ECMAScript Daily


ECMAScript proposal updates @ 2025-02
ECMAScript Daily
The changes of proposal’s status @ 106th meeting of Ecma TC39ECMA-262New ProposalsProposal Stage Error.captureStackTrace 1 Math.clamp 1 Error Stack Accessor 2 Curtailing the power of “Thenables” 1 Updated ProposalsProposal From To Deferring Module Evaluation 2.7 3 Immutable ArrayBuffers 2 2.7 ESM Phase Imports 2 2.7 RegExp.escape 3 4 Float16 on TypedArrays, DataView, Math.f16round 3 4 ECMA-402New ProposalsNo DataUpdated ProposalsNo DataThis diff is generated by ECMAScript Proposal Diff Tool.AgendaAgendasBabelbabel/proposals: Tracking the status of Babel’s implementation of TC39 proposalsOther proposal’s statustc39/proposals: Tracking ECMAScript ProposalsRelated servicesECMAScript Proposal Diff Tooltc39/dataset: The automate track tc39 proposals
ECMAScript proposal updates @ 2024-12
ECMAScript Daily
The changes of proposal’s status @ 105th meeting of Ecma TC39ECMA-262New ProposalsProposal Stage Sync Imports 1 Stabilize 1 Updated ProposalsProposal From To Immutable ArrayBuffers 1 2 Error.isError 2.7 3 ECMA-402New ProposalsProposal Stage More Currency Display Choices 2 Updated ProposalsProposal From To Intl.DurationFormat 3 4 This diff is generated by ECMAScript Proposal Diff Tool.AgendaAgendasBabelbabel/proposals: Tracking the status of Babel’s implementation of TC39 proposalsOther proposal’s statustc39/proposals: Tracking ECMAScript ProposalsRelated servicesECMAScript Proposal Diff Tooltc39/dataset: The automate track tc39 proposals
ECMAScript proposal updates @ 2024-10
ECMAScript Daily
The changes of proposal’s status @ 104th meeting of Ecma TC39ECMA-262New ProposalsProposal Stage Immutable ArrayBuffers 1 and Array.zipKeyed 1 Updated ProposalsProposal From To Promise.try 3 4 Import Attributes 3 4 RegExp Modifiers 3 4 Sync Iterator helpers 3 4 JSON Modules 3 4 Atomics.pause 2.7 3 Error.isError 2 2.7 Iterator Sequencing 2 2.7 Extractors 1 2 Structs: Fixed Layout Objects and Some Synchronization Primitives 1 2 iterator chunking 1 2 ECMA-402New ProposalsProposal Stage Representing Measures 1 Updated ProposalsNo DataThis diff is generated by ECMAScript Proposal Diff Tool.AgendaAgendasBabelbabel/proposals: Tracking the status of Babel’s implementation of TC39 proposalsOther proposal’s statustc39/proposals: Tracking ECMAScript ProposalsRelated servicesECMAScript Proposal Diff Tooltc39/dataset: The automate track tc39 proposals
Inside ECMAScript: JavaScript Standard Gets an Extra Stage - The New Stack
ECMAScript Daily
ECMAScript Proposal Stage 2.7
ECMAScript proposal updates @ 2024-07
ECMAScript Daily
The changes of proposal’s status @ 103rd meeting of Ecma TC39ECMA-262New ProposalsProposal Stage Propagate active ScriptOrModule with JobCallback Record 2 Unordered Async Iterator Helpers 1 Updated ProposalsProposal From To RegExp.escape 2.7 3 Atomics.pause 1 2.7 Time Zone Canonicalization 2 3 ECMA-402New ProposalsNo DataUpdated ProposalsNo DataThis diff is generated by ECMAScript Proposal Diff Tool.AgendaAgendasBabelbabel/proposals: Tracking the status of Babel’s implementation of TC39 proposalsOther proposal’s statustc39/proposals: Tracking ECMAScript ProposalsRelated servicesECMAScript Proposal Diff Tooltc39/dataset: The automate track tc39 proposals
Release ES2024 · tc39/ecma262
ECMAScript Daily
ES2024 released!
