelFor example, can be mapped to ./products/hoodie/products/[name]Learn more in or start using the package with .our documentationNext.jsRead more
Vercel + WPP: World-class creativity enabled by technology
Vercel News
Today, we've announced our strategic partnership with WPP, a world leader in communications, experience, commerce, and technology. Through the years, brands have entrusted Vercel and to help them modernize their digital experience with the best creative the best technologies. Together, we serve leading organizations likeWPP’s global network of agenciesand The International Olympic Committee, James Hardie, Fluor, and Country Road Group.Read more
Evolving Vercel Functions
Vercel News
We’ve been building a new foundation for compute, built on top of Vercel’s Managed Infrastructure, for the past year.Read more
UTM parameter support in Web Analytics
Vercel News
UTM parameters are now available in Vercel Web Analytics, enabling detailed insights into marketing campaign effectiveness directly from the dashboard.This feature is available to Pro customers with and Enterprise customers.Web Analytics PlusRead moreAnalyze traffic by specific campaigns, mediums, sources, content, and terms using UTM parameters.Visibility into campaign performance: Apply filters based on UTM parameters for deeper insights into the impact of your marketing campaigns.Advanced filtering: Start analyzing past campaigns immediately with historical data automatically included.Historical UTM data:
Finishing Turborepo's migration from Go to Rust
Vercel News
We've finished porting , from Go to Rust. This lays the groundwork for better performance, improved stability, and powerful new features.Turborepo, the high performance JavaScript and TypeScript build systemRead more
Introducing AI Integrations on Vercel
Vercel News
Today, we’re launching from leading AI companies.nine new AI integrations for VercelWe’ve also created a new where you can try dozens of models instantly to generate text, images, audio, and more right in your dashboard.model playgroundRead more
AI Integrations and playground in the Vercel Dashboard
Vercel News
You can now incorporate AI models and services from industry-leading providers into your Vercel projects with a single click. to get started. Check out the documentationRead moreSeamlessly integrate with 3rd-party AI providers and vector databases.AI tab: In-dashboard playground to explore and experiment with models and preview their outputs.Playground:
PCI compliance for ecommerce
Vercel News
At Vercel, we strive to provide the best support for ecommerce customers worldwide. As a part of this work, we want to ensure that we provide support for our customers to comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS).In accordance with Vercel's , this post will walk you through our recommended approach using an to process payments—creating a secure conduit between your end users and your payment provider.shared responsibility modeliframe Read more
Recent Preview Deployments now displayed in the dashboard
Vercel News
Preview deployments you have recently viewed or deployed are now accessible from the Recent Previews column on your dashboard. Each recent preview includes a link to the deployment's page in Vercel and a link to the PR or source on your git provider's site when available. Learn more in the documentation.dashboard overviewRead more
Invite collaborators to view and comment on your deployments
Vercel News
You can now invite emails or team members to view a deployment through the share menu. All invitees will receive an email with a link to the deployment and have access to comment if comments are enabled.The share menu will display who currently has access to a given deployment. Users with sufficient permissions will also be able to revoke access. Visit the documentation to learn more about all options for .sharing deploymentsRead more
Sensitive environment variables are now available
Vercel News
You can now add sensitive Environment Variables to your projects for added security of secret values like API keys.While all Environment Variables are encrypted, . This replaces our legacy secrets implementation .sensitive values canonly be decrypted during buildswhich is being sunsetGet started using through the dashboard or with Vercel CLI .Sensitive Environment Variables33.4Read more
Legacy environment variable secrets are being sunset
Vercel News
Legacy are being sunset in favor of , which are now .secretsSensitive Environment Variablesshareable across projectsOn secrets will be automatically converted to sensitive Environment Variables for Preview and Production environments. Secrets attached to Development environments be migrated.May 1st, 2024will notWhy are legacy secrets being sunset?Our legacy secrets were encrypted values global for your entire team and could only be managed through the CLI. Based on your feedback, we have since:When will I no longer be able to use secrets?On , will be removed from Vercel CLI:May 1st, 2024secretsHow can I migrate to Sensitive Environment Variables?Secrets for Preview and Production environments will be automatically migrated.For secrets which contain the Development environment, you should create new , as these values will not be automatically migrated for your security. If you need to share Environment Variables across projects, you can . Sensitive Environment Variablesmake them sharedH
How streaming helps build faster web applications
Vercel News
Streaming is the key to and web applications.fastdynamicWhen , you can progressively send UI from server to client, without needing to wait until all of your data has been loaded. This helps your customers see content immediately, like your main call to action to add an item to the cart.streamingRead more
Switch between branches directly from deployments
Vercel News
You can now switch between branches directly from the . Vercel ToolbarAccess the command menu through the toolbar or ( on Windows) and select . You’ll see your team’s branches sorted to highlight those with recent activity or unread comments. Then, select a branch to switch to that deployment.⌘KCtrl+Kbranch switcherLearn more about the and other features of the toolbar.command menuRead more
Instrument and trace applications with the OpenTelemetry collector
Vercel News
Vercel and Next.js provide increased observability of your applications through OpenTelemetry. of now supports:v1.0@vercel/otelLearn more in or start using the package with .our documentationNext.jsRead moreSupport for Node.js and Edge runtimesTelemetry context propagation, including W3C Trace ContextFetch API instrumentation with context propagationSupport and auto-configuration for the Vercel OTEL collectorEnhanced metadata reportingSampling supportCustom tracing exporter supportBatched trace exporting
Public environment variables now display a warning
Vercel News
When creating and editing Environment Variables on Vercel, you can now see hints to warn you of potentially leaking secret values to the public. This supports all frameworks that use a prefix to mark an environment variable as safe to use on the client like:Learn more about .Environment VariablesRead moreNext.jsCreate React AppVue.jsNuxtGridsomeGatsbySvelteKitVite
Improved resiliency for Vercel Functions with inter-region failover support
Vercel News
Vercel Functions can now .automatically failover to the next healthy regionVercel's Edge Network is resilient to regional outages by automatically rerouting traffic to static assets. Vercel Functions also have multiple availability zone redundancy by default. We are now enhancing this further with support for multi-region redundancy for Functions.In the instance of a regional outage, traffic directed towards your Vercel Function using the Node.js runtime will be automatically re-routed to the next healthy region, ensuring continuous service delivery and uptime without manual intervention.Failover regions are also supported through , which allows you to create private connections between your databases and other private infrastructure. Vercel Secure ComputeYou can configure which regions to failover to in your file. For example, you might want to fallback to many different regions, or specific regions in a country.vercel.jsonEnterprise teams can enable this feature in their project sett
Webhooks are now generally available
Vercel News
Webhooks allow you to get notified through a defined HTTP endpoint about certain deployment or project events that happened on the Vercel platform.Webhooks are now available for all Pro and Enterprise customers. You can create a maximum of 20 webhooks per account.Check out to create your first webhook.our documentationRead more
Protect your Edge Config with a JSON schema
Vercel News
You can now protect your with a . Use schema protection to prevent unexpected updates that may cause bugs or downtime.Edge ConfigJSON schemaEdge Config is a low latency data store accessed from or . It is ideal for storing experimentation data like feature flags and A/B testing cohorts, as well as configuration data for Middleware routing rules like redirects or blocklists.Vercel FunctionsEdge MiddlewareTo protect an Edge Config with a schema:Check out to learn more.the documentationRead moreSelect the tab in the dashboard and then create or select your Edge ConfigStorageToggle the button to open the schema editing tab. Enter your JSON schema into the editor, and Vercel will use the schema to validate your data in real-timeSchemaClick . This will save changes to both the schema and dataSave
How Core Web Vitals affect SEO
Vercel News
Core Web Vitals influence how your application's pages rank on Google. Here, we'll dive into what they are, how they’re measured, and how your users and search ranking are impacted by them.Read more
Convert comments to GitHub Issues
Vercel News
With the, you can now convert to GitHub Issues. GitHub Issues integrationcommentsFor teams who use GitHub Issues and Projects to track work, this allows comments to fit into your existing workflow. Collect and discuss feedback in-context on your deployment with comments and then convert those threads to issues to manage and track that work.Your converted issues will contain the full thread, attached images and screenshots, and a link back to the thread within the preview. GitHub Issues is part of our growing collection of integrations for comments which includes , , and , now available to all Vercel users.SlackLinearJirato learn more.Check out the documentation Read more
Improved domains page
Vercel News
