Ember.js Blog


2016 Ember Community Survey
Ember.js Blog
2015 was an incredible year to be a web developer, and great year to bebuilding an Ember app.Ember 2.0 landed in August, and with it came the first major shift inapplication architecture since Ember left its SproutCore roots. The Ember-CLIteam made massive improvements to the speed and quality of our build toolingseveral times over, all while continuing to be the foundation for a growingaddon community now topping 2000 projects. Ember-Data stabilized its publicAPI for the first time in the project's history, and continues to contendfor the title of most complete client-side JavaScript data layer.Other projects, under the official umbrella and outside it, continue toinnovate and mature.With 2015 in the rear-view mirror, we should take a moment to check our assumptionsabout who is in the Ember community and how they work with the framework.To that end, we're pleased to announcethe official 2016 Ember Community Survey! Survey Landing PageCompleting the survey should take about fifteen min
2017 Ember Community Survey
Ember.js Blog
The past year has been a great time to work with the web, and an exciting one tobe building applications with Ember.Ember.js completed eight backward-compatible minor version releases in thelast year, 2.4 through 2.11.Included were the framework's first two Long-Term Support (LTS) releases.Glimmer 2,a major rewrite of Ember's rendering system, landed in Ember.js 2.10.Framework support for Ember Engines landed inin Ember.js 2.8.Support for Ember FastBoot stabilized inEmber.js 2.4.The Ember.js addon community grew from 2,000to over 3,500 publicly available addons!With 2017 already under way, we would like your help to learnabout who is in the Ember community and how they work with the framework.To that end, we're pleased to announce the official 2017 Ember Community Survey. Survey Landing PageThis is our third year learning about the community's makeup and interests,and we're looking forward tosharing the results at EmberConf 2017 on March 28th.The number of survey participants grew from
2018 Ember Community Survey
Ember.js Blog
The last year has been a wonderful time to work with the web, and a thrilling one tobe building applications with Ember.Ember.js completed seven backward-compatible minor version releases in thelast year: 2.12 through 2.18.Included were three Long-Term Support (LTS) releases.Version 2.18 was declared as an LTS and is the final release of the project's 2.x series.Ember 3.0 and 3.1 beta versions also came into existence, marking the beginning of the 3.xseries.3.0 removes public API deprecated in Ember 2.x releases.Ember FastBoot, a server-side rendering solution for Ember apps, reached 1.0.The Glimmer VM,Ember's rendering system, also experienced a lot progress. This includesimplementations of <Capital />-style component syntax, compiled binarybyte-code, incremental rendering, and SSR with incremental rehydration. The October Glimmer Progress Report is a good place to look for details.The Ember.js addon community grew from 3500to almost 4500 publicly available addons!With 2018 already un
The 2020 Ember Roadmap
Ember.js Blog
The purpose of the Ember Roadmap process is to rally the community around a number of shared goals. This post documents those goals for 2020.Since the Ember community cannot predict the future, we cannot be sure that we will achieve all of the individual items enumerated here. Instead, the purpose of this document is to give the community a common purpose to aspire towards.This year our two headline priorities are:Polish the practical and conceptual details of Octane (tracked properties, Glimmer components, related tooling, accessibility, performance and payload improvements).Make Ember easier to try and adopt, but also lower barriers for Ember developers when collaborating with the greater JavaScript project. We will do this through improvements and simplifications to the framework, and through focused communication with the greater JavaScript community.This document was started in fall 2019. It is a distillation of multiple sources:The 2019 Community Survey.Community #EmberJS2019 blo
Accessibility Working Group Update
Ember.js Blog
Back in March, an Accessibility (A11y) Strike Team was formed to address the issues outlined in Ember RFC Issue 595 - Technical Accessibility Issues in New Ember Apps. This blog post is to update the community on that group's work.The Strike Team met weekly between March 25 and June 24. We even managed to celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day!There were five items listed in Issue 595:Application Language SupportLabel/Input SupportPage Title SupportSupport for ...attributesAccessible Routing SupportActive WorkApplication Language SupportThe goal of application language support was to provide a mechanism for new Ember apps to pass WCAG Success Criteria 3.1.1 - Language of Page. To meet that goal, Joseph Sumner, Jamie White, Ava Wroten and Melanie Sumner authored RFC 635, which proposed a --lang flag for ember-cli. This flag would enable developers to declare the application's language while they were creating the app, allowing them to more easily meet this particular success crite
Announcing Ember's First LTS Release
Ember.js Blog
Currently, Ember uses release channelsto help users balance between a desire for new features (canary or betachannels) with stability (the release channel). While semver guarantees meanthat upgrades are quite straightforward, some users aren't able to upgradeevery six weeks. To address these needs,we are announcing a new LTS releasechannel.Ember 2.4 will be the first LTS release of the core framework, and willcontinue every four releases thereafter. Additionally, we've updated theemberjs.com/builds page with better guidanceabout when and how to use each of the channels.For our users, LTS releases allow you to upgrade less frequently while stillgetting support from the Ember project and the wider ecosystem.For addon authors, LTS releases allow you to know which versions of Ember tofocus effort on.As a project, Ember will provide security and critical bugfixes for the mostrecent LTS release, in addition to the most recent release (as we do today).We will also avoid breaking heavily used
Announcing the Official TypeScript Types Public Preview
Ember.js Blog
As of [email protected], Ember is shipping a public preview of our official TypeScript support for the framework itself. This is the next step in implementing RFC 0724: Official TypeScript Support and RFC 0800: TypeScript Adoption Plan. Anyone using TypeScript with Ember 4.8.0 Beta 2 or later can opt into using these preview types by removing the corresponding @types packages and adding the following import in your types/<your app>/index.d.ts file:import 'ember-source/types';import 'ember-source/types/preview';This will set your app up to start using Ember's preview types now and to automatically benefit as we stabilize our types incrementally over the releases ahead. You won't have to do anything except add these once and then upgrade your app on your normal upgrade cadence!Note that there are some significant changes to these types compared to the types as they exist on DefinitelyTyped today. All public API remains supported, but in line with RFC 0800, we intentionally provid
Announcing the Ember.js Security Policy
Ember.js Blog
We know that building your apps on top of a framework requirestrust, and that trust is never put to the test more than when securityvulnerabilities are discovered.While we're very fortunate to work on an open source project that runsin a sandboxed environment, the browser, we realize that even JavaScriptapplications can be vulnerable to attacks from malicious third-parties.Ember.js is designed to mitigate common forms of attack. For example,all values rendered using Handlebars are automatically escaped toprevent XSS attacks, and developers must explicitly opt in to outputtingraw HTML.To ensure that Ember applications stay safe, today we're announcing theEmber.js Security Policy, to help security researchers anddevelopers responsibly disclose potential vulnerabilities in Ember andEmber Data.We have also set up the Ember.js security announcements mailinglist. This isan extremely low-traffic mailing list reserved solely for announcingsecurity releases of the framework. If you're deploying
Announcing The Glimmer 2 Alpha
Ember.js Blog
In this year's EmberConf keynote, Yehuda mentioned that we are working on a highly optimized rendering engine for Ember called Glimmer 2.On behalf of all the contributors who have lent a hand along the way, I am very excited to announce that we have released Ember 2.9.0-alpha.1, the first official build with Glimmer 2 included.🔑 A Key Milestone 🔑During the alpha testing period, we will publish new alpha builds on a weekly cadence, following the beta releases schedule. The alpha releases will be cut from the master branch, but with all experimental features other than ember-glimmer stripped from the builds.The purpose of the alpha releases is to enable our community – especially the addon and tooling ecosystem – to start testing the new engine for compatibility and offer feedback. Needless to say, the alpha releases are not intended for production use.To test your apps with the alpha builds, run bower install --save ember#alpha and follow the prompt to persist the resolution.From Embe...
Another Ember 2.x Status Update
Ember.js Blog
We're a few weeks away from the release of Ember 1.13 and Ember 2.0 beta, and while there's been a lot of focus on those releases, the trains will keep rolling on June 12. There will be a 2.1 release 6 weeks hence, and a 2.2 release 6 weeks later.With all of the focus on Ember 2.0, it's easy to forget that 2.0 is just a six-week release, with the added ability to remove some built-up cruft. Because of the symbolic nature of 2.0, discussions about the future have had an artificial end date of June 12, which is now three weeks away.This post gives some more details about what cruft will be removed in Ember 2.0 and, since the first features in Ember 2.1 will land in three weeks, what we plan to do in the early releases of Ember 2.x.It's important to note that we've talked a lot about an improved "Ember 2 programming model" over the past several months, significantly inspired by React. While much of the model will be in place in Ember 2.0, the early releases of Ember 2.x (especially 2.1 an
Upcoming deprecation of baseURL in Ember CLI 2.7
Ember.js Blog
The baseURL configuration option and the accompanying <base> tag in Ember CLI applications are often and tragically misunderstood. There have been at least 67 issues opened for Ember CLI referencing baseURL, making it one of the most common points of discussion. As a result, in Ember CLI's canary channel, we have deprecated baseURL and removed the default <base> inside of index.html. The intent is that this change will be released with Ember CLI 2.7 stable in roughly 10 weeks.Existing applications are able to continue using baseURL with a deprecation warning. If you are eager to adopt this change, you should note that the removal of the <base> tag may impact how your application is deployed, and if so, will likely require some small migration effort, detailed below.This is the culmination of a lot of research and work by Tobias Bieniek and we're incredibly grateful for his efforts.What was it?baseURL allowed an Ember application and assets to be deployed to a subdirectory without requi
Cleaning Up Github Issues
Ember.js Blog
If you've been following along, the Ember issues tracker has grown to over 200 active issues. While this is better than some other large OSS projects, it's still too large for us on the core team to easily keep track of. There are also a number of issues that are over six months old and even a year or two old.Declaring straight-up issue bankruptcy is appealing, but does a disservice to everyone involved. There's a lot of useful information here for the core team and many of these issues are things we are actively working on solving. So we're attempting to cut down on the number of issues in a bit more targeted way.In many cases these old issues stuck around because the solution was non-trivial and only a limited set of contributors was qualified to fix them. In some instances, a fix involves considerable internal refactoring that no one has yet had time to do and was hard to justify for one fix.To help keep things manageable, we'll be consolidating these types of issues into single met
Coming Soon in Ember Octane - Part 1: Native Classes
Ember.js Blog
(This post was originally published on www.pzuraq.com)If you've been paying attention in Ember lately you may have heard the term "Octane" floating around here and there recently, and wondered what all the excitement was about. It may seem like a bit of a big deal - and that's because it kind of is! It's Ember's first new edition, proposed in the Ember 2018 Roadmap, and represents a major shift in the mental model behind Ember.js and Ember applications. In this series, I'll be diving into some of the new features that are part of Octane (specifically the ones that are part of the browser side of the framework) and giving a brief overview of how the feature works, and why the feature is being added. The features I'm planning on discussing are:Native Classes (+Decorators)Angle Bracket Syntax & Named ArgumentsTracked PropertiesModifiersGlimmer ComponentsThere are more features that are part of Octane, such as Ember's new file system layout (also known as Module Unification), template impo
Coming Soon in Ember Octane - Part 2: Angle Brackets & Named Arguments
Ember.js Blog
(This post was originally published on www.pzuraq.com)Hello again, and welcome back! This is the second part of the multipart Coming Soon in Ember Octane series, where we're previewing some of the various features that are landing in Ember's upcoming Octane edition, including:Native Classes (+Decorators)Angle Brackets & Named Arguments ← this postTracked PropertiesModifiersGlimmer ComponentsThese aren't all of the new features that will be part of Octane, but they're the ones that I'm most familiar with personally, so I can give y'all the low down!This series is aimed at existing Ember users, but if you're new to Ember or tried Ember a while ago and want to see how things are changing, I'll be providing context on the existing features as we go along. These posts won't be doing deep dives on all the edge cases of the functionality, they are moreso meant as an overview of what's coming. If you're curious about what an edition is exactly, you can check out a quick break down in the first
Coming Soon in Ember Octane - Part 3: Tracked Properties
Ember.js Blog
(This post was originally published on www.pzuraq.com)Hello again, and welcome back! This is the third entry in the multipart Coming Soon in Ember Octane series, where we're previewing some of the various features that are landing in Ember's upcoming Octane edition, including:Native Classes (+Decorators)Angle Brackets & Named ArgumentsTracked Properties ← this postModifiersGlimmer ComponentsThese aren't all of the new features that will be part of Octane, just the ones that I'm most familiar with personally. This series is aimed at existing Ember users, but if you're new to Ember or tried Ember a while ago and want to see how things are changing, I'll be providing context on the existing features as we go along. These posts won't be doing deep dives on all the edge cases of the functionality, they are moreso meant as an overview of what's coming. If you're curious about what an edition is exactly, you can check out a quick break down in the first post in the series.On to tracked proper
Coming Soon in Ember Octane - Part 4: Modifiers
Ember.js Blog
(This post was originally published on www.pzuraq.com)Hello again, and welcome back! This is the fourth entry in the multipart Coming Soon in Ember Octane series, where we're previewing some of the various features that are landing in Ember's upcoming Octane edition, including:Native Classes (+Decorators)Angle Brackets & Named ArgumentsTracked PropertiesModifiers ← this postGlimmer ComponentsThese aren't all of the new features that will be part of Octane, just the ones that I'm most familiar with personally. This series is aimed at existing Ember users, but if you're new to Ember or tried Ember a while ago and want to see how things are changing, I'll be providing context on the existing features as we go along. These posts won't be doing deep dives on all the edge cases of the functionality, they are moreso meant as an overview of what's coming. If you're curious about what an edition is exactly, you can check out a quick break down in the first post in the series.Alright, now let's
Coming Soon in Ember Octane - Part 5: Glimmer Components
Ember.js Blog
(This post was originally published on www.pzuraq.com)Hello again, and welcome back! This is the fifth and final entry in the multipart Coming Soon in Ember Octane series, where we're previewing some of the various features that are landing in Ember's upcoming Octane edition, including:Native Classes (+Decorators)Angle Brackets & Named ArgumentsTracked PropertiesModifiersGlimmer Components ← this postThese aren't all of the new features that will be part of Octane, just the ones that I'm most familiar with personally. This series is aimed at existing Ember users, but if you're new to Ember or tried Ember a while ago and want to see how things are changing, I'll be providing context on the existing features as we go along. These posts won't be doing deep dives on all the edge cases of the functionality, they are moreso meant as an overview of what's coming. If you're curious about what an edition is exactly, you can check out a quick break down in the first post in the series.Now, let's
Preview Weekend: 2019 Ember Community Survey
Ember.js Blog
We are thrilled to announce that we will be adding to the spring excitementsurrounding Ember Octaneand EmberConf 2019 with the release of the fifthannual Ember Community Survey, and as always, we want your input before we golive!This year we're making an effort to move much of the surveyprocess to the ember-learn/annual-community-survey GitHub repo.Please review the the list of 2019 survey questionsthis before February 17th and submit feedback asan issues on that repo.201 Created began this annual survey ofthe Ember community in 2015. Over the past four years, data from the survey has helpedus measure progress on issues as wide ranging as diversity and browser support.In 2017, free text responses were permitted for the first time, giving communityparticipants a way to provide feedback to the project and project leadership anew way to hear their voices. As 201 Created steps away, it istime to promote the annual survey to an official project of the Ember LearningTeam. Thank you 201 Creat
Compiling templates with Ember 1.10
Ember.js Blog
As many of you know, Ember 1.10 will be the first version of Ember that uses HTMLBars as its templating engine. With this change you may need to change the way you compile your templates.The HTMLBars API is evolving and not 1.0.0 yet, so to ensure that templates are compiled compatibly with your Ember version we have updated the Ember build system to generate a ember-template-compiler.js file alongside every build of Ember. This template compiler can be used server-side for precompilation or in the browser to compile templates on the fly. If you do not need to compile templates at runtime (in the browser) the ember.debug.js or ember.prod.js file alone is sufficient. There is no need to include a runtime dependency. This is a departure from previous versions, where you would always include either handlebars.js or handlebars.runtime.js.Most of the time you will use a third party library like ember-cli, ember-cli-htmlbars, or grunt-ember-templates to precompile templates, but this post wi
Core Team Face to Face, January 2016
Ember.js Blog
Ember is a truly community-driven framework, with contributors and coreteam members who live all over the world and work for many differentcompanies. The vast majority of our collaboration happens online viatools like GitHub.That said, every quarter the Ember core team likes to meet face-to-facefor a high-bandwidth, high-intensity discussion about the future of theframework. We focus on high priority issues, ways we can improve ourprocess, and setting the long-term vision for Ember.A week ago, the core team descended on beautiful Spicewood, Texas(about an hour outside of Austin) for two days of hand to handcombat technical discussion.Below, in no particular order, are summaries of the topics we discussed.Nothing here should be considered final, and all decisions are subjectto change as we receive community feedback.SubteamsEmber includes everything you need to create a modern web application,from build tools to a lightning fast rendering engine to comprehensivedocumentation. Because of
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2013/12/06
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.We want to ensure that our process and thinking is totally transparentto the Ember.js community so we're going to start publishing meetingnotes here.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@ebryn, @krisselden, @machty, @stefanpenner, @tomdale, @trek, @wagenet, @wycatsTopicsTransparencyWe've heard a few comments that people would like greater Core Team transparency.Since the weekly meetings are the only significant group communication that isn'tpublic, we'll be posting notes from these meetings.Resolutions:@trek publish core team meeting notes@trek post weekly reminders that the core team meeting occurs and invite peopleto contact individual core team members if they have
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2013/12/20
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@krisselden, @machty, @stefanpenner, @tomdale, @trek, @wagenet, @wycatsTopicsBuild Tools@wycats has been communicating with @jo_liss about usingbroccoli as the basis for a build tools package.Ember DataEmber data is now less of an ORM and more of a pluggable framework for assembling your own data communication layer for Ember.js applications (with some nice defaults for people's whose APIs follow common patterns). However, the interface – especially on the "normal form" of return values – isn't well documented so people aren't able to easily jump in, try it, and offer feedback.Resolutions:@trek will start working on docs.@tomdale, @
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/01/03