ECMAScript proposal updates @ 2024-06
ECMAScript Daily
The changes of proposal’s status @ 102th meeting of Ecma TC39ECMA-262New ProposalsNo DataUpdated ProposalsProposal From To Joint Iteration 2 2.7 “Discard” (void) Bindings 1 2 Deferring Module Evaluation 2 2.7 Iterator Sequencing 1 2 ESM Phase Imports 1 2 Promise.try 2.7 3 RegExp.escape 2 2.7 Error.isError 1 2 ECMA-402New ProposalsNo DataUpdated ProposalsNo DataThis diff is generated by ECMAScript Proposal Diff Tool.AgendaAgendasBabelbabel/proposals: Tracking the status of Babel’s implementation of TC39 proposalsOther proposal’s statustc39/proposals: Tracking ECMAScript ProposalsRelated servicesECMAScript Proposal Diff Tooltc39/dataset: The automate track tc39 proposals
tc39/proposal-structs: JavaScript Structs: Fixed Layout Objects
ECMAScript Daily
struct syntax proposal
ECMAScript proposal updates @ 2024-04
ECMAScript Daily
The changes of proposal’s status @ 101st meeting of Ecma TC39ECMA-262New ProposalsProposal Stage Signals 1 Strict Enforcement of ‘using’ 1 Updated ProposalsProposal From To Dynamic Code Brand Checks 1 3 Math.sumPrecise 1 2.7 Redeclarable global eval-introduced vars 2 3 Error.isError -1 1 Promise.try 2 2.7 New Set methods 3 4 Duplicate named capture groups 3 4 ECMA-402New ProposalsNo DataUpdated ProposalsNo DataThis diff is generated by ECMAScript Proposal Diff Tool.AgendaAgendasBabelbabel/proposals: Tracking the status of Babel’s implementation of TC39 proposalsOther proposal’s statustc39/proposals: Tracking ECMAScript ProposalsRelated servicesECMAScript Proposal Diff Tooltc39/dataset: The automate track tc39 proposals
Release ES2024 Candidate February 2024 · tc39/ecma262
ECMAScript Daily
ECMAScript 2024 Candidate.ArrayBuffer.prototype.resizeArrayBuffer.prototype.transferRegExp v flag.Promise.withResolversObject.groupBy/Map.groupByAtomics.waitAsyncString.prototype.isWellFormed/String.prototype.toWellFormed
ECMAScript proposal updates @ 2024-02
ECMAScript Daily
The changes of proposal’s status @ 100th meeting of Ecma TC39ECMA-262New ProposalsProposal Stage ESM Phase Imports 1 Redeclarable global eval-introduced vars 2 Micro and mini waits 1 iterator chunking 1 Iterator unique 1 Improved Escapes for Template Literals 1 Function and Object Literal Decorators 1 “Discard” (void) Bindings 1 Updated Proposals🆕 Stage 2.7 is introduced in add a new testing stage by michaelficarra · Pull Request #37 · tc39/process-documentProposal From To ShadowRealm 3 2.7 Promise.try 1 2 Joint Iteration 1 2 Uint8Array to/from Base64 2 3 ArrayBuffer transfer 3 4 ECMA-402New ProposalsNo DataUpdated ProposalsNo DataThis diff is generated by ECMAScript Proposal Diff Tool.AgendaAgendasBabelbabel/proposals: Tracking the status of Babel’s implementation of TC39 proposalsOther proposal’s statustc39/proposals: Tracking ECMAScript ProposalsRelated servicesECMAScript Proposal Diff Tooltc39/dataset: The automate track tc39 proposals
ECMAScript Daily
ECMAScript proposal updates @ 2023-11
ECMAScript Daily
The changes of proposal’s status @ 99th meeting of Ecma TC39ECMA-262New ProposalsProposal Stage Math.sum 1 Module sync assert 1 Updated ProposalsProposal From To Array Grouping 3 4 Promise.withResolvers 3 4 Withdraw Proposalstc39/proposal-extended-numeric-literals: Extensible numeric literals for JavaScript Withdrawing custom numeric literal suffixes - Google スライドtc39/proposal-operator-overloading Withdrawing user-defined operator overloading - Google スライドECMA-402New ProposalsNo DataUpdated ProposalsNo DataThis diff is generated by ECMAScript Proposal Diff Tool.AgendaAgendasBabelbabel/proposals: Tracking the status of Babel’s implementation of TC39 proposalsOther proposal’s statustc39/proposals: Tracking ECMAScript ProposalsRelated servicesECMAScript Proposal Diff Tooltc39/dataset: The automate track tc39 proposals
Operator Overloading and Extensible Numeric Literals withdrawn, per 2… · tc39/proposals@223cd3a
ECMAScript Daily withdrawn.
Jack-Works/proposal-json-tryParse: JSON.canParse
ECMAScript Daily
ECMAScript Proposal: try-catch + JSON.parse()
After six years, move Float16Array to Stage 3.
ECMAScript Daily
The proposer explains why this article Float16Array Proposal has recently advanced to Stage 3. (in Japanese)
TC39-TG4 Source Map specifition.
ECMAScript Daily
TC39-TG4(task group) to standardize source maps.