Viewing domains for your team now has faster search and a refreshed design.It's now easier to filter domains based on their renewal status, as well as see options to configure, transfer, move, or delete individual domains. to learn more. Check out the documentationRead more
Up to 5 TB file transfers with Blob multipart uploads
Vercel News
Vercel Blob now supports with multipart uploads.storing files up to 5 TBWhen using ,and will progressively read and chunk data, upload it in parts, and retry if there are issues.multipart: trueput()upload() Network output is maximized without consuming too much memory. Multipart uploads support retrying streams (Node.js streams and the Web Streams API), a unique feature amongst file upload APIs. to learn more.Check out the documentationRead more
Architecting a live look at reliability: Stripe's viral Black Friday site
Vercel News
In 2023, businesses processed more than $18.6 billion on Stripe over Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM).This year, just 19 days before Black Friday, Stripe asked a question: "What if?" What if they opened up Stripe's core metrics and gave a detailed look into their core business, reliability, and the reach of their products?In response, employees from across the company came together to construct a real-time, publicly accessible microsite that dynamically showcased Stripe's reliability, transaction volumes, global activity, and more, during BFCM—and they showcased it all on Vercel.Read more
Metrics for outgoing requests
Vercel News
You can now see all outgoing requests for a selected log in .Runtime LogsLogs now display the status, duration, URL, and a trace for each request. Request metrics work with every request on Vercel, so are supported. This makes it easier to debug latency and caching inside your Vercel Functions or when calling .all frameworksdatabasesThis release also includes various of quality-of-life improvements in the Logs UI.Request metrics are and only available to Pro and Enterprise while in betaRead more
Pinecone integration now available for vector databases
Vercel News
You can now use the integration to create vector databases for your . enable augmenting LLMs with the ability to retrieve additional knowledge () from your provided sources.PineconeAI applicationsVector databasesRAGThis integration is available for users on all plans. to get started. Check out the integrationRead more
Vercel Firewall proactively protects against vulnerability in the Clerk SDK
Vercel News
A security vulnerability in the was identified by the Clerk team recently, which allows malicious actors to act-on-behalf-of other users.@clerk/nextjsSDKThe Clerk team has already released a patch with the latest version. Please check the for more details. public announcement by the Clerk teamWhile we still recommend updating to the latest version of the Clerk SDK, Vercel has taken proactive measures on our to protect our customers on all plans.FirewallWe will continue efforts to proactively protect Clerk + Next.js deployments on Vercel through the , regardless of Clerk's Next.js SDK version running.Vercel FirewallRead more
Login with passkey is now supported
Vercel News
You can now use passkeys to login to Vercel including touch, facial recognition, a device password, or a PIN. Passkeys provide a simple and secure authentication option.How do I use passkeys on Vercel? in our documentation.Learn moreRead moreUnder the Authentication page of Account Settings you will find a buttonpasskeyClick the button to add a new passkeypasskeySelect the authenticator of preference and follow the instructionsThe new passkey will appear in your list of login connectionsYou are now able to log in with passkeys
Easier transitions between hobby and pro
Vercel News
Your Vercel personal account will soon automatically become a free team.What is changing? Upgrading and downgrading will now be easier, as they will no longer require transferring projects.Your free Vercel experience will remain unchanged.When will my account be updated?We'll start rolling out this change today and it might take some time before it's your turn. Once it's your turn, in most cases, update should happen instantly.For a small number of accounts with thousands of projects or deployments, you may temporarily see a message displayed on the dashboard. During this update period, you will have read access to your personal account projects and resources, but not write access.Who can I contact if something seems off?Please using the “Account Management” case type if you have questions about this change or notice something wrong with your usRead moreYour personal projects will live under a new free team with the slug .{username}s-projectsFuture auto-generated deploy
Common mistakes with the Next.js App Router and how to fix them
Vercel News
After talking to hundreds of developers and looking at thousands of Next.js repositories, I've noticed ten common mistakes when building with the Next.js App Router.This post will share why these mistakes can happen, how to fix them, and some tips to help you understand the new App Router model.Read more
HTTPS DNS records are now supported in Vercel DNS
Vercel News
You can now create DNS records in Vercel DNS.HTTPSThe new DNS record type, also known as SVCB or Service Binding record, has recently been published as .HTTPSRFC 9460This record type is designed for the HTTP protocol to improve client performance and privacy in establishing secure connections. The record can include additional information about the target server, such as supported ALPN protocols (e.g., HTTP/2, HTTP/3, etc), which can eliminate the need for protocol negotiation/upgrade between client and server to minimize the number of round trips.Since the record type is still a new standard, not all HTTP clients can support it. Learn more in .HTTPSour documentationRead more
Forrester Total Economic Impact™ study: Vercel delivered a 264% ROI
Vercel News
Inefficient developer workflows. Poor user experience. Sluggish site performance. These are common woes that customers come to Vercel to alleviate. They result in costs that affect your team’s day-to-day workflow and impact your organization’s bottom line. But stakeholders still want to know the answer to a simple question: What will the ROI on Vercel be?quantifiableRead more
Improvements to deployment summaries
Vercel News
Deployment summaries help you understand how changes in your frontend application code lead to on Vercel. We've improved the output with the following:managed infrastructure or learn more about .Read more in our documentationframework-defined infrastructureRead moreStatic assets now display a leading for output paths/Files sizes are now vertically aligned for easier visual scanning outputs are properly categorized under static assetsNext.js Metadata now displays the generated Vercel FunctionsPartial Prerendering
The developer experience of the Frontend Cloud
Vercel News
In a large team, creating new code should never be scary. Finding where to place code shouldn't be difficult. And new code certainly shouldn't break anything.deployingIdeally, your codebase feels transparent: easy to create, adjust, and monitor.The Frontend Cloud offers a complete , so you don't have to spend so much developer time curating and maintaining systems that can be easily automated.Developer Experience (DX) PlatformInstead, you get centrally-located and collaborative tooling—Git-based workflows with automatic staging environments and more—where you can easily leverage the self-serve tools in front of you that just work by default.Read more
View, upload, and delete Blob files in the dashboard
Vercel News
You can now manage your Vercel Blob files from the dashboard using the new file browser: or .Try it outlearn more about Vercel BlobRead moreView individual files or foldersUpload new files, including support for drag-and-drop and bulk uploadsDelete individual files or in bulk
Restrict access with IP blocking by CIDR range
Vercel News
protects your application from DDoS attacks and unauthorized access.Vercel FirewallEnterprise teams now have increased security with the ability to control traffic and restrict access through static IP addresses or entire network CIDR ranges.Stay secure by blocking entire subnets, or restricting access from untrusted networks, to prevent attacks against your applications. or to upgrade to Enterprise.Learn more in our documentationcontact our sales teamRead more
AWS re:Invent 2023: Iteration velocity is the solution to all software problems
Vercel News
Recently the Vercel Team had the pleasure of sponsoring AWS re:Invent 2023. This year we attended as an official part of the AWS Marketplace, which makes it possible to onboard and build on Vercel in just a few clicks.While at re:Invent, I was able to share my thoughts on The Frontend Cloud, Generative UI, and the keys to a highly iterative team. Here’s a look at my talk.Read more
Improved Log Drain filtering
Vercel News
Log Drains now support the following options through the dashboard and API:Learn more in our .documentationRead moreFiltering based on environment (production or preview)Configuring a sample size to reduce the throughput
Revert and pin deployments with Instant Rollback
Vercel News
enables you to quickly revert to a previous production deployment, making it easier to fix breaking changes.Instant RollbackYou can now choose to prevent the automatic assignment of production domains when rolling back. Reverted deployments will not be replaced by new production deployments until you a new deployment.manually promote in our documentation.Learn moreRead more
Manually create deployments by commit or branch in the dashboard
Vercel News
You can now initiate new deployments directly from the dashboard using a git reference. This approach is helpful when git providers have service interruptions with webhook delivery.To create a deployment from a git branch or SHA:Depending on how you would like to deploy, enter the following:Finally, select and Vercel will build and deploy your commit or branch.Create Deployment When the same commit appears in multiple branches, Vercel will prompt you to choose the appropriate branch configuration. This choice is crucial as it affects settings like environment variables linked to each branch. in our documentation.Learn moreRead moreFrom the dashboard, select the project you'd like to create a deployment for.Select the tab. Once on the Deployments page, select the button in the three dots to the right of the header.DeploymentsCreate DeploymentDeployments Provide the unique ID (SHA) of a commit to build a deployment based on that specific commit.Targeted Deployments: Provide the full name
Stage and manually promote deployments to production
Vercel News