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@ebryn, @krisselden, @machty, @stefanpenner, @trek, @wagenet, @wycatsGo/No-Go for 1.4It's that time in the beta release cycle where the core teamgives a "go" or "no-go" vote to feature-flagged beta functionality.query-params-new: no-goneeds more people trying thisdoc/guides need to be updated.with-controller: gomake sure to add parentController immediately after merge (@kselden)address https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/4050 (@stefanpenner)ensure lookupFactory and creates with content{{#with foo controller=someController}}ember-metal-with-proxy: gorename to Ember.run.bind and merge (@stefanpenner)ember-metal-run-method: no-g
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/01/17
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@ebryn, @krisselden, @machty, @stefanpenner, @tomdale, @trek, @wagenet, @wycats, @wifelettePending Go/No-GoWe received feedback that too many flagged features in canary werenot getting enough discussion from the core team early in the release cycle.This was delaying useful features making it into scheduled beta releases.To tighten up the feedback loop, the core team will regularlyreview features on our canary builds and work with authors sooner to address concerns.The current list of features on master but not enabled in the 1.4 family of beta buildscan be found on this Github issue:https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/4052The
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/01/27
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!This week's core team meeting was rescheduled from Friday, January 24 to Monday, January 27due to the Google outage that affected Google Hangouts.Attendees@ebryn, @krisselden, @machty, @stefanpenner, @tomdale, @trek, @wagenet, @wycatsTopicsIssues Discussion:The core team discussed the following Github Issuesember-routing-auto-location #3725.resolution:assign @stefanpennershould be good for the next beta.needs someone to audit + try for realis it ok if we have /#/foo and /foo in the wild? How does this affect SEOdocument that backend support is needed and that your app will not havecanonical URLs (i.e. every URL will have two versions in the
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/01/31
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@ebryn, @krisselden, @machty, @stefanpenner, @tomdale, @wifelette, @wycatsGo/No-Go Feature Listingember-routing-named-substates #3655@krisselden: likes the feature a lot (we should do it)@wycats: naming with globals is totally unsolvable.@machty: If FooLoading is ambiguous, we should warn that global mode is not supported for this feature@tomdale: we need a separate task force for thinking about module mode only features.resolution: Tom and Stef will reviewember-handlebars-caps-lookup #3218resolution: check local first, warn and fallback to global seems like a good strategyember-testing-simple-setup #3785resolution: Tom and Stef wil
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/02/07
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@ebryn, @krisselden, @machty, @stefanpenner, @tomdale, @trek, @wagenet, @wycatsTopicsFeatures pending 'Go' decision.The core team reviewed the following pull requests for inclusion in the 1.5.x beta series:ember-routing-named-substates #3655Tom and Stef still need to discuss how to handle module mode + new semantics next week.Resolution: Tom and Stef will discuss this week. No, for real this time.ember-handlebars-caps-lookup #3218Needs follow up from @xtian.Resolution: Ping @xtianember-testing-simple-setup #3785Tom and Stef still need to review.Resolution: Tom and Stef will review.query-params-new #4008There are still some decisions
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/02/14
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@ebryn, @krisselden, @machty, @stefanpenner, @tomdale, @trek, @wagenet, @wycatsTopicsES6ifying coreLast month we completed the migration of ember-data to the ES6 module syntax. This lets us use clearer dependency declarations, stay clear of module syntax battles (you can export to whichever module format best conforms to your deeply held beliefs on JavaScript modules), and continues our pattern of bringing future JavaScript features to you today.Work has started on the porting Ember.js to ES6 module syntax as well!.Thanks to @thomasABoyt and @Square for work on the ES6 Module Transpiler, @fivetanley for converting ember-data, and @r
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/02/21
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@ebryn, @krisselden, @machty, @tomdale, @trek, @wagenet, @wycatsTopicsOld Stack Overflow questionsLast week we started the process of cleaning up old questions on Stack Overflow bycollecting a list of questions and evaluating whether the question still madesense and, if so, whether selected answer was still the best available answer.Initially we were using Stack Overflow's existing tagging functionality to collect thislist but the Stack Overflow admins suggested that we find some other way.They didn't have any suggestions for using Stack Overflow to speed this process,so we created a list of all Ember.js questions to date with some
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/02/28
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@ebryn, @krisselden, @machty, @rwjblue, @stefanpenner, @tomdale, @trek, @wycatsTopicsHello, GhostA few weeks ago @jacob4u2 reached out over twitterto let us know the popular Node.js-based blogging platform Ghost was looking toreinvent their admin interface and were discussing various browser JavaScript libraries. Theensuing discussion is a great read.This week the Ghost team announced they'd be rebuilding in Ember.js.We're super geeked to see Ghost join Balanced,TravisCI, Discourse, and the rest of thegreat community of open source projects adopting Ember.js.Thanks to everyone who chimed in on the discussion and the Ember.js communi
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/03/07
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@ebryn, @krisselden, @machty, @rwjblue, @stefanpenner, @tomdale, @trek, @wycatsTopicsFeatures pending 'Go' decision. Tracking Issueember-routing-add-model-option #4293Resolution: GoPR's/Issues To ReviewQuery Params New - Sticky Params?Should query paramters remain on route change? When do we want it? All the time?How do we disable it? Proposals thus far:/r?sort=asc ← keep/r/ios?sort=hot ← keep? “model specific state”/r/gonewild ← keep? “model specific state”/r/foo?name=’something related to foo’or/blog/somepost?comments=truethen navigate to/blog/someOtherPost?comments=true ← keep?/blog/someOtherPostthen ← don’t keep?// then navigate
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/03/14
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@ebryn, @krisselden, @machty, @rwjblue, @stefanpenner, @tomdale, @trek, @wycatsTopicsGo/No-Go Feature Listingquery-params-new #4008 Still a no-go, while @machty and @wycats hash out the specificsPR's/Issues To ReviewcanSetInnerHTML: IE cannot set innerHTML on several tagsIE doesn't support .innerHTML = on COL, COLGROUP, FRAMESET, HTML, STYLE, TABLE, TBODY, TFOOT, THEAD, TITLE, or TR.Resolution: definitely a bug, but this will be fixed with HTMLbars so we'd rather wait for that toland instead of fixing nowOverwrite observers and listeners in Ember.CoreObject.create().Modifies mixin inclusion code in makeCtor to remove any observers/l
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/03/21
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@ebryn, @krisselden, @machty, @rwjblue, @stefanpenner, @trek, @wycats, @wifeletteTopicsPRs/Issues To ReviewWe reviewed the following PRs and Issues:query-params-new #4008Nothing new here. We're working very hard to get this correct the first timeand have something to demo at EmberConf.Move instanceMetas into object's meta #4559InstanceMetas for objects' ReduceComputedPropertys are stored on the RCP instance (ie. on the descriptor) as this._instanceMetas[key] where key = guidOfTheObject + ':' + propertyName (see http://git.io/t9bKxA). The RCP can't know when the object is garbage collected, hence the _instanceMetas array grows unboun
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/04/04
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@ebryn, @krisselden, @machty,@rwjblue, @wagenet, @tomdaleTopicsPR's/Issues To ReviewBUGFIX beta Allow setting of undefined value to a content propertyFixes setting of undefined value to a content property.Still, checking obj[keyName] === value in these lines is bypassed in two casesIf the setter value is undefinedIf the setter property lies inside the proxied contentUsing get(obj, keyName) might resolve. But was quite nervous to do that as it may involve some additional function calls+1 by @stefanpenner, but he requests @krisselden to review.Resolution:Seems good, but @krisselden will review in further detail. Will attempt to have t
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/04/25
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@ebryn,@krisselden,@machty,@rwjblue,@trek,@stefanpenner,@wagenet,@wycatsTopicsBuild Tools Redux ProgresssWhen Ember.js took its first tentative steps into the world there existed noecosystem of build tools for ambitious applications in the browser. Instead,we needed to build these toolsfrom scratch.The build tools story is significantly improved from those days! We're fortunate enough tohave several competing systems, all JavaScript based, that help streamline this workflow.Work is in progress to unify our buildsand better declare and manage our external dependencies.PR's/Issues To Reviewember-routing-linkto-target-attribute #4718Re
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/06/06
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@ebryn,@krisselden,@machty,@trek,@stefanpenner,@wagenet,@tomdaleWhere have all the minutes gone, long time passing?Many people have reached out on twitter wondering where the meetingminutes for May have gone. We'd like to apologize: many of us weretraveling, attending conferences, and/or handling cross-state moves during May.Meetings have still been taking place, topics discussed, and advanced thoughtleadership generated, but attendance and note taking have been sporadic.Ember 1.6/1.7.beta DelayedWe've been delaying the release of Ember 1.6 and the start of the 1.7.betabranch for a few weeks to address outstanding issues that have b
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/06/13
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@krisselden,@machty,@rwjblue,@trek,@stefanpennerQuery parametersThis has been enabled by defaultin beta and nightly builds. Check out Query Parameters Guidefor usage details.Keeping the train movingIn the last meeting we discussed why the release of 1.6 and 1.7.beta was delayed.In this meeting we resolved to not delay releases, because we hope to includea specific feature.
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/06/20
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@krisselden,@machty,@rwjblue,@trek,@stefanpenner,@wagenet,@tomdale,@wycatsFeatures pending 'Go' decisionsember-routing-consistent-resourcesThis PR adds .index, .loading, and .error sub-routes for resources created evenif no callback was provided so this.resource('foo') andthis.resource('foo', function(){}) behave identically.Resolution: 'Go'.
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/06/27
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@ebryn,@krisselden,@machty,@rwjblue,@trek,@stefanpenner,@wagenet,@tomdale,@wycats1.6 and 1.7.betaWe're cutting these today and publishing.
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/07/11
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@ebryn,@krisselden,@rwjblue,@trek,@stefanpenner,@wagenet,@tomdale,@wycatsPath to CoreMembers of the community who have a sustained and significant contribution toEmber.js are invited to join the core team and help us guide the framework'sfuture direction. Members we'd like to add are put on the "path to core" andgiven greater autonomy for a trial period before being officially invited.Contributors on path to core are given commit access to the Ember.jsrepositories and attend our weekly core team meetings and periodicface to face meetings.Today we're happy to announce that two Ember.js contributors are on the pathto core: Matthew Bea
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/07/25
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@krisselden,@machty,@mixonic@_mmun,@rwjblue,@trek,@stefanpenner,@wagenet,@wycatsFace to Face July 2014Last week the core team (and those on path to core) met in New York City forour periodic face to face meeting. Tom and Yehuda will be posting notes fromthat meeting in the coming weeks. Thank you to our friends at PivotalLabs for hosting us in their awesome new office.Built With EmberA few months ago we began tracking some of the ambitious apps madewith Ember.js. The folks at Blimp have turned thatdocument into a curated list of awesome Ember.js applications. Check itout.ember-cli websiteember-cli, our ES6 module-based build tool ha
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/08/01
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@krisselden,@mixonic@_mmun,@trek,@stefanpenner,@wagenet,@tomdale,@wycatsRevamp the Getting Started GuideWe're starting work to revampour Getting Started Guide.TodoMVC is too small of an app to demonstrate enough topics. We wereholding off in hopes that there would be further progress on the successorto TodoMVC but this project has stalled.We're investigating building a Github Issues viewer. Our goals are to betterhighlight areas where Ember really shines compared to other frameworks: Deeplynested view and data hierarchies, url-driven applications, intuitivequery paramater behaviors.Deprecating global view lookup from templatesAs we
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/08/14
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@ebryn,@krisselden,@machty,@mixonic@_mmun,@rwjblue,@trek,@stefanpenner,@wagenet,@tomdale,@wycatsExplore using LodashWe reviewed a PR that replaces Ember builtin array extensions internals with Lodash.Assuming no performance regressions, we're in favor.Guides and API versioned and subdomainedCurrently the Guides and API are not versioned, which increasingly leads topain around new feature documentation. The plan is to beging publishing guidesand API to a subdomains and version them:http://guides.emberjs.com/ (defaults to latest)http://guides.emberjs.com/1.8http://api.ember.js.com/ (defaults to latest)http://api.ember.js.com/1.8
Core Team Meeting Minutes - 2014/09/12
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember.js Core Team meets privately everyFriday at 2pm EST/11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember.If you have a topic you'd like to see covered, contact your favoritecore team member and let them know!Attendees@ebryn,@krisselden,@machty,@mixonic@_mmun,@rwjblue,@trek,@stefanpenner,@wagenet,@tomdale,HTMLBarsMost of this weeks discussion focused on our largest ongoing project: HTMLBars.We're hoping HTMLBars is on track to make it into the 1.9 or 1.10 beta series.The biggest outstanding issues are general cleanup, fixing behavior aroundparts of theDOM where a browser will "helpfully" insert "missing" tags(like auto-insertion of tbody into a table),and Internet Explorer bugs and performance
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Intl
Ember.js Blog
In our end of year series-"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons" we showcase a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you have fun hearing about our favorite addons!Day 16For day 16 of our Countdown to The New Year we want to highlight and addon that truly brings the entire Ember community from all locales together: ember-intl!What It DoesThe ember-intl addon is probably one of the most popular addons used in Ember apps today. As the go-to solution for bringing internationalisation to our application, it allows us to manage translations, date, time, number and currency formats in more than 150 languages!Why I Like ItThe rich ember-intl service API and many useful template helpers help us to add new locales to our apps continually as our product's user base grows globally.For those of us who have lots of languages to support in their application, ember-intl even allows us to load translations asynchronously - making sure that the size of the bundle that determi
Countdown to The New Year- Ember A11Y Testing
Ember.js Blog
This is the tenth in our DecEmber series-"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 10Let's talk about ember-a11y-testing.What It DoesThe ember-a11y-testing addon is a wrapper around Deque Labs'axe-core accessibility(a11y) testing engine that helps you identify accessibility issues in your Ember app & provides useful information on how to solve them.Why I Like ItLike many of you out there, I too developed webapps without realizing the impact that accessible apps can have on users. In fact, Istarted learning about a11y problems through this addon when I added it to a few apps that I was working on when this addon gotreleased back in 2015.While there's more to building accessible apps than automated tools (like this addon) can help with, it does help ensure thatcommon a11y violations are captured before they can make their way to users.The best part about this addon is that
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Angle Brackets Codemod
Ember.js Blog
This is the ninth in our DecEmber series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 9Until recently, converting Ember templates to use Angle Bracket invocation was a tiresome and manual task. With the latest version of ember-angle-brackets-codemod, you get a smarter, more complete codemod to change your templates in a flash!What It DoesBefore Angle Bracket invocation, nearly every template construct in Ember was invoked using Handlebars {{doubleCurly}} syntax. This made differentiating between components, helpers, and plain values incredibly difficult. Angle Brackets alleviate most of this ambiguity. But what if you wanted to change every double curly component invocation to Angle Brackets? That task could take forever (especially if you cant reliably tell the difference between everything in your templates)! The Angle Bracket Codemod eases the transition in a few steps:I
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Animated
Ember.js Blog
This is the seventh in our DecEmber series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 7According to Wikipedia's History of Animation-The Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius (c. 99 BCE – c. 55 BCE) wrote in his poem De rerum natura a few lines that come close to the basic principles of animation: "…when the first image perishes and a second is then produced in another position, the former seems to have altered its pose. Of course this must be supposed to take place very swiftly: so great is their velocity, so great the store of particles in any single moment of sensation, to enable the supply to come up."Today, we write such poems in code, using ember-animated.What It Doesember install ember-animated is an invitation for creativity. This addon provides animation primitives and some built-in transitions that help bring interfaces to life! You can animate across route chang
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Auto Import
Ember.js Blog
This is the sixth in our DecEmber series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 6Once upon a time, if Ember developers wanted to use a regular npm package, they needed to jump through some hoops, but ember-auto-import makes it a breeze!What It DoesThe ember-auto-import addon provides a zero-config way to use npm packages in your Ember app, and even lazy-load them.Why I Like ItOne of my wishes for the web is that we can make it easier for new people to learn, participate, and build.Whenever I see this trend happening in Ember, it makes me happy.I love this addon because it eliminates the need for a beginner (and experienced developer) to understand the differences between AMD and CJS modules, and how they get into the app tree.They don't need to read about how to configure their build.They don't need to know how Ember's build pipeline differs from other build tools.The
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Bootstrap and Ember Paper
Ember.js Blog
This is the 23rd in our DecEmber series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 23For the 23rd edition of Countdown to The New Year we're going to take alook at two great design library addons, ember-bootstrap and ember-paperEmber Bootstrap - What It DoesThe ember-bootstrap addon is for using the Bootstrap design library in Ember applications. This addon provides a native Ember component library for some of the more commonly used Bootstrap components.The ember-bootstrap addon can help you can integrate Bootstrap into your application quickly, and in an idiomatic Ember manner.There are many related Ember addons that integrate with Ember Bootstrap to provide additional features on top of Ember Bootstrap, such as form validation and changesets.Ember Bootstrap - Why I Like ItIf you're looking to add Bootstrap to an Ember application, ember-bootstrap makes doing so incredib
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Changeset
Ember.js Blog
This is the 28th in our DecEmber series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 28For the 28th edition of Countdown to The New Year we're going to take alook at ember-changeset.What It DoesManaging data associated with forms can sometimes be unwieldy. As a result, we have borrowed concepts from the Elixir community to give you the ability to prevent mutating the underlying object until the last possible moment when you have decided to apply the changes and the data is valid. This functional approach to validations has proved to be quite useful.This addon works in conjunction with ember-changeset-validations to provide you with out of the box validations to validate the format of a certain input, ensure passwords pass a minimum security threshold or even let you build your own custom validator!Why I Like ItRecently I rewrote ember-changeset to fix long outstanding bugs,
Countdown to The New Year - Ember CLI Mirage
Ember.js Blog
This is the second in our December series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 2Today we are going to look at one of our community's most popular addons- ember-cli-mirage.What It DoesThe ember-cli-mirage addon is a client-side server to help you build, test, and demo your Ember app. It helps developers be more productive by providing ways to generate fake data, allowing front-end engineers to spend more time focusing on the UI.Why I Like ItAs I was informally polling the community about their favorite Ember addons, ember-cli-mirage came up A LOT. For good reason, too. It's well-supported by the addon maintainers, there's a dedicated documentation site, and there's support on the Ember Community Discord server in the #ec-mirage channel."It’s a part of the ecosystem I dearly miss when I work with other frameworks."As an extra bonus, EmberMap has generously made their
