Marmelab blog

Making Specialized AI Agents Work Together with Swarm
Marmelab blog
To tackle complex topics effectively, many specialized AI agents work better than one large general agent. But how can multiple agents collaborate seamlessly? Swarm, an educational framework by OpenAI, offers a powerful way to understand and implement multi-agent orchestration.

Testing Zero: Rocicorp's Ultra-Fast Sync Engine for the Web
Marmelab blog
We put Zero to the test by building an offline-first app with live database synchronization. It delivers on speed and developer experience but comes with some notable limitations.

Filling Forms from Images in React Admin
Marmelab blog
Introducing the `<FormFillerButton />` component in the React Admin AI package that provides automatic form filling from images.

Load Testing Web Applications With k6
Marmelab blog
Discovering load testing can help you better anticipate how an application behaves under different types of load.

Handling Relationships in React Admin
Marmelab blog
Learn how React Admin can help you manage relational models, from simple to complex relationships like many-to-many.

Best Open Source CRM for 2025
Marmelab blog
A developer-friendly comparison of the best self-hosted CRMs for small businesses. Compare flexibility, integrations, and ease of use.

Beyond Buttons: Using AI Agents To Augment Web Apps
Marmelab blog
How to integrate LLM-based features into existing web apps? One of the keys is to allow an iterative approach via a conversational UI.

How to build a CMS with React-Admin
Marmelab blog
Many applications require a user interface to manage and edit content. This post demonstrates how to create a basic headless CMS using PostgreSQL, React-Admin, and Supabase.

DevFest Dijon 2024: Retour sur les bancs de la fac
Marmelab blog
Voici un résumé de nos sujets préférés durant le plus gros événement de la tech dijonnais

React-admin: January 2025 Update
Marmelab blog
We've released two minor versions of react-admin v5 since the fall. Read on to learn about the new features and improvements we've added to the library.

The Secret to Reliable AI Agents: Mastering Eval
Marmelab blog
While AI agents can be built in days, it takes weeks to find the best configuration to optimize cost, speed, relevancy, etc. Eval tools and frameworks are the key ingredients for this optimization phase.

Who Needs Human Code Reviews When We Have AI?
Marmelab blog
We automated proofreading our blog articles with a GitHub action leveraging an LLM. It even reviewed this very article!

Un regard sur le Devfest Strasbourg 2024
Marmelab blog
Marmelab était au Devfest Strasbourg 2024. Voici ce qu'on en a pensé et ce qu'on y a découvert.

Tech, Maroille, et bière. Marmelab était à la DevFest Lille !
Marmelab blog
Marmelab était à la conférence lilloise et vous raconte les conférences qui ont marqué leur esprit.

Google OAuth in React: A Beginner’s Guide to Authentication
Marmelab blog
How to use Google Identity Services as the authentication provider in a React application, a step-by-step tutorial.

API Platform Admin: The Ultimate Admin Generator For PHP
Marmelab blog
Watch the conference talk to discover how API Platform Admin can help you easily create powerful admin interfaces for PHP applications, without needing JavaScript knowledge.

PostgREST: Revolutionizing Web Development with Instant APIs
Marmelab blog
PostgREST has been around for a long time, but many web developers still haven't discovered how it can simplify their workflow.

Behind the Code of Atomic CRM
Marmelab blog
Join François and Thor Schaeff from Supabase as they explore the technical journey of building Atomic CRM, the tools used, and the benefits of open-source development.

useContextSelector: Speeding Up React Apps With Large Context
Marmelab blog
Tips and tricks to optimize the performance of your React app

LLMs Are the CPUs of the AI Era
Marmelab blog
LLMs share similarities with CPUs but bring unique challenges like slower speeds and probabilistic behavior. To effectively use LLMs, we need new programming approaches, specialized developers, and adjustments in our educational system.

Le bestiaire des longs formulaires
Marmelab blog
Étapes, accordéons, onglets ou sommaire : quelle est la meilleure structure pour optimiser les longs formulaires ?

React-admin: October 2024 Update
Marmelab blog
We've released two minor versions of react-admin v5 since the summer. Read on to learn about the new features and improvements we've added to the library.

Shape Up: Should You Change Your Agile Methodology?
Marmelab blog
Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters: It is the promise of this methodology that we are going to explore in greater depth.

Quel CDN d'images choisir en 2024 ?
Marmelab blog
Un CDN d'image accélère le chargement des pages web. Mais il y a tellement d'offres que l'on s'y perd. Nous avons pris le temps de sélectionner et de tester les meilleurs.

GreenFrame Update: Easier Scenarios, Env Vars, and Improved Security
Marmelab blog
GreenFrame 2.0 is here! It's never been easier to measure and reduce your website's carbon footprint.

Introducing Atomic CRM: the Open-Source Toolkit for Personalized Solutions
Marmelab blog
Every company has unique CRM needs, but custom solutions are costly. We built Atomic CRM—an open-source framework for custom CRMs—to tackle this challenge.

Adding Voice Recognition To A Web App
Marmelab blog
Speech-to-Text is becoming a common feature, and modern tooling makes it easier to implement. Read how we built an Aqua clone using Cloudflare Workers AI, OpenAI Whisper, and Vue3.

DotJs 2025: Rediscovering JavaScript's Future
Marmelab blog
From the stunning venue to the captivating talks and valuable networking opportunities, the conference exceeded our expectations.

5 Serious Games To Better Know Each Other
Marmelab blog
During this 10th edition of #play14, we have filled up on workshops to help you with your team building, and here are 5 more.

4 Serious Games To Improve Collaboration
Marmelab blog
This year marked a special edition as #play14 celebrated its 10th anniversary. Here are four serious games you can use to improve team collaboration.

Optimizing AI for Qwant: From Prototype to Production
Marmelab blog
Marmelab partnered with Qwant to transform a promising AI prototype into a robust, production-ready agent. Discover how our expertise in AI evaluation and agile methodologies ensured a seamless and efficient deployment.

Building An AI Assistant at the Edge
Marmelab blog
Cloudflare recently launched Workers AI that provides machine learning model inference at the edge. This article explains how we built a simple AI Assistant using Nuxt and Llama 3 8B on Workers AI.

Comment j'ai remplacé mon patron par une IA
Marmelab blog
Vous voudriez inverser la relation hiérarchique avec votre manager ou votre patron ? Voici une méthode facile et rapide ;) .

Introducing React-Admin V5
Marmelab blog
After 6 months of hard work, the new major version of React-admin is here!

Bpifrance et GreenFrame : Retour d’expérience
Marmelab blog
Nous avons interviewé Calange Favreau, responsable Cloud chez Bpifrance, qui est utilisateur de GreenFrame et engagé dans une démarche de réduction de son empreinte carbone numérique.

MiXiT 2024 : La conférence Tech, Crêpes, et Éthique
Marmelab blog
On a adoré la conférence lyonnaise sur la tech et sur ce qu'il y a autour. Voici nos talks préférés et les liens vers les rediffusions.

Using AI To Autofill Forms With Wikipedia
Marmelab blog
Discover how AI can automate form completion from external sources, making data entry quick and efficient.

GSAP In Practice: Avoid The Pitfalls
Marmelab blog
From SVG inconsistencies to resetting ScrollTrigger animations smoothly, or even FOUC prevention, we share practical solutions for GSAP pitfalls.

Using React-Admin With React Native
Marmelab blog
React-admin can be used to build native mobile applications, which can also run on web browsers, thanks to its headless architecture.

A State Management Tour: Atomic State With Jotai
Marmelab blog
I try to simplify my state management approach using an atomic tool, jotai

React Paris 2024
Marmelab blog
If you missed React Paris 2024, here is a summary of the talks I found the most interesting.

We don't talk about Bruno (The API Client)
Marmelab blog
Bruno is an innovative open-source IDE for APIs you won't be able to live without.

Comment organiser sémantiquement les gros formulaires ?
Marmelab blog
L'expérience utilisateur sur les longs formulaires est un défi ergonomique. Découvrez les bonnes pratiques pour améliorer l'UX des grands formulaires.

Highlight Search Terms In Page Content
Marmelab blog
Leverage the CSS Custom Highlight API to highlight words within a larger body of text. This technique is compatible with all JS frameworks.

LIT: A Lightweight Library For Building Web Components
Marmelab blog
To explore the LIT framework, I built a framework-agnostic accordion component that I managed to reuse in React and Vue.

Trigger Animations On Scroll With GSAP
Marmelab blog
The GSAP ScrollTrigger plugin facilitates scroll-based animations like parallax scrolling and slide-in panels. Learn how to use it to create engaging user experiences.

Synchronize Backend and Frontend Types With tRPC
Marmelab blog
Experience seamless type synchronization across the stack with tRPC, freeing developers from tedious manual typing tasks.

SnowCamp 2024 : Les talks à ne pas manquer
Marmelab blog
Nous avons assisté à cette très bonne conférence tech généraliste. Voici nos talks préférés.

GSAP Basics: Dive into Web Animations
Marmelab blog
GSAP is a powerful and open-source JS animation library. Here are the essentials to get you started.

Cut Through The Noise: AI-Curated News Digests
Marmelab blog
With so many sources of information available, it's easy to become overwhelmed by information overload. Let's use AI to select and summarize the most relevant articles.

OpenTelemetry in Practice: Instrumenting JavaScript Apps for Tracing
Marmelab blog
We've enabled OpenTelemetry on some of our Node.js APIs and their React client, and it was surprisingly easy. The full-stack traces let us debug faster. This hands-on guide explains how to do it.

React Admin March 2024 Update
Marmelab blog
AG Grid, Versioning, Date inputs, improved providers, new themes, a new demo, Daisy UI, Cognito... and a YouTube channel!

Automate Your Workflow With Git Hooks
Marmelab blog
Git Hooks and Husky can be used to check the quality of your code, automate repetitive tasks or standardize commit messages.

Build Type-Safe SQL Queries With Kysely
Marmelab blog
From database to query results, the Kysely query builder embraces strong typing with TypeScript.

Write JavaScript Shell Scripts With Bun
Marmelab blog
JS developers can now write shell scripts with good performance with Bun Shell. This promising tool is still under development.

Demystifying Monitoring: From Basics to OpenTelemetry
Marmelab blog
How to make sure that our application works well and catch any problem ASAP? Discover monitoring, from basic concepts to OpenTelemetry, a very promising open-source project.

New client-side hooks coming to React 19
Marmelab blog
Data fetching and form handling are about to get easier in React, and not just in SSR apps.

Continuous Migration: Keeping Users Uninterrupted
Marmelab blog
Struggling with disruptive app migrations? Discover a systematic strategy that enables progressive migration while maintaining a consistent and uninterrupted user interface.

Documentation: The Key Enabler For Open-Source Success
Marmelab blog
Why investing in documentation pays off, and how to write great documentation, based on our experience with react-admin.

Crystal clear reviews using Conventional Comments
Marmelab blog
If you've ever struggled when writing or reading a review, here's a way to simplify this essential process.

The View Transition API: A New Way to Animate Page Transitions
Marmelab blog
A new, experimental API has landed on chromium-based browsers. It allows us to have better control of the transition between two pages.

Optical Character Recognition on Handwritten Documents
Marmelab blog
What is the state of the art in OCR of handwritten historical documents? We tested Open Source libraries and Cloud-based solutions, met researchers in the domain, and learned a lot in the process.

Selling Open-Source Products Requires Sales & Marketing Skills
Marmelab blog
In our journey to monetize a popular open-source project, we realized that mere engineering skills weren't sufficient. Acquiring sales and marketing expertise was essential to make our project profitable.

Using React-Admin With Your Favorite UI Library
Marmelab blog
The core of react-admin is UI-agnostic. This article explains how to build a react-admin application with Tailwind CSS and Daisy UI.

From Open-Source Project to Marketable Product
Marmelab blog
How can you sell something that is free? We explain how we turned react-admin, a popular open-source project, into a profitable product.

Displaying Test Screenshots in GitHub Actions
Marmelab blog
Build a CI workflow (GitHub or GitLab) to turn the screenshots taken after an e2e test failure (Cypress, Playwright) into CI artifacts.

Anatomy Of A Profitable Open-Source Project
Marmelab blog
We open the books of react-admin, a profitable open-source project generating almost €1M in revenue. We hope this will assist other open-source developers in building their businesses.

Turning Open-Source Into Profit: Our Journey
Marmelab blog
We’ve generated almost €1M with react-admin, an open-source developer tool. How did we do it? Here is our story, and it’s open-source, too.

Milestones: The Secret Trick To Better Dependency Management
Marmelab blog
Milestones link code changes directly to specific release versions, boosting project clarity.

Can You Fall In Love With An AI?
Marmelab blog
In the movie "Her", the hero falls in love with an AI. This is no longer science fiction: I managed to recreate the voice chat experience.