You can now control when domains are assigned to deployments, enabling the manual promotion of production deployments to serve traffic.When a new deployment is created (with our , CLI, or ), Vercel will automatically apply any custom domains configured for the project.Git IntegrationsREST APIYou can now create staged deployments that do not assign domains, which can later be promoted to production and serve traffic. This is helpful for custom workflows and having multiple production environments for QA or testing.From the dashboardFrom the CLI in our documentation.Learn moreRead moreDisable the assignment of domains for your production branch in your Git project settings.Find your deployment from the list of all deployments and use the right menu to select .Promote to Productionvercel --prod --skip-domainvercel promote [deployment-id or url]
Improved build compute performance for Enterprise customers
Vercel News
customers now have faster build compute infrastructure by default.EnterpriseBuilds are now 15% faster than Pro by median, and 7% faster than the previous Enterprise build infrastructure. Additionally, Enterprise customers can now purchase enhanced build machines with larger memory and storage. or to upgrade to Enterprise.Learn more about buildscontact usRead more
Vercel Functions now scale 12x faster for high-volume requests
Vercel News
Vercel Functions now scale 12x faster for high-volume requests on paid plans:Learn more about with Vercel Functions.automatic concurrency scalingRead moreThe default concurrency quota has increased to 30,000Scale out by 1,000+ concurrency every 10 seconds automaticallyIdeal for unpredictable traffic or flash sales
Unified documentation search across Vercel, Next.js, and Turborepo
Vercel News
Searching across the Vercel documentation is now faster and more intuitive with a redesigned menu that includes:⌘+KYou can access the menu by pressing on macOS or on Windows and Linux from the Vercel documentation site or dashboard with .⌘+KCtrl+KShift+D to learn more.Check out the documentationRead more: Search across Vercel, Next.js, and Turborepo documentation sites from the Vercel docs or dashboard.Cross-platform search: Filter your search by choosing specific platforms–Vercel, Next.js, or Turborepo–or view all results combined.Customized search results: Quickly view the three most relevant results to your query, ensuring you get the best matches instantly.Most relevant results
Improved Speed Insights experience
Vercel News
Speed Insights measures site performance and helps you understand areas for improvement. This includes Core Web Vitals like , , , and more.First Contentful PaintLargest Contentful PaintCumulative Layout ShiftThe Speed Insights experience has been improved to include:Speed Insights is . Learn more about and see how to take advantage of the new features.available on all plansupgrading to the new package Read more You can now use Speed Insights with any framework using the new package. This includes supporting dynamic route segments in frameworks like SvelteKit and Remix.Support for all frontend frameworks:@vercel/speed-insights: Data will now be processed directly through your own domain, eliminating the third-party domain lookup.First-party data ingestion All previous and future metrics measured by Speed Insights are now updated with new weights, based on the latest guidance from Core Web Vitals and Lighthouse.Updated scoring criteria: You can now view performance data by region. Displa
Introducing Conformance and Code Owners: Move fast, don't break things
Vercel News
As organizations grow, it can become hard to sustain fast release cycles without diminishing code health and letting errors slip into production. It shouldn't be this way. We should be able to move fast breaking things—making quick updates and innovating while retaining great performance, security, and accessibility.withoutToday, we're releasing new features to Vercel's to help ship higher quality code, with the same velocity even as teams and codebases scale.Developer Experience PlatformEnterprise teamsRead more
Conformance and Code Owners are now generally available for Enterprise teams
Vercel News
Today, we're releasing new features to Vercel's to help ship higher quality code, faster—even as teams and codebases scale:Developer Experience PlatformEnterprise teamsMaintain high-quality code standards across projects in your codebase.Conformance: Integrate with your Git client for streamlined code reviews and smart reviewer assignments.Code Owners: When you start using Conformance, you’ll see a reengineered workspace to surface code health insights, aid cross-team collaboration, and ensure a better onboarding experience for new team members.A reimagined dashboard experience: to learn more or to get started. Check out the documentationcontact usRead moreRun Conformance in your CI/CD systems to block the merge of new code, or run it locally to catch issues before even committing them.Conformance CLI: Add organization-specific rules to ensure codebase consistency.Custom Rules:: Intelligent code review assignments based on your organization's structure. Reviewer Assignments: Customize
The user experience of the Frontend Cloud
Vercel News
The world's best websites load before you've finished this sentence.Those websites can't be static, but serving performance personalization to a global user base has historically been complex.and In the , we mentioned that the primary goal of Vercel's Frontend Cloud is to collect industry-best practices into one easy-to-use workflow, integrating new and better solutions as they come.previous article of this seriesIn this article, we'll look at why speed and personalization matter to your business, and how the Frontend Cloud gives you abundant options for both.Read more
Guide to fast websites with Next.js: Tips for maximizing server speeds and minimizing client burden
Vercel News
is an agency obsessed with delivering fast websites such as jewelry brand , which went from a Shopify theme to a modern website that instantly loads with 80% less JavaScript.TinloofJennifer FisherNext.jsRead more
Faster and more reliable Managed Infrastructure
Vercel News
We've upgraded our resulting in up to and reliability improvements for all plans.Managed Infrastructure45% faster routing at p99When a request is made to a Vercel-managed site, traffic is routed to the nearest Edge Network region with our . Vercel processes the request, identifies the deployment to serve, and instantly retrieves related metadata about the requested deployment. Anycast routingNow with optimized metadata retrieval and routing, this performance enhancement benefits all workloads. Responses to static resources are then fetched from storage, or dynamic content is generated through Vercel Functions, based on the routing details from the deployment metadata.These infrastructure improvements benefit all existing and new deployments. or learn more about .Deploy nowVercel's Managed InfrastructureRead more
Node.js 16 is being deprecated on June 15, 2024
Vercel News
Following the Node.js 16 end of life on September 11, 2023, we are deprecating Node.js 16 for Builds and Functions on June 15, 2024.Will my existing deployments be affected?No, existing deployments with Serverless Functions will not be affected.When will I no longer be able to use Node.js 16?On June 15, 2024, Node.js 16 will be disabled in . Existing projects using 16 as the version for Functions will display an error when a new deployment is created.project settingsHow can I upgrade to Node.js 18?You can configure your Node.js version in or through the field in .project settingsenginespackage.jsonHow can I see which of my projects are affected?You can see which of your projects are affected by this deprecation with:Read more
The power of headless: Ecommerce success with Next.js, Vercel, and Shopify
Vercel News
Translating designer brand experiences to the digital world requires putting complete control in the hands of the developer. A lack of ability to fine-tune performance optimizations and application decisions often limits UI possibilities.Read more
Upgrading Ruby v2.7 to v3.2
Vercel News
Ruby v3.2 is now generally available, and is the new default runtime version for Ruby based and . Additionally, Ruby v2.7 will be discontinued on December 7th, 2023.BuildsServerless FunctionsOnly the minor version () is guaranteed, meaning we will always use the latest patch version available within the minor range.3.2 for more.Read the documentationRead moreExisting deployments that use Ruby v2.7 will continue to workNew deployments will use Ruby v3.2 by default, or if is defined in the ruby "~> 3.2.x"‌Gemfile‍​‍​‍‌‍‌After December 7th, 2023, new deployments that define in the will no longer buildruby "~> 2.7.x"‌Gemfile‍​‍​‍‌‍‌​‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‌‍‍​‍​‍​‍‍​‍​‍‌‍​‌‍‌‍‍‌‌​‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‌​‌‍‌‍‌‌‌‌‍​​‍‍‌‍​‌‍‌‍‌​‍​‍​‍​​‍​‍‌‍‍​‌​‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‌‍​‍​‍​‍‍​‍​‍​‍‌‍​‌‌​​‌‍‍‌​‍‌‍​‍‌‍​‌‍‌‍‌​‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‌​‌‍‍‌‌‌​​‌‍‌‌​‌​​‌‌‍​‌‍‌‌‌‍​‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‍​‌​‍‌‌‌‌‌​‌​​‍​​‌‌​‍​‌‍‍‌​​‌‌​‍‌‌‍‍‌‍‌​​‌‌‍‌‌‌​​‌‌‍‍‌​‍‌‍‌‌​​‌‌‍‌‌​‍​‍‌‌
The foundations of the Frontend Cloud
Vercel News
Core web app decisions tend to center the backend, due to its complexity and impact over huge swaths of the business.However, frontends have grown far more important and complex in their own right. When not prioritized, the intricate infrastructure around them can quickly spin out of control, dragging teams into untold amounts of tech debt.As becomes more common, developers are turning to the Frontend Cloud to automate away the behind-the-scenes hassles of creating and growing dynamic websites.decoupled architectureInstead of as a separate step of the development process, the Frontend Cloud provisions global infrastructure , . managing infrastructurebased on your existing application codefor youThis approach to web development , allowing your team to experiment safely and meet shifting market demands. Teams of all sizes can effortlessly scale global apps while maintaining the highest possible bars for performance, personalization, and security.massively increases developer velocityYou
Convert Comments on deployments to Jira issues
Vercel News