Countdown to The New Year - Ember CLI Sass
Ember.js Blog
This is the eighth in our DecEmber series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 8ember-cli-sass is an addon that I always install when I work on side projects. It's that amazing / critical / \<add your hype word of choice here>!In all seriousness, let me tell you why I love Sass and why I encourage you to try out ember-cli-sass today.What It Doesember-cli-sass uses Sass to preprocess stylesheets in your Ember app (or addon). That's just a fancy way of saying you will have an easier time expressing how you want to style your app.The addon also supports common, advanced use cases for Ember projects:Source maps by default in developmentSupport for outputPaths configurationAbility to specify includePathsAbility to edit Sass in Chrome Dev ToolsWhy I Like ItThere are two areas to examine here: (1) why I love Sass, and (2) why I love ember-cli-sass.Why I Love SassSass (Synt
Countdown to The New Year - Ember CLI TypeScript
Ember.js Blog
This is the 24th part of our DecEmber series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". Highlighting a new addon each day until the new year starts, we hope you enjoy learning together with us!Day 24Today we are going to take a look at writing apps in TypeScript - using ember-cli-typescript.What It DoesThe ember-cli-typescript addon sets up everything you need to start using TypeScript in your Ember apps and addons. This includes not only configuring Babel to handle TypeScript, but build-time type-checking, in-browser type error reporting, and a whole set of custom blueprints for generating TypeScript versions of everything from routes and controllers to services to components. ember-cli-typescript also helps addon authors write their addons in TypeScript by handling automatic precompilation and type definition generation when publishing.Why I Like ItStatic typing is a lifesaver, especially in ambitious apps with complex structures and many moving parts. It helps speed up de
Countdown to The New Year - Ember CLI Update
Ember.js Blog
This is the 26th in our December series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 26Let's highlight how you can update Ember your projects with ember-cli-update.What It DoesBesides package updates like ember-source and ember-cli, there are more files that are updated when a new version of Ember releases.Tweaks to testem.js or .eslintrc.js may be missed if you're not tracking those files changes (via something like ember-new-output).ember-cli-update was created to update those kinds of files along with package.json changes for you.It can also run codemods against your newly installed versions.A new feature is on its way where it can maintain any blueprint, not only the official Ember blueprint.The idea is that you can make one blueprint for your organization, and keep your projects up-to-date like ember-cli-update does today.You could also keep default blueprints that shi
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Code Snippet
Ember.js Blog
This is the twenty-ninth in our DecEmber series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 29Before I took this assignment, I didn't know anything about ember-code-snippet. Now, I'm glad that I did. This addon surfaced in 2015, has received regular updates, and powers many of my favorite addons. (Can you guess how?)What It Doesember-code-snippet lets you render code snippets in your app (or addon). Quite handy if you want to create a technical blog or document your components.It provides a helper called get-code-snippet so that (1) you can save code snippets in a dedicated folder and (2) create your own component to customize their look.To illustrate the use, we'll consider a code snippet from the Ember.js Octane vs Classic Cheat Sheet:// my-app-name/snippets/make-your-own-elementId.jsimport Component from '@glimmer/component';import { guidFor } from '@ember/object/intern
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Composable Helpers
Ember.js Blog
This is the 18th in our DecEmber series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 18Today we are going to look at the 11th most popular addon on Ember Observer: ember-composable-helpers.What It DoesThe ember-composable-helper addon provides composable helpers for Ember apps, which allows for more declarative templating.Now, the first time I read that sentence, I thought, "huh what?" so I want to break it down a little more.This addon provides helpers. Useful helpers (like filter-by, repeat, and group-by, to name a few. These helpers can be used together (imagine using group-by in conjunction with filter-by…go ahead, imagine it, I'll wait…).The declarative bit means that we're telling our template what we want to do, succinctly; ember-composable-helpers tells our app how to do it, saving us time and increasing our productivity.Why I Like ItI think this addon is the bee's
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Concurrency
Ember.js Blog
This is the fifth in our DecEmber series–Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 5Let's talk about ember-concurrency.The experience is part joy, part tragedy.The joy comes from having elegant, straightforward solutions for things like debouncing.The tragedy is that I have to write this code myself when I am working in a non-Ember setting, but I suppose absence makes the heart grow fonder.What It DoesThe ember-concurrency addon helps you "write concise, robust, and beautiful asynchronous code." For example, think about what should happen if a user rapidly clicks a "submit" button. With this addon, there's a nice way to prevent 30 form submissions.Or, what if an API request takes a long time, and you want to be able to cancel it? Promises won't help you, but ember-concurrency tasks will.Why I Like ItWithout ember-concurrency, it would take a lot of effort to manage starti
Countdown to The New Year - Ember CSS Modules
Ember.js Blog
This is the 22nd part of our December series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". Highlighting a new addon each day until the new year starts, we hope you enjoy learning together with us!Day 22Today we are going to take a look at creating apps with style - using ember-css-modules.What It DoesWith the addon ember-css-modules, styling à la CSS Modules is only one ember install away.CSS Modules allow us to write styles which are scoped to particular parts of our application by default and allow style sharing by explicit opt-in mechanisms. The ember-css-modules addon helps us to co-locate css files next to our components, routes and controllers following Ember's file name conventions.Why I Like ItMaking the apps we are building look awesome can be really fun! But maintaining a growing CSS code base can also be really hard. CSS Modules are a great way to modularise our styles in a way that they apply locally to only the exact component or route we wrote them for by default.
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Exam
Ember.js Blog
This is already the second to last edition of our December series-"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". In this series we are highlighting a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 30On the 30th day of our Countdown to The New Year we want to feature an exciting Ember addon to make your test suite fun to work with: ember-exam!Learn more about ember-exam on Ember Observer.What It Doesember-exam is an addon that allows to have more control over running your ember-qunit (Ember's default testing framework) and ember-mocha test suite. It extends from the default Ember CLI test command, allowing you run it as you would ember test.Why I Like Itember-exam allows us to run tests in parallel which can greatly reduce the overall run time of our test suite. Using the --random option of this addon, we are able to run tests in random order; this helps us to uncover interdependencies between test cases which would be hard to spot otherwise. An
Countdown to The New Year - Ember In Viewport
Ember.js Blog
This is the 27th in our DecEmber series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 27For the 27th edition of Countdown to The New Year we're going to take alook at ember-in-viewport.What It DoesDoes your app use scroll event listeners or getBoundingClientRect to determine if an element on your page is in the user's viewport? If so, you have come across the perfect addon for you to observe DOM elements!Common use cases for ember-in-viewport include lazy loading images, infinite scrolling (see ember-infinity) and/or tracking advertisement impressions. This is a flexible and performant library to give your users the performance they need when visiting your site.Recent additions have added our own {{in-viewport}} modifier, allowing you to "observe" elements in template only components! See the Modifiers section for more examples.Why I Like Itember-in-viewport supports browser
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Leaflet
Ember.js Blog
The first of its kind "Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons" series highlights popular addons in the Ember community. We hope you enjoy learning about fun tools for Ember developers together with us each day!Day 17In the 17th increment of Countdown to The New Year let's take a look at an exciting Ember addon to add maps to our apps: ember-leaflet!Learn more about ember-leaflet on Ember Observer.What It DoesWith ember-leaflet we can create useful maps for our web applications. This addon helps us to integrate the functionality of Leaflet.js - an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly, interactive maps - into our Ember app.Why I Like ItLeaflet.js is already a great library built with simplicity, performance and usability in mind. The addon ember-leaflet makes the developer experience even better for us: we can build complex, multi-layered street maps directly in our templates using the useful layer components provided by the addon API. This makes creating intera
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Mapbox GL
Ember.js Blog
This is the 21st in our DecEmber series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 21Today we are going to take a look at making maps in Ember with ember-mapbox-gl.What It DoesHave you ever wondered how to make maps in Ember? No? Okay, but you should!This post is about adding an interactive map to your Ember project. By the end of this post, you'll have a map of the location of your company's business (provided that it has some physical location in Cartesian space).(Note: I'm not talking about these kinds of maps, although they're not totally unrelated).Every time I need to solve a problem in Ember, I do a quick search through the Ember addon ecosystem.Yes, it's satisfying to solve the problem yourself, but it's smarter—and quicker—to use someone else's code. Shoulders of giants, people. Now, web mapping is a pretty complicated suite of technologies, so the temptation to
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Modifier
Ember.js Blog
Day 3This is the third in our DecEmber series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Today we are going to look at a rising star in our addon ecosystem- ember-modifier.What It DoesThe ember-modifier addon provides an API for authoring element modifiers in Ember. It mirrors Ember's helper API, and has forms for writing both simple functional modifiers and more complicated class modifiers.A modifier can add customized, automatic behavior to a DOM element, such as tracking scroll position or adding new event listeners. After you write a modifier, you can use it in a template like this:<div {{my-modifier}}> Some more content</div>Developers who have tried out the Octane preview might already be familiar with ember-render-modifiers, which provide some modifiers like {{did-insert}} out of the box. With ember-modifiers, you can go beyond the box to build whatever your app needs!
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Page Title
Ember.js Blog
This is the eleventh in our DecEmber series-"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 11This addon ember-page-title provides a helper for changing the browser tab title of the page within your application.What It DoesThe ember-page-title addon is helpful for many reasons, but an important reason is that it is a WCAG success criteria (2.4.2) to provide a page title.A quick tip about page titles! The title of each Web page should:Identify the subject of the Web pageMake sense when read out of context, for example by a screen reader or in a site map or list of search resultsBe shortWhy I Like ItThanks to ember-page-title, you can provide users with an HTML browser title tag so they know where they are within your single-page application (SPA).How to use it:Run ember install ember-page-titleAdd {{head-layout}} to your application.hbs fileInclude the title helper to each page
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Power Select
Ember.js Blog
This is the fourteenth in our DecEmber series - "Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 14Today's selection for '31 Days of Ember Addons' is ember-power-select.What It DoesEmber Power Select provides a powerful select component, built from the ground up for Ember so that it works the way you expect an addon to work in Ember. Exceptionally well-documented, Ember Power Select allows you to create everything from a straightforward list of text items to an asynchronous search driven select which incorporates graphical elements in the list.The addon's website includes a cookbook for more unusual requirements as well as a list of community provided addons which address functionality outside of the scope of Ember Power Select.Why I Like ItI have grown to love using Ember Power Select while developing a CRUD-rich web app which benefits from many instances of select elements dr
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Shepherd
Ember.js Blog
This is the 20th in our DecEmber series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 20For the 20th edition of Countdown to The New Year we're going to take alook at ember-shepherdwhich allows you to add tours to your Ember app.What It DoesThe ember-shepherd addon provides an Ember wrapper for the site tour libraryShepherd, which allows you to seamlesslyconfigure your site tours with an Ember service.It allows you to show new users around your app, introduce new features to existing users, or suggest a flow your users might follow to optimally use your app.It is configurable to show modal overlays or not, and can be hooked up to your existing application flow to conditionally show steps or be controlled manually.Why I Like ItTours are an often overlooked feature of apps, and can be crucial to providing a good user experience. Without them, a user may feel lost in your app o
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Simple Auth
Ember.js Blog
This is the 13th edition in our DecEmber series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 13Today we're going to look at ember-simple-auth!What It DoesThe ember-simple-auth addon is a lightweight library that helps you implement authentication and authorization in your Ember applications. It takes care of maintaining a client side session and synchronizing it accross tabs and windows, so you don't have to worry about your user signing out in one tab and remaining signed in in others.It comes with a set of authentication providers (OAuth, Device, Torri) and can be customized in case you need to support a different authentication mechanism. It also provides a session service and a series of mixins that will aid you in adding authorization information to your requests, defining which routes should be accessible only to signed in users, and controlling the user session.Why I
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Sortable
Ember.js Blog
This is the first in our DecEmber series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 1To kick things off, we're going to look at ember-sortable.What It DoesThe ember-sortable addon provides sortable UI primitives for Ember apps- this is super useful in the sense that teams don't have to reinvent this very common pattern every time they need it for their own applications!Why I Like ItWhile the ember-sortable addon has been around for some time now, providing a consistent way to add drag and drop functionality to an Ember app, it is the most recent additions that have made this addon especially worth paying attention to. Yicheng Gong, a software engineer at LinkedIn, noticed that the addon was missing accessibility support. He took on the work via the Adopted Ember Addons org, and updated the addon to add the missing features!The addon now provides a keyboard-only way to sor
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Template Invocation Location
Ember.js Blog
This is the 25th in our December series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 25I'm not sure there is anyone who knows the ins and outs of Ember and its ecosystem quite as well as Robert Jackson, aka rwjblue. Today, we look at a useful addon he wrote to help make debugging a little simpler - ember-template-invocation-location.What It DoesThe ember-template-invocation-location addon will allow you to debug things such as the location in a template that a given helper, component, or modifier was invoked from; the invocation site of the thing that invoked that template, and so on up to the root most template (generally a route template). Since this is primarily done in development and test builds, it will not work in production by default.The general goal of this addon is to enable significantly easier debugging. As a result of this, it is expected that the majority of
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Template Lint
Ember.js Blog
This is the 19th in our DecEmber series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 19Today we are going to look at an addon that is part of every new Ember app. The ember-template-lint addon has many new features added recently, and is worth a close look!What It DoesAs you may guess from the addon title, ember-template-lint is a linter for your template files!It checks for mistakes and advises best practices for the markdown in your component and route templates.Because we work in JavaScript, there are different ways something could be done, but often there is an ideal solution that avoids problems down the line.This is where ember-template-lint shines. It will throw warnings and/or errors when you try to break one of these rules.It's extendable and customizable too, so you can get the right combination of rules for your project.Why I Like ItThe ember-template-lint addon
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Test Selectors
Ember.js Blog
Our December series - "Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons" aims to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you enjoy hearing about addons that bring us joy as well!Day 15On the 15th day of our Countdown to The New Year we want to take a look at a helpful Ember addon which lets us write redesign-proof tests: ember-test-selectors!What It Doesember-test-selectors is an addon that allows us to use additional, test-specific markup in the form of data-test attributes in the dev and test environments of our app. This additional, test-specific markup allows us to select elements in our integration and application tests reliably - even if the HTML markup or CSS selectors change during a redesign of our app.The addon takes care of removing data-test attributes from our production builds automatically, freeing us from the worry that our bundle size might increase as we build and test away.Why I Like ItIf we only rely on CSS selectors or HTML markup to find e
Countdown to The New Year - Ember Tether
Ember.js Blog
May the 4th edition in our December series be with you! In "Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons" we highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 4Today we are going to take a look at ember-tether.What It DoesThe addon ember-tether provides us with a UI component that - once rendered - will render its block to any other target DOM node on the page as configured via the component's attributes. This "tethering" of the component's block to a target somewhere else on the page also retains the component's context - making Ember action handling and data binding possible.Why I Like ItEven though we have a lot of control over how and where Ember apps render UI using routes and components, it's sometimes difficult to implement less conventional UI patterns such as interactive modal dialogs or tooltips for street maps without writing lots of boilerplate. I enjoy using ember-tether for giving me the freedom to render app content where
Countdown to The New Year - Built-in Addons
Ember.js Blog
This is the last of our December series-"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". Thank you for joining us!What a month it’s been! Over the last thirty days, we have showcased different kinds of addons in the Ember ecosystem. In this final post, we’ll show how an Ember app’s default addons come together to form a great developer experience, and we will reflect on the article series as a whole.This article series highlights the real spirit of the Ember community, the ways in which we come together to find a way to say yes to good ideas. It started out as a wish: “Wouldn’t it be nice if we had our own advent calendar blog?” Then, it quickly turned into a refined possibility: “Let’s do a countdown to the new year so we can cover more addons.” From there, it grew into actionable steps: “What does an MVP blog post look like? How about a pre-determined format to make it easier to allow other community members to contribute?” This is one example of how many of our favorite open so
Countdown to The New Year - Ember SVG Jar
Ember.js Blog
This is the twelfth in our December series–"Countdown to The New Year: 31 Days of Ember Addons". We plan to highlight a new addon each day until the new year, and we hope you'll join us for the fun!Day 12Today we're highlighting ember-svg-jar.What It DoesThere's a reason ember-svg-jar has a 10 out of 10 on Ember Observer! The ember-svg-jar addon enables you to effortlessly use SVG images in Ember apps.Why We Like ItA common theme in the Ember community is zero configuration. In that vein, with ember-svg-jar, you get a visual workflow out of the box to search and preview icons in one place. Check out the live demo and empower your team with this feature!The ember-svg-jar addon helps you reduce the size of your assets. Using svgo, SVGs are automatically optimized, which can cut your file size by half or more. So useful!The addon is flexible and extensible. ember-svg-jar provides an easy-to-use helper {{svg-jar "asset-name"}}, support for both inline and symbol embedding methods, and the
First Annual DecEmber Event!
