Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed

Frontend Masters Boost is a blog about web development. It's written by the team at Frontend Masters, course instructors from the industry, and curated guest authors. The goal is to help you on your path to becoming a senior developer, or to be an even better one.


Find a Unicode Character via Quick Sketch
Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
There are 155,063 Unicode characters. A lot of that is stuff from other languages, but there is still a large amount of randomly useful characters like arrows and symbols and whatnot. There are so many that even if you find good lists, it’s hard to search and sort. I like Benjamin Milde’s idea, shapecatcher, that […]
Notes on the Code Editors with AI Landscape
Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
There are A LOT of options these days for getting AI help right in your code editor. What seemed to begin with plugins has morphed into a lot of VS Code forks.
Kern Type
Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
Kerning type is moving individual letters such that the space between them feels right. It’s not something you have to be terribly concerned about with web type generally, but it’s still a good design skill to have for working on type that is quite large or long-lasting like a physical sign, logo, giant headline, etc. […]
Mapping with Leaflet
Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
Leaflet.js is a free open-source mapping library. We'll look at how to use it to create a basic map with location points of cats up for adoption.
‘Design Engineer’ as a Job Title
Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
David Darnes asks: Is 2025 the Year of the ‘Design Engineer’? It’s arguably a bit of a new term and being used more and more as a job title. Like most job titles, it doesn’t have the strongest agreed upon definition, but it’s honing in around the front end and essentially a designer who can […]
Full-Bleed Layout with Modern CSS
はてなブックマークアイコン 2
Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
Just four declarations in CSS can handle this nicely, while avoiding the vertical scrollbar issue.
What I’ve learned about writing AI apps so far
Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
Some plain-language baby-bear porridge writing from Laurie Voss: Is what you’re doing taking a large amount of text and asking the LLM to convert it into a smaller amount of text? Then it’s probably going to be great at it. If you’re asking it to convert into a roughly equal amount of text it will […]
API Testing Clients
Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
I was just working on a POST API at work. You POST some data to a URL endpoint, you expect a response. Buckle up, that’s the job sometimes. Happy path responses, error responses, handling incomplete or bad data, etc. You can just rawdog a web browser for this kind of work, building some kind of […]
Creating an Angled Slider
Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
We'll get into layered content, clip-path, and the :has() selector to build a responsive slider with live videos. We can do it by hand, but a few SCSS loops will help make it more manageable.
Cool People Link to Text Fragments
Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
Just in case you didn’t know, you don’t need a page to have ID’s on elements anymore in order to jump down to a particular place. We’ve reached support across all major browsers to link to Text Fragments, like: The #:~: syntax is kinda funky, but here we are, and it’s not too hard […]