Remote Synthesis | Blog
The personal blog of Brian Rinaldi
What to Expect for Developers in 2024 (My Predictions)
Remote Synthesis | Blog
I make my (not so bold) predictions for 2024 around web development, AI, developer events and DevRel.
6 Years and 180 (Virtual) Events Later...
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Six years ago this week, I almost accidentally started a community around virtual events for developers.
Did We Avoid the Ad Block Apocalypse?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
We may have averted disaster for content publishers, but the experience isn't improving.
Ad Blocking on the Rise?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
In other news...perhaps the ad-block apocalypse is still on
Some Advanced Jekyll/Liquid Template Techniques
Remote Synthesis | Blog
This stuff was hard - for me at least!
There's More Than One Way to Become a Developer
Remote Synthesis | Blog
An overview of the pros and cons of the different education options to become a developer
Top 10 Developer Posts of 2016
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Shout-outs to some great content over the past year!
The Best Features in ECMAScript 6?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
I interview Axel Rauschmayer at QCon NY.
The Best Kept Secret for Free Developer Education
Remote Synthesis | Blog has hundreds of hours of free sessions for developers.
Best Music of 2017
Remote Synthesis | Blog
A yearly tradition featuring my favorite songs of the year.
Best Songs of 2017 So Far
Remote Synthesis | Blog
My favorite music from the first quarter of the year.
Is Today the Best Time to be a Developer? No...but We're Getting Better.
Remote Synthesis | Blog
While working as a developer certainly has its rewards, there are some major issues we need to address.
Boston Festival of Indie Games 2014
Remote Synthesis | Blog
My favorite demos from this years Boston Festival of Indie Games.
The Content Model of the Web is Broken - Part 2
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Things are not getting any better.
Building a (Virtual) Events Site
Remote Synthesis | Blog
What does it take to build and run a site that hosts virtual events? Let's dig into how mine is set up.
A Guide to Building Static Sites with Jekyll
Remote Synthesis | Blog
A walkthrough on building our first static site with Jekyll.
Building Static Sites with Node.js and Wintersmith
Remote Synthesis | Blog
How to build your first static site with the Wintersmith generator.
Can Machine Learning Potentially Stop Internet Trolls?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
A Google company has been working on an anti-trolling API.
Resolve to catch up on some great presentations in 2018! 🎆
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Some great session recordings from last year's events.
Changing Roles as a Developer Can Be Scary
Remote Synthesis | Blog
There's so much to learn - where do I even start?
5 Common Problems with Technical Articles
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Common mistakes most developers tend to make in their writing.
Community is a Tamagotchi
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Many companies handle community wrong because they focus on outcomes over inputs. Here's some tips on how to think about community.
Comparing Static Site Engines
Remote Synthesis | Blog
A presentation and project for comparing static site generators.
How to Write a Great Conference Talk Proposal from Conference Organizers
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Advice and resources from conference organizers on how to create a compelling talk proposal
The Content Model of the Web is Broken
Remote Synthesis | Blog
You can't make money off content anymore.
Corporate Culture is Pervasive and Resilient
Remote Synthesis | Blog
And sometimes that's a terrible thing.
The Current State of Development
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Mapping the hype cycle of development technologies
Dealing with an Unhappy Community
Remote Synthesis | Blog
What happens when your community pushes back?
A Developer Career Doesn't Have to Be Linear
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Tips for finding your unique path in your career development as a developer.
Developer Communities You Need to Join Today!
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Learn and share with other developers in these communities!
The State of Developer Conferences
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Developer conferences still don't appear to be back at full strength, and that may just be a new reality.
What are the Must Follow Resources for Developers?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
The sites and newsletters for developers that I follow.
Don't Let Your Tools Define You as a Developer
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Developers are defining themselves into ever smaller niches and that concerns me.
Developers Need to Start Paying Attention to Licenses
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Ignoring licenses can be dangerous. Let's try to understand them.