Ember.js Blog
This year, the Ember Learning Core Team is hosting our first annual DecEmber, a hackathon event specifically targeted at Learning Team efforts! For an extra bit of awesome, it’s running at the same time as 24 Pull Requests, so contributions to DecEmber will count for both!Maybe December is a busy month for you, because of the holidays and family obligations—and that’s totally okay—we hope you have a great time! But for some, December is a time of the year with a lot of downtime. Maybe that’s you! Are you wondering what to do with all your vacation time in December? We’ve got ya covered!Participation RulesTo qualify for any of our random assortment of thank you goodies (that we’ve delightfully dubbed Embercouragement), you must complete at least five participation activities for repositories in the ember-learn org between December 1-28, 2018.Participation ActivitiesSubmitting PRs for issuesIn the Ember Learn orgThat have the DecEmber labelWriting Issues for repositories in the ember-lea
Ember 1.0 Prerelease 2
Ember.js Blog
Ember 1.0 Prerelease 2 is out now. This is mainly a bug fix releaseafter 1.0.pre. However, there are a few things you should be aware ofand we'll go over those a bit below. We're still pushing hard toward the a 1.0 beta release but wanted to make some of our bug fixes available in a more formal way. If you want to go ahead anddownload now, you can grab it over on the Github Download Page. What's Changed NowOther than bug fixes, there are a few things we've changed thatcould affect your 1.0.pre apps.{{outlet}} now creates a Metamorph rather than a <div>. This makesit less obtrusive, but you may have to change your HTML or CSS if youwere relying on the <div>.We have removed CP_DEFAULT_CACHEABLE and VIEW_PRESERVES_CONTEXTflags. Both behaviors are now always on.Inline Handlebars templates must always be named now. The default nameis 'application'. This means that <script type="text/x-handlebars">behaves exactly the same as<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="application">.U
Ember 1.0 Prerelease
Ember.js Blog
We're pleased to announce the Ember 1.0 Prerelease. It's been a coupleof months since our release and a lot has changed. By makingthis prerelease available we're giving you the opportunity to try outthe feature set for 1.0. Read on to learn what's new along with a fewcaveats.What's NewRouterEmber.js is all about giving you the tools to build ambitious apps onthe web. Here's the thing about ambitious apps: they usually have state.Lots of state. And the bigger your app gets, the harder keeping allof it in your head becomes.Part of being an app on the web is taking advantages of the browser'sstrengths. In particular, the fact that we have URLs to describe whatwe see on our screen is an advantage over native applications. Yourusers want to be able to share that URL on Twitter or Facebook and have their friends see what they're seeing.Ember 1.0 Prerelease includes what we think is the most advanced toolfor modeling your application's state: Ember.Router. The router allowsyou to desc
Ember 1.0 RC
Ember.js Blog
Today at Ember Camp, we announced the release of Ember.js 1.0 RC1.This release is all about fixing bugs from the pre4 release, andgets us that much closer to a final 1.0 release. Between this releaseand the 1.0 final, we will mostly be focusing on stability and documentation.If you discover any blocking bugs or undocumented areas, please file tickets atthe emberjs/ember.js repo on GitHub and consider helping out.Route ReplacementYou can now transition to a new route without creating an entry in the history:// instead of this, which creates a history entryrouter.transitionTo('index');// do thisrouter.replaceWith('index');In the redirect hook, you can use replaceWith and Ember won't createa history entry.In a controller, you can use replaceRoute (instead of transitionToRoute)to do the same thing.Item ControllerIf you want every item in a {{#each}} to be wrapped in an ObjectController,you can do so:{{#each posts itemController="post"}} {{!-- `this` in here is each post wrapped in an App.P
Ember 1.0 RC2
Ember.js Blog
Today, we're releasing the second Release Candidate of Ember 1.0.As we said when we released RC1, the next few releases will beabout bugfixes and improvements, and should not have any breakingchanges.Namespace Lookup for ControllersIt is now possible to look up controllers that are included in anamespace other than the main application namespace.For example, when using the render helper:{{render 'posts'}}This will render the posts template with the controller App.PostsController, where App is the main application namespace.If you want to use an alternative namespace, you can use a/-separated path.{{render 'blog/posts'}}This will render the blog/posts template with the controllerBlog.PostsController.Using Render With Multiple ModelsIn RC1, you could use {{render 'posts'}} to render the poststemplate using the app's instance of App.PostsController. Usingrender in this way will always render the template using the samesingleton controller.In RC2, we are adding the ability to render a temp
Ember 1.0 RC3
Ember.js Blog
Today we are announcing the third Release Candidate of Ember 1.0.As we said when we released RC1, all releases until 1.0 is finalwill be about bugfixes and improvements, and should not have anybreaking changes.PerformanceSince RC2, a series of performance improvements have landed.When adjacent child views are scheduled for insertion they areare now batched together, and inserted together rather then one ata time.Object deletion is now async, this prevents un-needed churn when destroyinglarge interconnected object graphs.The number of objects allocated during view rendering has been cut down.The ongoing performance effort is being championedby Erik Bryn and Kris Selden.TestingThere have been many fixes and improvements to App#reset, which should nowcorrectly clear application state when invoked. Typically this is only usedfor integration tests.// before each integration testApp.reset();Please Note: App.reset() now brings its own run loop, and no longerneeds to be wrapped in one.Initial
Ember 1.0 RC4
Ember.js Blog
AnnouncementWe have noticed a performance regression, a debug flag was left on by mistake. So if you really want the goodness of RC4 without this regression use this build, we'll have an official release out soon.Today, we are pleased to announce Ember.js 1.0 RC4:This RC4 release of Ember puts us very close to the final 1.0 release.Ember.js 1.0 RC4As we approach 1.0 final, our focus continues to be on bugfixes, performance, andreliability.BREAKING CHANGE: Controller/Model SetupOne of the roles of Route objects in an Ember application is to tellcontrollers which model they should represent.By default, the object that you return from a route's model hook isset as the model property on the corresponding controller. So, forexample, if you have this route:App.PhotosRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ model: function() { return App.Photo.find(); }});The array returned from model would be set as the model property ofthe App.PhotosController. This tells the controller that it shouldpresent that model
Ember 1.0 RC5
Ember.js Blog
Ember.js 1.0 RC5 has been released and is now available from themain website as well as builds.emberjs.com.RC5 fixes several regressions and bugs found in RC4. Notably:A performance regression caused by a change to run loop scheduling hasbeen fixed. Thanks to Erik Bryn forworking on this.Promises returned from a route's model hook could cause the app tohang on page refresh. This has been fixed thanks to Alex Matchneer.The ember-testing package, which contains additional helpers fortesting Ember.js apps, is no longer included in the production build.This means less JavaScript for end users to load over the network.Thank you to everyone who filed issues and pull requests. Please try outRC5 in your applications and report any issues or regressions you findby filing an issue on GitHub.Lastly, thanks to Stefan Penner, whohas been busting his tail to get Ember.js to the 1.0 finish line,including doing the release engineering for these release candidates.Thanks Stef!
Ember 1.0 RC6.1, RC5.1, RC4.1, RC3.1, RC2.1 RC1.1 Released
Ember.js Blog
Because many Ember.js apps allow users to interact with private data, wetake security issues very seriously.In fact, we're one of the few JavaScript projects that has aclearly outlined security policy and alow-traffic mailing list exclusively for securityannouncements.We want developers to know that they can trust Ember enough to buildtheir businesses on top of it.In that spirit, today we are announcing the release of Ember.js 1.0RC6.1, RC5.1, RC4.1, RC3.1, RC2.1 and RC1.1. These are all securityreleases that address a potential XSS security issue you can learn moreabout by following this link:CVE-2013-4170It is recommended that you update immediately. In order to easeupgrading, the only major change in each release is the security fix.We would like to thank Mario Heiderich of Cure53for responsibly disclosing this issue, working with us on the patchand the advisory, and having patience while we went through oursecurity procedure for the first time.Like a smoke detector or fire extingui
Ember 1.0 RC6
Ember.js Blog
Ember.js 1.0 RC6 has been released and is available from themain website and at builds.emberjs.com. Thisrelease features two big changes: 1) router update 2) Ember Components.Router UpdateThe biggest change is router update (aka "router facelift"), which addressestwo major issues. The first was inconsistent semantics between URL-based transitionsand transitionTo. The second was spotty async support which made it difficult toprevent or delay route entry in cases such as authentication and async code-loading.We have now harmonized URL changes and transitionTo semantics and more fully embracedasynchrony using promises.Additionally, router transitions have become first-class citizens and there arenew hooks to prevent or decorate transitions:willTransition: fires on current routes whenever a transition is about to take place beforeModel/model/afterModel: hooks fired during the async validation phaseFinally there is an error event which fires whenever there is a rejected promise orerror thro
Ember 1.0 RC7 Released
Ember.js Blog
We’re pleased to announce the release of Ember 1.0 RC7 today! If all goes smoothly, this will be our penultimate RC before Ember 1.0. This release includes a number of bug fixes and a few small improvements. We’ve got a few other bug fixes in the queue that weren’t quite ready but this release was overdue and we didn’t want to wait. To that end, we expect to release RC8 next week. Read on for more details on what we changed.Important ChangesRoute#controllerFor no longer auto generates controllersIn some cases, people have been relying on controllerFor to access controllers for routes that have not yet been entered, relying on its auto-generation ability. Unfortunately, this can actually lead to subtle bugs. When entering a route, Ember looks for a controller with a matching name. If that controller isn’t found, Ember generates one according to the type of the route’s model. If the model is an array, we generate an ArrayController; if it’s an object, an ObjectController; if neither, a s
Ember 1.0 RC8 Released
Ember.js Blog
With Ember 1.0 RC8, we have reached the final RC before 1.0 final, whichwe hope to release this weekend if all goes well.This final release candidate comes with a couple of small breakingchanges that we are making before 1.0 because they should have a smallimpact on application code but a large impact on performance.We normally would not make changes of this nature this close to the 1.0final release date. However, the performance improvements were sodramatic we did not want to wait until Ember.js 2.0 to introduce thechange, and we are serious in our commitment to not breaking the APIpost-1.0. This was our last chance to get these changes in beforeputting the final stamp on the 1.0.Both of the changes are related to observers. If you find yourselfwriting code with lots of observers, you may be writing non-idiomaticcode. In general, you should only need to use observers when you arebridging Ember code to other libraries that do not support bindings orcomputed properties.For example, if y
Ember 1.0 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today, we're excited to announce the final release of Ember.js 1.0.The first commit to the repository that would become Ember.js happened on April30th, 2011, almost two and a half years ago.At the time, Backbone.js was rocketing to popularity. In response to largeJavaScript frameworks like SproutCore, Cappuccino, and Dojo, which tried toabstract away HTML, most web developers began rejecting any solution whosesource code they couldn't read over in an afternoon. The "microlibrary" frenzyhad hit full tilt.However, we knew that as web browsers became more and more powerful, thesesimplistic abstractions wouldn't scale up to the kind of apps that users wouldbegin to demand.We realized that helping developers grapple with the complexity of building100% JavaScript web applications could only happen if we embraced the toolsthat they were most comfortable with: HTML and CSS.Based on the current popularity of frameworks like Ember, Angular and Knockout,it's clear that this strategy turned out to
Ember 1.1.1 and 1.2 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Hot off the heels of our 1.0 release, we've got two new bundles ofgoodness for you to try out today.First up is Ember.js 1.1.1, the inaugural stable release after ourswitch to a Chrome-like six week releasecycle.Because this is the kickoff release of the new process, there are veryfew new features and the delta between 1.0 and 1.1.1 is very small. Thisrelease is composed primarily of bug fixes and performance improvements,so we recommend you upgrade right away.For a list of exactly what's new, see the CHANGELOG.(If you're wondering why 1.1.1 and not 1.1, there was a regressionintroduced in Ember.Object.create() that could break 1.0-compatibleapps that we didn'tnotice until after we'd tagged the 1.1 release.)To coincide with the stable release, we've also got a new beta releaseof Ember 1.2. Beta releases are intended to get more eyeballs on newfeatures that look ready to go, but may have bugs or edge cases that wehaven't yet sussed out.The only changes between a beta release and the sta
Ember 1.1.2 Released
Ember.js Blog
Unfortunately, there was a second regression in 1.1 that didn't getcaught in time to make it into 1.1.1. On that account 1.1.2 is out nowto correct that issue. For more information about the problem seeIssue #3637.We recommend that everyone using 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 upgrade at theirnearest convenience. Head on over to emberjs.com/buildsto download. Our apologies for the inconvenience.Ember 1.2 Beta 2While we were at it, we also released the second 1.2 beta which includesa couple of bug fixes. 1.2.0-beta.2 is also available atemberjs.com/builds.
Ember.js 1.10.0 and 1.11 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
We are pleased to announce the release of both Ember.js 1.10.0 and thefirst beta in the 1.11 series. This comes as the tenth cycle of ourrelease process that began after 1.0 was released.The 1.10 release represents the effort of at least 50 contributorsacross over 553 commits.The HTMLBars Templating EngineThroughout 2014 the Ember.js community has poured its shared effort intoa new templating solution. This new library, dubbed HTMLBars, makes availablefeatures and performance improvements impossible to support with Handlebars(the previous library). We are delighted to announce the inclusion ofthe HTMLBars templating engine in Ember.js 1.10.HTMLBars will enable the implementation of several APIs described inThe Road to Ember 2.0, and contributesto our continued improvement of rendering performance. Additionally,it will allow us to continue supporting all Ember 1.x template syntax.This long-term effort would not have succeeded without the continuedcontributions of the Ember community and
Ember.js 1.11.0 and 1.12 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
We are pleased to announce the release of both Ember.js 1.11.0 and thefirst beta in the 1.12 series. This comes as the eleventh cycle of ourrelease process that began after 1.0 was released.The 1.11 release represents the effort of at least 87 contributorsacross over 646 commits.New Features in Ember.js 1.11Bound Attribute SyntaxCurrent Ember developers are familiar with the bind-attr syntax, usedto declare an attribute binding on an HTML element. An originalmotivation for HTMLBars was to improve on this syntax.Ember 1.11 introduces a more intuitive API for attribute binding. Forexample, here the color variable is bound to the class of a div:<div class="{{color}}"></div>The inline if helper can also be used in these contexts:<div class="{{color}} {{if isEnabled 'active' 'disabled'}}"></div>For some attributes, like the disabled boolean, passing a literal valueis desirable. An example:<input disabled={{isDisabled}}>To allow the data-binding of non-string values to boolean properties and
Ember.js 1.11.1 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today we are releasing Ember.js 1.11.1, a patch-level release of Ember thatfixes several regressions introduced in the 1.11.0 release.CollectionView with attributeBindingsDuring the 1.11.0 cycle much effort was put into making sure that attributeBindings usedthe same logic that template bound attributes use. Namely, that attributeBindings useHTMLBars' attribute helpers instead of jQuery's.Unfortunately, this work lead to an error when CollectionView instances were used withattributeBindings specified. This regression is fixed in 1.11.1.Invalid URLsRefactoring in the router initialization process lead to a bug that caused the browsers URLto become out of sync with the correct URL when the back button was pressed while usingHistoryLocation.This regression is fixed in 1.11.1.Handlebars Helper IssuesA couple regressions were fixed for Handlebars helpers with 1.11.1:The inverse template (aka {{else}} block) of Handlebars helpers was not properly accountedfor during the HTMLBars transition.