on your deployments can now be converted into . This makes it easy to take action on feedback in the workflows your team is already using.CommentsJira issuesYou can name your issue and select the project and issue type without leaving your deployment. Issues retain the full thread history with any attached images and include a link back to where the comment was left. is part of our growing collection of integrations for comments which includes and , available to Pro and Enterprise users as well as Hobby users with public git repositories. JiraSlackLinear to learn more.Check out the documentationRead more
How to scale a large codebase
Vercel News
Scaling a codebase is an integral, and inevitable, part of growing a software company.You may have heard many terms thrown around as answers — monoliths, monorepos, micro frontends, module federation, and more.At Vercel, we’ve helped evolve their codebases, and we have an opinion on the optimal way to build software.thousands of large organizationsRead more
Node.js v20 LTS is now available in beta
Vercel News
As of today, Node.js version 20 can be used as the runtime for and . Select in the Node.js Version section on the General page in the Project Settings. .BuildsServerless Functions20.xThe default version remains Node.js 18Node.js 20 introduces several including:new featuresNode.js 20 is faster and introduces new core APIs eliminating the need for some third-party libraries in your project. Support for Node.js 20 on Vercel is currently in beta.The exact version used by Vercel is and will automatically update minor and patch releases. Therefore, only the major version () is guaranteed.20.5.1 20.x for more.Read the documentationRead moreNew experimental permission modelSynchronous import.meta.resolveStable test runnerPerformance updates to V8 JavaScript Engine and Ada (URL Parser)
Vercel Cron Jobs are now generally available
Vercel News
Vercel Cron Jobs let you to run scheduled jobs for things like data backups or archives, triggering updates to third-party APIs, sending email and Slack notifications, or any task you need to run on a schedule.By using a specific syntax called a , you can define the frequency and timing of each task. Cron Jobs work with any frontend framework and can be defined in . You can use them to run your and .cron expressionServerless FunctionsEdge Functionsvercel.jsonDuring the beta, we made Cron Jobs more secure by providing an environment variable with the name . We also added support for and . CRON_SECRETDeployment ProtectionInstant RollbackCron Jobs are now . Per account, users on the Hobby plan will have access to 2 Cron Jobs, users on the Pro plan will have access to 40 Cron Jobs, and users on the Enterprise plan will have access to 100 Cron Jobs. included for customers on all plansCheck out our or .documentationdeploy an example with Cron JobsRead more
Automatically detect and replay layout shifts from the Vercel Toolbar
Vercel News
Vercel can now automatically detect and replay on your deployments from the Vercel Toolbar.layout shiftsLayout shifts are reported and notified through the Toolbar. Each reported shift includes a summary of what caused the shift and how many elements it affected. Additionally, you replay and animate the shift to see it again.The Toolbar is automatically added to all Preview Deployments, but can also be used in localhost and in production (likely behind your own staff authentication checks) when using the .@vercel/toolbar package to learn more. Check out the documentationRead more
Partial prerendering: Building towards a new default rendering model for web applications
Vercel News
At this year’s , we discussed the developer and user experience challenges of global delivery of dynamic web applications. How can we fetch data without expensive waterfalls and also deliver content directly from the edge?Next.js ConfThe answer to all of these current challenges: Partial Prerendering (PPR).PPR combines ultra-quick static edge delivery with fully dynamic capabilities and we believe it has the potential to become the default rendering model for web applications, bringing together the best of static site generation and dynamic delivery.Today, you can with Next.js 14 on Vercel for a first impression of PPR.try an experimental preview of PPRor visit our demoRead more
Vercel Firewall proactively protects against vulnerability in the Sentry Next.js SDK
Vercel News
A security vulnerability was that affects Sentry’s , which made it possible to exploit Sentry’s Tunnel feature to establish Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) attacks.discoveredNext.js SDKThe Sentry team has already released a patch with the latest version 7.77.0. While we still recommend updating to the latest version of the Sentry SDK, Vercel has taken proactive measures on our firewall to protect our customers.We will continue to proactively protect all Sentry + Next.js deployments on Vercel through the , regardless of Sentry's Next.js SDK version running.Vercel FirewallRead more
Backups now available for Vercel Edge Config
Vercel News
is our global low-latency data store for feature flags, experiments, and configuration metadata. Now, backups of your Edge Config are automatically created with every update to an Edge Config's items. You can restore backups from the tab in your Vercel dashboard. Vercel Edge ConfigStorage can take advantage of backups. Hobby customers have 7 days of backup retention, Pro customers have 90 days of backup retention, and Enterprise customers have 365 days of backup retention. Customers on all plans to learn more. Check out the documentationRead more
More detailed report on out of memory or disk space errors on builds
Vercel News
You will now see more information in the build logs when your build fails due to either exhausting the available memory (OOM) or disk space (ENOSPC). In the case of OOM, your build logs will confirm the event. For ENOSPC situations, detailed information on disk space allocation is provided. Check out to learn more.our documentationRead more
Favorite teams and projects to appear in your dashboard
Vercel News
We recently introduced an improved on Vercel, including the option to favorite projects.project and team switcherNow, favorited projects will also appear in your dashboard overview, and you can easily add and remove them from the context menu.Read more
Building the most ambitious sites on the Web with Vercel and Next.js 14
Vercel News
At this year's , thousands of community members tuned in to learn about updates to the framework thousands of developers deploy with everyday. Among the announcements were:Next.js ConfRead more
Building secure and performant web applications on Vercel
Vercel News
Web Apps are the ultimate dynamic use-case on the Web. As opposed to web, web typically require or facilitate user-to-data interactions. Applications like customer-facing dashboards, support portals, internal employee apps, and much more require up-to-date, personalized information delivered in a performant and secure way.sitesappsVercel's Frontend Cloud offers support for deploying complex and dynamic web applications with managed infrastructure so you have control and flexibility without having to worry about configuration and maintenance—and yes, this means required to serve your App.everything Read more
Trusted IPs for Deployment Protection is now Generally Available
Vercel News
Trusted IPs are a feature of Deployment Protection that allow you to limit access to your deployments by IP address. Configure Trusted IPs in addition to to ensure only your team members can access and make changes to your deployments. Vercel AuthenticationFor customers who rely on a VPN or additional proxy, Trusted IPs ensure you can restrict access to your deployments to only users behind the VPN. You can configure Trusted IPs by specifying a list of IPv4 addresses, or by CIDR ranges. Trusted IP for Deployment Protection is only available for customers on the Enterprise plan. to learn more. Check out the documentationRead more
Deployment Protection is now enabled by default for new projects
Vercel News
Deployment Protection is now enabled by default for and our full set of protection options is now generally available.all new projects, Deployment Protection includes a series of features that ensure you can keep your Vercel deployments secure. Secure your Preview and Production deployments with:To configure existing deployments with Deployment Protection, you can use this . For all new deployments, Deployment Protection with Vercel Authentication is now enabled by default.migrationguide to learn more. Check out the documentationRead more: Restricts access to your deployments to only Vercel users with suitable access rights. Vercel Authentication is Vercel Authenticationavailable on all plans.: Restricts access to your deployments to only users with the correct password. Password Protection is Password Protectionavailable on the Enterprise plan, or as a paid add-on for Pro plans.: Restricts access to your deployments to only users with the correct IP address. Trusted IPs is available i
Protect past Production Deployments with Deployment Protection
Vercel News
Ensure your past production deployments remain secure by enabling Standard Protection as the default setting for your deployments. With Standard Protection, Vercel Authentication or Password Protection will ensure that all of your preview and production deployments remain secure. Migrating existing deployments to use Standard Protection will protect both preview and . Standard Protection restricts access to the production generated deployment URL generated production URLsLearn more about in our documentation.migrating to Standard ProtectionDeployment Protection is available on all plans.Read more
Next.js 14 on Vercel
Vercel News
Next.js 14 is fully supported on Vercel. Build data-driven, personalized experiences for your visitors with Next.js, and automatically deploy to Vercel with optimizations, including:Additionally in Next.js 14 you will find: to learn more.Check out our documentationRead moreThe Next.js App Router natively supports streaming responses. Display instant loading states and stream in units of UI as they are rendered. Streaming is possible for Node.js and Edge runtimes—with no code changes—with Vercel Functions.Streaming: Server Components allow you to define data fetching at the component level, and easily express your caching and revalidation strategies. On Vercel, this is supported natively with Vercel Functions and the , a new caching architecture that can store both static content data fetchesReact Server ComponentsVercel Data Cache: and .Server Actions enable you to skip manually writing APIs and instead call JavaScript functions directly for data mutations. On Vercel, Server Actions us
How we optimized package imports in Next.js
Vercel News