React Admin v4 Advanced Recipes: Creating a Record Related to the Current One
Marmelab blog
This practical tutorial shows how to use the routing and a custom button to improve user experience.

React Admin October 2023 Update
Marmelab blog
What? Another super-long article about react-admin updates? But when am I supposed to read this?

Interview : LODEX, un outil open-source au service de la recherche
Marmelab blog
Comment se passe le un projet de développement web avec Marmelab ? Nous avons interviewé Camille de Salabert et Nicolas Thouvenin de l'Inist CNRS pour en savoir plus sur leur expérience.

React-Admin Authentication Using Active Directory
Marmelab blog
This tutorial will show you, step by step, how to configure a React-Admin application to use Azure Active Directory as an authentication provider.

The current state of WASI in containers space
Marmelab blog
WASI takes more and more place in containers, but can we use it?

Building AI-Augmented Apps With React-Admin
Marmelab blog
Add AI superpowers to your web apps with the new PredictiveTextInput and SmartRichTextInput components.

How Marmelab Transformed Accor's IT Architecture to Boost Revenue and Customer Experience
Marmelab blog
The largest hotel group in Europe approached us to assist in resolving delivery and performance issues with their mobile app development.

Building a Kanban Board With React
Marmelab blog
How to develop a Trello-like board where users can drag and drop cards, using react and react-admin.

React-Admin vs Refine: Feature Comparison
Marmelab blog
What is the best React framework for your next project? Make an informed decision with this detailed benchmark.

Internationalization with Polyglot.js and NestJS
Marmelab blog
See how to manage translation with Polyglot.js and a NestJS backend, and take advantage of interpolation and pluralization!

React Admin June 2023 Update
Marmelab blog
Infinite pagination, dark mode, ReferenceOneInput, zero-config server-side validation, auto-saving forms, TreeInput, create-react-admin, and much more!

Tech, Crêpes, et Éthique. Marmelab était à MiXiT !
Marmelab blog
La conférence lyonnaise sur la tech mais surtout sur ce qu'il y a autour.

Building Artificial Consciousness With GPT-3
Marmelab blog
Meet Molly, a conversational agent with an inner monologue, who gives the illusion of consciousness.

Is React Having An Angular.js Moment?
Marmelab blog
React Server Components, while innovative, risk causing division in the React community due to their potential to undermine Single-Page App architecture.

Convert GIF to WebM Files to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Your Website
Marmelab blog
Reducing the size of the video assets of the React Admin documentation certainly is a simple way to reduce its carbon footprint. But this comes with some challenges. Hence, we've built a CLI tool to make the process easier.

User-Centric Testing using React Testing Library
Marmelab blog
Learn how to use Vitest and React Testing Library to write unit and integration tests for a Search Component.

Porting React-Admin to Solid
Marmelab blog
Is Solid.js mature enough to build complex web apps? What are the core differences with React? To answer these questions, we developed solid-admin. Let's dive in!

Des pratiques commerciales open-source ?
Marmelab blog
Les développeurs et facilitateurs partagent souvent ici leurs secrets de fabrication. Les commerciaux, jamais. Il est temps de réparer cette injustice.

Building A Custom Tags Selector With React-Admin
Marmelab blog
How react-admin data provider hooks streamline the development of complex components.

What Is The Carbon Footprint Of Data Centers?
Marmelab blog
My key takeaways about an academic conference held last month at Loria, where I learned about the carbon footprint of data centers and its impact.

Reducing Our Impact: Marmelab's Pursuit of a Smaller Carbon Footprint
Marmelab blog
Our agency emits 2.2tCO2e per employee per year, less that half of the sector average. And we're actively working to reduce our carbon footprint.

Let's Play Poker (Planning)
Marmelab blog
Building a collaborative Planning Poker Application with no server using peerJS.

Using AI To Pilot A Racing Car With The Voice
Marmelab blog
We built a handless game with TensorFlow and JavaScript to learn how to integrate AI into web applications.

Creating Custom Form Layouts With React Admin
Marmelab blog
React Admin is a very convenient tool to create fully-featured forms quickly. Let's have a look at how to customize a form layout to improve its readability and the user experience.

How Marmelab Helped iad Boost Transparency and Recruitment with Customizable Income Prediction Tool
Marmelab blog
IAD disrupts traditional real estate by fostering independent consultants and enhancing their experience with a Marmelab-created revenue simulator.

Building A Graphical User Interface in the Terminal using Go
Marmelab blog
For my onboarding at Marmelab, I built the Labyrinth game with a command line interface using Go and GOCUI.

React Admin March 2023 Update
Marmelab blog
DataProvider callbacks, Count components, OAuth support, Custom Resource routes, and many more new features to discover in the last 2 releases.

Using Copilot to Review Code And Fund Open-Source Projects
Marmelab blog
What if we could use AI to spot bugs, suggest improvements, and pay open-source developers for their work?

Introducing Acme Refrigerator HelpDesk, A New React-Admin Demo
Marmelab blog
The best way to learn react-admin is by looking at existing apps. Here is a new one to learn from.

Are No-Code Tools A Good Choice For Developers?
Marmelab blog
Developers often use low-code tools like react-admin to increase their development speed. But what about no-code tools? How far can they get and are they nice to use?

React Without useEffect
Marmelab blog
useEffect is the hardest part of React - and the most error-prone. What if we could build entire React apps without this hook? It's possible - but you need a framework.

Rive: Animate Web UIs with State Machines
Marmelab blog
Rive helps you create animations with state-machine

Marmelab Celebrates 10 Years Of Digital Innovation
Marmelab blog
A decade of designing and developing web and mobile apps for clients: Let's look back on 10 years of exploration, sharing, and caring.

EdgeDB, A New Competitor In The Database Area
Marmelab blog
How EgdeDb differs from other databases, does it compete, does it works? Let's check this.

useAsyncEffect: The Missing React Hook
Marmelab blog
Introducing a new React hook that allows you to run asynchronous side effects in a simple way.

Securely Managing Database Secrets With Vault
Marmelab blog
In this post, I will show how to setup the root and user credentials for a Postgres database in a truly secure way, leveraging a secret management system.

How To Implement Web Login In A Private NPM Registry
Marmelab blog
NPM v9 is now using Web Login as its default authentication type. Let's see how it works and what it takes to implement it in a private registry.

Multi-Tenant Single-Page Apps: Dos and Don'ts
Marmelab blog
How can you implement multitenancy in React, Vue, Svelte, or any other frontend framework?

React Admin December 2022 Update
Marmelab blog
Configurable components, Edit in dialog, useInfiniteGetList, Discord server, better inputs documentation, and many more new features to discover in the last 3 releases.

Building a B2B app with Strapi and React-Admin
Marmelab blog
Combining a backend-as-a-service and a low-code tool lets you develop web apps super fast

Au coeur du Volcamp
Marmelab blog
On a assisté à la conférence Volcamp en Auvergne, inflitrés au coeur du domaine du groupe LavaJUG. Voici ce qu'on en a retenu

GreenFrame Is Open-Source
Marmelab blog
The best developer tool to measure the carbon footprint of websites is now free to use.

Niji & GreenFrame, exemple d'un partenariat réussi
Marmelab blog
Niji a sponsorisé le support de Kubernetes dans GreenFrame, notre outil d'analyse de l'empreinte carbone des sites web.

Writing A React-Admin Data Provider For Offline-First Applications
Marmelab blog
Can we use react-admin with only client-side storage? Leveraging LocalForage, which uses InnoDB and is not limited in size, react-admin becomes the ideal tool for offline-first web applications.

Copilot Made Me An Augmented Programmer
Marmelab blog
Programming with AI-powered assistants like GitHub Copilot feels like being in a science fiction movie - for better and for worse.

React-admin, Now On Discord
Marmelab blog
The new place to discuss react-admin, ask questions, and get help.

Create a CRUD API In Minutes With PostgREST
Marmelab blog
PostgREST lets developers expose a REST API based on an existing database with almost no code. Let's discover how setup this tool!

Convertir un projet Docker Compose en Kubernetes, partie 2
Marmelab blog
Découvrons les fonctionnalités clés de K8s avec notre application fraîchement migrée.

React I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down
Marmelab blog
We've come a long, long way together. You changed. Where do we go from here?

Convertir un projet Docker Compose en Kubernetes, partie 1
Marmelab blog
Kubernetes n'est pas si complexe d'utilisation qu'on le dit. Voyons en douceur comment migrer depuis docker-compose.

React Admin September 2022 Update
Marmelab blog
Since version 4.0, react-admin released many great features both in the open-source and enterprise editions. References and Forms, in particular, have received many upgrades.

IA: Comment se faire battre par sa propre création
Marmelab blog
Pendant mon intégration chez Marmelab, j'ai développé un algorithme pour jouer à Abalone. Il est (vraiment) imbattable.

Les ~10 préceptes de la revue de code
Marmelab blog
Faire des revues de code, c'est bien, mais comment bien les faire?

LorrainJS: la librairie qui parle Lorrain
Marmelab blog
Découvrez les prototypes JavaScript, les expressions régulières, et la publication de package npm grâce à une librairie que personne, personne n'a jamais demandée

How Caritas Uses React-Admin To Accelerate Their Intranet Development
Marmelab blog
Interview of Alex, head of web dev at Caritas, and Cornelius, PO.

React-admin Reached 20,000 Stars On GitHub
Marmelab blog
We've managed to build a sustainable open-source project! This is a dream come true.

Installing React-Admin In A Remix App
Marmelab blog
A step-by-step example explaining how to use React-Admin inside a Remix app, and how to configure it to use Supabase as the data provider.

A State Management Tour: Proxy State With Valtio
Marmelab blog
I try to simplify my state management approach using a proxy based tool, Valtio

De la programmation orientée objet à la programmation fonctionnelle
Marmelab blog
Lors de mon intégration, venant du monde de Java, j'ai dû apprendre à utiliser des concepts de la programmation fonctionnelle.

Deploying A Web App With Docker And AWS Fargate
Marmelab blog
A step-by-step guide, with screenshots, that I built during my integration challenge

React-admin Enterprise Edition, Now In V4
Marmelab blog
RBAC, editable datagrid, many-to-many relationships, realtime, calendar, audit log, site search, and more: the private modules are now available for the latest version of react-admin.

Rendre Les Scripts Bash Lisibles Par Un Dev JS
Marmelab blog
Vous êtes dev JS ? Vous en avez assez de ne pas savoir lire les oneliners bash ? Alors en voiture !

Déployer un site statique client-side via Amazon S3
Marmelab blog
Un guide pas à pas pour tirer parti des services AWS pour son site internet

Introducing React-admin V4
Marmelab blog
After over 6 months of development, we are excited to introduce the new major version of react-admin.

React-admin V4: Switching Form Library
Marmelab blog
We replaced react-final-form with react-hook-form. Why did we make the switch and what does it change for you?

React-admin V4: Build Your Own Framework
Marmelab blog
If you had to write a framework for single-page apps, chances are you would probably build something close to react-admin v4.

React-admin V4: Goodbye, Redux!
Marmelab blog
The most important difference between react-admin v3 and v4 lies under the hood. React-admin v4 no longer uses Redux for state management - without changing the developer API.

React-admin V4: Persistent Preferences
Marmelab blog
The new major version introduces a new set of features centered around User Experience and preferences.

Digital Carbon Footprint: The Current State of Measuring Tools
Marmelab blog
Benchmarking the CO2 emissions estimated by GreenIT Analysis, Website Carbon, Digital Beacon, GreenFrame, Ecograder, and PageSpeed Insight on the same website,

React-admin V4: No More Props Injection
Marmelab blog
The new major version of react-admin improves developer experience a great deal thanks to one simple trick.

Implementing Path-Finding On A Hexagonal Board
Marmelab blog
Board games present unexpected programming challenges, and I learned many lessons by trying to detect the winner of a simple - yet very interesting - game of Hex.

Bull: Traitements asynchrones en Node.js
Marmelab blog
Retour sur la mise en place d'un système de workers en tâche de fond sur une application web pour le CNRS

Comment réduire l’empreinte écologique d’un service numérique ?
Marmelab blog
Une démarche outillée pour mettre en oeuvre une stratégie "Green Tech".

Why You Should Upgrade To Material-UI V5
Marmelab blog
The latest version of the React component library boosts the developer experience when writing custom styles.

Dessiner un logo en LOGO, c'est possible ?
Marmelab blog
Peut-on faire du beau code avec un vieux language périmé ? La seule façon de le savoir, c'est d'essayer !

How We Write For The Web
Marmelab blog
Everybody writes at Marmelab. Here is our secret sauce for publishing one good article per week for the past 9 years.

How to Run React-Admin On Next.Js
Marmelab blog
React-admin is designed for single-page-apps, but can also run with an SSR framework like Next.js

Réduire l'empreinte carbone d'un site web en pratique : le cas
Marmelab blog
Les équipes du Monde nous ont chargé de réduire les émissions de CO2 liées à l'utilisation de leur site de 30%. Pari tenu ?

