Chris Coyier
Web craftsman, blogger, author, speaker.

Chris Coyier
There is an idea in my bubble that running your own website is A Very Good Idea. I subscribe to the idea that running your own website is A Very Good Idea and will continue to help that along in my career. But there is a heaping helping of It Depends involved here. Perhaps the […]

A Little Arm Chair Businessin’ about Chrome
Chris Coyier
It was August 5th, 2024 when a federal judge in the US decided that “Google acted illegally to maintain a monopoly in online search”. Then November 20th, 2024 when “The Justice Department and a group of states asked a federal court late Wednesday to force Google to sell Chrome“. It hasn’t been forced yet and […]

Media Diet
Chris Coyier
🎥 The War of Rohirrim — I was on a bit of a Lord of the Rings kick, reading the books then watching the Extended editions. So of course I had to see this. I tried to see in theaters but I just missed it, so streamed it. I thought it was good! A perfectly […]

A Ham of Meat
Chris Coyier
There’s a classic old time tune “How Many Biscuits Can You Eat?”. I know it from The Freight Hoppers but it’s certainly much older than that. The answer? How many biscuits can you eat? 49 and a ham of meat. Obviously. Wait, did they say “a ham of meat”? Some renditions of the song just […]

Team Bend Racing
Chris Coyier
The kid and I randomly started watching World’s Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge Fiji on Amazon Prime from 2020. 66 teams descend upon Fiji to compete in the most epic global adventure race ever attempted. Bear Grylls hosts this 11-day expedition that pushes competitors to their physical and emotional limits. We were both like whaaaaat when “Team […]

The Garden vs The River
Chris Coyier
Robin Rendle quoting Chris Armstrong: I have these two opposing thoughts: The difference, I suppose, is that a personal blog and a site designed to get people technical information, have different content strategy goals. There are tweener answers as well. Robb Knight has a thought: I like the idea of redirecting /now to the latest post tagged […]

Nest Cams
Chris Coyier
First, we had the Nest thermostat. Gotta have that, right? The first thermostat in the history of time that feels well-designed. Works great. Pleasure to use and look at. Then we got the smoke alarm. Why not — seems nice. Then we got a free Nest Mini as a promotion when Miranda went Android for […]

1,000 lbs
Chris Coyier
Rogue has a 1000LB Club. Find your cumulative total of a 1 Rep Max Bench/Squat/Deadlift in one hour I’m not particularly interested in actually doing it. You have to record a video with a bunch of rules and crap. But I heard about it years ago and the general challenge idea stuck in my head. […]

Tech + Pace Layering
Chris Coyier
Steward Brand has talked about Pace Layering for a long time: Pace layers provide many-leveled corrective, stabilizing feedback throughout the system. It is in the contradictions between these layers that civilization finds its surest health. I propose six significant levels of pace and size in a robust and adaptable civilization With this example: The inner […]

Short Life of Trouble
Chris Coyier
My fiddle player friend Darin sent me this documentary about GB Grayson, which I enjoyed: The documentary talks about how very few people even recognize the name despite all of recorded tunes essentially becoming standards in today’s folk/bluegrass/old-time world and having been covered by extraordinarily huge artists. That’s true for me! I absolutely had never […]

Exploring Hogwarts Puzzle
Chris Coyier
Over the holiday’s our family did the Exploring Hogwarts puzzle. It was just 500 pieces but took us like… a month? Of course, in the end, there was a missing piece that we absolutely could not find, confirming our conspiracy theories the entire time. It don’t know if that looks hard to you, but my […]

Check-in-the-Mail IRL Spam (Canada Dry)
Chris Coyier
I just got a big ol’ stack of USPS Priority Mail®️ marked as RETURN TO SENDER. It’s… malicious spam. Physical spam, I suppose. I didn’t send these, of course. But the return address is CodePen Headquarters, so it seems it was just a free way to get spam into our door. The evil schmucks drop […]