Ember.js 1.12 and 1.13 Beta (Glimmer!) Released
Ember.js Blog
We are please to announce the release of Ember.js 1.12 and the first beta in the 1.13 series.1.13 beta is the first Ember.js release that includes Glimmer, the new Emberrendering engine, as well as the final batch of Ember 2.0 features. We willdiscuss those details more below.New Features in Ember 1.12Ember 1.12 is a relatively light release, and includes features that move Embercloser to ES6 class syntax and the first parts of the internal implementationneeded for a stable release of the FastBoot addon.New Computed SyntaxPer RFC #11, Ember is introducing anew syntax for computed properties. This change better aligns computed propertysyntax with JavaScript getters and setters and makes writing settable computedproperties developer friendly.It also has the nice side effect of improving performance, as the old syntax,with its two-in-one function signatures, was harder for JavaScript engines tooptimize.The simplest syntax for a computed property is to define the getter as a function:expor
Ember.js 1.13.0 and 2.0 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
We are pleased to announce the release of both Ember.js 1.13.0 and thefirst beta in the 2.0 series. This comes as the thirteenth cycle of ourrelease process that began after 1.0 was released.The 1.13 release represents the effort of at least 43 contributorsacross over 680 commits.Ember 1.13 is the last release in the 1.x series and the first release that includes the Glimmer rendering engine. It includes a number of deprecations that will ease the upgrade to Ember 2.0, which is due to land in six weeks.Ember 2.0 beta is the first release in the 2.x series. This means that many features deprecated during the 1.x series will be removed in Ember 2.0. If you encounter any unexpected changes in features not marked as deprecated in 1.13 while testing Ember 2.0 beta, please report them immediately. We would like to fix these unintentional regressions before the final release of 2.0 in six weeks.The release of Ember 2.0 beta also means that the first features in Ember 2.1 (most notably angle b
Ember 1.2.0 and 1.3 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
What better way to celebrate the holiday season than with twobrand-spankin' new releases of Ember.js?Hot off the presses, we've got 1.2.0 and 1.3.0 beta on deck foryou. Since we started following a Chrome-like releasecycle, we'll have twonew releases for you every six weeks. 1.2.0 is the newest stablerelease; 1.3.0 beta is the latest beta channel release.Beta releases are intended to get more eyeballs on newfeatures that look ready to go, but may have bugs or edge cases that wehaven't yet sussed out.New in 1.2Loading and Error SubstatesWhile we'd all like to write apps that are fast and bullet-proof,sometimes your backend may be slow to respond, or generate an error,when your Ember app requests a model.Dealing with those cases is much easier in Ember.js 1.2, thanks toconventional loading and error routes.To learn how to set these up, see Loading and ErrorSubstates section of theguides.Non-block form {{link-to}} helperPreviously, the {{link-to}} helper required that you use it in blockf
Ember 1.3.0 and 1.4 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
We are pleased to announce that both Ember.js 1.3.0 and the first beta in the 1.4 serieshave been released. This comes as the third cycle of our six-week releaseprocess that began after 1.0 was released.New in 1.3Non-array Dependencies for ReduceComputedGenerally, using reduceComputed is all about efficiently computing the resulting value, butoccasionally you might need to recompute every time. It is now possible to instructreduceComputed to completely recompute when an item is added/removed (instead of callingthe addedItem and removedItem callbacks).This is done by using either non-array dependent keys or adding .[] to an array dependency.Take a look at the following example:Ember.Object.extend({ // When `string` is changed, `computed` is completely recomputed. string: 'a string', // When an item is added to `array`, `addedItem` is called. array: [], // When an item is added to `anotherArray`, `computed` is completely // recomputed. anotherArray: [], computed: Ember.reduceComputed('st
Ember 1.4.0 and 1.5 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
We are pleased to announce that both Ember.js 1.4.0 and the first beta in the 1.5 serieshave been released. This comes as the fourth cycle of our six-week releaseprocess that began after 1.0 was released.New features in 1.4Property Brace ExpansionIn prior versions of Ember if you wanted to observe both foo and bar on bazyou would need to setup both baz.foo and baz.bar as dependent keys.var obj = Ember.Object.extend({ baz: {foo: 'BLAMMO', bar: 'BLAZORZ'}, something: function(){ return this.get('baz.foo') + ' ' + this.get('baz.bar'); }.property('baz.foo', 'baz.bar')});With the new property brace expansion, you could setup the computed properties dependenciesinstead like: something: function(){ return this.get('baz.foo') + ' ' + this.get('baz.bar'); }.property('baz.{foo,bar}')This allows much less duplication/redundancy when your dependent keys are mostly similar.See the original PR #3538 for more details.Ember.run.bindEmber.run.bind provides a useful utility when integrating with non-Emb
Ember 1.5.0 and 1.6 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
We are pleased to announce that both Ember.js 1.5.0 and the first beta in the 1.6 serieshave been released. This comes as the fifth cycle of our six-week releaseprocess that began after 1.0 was released.New features in 1.5Handlebars Logging of Primitive ValuesThis feature allows you to log primitive values (strings, numbers, etc) from within your templates. Previously, the {{log}} helper only allowed usage of bound property lookup.{{log "**LOOKEY HERE**"}}New Testing HelpersRouting HelpersA few new testing helpers have been added to make it easier to make assertions on the stateof routing in your application (for example to confirm clicking a given link results in aredirect to a specific route).New routing test helpers: currentRouteName, currentPath, and currentURL.Trigger Event HelperA new triggerEvent helper has been created to allow triggering of arbitrary events on an element.triggerEvent('#some-element-id', 'dblclick');Ember.computed.readOnlyGenerally, when you use Ember.computed.
Ember 1.6.0 and 1.7 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
We are pleased to announce that both Ember.js 1.6.0 and the first beta in the 1.7 serieshave been released. This comes as the sixth cycle of our release process that began after 1.0 was released.Delays DetailedAs many of you know, the 1.6 release is the first to be published after converting thecodebase to ES6 modules. The 1.6+ builds are now transpiled by the es6-module-transpilerinto AMD and use a small AMD loader to handleloading the transpiled modules. Unfortunately, adding the additional loader overhead onboot has a fairly significant performance impact on boot speed of older mobile clients(approximately 5-10% boot time penalty).This regression was brought to our attention before 1.6.0 was intended to ship (lateMay), and we decided to hold the release until a fix could be applied. In retrospect thiswas absolutely the wrong decision. The fix has taken much longer than originally anticipatedand in the meantime folks are stuck with 1.5.1. Many of our users either are not affectedor d
Ember 1.6.1 Released
Ember.js Blog
Shortly after Ember 1.6.0 was released a regression was identified regarding custom error substates.The error handling that was added to make debugging errors thrown in the Router's promise hooksinadvertently caused the error substates to be completely ignored.For more details review the following links:Failing JSBin from the original bug report.Fixing PREmber.js 1.6.1 CHANGELOG
Ember 1.7.0 and 1.8 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
We are pleased to announce that both Ember.js 1.7.0 and the first beta in the 1.8 serieshave been released. This comes as the seventh cycle of our release process that began after 1.0 was released.This release brings bug fixes, potentially breaking changes and new features.New FeaturesNestable this.routeThis change removes the restriction that only this.resource can have nestedchild routes.Prior to this change, using this.resource would reset the namespace and in orderto preserve it you had to do the following:this.resource('foo', function() { this.resource('foo.bar', function() { this.resource('foo.bar.baz', function() { // All this repetition to get an // intuitively-named FooBarBazRoute }); });});this.route can be nested like this.resource, but unlike this.resource, the namespaceof child routes is appended rather than reset to a top-level namespace, allowing the above to bewritten as:this.route('foo', function() { this.route('bar', function() { this.route('baz', function() { // uses
Ember.js 1.8.0 and 1.9 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
We are pleased to announce that both Ember.js 1.8.0 and the first beta in the1.9 series have been released. This comes as the eighth cycle of our releaseprocess that began after 1.0 was released.This release represents the effort of at least 40 contributors across over 600 commits.Major rendering-layer refactor ("metal-views")In previous versions of Ember.js, the HTML of a page was created (viaHandlebars) and assembled (via the render tree) using string concatenation. InEmber.js 1.8, fragments of a page are still created (via Handlebars) asstrings, but are then parsed into DOM and assembled as a DOM tree.Metal-views is the first part of the HTMLBars effort to land in Ember. It isan important step towards the complete removal of strings from the Ember.jsrendering pipeline.Introducing HTMLBars into Ember incrementally demonstrates the community'scommitment to semantic versioning, and to improving the framework withoutabandoning existing codebases.Some of the immediate benefits of this re
Ember.js 1.8.1 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today we are releasing Ember.js 1.8.1, a patch-level release of Ember thatfixes several minor regressions introduced in the 1.8 release.Throw exception when attributeBindings includes classPrior to 1.8, it was possible to make class part of attributeBindings and havethose values merged with classNameBindings. For example, with the following templateand code "from-template" and "from-class" would be merged into the DOM node's classlist.{{foo-bar class="from-template"}}App.FooBarComponent = Ember.Component.extend({ classNameBindings: [':from-class'], attributeBindings: ['class']});The intent of this code is unclear and the pre-1.8 behavior was unintentional. In Ember1.8.1 an exception is thrown for including class in attributeBindings.View instancesPassing view instances to the {{view}} helper was broken in Ember.js 1.8. This behaviorhas been restored.Work-around provided for more iOS8 ARMv7 JIT BugsiOS8 has introduced a severe bug in optimized ARMv7 code. In 1.8.0 we worked around the i
Ember.js 1.9.0 and 1.10 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
We are pleased to announce the release of both Ember.js 1.9.0 and thefirst beta in the 1.10 series. This comes as the ninth cycle of ourrelease process that began after 1.0 was released.The 1.9 release represents the effort of at least 52 contributors across over 436 commits.The Road to Ember 2.0In early November Tom, Yehuda, and the Ember.js Core Team shared The Road to Ember 2.0.This RFC document acts as a map for the next several releases of Ember.js.Ember.js 1.9 introduces several important deprecations that signal upcoming changes. Additionally, many view-layer internals arerefactored to take advantage of the "streams" observation pattern.Ember.js 1.10 (beta) begins a series of releases that willintroduce new APIs while deprecating ones to be removed in 2.0.To that end, and with much excitement, we are extremely pleased to announce the introductionof the HTMLBars templating engine into Ember.js 1.10. This new rendering pipelinemarks a significant milestone for the framework, and b
Ember.js 1.9.1 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today, the Ember team is pleased to announce the release of Ember.js1.9.1. Ember 1.9.1 fixes one regression and introduces more conservativeescaping of attributes to help developers guard against inadvertent cross-sitescripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.{{view}} Helper & InstancesThe 1.9.0 release introduced a regression where the Handlebars{{view}} helper would only work with Ember.View subclasses, notinstances. In 1.9.1, passing a view instance to the helper has beenfully restored.We intended to deprecate this functionality, not remove it entirely.If your app was relying on this behavior, first, please accept ourapologies for the accidental regression. Second, please considerrefactoring your code to use components instead of views, as support forthis API will be removed in Ember 2.0.XSS Improvements for Bound AttributesXSS vulnerabilities happen when you unintentionally put unescapeduser-supplied content into the DOM, creating a vector for attackersto trick the browser into evaluating Ja
Ember.js 2.0 Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember 2.0 is not a traditional major release. After thirteen point releases inalmost two years, we're taking a turn to focus entirely on sweeping outbuilt-up cruft as a foundation for continued progress.Ember 2.0 only removes features that were deprecated as of Ember 1.13, soapps that run on Ember 1.13 without any deprecation warnings should runwithout issues on Ember 2.0.New applications should begin using Ember 2.0 today. Apps requiring Ember-Datashould use Ember-Data 2.0.0-beta.1 (2.0 release coming shortly!).New Features in Ember.js 2.0<This space intentionally left blank!>Major releases of most libraries try to do two things. They introduce new APIs,and remove deprecated ones. Our release focuses on doing one thing well:Instead of introducing new features, the goal of Ember 2.0 is to removeaccumulated cruft.Since Ember 1.0, adherence to semantic versioning has helped us grow an amazingcommunity. Ember powers extremely ambitious applications, and most of thoseapplications have been
Ember.js 2.1 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember.js 2.1 beta is released today. As a minor release, Ember 2.1 will bebackwards compatible with Ember 2.0. Any changes to the API will be additive.This continues Ember's commitment to Semantic Versioningwe began with the 1.0 release.In addition it means many of the first features for Ember 2.2, most notably anglebracket components, have landed in Canary behind a feature flag. If you'reinterested in help us progress with those features, now is a good time totry them out.On to the changes coming in our late September/early October release.New Features in Ember.js 2.1Ember.js 2.1 will be a minor release of Ember. This means changes to the API aremade in an additive, backwards compatible manner. In roughly six weeks, thesefeatures will be part of the 2.1 stable version.A summary of the new features in today's release follows.{{get}} HelperThe {{get}} helper allows dynamic property lookup on objects in templates.For example, these two usages are equivalent:{{user.name}}{{get user "name"
Ember.js 2.1 and 2.2 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember.js 2.1, a minor version release of Ember with additive features only, is released today. This release represents the work of over 82 direct contributors, and over 850 commits.Ember.js 2.2 beta, the branch of Ember that will be released as stable in roughly six weeks, is also being released today.New Features in Ember.js 2.1Changes to the Ember's API in 2.1 are backwards compatible. A summary of the new features in today's release follows.{{get}} HelperThe {{get}} helper allows dynamic property lookup on objects in templates.For example, these two usages are equivalent:{{user.name}}{{get user "name"}}A property with a value of a string can be passed as the second argument,making both the object and the property being read dynamic. For example:{{get user somePropertyName}}For documentation on get, reference the API documentation.Big thanks to @jmurphyau for theimplementation of this feature, and for his excellentember-get-helper addon thatdemonstrated how useful this helper would b
Ember 2.10 and 2.11 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Today, the Ember project is releasing Ember.js, Ember Data and Ember CLIversion 2.10.0.This also kicks off the 2.11 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage ourcommunity (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and reportany bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. Theember-try addon is a great way tocontinuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.Starting with this release, we will be publishing a single, unified releaseblog post summarizing all the changes for all three sub-projects in one place.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 2.10Ember.js 2.10 is the first release to include Glimmer 2,a ground-up rewrite of Ember's rendering engine.Despite all the changes that took place under-the-hood, we are committed tomaking this a
Ember 2.11 and 2.12 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Updated on December 19, 2017 to include information about Ember.js 2.4-LTS.Today, the Ember project is releasing Ember.js, Ember Data and Ember CLIversion 2.11.0.This also kicks off the 2.12 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage ourcommunity (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and reportany bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. Theember-try addon is a great way tocontinuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.This release also marks the conclusion of critical bugfixes support for Ember.js2.4-LTS and we strongly recommend LTS users to migrate to 2.8-LTS immediately.2.4-LTS will continue to receive security patches for another four releases(around July 2017). 2.4-LTS was released in April of 2016, and was the firstLong-Term Support release of Ember.js. We're pleased with the impact of LTSreleases on the Ember project and look forward to continuing the practice.You can read more about our general release proc
Ember 2.12 and 2.13 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 2.12.0 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 2.13 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage ourcommunity (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and reportany bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. Theember-try addon is a great way tocontinuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 2.12The2.12.0 release is an Ember.js Long-Term Support candidate. In six weeks, the 2.12.x serieswill become the latest LTS release and six weeks after that the 2.8 LTS branchwill no longer receive bugfix patches.For more information about Ember's LTS policies, see theannouncement blogpost andbuilds page.Ember 2.12 implements the factoryFor
Ember 2.12-LTS, Ember 2.13 and 2.14 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Updated on December 19, 2017 to include information about Ember.js 2.12-LTS.Today the Ember project is releasing Ember.js 2.12 LTS (a long-term supportrelease) and version 2.13.0 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.This release also kicks off the 2.14 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourageour community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and reportany bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. Theember-try addon is a great way tocontinuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Ember.js 2.12-LTSEmber 2.12-LTS is our third long-term support release. You can install itby upgrading ember-source to ~2.12.2 in your package.json.The LTS channel is designed for Ember users who would like to upgrade lessfrequentl
Ember 2.14 and 2.15 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 2.14.0 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. You may have noticed we're a few weeks late on this release, as thestart of summer may have left us a little distracted 😅.This release kicks off the 2.15 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage ourcommunity (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and reportany bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. Theember-try addon is a great way tocontinuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 2.14Ember.js 2.14.0 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember withbug-fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.A notable change that began in Ember 2.13.0 and continues in 2.14.0 is improve...