Intégration: dépasser la peur de l'échec
Marmelab blog
Dans l'innovation, l'échec fait partie du quotidien. C'est l'un des premiers apprentissages des nouveaux arrivants chez Marmelab.

Media Websites: 70% of the Carbon Footprint Caused by Ads and Stats
Marmelab blog
Website editors, here is a tool and guide to reduce your environmental impact

Decarbonization In The Media Industry: GreenFrame Helps France.TV To Reduce Its Digital Emissions
Marmelab blog
GreenFame, the carbon leak detector for websites, is now being used to tackle the new challenges caused by the transformation in the media industry.

Un dev chez les Product Owners
Marmelab blog
J'ai participé à la conférence 'School of product' avec un regard de développeur, voici ce que j'en retiens.

Marmelab Welcomes Aníbal To The React-Admin Core Team
Marmelab blog
The React-admin team expands, with a new developer joining us from Montevideo, Uruguay

Sites médias : 70% de l'empreinte carbone vient des pubs et des stats
Marmelab blog
Editeurs de sites web, voici un outil et des recettes pour réduire votre impact environnemental

Building A Retro React-Admin Theme For Fun And Profit
Marmelab blog
While waiting for the react-admin of the future, let's discover the react-admin of the past.

Speed up the loading of your pages by using variable fonts
Marmelab blog
Each font variant (bold, medium, etc.) requires an additional file, which slows down navigation. Except if you use variable fonts!

A Brighter Future For The Web? Exploring Solid
Marmelab blog
The current web is not what Tim Berners-Lee expected it to become, and he wants to fix it. He came up with a solution called Solid. Is it usable yet? Let's find out!

We've sold 10,000$ Worth Of Ether And Donated It All To Charities
Marmelab blog
Back in 2016, we mined 5 ethers to test the blockchain technology. This year, we've sold the remaining ether and donated the revenue to charities, because we don't want to speculate on global warming.

Vers la sobriété numérique, la conférence
Marmelab blog
J'ai eu l'honneur d'ouvrir le Forum PHP 2021 à Paris avec une conférence de vulgarisation sur les enjeux de la Green Tech. Si vous l'avez ratée, la vidéo est en ligne !

Improving User Experience With A Mouse In A CLI Application
Marmelab blog
I used the blessed library to add mouse interactions to a terminal app, and it improved the user experience a lot.

How To Become A React-admin Grandmaster In 237 Easy Steps
Marmelab blog
I gave a talk about advanced react-admin tips at this year's API Platform Conference in Lille, France. Here is the video of the talk.

On a terminé le FALL CHALLENGE 2021
Marmelab blog
Notre petite équipe à défendu l'honneur de Marmelab sur l'escape game organisé par

Using ESI elements with Next.js
Marmelab blog
How we used Edge-Side Includes in a React.js application to boost the performance of a Server-Side Rendered application.

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Anthony et Alexandre
Marmelab blog
Nous accueillons simultanément deux nouveaux développeurs full-stack. Voici leurs cursus.

Using An SQLite Database Live In React-Admin
Marmelab blog
To use a database in a web app, we have to build an API. But what if we could use a database directly from the browser?

Discovering Rust by Playing the Quoridor Board Game
Marmelab blog
To learn a new language, nothing beats practice. We've used Rust to redevelop a game that we already built in many other languages. Here are our impressions.

React Admin Enterprise Edition - September 2021 Update
Marmelab blog
In the past 6 months, the Enterprise Edition got 2 new private modules: ra-audit-log, and ra-rbac. ra-preferences now also features no-code components.

Onboarding chez Marmelab: Une symfony en une semaine
Marmelab blog
Apres avoir développé un jeu en python, voici comment j'ai créé son api avec Symfony.

React Admin September 2021 Update
Marmelab blog
From 3.15 to 3.18, React-admin introduced tons of improvements, including a better sidebar, quick choice creation, and many List additions.

Testing React.js Hooks And Components: The Missing Piece
Marmelab blog
Leveraging storybook and testing-library makes integration tests a piece of cake - and I don't need more.

Overriding the Create-React-App Webpack Configuration Without Ejecting
Marmelab blog
Create-React-App is a great tool to bootstrap React apps, but it can be quite painful when you need fine-grained control over the Webpack configuration.

Towards Digital Sustainability, A Keynote
Marmelab blog
I had the pleasure to give a talk about how developers impact climate change at the SymfonyWorld Online 2021 conference. Here is the full-length video.

Behold the Power of Laziness With Functional Programming
Marmelab blog
To finish the exploration of functional programming with the Checkoid internals, let's combine a synchronous Validator with asynchronous one with a lazy Promise... that is also a Monad.

I Tested React Server Components And I'm Not A Fan (Yet).
Marmelab blog
React Server Components are an upcoming feature of the React framework. I wanted to form my own opinion about them. Spoiler: It's mixed

Marmelab Helps Broadcom Build A Customizable Developer Portal
Marmelab blog
Broadcom leveraged react-admin to boost and enhance their API Management offering with API Hub, which provides an enriched API consumer-facing user experience

Become a {javascript} ninja with Ninja Coder
Marmelab blog
Recruiters ask everywhere for Ninja developers. We've built the perfect IDE for such developers, using Machine Learning and Pose detection.

Introducing Atomic CRM, A New React-Admin Demo
Marmelab blog
React-admin isn't just for admins. Check out how we used it to build a complete CRM solution.

GreenFrame: Calculating The Impact of Cache on MediaWiki Carbon Emissions
Marmelab blog
I have compared several configurations of a MediaWiki server, respectively with and without cache, and we found that caches play a major role in the energy footprint reduction.

Retour d'une intégration partie 2/2 : Le pentago en Go et React Native
Marmelab blog
Retour d'expérience sur mes deux dernières semaines d'intégration chez marmelab où j'ai développé une IA en Golang puis une application mobile en React native du jeu Pentago.

Comment contrôler le temps dans un container Docker
Marmelab blog
Pour stabiliser des tests dépendant de la date, on peut changer la date d'un container. Mais est-ce que ce pouvoir n'est pas trop dangereux ?
4年前 What is the carbon footprint of a web page?
Marmelab blog
We've made Argos, our tool for measuring the environmental impact of web apps, available for public web pages, for free.

React-Admin April 2021 Update
Marmelab blog
With react-admin 3.13 and 3.14, developer productivity continues to increase, and new developers should get up and running faster than before.

FOSS interview : React-admin avec Gildas
Marmelab blog
Dans cette vidéo, Gildas nous parle du projet open-source React-admin

Onboarding chez Marmelab : 5 semaines pour faire un jeu - Semaine 1
Marmelab blog
Pendant 5 semaines j'ai développé un jeu en python, créé son api avec symfony, fait son IA en Go, écrit sa version mobile en react-native et publié une version web avec nextjs. Voici ce que je retiens de la première semaine.

Retour d'une intégration partie 1/2 : Le pentago en Python et Symfony
Marmelab blog
Retour d'expérience sur mes deux première semaines d'intégration chez marmelab ou j'ai développé, d'abord en Python puis en Symfony, le jeu Pentago.

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Guillaume et Clément
Marmelab blog
Nous accueillons presque en même temps deux développeurs full-stack expérimentés. Qui sont-ils?

FOSS interview : stretch-discord avec Maxime et Pierre
Marmelab blog
Dans cette vidéo, Maxime et Pierre nous parlent du projet open-source stretch-discord

Argos: Comparing the Energy Consumption of Two Web Stacks
Marmelab blog
Does an app in Node.js/Rails consume more energy than the same app in Vanilla.js+WebComponents/React.js? We've used Argos, our energy footprint calculator, to find out.

FOSS interview : comfygure avec Kevin
Marmelab blog
Dans cette vidéo, Kevin nous parle du projet open-source comfygure

Tests d'intégration en Node.js: de Supertest à Frisby.js
Marmelab blog
Pourquoi et comment tester des APIs web ? Quels outils nous facilitent la tâche, et quels sont leurs limites ?

Validator assemble! Functors in Action
Marmelab blog
In this new functional programming tutorial, I'll explain how Functors can help us assemble validator functions to validate complex data structures like objects.

React Admin Enterprise Edition - February 2021 Update
Marmelab blog
In the past 3 months, the Enterprise Edition got 3 new private modules: ra-search, ra-calendar, and ra-enterprise, in addition to saved queries in ra-preferences.

React Admin February 2021 Update
Marmelab blog
React-admin 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12 introduce tons of improvements, including server-side validation, keyboard navigation, and optimistic mutations

Histoire d'une migration chez Arte, partie 3/3 : action
Marmelab blog
Comment nous avons mis en œuvre une migration continue

The True Power Of Monoids: How To Combine Validators
Marmelab blog
Come and see monoids in real-life, in this tutorial explaining how to combine validator functions like lego pieces.

Histoire d'une migration chez Arte, partie 2/3 : la mise en place
Marmelab blog
Comment nous avons préparé un chantier de migration continue

Histoire d'une migration chez Arte, partie 1/3 : le contexte
Marmelab blog
Pourquoi nous nous sommes lancés dans un chantier de migration continue

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Pascal
Marmelab blog
Doté d'un profil mixte dev / produit / innovation, mâtiné d'une formation en RSE, Pascal est une recrue de choix pour notre équipe de facilitateurs !

React Admin v3 Advanced Recipes: Managing User Profile
Marmelab blog
React-admin doesn't offer a feature that you need? No problem, it's just React! This practical tutorial update shows how to allow users to edit their profile in React-admin v3.

Alleviate the health problems of sitting all-day
Marmelab blog
As developers, we're sitting most of the day. Let's see what we do at Marmelab to counter the effects of the sitting position.

Argos: Measure The Carbon Footprint Of Software, Improve Developer Practices
Marmelab blog
We've built a tool measuring the energy consumption of web apps to help reduce the environmental impact of developers. See how it works in this preview.

Comment ARTE a simplifié le développement multi-plateforme à l’aide d’une API orientée front
Marmelab blog
Voici la vidéo de la conférence que nous avons donnée au Forum PHP 2020.

Introducing Checkoid, An Input Validation Library Built With Composition In Mind
Marmelab blog
We've built a simple and powerful validation library that allows to combine validator like lego pieces.

Plugging React-Admin To Google Sheets
Marmelab blog
React-admin pretends it can connect to any backend using a custom data provider. I decided to challenge this statement. How far did I go?

Sunsetting PHP Faker
Marmelab blog
I am the lead developer of a popular PHP library. I can't maintain it anymore or give it away, so I'm archiving the project.

React Admin Enterprise Edition - October 2020 Update
Marmelab blog
Accordion and Wizard Forms, Edit in dialog, Dual List Input, and Content Locks will make you more productive with react-admin.

Into The Labyrinth With x3dom
Marmelab blog
What if you could create a 3D Labyrinth game with only HTML tags? That's the promise of x3dom, which I explore in practice in this tutorial

React Admin October 2020 Update
Marmelab blog
React-admin 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9 introduce TypeScript support, Filter Sidebar, User Menu Improvements, and ListContext

Gagner l'estime des futurs développeurs en rédigeant des ADR
Marmelab blog
Les Architecture Decision Records (ADR) répondent à la question: Pourquoi a-t-on mis ça en place déjà ?

Building A Chat Application Using SvelteJS and SSE
Marmelab blog
What's better than vanillaJS? Maybe SvelteJS, especially to add high-level features to your web pages!

Developers Can Save The Planet, Part II: The Solution
Marmelab blog
How can developers design, code, and host software to minimize their carbon footprint? How reliable are these practices?

Developers Can Save The Planet, Part I: The Problem
Marmelab blog
How much CO2 do I emit on a typical day with my digital activities? Are the developers responsible for climate change?

React Admin v3 Advanced Recipes: Creating a Record Related to the Current One
Marmelab blog
React-admin doesn't offer a feature that you need? No problem, it's just React! This practical tutorial shows how to use the routing and a custom button to improve the user experience.

Changing The Look And Feel Of React-Admin Without JSX
Marmelab blog
Learn how to customize the theme of a react-admin application without rewriting everything

Introducing React-Admin Enterprise Edition
Marmelab blog
Buy additional modules on top of the OSS version, and professional support by Marmelab experts to streamline your react-admin development.

Handling JWT in Admin Apps the Right Way
Marmelab blog
The best practice regarding JWT storage is to use memory rather than local storage. But it comes with numerous challenges. Let's see how to tackle these in the case of a react-admin application.

Marmelab est lauréat du Challenge Sobriété Numérique 2020
Marmelab blog
Notre projet: améliorer l'impact environnemental de react-admin et d'API Platform Admin, deux framework open-source très utilisés.

Building A Web Application In 15 Minutes Using StrapiJS And NextJS
Marmelab blog
Hands-on with StrapiJS, an Headless CMS that allows to separate data and display.

