Prettier Blog
Read blog posts about Prettier from the team

Prettier 3.5: New objectWrap option, experimentalOperatorPosition option and TS config file support!
Prettier Blog
This release includes a lot of bug fixes and the following new features:

Prettier 3.4: A lot of bug fixes
Prettier Blog
This release includes numerous bug fixes and other improvements.

Prettier 3.3: New Flow features and a lot of bug fixes
Prettier Blog
This release includes support for new Flow features such as component and hook declarations. All of these features were implemented by the engineers on the Flow team, thank you.

Prettier 3.2: Support JSONC and Angular’s ICU expression
Prettier Blog
This release includes new features such as adding a JSONC parser, adding Angular’s ICU expressions, and many bug fixes.

Prettier's CLI: A Performance Deep Dive
Prettier Blog
Hey, I'm Fabio and I've been contracted by the Prettier team to speed up Prettier's command line interface (CLI). In this post we'll take a look at the optimizations I've discovered, the process that lead to finding them, some exciting numbers comparing the current CLI with the new one, and some guesses about what could be optimized next.

$20k Bounty was Claimed!
Prettier Blog
Prettier, a JavaScript code formatter, has seen an incredible adoption thanks to its careful handling of the very, very, long tail of ways people can write code. At this point, the formatting logic has been solid and after our work on ternaries lands, it will be in a happy state.

Prettier 3.1: New experimental ternaries formatting and Angular control flow syntax!
Prettier Blog
This release adds indentation back to nested ternaries along with a new --experimental-ternaries flag to try a more novel "curious ternary" format that scales better to deeply nested conditionals. We are keen for your feedback on the experimental format before it rolls out as the default behavior later this year!

A curious case of the ternaries
Prettier Blog
Ternary formatting has always been a challenge, and we're finally addressing it in v3.1.0 with the introduction of a novel formatting style.

Prettier 3.0: Hello, ECMAScript Modules!
Prettier Blog
We are excited to announce the release of the new version of Prettier!

Prettier 2.8: improve --cache CLI option and TypeScript 4.9 satisfies operator!
Prettier Blog
This release includes improvements to the --cache option added in 2.7. A new --cache-location option has been added, and a bug that saved the cache even when --write wasn't specified has been fixed.

Prettier 2.7: new --cache CLI option and TypeScript 4.7 syntax!
Prettier Blog
This release includes a new --cache CLI option. Enabling this option will use some attributes as cache keys and format files only if they have changed. This could dramatically improve CLI performance.

Prettier 2.6: new singleAttributePerLine option and new JavaScript features!
Prettier Blog
This release includes a new singleAttributePerLine option. This is an option to print only one attribute per line in Vue SFC templates, HTML, and JSX. Per our Option Philosophy, we would prefer not to add such an option. However, there are many users who want this feature, and major style guides like Airbnb’s JavaScript Style Guide and Vue’s style guide recommend the single attribute per line style. A PR to add this feature was opened in October 2019, and both it and the corresponding issue have received a significant amount of support from users. For us it was a hard decision to add this option. We hope the addition of this option will benefit many users without significantly harming our principles.

Prettier begins paying maintainers
Prettier Blog
Prettier, an opinionated code formatter for JavaScript and many web languages, has been accepting donations at OpenCollective since 2019 and thanks to many generous donations we now have \$50,000 in the bank! As a result, we are now able to pay the two active maintainers \$1,500/month each. This funding will ensure that they will be able to continue consistent maintenance of Prettier into the future.

Prettier 2.5: TypeScript 4.5 and MDX v2 comment syntax!
Prettier Blog
This release adds support for TypeScript 4.5's new syntax and MDX v2 comment syntax!

Prettier 2.4: new bracketSameLine option and TypeScript 4.4 support!
Prettier Blog
This release renames the jsxBracketSameLine option to bracketSameLine, which supports HTML, Vue, and Angular in addition to JSX. The old name has been deprecated.

Prettier 2.3. In which assignments are consistent, short keys non-breaking, and Handlebars official
Prettier Blog
This release focuses on fixing long-standing issues in the JavaScript printer. Be warned that, unfortunately, reformatting a project with the new version might result in quite a big diff. If you don’t use ignoreRevsFile to hide such wholesale changes from git blame, it might be about time.

Prettier for Ruby goes v1.0 🎉
Prettier Blog
After 1500 commits and 50 releases since July 2018, we're happy to announce that we've just released v1.0 of Prettier for Ruby. In this blog post, we'd like to give a short overview of how the plugin works, its philosophy, and what to expect in the future.

Prettier 2.2: new JavaScript parsers, TS 4.1 and ESM standalone bundles
Prettier Blog
This release supports new JavaScript parsers espree and meriyah, supports TypeScript 4.1, ships ESM standalone bundles for modern browsers, and includes many bug fixes and improvements!

Prettier 2.1: new --embedded-language-formatting option and new JavaScript/TypeScript features!
Prettier Blog
This release adds a new --embedded-language-formatting option, supports new JavaScript/TypeScript features, and includes many bug fixes and improvements!

Prettier 2.0 “2020”
Prettier Blog
Better defaults, a better CLI and better heuristics. Oh, and TypeScript 3.8.