Ember 2.15 and 2.16 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Updated on December 19, 2017 to include information about Ember.js 2.8-LTS.Today the Ember project is releasing version 2.15.0 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 2.16 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage ourcommunity (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and reportany bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. Theember-try addon is a great way tocontinuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.This release also marks the conclusion of critical bugfixes support for Ember.js2.8-LTS, which was released in October 2016. We strongly recommend LTS users tomigrate to 2.12-LTS immediately. 2.8-LTS will continue to receive security patchesfor another four releases (around May 2017).At the same time, this release also concludes security patch support for Ember.js2.4-LTS, which was released in April of 2016.We're pleased with the impact of LTS releases on the Ember project and look forwardto co
Ember 2.16 and 2.17 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 2.16.0 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.After six weeks as a stable release, Ember.js 2.16 will be promoted tolong term support,under which it will receive bugfixes for the next 6 releases and security fixesfor the next 10 release.This release also kicks off the 2.17 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage ourcommunity (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and reportany bugs before they are published as a stable release in six weeks' time.Ember.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 2.16Ember.js 2.16 continues to improve the framework with minor bug fixes.Additionally, it introduces a major change in conventional usage. As of Ember2.16, newly generated Ember applications will use the JavaScript modules APIdescribed in detail below.No APIs are deprecated as part of these changes. Although we encourageapplications to upgrade to the new modules API, we plan to
Ember 2.16-LTS, Ember 2.17 and 2.18 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Updated on December 19, 2017 to include information about Ember.js 2.16-LTS.Today the Ember project is releasing Ember.js 2.16 LTS (a long-term supportrelease) and version 2.17.0 of Ember.js, Ember Data, andEmber CLI.This release also kicks off the 2.18 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourageour community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds andreport any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time.The ember-try addon is a great way tocontinuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.Despite an initial delay on these releases, and an additional delay on this announcement,the Ember 3.0 Release Schedule is unchanged.This means that Ember 2.18 and the first beta of Ember 3.0 will be release on January 1st, 2018.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Emb
Ember 2.18 and 3.0 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 2.18.0 of Ember.js, Ember Data,and Ember CLI.After 2.5 years and 18 minor releases, Ember 2.18 marks the end of the project's 2.x series.To ensure a smooth upgrade path going into the 3.x series, 2.18 has beendeclared an LTS candidate. In six weeks the latest 2.18 build will succeedEmber 2.16.2 as the latest LTS release. As an LTS, it willreceive bug fixes until Ember 3.5 is released.Today we also kick off the 3.0 beta cycle for all sub-projects. Ember 3.0introduces no new features. Instead, it removes support for deprecated public APIs,all of which have been deprecated since at least Ember 2.14 (released July 2017).Extended support for removed Ember.js APIs will be provided via anoptional addon through Ember 3.4.Ember 3.0 removes support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 9,IE 10, and PhantomJS. This includes support for these platforms by Ember.js,Ember Data, and Ember CLI. For more details about this decision seeRFC 252and the discussion on
Ember.js 2.2 and 2.3 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember.js 2.2, a minor version release of Ember with backwards compatiblechanges, is released today. This release represents the work of over 60contributors.Ember.js 2.3 beta, the branch of Ember that will be released as stable inroughly six weeks, is also being released today.Changes in Ember.js 2.2Ember.js releases occur every six weeks, regardless of how significant thechanges are. 2.2 introduces no new features, but does include performanceimprovements and bug fixes.Notable improvements include a performance fix for Ember's _superimplementation under minification, and the skipping of view and controllertemplate locals logic when operating without the view and controller legacyaddons.For more details on changes landing in 2.2, review theEmber.js 2.2.0 CHANGELOG.Ember.js 2.3 betaEmber.js 2.3 beta is released today, and in six weeks it will become thenew stable version of Ember. This beta cycle introduces several new featuresand a notable deprecation.visit APIEmber FastBoot and new tes
Ember.js 2.3 and 2.4 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember.js 2.3, a minor version release of Ember with backwards compatiblechanges, is released today.Ember.js 2.4 beta, the branch of Ember that will be released as stable inroughly six weeks, is also being released today.Changes in Ember.js 2.3Ember.js 2.3 introduces a number of features we're excited to see in a stablerelease.ember-qunit 0.4.16+ is required for your codebase's test suite to becompatible with Ember 2.3. See "Introducing Owners and Deprecating Containers"below for more detail.visit APIEmber FastBoot and new testingAPIs motivated the addition of a visit method for Ember.Application andEmber.ApplicationInstance objects. Called on Ember.Application thismethod accepts several configuration options.For example, you might use this API to manually boot an Ember applicationand then instruct it to visit a URL:import MyApp from 'my-app';$(function() { let App = MyApp.create({ autoboot: false }); let options = { // Prevent this application from updating the URL in the address bar l
Ember.js 2.4 and 2.5 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember.js 2.4, a minor version release of Ember with backwards compatiblechanges, is released today. After an additional six-week maturation cycleas a stable release version, 2.4 will be declared Ember's first Long-TermSupport (LTS) release. For more about the LTS process and what you shouldexpect, see last week's postAnnouncing Ember's First LTS Release.Ember.js 2.5 beta, the branch of Ember that will be released as stable inroughly six weeks, is also being released today.Changes in Ember.js 2.4No new features are added in Ember core in 2.4. Instead this releaseis primarily comprised of bugfixes making it an excellent LTS candidate. Ingeneral the core team andcommunity have remained active around other highly visible parts ofthe Ember stack (Ember CLI, Ember Data, FastBoot, Glimmer, etc).In six weeks, the current release build of 2.4 will become Ember's firstLTS release. Builds on the LTS channel will receive critical bugfixes covering thesubsequent six release cycles (~36 weeks), and
Ember.js 2.4-LTS, 2.5, and 2.6 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember 2.4-LTS, the first Ember Long-Term Support release, lands today as Ember2.4.5. Future versions of 2.4 will be considered part of the LTS channel.The LTS channel comes with a commitmentthat low-risk critical bugfixes and security patches will be backported tothese versions. Additionally, any change to commonly used private APIs must be deprecatedin at least one LTS release before removal, making LTS releases a slowermoving target for addons to support.2.4-LTS will receive critical bugfixes for the next 6 release cycles (untilroughly November 2016) and security patches for the next 10 release cycles(until roughly April 2017). For more information about how the LTS process works,see the blog post Announcing Ember's First LTS Release.Ember 2.5, a minor version release of Ember with backwards compatiblechanges, is also released today.Ember 2.6 beta, the branch of Ember that will be released as stable inroughly six weeks, is released today.Notable deprecations in Ember 2.4-LTSEmber 2.4
Ember.js 2.6 and 2.7 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember.js 2.6, a minor version release of Ember with backwards compatiblechanges, is released today.Ember.js 2.7 beta, the branch of Ember that will be released as stable inroughly six weeks, is also being released today.Changes in Ember.js 2.6No new features are added in Ember core in 2.6. In general the core team andcommunity have remained active around other highly visible parts of the Emberstack (Ember Data, FastBoot, Glimmer, etc).Notable DeprecationsThe following deprecations are scheduled for release with Ember 2.6 and will beremoved in Ember 3.0:The didInitAttrs hook for component lifecycles is deprecated in favor ofusing init. didInitAttrs had confusing timingissues, and init fulfills the same role. See the deprecation guide for more details.Passing a model argument to {{render}} is deprecated in favor of usinga component for the same cases. For example {{render 'chat' roomModel}}can be refactored into a chat-room component.See the deprecation guide for more details.For more de
Ember.js 2.7 and 2.8 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember.js 2.7, a minor version release of Ember with backwards compatiblechanges, is released today.Ember.js 2.8 beta is also being released today. This branch will be released asstable in roughly six weeks and will then go on to be the next LTS releaseroughly six weeks after that.Changes in Ember.js 2.7Ember 2.7 introduces one new backward compatible API:Ember.computed.uniqByIn general, the core team is hesitant about adding any new computed macrosor array prototype extensions to the framework. Instead, we encourage developersto adopt an addon such as ember-cpmif they desire an expanded list of macros.However contributor @seanjohnson08 correctlypointed out there is a logical gap in the APIs Ember provides today. Althougheach of find, map, filter, and reject have a comparable xxxBy method(for example findBy) no comparable method exists for uniq.Ember 2.7 adds uniqBy as an computed property macro. For example:import Ember from 'ember';export default Ember.Component.extend({ accidents: Em
Ember.js 2.8 and 2.9 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Today, the Ember core team is happy to announce two new Ember.js releases –Ember.js 2.8 and Ember.js 2.9 beta.Ember.js 2.8Ember.js 2.8 is a minor release with only backwards compatible changes.LTS CandidateThe Ember.js 2.8 release is considered a release candidate for the LTS(long-term support) channel. As described in the original LTS announcement,the 2.8 branch will be moved into the LTS channel six weeks after today'srelease. Although we don't anticipate any issues, this process ensures the LTSreleases will be rock solid.EnginesEmber.js 2.8 introduced a new EnginesAPI, which allows multiple logical applications to be composed together into asingle application from the user's perspective.The best way to use this feature in your apps is through the ember-engines addon.To get started, check out the excellent guideswritten by @trentmwillis.This release introduced a set of low-level APIs for the core functionalityalong with the usual semver guarantees. While the ember-engines addon itsel
Ember.js 2.8-LTS, 2.9 and 2.10 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Today, we are releasing Ember 2.8-LTS (a long-term support release), Ember 2.9.0 and Ember 2.10 beta.Ember.js 2.8-LTSEmber 2.8-LTS is our second long-term support release. You can install it by running bower install --save ember#lts-2-8 in your projects.The LTS channel is designed for Ember users who would like to upgrade less frequently, while still getting support from the project and the wider ecosystem. At the same time, it allows addon authors to know which versions of Ember to focus their effort on.Per our usual policy, Ember 2.8-LTS is released six weeks after the 2.8.0 stable release. This allows ample time to fix any reported regressions and ensures a rock solid LTS release. It will continue to receive critical bugfixes for six release cycles (roughly June 2017), and security patches for ten release cycles (roughly February 2018).Meanwhile, Ember 2.4-LTS will continue to receive critical bugfixes for another two release cycles (roughly January 2017), and security patches for s
Ember's 2018 Roadmap: A Call for Blog Posts
Ember.js Blog
Ember has been humming along for years, with direction set by the core team, based on their instincts, experiences, and community interactions. And it's worked well!As our community grows though, the sheer volume of good ideas makes it hard to rely on our core team and primary influencers to collect all the great ideas out there. So we're updating the process to help give voice to all those of you who want it.The Ember team would like you to write a blog post to propose goals and direction for Ember in the remainder of 2018. The content of these posts will help us to draft our first Roadmap RFC.What's a Roadmap RFC?The Roadmap will outline the community's priorities for the remainder of the year. It will be presented as an RFC and follow the normal RFC process. The RFC will be written based on community input--the blog posts we've requested and other community discussion--and curation from the core team and subteams.We recognize the need to have shared, clear, and published project-wid
Ember's 2019 Roadmap: Call for Blog Posts
Ember.js Blog
Ember in 2018 (and 2019) has been more exciting than ever! We've been working diligently to advance the project based on our 2018 Roadmap, but while we work to finish that, it is time to think about the future.The Ember team would like you to write a blog post to propose goals and direction for Ember for the next year. The content of these posts will help us to draft our next Roadmap RFC.What's a Roadmap RFC?The Roadmap will outline the community's priorities for the next year. It will be presented as an RFC and follow the normal RFC process. The RFC will be written based on community input--the blog posts we've requested and other community discussion--and curation from the core teams.This is will be our second annual Roadmap RFC. To see the results of the process, see the 2018 Roadmap RFC.The 2018 Roadmap led to the "Octane Edition" of Ember, currently in preview. Octane includes many features, most of which have already landed in a stable release. As the edition nears completion, we
Ember 3.0 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.0.0 of Ember.js, Ember Data, andEmber CLI. Ember 3.0 doesn't introduce any new functionality, instead it focusesthe framework by removing long-deprecated APIs and support for legacy platforms.Our plans for Ember 3.0 were announced in October 2017 in The Road to Ember3.0.We're committed to giving every Ember codebase a path into the 3.x series. Withthis goal in mind, we froze API deprecations targeting Ember 3.0 back in July2017 (Ember 2.14). We've provided a detailed deprecationguide for all APIs removals, andadditionally extracted most of the features removed in 3.0 into an addon.This blog post will help you understand what is being removed in 3.0 and whatmigration strategies are available. If you're interested in trying Ember for thefirst time today, get started by running:yarn global add ember-cli # Or npm install -g ember-cliember new my-projectcd my-projectember serve # Then visit http://localhost:4200Additionally, today the 3.1 beta
Ember 3.1 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Today we're releasing Ember 3.1-beta.1, including releases of Ember.js, EmberData, and Ember CLI.Traditionally beta releases share a blog post with thecorresponding stable release, however to keep our messaging clear during thetransition we've split them up today. See the Ember 3.0Release Post for more details on Ember 3.0.Ember.jsEmber.js is the core of the Ember framework. It provides routing, rendering, anddependency injection features.Changes in Ember.js 3.1-beta.1Ember 3.1-beta is an minor release containing several new features and bugfixes. It includes a bump of Glimmer VM, Ember's rendering implementation,to version 0.30.5. Per our release cycle, these features will be released as3.1 stable in six weeks.ES5 Getters for Computed PropertiesEmber's object system has long used set and get to access properties.These APIs came from the codebase's origins in SproutCore, and predated ES5'sdefineProperty. In recent years native JavaScript setter and getterimplementations have become fas
Ember 3.1 and 3.2 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.1.0 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 3.2 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage ourcommunity (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and reportany bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. Theember-try addon is a great way tocontinuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.1Ember 3.1 is a minor release containing several new features and bug fixes. It includes a bump of Glimmer VM, Ember's rendering implementation, to version 0.30.5.Named Arguments (1 of 4)Named arguments are here! This allows you to reference component arguments as {{@name}} when passed in as {{user-profile name="Zoey"}}.From RFC 276: Until n
Ember 3.10 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.10 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. This release kicks off the 3.11 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.10Ember.js 3.10 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bugfixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations. There are four (4) new features, one (1) deprecations, and seventeen (17) bugfixes in this version.New Features (4)Angle Bracket Invocation for Nested Components (1 of 4)From Ember 3.10 onwards you ca
Ember 3.11 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.11 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. This release kicks off the 3.12 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.11Ember.js 3.11 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bugfixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations. There are four (4) new features, one (1) deprecation, and several bugfixes in this version.New Features (4)Forwarding Element Modifiers with ...attributes (1 of 4)Angle bracket component invocation wa
Ember 3.12 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.12 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. This release of Ember.js is an LTS (Long Term Support) candidate. LTS candidates prioritize stability over the addition of new features, and have an extended support schedule. To learn about the next wave of features coming in future releases, see the Octane release plan post.This release kicks off the 3.13 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.12The 3.12.0 release is an Ember.js Long-Term Support candida
Ember 3.13 Released (Octane Preview)
Ember.js Blog
Today, the Ember project is releasing version 3.13 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.Ember 3.13 is the final release of Ember before Octane. Ember 3.13 is also the Octane preview. The preview allows adventurous community members to start using its stable features and help put the final round of polish on supporting tools and documentation before Octane becomes official in 3.14. You can learn more about what to expect from Octane and how to prepare your apps in a previous blog post.Additionally, version 3.12 of Ember is now promoted to LTS (Long Term Support). An LTS version of Ember continues to receive security updates for 9 release cycles (54 weeks) and bugfixes for 6 cycles (36 weeks). LTS releases typically occur every four minor versions. The previous LTS version of Ember was 3.8.The Octane PreviewThe Octane features in 3.13 are stable public APIs with our normal SemVer guarantees. If you build an app using APIs in the Octane preview, it will continue to work in future versio
Ember 3.14 Released (Octane Preview Cont.)
Ember.js Blog
The Ember project has recently released version 3.14 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. This kicks off the 3.15 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesThe Octane Preview, ContinuedAs described in the Octane Release Update, Octane will continue to be opt-in in Ember 3.14. By continuing the Octane preview period in 3.14, we are allowing more time for Octane to be polished before it becomes the default Ember experience.Although Octane is still opt-in in 3.14, all Octane features are stable public APIs with our normal SemVer guarantees. If you build an app using APIs in the Octane preview, it
Ember 3.15 "Octane" Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.15 of Ember.js, Ember Data, andEmber CLI. In addition to brining new features and bug fixes, Ember 3.15 also marks the official release of the Octane edition, which is Ember's first edition release.Ember developers using the Octane edition can exercise modern features like native ESclasses, decorators, the new Glimmer component API, and a new approach to statemanagement called tracked properties. Combined, these innovative changes toEmber are more than just new tools and APIs. Octane's features, together,sum up to a paradigm shift in how Ember applications are built.Read more about how Octane makes web application development fun andproductive inOctane is Here, a blog post from Yehuda.…and then explore our completely updated and refreshed guide and APIdocumentation:Check out the completely rewritten core concepts section in the guides.Read the completely updated Super Rentals tutorial.Already using Ember and want to adopt Octane? See the O
Ember 3.16 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.16 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. This release of Ember.js is an LTS (Long Term Support) candidate. LTS candidates prioritize stability over the addition of new features, and have an extended support schedule.This release kicks off the 3.17 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.16The 3.16.0 release is an Ember.js Long-Term Support candidate. In six weeks, the 3.16.x series will become the latest LTS release and six weeks after that the 3.