React Admin 3.6: Easier Customization Of Edit and Create Views
Marmelab blog
Three minor releases in the last three months: it's about time we look at the new features!

Modsir : Un modèle SIR pour simuler l'épidémie de COVID
Marmelab blog
Modsir19 est un produit visant à modéliser et prévoir l’évolution de la pandémie Covid19 et ses conséquences sur l’occupation hospitalière. Marmelab a embarqué dans l'équipe pour 2 sprints de conception et développement des interfaces utilisateurs.

Gremlins.js 2: The New Batch
Marmelab blog
We've modernized the code of Gremlins.js, our monkey testing library for frontend apps. It's now super easy to detect memory leaks in your JavaScript code.

Nettoyage de printemps de nos projets open-source
Marmelab blog
On trouve plus de 200 dépôts publics sur notre compte Github. Est-ce à dire que nous maintenons plus de 200 projets open-source ? Non, un petit nettoyage s'imposait...

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Jérémie
Marmelab blog
Pour la première fois de son existence, Marmelab se dote d'un commercial. Et pas des moindres.

Marmelab recrute en télétravail
Marmelab blog
Le confinement nous a appris que nous savons collaborer en télétravail. Nous pouvons donc recruter partout en France !

React Admin v3 Advanced Recipes - Adding Related Records Inline With Custom Forms
Marmelab blog
Learn how to migrate to react-admin v3 with this tutorial for a common feature in admin forms.

OpenAPI : un contrat pour vos API.s
Marmelab blog
La spécification OpenAPI permet d'écrire le contrat du service fourni par une API REST. Mais comment écrire un tel contrat et à quoi va-t-il servir ?

Goridor: The Gopher Rest
Marmelab blog
My integration period at marmelab continues with the Go implementation of the Quoridor board game.

Usine partagée : des visières contre le Covid-19
Marmelab blog
Des volontaires Marmelab ont développé en un week-end une plateforme de commande de visières à usage médical.

OpenAPI dans la jungle du REST
Marmelab blog
HATEOAS, JSON-LD, JSON API, HAL, Hydra ... La liste des acronymes de spécification liées au REST est longue. Quelle est la place d'OpenAPI dans cette liste ?

React Admin 3.3: Faster Navigation And Reduced Footprint Thanks To Application Cache
Marmelab blog
Save up to 50% scripting time and a lot of bandwidth in your react-admin applications

Quoridor: Coffee time for the mouse
Marmelab blog
Second part of my feelings about my integration period at marmelab.

Star Wars Agile Retrospectives: The Starfish and the Death Star
Marmelab blog
We at the empire didn't do a great job with the Death Star. Let's use the Agile methodology to improve our process through a Retrospective.

Programming A Space Invader In OCaml and OpenGL: Lessons Learned
Marmelab blog
After a first experience with ReasonML, I wanted to check if its parent language, OCaml, was also that good. It took me an entire game to form a clear opinion.

Le temps réel avec GraphQL: Facile ou pas facile?
Marmelab blog
Mettre à jour des données en temps réel sur une application GraphQL, un défi? Une seule façon de le savoir: créons un prototype de sondage en temps réel.

Getting The Ball Rolling With DeviceMotion
Marmelab blog
There are two relatively new APIs in the browser: DeviceMotion and DeviceOrientation. Let's see how to use them to detect the device motion and orientation.

Why and How We Made Our Website Privacy Friendly
Marmelab blog
Today is International Data Privacy Day, so we made some changes on our website to protect your privacy.

Mocking an API with Polly.js
Marmelab blog
It is never easy to set up functional tests involving calls to an external API. Polly.js is a useful tool to know when you need to mock calls to an API.

Amnesty International: Taking advantage of the Lean Startup methodology to prove ourselves wrong
Marmelab blog
The ideas we had for the urgent actions application were just assumptions. We tested them with the help of the Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop, and were quite surprised with the results.

Quixo en React isomorphic avec Next.js
Marmelab blog
Dernière semaine d'intégration pour développer une application React rendue côté serveur et la déployer !

Marmelab Helps WALLIX Prototype A Zero Knowledge App For Session Management
Marmelab blog
To build a zero-knowledge web application for managing a cluster of security proxies, we've had to push modern browsers to their limits

React Admin v3.1: Make Your Own Admin
Marmelab blog
Easier theming, new components, and fine-tuned capabilities make react-admin suitable for even more projects.

Quixo sur mobile grâce à React-native !
Marmelab blog
Nouvelle semaine d'intégration et nouvel objectif : pouvoir jouer à Quixo sur mobile !

Build Your Own Design System With StencilJS
Marmelab blog
Design Systems are an increasingly common practice in web development. Let's study how to do ours with StencilJS

Si Darwin avait raison, l'agilité fonctionne par hasard
Marmelab blog
Voici la vidéo de la conférence de 45 minutes sur Modern Agile que j'ai donnée à Agile France et au Forum PHP 2019.

Au secours, mon poste ne démarre plus !
Marmelab blog
On connaît tous ce collègue qui, un matin, s'est retrouvé face à un écran noir. La plupart du temps, il suffit d'appeler le service support de l'entreprise. Mais chez nous, chaque dévelopeur est responsable de sa machine. Voilà comment nous gérons ça.

React Admin v3: Improved Developer Experience Thanks to React Hooks
Marmelab blog
After 7 months of hard work, version 3.0 stable is finally here!

Web Worker à l'école des sorciers
Marmelab blog
Découverte de la magie des web workers à travers React.

Faker 1.9: The Best Faker Data Generator... Yet
Marmelab blog
We've published a new version of the popular PHP library Faker. The next one will be a major version, with breaking changes.

Le server-side rendering sans framework: pas si dur!
Marmelab blog
Comment configurer une appli React Apollo pour faire du SSR avec code splitting et hot reload

Jouer seul à Quixo grâce à un bot en Golang
Marmelab blog
J'entame ma 3ème semaine d'intégration chez Marmelab. A la fin de cette semaine, je devrai pouvoir jouer seul à Quixo grâce à une IA en Golang

Quoridor: Playing A Maze Game On The Console With Python
Marmelab blog
First part of my feelings about my integration period at marmelab.

Using Firebase for Backend-as-a-Service: Pros and Cons
Marmelab blog
On a short project, we decided to use Firebase, a Rapid Application Development service, to save time. Was it a good choice?

React Admin v3: Zoom in the UI Changes
Marmelab blog
The react-admin user interface for lists and forms has seen a few tweaks to improve usability and visual consistency.

React Admin v3: Zoom in the Data Layer
Marmelab blog
Querying the Data Provider with React hooks is such a joy that it should suffice to motivate you to upgrade.

React Admin v3: Zoom in the Styling Layer
Marmelab blog
Material-ui handles most of the styling and theming of react-admin v3.

React Admin v3: Zoom in the i18n Layer
Marmelab blog
This is a great example of how we use dependency injection in React.

React Admin v3: Zoom in the Authentication Layer
Marmelab blog
The developer experience was our main concern for designing the new react-admin version. See how it applies to the auth logic.

Amnesty International: Designing the Experience
Marmelab blog
From solution to problem, the work we did for Amnesty is a great example of how we design digital products

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Matthieu
Marmelab blog
L'équipe de développeurs marmelab continue de s'étoffer avec le renfort d'un nouveau profil très expérimenté.

CouchDB, The Open-Source Cloud Firestore Alternative?
Marmelab blog
How to develop an offline-first, real time React app using a NoSQL database, in practice.

Load Testing Node.js App with
Marmelab blog
We tried a new product that helped us load test an app before a critical event in production. This post explains how we did and how helped us.

Helping Amnesty International Target a New Audience
Marmelab blog
The pen is mightier than the sword... Can we get a smartphone to be as mighty? Read the story of how Marmelab helped AI to invent a new form of activism.

Créer son propre loader Webpack
Marmelab blog
Webpack permet d'ajouter des étapes supplémentaires au processus de compilation des projets JS. C'est plus difficile quand le projet utilise `create-react-app`. Voici la solution.

Ma seconde semaine d'intégration: Jouons à deux avec Symfony
Marmelab blog
C'est ma deuxième semaine chez Marmelab. Pour mon parcours d'intégration, je dois développer le jeu Quixo en PHP avec le framework Symfony, et coder un mode multijoueur.

WebAuthn: Server and Client-Side Strong Auth Library For JavaScript
Marmelab blog
Browsers support a new WebAuthn standard to facilitate strong authentication. We've open-sourced a library to facilitate its implementation.

Symfony for Quarto in Allegro! My third integration week at Marmelab.
Marmelab blog
How I made Quarto a pleasant game with a Symfony graphical user interface, and learned a lot in the process.

Quixo, le morpion de l'intégration: Un jeu en python sur console
Marmelab blog
Récit de ma première semaine d'intégration et du défi que j'ai du relever: développer un jeu de Quixo en 4 jours.

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Pierre
Marmelab blog
Un nouveau développeur full-stack vient renforcer notre équipe.

On apprend quoi pendant un stage chez Marmelab?
Marmelab blog
J'ai côtoyé pendant 8 semaines les équipes de pilotage et de développement de Marmelab. J'ai découvert tout un tas de pratiques qui m'ont étonnées, je vous les présente !

Releasing Comfygure 1.0
Marmelab blog
Two years after the initial release, we're finally publishing a stable version of comfygure! Read on to see what's new in our open-source configuration storage.

Agile Lean Ireland 2019: The Conference You Wish You Had Gone To
Marmelab blog
In the middle of Dublin, and with an impressive line-up of speakers, this agile conference was really worth the trip.

Créer et publier une application web sur Linux grâce aux snaps
Marmelab blog
Les stores d'application facilitent la distribution et la mise à jour des applications. Grâce aux snaps, c'est aussi possible sur Ubuntu.

The Innovator's Dilemma: How Can You Loose When You Seem to Be Winning?
Marmelab blog
If you want to understand what true disruptive innovation is and go further than the buzzword: Read that book.

Build Augmented Reality Applications With React-Native
Marmelab blog
Do you need to do native development to get native AR performance on mobile?

Property Based Testing in Javascript
Marmelab blog
Want to be more confident with your code? Property Based Testing can automatically generate data to test your code

What Can React Developers Learn From The Vue.Js Ecosystem?
Marmelab blog
For the first time, marmelab developers attended the European VueJs conference. Read on to discover what we learned!

Supplying your own Defaults to React Admin
Marmelab blog
You don't agree with some of our design decisions? No problem, just supply your own and keep your code DRY!

Functional Programming in JavaScript, Part 4: The Art of Chaining Different Monads
Marmelab blog
It is a bad practice to chain one monad with a monad of another type. Read on to understand why, and how to chain monads the right way.

React-admin 2.8: Query Component, Data Loss Protection, Top Bar Customization, And More
Marmelab blog
Highlights of the new features introduced by version 2.7 and 2.8

React Has Built-In Dependency Injection
Marmelab blog
Developers coming from other frameworks sometimes look for a dependency injection system, but fail to find it. It's right before their eyes.

React Admin Advanced Recipes: User Profile
Marmelab blog
React-admin doesn't offer a feature that you need? No problem, it's just React! This practical tutorial shows how to allow users to edit their profile.

First-class End-to-end Testing on Meteor
Marmelab blog
How to setup cypress e2e tests on a meteor app

Comment mettre en place les migrations avec Hasura
Marmelab blog
Hasura est un serveur GraphQL pour PostgreSQL. Lorsque le modèle de données change, comment passer l'info à Hasura pour mettre à jour l'API?

How To Improve Postgres Performance: Our Tips and Tricks
Marmelab blog
We recently had to investigate and optimize a large PostgreSQL database. Here is a what we did to remove the bottlenecks.

React Admin Advanced Recipes: Creating and Editing a Record From the List Page
Marmelab blog
Don't want to show a full new page to edit or create records? This tutorial shows how to display those forms in a drawer or a dialog from the List page.

User Stories Are Overrated
Marmelab blog
Trying to fit every requirement into a user story leads to backlog aberration. We should only use User Stories when trying to capture user value.

HTTPS In Development: A Practical Guide
Marmelab blog
Why and how to setup HTTPS certificates, with or without reverse proxy, in a JavaScript development environment.

Building a Timeline With React, Storybook, Material-UI, and React-Admin
Marmelab blog
When customer requirements can't be addressed by react-admin out of the box, it's time to use pure React. As this tutorial shows, it's quite straightforward, and react-admin never gets in the way.

React-admin 2.6: Datagrid Improvements, UI Polish, and Better Styling
Marmelab blog
Thanks to the hard work of more than a dozen developers, 2019 starts with a new react-admin release. Read on to see the highlights.

Twelve-Factor Applications: How Do You Validate Your Configuration?
Marmelab blog
When we deliver our code as docker images, how do we ensure that their configuration is correct?