Developing JavaScript in 2017 (Recording)
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Watch Ray and TJ talk ES6/7 and TypeScript
Can DevRel Be Done Without Twitter?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Twitter has been around pretty much since the beginning of developer relations. Are the two permanently linked?
Enough with the Developer Surveys Already
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Tl;dr - the data is of limited value.
The Evolution of Web Content Management
Remote Synthesis | Blog
A look at the evolution of web content management from the early days of the web to the headless, cloud-based CMS systems of today.
Getting Started with Offline Data in Web Apps Pt. 1
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Different options for determining the user's online/offline status and connection speed.
Moving from Jekyll to Astro
Remote Synthesis | Blog
After many years it's time to move to a new site generator.
Front-End and Mobile Development Sites to Follow
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Sites worth following for web developers.
There's No Such Thing as a Full Stack Developer
Remote Synthesis | Blog
A rant about defining titles with unachievable standards.
Full-stack Web Apps Without React
Remote Synthesis | Blog
There are a ton of options for full stack web frameworks that don't use React. Let's explore some of them and why they are each unique.
What Netlify's Acquisition of Gatsby Really Means
Remote Synthesis | Blog
It's not about the framework. It's about crossing the streams (of data)
Get Started with Static Site Generators
Remote Synthesis | Blog
A free report on static site development from O'Reilly.
Getting Started with Serverless Edge - Exploring the Options
Remote Synthesis | Blog
There are a lot of options when it comes to edge functions, let's explore what they are and how they are different.
GitHub Pages Now Support HTTPS - Use It!
Remote Synthesis | Blog
GitHub has finally announced HTTPS support.
Is Jamstack Officially Finished?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Do recent changes mean the end of the term Jamstack? Unfortunately, it looks like a yes.
Saying Goodbye to Telerik and Progress
Remote Synthesis | Blog
In some personal news, I am moving on to a new role.
How Static Site Generators Work
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Sure, they seem simple, but are they really?
Quick Tips and Tricks for Hugo Development
Remote Synthesis | Blog
A look at some simple but overlooked as well as some advanced techniques for the Hugo static site generator.
Promoting Perceived Performance with Prefetching
Remote Synthesis | Blog
A look at two libraries designed to help improve the perceived performance of web apps
From Ice Skating to Bootcamp to Full Stack Dev - An Interview with Aimee Knight
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Aimee Knight shares some of what she's learned on her journey from ice skater to full stack developer
Why Web App Performance Matters and What to Watch Out For - An Interview with Tammy Everts
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Tammy Everts talks about what performance metrics matter most to developers.
From Cordova to Bots to Serverless - An Interview with Brian Leroux
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Brian Leroux previews his upcoming presentation by discussing why he created and why serverless matters.
Is "GraphQL Mesh" the Next Big Thing?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
GraphQL Mesh is a concept that consolidates the many sources of data an application consumes. Do recent acqisitions mean it's about to take off?
Is the Web Really in Trouble?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
An overview of the debate over web versus native.
Developers, It's ok Not to be Right About Everything
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Just because we don't solve a problem the same way, doesn't make me wrong.
The J in JAMstack Does Not Stand for React (or Angular, Vue, Svelte, etc.)
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Correcting what seems to be a common misconceptions about what makes an app JAMstack
What Is the Jamstack in 2021?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
What Jamstack means is evolving. While labels don't help you get your work done, they are also important.
What is the Jamstack in 2022?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Are we at risk of losing sight of what made Jamstack great?
What is Jamstack in 2023?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Yes, it's become extremely vague but the term still retains some value for developers.
What is Jamstack in 2024?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
All good things must come to an end and so, most likely, must my annual Jamstack update. But what have we lost in the process?
Is JAMstack All Branding and Little Substance?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Is the JAMstack just fancy buzzword marketing or is there actual substance behind the term? I share my thoughts.
