Bharat Chauhan

Creating an image slider in Django using JSON
Bharat Chauhan
<p>How to implement an image slider using JSON in Django</p>

How to set up Sentry for Tornado applications
Bharat Chauhan
<p>A quick guide on setting up Sentry error reporting for Tornado applications.</p>

django admin - A better, user-friendly ArrayField widget
Bharat Chauhan
<p>How to set up a better, dynamic, user-friendly ArrayField widget in django admin</p>

Hiding, obfuscating or encrypting database IDs
Bharat Chauhan
<p>How to hide, obfuscate or encrypt database object ids</p>

Centring flex items and allowing overflow scroll
Bharat Chauhan
<p>How to centre flex items and allow scrolling when the content overflows.</p>

How to fetch data or update state when a route changes in React Router
Bharat Chauhan
<p>How to fetch data or update state when a route changes in React Router</p>

Adding rotation handles in Interact JS
Bharat Chauhan
<p>How to add rotation handles in Interact JS</p>

django - How to edit/manipulate uploaded images on the fly before saving
Bharat Chauhan
<p>How to edit and manipulate uploaded images on the fly before saving in Django</p>

django - How to clean up images and temporary files created during testing
Bharat Chauhan
<p>How to clean up images and temporary files created during testing in django</p>

django - How to call the child model class from an abstract base class
Bharat Chauhan
<p>How to call the child model class from an abstract base class</p>

Serving large files with Tornado safely without blocking
Bharat Chauhan
<p>How to safely serve large files using Tornado in a non-blocking manner.</p>

Writing an HTTP server from scratch
Bharat Chauhan
<p><img alt="Writing an HTTP server from scratch in Python" src="/images/http-speak.png"></p>

Making multiple async HTTP requests using Tornado
Bharat Chauhan
<p>Although I don't like using callbacks for writing async code, but to make multiple HTTP requests and process them asynchronously, I do.</p><p>The advantage of using callbacks in this case over coroutines is that as soon as Tornado …</p>

Python testing - How to mock requests during tests
Bharat Chauhan
<p>A Python tutorial for mocking requests during tests.</p>

Python testing - Introduction to mocking
Bharat Chauhan
<p>An introduction to mocking in Python.</p>

How to integrate haystack search with Django admin
Bharat Chauhan
<p>Recently, I had to integrate Haystack with Django admin so as to be able to perform a full text search just via the admin. Looking around for resources on the internet, I came across <a href="">this page</a> in Haystack's …</p>

Understanding Tornado fundamentals
Bharat Chauhan
<p>Tornado's documentation is very feeble, or at least I found it so. It doesn't explain certain things in depth. Being new to async programming model, I found many things quite difficult to understand. The documentation also lacks a …</p>

Fix the pip error: Couldn't find a version that satisfies the requirement
Bharat Chauhan
<p>How to fix the <code>pip</code> <em>"Couldn't find a version that satisfies the requirement"</em> error.</p>

Hello, World!
Bharat Chauhan
<p>The mandatory first post.</p><p>I still remember the day when I first decided to learn programming. I was so sure of which language I will be learning. The <em>inspiration</em> to learn Python as my first programming language came …</p>