Minutes of DotJS 2018
Marmelab blog
We attended the DotJS 2018 conference in Paris. We saw several awesome talks worth watching. Read on for details!

Vous aimez les legos ? React est fait pour vous !
Marmelab blog
Voici la vidéo de la conférence de 45 minutes que j'ai donnée à BlendWebMix 2018. J'y partage les bonnes pratiques React.js que nous avons apprises grâce à react-admin.

Marmelab permet aux entreprises clientes d'Harmonie Mutuelle d'ajuster leurs dépenses grâce à une DataViz
Marmelab blog
Une idée à forte incertitude, plein de risques techniques, le tout dans un grand groupe : ce projet est un candidat idéal pour l'approche marmelab.

A Developer's Diary: Building A Notes Taking App in Shell
Marmelab blog
I'm used to recording all the little things I learn from day to day as a developer. Since I didn't find the right note-taking tool to integrate in my daily routine, I coded it. Read on to see what I learned in the process.

Devfest Nantes 2018: Retour sur la première conférence tech de la saison
Marmelab blog
Marmelab a rejoint Palo IT à l'autre bout de la France pour découvrir la conférence Devfest. Découvrez notre sélection des sessions les plus marquantes.

React Multipass Render Pattern
Marmelab blog
Making components allowing to quickly build interfaces while remaining customizable

React-admin 2.4: Field Guessers, Aside, DateTimeInput, Better Accessibility... and TypeScript!
Marmelab blog
React-admin, our client-side admin GUI running on top of REST and GraphQL APIs, gets a bunch of new features to further improve the developer experience. Click to check the highlights.

Découverte du langage Go pour ma deuxième semaine d'intégration : Go Go Quarto Ranger !
Marmelab blog
Nouveau sprint d'intégration à Marmelab sur le jeu du Quarto : Réaliser une IA capable de battre un humain

How to Create a Carousel and a Wizard Form With React and CSS-in-JS
Marmelab blog
A wizard form is like a carousel: it's a series of slides. Implementing it in React is a great way to learn about state, transitions, and CSS-in-JS.

Hacktoberfest 2018: Come Contribute To OSS With Us!
Marmelab blog
Like every year, Marmelab is joining the Hacktoberfest. Come with us to celebrate open-source software and try to win a nice t-shirt.

Functional Programming in JavaScript, Part 3: Introduction to Functors and Monads
Marmelab blog
`Functors` and `Monads` may sound frightening, they are powerful concepts that can help developers on a day-to-day basis.

React-admin 2.3: Better UI, User Menu, Tree Shaking, Tree List, and more!
Marmelab blog
This new release of react-admin, our client-side admin GUI running on top of REST and GraphQL APIs, should be called a 3.0 since it brings so many new things. But, by virtue of SemVer and backwards changes, it's just a 2.3.

Agile Integration: Passing On Culture to Newcomers in 5 Weeks
Marmelab blog
We believe that the commonly used onboarding processes are broken. We invented a new way to welcome new collaborators, help them learn our tools and methods, and find their place in our organization. Let's fix onboarding together!

React Admin Advanced Recipes - Adding Related Records Inline With Custom Forms
Marmelab blog
React-admin allows to initialize a form to create a new resource related to the current one inside the main form. Here is how.

React-admin 2.2 Is Out With Export, Clone, And More
Marmelab blog
Export button, Dense AppBar, callback side effect, error page, clear Button on inputs, clone button... There are so much enhancements in this release that you'd better read the article.

Jouer pour mieux travailler : Le Quarto
Marmelab blog
Première semaine chez Marmelab ; premier projet ; premières sueurs ; premières découvertes ; et surtout : premières étoiles dans les yeux

Automating Accessibility and Performance Testing with Puppeteer and AxeCore
Marmelab blog
To make sure your site is accessible and fast, check it during the continuous integration process. Here is how to do it in practice.

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Julien M
Marmelab blog
Fort de dix ans de développement chez un éditeur de logiciels pour les professionnels de santé, Julien s'est décidé à faire le grand saut et vient de rejoindre Marmelab.

DotAI 2018: Machine Learning for Humans
Marmelab blog
I attended a few weeks ago my first conference about machine learning. As a developer with almost no experience in this field, I learned a lot without getting lost in the mathematical meanders associated with this topic. Here is my feedback.

React Admin Advanced Recipes: Creating a Record Related to the Current One
Marmelab blog
React-admin doesn't offer a feature that you need? No problem, it's just React! This practical tutorial shows how to use the routing and a custom button to improve the user experience.

React-admin 2.1 Is Out
Marmelab blog
The first minor version since 2.0 improves the developer experience, based on the feedback we've received. It's never been so fun to develop admin GUIs with React!

Managing State in React: Redux or not Redux?
Marmelab blog
Redux is a fantastic tool for managing state in React.js, but is it suitable for all situations? Probably not.

Lean from the Trenches: Managing Large Scale Projects with Kanban
Marmelab blog
How Henrik Kniberg facilitated a 60 persons project with agile methodologies

Get Rid Of Toxic Bugs On Your Apps With Detox!
Marmelab blog
End-to-end tests are common in the browser land, much less for native apps. A good solution is Detox, a gray box E2E testing framework for mobile apps.

Site Reliability Engineering: Google's Secret Sauce For High Availability And Happy Ops
Marmelab blog
Developers have a lot to learn from the book "Site Reliability Engineering - How Google Runs Production Systems", starting with time management and blameless retrospectives.

Admin-on-rest Becomes React-admin, and Gets a Major 2.0 Release
Marmelab blog
Material-ui 1.0, CSS-in-JS, undo button, bulk actions, and much more: Building admin GUIs with React has never been easier.

M&M's: Agile Retrospective For Gloutons
Marmelab blog
We've experimented an alternative way to liberate our retrospectives, using food. The results are delicious!

Functional Programming in JavaScript, Part 2: The Monoid
Marmelab blog
What do number addition, string concatenation, array concatenation, and function composition have in common? They are all monoids, and they have very interesting properties.

"Confessions of a Public Speaker", a Fun and Inspiring Guide for Giving Better Talks!
Marmelab blog
As a seasoned speaker, I decided to go one step further by reading feedbacks from professionals. Scott Berkun is one of them, and his book brought me to very precious and practical insights about how to thrill the crowds. Here is a book review of this must-read book.

#play14 Luxembourg 2018: The Serious Games Unconference Turns 5
Marmelab blog
What can you expect from a two day conference for agile coaches and practitioners who really want to play? Games!

Enjoy Painless Typing With ReasonML!
Marmelab blog
ReasonML is one of the hypest language of the moment, and in my opinion, it's for good reasons. Let's discover this language together.

Finding And Fixing Node.js Memory Leaks: A Practical Guide
Marmelab blog
An introduction to memory debugging, from identifying causes to fixing leaks, using Chrome DevTools, and illustrated by simple examples

Customer Story: 1859 Cloud, or How a Fintech Can Help Charities
Marmelab blog
We've been working with 1859 for more than 3 years to build an innovative investment club, powered by a mobile app and a full-fledge admin. Read on to learn more about this customer story.

Using NVIDIA GPU within Docker Containers
Marmelab blog
Diving into machine learning requires some computation power, mainly brought by GPUs. Let's start our machine learning journey by configuring Docker to use NVIDIA GPU.

Functional Programming in JavaScript, Part 1: The Unit
Marmelab blog
This gentle introduction to functional programming explains pure functions, currying, and composition. Easy peasy!

The Lean Startup : This Book Isn't Actually About Startups
Marmelab blog
"Don't judge a book by its cover"... neither should you by its title. I read "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries, and you should read it too. It's all about innovation.

Automating accessibility testing with Selenium Webdriver and AxeCore
Marmelab blog
To make sure your site is accessible, you'd better add a check for accessibility in your continuous integration process. Here is how.

Convert An Image Into An ASCII Art Masterpiece With Pure JavaScript
Marmelab blog
This tutorial leverages the FileReader and Canvas APIs to demonstrate the browser image manipulation capabilities

School Of PO, retour sur la conférence
Marmelab blog
Compte-rendu de la première conférence dédiée aux agilistes et aux Product Owners, qui s'est déroulée à Paris le 13 février dernier

Admin-on-rest 1.4: Winter Changes
Marmelab blog
This new version fixes many bugs, including long standing issues, and introduces a couple new features

Understanding Recursion, Tail Call and Trampoline Optimizations
Marmelab blog
In order to understand recursion, you must understand recursion.

Le jeu du Taquin en React et React Native
Marmelab blog
Compte-rendu des quatrième et cinquième semaines de mon intégration chez Marmelab, au cours desquelles j'ai développé une application et un client web en React

EventDrops, The Time Series Data Visualization, Gets a Major Performance Boost
Marmelab blog
After several months of hard work, we are pleased to release a new version (1.0) of EventDrops, the d3.js dataviz for time series. On the menu: blazing fast performances, simplified configuration, and healthier foundations for easier maintenance!

La blockchain, quand l'individu sert au collectif... malgré lui
Marmelab blog
Une vidéo de 40 minutes sans langue de bois, avec des exemples concrets et plein de dessins pour enfin tout comprendre à la blockchain

Configurable Artifacts: Deploy Code Like a Pro
Marmelab blog
Configurable artifacts are a deployment method used to ship code to various environments in a single build. Read on to learn how to better automate your deployment.

BlendWebMix 2017
Marmelab blog
Nous étions à la conférence BlendWebMix à Lyon cette année, entre autres pour y présenter GraphQL. Voici ce que nous en avons retenu.

Réussir une rétrospective agile
Marmelab blog
Pour le premier apéro agile de Nancy, je présentais les fondamentaux de la rétrospective agile, tels que présentés dans le livre "Agile Retrospectives". Voici 5 étapes simples pour améliorer le processus du travail en commun.

Le jeu du Taquin en php (framework Symfony)
Marmelab blog
Compte rendu de ma troisième semaine d'intégration chez Marmelab : développement d'un client web en php (framework Symfony), basé sur l'api 15 puzzle

Comprendre la mécanique des jeux grâce au livre Game storming
Marmelab blog
En plus d'être une compilation de plus de 90 jeux sérieux et activités de facilitation, Game Storming nous livre la mécanique des jeux sérieux.

Let's cook some Crystal!
Marmelab blog
In the jungle of new programming languages, Crystal is one of the most popular ones, but also the most mysterious. Let's take a look at it.

Minutes of DotJS 2017
Marmelab blog
We attended the DotJS 2017 conference in Paris. We saw several awesome talks worth watching. Read on for details!

How To Implement Material Design Motion with React.js
Marmelab blog
Mobile web apps need sophisticated animations to feel native. This tutorial lists the good practices to implement such animations, illustrated by a concrete example.

Le jeu du Taquin en go
Marmelab blog
Compte rendu de ma seconde semaine d'intégration chez Marmelab : développement d'un jeu du Taquin en GO et d'un algorithme de suggestion de coups

Learning Jest Through Practice
Marmelab blog
Jest is a Javascript testing framework highlighting three main features: no configuration, improved performance, and easy mocking. Are they marketing promises, or reality? Let's verify it by testing Jest on a basic React project.

Introducing Comfygure, A Configuration Manager For Easy Deployments
Marmelab blog
Store and deploy settings across development, test, and production environments, using an encrypted key-value store.

Le jeu du Taquin en python
Marmelab blog
Compte rendu de ma première semaine d'intégration chez Marmelab : développement d'un jeu du Taquin en Python, en ligne de commande

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Adrien
Marmelab blog
Ingénieur doté d'un an et demi d'expérience en C# et angular.js, Adrien nous rejoint au bureau de Nancy. Mais qui est-il vraiment ?

Running React Router v4, Redux Saga, SSR and Code Splitting together
Marmelab blog
Code splitting and server-side rendering are two ways of making a React app fast. Let's put them together in practice, with Redux, Sagas and React Router V4.

Elixir GenServer Explained to Redux Developers
Marmelab blog
GenServer is the cornerstone of a lot of Elixir distributed apps. If know Redux, you'll easily understand its strengths

The Agile Setup: How Marmelab Bootstraps Projects In 2 Weeks
Marmelab blog
At Marmelab, each new project starts by a two weeks setup phase. Here is our recipe to start soon.

Retour sur une année en télétravail à plein temps
Marmelab blog
On trouve beaucoup d’articles de blog sur le « full time remote jobs », moins sur le télétravail à plein temps. Si les entreprises en France s’ouvrent petit à petit, journée par journée au télétravail, le travail à plein temps à distance est moins courant. Pourtant c’est possible et c’est efficace.

New Website Design
Marmelab blog
The website is now more mobile friendly, and provides a better reading experience on the blog. It's also more up to date in terms of design.

Admin-on-rest 1.3: Summer Changes
Marmelab blog
New features: Permissions handling, layoutless custom routes, refresh by action, custom validator messages, not found pages. And a big announcement!