In the , we've made improvements to optimize package imports, improving both local dev performance and production cold starts, when using large icon or component libraries or other dependencies that re-export hundreds or thousands of modules.latest version of Next.jsThis post explains why this change was needed, how we've iterated towards our current solution, and what performance improvements we've seen.Read more
Vercel Postgres is now generally available for Hobby and Pro users
Vercel News
, our serverless SQL database, is now available for Hobby and Pro users. Vercel PostgresDuring the beta period, we reduced cold start times to 100-200ms and fixed several bugs around handling connections. Usage prices have also been :lowered from the beta and Pro users have the following usage included:Billing will begin on October 19thIf you were a beta participant and want to opt out of using Vercel Postgres, you can backup your database and. delete it to learn more.Check out the documentationRead moreTotal storage: reduced 60% from $0.30/GB to $0.12/GBWritten data: reduced 4% from $0.10/GB to $0.096/GBData transfer: reduced 55% from $0.20/GB to $0.09/GB1 database then $1.00 USD per additional database100 hours of compute time per month then $0.10 USD per additional compute-hour512 MB total storage then $0.12 USD per additional GB512 MB written data per month then $0.096 USD per additional GB512 MB data transfer per month then $0.09 USD per additional GB
Announcing v0: Generative UI
Vercel News
A few weeks ago, we introduced : a product that makes website creation as simple as describing your ideas. We call it Generative UI—combining the best practices of frontend development with the potential of generative AI.v0The interest in v0 has been incredible, with 100,000 people registering for the waitlist in just three weeks. Today, we’re transitioning v0 from Alpha to Beta, rolling out access to 5,000 additional users, and introducing subscription plans for those who want to unlock the full v0 feature set.Read more
Tekla's ecommerce evolution: harnessing flexibility with Vercel and Medusa
Vercel News
With Vercel and at the helm of their frontend stack, Copenhagen-based bedding brand can handle high traffic while providing fast, personalized digital experiences to their customers. MedusaTekla, a digital design and development agency, wants to provide the best solutions possible for their clients. When the ecommerce brand Tekla turned to the agency for additional development support, Agilo came with a plan. By upgrading Tekla’s composable setup, the agency provided Tekla with enough speed and reliability to handle their growing traffic volume and deliver personalized digital experiences.AgiloRead more
Strengthening Vercel's Infrastructure against HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attacks
Vercel News
At Vercel, we consistently monitor and update our security protocols to address emerging threats. A new vulnerability, known as the HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attack (), has the potential to disrupt HTTP/2-enabled web servers.CVE-2023-44487Rapid Reset is a vulnerability possible in the HTTP/2 protocol involving quickly initiating and canceling streams. It can be used to launch large denial-of-service attacks, negatively affecting performance and availability.We've taken proactive steps to refine our infrastructure and strengthen our defenses. Our improved system can now more efficiently handle the HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attack.An essential component of our defense strategy is inline network traffic monitoring, where we identify malicious TCP connections and terminate them. Limiting abuse over a single connection has enabled Vercel to protect against HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attack.Combining our existing system with new improvements, all applications on Vercel are even further resistant to the HTTP/2 Rap
Track server-side custom events with Vercel Web Analytics
Vercel News
Vercel Web Analytics now supports tracking custom events on the server-side, in addition to existing support for client-side tracking.Events can now be tracked from , , and when using Next.js (or other frameworks like SvelteKit and Nuxt) through the function. Route HandlersAPI RoutesServer ActionstrackCustom event tracking is available for Pro and Enterprise users. to learn more. Check out the documentationRead more
Comments now available in Vercel's Slack integration
Vercel News
now includes Comments. Once the Vercel Slack app is installed, you can subscribe to messages in a channel about all Comments made on your team's deployments or Comments made on . Vercel's Slack integrationspecific projectsIf you configured the Slack app before October 4th, 2023, the updated app requires new permissions. You must to subscribe to new Comment threads and link new channels. reconfigure the appYou will get a Slack message for each new Comment, and replies in Slack will automatically appear in the Comment thread on your deployment. You can also with your Vercel account to get DMs about comments relevant to you. log in to the integrationInstall the , or visit the to learn more.integration in our marketplacedocumentationRead more
Introducing Spend Management
Vercel News
Serverless infrastructure can instantly and infinitely scale. While powerful, this has had tradeoffs. An unforced error or traffic spike could cause an unexpected bill.Read more
Spend Management now available for Pro users
Vercel News
Today, we'll begin rolling out Spend management on the Pro plan for the and roles. You can recieve notifications and trigger webhooks when you pass a given spend amount on metered resources like Functions. The actions you can take are:BillingOwnerWhen your spending approaches or exceeds the set limit, you'll receive realtime notifications to help you stay in control. This includes and notifications at 50%, 75%, and 100%. Additionally, you can also receive notifications when your spending reaches 100%. WebEmailSMSSetting a spend amount does not mean your project with pause automatically. To programmatically take action based on your set amount, you can use a to pause your project, or even put your site into . webhookmaintenance mode to learn more.Check out our documentationRead moreSend a notificationTrigger a webhook
Command Menu now available in Deployments
Vercel News
You can now use (or on Windows) to open the Command Menu on any deployment where the Vercel Toolbar is enabled, including . You can use if you're viewing a deployment of a website that has its own menu. ⌘KCtrl+KCmd + Shift + K⌘Kproduction and localhostUsers can now navigate between a deployment and other Vercel pages relevant to the project directly through the menu. to learn more. Check out our documentationRead more
Comments are now visible in your dashboard notifications
Vercel News
You can now receive and view notifications in the Vercel dashboard. Comment for new Comments are shown in the dashboard with a counter on the bell icon. You can quickly resolve Comments there or filter by specific pages, branches, or authors.Notifications to learn more. Check out our documentationRead more
Exceeding included Image Optimization usage no longer pauses deployments
Vercel News
Based on your feedback, rather than pausing a deployment when exceeding the included , Vercel will now .Image Optimization usageonly pause optimization for additional source images to learn more. Check out our documentationRead moreYour existing images and all traffic will not be affectedAdditional source images will throw a 402 status code when optimizing, triggering the callback (if provided) and showing the text instead of the image onErroralt
Hints now available when creating Environment Variables
Vercel News
When creating and editing Environment Variables on Vercel, you can now see hints that will warn you of potential typos in the name. This includes issues like:Learn more about . Environment VariablesRead moreNew line charactersTabsSpacesNew lineCarriage returnVertical tabForm feedNon-breaking spaceNon-breaking space (fixed width)Zero-width spaceZero-width non-joinerZero-width joinerLine separatorParagraph separatorNarrow non-breaking spaceMedium mathematical spaceIdeographic spaceZero-width no-break space
@vercel/toolbar available to use collaboration features in production
Vercel News
Comments and other collaboration features are available in all Preview Deployments on Vercel. Now, you can enable them in Production Deployments and localhost by injecting the Vercel toolbar on any site with our package.@vercel/toolbarBy using the npm package you and your team can leave feedback with , take advantage of to view unpublished CMS content, or use on your production application.@vercel/toolbarCommentsDraft ModeVisual EditingThis package is available to users on all plans and is our first step in bringing the Vercel Toolbar into your production sites. to learn more. Check out the documentationRead more
How Whop improved their Real Experience Score by 200% with the Next.js App Router
Vercel News
, an online marketplace for digital products, recognized the importance of having a seamless developer and end-user experience and aimed to transform their platform with a modern tech stack. WhopTo achieve this, they focused on migrating from Ruby on Rails to , quickly followed by the incremental adoption of for even better page speed and developer experience.Next.jsApp RouterRead more
Why Vercel and Next.js are the perfect fit for this global fashion media group
Vercel News
is a century-old fashion media group representing 10 renowned publications in more than 80 countries. Despite its global reach, the brand has a small team that maintains its 30 web properties, while also developing new features and working on special projects sold to clients. L’Officiel Inc.Read more
Serverless Functions can now run up to 5 minutes
Vercel News
Based on your feedback, we’re improving Serverless Functions as follows:These changes help prevent unintentional function usage, unless the longer function duration.explicitly opted intoBeginning , all new projects will receive a default timeout of 15 seconds. In addition, any projects that have not had functions run for more than 15 seconds will have their default timeouts reduced to 15 seconds.October 1stTo avoid unexpected timeouts, any projects that have had functions running for longer than 15 seconds (less than 1% of traffic) have their defaults changed.will notExisting defaults still apply for Hobby and Enterprise customers. to learn more.Check out our documentationRead morePro customers can now run longer functions for up to 5 minutes.Pro customers default function timeout will be reduced to 15 seconds on October 1st.