Building and Deploying a JAMStack site with Stackbit
Remote Synthesis | Blog
A quick introduction to using the Stackbit service for creating a content-managed JAMStack site
The Jamstacked Newsletter has a New Home
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Thanks to Cooper Press for hosting it these recent years. Look for future newsletters through CFE
Confused by JavaScript's const? Me too!
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Constants in JavaScript don't necessarily behave the way you think they would.
Jekyll Versus the Competition
Remote Synthesis | Blog
How does Jekyll stack up to other generators? I share my thoughts.
Why I am Excited to Join Stackbit!
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Excited to share my new role as a Developer Advocate at Stackbit!
Getting Started with Kinvey mBaaS - Pulling Data Anonymously
Remote Synthesis | Blog
The very first step to getting started with the Kinvey mBaaS
Getting Started with Serverless Using Kinvey FlexServices
Remote Synthesis | Blog
A guide to developing serverless functions within Kinvey.
Getting Started with Kinvey mBaaS - A Simple Vue App
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Converting the previous example to work in a Vue app
Knowing Your Blind Spots
Remote Synthesis | Blog
What you don't know that you don't know can hold you back.
Lessons Learned from Having My Identity Stolen
Remote Synthesis | Blog
I am no expert, but here are some things I learned from having my identity stolen this week.
A License to Confuse
Remote Synthesis | Blog
More evidence that developers aren't noticing the licenses in the software they use.
Lifting Off with Astro 🚀
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Let's take a look at how Astro can help you build apps with less JavaScript and better performance.
Markdown is Markup and Other Confusions Around JAMStack
Remote Synthesis | Blog
What makes a site JAMStack? A lot of it is in the M for markup.
Adding a Mailing List Subscription with Mailjet and Netlify Functions
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Mailing lists are expensive! Let's get set up on a cheaper option using Mailjet and a serverless function.
What Developers Should Know from Microsoft Build
Remote Synthesis | Blog
We're clearly entering a new era for Microsoft and for developers
Is the Native Mobile App Ecosystem Worth Saving?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
The app store ecosystem is slowly failing. Is that ok?
More Advanced Jekyll/Liquid Template Techniques
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Sometimes Jekyll stuff isn't obvious.
Navigating the Buzzwords of Frontend Development
Remote Synthesis | Blog
A guide to commonly used jargon in the frontend and full-stack development world.
A Fresh Look at Netlify CMS (Part 1)
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Setting up a new site using Netlify CMS
A Fresh Look at Netlify CMS (Part 2)
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Configuring an existing site to use Netlify CMS
Submitting Netlify Forms Using JavaScript
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Submit a Netlify form asynchronously using JavaScript without jQuery.
Updating Your Netlify Functions to 2.0
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Netlify Functions 2.0 offer some important improvements, but, to take advantage of them, you'll need to make some simple updates.
Understanding OAuth Authorization Flows
Remote Synthesis | Blog
What happens when you authenticate in an application using OAuth 2.0 implicit and PKCE flows.
Getting Started with Offline Data in Web Apps Pt. 2
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Exploring what localStorage is, how it works and how it can be used to store and access data offline.
Getting Started with Offline Data in Web Apps Pt. 3
Remote Synthesis | Blog
A guide to getting started with IndexedDB for storing large amounts of complex data offline.
On The Mobile Web in Mobile Web Weekly
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Addressing the controversy over the links in Mobile Web Weekly.
Own Your Home on the Web
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Value the content you create by owning the content you create.
Picking the Right Speakers for Conferences
Remote Synthesis | Blog
My take on the right process for choosing speakers.
Conforming to JavaScript Code Styles
Remote Synthesis | Blog
A quick tip on integrating Prettier with ESlint in VS Code.
Resources for First Time Speakers
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Unfortunately, getting the courage to submit is probably the easiest step.
Want to Speak at Conferences in 2019? I'll Help Review Your CFP Submissions
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Need some help with your session abstract for a conference call for papers? I'm here to assist.
So You Want to Run a Developer Conference
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Some tips and advice based on my experiences running conferences for more than a decade.
