Prateek's Blog

How to build a React library using TypeScript
Prateek's Blog
A step by step guide to setup a React Library from scratch using TypeScript, and publish it to NPM.

Using environment variables with Webpack
Prateek's Blog
A guide for setting up and using environment variables with Webpack and handling different values for Production and Development environments.

Creating a React component library using Storybook 7
Prateek's Blog
Learn how to build a React component library using Storybook 7 and TypeScript, compile it with Rollup and publish it.

Integrating reCAPTCHA with Next.js
Prateek's Blog
Check out how you can take advantage of Next.js' API routes to get the most out of CAPTCHA solutions like reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha.

JavaScript tips for React Developers
Prateek's Blog
Check out how you can write more efficient, maintainable and clean React code with these simple tips.

When should you memoize in React
Prateek's Blog
Explore why premature optimization can be bad in React and when should you actually use the memoization methods provided by React

Supercharge your git workflow with GitLens
Prateek's Blog
Some of my favorite features of the GitLens VSCode extension that can help you optimize your git workflow in VSCode.

Why using object spread with reduce probably a bad idea
Prateek's Blog
Explore why using object spread with .reduce() can sometimes significantly affect the performance of your JavaScript apps and libraries.

Why you should avoid using state for computed properties
Prateek's Blog
Understand why creating state variables for properties that can be computed is a bad idea, and how you can handle some edge cases when you need to derive your state from props.

What is the difference between extends and plugins in ESLint config
Prateek's Blog
Learn how ESLint works, what are the role of plugins and extends keys in your ESLint config and how they make ESLint an extremely configurable and versatile JavaScript Linter.

A JavaScript developer’s guide to browser cookies
Prateek's Blog
Learn how browser cookies work and how you can access, manipulate and control their visibiliy across browser with JavaScript.

Mastering data fetching with React Query and Next.js
Prateek's Blog
Learn how React Query simplifies data fetching and caching for you and how it works in tandem with the Next.js pre-rendering methods

How JavaScript Classes work under the hood
Prateek's Blog
Learn what prototypes are in JavaScript, what are they used for, what prototype chaining is and how do JavaScript classes work under the hood with these concepts.

Simplify immutable data structures in useReducer with Immer
Prateek's Blog
Learn how you can simplify deeply nested state updates when using useReducer with Immer.

The future of rendering in React
Prateek's Blog
Understand what are the problems with current rendering patterns in React, and how the new rendering patterns introduced with React 18 and future versions of React aim to solve them.

Fine-tuning refs with useImperativeHandle
Prateek's Blog
Understand what refs in React are, how you can use them to manipulate DOM nodes and how you can customize the exposed refs with useImperativeHandle

Next.js 13 vs Remix: An In-depth case study
Prateek's Blog
A detailed comparison of the features Next.js 13 and Remix Run by building a Twitter Clone app in both frameworks.