Support for Remix v2
Vercel News
Vercel now supports . Deploy your Remix application on Vercel with advanced support for:Remix v2 to get started. Deploy our Remix templateRead moreDynamically stream content with both Node.js and Edge runtimesStreaming SSR: Easily build your serverless API with Remix and a route API Routes: loaderUse powerful caching headers like Advanced Caching: stale-while-revalidateRun inside Serverless and Edge FunctionsData Mutations: actions
Create search presets for your Runtime Logs
Vercel News
You can now create and save presets of your commonly used filters for all of your Runtime Logs searches. You can save presets to either (related to your personal account) or . Personal presets can only be viewed and edited by the user who created them.My Project PresetsTeam Project PresetsThis feature is available to users on all plans. to learn more. Check out our documentationRead more
Vercel Blob is now in public beta for Hobby and Pro customers
Vercel News
is a fast, easy, and efficient solution for storing files in the cloud, perfect for large files, like videos. Vercel BlobThe Vercel Blob works with any framework. It can be securely called from Edge and Serverless Functions and returns an immutable URL that can be exposed to visitors or put into storage.This feature is now in public beta and available for all Hobby and Pro customers. to learn more. Check out our documentationRead more
New project access controls for Enterprise customers
Vercel News
Today, we’re introducing more ways for Enterprise customers to have control over which members of their Vercel team have access to certain projects for increased security.The new team level role , has restricted access to make changes at the project level, and only has access to the projects to which they’ve been assigned. This role can be useful for agencies and contractors working on a limited project basis.ContributorAdditionally, we’ve introduced new : , , and . Project level roles are assigned to a team member on a project level and are only valid for the project they are assigned to. Project level rolesProject AdminProject DeveloperProject Viewer to learn more.Check out the documentationRead more
How to create an optimal developer workflow
Vercel News
Software engineers strive to build experiences that delight and engage customers, but there are plenty of workflow roadblocks that can stand in the way of shipping great software quickly.In this blog, we'll break down the costs of poor developer experience and share some tactics that can help promote a healthy development workflow. Read more
Vercel achieves ISO 27001:2013 certification to further strengthen commitment to security
Vercel News
Today, we’re excited to announce our achievement of the . This further strengthens our commitments to security in .ISO 27001:2013 (ISO 27001) certificationVercel’s Frontend CloudRead more
Vercel has now achieved the ISO 27001:2013 certification
Vercel News
We have achieved the ISO 27001:2013 certification to at Vercel.further strengthen our commitment to security at Vercel.Learn more about securityRead moreISO 27001 provides a framework for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, and maintaining information security controls.We're committed to keeping your data safe: You have additional validation to assess Vercel with this globally recognized certification, along with our SOC 2 Type 2 attestation.You can verify Vercel’s security practices: As part of our adherence to ISO 27001, we’ll continue with ongoing surveillance audits.We're committed to compliance:
Improved error messages for failed or canceled builds
Vercel News
Failed or canceled builds now have better feedback clearly displayed on the Vercel dashboard in the deployment details page.The following build failures now have more helpful error messages: to learn more.Check out our documentationRead moreAn invalid configurationvercel.jsonCanceled builds due to the ignore build stepA newer commit in the branch triggering a more up-to-date deployment
How the at-home workout sensation, Hydrow, cut authoring times from weeks to minutes
Vercel News
In 2022, Hydrow, celebrated for its personal rowing machines and immersive workout content, was in search of a seamless digital experience for its users.Shopify Liquid and WordPress offer robust capabilities, but Hydrow required more custom, dynamic content capabilities. Read more
Bun install is now supported with zero configuration
Vercel News
Projects using can now be deployed to Vercel with zero configuration.Bun as a package managerLike yarn, npm, and pnpm, Bun acts as a package manager focused on saving disk space and boosting installation speed. Starting today, Projects that contain a file will automatically run as the default using .bun.lockbbun installbun@1Install CommandThis change impacts the build phase but not runtime. Therefore, Serverless Functions will not use the Bun runtime yet. to learn more.Check out the documentationRead more
Using Zig in our incremental Turborepo migration from Go to Rust
Vercel News
We’ve been porting , the high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript, from Go to Rust. We talked about , so now let’s talk about how we began porting our two main commands: and .Turborepohow we started the porting processrunpruneRead more
Why all application migrations should be incremental
Vercel News
In 2023, there are few software projects that are true greenfield endeavors. Instead, migrations of existing systems are the new normal. Migrations done wrong can introduce substantial business and timeline risks into any software project. An incremental migration strategy can minimize those risks while pulling forward validation of business impact.Vercel’s product is designed to support incremental migration from the ground up. In this post you'll get a high-level overview of incremental migration strategies and considerations. Read more
Hypertune integration available for low latency experimentation
Vercel News
You can now use the integration to initialize the Hypertune SDK from with zero latency. This allows you to access your feature flags and run A/B tests with no performance impact to your applications.HypertuneVercel Edge ConfigThis integration is available for users on all plans. to get started. Check out the integrationRead more
Vercel AI Accelerator Demo Day
Vercel News
Earlier this week, we held Demo Day for the program. 28 talented AI teams showed off the impressive demos they built over the 6 weeks of the program, in 3 minutes each.Vercel AI AcceleratorWatch the .demo day recordingRead more
Improved user experience for Vercel documentation
Vercel News
We've redesigned and improved the Vercel documentation with: with the Vercel documentation today.Get startedRead more: Navigation is now separated by product categories. You can quickly view all products in a category by hovering the navigation item.Updated navigation: You can use the global frameworks toggle to show code examples with your favorite framework.Customization: You can now see on a single documentation page.All Products pageall Vercel productsThe new mobile-friendly navigation enables you to discover and read easily when you’re on the go.Improved mobile design:
Developing at the speed of sound: How Sonos amplified their DevEx
Vercel News
As the world’s leading sound experience company with a 20-year legacy of innovation and over 3,000 patents, understands the importance of a robust digital presence that reflects the brand’s cutting-edge ethos. SonosHowever, for years, the high costs and slow builds of their web infrastructure hindered developers from making critical site updates. The solution: a transition to a headless, composable architecture using Vercel and Next.js.The switch resulted in a remarkable 75% improvement in build times, empowering developers to innovate with ease and confidence.Read more
Konabos empowers an industry giant to deploy 50% faster with a composable stack
Vercel News
When realized their team’s productivity was being interrupted by inefficient collaboration, they turned to the full-service digital agency Konabos for help. supported American Bath Group in moving away from their monolithic setup—the cause of their lagging dev velocity—in favor of a composable stack comprised of Vercel, Next.js, and Kontent.AI. Now with Vercel’s streamlined deployments and infrastructure, American Bath Group can deploy 50% faster, shorten review cycles, and enjoy a better developer experience. American Bath GroupKonabosRead more
Hydrogen 2 projects can now be deployed with zero configuration
Vercel News
Vercel now supports and automatically optimizes your as of Vercel CLI . When importing a new project, it will detect Hydrogen and configure the right settings for optimal performance — including using for server-rendering pages.Hydrogen 2 projectsVercel Edge Functionsv31.2.3Deploy the or run command in your terminal to get started.Hydrogen templatevercel init hydrogen-2Read more
Prioritize Production deployments to build before any queued Preview
Vercel News
customers are now able to configure builds of their Production deployments to begin before any builds of their Preview deployments. EnterpriseWith this setting configured, any Production Deployment changes will , so they're ready as soon as possible.skip the line of queued Preview DeploymentsYou can also increase your to give you the ability to kick off multiple builds at concurrency limitsRead more in .our documentationRead more
Commenting on DNS records is now available
Vercel News
You can now leave comments when creating a new DNS record in Vercel. In addition, you can also edit comments on existing DNS records. New records created by an Email Preset will include a comment explaining why a record was added. to learn more about DNS records. Check out our documentationRead more
Support Center is now available for Pro customers
Vercel News
Pro customers can now create and view support cases on the Vercel dashboard.The Vercel Support Center allows you to create support cases, view their statuses, and receive any messages from our Customer Success team. All cases are securely stored to safeguard your data.Check out the documentation on to learn more. Support CenterRead more
Introducing Next.js Commerce 2.0
Vercel News
Today, we’re excited to introduce Next.js Commerce 2.0.Read more
Understanding React Server Components
Vercel News
(RSCs) augment the fundamentals of React beyond being a pure rendering library into incorporating data-fetching and remote client-server communication within the framework.React Server ComponentsBelow, we’ll walk you through why RSCs needed to be created, what they do best, and when to use them. We'll also touch on how Next.js eases and enhances through the App Router.the RSC implementation detailsRead more
Share your Preview URLs immediately
Vercel News
Preview URLs are now shareable at the beginning of the build process, instead of after the build finishes. The in the video above is surfaced both in the dashboard and in the Vercel Bot comments attached to the pull request. Customers on all plans will now see this functionality automatically on all new builds.Preview URL to learn more.Check out the documentationRead more
Engineering a site at the speed of breaking news
Vercel News
Many Vercel and Next.js users deal with large swaths of data. But few wrangle data in the way The Washington Post Elections Engineering team does. Knowing their platform must be fast and visually compelling—all while handling constant updates from thousands of federal, state, and local elections—The Post moved to Next.js and Vercel for the 2022 US midterm elections.Read more
Andersen Windows’ digital transformation with Sitecore and Vercel
Vercel News
Founded in 1903, Andersen Windows started out by floating log booms down the St. Croix River to build artisan window frames. Fast forward to 2023, and they’re still harnessing the latest and greatest technology to better serve their customers while earning $3.4B in annual revenue. Read more
