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O’Reilly Media - Best of Ebook Deal/Day - Save 60% on the Top 25 via kwout

O’Reilly Mediaが2010年のTOP25の書籍(洋書)が60%オフで購入できるキャンペーンをやっています。
購入時にディスカウントコード DDT25 を入力する事で定価より60%オフ&multiple file formats(PDFやepubなど)&DRMフリー&書籍のアップデートも無償 としています

O’Reilly Media - Best of Ebook Deal/Day - Save 60% on the Top 25



Regular Expressions Cookbook
Was: $31.99
Now: $12.80 
Learning Python, Fourth Edition
Was: $39.99
Now: $16.00 
jQuery Cookbook
Was: $27.99
Now: $11.20 
HTML5: Up and Running
Was: $23.99
Now: $9.60 
JavaScript Cookbook
Was: $39.99
Now: $16.00 
Cooking for Geeks
Was: $27.99
Now: $11.20 
Make: Electronics
Was: $27.99
Now: $11.20 
CSS Cookbook, Third Edition
Was: $39.99
Now: $16.00 
Was: $31.99
Now: $12.80 
Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Was: $23.99
Now: $9.60 
Beautiful Visualization
Was: $47.99
Now: $19.20 
JavaScript: The Good Parts
Was: $23.99
Now: $9.60 
R in a Nutshell
Was: $35.99
Now: $14.40 
iPhone App Development: The Missing Manual
Was: $31.99
Now: $12.80 
bash Cookbook
Was: $39.99
Now: $16.00 
RESTful Web Services Cookbook
Was: $31.99
Now: $12.80 
Algorithms in a Nutshell
Was: $39.99
Now: $16.00 
Linux in a Nutshell, Sixth Edition
Was: $35.99
Now: $14.40 
Programming Collective Intelligence
Was: $31.99
Now: $12.80 
Beautiful Data
Was: $35.99
Now: $14.40 
Learning iPhone Programming
Was: $23.99
Now: $9.60 
97 Things Every Programmer Should Know
Was: $23.99
Now: $9.60 
High Performance JavaScript
Was: $27.99
Now: $11.20 
SQL Cookbook
Was: $31.99
Now: $12.80 
Data Analysis with Open Source Tools
Was: $31.99
Now: $12.80 

同様にMake Magazineもセール中のようです。

O’Reilly Media - Ebook Deal/Day: Make Magazine - Only $5.99 each

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