Yarn Blog

Release: Yarn 4.0 🪄⚗️
Yarn Blog
Today is the day! After more than a year of work, our team is excited to finally put a fancy "stable" sticker on the first release from the 4.x release line! To celebrate, let's make together a tour of the major changes; should you look for a more itemized list, take a look at the changelog.

A word about Bun 💬
Yarn Blog
I'm sure many of you are curious about our position regarding Bun, the product from Oven, the company behind Bun (we're going in cycles). It's so fast, is there any merits to using Yarn?

Release: Yarn 3.2 🚢🔮
Yarn Blog
Welcome to the release notes for Yarn 3.2! This release is a little smaller than the 3.0 and 3.1, as we've hold off on some changes in preparation for our next major ... but more on that later 😃

Release: Yarn 3.1 🎃👻
Yarn Blog
Welcome to the release notes for Yarn 3.1! We're quite excited by this release, as it brings various improvements that we've all been looking forward to. Let's dig into that!

Release: Yarn 3.0 🚀🤖
Yarn Blog
Hello! Long time no see! Back in December, we decided to start working on our next major release, the 3.0. It took a bit of time to do everything we intended to do, but here we are! So let's talk a bit about what it changes, and what it brings. Note that these are only the highlights, the full changelog is much more comprehensive.

Release: Yarn 2.4 🎄🎁
Yarn Blog
Hey everyone! It's this time of the year where everyone is slowly preparing for the holidays. This year will probably be slightly different, but I can't wait to at least take a well deserved time off. But before that, let's talk about our next minor Yarn release, and a little bit about the next-next release: Yarn 3!

Release: Yarn 2.3 🍦✨
Yarn Blog
Howdy! Another big month just went by, 2020 confirming being a very weird year for everyone. I hope things will be ok for you, wherever you are.

Release: Yarn 2.2 🚅🌟
Yarn Blog
I hope you enjoyed the summer! As for us, we've been hard at work, and this update comes with its good chunk of improvements in various aspects. As usual we keep a detailed list in our repository, but let's go over the highlights!

Release: Yarn 2.1 🐱🏍
Yarn Blog
How are you doing since January? So many things happened since then. I hope you're all safe, wherever you are.

Release: Yarn 2.0 🧶🌟
Yarn Blog
Hi everyone! After exactly 365 days of very intensive development, I'm extremely happy to unveil the first stable release of Yarn 2. In this post I will explain what this release will mean for our community. Buckle up!