Improved performance for Vercel Postgres from Edge Functions
Vercel News
The has significantly improved performance for Postgres queries from Vercel Edge Functions.Vercel Postgres SDKThe package has been updated to use the latest version of Neon’s Serverless driver which adds support for SQL-over-HTTP when you use the . Simple queries that do not require transactions now complete in —up to .@vercel/postgres template literal tagsql~10msa 40% speed increaseYou do not need to make any changes to your queries to see these improvements, you only need to update to to take advantage of these improvements.the latest version of @vercel/postgresRead more
How Vercel helped this popular health database increase free trials by 284%
Vercel News
is the Web’s largest database of nutrition and supplement research—empowering their users with scientific data to inform healthier lives. ExaminePrior to adopting Vercel’s Frontend Cloud, their five-person dev team was struggling with a pile of tech debt, brought on by their monolithic architecture setup. Read more
Introducing React Tweet
Vercel News
Introducing – embed tweets into any React application with a single line of code, without sacrificing performance.react-tweetRead more
How Turborepo is porting from Go to Rust
Vercel News
In , we talked about we are porting , from Go to Rust. Now, let's talk about .a previous blog postTurborepo, the high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScriptwhyhowToday, our porting effort is in full swing, moving more and more code to Rust. But when we were starting out, we had to make sure that porting was feasible for us to accomplish. A migration from one language to another is no small task and there's a lot of research to do up front to ensure that the end goal is attainable. Here’s how we started the process, validated our current porting strategy, and made the call to port Turborepo to Rust.Read more
How React 18 Improves Application Performance
Vercel News
React 18 has introduced concurrent features that fundamentally change the way React applications can be rendered. We'll explore how these latest features impact and improve your application's performance.Read more
Iterating from design to deploy: the shape of future builders
Vercel News
In a world of accelerating digital innovation, we need tools that transform the web development landscape. In his recent , Guillermo Rauch spoke about how we at Vercel enable builders—non-developers included—to tighten the cycle of design and deploy.Figma Config keynoteBelow, we’ll dive behind the scenes of the talk and give you tangible ways to try out Vercel’s Frontend Cloud.Read more
Meet the Vercel AI Accelerator Participants
Vercel News
Today, we’re announcing the participants of —a program for the brightest builders and early-stage startups.Vercel’s AI AcceleratorAIWe're thrilled to include both prominent builders and rising startups solving interesting or impactful problems, like using AI for cancer detection or transforming how academic research is made available.We received from talented startups and individuals and accepted 40, which is less than 3% of applications. The 40 accepted participants are presented below.over 1500 applicationsRead more
Introducing the Vercel Platforms Starter Kit
Vercel News
Today, we are excited to launch the all-new Vercel — a built with , , and the .Platforms Starter KitApp RouterVercel PostgresVercel Domains APIfull-stack Next.js template for building multi-tenant applications with custom domains, Read more
Expanding the experimentation ecosystem with Edge Config and LaunchDarkly
Vercel News
We're excited to announce a new to bring low latency, global feature flags to your favorite .LaunchDarkly integrationfrontend frameworkFeature flags help your team safely release new code and experiment with changes. helps you instantly read configuration data globally, making it a perfect match for feature flag and experimentation data.Vercel Edge ConfigRead more
Incrementally adopting Next.js at one of Europe's fastest growing brands
Vercel News
While , pioneers of the next-generation paper tablet, can credit much of their initial success to their original website, they knew they’d need to improve key elements of their stack and workflow to reach new heights. The team opted for a composable stack—comprised of , Next.js, and Vercel—to meet the needs of their developers while empowering their content creators to deliver truly delightful digital experiences.reMarkableSanityRead more
Enhanced content management for your headless CMS
Vercel News
Today we’re excited to announce updates to , making it easier to see your latest content changes before they’re published.Draft ModeDraft Mode goes hand in hand with , our real-time content editing feature for websites using headless Content Management Systems (CMSes). When you make changes through Visual Editing, you can guarantee that your edits will show up the next time the page is viewed in Draft Mode.Visual EditingRead more
An Introduction to Streaming on the Web
Vercel News
The ability to process data as it streams has always been a fundamental concept in computer science. JavaScript developers had access to streaming through , but it wasn't until 2015 that it was accessible natively through the Fetch API.XMLHttpRequest provide a standardized way to continuously send or receive data asynchronously across network connections. They bring the power of streaming to the web, enabling developers to handle large data sets through "chunks", deal with congestion control (), and create highly efficient and responsive applications. Web streamsbackpressureLeveraging web streams in your web apps can enhance the performance and responsiveness of your UIs. The immediate data processing allows for real-time updates and interactions, providing a seamless user experience with quicker load times, more up-to-date information, and a smoother, more interactive interface.Due to their increasing popularity, the has become a cornerstone of many major web platforms, including web
How Neo Financial cut time spent on infrastructure admin by 50%
Vercel News
is a next-generation banking app and Canada’s fastest-growing financial services company. They’re leveraging Vercel's frontend cloud to enhance their web development process, boost performance, and meet industry security standards—all while saving on resources. Neo FinancialRead more
Introducing Skew Protection
Vercel News
Have you ever seen a 404 for requests from old clients after a deployment? Or gotten a 500 error because the client didn’t know that a new server deployment changed an API? We're introducing a generic fix for this problem space.Vercel customers are deploying over 6 million times per month, making their businesses more successful one commit at a time. But since the dawn of the distributed computing age, each system deployment has introduced the risk of breakage: When client and server deployments aren’t perfectly in sync, and they won’t be, then calls between them can lead to unexpected behavior.We call this issue . In the worst case, version skew can break your app, and in the best case, it leads to substantial extra engineering effort as software changes crossing system boundaries must be backward and forward-compatible.version skewToday, we're introducing for deployments, a novel mechanism to eliminate version skew between web clients and servers. This technology will substantially r
New features for SvelteKit: Optimize your application with ease
Vercel News
Svelte has made a name for itself in the world of web development frameworks, thanks to its unique approach of converting components into optimized JavaScript modules. This innovative way of rendering apps eliminates the overhead found in traditional frameworks, leading to more performant and efficient applications.With , developers can leverage the power of fullstack Svelte without worrying about breaking changes. Furthermore, SvelteKit continues to evolve, offering a robust set of features and seamless integration with various deployment environments, including Vercel.the release of SvelteKit 1.0Vercel, using , has embraced SvelteKit, recently adding support for for Serverless and Edge Functions, , and easier compatibility with a . In this article, we'll explore how to make your apps more performant, scalable, and user friendly.framework-defined infrastructure (FDI)per-route configurationIncremental Static Regeneration (ISR)range of Vercel productsRead more
Introducing the Vercel AI SDK
Vercel News
Over the past 6 months, AI companies like , , , , , and have launched with and Vercel. Vercel helps accelerate your product development by enabling you to focus on creating value with your AI applications, rather than spending time building and maintaining infrastructure.ScaleJasperPerplexityRunwayLexicaJenniNext.jsRead more
From idea to acquisition: How shipped 4,000+ sites on Vercel
Vercel News
is a Notion-to-website builder powered by Next.js and Vercel. Founder and sole employee Noah Bragg leverages the and to serve 4,000 custom domains and over 100,000 pageviews. Potion.soPlatforms Starter KitVercel's Edge NetworkIn June 2023, Potion was acquired for $300,000.Read more
Introducing Vercel's AI Accelerator
Vercel News
Today, we’re announcing Vercel’s AI Accelerator – a program for the brightest AI builders and early stage startups. Over a span of 6 weeks, we aim to empower 40 of the industry's top innovators to create and develop next-generation AI apps.Applications are open for two weeks – .apply todayRead more
Visual Editing meets Markdown
Vercel News
We're excited to share that now supports in Vercel Preview Deployments.TinaCMSVisual EditingThe TinaCMS team is on a mission to bring visual editing to the headless CMS in a way that works for developers. So when we had the opportunity to collaborate with Vercel on this, we didn't hesitate and the results are stunning. Read more
Designing the Vercel virtual product tour
Vercel News
If you've tried a new tech tool recently, this experience might sound familiar: you visit the website, skim the homepage content, but still struggle to understand what the tool will do for you.The is a key resource for prospective teams to interactively understand what Vercel can offer. It takes the breadth of information about Vercel and breaks the product down into the most relevant parts.Vercel virtual product tourFirst, we’ll talk about why we designed the tour the way we did. Then, for the technically curious, we’ll walk through some of .the most interesting howsRead more
Celebrating 10 Years of React
Vercel News
Today marks a significant milestone for frontend development.May 29th is the 10th anniversary of , a project that has transformed the web industry and reshaped the way we build digital experiences.ReactA huge congratulations and thank you to the team at Meta, who through their stewardship and relentless innovation, have created and maintained one of the open source projects of all time.most successfulRead more
Vercel + Sanity: Innovating on a faster, more collaborative Web
Vercel News
We’re excited to announce a strategic partnership with . Sanity is the modern content management system companies use to meet the realities of ever-increasing content complexity and customer expectations.Sanity—the Composable Content CloudGiving developers the tools to create at the moment of inspiration is core to both Vercel and Sanity’s DNA. From enabling to the recent co-development of , we aim to challenge the status quo through joint innovation. Sanity Studio to be embedded in a Next.js appVisual EditingThe composability at every layer of Sanity's content stack combined with result in the industry’s leading Web architecture for next-generation apps—trusted by organizations like , and .Vercel’s Frontend CloudLoomMorning Brew,TakedaRead more
What does Vercel do?