Real-Time Resource Locking Using Websockets and Navigation
Marmelab blog
Real time and locking often go hand in hand with complexity. This post explains how to deal with it the easy way.

Dive Into GraphQL Part V: Should You Use GraphQL?
Marmelab blog
Lessons learned from GraphQL development: developer experience, benefits and concerns. Is GraphQL a must have, or is it overkill?

Dive Into GraphQL Part IV: Building a GraphQL-powered mobile application With React
Marmelab blog
Client-side GraphQL is easier than client-side REST because the tools are better. But the additional features (caching, optimistic UI) bring some complexity. Overall, what is the GraphQL frontend developer experience?

Dive Into GraphQL Part III: Building a GraphQL Server With Node.js
Marmelab blog
In this tutorial, you'll learn the best practices of server-side GraphQL development, based on real-life experience. Covers the basics plus scalability, logging, unit tests, and modularity.

Dive Into GraphQL Part II: Anatomy of a GraphQL Query
Marmelab blog
A gentle introduction full of examples and tips for GraphQL, the new way to build web services for mobile.

Dive Into GraphQL Part I: What's Wrong With REST?
Marmelab blog
REST was a great idea, but with modern usage scenarios, it's become slow, expensive, and cumbersome. Do we need to replace it?

Dive Into GraphQL
Marmelab blog
Beyond marketing, and because I believe that, in web development, there is no one-size fits all tool, I want to help developers answer this simple question: Is GraphQL a good fit for my next project?

Introducing Json GraphQL Server
Marmelab blog
Start a GraphQL Server based on your data in 30 seconds. No need to learn about Schema syntax or npm modules.

Admin-on-rest 1.1 and 1.2: Focus On The New Features
Marmelab blog
We release a minor version of admin-on-rest, the React admin GUI for REST APIs, every month. Here is a summary of the new features introduced during the past 2 months.

Introducing aor-permissions: Customize Admin-on-rest based on user permissions
Marmelab blog
Admin interfaces are often multi-user, with custom permissions or roles per user. As this is a fairly common usecase, we decided to offer a well integrated solution for it in admin-on-rest.

USI 2017: The Talks You Should Watch
Marmelab blog
I've been to the USI conference in Paris for the third time. As usual, talks were inspirational and related to technology, leadership, and creativity. Read on to get my takeaways.

Augmented Reality With HTML5: What Can Mobile Web Browsers Do?
Marmelab blog
Augmented Reality seems to be cpu intensive, hard to develop, and reserved to native technologies. Yet HTML5 and JS can provide an equivalent user experience. Read on to see how we developed a mobile app to help you draw (or tattoo) whatever you want.

Animate your world with ThreeJS and TweenJS
Marmelab blog
When the time comes to animate a 3D scene in the browser with ThreeJS, do you prefer manual or declarative animation?

5e édition du Printemps Agile de Caen
Marmelab blog
Jusqu'à présent, la ville de Caen était réputée pour sa scène rock (The Lanskies, Cannibale, Grand Parc) et electro (Baadman, Superpoze, Fakear). Mais elle risque également de le devenir pour son dynamisme autour de l'agilité.

Admin-on-rest now supports GraphQL backends
Marmelab blog
Admin-on-rest, the frontend framework for admin interfaces based on React.js and Material Design, isn't only about REST. Read on to see how to plug it to a GraphQL backend.

Minutes of React Europe 2017
Marmelab blog
We just came back from the React Europe Paris conference, a huge event where we saw the React ecosystem shaping of future of web and mobile development. Read on to see what we learned, loved, and laughed at.

Marmelab développe un CMS Web Sémantique pour le CNRS
Marmelab blog
Bilan d'un projet réussi pour le CNRS, mêlant Node.js, React.js, MongoDB, Docker, Material Design, et un processus de développement agile.

Internationalizing a React Application using Polyglot
Marmelab blog
Following an Internationalization tutorial is generally quite straightforward. But what about implementing it in a real-world application? Here is a tested solution using context and provider.

SG: Un moteur à effet pour JavaScript
Marmelab blog
Dans le post précédent, je vous ai parlé des générateurs et de leur fonctionnement. Aujourd'hui je vais vous parler de leur exécution et de ce qu'ils peuvent accomplir.

We attended the first dot AI conference.
Marmelab blog
It's the first time there's a dot conference around AI theme. And since we always try to discover what’s behind new trends and technologies, we were there!

Specifiers and artists, ou l'importance de la communication verbale
Marmelab blog
Et maintenant la Rolls Royce des serious games agiles, utilisée dans la plupart des formations et sessions de découverte de l'agilité.

Admin-on-rest 1.0 Stable is out
Marmelab blog
Finally, admin-on-rest gets the stable grade! Read on to see what's new in this new release, the first major achievement of a project started eight months ago.

GitHub Oauth Authentication for SPA Without Server
Marmelab blog
You don't need a server with a 100% uptime just to use the GitHub authentication. Here is a cheap and easy solution using AWS Lambda.

Troubleshooting Continuous Integration, or How to Debug Tests That Fail on CI, but Pass Locally
Marmelab blog
If you're using a Continuous Integration server, sooner or later a build will fail on the CI, but pass on your development machine. There are several ways to troubleshoot such failures - but relaunching the CI build isn't one of them.

Conditional Babel Configuration: Introducing Babel env
Marmelab blog
After being stuck for a few hours because of some Babel configuration issues in an isomorphic app, we finally discovered the Babel `env` property. It allows to apply some sort of conditional configuration, depending on a given environment variable.

Le jeu Awalé en React Native
Marmelab blog
Retour d'expérience sur le développement d'une application mobile Android avec React Native

How I Found a Vulnerability Leaking User Credentials in Red Hat's Ravello Systems
Marmelab blog
I found the credentials of a Red Hat solution architect and was able to log into their Ravello Systems account. Can this teach us something about security?.

Comprendre les générateurs en JavaScript
Marmelab blog
Les générateurs sont une fonctionnalité introduite dans ES6 qui permet de créer des fonctions spéciales avec la capacité de mettre en pause leur exécution en retournant un résultat intermédiaire.

Play14: Practicing Serious Games with Talented People Is a Great Way to Learn
Marmelab blog
I've only spent a day at #play14 Luxembourg 2017, but I've learned so much that I recommend it warmly. If you're looking at a way to improve your soft skills through games, this unconference is a must.

Découvrir les service workers
Marmelab blog
Un outil de plus dans la panoplie des développeurs web ? Les services workers offrent bien plus que la simple possibilité de rendre une application disponible hors-ligne. Voyons ça en pratique.

Développement d'un bot Awale pour Slack
Marmelab blog
Nouveau challenge pour Maxime: développer un bot awale avec Go et Symfony.

admin-on-rest 0.9 is out
Marmelab blog
Time for our monthly release: admin-on-rest, the React admin GUI for REST APIs, becomes responsive, and gets a handful of new features. Read on to see them in detail.

Introducing Sedy, the Serverless GitHub Bot That Fixes Typos for you
Marmelab blog
To facilitate typo fixes and simple code reviews, Sedy brings the power of the sed Linux command to Github comments.

admin-on-rest: Meet the demo
Marmelab blog
Admin-on-rest, the React admin GUI for REST APIs, is approaching 1.0. But what can it do for you? A video and a live demo will give you a taste of its delightful features.

Agility to the rescue of slipping tasks!
Marmelab blog
When we develop web or mobile apps, sometimes a User Story takes much more than estimated. What can we learn from that?

The Maze, jeu collaboratif hautement immersif
Marmelab blog
The Maze est un des meilleurs jeux de mise en situation "grandeur nature", où les équipes doivent traverser un labyrinthe matérialisé par un quadrillage au sol.

Taking Picture From Webcam Using Canvas
Marmelab blog
Taking a picture from a browser using the webcam is not trivial as it may seem. It requires a low supported API and some canvas manipulation. Here is the missing how-to.

admin-on-rest 0.8 is out
Marmelab blog
Admin-on-rest, the React admin GUI for REST APIs, hits its last 0.X version before the stable release. With translations, image input, authentication, and easier customization, admin-on-rest is getting very close to the 1.0 milestone.

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Maxime
Marmelab blog
Maxime a cinq ans d'expérience en .Net et nous rejoint dans le bureau de Nancy. Découvrez le visage du nouveau développeur marmelab.

Npm (or Yarn) Install within a Docker Container, the Right Way
Marmelab blog
Docker is awesome. Yet, it brings some common pitfalls, especially when you need to handle file permissions correctly, or need to use SSH. Here are some solutions to counter these issues.

React is Slow, React is Fast: Optimizing React Apps in Practice
Marmelab blog
React is slow - just like other frontend frameworks. But if you care about performance, it's fairly easy to make any React application super fast. Here is how.

Comment l'Etat se modernise grâce au Lean Startup
Marmelab blog
Marmelab était présent à la conférence Lean Kanban France édition 2016. Une session nous a particulièrement marqué : Des startups dans l'Etat.

ng-admin 1.0 is out!
Marmelab blog
The first stable version of ng-admin, the AngularJS-powered admin GUI for RESTful APIs, is finally out. After almost three years of development, we are proud to release the 1.0 version, ready for production.

Le processus d'initialisation des projets chez Marmelab
Marmelab blog
Chez Marmelab, chaque démarrage projet est précédé d'une phase d'initialisation. Voici la recette.

admin-on-rest 0.7 is out
Marmelab blog
Admin-on-rest, the React admin GUI for REST APIs, gets about one new major release per month. Here are the highlights of versions 0.6 and 0.7, the last of which was just released.

Comment exploiter la base SIRENE des entreprises de France en SQL
Marmelab blog
Depuis le 1er janvier 2017, la base SIRENE des entreprises de France est en Open Data. Mais comme Excel ne sait pas charger un CSV de 8 Go, il va falloir faire appel à SQL. Voici la recette.

End-to-end Testing For Single-Page Apps With No Server
Marmelab blog
Setting up Selenium for e2e tests isn't hard, but requires an HTTP server to serve the HTML and JS files that you want to test. What if you could avoid this complexity?

Minutes of DotJS 2016
Marmelab blog
We attended to the DotJS 2016 at Paris two weeks ago. Here is our feedback about this event.

React Isomorphique en pratique
Marmelab blog
Cette semaine, c'est un projet plutôt atypique qui m'attend. Le développement d'un jeu d'Othello dans le navigateur et tout cela en Isomorphique et avec React. L'occasion de découvrir un principe encore assez peu répandu.

Retour d'expérience sur le développement d'un chatbot en Node.js avec serverless
Marmelab blog
Nous avons développé un coach virtuel pour arrêter de fumer par SMS. En fait, un chatbot utilisant Node.js et serverless. Nous avons beaucoup appris au passage. Ce post est le condensé de nos apprentissages.

Chez Marmelab, le développement web est gratuit pour les associations !
Marmelab blog
Nous avons tous besoin de trouver du sens dans ce que nous faisons. Nous choisissons de donner de notre temps pour les associations. Découvrez pourquoi nous le faisons, et comment postuler, dans cet article.

Npm Tips and Tricks
Marmelab blog
All Node.js developers know the npm install command to grab their favorite dependencies. What about the lesser known npm commands?

Othello mobile en React Native
Marmelab blog
Après Othello dans le terminal et Othello sur Facebook, c'est au tour d'Othello mobile (android) de passer sur le devant de la scène grâce à React Native et Redux.

Reversi bot: Go et Symfony en action
Marmelab blog
Après une première version jouable dans le terminal, voici la version Facebook messenger du célèbre jeu d'Othello. Au programme, un serveur de bot sous Symfony 3 et une intelligence artificielle en GO !

For Charities, Web Development is Free at Marmelab
Marmelab blog
We all need a sense of purpose in do. We choose to give some of our time to charity. Read on to understand why, and how to apply.

La ferme des animaux agiles, une version française par Marmelab
Marmelab blog
Le comic strip 'pigs & chicken', couramment utilisé dans les formations agiles pour décrire les rôles dans Scrum est devenu un jeu. Explication.

admin-on-rest 0.5 is out
Marmelab blog
The development of admin-on-rest, the React admin GUI for REST APIs, continues at a fast pace: we've shipped one release per month for the past two months. Read on to see what's new.

Un jeu d'Othello dans le terminal avec Python
Marmelab blog
Première semaine d'intégration, premier challenge, un jeu d'Othello développé en Python entièrement jouable dans le terminal

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Julien
Marmelab blog
Julien est Lead Developer, et il vient renforcer l'équipe de développement de marmelab à Nancy. Gageons que son exigence de qualité collera avec les valeurs de marmelab !

Marmelab s'amuse : the Team Responsibility Game
Marmelab blog
Toute l'équipe a participé au Serious Game appelé Team Responsibility Game. Petite leçon de vivre ensemble.

WebSocket-based app with Django Channels and React
Marmelab blog
Let's explore how to manage WebSocket with Django Channels and React with a concrete project!