Ember 3.17 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.17 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.Version 3.16 of Ember is now promoted to LTS (Long Term Support). An LTS version of Ember continues to receive security updates for 9 release cycles (54 weeks) and bugfixes for 6 cycles (36 weeks). LTS releases typically occur every four minor versions. The previous LTS version of Ember was 3.12.This release also kicks off the 3.18 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.17Ember.js 3.17 is an incremental, ba
Ember 3.18 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.18 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.This release also kicks off the 3.19 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.18Ember.js 3.18 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bugfixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations. There are no new features, zero (0) deprecations, and several bugfixes in this version.New Features (0)No new features in Ember.js 3.18, but it is worth noting support for Node 8 has been dropped
Ember 3.19 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.19 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. This release kicks off the 3.20 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.19Ember.js 3.19 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bugfixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations. There is zero (0) new feature, zero (0) deprecations, and several bugfixes in this version.New Features (0)There are no new features introduced in Ember.js 3.19.Deprecations (0)There are no new deprec
Ember 3.2 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.2.0 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI- a little later than planned, for sure! Thank you for your support and patience.This release kicks off the 3.3 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and reportany bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way tocontinuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesNote that we didn't include 3.3 beta features in this blog post, mostly because we were so focused on getting 3.2 out the door, and had to prioritize. Thank you for understanding!Ember.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.2Ember.js 3.2 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bugfix
Ember 3.20 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.20 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. This release of Ember.js is an LTS (Long Term Support) candidate. LTS candidates prioritize stability over the addition of new features, and have an extended support schedule.This release kicks off the 3.21 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.20Ember.js 3.20 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bugfixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Developers who upgrade the
Ember 3.21 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.21 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.Version 3.20 of Ember is now promoted to LTS (Long Term Support). An LTS version of Ember continues to receive security updates for 9 release cycles (54 weeks) and bugfixes for 6 cycles (36 weeks). LTS releases typically occur every four minor versions. The previous LTS version of Ember was 3.16.This release kicks off the 3.22 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.21Ember.js 3.21 is an incremental, backwar
Ember 3.22 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.22 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 3.23 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.22Ember.js 3.22 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bugfixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Ember.js 3.22 introduced several bug fixes, including:RouterService#isActive updates correctly when the route changes. (#19094)A custom modifier manager only consumes arguments that it actually uses. (P
Ember 3.23 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.23 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 3.24 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.23Ember.js 3.23 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bugfixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Ember.js 3.23 introduced several bug fixes, including:Updated Glimmer (rendering engine) to improve developer experience with debugging (#19213)Ensured that (fn (mut ...)) works with falsy values (#1922
Ember 3.24 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.24 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. This release of Ember.js is an LTS (Long Term Support) candidate. LTS candidates prioritize stability over the addition of new features, and have an extended support schedule.This release kicks off the 3.25 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.24Ember.js 3.24 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Bug FixesEmber.js 3.24 in
Ember 3.25 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.25 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. This release kicks off the 3.26 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.25Ember.js 3.25 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Bug FixesEmber.js 3.25 contains several bug fixes, including:Empty htmlSafe strings are now considered false. (#18148)Template locals no longer clobber component invocations of the same name. (#19351)
Ember 3.26 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.26 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 3.27 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.26Ember.js 3.26 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Bug FixesEmber.js 3.26 introduced 5 bug fixes. Here are a few notable ones:The Ember router and the router service have been updated so that an infinite recursion does not occur when the router service
Ember 3.27 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is announcing release 3.27 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. This is a minor version, stable release.We're also announcing the start of the 3.28 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a stable release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.Ember.js 3.28 (again, starting beta today) is the final planned version of the 3.x release cycle, and willbecome an LTS release. As of the 3.28-beta being released, the main developmentbranch of all Ember projects will become 4.0. Look for more information on Ember4.0 here on the blog this coming week.You can read more about our general release process with these resources:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applic
Ember 3.28 and 4.0 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
After 3.5 years and 28 minor releases, Ember 3.28 marks the end of the project's 3.x series.To ensure a smooth upgrade path going into the 4.x series, 3.28 has been declared an LTS (Long Term Support) candidate. In six weeks,the latest patch version of 3.28 will be promoted to be the latest LTS releaseand replace 3.24-LTS.We're also announcing the start of the Ember 4.0 beta cycle for all sub-projects. Following the process set in previous major versions, Ember 4.0's beta introduces no new features. Instead, it removes support for deprecated public APIs. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a stable release in six weeks' time. We also encourage everyone to help maintainers resolve deprecations in their favorite addons. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.Developers who want to prepare for the upcoming 4.0 version of Ember should
Ember 3.3 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.3 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. While ember-data and ember-cli only released recently, Ember.js released 3.2 over six weeks ago. Releasing 3.3 ensures that Ember.js does not have an excessively long time between releases.This release kicks off the 3.4 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.3Ember.js 3.3 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bugfixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations. There is zero (
Ember 3.4 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.4 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. This release kicks off the 3.5 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.NOTE: Due to some bugs found once people started using the release version of Ember-CLI 3.4, we delayed this blog post while we ironed out issues. At this point, things are pretty stable and upgrading should be fine.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.4The 3.4.0 release is an Ember.js Long-Term Support candidate. In six weeks, the 3.4.x series will become the latest LTS rel
Ember 3.5 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.5 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.Notable features include Ember CLI build performance improvements of up to 32% and new Ember Data powers for addon developers.Additionally, versions 3.4 of Ember, Ember CLI, and Ember Data are now promoted to LTS, which stands for LongTerm Support. An LTS version of Ember continues to receive security updatesfor 9 release cycles (54 weeks)and bugfixes for 6 cycles (36 weeks).LTS releases typically occur every four minor versions.The previous LTS version for Ember was 2.18. 3.4 is the first LTS forEmber CLI and Ember Data.This release kicks off the 3.6 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release pro
Ember 3.6 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.6 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. Highlights include public API support for ES6 classes and two new RouterService methods.This release kicks off the 3.7 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.6Ember.js 3.6 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bugfixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations. There are 2 new features, 6 deprecations, and 13 bugfixes in this version.New Features (2)Native Classes (1 of 2)The
Ember 3.7 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.7 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. This release kicks off the 3.8 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.7Ember.js 3.7 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bugfixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations. There is zero (0) new feature, zero (0) deprecations, and three (3) bugfixes in this 3.7 version.Note that in Ember.js 3.7 support for Node 4 has been explicitly dropped. Node 4 is no longer supported by
Ember 3.8 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.8 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. This release kicks off the 3.9 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 3.8The 3.8.0 release is an Ember.js Long-Term Support candidate. In six weeks, the 3.8.x series will become the latest LTS release and six weeks after that the 3.4 LTS branch will no longer receive bugfix patches.For more information about Ember's LTS policies, see the announcement blog post and builds page.Ember.js 3.8 is an incremental, b
Ember 3.9 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.9 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. This release kicks off the 3.10 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesAdditionally, versions 3.8 of Ember and Ember Data are now promoted to LTS, which stands for Long Term Support. An LTS version of Ember continues to receive security updates for 9 release cycles (54 weeks) and bugfixes for 6 cycles (36 weeks). LTS releases typically occur every four minor versions. The previous LTS version for Ember was 3.4.Ember.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.j
Ember 4.0 released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 4.0 of Ember.js, Ember Data, andEmber CLI. Ember's 4.0 release focusesthe framework by removing long-deprecated APIs and support for legacy platforms.This blog post will help you understand how to upgrade and navigate any breakingchanges.Although Ember "Octane" APIs have beenthe default for new applications since Ember 3.15, the framework has continuedto support "Classic" framework features in accordance with our semanticversioning commitment. Ember 4.0 takes a step forward and dropsalready-deprecated classic APIs, however the foundational EmberComponent andEmberObject/computed APIs are not removed in this release.Additionally, today we're promoting Ember 3.28 to become Ember's latestLong-Term Support (LTS) release. Ember's LTS release process provides bugfixsupport for about 36 weeks, and security patches for about 54 weeks. See the3.28 release post and LTSdocumentation for more details.For applications using LTS releases, upgrading directl
Ember 4.1 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 4.1 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 4.2 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 4.1Ember.js 4.1 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Bug FixesEmber.js 4.1 introduced 2 bug fixes.Passing an ObjectProxy to isEmpty with a property size now throws an assertion (#17570).The router has been updated so that when query params are using a nested
Ember 4.2 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 4.2 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 4.3 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 4.2Ember.js 4.2 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Bug FixesEmber.js 4.2 introduced 1 bug fix.Class-based helpers are now allowed to work in strict-mode. (#19878)FeaturesEmber.js 4.2 introduced 0 features.DeprecationsEmber.js 4.2 introduced 0 deprecations.
Ember 4.5 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 4.5 of Ember.js and Ember CLI.Version 4.4 of Ember is now promoted to LTS (Long Term Support).An LTS version of Ember continues to receive security updates for 9 release cycles (54 weeks) and bugfixes for 6 cycles (36 weeks).LTS releases typically occur every four minor versions.The previous LTS version of Ember was 3.28.This release kicks off the 4.5 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 4.5Ember.js 4.5 is an incremental, backwards compatible release
Ember 4.6 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 4.6 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 4.7 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 4.6Ember.js 4.6 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes.Bug FixesEmber.js 4.6 introduced 2 bug fixes.Replace deprecated substr() method with substring() methodAdjust uniqueId() implementation to only generate valid selectors. querySelector does not work if the first character is a number, sonow we ensure that
Security Releases: Ember 4.8.1, 4.4.4, 3.28.10, 3.24.7
Ember.js Blog
Today we are releasing Ember.js 3.24.7, 3.28.10, 4.4.4, 4.8.1, and 4.9.0-beta.3 to patch a security vulnerability. A CVE number is pending and this post will be updated to include it once it's been issued.Apps that pass untrusted input as paths to EmberObject.setProperties or EmberObject.set, or the corresponding standalone functions setProperties or set, may get surprising results that, in combination with other application bugs, could lead to cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.import EmberObject from '@ember/object';let o = new EmberObject();// This can lead to prototype pollution in unpatched Ember versionso.set(untrustedPath, untrustedValue);// This can lead to prototype pollution in unpatched Ember versionso.setProperties({ [untrustedPath]: untrustedValue });These methods were vulnerable to Prototype Pollution, meaning an attacker can set paths like __proto__.__proto__.isAdmin to mutate unexpected objects, including Javascript intrinsics like the global Object. Depending on the
Ember 4.8 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 4.8 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 4.9 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 4.8Ember.js 4.8 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Bug FixesEmber.js 4.8 introduced 1 bug fix.#20166 - fixed a bug where calling RouteInfo.find() method executes callback with undefined object since 4.3.0.FeaturesEmber.js 4.8 introduced 1 feature.#20180 -
Ember 4.9 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 4.9 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.Version 4.8 of Ember is now promoted to LTS (Long Term Support).An LTS version of Ember continues to receive security updates for 9 release cycles (54 weeks) and bugfixes for 6 cycles (36 weeks).LTS releases typically occur every four minor versions.The previous LTS version of Ember was 4.4.This release kicks off the 4.10 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 4.9Ember.js 4.9 is an incremental, backwards compa
Ember 5.0 Released
Ember.js Blog
EmberJS 5.0 embodies the commitment to stability and reliability that developers have come to expect from the Ember ecosystem. The Ember team has worked hard to remove all the deprecations and make us move towards Polaris. Get up-to-date with the latest in Ember and enjoy!This post will cover our release strategy, how to upgrade, what to expect, and deprecated APIs that were removed.This is the first major release under the new release strategy and goals proposed in RFC 830, Evolving Ember's Major Version Process.To summarize, every 12 minor releases, Ember will ship a new major release, which removes anydeprecated code targeted for that major version.When it comes to introducing new features, Ember generally aims to ship new features in minor releases, offering backwards compatibility for existing code at the same time as giving developers the chance to try out new capabilities.This approach reduces the challenges that teams face for major upgrades, compared to producing big, breaking
Ember 6.0 Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember 6.0 continues the commitment to stability and reliability that developers have come to expect from the Ember ecosystem and further moves us towards the Polaris Edition of Ember. Get up-to-date with the latest in Ember and enjoy!This post will cover our release strategy, how to upgrade, what to expect, and deprecated APIs that were removed.This release follows the release strategy and goals proposed in RFC 830, Evolving Ember's Major Version Process.To summarize, every 12 minor releases, Ember will ship a new major release, which removes anydeprecated code targeted for that major version.When it comes to introducing new features, Ember generally aims to ship new features in minor releases, offering backwards compatibility for existing code at the same time as giving developers the chance to try out new capabilities.This approach reduces the challenges that teams face for major upgrades, compared to producing big, breaking, splashy major versions with lots of new features.In Ember
Ember accessibility and a11y tools
Ember.js Blog
What is it like to build an accessible Ember app? With a few lines of code, you can audit your app for problems, get customized advice on how to fix them, and see visual indications of which things on a page need work. We'll walk through an example using the Super Rentals app from Ember's official tutorials. We'll also cover some improvements being made to Ember itself for a better experience out of the box.An accessible app is one that gives all users equal access to information and functionality, including those who use Assistive Technology like screen readers. This kind of work is sometimes abbreviated as a11y. There are set standards called the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, and in many cases, it's the law.This article was written as of Ember.js version 3.1. The same approach applies for all 2.x apps, with some changes to test syntax. Anyone can write a guest article --- get in touch if you are interested!Using ember-a11y-testingWe don't have to learn a thousand rules to sta
2019 Ember Community Survey
Ember.js Blog
What an incredible time to be in the Ember Community!Ember.js completed seven backward-compatible minor version releases in the last year.An amazing 200+ community members contributed to core Ember projects (that's not even counting the 4500+ ember addons!)Over 3,000 community members have joined the Ember Discord chat.An Ember documentary was released, looking at Ember's history…and Ember's bright future.With 2019 already under way, we would like your help to learn about who is in the Ember community and how they work with the framework. To that end, we're pleased to announce the official 2019 Ember Community Survey. Survey Landing PageThis is the fifth year we're learning about the community's makeup and interests, and we look forward to sharing the results at EmberConf 2019 on March 18th. Over 1300 participants took part in the survey in 2018 (2018 survey results) and we are aiming for even more participation this year!Completing the survey should take about 15 minutes. We've added
Ember Data 0.13
Ember.js Blog
Today, we are pleased to announce the release of Ember Data 0.13.Ember Data 0.13 is the first official release of Ember Data. This shouldmake it easier for people to synchronize Ember.js and Ember Dataversions, and make reasoning about the upgrade process much easier.Ember Data 0.13In the past few months, Ember Data has stabilized a lot. We still considerit alpha, and recommend it for production use only to those who like tolive on the bleeding edge and contribute back to the project. To make lifeeasier for those folks, though, we will be cutting regular releases like wedo with Ember.js.A few of the many folks involved in the changes in this release includeTom Dale, Yehuda Katz, Cyril Fluck, Igor Terzic, Stefan Penner, Paul Chavard,Gordon Hempton, Peter Wagenet. Thank you to you all and everyone else whohas contributed code and others.API Revision RemovalNow that we are doing regular releases, the API revision check has beenremoved. You no longer need to provide the API revision number
Ember Data v1.0.0-beta.12 Released
Ember.js Blog
New Core ContributorsLong-time contributors Brendan McLoughlin and Sylvain Minahave been given collaborator status and will help us triage issues, merge pullrequests, and contribute bugfixes and documentation.New Featuresstore.fetchWhen using Ember Data, the most common pattern in the model hook is to callstore.find for your model:export default var PostRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ model: function(params) { return this.store.find('post', params.post_id); }});store.find will return the instance of the Post record if it has alreadybeen fetched in the store. Sometimes, this is not desirable. For example, youmay not know if you have already loaded the post in another request viasideloading, or you want the most up to date information. You could eithercheck if the record existed usingstore.hasRecordForId, or always callreload on your model in the route's afterModelhook.store.fetch wraps this common pattern by reloading a record if it exists inthe store, or reloads the record if it doesn't e
Ember Data v1.0.0-beta.14.1 Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember Data v1.0.0-beta.14.1 is a bugfix release that adds sourcemapsto your build pipeline in Ember CLI and Rails. Additionally supportfor versions of Ember <= 1.7.1 have been removed. This was mentionedin the beta.12 blogpost, and is now enforced via an assertionin the code and by your package manager files.
Ember Data v1.0.0-beta.14 Released
Ember.js Blog
Due to a hiccup during the publishing step while releasing beta.13,we've removed beta.13 from npm and instead published beta.14. Thisrelease is available to you whether you are using npm and ember-cli,rubygems, or bower. Note that the builds are always available as staticfiles at emberjs.com/builds.ImprovementsIgor Terzic, David Hamilton, and StefanPenner put in some great strides to improve performance aroundhow relationships work together in Ember Data. These performance changeshave wide-reaching effects into everything you do in Ember Data:querying records, pushing records into the store, and creating records.Since everyone on the Ember Data team works on real apps, we testedthese changes in our applications and saw improvements averaging 50% orhigher around pushing and creating records into the store.Breaking Changesstore.update() has been deprecatedCalling store.update() has been deprecated in favor of store.push()nowhandling partial payloads:var post = store.push('post', { id: 1,
Ember Data v1.0.0-beta.15 Released
Ember.js Blog
We are pleased to announce the release Ember Data 1.0.0-beta.15. Itincludes many bug fixes as well as several new features. As alwaysthis release can be obtained from npm (for use with ember-cli),rubygems, or bower. The builds are also available as static files atemberjs.com/buildsThe 1.0.0-beta.15 release represents the effort of at least 30contributors across over 168 commits.ImprovementsSnapshot APIIn Ember Data serializers will now be given a snapshot instanceinstead of a record instance when serializing records. A snapshotrepresents the frozen state of a record at a particular moment intime. Its initial purpose is to be passed to serializers instead ofthe real record. This allows the serializer to examine the currentstate of that record in the moment without triggering side-effects,like loading relationships.The snapshot has a different API from a record for accessingproperties so you will know you are working with a snapshot. Usingsnapshot.get is still supported for compatibility
Ember Data v1.0.0-beta.16.1 Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember Data v1.0.0-beta.16.1 is a bugfix release that fixes 2regressions reported with Ember Data v1.0.0-beta.16. As alwaysthis release can be obtained from npm (for use with ember-cli),rubygems, or bower. The builds are also available as static files athttp://emberjs.com/builds.store.adapterFor('application') Throwing ExceptionsKamal Fariz Mahyuddin reported issue#2925 where code thatattempted to use the store's adapterFor method to accessthe application adapter was throwing an error with Ember Datav1.0.0-beta.16. This has been fixed in Ember Datav1.0.0-beta.16.1.Incompatibility with Ember 1.10.0-beta.4Daniel Sudolreported thatv1.0.0-beta.16 was throwing an error when it was loaded alongsideEmber 1.10.0-beta.4 due to Ember Data calling the wrongregisterHelper method on HTMLBars. This was tracked down to an issuein ember-inflector which comes bundled with EmberData. The issue has been fixed in v1.5.0 of ember-inflector andEmber Data v1.0.0-beta.16.1 now includes the updated version.Test
Ember Data v1.0.0-beta.16 Released
Ember.js Blog
We are pleased to announce the release Ember Data 1.0.0-beta.16. Itincludes many bug fixes as well as several new features. As alwaysthis release can be obtained from npm (for use with ember-cli),rubygems, or bower. The builds are also available as static files atemberjs.com/buildsThe 1.0.0-beta.16 release represents the effort of at least 31contributors across over 112 commits.New Core ContributorContributor Christoffer Persson has been given collaboratorstatus and will help us triage issues, merge pull requests, andcontribute bug fixes and documentation. Christoffer has been extremelyactive in triaging issues and contributing features and bug fixes tothe Ember Data project.Breaking ChangesThe store now passes snapshots instead of records to adapter methodsIn 1.0.0-beta.15 Ember Data introduce the Snapshot API and beganpassing snapshot instances into all serializers to preventside-effects from occurring when inspecting relationships forserialization. This introduces some pain points i
Ember Data v1.0.0-beta.17/18 Released
Ember.js Blog
Beta.17 and Beta.18 contained many bugfixes from the community! Please checkthem out in the CHANGELOG. Thank you to everyone who submittedpatches!While many bugs were stomped, some important changes are worth calling out:(Possibly) Breaking Deprecationsrecord.constructor.typeKey is now record.constructor.modelNameIn Ember Data, when you ask for a model, Ember Data looks its class up usingEmber's Dependency Injection API. When the model class is lookedup, Ember Data stores the type on the model class.For example, when the following code runs in your application:var post = this.store.getById('post', 1);and Ember Data will store the string "post" on the model class:console.log(post.constructor.typeKey); // 'post'Ember Data uses this typeKey property internally when creating and extractingpayloads in Serializers, and when locating models in Adapters. The typeKey isalso currently available on Snapshots, which are passed to adapter andserializer methods. typeKey was previously always normali
Ember Data v1.0.0-beta.19.1 Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember Data 19.1 contains fixes for a few regressions. Thanks to everyonewho reported issues. Thanks to @bmac and @wecc for fixing!Fix a regression where a DS.Model's InternalModel would not be seton init - @bmac Pull RequestPass store to inverseFor in removeEmbeddedForeignKey #3270 - @weccPull Request
Ember Data v1.0.0-beta.19 Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember Data 1.0.0-beta.19 contains a lot of bugfixes from the comunity!Thank you for helping us push toward a stable release of Ember Data!New FeaturesSnapshots have changedAttributeschangedAttributes, which represents the changes that have happenedsince the model was last synced with the server, are now available onthe snapshot in your adapters and serializers, instead of onDS.Model instances.Breaking ChangesPassing Classes to Store MethodsPreviously, you were allowed to pass a classes directly to store methodslike store.push:var record = store.push(App.Post, {id: 1});While this isn't a very popular way and generally not recommended in thedocumentation, it did remain the preferred way to do things in EmberData's tests for a long time. As we move toward to using Ember'sDependency Injection framework for consistency, passing these classesdirectly to store methods has been removed. Instead, you should pass adasherized string:var record = store.push('post', {id: 1});To help you upgrade thr
Ember Data 1.0.0 Beta 2 Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember Data 1.0.0-beta.2 has been released.The release fixes a number of bugs, and adds several new features:Fix a number of issues where the code still expected class names(App.Post) instead of module-friendly shorthand (post).Add host and namespace in the RESTAdapterAdd record.rollback()Add support for since token from find all fetchesAdd store.update(type, hash) to update some, but not all attributesImprove subclassability of RESTSerializer and RESTAdapterThanks to Paul Chavard, Toran Billups, Bradley Priest, Kasper Tidemann, Yann Mainier,Dali Zheng, Jeremy Green, Robert Jackson, Joe Bartels, Alexandre de Oliveria,Floren Jaby, Gordon Hempton, Ivan Vanderbyl, Johannel Würbach, Márcio Júnior,Nick Ragaz, Ricardo Mendes, Ryunosuke SATO, Sylvain Mina, and ssuredThanks to everyone who has been porting adapters to Ember Data 1.0!