Vercel News
Vercel builds a product—they make it easy for engineers to deploy and run the user facing parts of their applications.frontend-as-a-serviceRead more
Authentication for the frontend cloud
Vercel News
We’re in the midst of the next big platform shift. Last generation we moved from server rooms to the cloud, and today we’re moving from the traditional, backend-oriented cloud to a new frontend cloud.The frontend cloud is characterized by performance: It enables both faster application development and faster end-user interactions. Each element is critical to success in today’s ultra-competitive software market.At Clerk, we build authentication for the frontend cloud. We saw the need arise as frameworks and hosts tailored to the frontend cloud grew in popularity, especially Next.js and Vercel. Legacy authentication tools were not built frontend-first, and their technical architecture usually undermines the goal of speeding up end-user interactions, since they’re slow at the edge.Read more
Improved support for Nuxt on Vercel
Vercel News
We've been partnering with Nuxt to further integrate the framework with Vercel and support all Vercel products. Nuxt on Vercel now supports:Read more
Quality software at scale with Vercel Spaces
Vercel News
As companies and codebases grow, it becomes hard to sustain a fast release cycle without letting errors slip in to production. It shouldn't be this way. We should be able to move fast breaking things—making quick updates while retaining great performance, security, and accessibility.withoutToday, we're introducing Vercel Spaces, the biggest evolution of Vercel's workflow yet. Introducing powerful tools and conventions designed to integrate with your setup, to help you scale efficiently while retaining quality. monorepoWith , you'll find insights on your development workflows, code health and build logs, and brand new functionality to boost efficiency and remove blockers with , , and . These products, currently available in early private beta for Enterprises, can be used with Vercel regardless of where you host your application.Vercel SpacesConformanceCode OwnersVercel RunsRead more
Visual Editing: Click-to-edit content for headless CMSes
Vercel News
Adding collaborative to Vercel Previews Deployments was our first step towards bringing the workflow of Google Docs and Figma to web development. commentsToday, we're bringing content editing to your Preview Deployment interface with Visual Editing. Anyone can visually edit content and experience faster iteration—from developers to marketing teams.Read more
Introducing Vercel Firewall and Vercel Secure Compute
Vercel News
Finding the right balance between developer experience and robust enterprise-grade security can be challenging. Developers want tools that streamline workflows and enhance productivity, while organizations prioritize security measures to protect sensitive data and meet compliance standards. At Vercel, we believe you can have the best of both worlds—exceptional developer experience and top-tier security.Read more
Introducing storage on Vercel
Vercel News
Data is an integral part of the web. As JavaScript and TypeScript frameworks make it easier than ever to server-render just-in-time data, it's time to make databases a first-class part of Vercel's frontend cloud. Read more
Vercel Web Analytics is now generally available
Vercel News
Vercel Web Analytics is generally available for insights on your top pages, top referrers, and user demographics such as countries, operating systems, browser information, and more. We're also excited to announce new functionality, and .filteringcustom events is available on all plans and custom events are available for Pro and Enterprise users. Web AnalyticsRead more
Building towards operational excellence at CORE Construction
Vercel News
Balancing the intricacies of construction management requires a keen focus on efficiency and innovation. For technology-driven construction management company,, their unique approach hinges on adhering to their set standards within a program called Operational Excellence (OPEX). To reach the pinnacle of OPEX, the CORE team relies on their developers to deliver innovative solutions that push the boundaries of the industry. CORE ConstructionRead more
Incremental migration from WordPress for a dev-first approach
Vercel News
Navigating the agency world can be complicated, with each agency claiming to offer the most innovative solutions. Enter , a five-person team that crafts stunning sites and apps while empowering their clients to retain complete control over their brand. The secret to their success: a "dev-first approach" that sets them apart from typical marketing and design-focused competitors.GearboxFlexible enough to power both their small team and larger brands, Next.js and Vercel are Gearbox's go-to solutions—even for clients who may not be ready to transition to a headless stack all at once.Read more
Making Commerce-UI a trusted partner for global ecommerce brands
Vercel News
is a boutique agency focused on composable eCommerce that specializes in creating optimized, performant experiences for design-driven brands. Thanks to Next.js and Vercel, they’re able to help clients—like viral sensation Lift Foils—discover headless commerce, while providing a seamless shopping experience to users around the world.Commerce-UIRead more
Containing multi-site management within a single codebase
Vercel News
Wunderman Thompson, a global digital agency, specializes in and manage their digital presence.helping brands createTheir teams based in Europe often serve multiple countries and languages, catering to the needs of various portfolio brands, each with its own unique identity.To tackle these challenges, Wunderman Thompson uses the principles of , a headless CMS, a monorepo workflow, and Vercel's serverless platform. This approach compared to their former method of PHP servers and WordPress monoliths. Atomic Designcuts development time by a factor of 10 and costs by a factor of 25In this guide, we'll discuss the importance of choosing the right framework for an efficient developer workflow, and walk you through how to use these techniques to create your own efficient design system deployed on Vercel and the headless CMS of your choice.Read more
How Vercel helps manage over 30,000 sites
Vercel News
was founded to provide anyone with the tools to create their own website, regardless of their technical know-how. With fast and early success, having the whole platform as a single page application on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon ) became untenable as the user base grew into the tens of thousands. That’s why they turned to Vercel. Thanks to (SSR), ease of deployment, and support for custom domains, Vercel makes it simple to manage’s scale, monetize their offerings, and continue to innovate. mmm.pageServer-Side RenderingS3Read more
Vercel Edge Config is now generally available
Vercel News
Configuration data is used to control everything from A/B testing and feature flags to advanced rewrites and bespoke request-blocking rules. However, traditional solutions for managing configuration data can be slow, unreliable, and difficult to scale, which can negatively impact the user experience, latency, and overall effectiveness of your website.Today we’re announcing the general availability of , a new solution for managing configuration data in the cloud designed to be ultra-fast, reliable, and scalable, which can help improve your website's performance and efficiency.Edge ConfigRead more
Powering a serverless Web: Vercel joins AWS Marketplace
Vercel News
AWS and Vercel have always had a shared vision: accelerating innovation through the power of serverless computing—and helping customers win big in the process.Read more
Managing major traffic spikes during ticket drops with Vercel
Vercel News
Managing the complex scaling needs of an online ticketing platform can be challenging. For the French end-to-end ticketing solution , ticket drops used to involve stress around scaling and server provisioning. As a company dedicated to providing artists and their fans with the service, Shotgun now relies on Vercel for seamless launches. So when they drop tickets for artists like Billie Eilish, the team can rest assured their site can handle the traffic. ShotgunbestRead more