What I Learned from a Year of Running Free Developer Events
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Running developer events can be tough but rewarding, exhausting but thrilling.
Running Great Technical Conferences
Remote Synthesis | Blog
What makes a great technical conference? I share my thoughts.
Tips for Running Virtual Meetups and Events
Remote Synthesis | Blog
I share tips and advice from my experiences running online meetups, workshops and events.
Does the Serverless Edge Live Up to the Hype?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
A lot of promises have been made about the serverless edge. Does it meet them?
Should I Build It?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
A look at the ethical dilemmas facing today's developers.
Thoughts on the Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Lots of interesting details to unpack
Some Things You May Have Missed in the Stack Overflow Developer Survey
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Let's dig into the data a little bit.
Some Things You May Have Missed in the Stack Overflow Developer Survey (2019 Edition)
Remote Synthesis | Blog
A quick look at some highlights from the latest edition of StackOverflow's survey
Thoughts on the State of JS Survey
Remote Synthesis | Blog
A look at the latest edition of the largest JavaScript developer survey.
Rising Stars for Static Site Generators in 2016
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Probably not who you're expecting.
Working with Static Sites Officially Available from O'Reilly
Remote Synthesis | Blog
If you like the feel of print, you got it.
Technical Debt is Not Just Technical
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Many factors can influence technical debt and many of them have nothing to do with code.
That Topic Has Already Been Covered!
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Don't let this intimidate you into not sharing!
The Art of the CFP: Getting Your Session Accepted
Remote Synthesis | Blog
The Call for Papers (CFP) process can be a difficult rite of passage for many developers looking to speak at conferences. These tips should help you succeed.
The Price Developers Pay for Loving Their Tools Too Much
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Developers are passionate about their tools - sometimes to a fault. There is value in being open to change and new directions.
The Web is Boring
Remote Synthesis | Blog
I think the web has lost its luster lately due to a lack of innovation.
The Web's Failure as an Information Platform
Remote Synthesis | Blog
The once Information Superhighway has become jammed with ads and lies.
8年前 2024 - A Free, 2-day Virtual WebDev Conference
Remote Synthesis | Blog
We're less than a week away from the best event of the year. Ok, I'm biased, but take a look.
Thinking in Jamstack
Remote Synthesis | Blog
One of the more difficult things a new Jamstack developer can face is a change in mind set about when to render content.
Tools for Writing and Converting Markdown
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Some useful tools for when you need to convert other formats to Markdown.
14 of My Favorite Developer Blog Posts in 2018
Remote Synthesis | Blog
In 2018, we focused on performance, mobile and how tough it can be to be (or become) a dev.
The Continued Failure of the Web as an Information Platform
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Twitter's slow failure is yet another example.
Using Netlify to the Fullest
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Finally taking advantage of some of the platform's more advanced features.
Tips For Running Your First Virtual Conference
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Some tips and things to think about when choosing to run a virtual developer conference based upon my recent experiences.
Why are Web Developers Hostile to Audio?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Web developers refuse to integrate audio in their applications. Why?
Knowing the Web's History is Critical to Its Present and Future
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Understanding the history of the web will help guide you to its future.
When an SSG Isn't Just an SSG, What Is It?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Many tools we still call SSGs don't produce static-only content.
What's Wrong with the Tech Interview Process?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
There is widespread belief that the tech interview process is broken but little in the way of movement to change it.
Which Free Code Editor Is Right For You?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
What's the current state of free code editors?
Which Static Site Generator Should You Choose?
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Which static site generator do I recommend? The simple answer is easy.
Working with Static Site Generators
Remote Synthesis | Blog
A full book from O'Reilly devoted to building static sites.
Tips for Writing for a Tech Audience
Remote Synthesis | Blog
What makes a good article for a developer audience?
3 Tips for Writing Great Tech Posts
Remote Synthesis | Blog
Some broad guidelines for writing technical or code-focused blog posts and articles