Using Saga To Accumulate And Deduplicate Redux Actions
Marmelab blog
While developing a React component for admin-on-rest, I stumbled upon a fun use case that demonstrates the power of redux-saga. Read on to see if Saga can help you, too.

Moments d'invention : Retour sur une rencontre
Marmelab blog
L'intelligence collective au service de la cité : et le numérique dans tout ça ? Deux jours à Nancy pour inventer ensemble.

Marmelab joins the Hacktober Fest 2016!
Marmelab blog
Marmelab has always been keen on open-source. Sharing knowledge and tools is one of our main mottos. That's why we decided to take part in the Hacktober Fest 2016!

Jeu mobile en React Native : retour d'expérience
Marmelab blog
Episode 2 ! Reprendre les concepts de développement du web pour faire du natif avec une codebase presque partagée... React native réinvente la façon de faire du cross-plateforme, ou presque !

Custom Route Component For React Router
Marmelab blog
Sometimes in complex React applications, groups of pages follow the same pattern. React router can be tweaked to offer a custom Route component, and avoid repetition.

Puissance 4 multi-joueur : retour d'expérience
Marmelab blog
Première semaine parmi les équipes marmelab, premier challenge de la période d'intégration, 4 jours pour mettre au point un serveur de jeu puissance 4.

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Florian
Marmelab blog
Un nouveau développeur rejoint notre bureau de Nancy. Mieux qu'un développeur, un Software Craftsman ! Découvrez le parcours de notre nouvelle recrue.

Introducing admin-on-rest, the React Admin GUI for REST APIs
Marmelab blog
If you like ng-admin, you will love admin-on-rest. We've built up on two years of experience with frontend admin frameworks to design and develop a powerful React app.

Update a Single Page App on Code Change Without Draining The Battery
Marmelab blog
Each time you change the code of a SPA in production, connected users should be invited to refresh. If that seems easy to achieve, the simplest solution (AJAX polling) is also the worst, at least on mobile.

Résoudre le jeu snake, deuxième essai: ES6 et ReactJS
Marmelab blog
Après un premier essai de résolution du jeu snake en Python, marmelab me lance sur une version JavaScript, avec un nouvel algorithme. Bilan de mes découvertes.

Restful.js: Review of an open-source project
Marmelab blog
The truth about the lifecycle of the not well maintained restful.js

La blockchain expliquée aux développeurs web, 3ème partie : la vérité sur la blockchain
Marmelab blog
Au-delà des fantasmes sur la blockchain, on ne la comprend vraiment qu'après l'avoir essayée. Notre vision est qu'il s'agit d'une solution très bancale à un problème très rare. Etes-vous sûr(e) d'avoir vraiment besoin d'une blockchain ?

Minutes of AWS Summit Paris 2016
Marmelab blog
We attended to the AWS Summit 2016 at Paris two weeks ago. Here is our feedback about this cloud-focused event.

The Blockchain Explained to Web Developers, Part 3: The Truth
Marmelab blog
Beyond the buzz around the blockchain, there are many things that you only discover after trying to use it, and that make the blockchain a very impractical solution to a very rare problem. Are you sure you need a blockchain?

Résoudre le jeu snake, premier essai: Pathfinding et Python
Marmelab blog
Mon premier défi : 5 jours pour dompter un serpent avec un autre. Est-il possible de résoudre le jeu Snake en python avec un algorithme simple de recherche de chemin?

The Blockchain Explained to Web Developers, Part 2: In Practice
Marmelab blog
How hard is it to build a decentralized ad server on top of the Ethereum blockhain? How does it look like? Get practical advice based on our experience building a real life project with the blockchain.

La blockchain expliquée aux développeurs web, partie 1: la théorie
Marmelab blog
Tout le monde en parle mais personne n'y comprend vraiment grand chose. Allez, on essaie de vous expliquer ce que c'est, comment ça marche, et à quoi ça sert.

#play14 Luxembourg Third Edition: A Network Is Born
Marmelab blog
March 2016. Third edition of #play14, unconference about facilitation, innovation, change management and happiness through games. Here is what happened.

The Blockchain Explained to Web Developers, Part 1: The Theory
Marmelab blog
It sounds exciting but it's complicated. Read on to understand the what, the how and the why of blockchains.

Lean Startup, day 18: Determining The Break-Even Point
Marmelab blog
How do you write a financial business plan and determine the moment where your startup will make money? How much can an average SaaS business make? Here is a step-by-step introduction to the simple math involved early financial forecasts for startups.

End to End (e2e) Testing React Apps With Selenium WebDriver And Node.js is Easier Than You Think
Marmelab blog
Testing single-page-apps using a browser is a must. Selenium can look intimidating, but it's really easy to use - once you handle asynchronous commands the right way.

Lean Startup Adventure, day 17: Understanding The Minimum Viable Product
Marmelab blog
When it's time to go public, design the first version of your product as an experimentation to make sure you reached a product-market fit.

Lean Startup Adventure, day 16: Pivot
Marmelab blog
Time for a pivot! Let's write a new Business Model based on what we've learned with the demo and the customer interviews.

Lean Startup Adventure, day 15: Learn
Marmelab blog
After experimenting through a demo, and gathering data on our most risky assumption, it's time to draw conclusions.

EventDrops 0.2 is out!
Marmelab blog
After a long delay, EventDrops 0.2 has finally been released. It includes a full code reworking, metaballs and an interactive demo. Check it out!

Marmelab Javascript Boilerplate: deux jours de gagnés à chaque démarrage projet
Marmelab blog
Voici le modèle de nos projets JavaScript full-stack. Le meilleur des technologies actuelles (React, Redux, Koa.js, ng-admin) mêlé aux bonnes pratiques dictées par l'expérience. Et c'est open-source !

Lean Startup, day 14: Customer Acquisition
Marmelab blog
All we did from now did not result to clear desire from customers.

Self-Documented Makefile
Marmelab blog
Good projects are automated projects. But documenting all those Make targets in a README file doesn't make much sense, when you can make the Makefile auto-documented.

Lean Startup, day 13: The Teaser Video
Marmelab blog
Screencasts make great demos. But how can you film a product that doesn't exist yet?

Lean Startup, day 12: How to Find a Product Name
Marmelab blog
To publish a demo, a product needs a name. The final name will probably change, so you shouldn't invest more than 1 hour to find a name at that point.

Is it snobbery to want a real console on Windows?
Marmelab blog
Sometimes you have to code on Windows: this can be because of a personal challenge, or because you lost a bet, or because you don't have a choice. And it can be a bit painful when you are used to a powerful terminal. But some good solutions exist, as we'll see.

Lean Startup, day 11: The Demo
Marmelab blog
Building an MVP is expensive. To maximize learning, you can take a smaller step, and build a demo first. Our demo is going to be a landing page.

Lean Startup, day 10: Build-Measure-Learn explained
Marmelab blog
To continue learning we now have to build things. Enter Experiments, the Build-Measure-Learn loop.

Lean Startup, day 9: Benchmarking Existing Solutions
Marmelab blog
A great way to learn where to go is to look at what the competitors do. This exercise is called competitive benchmark. Let's see this in practice with Admin-as-a-service.

Lean Startup Adventure, day 8: designing Personas
Marmelab blog
How we designed our Persona from the problem interviews results.

Lean Startup Adventure, day 7: Second Problem interview with Adista
Marmelab blog
For the second Problem interview, we chose to meet Gilles Caumont, the President of Adista.

Marmelab aide Canal+ à fluidifier sa relation client grâce à une application mobile
Marmelab blog
Retour sur le développement d'une application mobile iOS et Android pour le compte de la Direction des Services Client de Canal+.

Lean Startup Adventure, day 6: Problem interview with CloudScreener
Marmelab blog
For our first run into the Problem Interview, we chose to speak with Anthony Sollinger and Nicolas Drouet from CloudScreener

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Kevin
Marmelab blog
Vous pensiez qu'un pythoniste n'a pas sa place chez marmelab? La preuve du contraire avec Kevin!

Lean Startup Adventure, day 5: Designing a Problem Interview
Marmelab blog
How to test assumptions as early as possible with zero investment? Let's ask customers directly!

Webpack HTML plug-in in a nutshell
Marmelab blog
How to use Webpack HTML plug-in to leverage your template usage? And an extra bonus: how to generate a whole static website using only Webpack.

Lean Startup Adventure, day 4: Risky Business
Marmelab blog
Not all business assumptions are equal. In a Lean Startup process, we must identify the most risky assumptions to test them first.

Lean Startup Adventure, day 3: The Business Model
Marmelab blog
Are you familiar with the Business Model Canvas and the Lean Canvas? We used one of them to describe our business idea.

Lean Startup Adventure, day 2: The Idea
Marmelab blog
How does a product idea come up? How can you say if it's an idea worth following?

A Lean Startup Adventure
Marmelab blog
We've run a Lean Startup experiment in 2015. We learned a lot. This is the first post of a series to share these learnings.

A Better File Structure For React/Redux Applications
Marmelab blog
Most Redux tutorials encourage a directory structure which I find hard to cope with in large projects. I suggest an alternative directory structure, grouping files by domain

Ma session découverte de l’agilité par le jeu au ForumPHP comme si vous y étiez (ou presque)
Marmelab blog
Session de découverte de l'agilité, au travers des Serious games, dans le cadre des 10 ans du ForumPHP.

Meteor with Webpack, React and Redux in Practice
Marmelab blog
Making Meteor works with Webpack, React and Redux: Reactivity everywhere !

Lean Kanban France 2015
Marmelab blog
Here is my report of Lean Kanban France 2015, the 4th parisian edition of this great 2-days conference, which I attended a few days ago.

De Python à PHP 7 : L'algorithme du jeu Dobble
Marmelab blog
Pour ma première semaine chez marmelab, j'ai dû reproduire le jeu Dobble en PHP, non sans mal !

ng-admin 0.9: embedded lists, templates everywhere, new documentation
Marmelab blog
Each new ng-admin release brings a lot of features and help developers build more sophisticated admin interfaces, faster. Version 0.9 is no exception - it's probably the most ambitious release ever. Read on to see what's new.

How-to dump your Docker-ized database on Amazon S3?
Marmelab blog
Using Docker in staging or production environment is great. But what about your data backups? Here is a how-to tutorial to dump your dockerized databases on Amazon S3.

ng-admin: Meet the new demo
Marmelab blog
To showcase the possibilities of ng-admin, we needed a more complete demo. How about a complete e-commerce administration? Introducing Posters Galore, your new favorite poster shop.

ng-admin 0.8 Is Out!
Marmelab blog
The development of ng-admin, the client-side admin GUI running on top of any REST API, continues at a steady pace. Read on to see the ton of new features coming in v0.8.

Importing a Modeled Mesh From Blender to Three.js
Marmelab blog
In this Three.js tutorial, we are going to see how to import a modeled mesh from Blender to our scene, animating it with some basic rotations.

Jest, The React.js Unit Testing Framework, In Practice
Marmelab blog
Jest is the de facto unit testing framework for ReactJS project. It is provided and used by Facebook themselves. You will see how and why we use it on the react-admin project, the difficulties we met, and some useful tips for setting it up correctly.

L'itération agile : entre SSII et agence, un nouveau mode de prestation informatique
Marmelab blog
Alors que la plupart des sociétés de service continuent à vendre le plus de jours.homme possible, marmelab a choisi de vendre un package plus ambitieux. Il est aussi plus risqué. Qu'est-ce qu'il contient ? A qui s'adresse-t-il ? Et est-ce que ça marche ?

DotScale 2015 Conference Summary
Marmelab blog
On Monday, I attended the DotScale 2015, one of the DotConferences series. Here are my impressinos about the talks.

Minutes of PHP Tour 2015
Marmelab blog
Two weeks ago, we attended the PHP Tour 2015, organized by AFUP in Luxembourg. Here is a summary of each talk we saw.

Setup Webpack on an ES6 React app with SASS
Marmelab blog
Webpack is really a great JavaScript bundler, allowing to turn messy and numerous JavaScript into a single minified and optimized script. Yet, we missed a good getting started tutorial. Here is one, using ES6 React app with SASS.

Awesome REST: a List of Developer Resources for Building REST API
Marmelab blog
marmelab is glad to show you a list of useful REST resources to help developers in creating or consuming RESTful API.

Ng-admin 0.7: Configurable Menus, Batch Actions, CSV Export, And More
Marmelab blog
Continuing on the path of a feature-complete admin generator, the latest release of nf-admin offers much awaited features and many stability improvements.

Mon premier défi : un Dobble generator en TDD
Marmelab blog
Générer un jeu de 55 cartes avec 8 symboles uniques par carte, où chaque paire de carte n'a qu'un seul symbole en commun (oui, c'est Dobble), le tout en TDD avec ES6. Facile ? Pas si facile.

