Human Who Codes
The Official Web Site of Nicholas C. Zakas

Introducing Mentoss: The fetch mocker
Human Who Codes
A new approach to mocking global fetch() calls that works in both browsers and server-side runtimes.

Present technical information using a storytelling framework
Human Who Codes
Streamline presentations to stakeholders using a storytelling approach.

How someone temporarily took over my subdomain
Human Who Codes
How an old DNS record set up my subdomain to be occupied by someone else.

Backing up my life with a Synology NAS
Human Who Codes
Data in a public cloud is out of your control, that's why I decided to create my own private cloud in my office.

Managing your to-do-list as a staff+ engineer
Human Who Codes
With great agency comes responsibility – to yourself. Learn how to triage your projects and tasks into a structured to-do list.

What's the difference between JavaScript engines and JavaScript runtimes?
Human Who Codes
Runtimes and engines are often incorrectly referred to as the same thing.

Introducing humanfs (formerly fsx): A modern filesystem API for JavaScript
Human Who Codes
Filesystem APIs in JavaScript runtimes haven't been great for a long time. This is my attempt to make a better one.

JavaScript WTF: Why does every() return true for empty arrays?
Human Who Codes
How can a condition be satisified when there aren't any values to test?

Managing your interrupt rate as a tech lead, part 3: Office hours and appointment blocks
Human Who Codes
You can more easily eliminate interruptions when you create a specific time for them.

Managing your interrupt rate as a tech lead, part 2: Time blocking
Human Who Codes
Your calendar is a place where you should be in control and not be at the whims of others who send you invites.