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Gildas
Marmelab blog
Un nouveau développeur web expérimenté, doublé d'un architecte logiciel, vient de rejoindre marmelab. Il est aussi très fort en Parkour.

FakeRest: Patch XMLHttpRequest to fake a REST server based on JSON data
Marmelab blog
How do you manage E2E testing of webapps relying on RESTful web services? Instead of setting up a server with test data, why not do it directly in the browser? FakeRest allows to do backend-less e2e testing.

Using Ng-admin with postgREST
Marmelab blog
PostgREST is a lightning fast RESTful API on top of any PostgreSQL database. Ng-admin can plug to any RESTful API. What if we connected the two?

Transpiling EcmaScript6 code to ES5 using Babel
Marmelab blog
During more than a week, we worked hard to introduce some EcmaScript6, the future of JavaScript, to ng-admin. Here is how we transpiled our code to ES5, to ensure every browser understands our code.

Restful.js: A Framework Agnostic JS Client for RESTful APIs
Marmelab blog
Do you know Restangular, the Angular.js service that simplifies common GET, POST, DELETE, and UPDATE requests with a minimum of client code? It's excellent, except that it's Angular-only. We have developed a similar library in pure JavaScript. With no framework dependency, you can use it anywhere, especially in your React single-page applications.

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Yann
Marmelab blog
Marmelab se renforce en pilotage de projet agile grâce à l'arrivée de Yann, coach agile et scrummaster très expérimenté et très chaleureux

Ng-admin 0.6: Adding Support for Custom Types
Marmelab blog
Less than a month after the previous release, ng-admin 0.6 is here with a better configuratino API and the ability to add custom types

NgAdminGeneratorBundle: Create a JavaScript Admin Panel and a REST API for Symfony2 Apps in Minutes
Marmelab blog
One of our mottos at marmelab is <em>convention over configuration</em>. Here is an example of how we apply this philosophy, using Symfony2, Stan Lemon's REST bundle, ng-admin, and a brand new bundle called `NgAdminGeneratorBundle`.

Ng-admin 0.5 Is Out, and It's Compatible With Your API
Marmelab blog
We've been hard at work during the past two months, making ng-admin even more configurable. It can now consume RESTful APIs in any format thanks to a powerful mapping engine, and you can completely theme it to your colors.

Playing with websockets in Go
Marmelab blog
Go is quite good for asynchronous tasks. So, let's experiment it with websockets, creating a (basic) collaborative text editor, GollabEdit.

[Video] ArchitectureTree: Visualize Software Architectures In Your Browser
Marmelab blog
You don't need a drawing app to create a software map anymore. Meet ArchitectureTree, a visualization combining d3.js and Angular.js for demanding architects.

Silex Multifetch: Multiplex Requests To Your PHP API Into A Single HTTP call
Marmelab blog
Batch requests is a common practice to minimize API response time. We're publishing a new library to make it possible on web services written in PHP.

Microrest.php: Generate A RESTful API On Top Of Any Relational Database, Powered By PHP And Silex
Marmelab blog
If you have a database, you're not far from also having a REST API. All it takes is a PHP microserver written in Silex, a description of your model written in YAML... and 5 minutes of your time.

Admin GUIs in the Microservices Era: Introducing ng-admin Multi Backend
Marmelab blog
Following microservices leads to a virtuous architecture, but to a nightmare for human users. What if we could do something about it, using a web application dedicated to backend administration?

Marmelab: 2 years of Open-Source
Marmelab blog
We've been producing open-source code on GitHub for the past 2 years. Guess what? Some of it is really good!

Two days to write my first Protractor tests on the ng-admin AngularJs module
Marmelab blog
Protractor is the de facto standard for end-to-end tests on AngularJS applications. I spent two days bootstraping it on ng-admin project.

ng-admin 0.4: Eating our own dog food
Marmelab blog
We're releasing a new version of ng-admin, introducing a nicer GUI, a nicer config API, and tons of new features. Read on to learn what's new.

Creating JSON Web Token in JavaScript
Marmelab blog
One of the best way to secure an API is JSON Web Tokens. As understanding a concept passes by experimenting it, here is a post describing how to forge such a token in JavaScript.

DotJS 2014: Big stars don't make a great event
Marmelab blog
The DotJs conference took place on november 17th in Paris. Many great JavaScript evangelists were announced, but I expected their presentations to be much more interesting.

Big changes in ng-admin 0.3: Introducing views
Marmelab blog
ng-admin can now differentiate your field for each type of view. For the occasion, we're releasing a new version.

Bilan du Forum PHP 2014: Le PHP, langage de l'innovation ?
Marmelab blog
Le PHP est-il un langage de choix pour relever le défi de l'innovation ? Compte-rendu sélectif de ce qu'en a dit la communauté PHP réunie au Beffroi de Montrouge le 23 et 24 octobre dernier.

We're retiring gaudi
Marmelab blog
Making an orchestration tool for Docker containers was a good idea, until Docker bought another one

Introducing koa-multifetch, a Node.js middleware for REST APIs
Marmelab blog
We've built a middleware for the koa framework. It allows to multiplex several requests to a REST API in a single HTTP request. Read on to learn its usage.

Une commande tree plus efficace grâce au Go
Marmelab blog
Peut-on facilement et rapidement améliorer la classique commande `tree` grâce au langage Go ? Nancy étant dans les cartons, c'est Paris qui s'y colle pour cette journée de Hackday.

Marmelab déménage!
Marmelab blog
Près de deux ans après son emménagement dans les locaux d'ARTEM, marmelab vient d'emménager dans un nouveau local.

Une console plus graphique avec node.js et d3.js
Marmelab blog
"Afficher graphiquement l'occupation disque d'un répertoire dans la console en Javascript" : l'énoncé du problème est très motivant. Mais après 5 jours à en tenter l'implémentation, peut-on dire que node.js et d3.js sont utilisables pour des rendus graphiques dans un terminal ? Oui. Mais ...

ng-admin Update: Callback Field Type, Easier Customization
Marmelab blog
Last week, I've been working on ng-admin to introduce new field types and allow application customization

[Video] MobileInsight : une semaine avec Angular.js, Ionic et PhoneGap
Marmelab blog
Retour d'expérience sur le développement d'une application mobile hybride, basée sur le service SensioLabsInsight, avec Angular.js, Ionic et PhoneGap

Du PHP au Go: une semaine pour réaliser un produit fonctionnel
Marmelab blog
Quels enseignements tirer d'une semaine de découverte du langage Go par un PHPiste.

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Alexis
Marmelab blog
Alexis vient apporter ses 11 ans d'expérience dans le développement web aux projets d'innovation des clients de marmelab. Vous allez voir de quel bois il se chauffe !

ng-admin: Add an AngularJS admin GUI to any RESTful API
Marmelab blog
Why spend time redeveloping an admin backend using PHP if you already have a RESTful API? Introducing ng-admin, an admin generator written entirely in JavaScript, supporting relationships, smart field types, and much more.

Seamlessly Run Composer On HHVM Inside Docker: Introducing make-docker-command
Marmelab blog
Single purpose containers for composer, bower, compass or capistrano are possible, but hard to manipulate. Read on to see how we use GNU make to seamlessly run any command line tool inside Docker.

Fibonacci sequence generator in Go
Marmelab blog
Is it possible to develop generators in Golang? Sure! Here is an elegant way based on Fibonacci sequence.

One New Tech Per Project
Marmelab blog
At marmelab, we don't wait until a customer asks us to test a new piece of technology to use it. All our projects rely on at least one piece of technology we've never used before. Read on to see our benefits vs risk evaluation of this dangerous practice.

Resolving Action Dependencies: Comparing JavaScript and Go implementations
Marmelab blog
Go routines are ridiculously powerful. I realized it while adding new features to gaudi. Check out how I leverage their power to outperform a JavaScript implementation by far.

Create a Full Stack Magento Environment With gaudi
Marmelab blog
E-commerce websites with heavy traffic often require load balancers, memcache, and master/slave MySQL replication. gaudi helps to build this kind of architecture in minutes.

[Screencast] Build a working SF2 web application using 3 docker containers in 2 minutes
Marmelab blog
Using gaudi's visual configuration builder, setting up a multi-container development environment from scratch is more than painless: it's fun. Make sure you watch this amazing video!

PHPCR Browser: Edit Support and Better Performance
Marmelab blog
The PHPCR Browser, initially released in late 2013, has been completely rewritten to improve performance and reliability, and to add support for tree edition.

ArcheoloGit: Visualize Code Age and Dev Activity
Marmelab blog
How I used d3.js to help detect potentially dangerous code in a large codebase

Gaudi News:, apt-get install gaudi, ambassadors, and more!
Marmelab blog
Gaudi, the dev environment builder for Docker, has gotten lots of love lately. Read on to see all the new features we've added to improve your development workflows.

Running Symfony CMF With Gaudi
Marmelab blog
Symfony CMF is a new Content Management Framework based on Symfony 2. This project won the Symfony Open-Source Application Award 2013, and is used at marmelab for a project with more than 900K documents. Symfony CMF requires several third-party components...

Create Gaudi's File Easily With A Web App
Marmelab blog
Last week I released <a href="">Gaudi</a>, an architecture builder for all your applications. Gaudi uses a configuration file (called <code>.gaudi.yml</code>) to create <a href="">Docker</a> containers for each component you need.

Introducing Gaudi: An Architect for Multi-Component Applications
Marmelab blog
Web applications often use a lot of different components, such as MySQL, ElasticSearch, or Redis. Installing, running and maintaining theses servers can waste a lot of our time.

My First Assignment: a PHPCR Browser
Marmelab blog
I’ve just finished my master degree in IT at TELECOM Nancy, and my internship at INRIA. I was wondering if I preferred to continue studying in thesis, or to start looking for a job.

Converting the Symfony Stopwatch Component from PHP to Zephir
Marmelab blog
During the last HackDay at <a href="">Marmelab</a>, I wanted to give <a href="">Zephir</a> a try. Zephir is a new language which eases the creation of C extensions for PHP.

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Robin
Marmelab blog
Fraîchement diplômé de l'Ecole d'Ingénieurs Telecom Nancy, Robin Bressan a rejoint l'équipe mi novembre pour renforcer nos capacités de développement.

My First Assignment: Creating an Elastica Adapter for the Sonata Admin list view
Marmelab blog
Just like every marmelab recruit, my first weeks are spent working on various new technologies (Node.js, ElasticSearch, MongoDb, etc) with real use cases.

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Daphné
Marmelab blog
Deux ans et demi en agence web (chez Nurun Nancy) ont permis à Daphné de s'aguerrir sur de nombreux projets pour des grands comptes de l'énergie, de la cosmétique, de l'alimentation pour nourrissons.

How To Use Docker To Run PHPUnit Tests In Parallel
Marmelab blog
Ahoy sailor ! Let me tell you the story of <a href="">Docker</a>, the LinuX Container (LXC) manager that you've dreamt of for a long time.

Marmelab souhaite la bienvenue à Jérôme
Marmelab blog
Après une longue expérience dans les médias, Jérôme Macias a rejoint marmelab à la fin du mois d'août.

Using Connected Objects To Keep Your Job
Marmelab blog
We keep hearing about the Internet of Things. The basic idea is simple, everyday objects (like a watch or even a toothbrush) will soon be connected to Internet, and will be able to communicate with each other.

Building Sophisticated WebApps For Mobile: A Bumpy Ride
Marmelab blog
For the past couple weeks, we've been working on a prototype mobile WebApp built in HTML5 and d3.js. The purpose was to test the performance of d3.js on mobile browsers.

Comment se passe un premier projet agile ? Interview d'Anthony Sollinger,
Marmelab blog
Après un premier projet agile (Scrum, Lean Startup) réalisé par marmelab, nous avons demandé à Anthony Sollinger, co-fondateur de <a href=""></a>, de partager ses impressions.

Integrating Raphael.js With Backbone.js
Marmelab blog
Client-side MVC frameworks usually bind model elements with DOM elements. But for more graphical applications, the view layer cannot be restricted to div and span tags.

Inline Text Editing With Raphaël.js
Marmelab blog
You can easily do inline editing in pure HTML, but how about enabling the same feature in SVG, and making it available on all major browsers?

CloudScreener, le comparateur d'offres Cloud, sort son mode expert
Marmelab blog, le site de diagnostic et comparaison de cloud computing développé par marmelab pour le compte de la startup CloudScreener, vient de sortir sa cinquième itération.

Lancement de CloudScreener, le comparateur d'offre cloud pour les PME
Marmelab blog
Nous sommes fiers d'annoncer la mise en ligne de notre premier site, <a href=""></a>, développé par marmelab pour la société CloudScreener.

Pour la fin des contrats au forfait
Marmelab blog
Beaucoup de contrats au forfait se finissent mal pour le client. C’est que le forfait délègue le risque tout en le cachant. Heureusement, il y a une alternative.