Ember Data v1.0.0-beta.9 Released
Ember.js Blog
Since Ember Data v1.0.0-beta.8, a lot has changed. Since we didn't write a blogpost for beta.8, this blog post will contain features in both beta.8 and beta.9.New Release ScheduleSince the first beta release for Ember Data 1.0, Ember Data has typically beenreleased when we felt like critical features or bugfixes were merged. Due to theever changing nature of Ember Data, we'd like to reward Ember Data users forkeeping up with changes by providing more frequent releases until a releasecandidate emerges. Beginning Monday, August 18th 2014, Ember Data will release anew beta version every 3 weeks. The builds will be available on the buildspage, Bower, Rubygems, and soon, NPM.Breaking ChangesObject.create shim requiredEmber Data now requires an Object.create polyfill for environments withoutObject.create or incorrect Object.create implementations such as InternetExplorer 8. Ember.js will be shipping with an Object.create polyfill in 1.8.0.If you are using stable builds of Ember, we recommend
Ember Data v1.13 Released
Ember.js Blog
We are proud to announce the release of Ember Data 1.13. Thisrepresents the first stable release of Ember Data since its creationover 3 years ago.As we explained in the The Ember 2.x Projectblog post, going forward Ember Data will be syncing up its releases and version numbers with Ember.js releases.Ember Data 1.13 is the first release of Ember Data that syncs its version with a version of Ember.js. It will be followed by Ember Data 2.0, which will be released alongside Ember.js 2.0. Ember Data 1.13 is fully backwards compatible with Ember Data beta.19, allowing for a smooth upgrade path.Ember Data 1.13 OverviewEmber Data 1.13 is a massive release we are very proud of.The highlight of the Ember Data 1.13 release is a total overhaul of Ember Data's internal format and Serializer API to follow JSON API.Two years ago Tom Dale and Yehuda Katz published a vision for how Ember Data should look in the future and articulated the need for a single, ubiquitous JSON API standard.We are very happy
Ember Data v2.0 Released and v2.1 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
We are excited to announce the release of Ember Data 2.0, thesecond stable release since 1.13 that includes significant improvements,cleanup, and cruft removal.As previously discussed, Ember Data releases occur inlockstep with Ember, to help developers better reason aboutcompatibility between these libraries. Ember Data 2.0 is designed to beused in tandem with Ember 2.0, and like Ember 2.0, we have used theoccasion of a new major version number to remove deprecated features andclean up the code.Ember Data 2.0 is about removing deprecatedfunctionality, not adding new features. If you've already startedusing Ember Data 1.13 and cleared the deprecations, you should findupgrading to Ember Data 2.0 to be very straightforward.JSON APIIn the Ember Data 1.13 blog post, we described how wehad overhauled Ember Data's internals to use JSON API from top tobottom.Using JSON API dramatically simplified internal code and APIs, but Iwant to emphasize that moving to JSON API internally does not affecty
Ember Data 2.1 and 2.2 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember Data 2.1, a minor version release of Ember Data with bug fixes only, is released today. This release represents the work of over 26 direct contributors, and over 127 commits.Ember Data 2.2 beta.1, the branch of Ember Data that will be released as stable in roughly six weeks, is also being released today.New Features in Ember Data 2.1There are no new Features introduced in Ember Data 2.1. Instead theEmber Data team spent this release cycle focused on improving theguides, API documentation and fixing bugs.See the Ember Data 2.1.0 CHANGELOG for a full list of all changes.Ember Data 2.2 betaNo new features are currently planned for Ember Data 2.2. During thecanary cycle leading to this beta, the Ember Data team and communityhave been primarily focused on bug fixes and performanceimprovements. The Ember Data team expects the introduction of newfeatures to resume in Ember Data 2.3.For more details on changes in 2.2, review theEmber Data 2.2.0-beta.1 CHANGELOG.
Ember Data 2.2 and 2.3 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember Data 2.2, a minor version release of Ember Data with bug fixesonly, is released today. This release represents the work of over 21direct contributors, and over 140 commits.Ember Data 2.3 beta.1, the branch of Ember Data that will be releasedas stable in roughly six weeks, is also being released today.Changes in Ember Data 2.2There are no new features introduced in Ember Data 2.2. Instead thethis release contains bugfixes and documentation improvements forEmber Data.See the Ember Data 2.2.0 CHANGELOG for a full list of all changes.Ember Data 2.3 betaEmber Data 2.3 beta is released today, and in six weeks it will become thenew stable version of Ember Data.Ember CLI AddonPreviously the primary way of consuming Ember Data was using the bowerpackage. The existing Ember Data addon for Ember CLI added Ember Datato the bower.json file. This often lead to some confusion becauseupdating the version of the Ember Data addon on packages.json wouldnot update the version of Ember Data included
Ember Data 2.3 and 2.4 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember Data 2.3, a minor version release of Ember Data, is released today. This release represents the work of over 32 direct contributors, and over 196 commits.Ember Data 2.4 beta.1, the branch of Ember Data that will be released as stable in roughly six weeks, is also being released today.Changes in Ember Data 2.3Ember Data 2.3 is now a full Ember CLI addon. Previous versions ofEmber Data required users to include both the ember-data package intheir project's package.json file and the ember-data package intheir project's bower.json file. This resulted in confusion becauseupdating ember-data in package.json would not update ember-datain bower.json.To upgrade Ember Data to version 2.3 in your Ember CLI projects pleasedo the following:remove the ember-data package from your bower.jsonupdate ember-cli-shims package to version 0.1.0 ... "dependencies": { "handlebars": "2.0.0", "ember": "~2.2.0",- "ember-cli-shims": "0.0.6",+ "ember-cli-shims": "0.1.0", "ember-cli-test-loader": "ember-cli-t
Ember Data 2.4 and 2.5 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember Data 2.4, a minor version release of Ember Data, is released today. This release represents the work of over 20 direct contributors, and over 76 commits.Ember Data 2.5 beta.1, the branch of Ember Data that will be released as stable in roughly six weeks, is also being released today.Changes in Ember Data 2.4Friendly Errors@nikz has implementedRFC 101 which providesmore context for RESTAdapter and JSONAPIAdapter errors in EmberData. Be sure to check out thepull request for moredetails.Importing Modules@pangratz added public paths to help you import the DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin and DS.Serializer modules.// DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixinimport EmbeddedRecordsMixin from 'ember-data/serializers/embedded-records-mixin';// DS.Serializerimport Serializer from 'ember-data/serializer';Fastboot Support@danmcclain added twocommits to enable supportfor Ember Data with theEmber CLI Fastboot addon.For more details on changes in 2.4, review theEmber Data 2.4.0 CHANGELOG.Upcoming Features in Ember Data 2
Ember Data 2.5 and 2.6 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember Data 2.5, a minor version release of Ember Data, is released. This release represents the work of over 31 direct contributors, and over 137 commits.Ember Data 2.6 beta.1, the branch of Ember Data that will be released as stable in roughly six weeks, is also being released.Changes in Ember Data 2.5ds-finder-includeThe ds-finder-include feature allows an include query parameter tobe specified using store.findRecord() and store.findAll() asdescribed in RFC 99. Theinclude parameter tells JSON-API servers which relationships tosideload in a response, but it can also be used by custom adapters tosignal which relationships the backend can sideload to improveperformance.Thanks to @HeroicEric forimplementing this feature.// GET /articles/1?include=commentsvar article = this.store.findRecord('article', 1, { include: 'comments' });// GET /articles?include=commentsvar article = this.store.findAll('article', { include: 'comments' });ds-referencesThe ds-references feature implements the refere
Ember Data 2.6 and 2.7 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember Data 2.6, a minor version release of Ember Data, isreleased. This release represents the work of over 22 directcontributors, and over 85 commits.Ember Data 2.7 beta.1, the branch of Ember Data that will be releasedas stable in roughly six weeks, is also being released.Changes in Ember Data 2.6ds-serialize-ids-and-typesEnables a new ids-and-type strategy (in addition to the already existing ids and records) forserializing has many relationships using the DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin that will include bothid and type of each model as an object.For instance, if a user has many pets, which is a polymorphic relationship, the generated payload would be:{ "user": { "id": "1" "name": "Bertin Osborne", "pets": [ { "id": "1", "type": "Cat" }, { "id": "2", "type": "Parrot"} ] }}This is particularly useful for polymorphic relationships not backed by STI when just including the id of the records is not enough.Thanks to @cibernox forimplementing this feature.Upcoming Features in Ember Data 2.7.beta
Ember Data 2.7 and 2.8 Beta Released
Ember.js Blog
Ember Data 2.7, a minor version release of Ember Data, isreleased. This release represents the work of over 27 directcontributors, and over 103 commits.Ember Data 2.8 beta.1, the branch of Ember Data that will be releasedas stable in roughly six weeks, is also being released.Blueprint ChangesIn Ember Data 2.5 there was a change made to the blueprints to usemodule paths when importing instead of importing the default DSnamespace. At the time this was thought to be a minor change and didnot receive much scrutiny. However, in time the Ember Data team hasdiscovered that the changes to the import statements in the blueprintshave made it more confusing for both new and experienced Emberdevelopers.In Ember Data 2.5 and Ember Data 2.6 the following generator command for building a model:ember generate model post content isDraft:boolean comments:has-many user:belongs-toIt would generate the following blueprint:// app/models/post.jsimport Model from 'ember-data/model';import attr from 'ember-dat
EmberData 4.12 Special LTS Update
Ember.js Blog
EmberData 4.12 Special LTS UpdateIn our 5.0 Announcement we promised extended support for 4.12 LTS beyond just bug fixes.This support extends beyond simple bug-fixes. If minor enhancements can be made to better support new presentation class implementations that support the 4.x series we will willingly accept them. Our goal is simple: we want no one left behind.To this end, here are the changes we currently plan to make for 4.12 to ensure our users can both upgrade to 4.12 from 4.6 and 4.11 more seamlessly and to provide additional tools for users on 4.12 to begin shifting to the RequestManager paradigm as early as possible for their app.Builders and Build utilsThe first LTS release of @ember-data/rest and @ember-data/active-record will have their peer-dependency supported versions set to include ~4.12.3 of @ember-data/store.Once apps have updated from 4.12 to the 5.x LTS they should use the associated release's version to ensure maximum inter-compatibility.@ember-data/request-utils ha
EmberData 5.X Update
Ember.js Blog
This week, in coordination with the broader Ember project, EmberData released 4.12, its final4.x version, and began iterating towards the first release of the 5.x series.A wrap on 4.xThis final release of the 4.x cycle introduced several new concepts to support a new paradigm for managing Requests and new capabilities for Caching Data.The primary focus of these changes was to support caching Documents and to ensure that Resources are handled opaquely. Loosely defined: A Document encompasses the full response returned by an API request, and can typically be identified uniquely by url. Documents may contain many resources or references to resources, where a resource is defined as some data which your application or the API treats as uniquely identifiable.Note: Historically, Model has mapped to a resource "type" and serves to present the data for a resource. It may be useful to think about resources as the backing data for a Model; however, resources can be far more generic than this and
Ember Data Meeting Minutes - 2014/06/25
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember Data team meets privately everyWednesday at 11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember-Data.Attendees@tomdale,@wycats,@terzicigorSerializer refactorWe discussed how best to refactor the existing serializers, especially the work lead by @BMac to break up theRest Serializer into a JSON Serializer + a Sideloading mixin. While working on it, there were several issues raised, including the problem ofhow to make sure that mixins that extend the JSON Serializer(Embedded records mixin right now, and Sideloading mixin in the future) have theirhooks called in the right order and that they do not interfere with each other.Decided that the refactor into a mixin is a good idea.Tom raised the idea of having a serialization pipeline, but we decided to punt on that for now.Decided to wait on more use cases before deciding whether/and how to reorganize
Ember Data Meeting Minutes - 2014/07/02
Ember.js Blog
Although most of our collaboration takes place on Github, IRC(#emberjs on freenode.net), and our Discourse sitethe Ember Data team meets privately everyWednesday at 11am PST through Google Hangout for a weeklydiscussion of all things Ember-Data.Attendees@tomdale,@wycats,@terzicigorPushPayload discussionWe discussed the PushPayload proposal@wycats concluded that the original decision for pushPayload on the store to accept a type argument was a mistake.Decided that instead of creating several new hooks, the best course of actions seems to be to add a normalize method to the store.Thus instead of doing pushAndNormalize from the discuss proposal, one can dostore.push(type, store.normalize(type, payload))It also seems nice to have a normalize method on the store as the inverse of serialize which already exists on the model.Group Coalescing@hjdivad and @terzicigor recently added agroupedRecordsForFindMany hook on the findCoalescingbranch to enable users to decide how to group coalesced reque
Ember Data Meeting Minutes - 2014/08/20
Ember.js Blog
Every week, the Ember Data team meets to discuss improvements and vision forthe Ember Data Project.AttendeesTom Dale (@tomdale)Igor Terzic (@terzicigor)Stanley Stuart (@fivetanley)Single Source of TruthThis was a fairly brief meeting and mostly involved a code review of Igor'sexcellent work on the Single Source of Truth Branch. At a high level, the workin this branch vastly simplifies many internals in Ember Data on howrelationships keep up to date. These changes will also bring many bugfixesaround inconsistencies related to relationships. You can read more about thegoals of this branch in "The Road to Ember Data 1.0" blog post.You can read about the bug fixes referenced in the pull request. TheSingle Source of Truth changes are expected to land in Ember Data v1.0.0-beta.10.
Ember Data Progress Update
Ember.js Blog
A month ago, we told you about our plans for stabilizing EmberData. I'd liketo give you an update on the status of those efforts.First, though, I'd like to thank everyone who has been contributing to EmberData. As an open source project, a healthy, active community is ourlifeblood. In particular, I want to call out Igor Terzic, Stefan Penner,Paul Chavard and Gordon Hempton for going above and beyond the call ofduty.Thanks to their efforts, we've been making steady progress towardstriaging and reviewing pull requests andissues.Additionally, Yehuda and I have been able to devote significant time toworking on Ember Data thanks to the financial support ofAddepar. They have my sincere thanks for beinga company that understands the importance of investing in open source.A New FocusImagine that you are starting a new job as a developer on an existingserver-side web application. On the first day, you begin the process offamiliarizing yourself with the codebase.Since you have experience with th
Ember FastBoot 1.0 Released
Ember.js Blog
We are thrilled to share that we have released Ember FastBoot 1.0 (including ember-cli-fastboot addon, fastboot-app-server and other FastBoot libraries).What is Ember FastBoot?Ember FastBoot is a server-side rendering solution for ambitious Ember apps,allowing your Ember apps to use principles of progressive enhancement, such as an initial render of your app without JavaScript.It provides a complete solution for server-side rendering of your app from development to deployment.FastBoot works by running your Ember app in Node and shipping the rendered HTML of your initial requested route in your index.html (which also contains scripts for your app to boot in browser) to the user.This helps you show meaningful content to your user while the JavaScript is being downloaded, and also helps the initial page of your app to paint faster.Once the JavaScript downloads and your Ember app in the browser boots, it takes over the initial rendered HTML.It also helps the content in your Ember applicati
Ember Guides Status Update
Ember.js Blog
The road to Ember 2.0 has been long and rewarding: the community and team have invested in huge efforts to move Ember to a component-based architecture; we released a stable Ember Data; and we unified our development process with Ember CLI. All in all, we've made huge progress.Unfortunately, our docs efforts haven’t kept up with all of those improvements. We know that many Ember users have been frustrated that they can't find the resources they need to take advantage of new features.Over the next few releases, we'll be focusing on major improvements to the content of the Ember Guides and the process of landing new features so we don't fall behind again.Upcoming releasesHere's what you can expect in the coming weeks and months:Ember Data: Several of us are working hard to update the Models section of the Guides to properly document Ember Data in its stable form. This should be released imminently.Ember 2.1: Several people are working on reviewing the Guides from beginning to end to impr
Ember Homepage survey
Ember.js Blog
The first version of emberjs.com was created over 7 years ago, in 2011! Since then there's not only been a major redesign, but countless features, blog posts, guides, examples, and lessons learned added to the site. It's been thrilling to watch the Ember community evolve emberjs.com over the years.201120152018That said, we believe it's time for another redesign of the homepage. The marketing copy doesn't capture many of the amazing innovations that have landed in Ember over the past few years. We want the homepage to reflect how great it is to be an Ember developer in 2018.But first we need your help!We want to find out what makes you continue to use Ember in a world full of alternatives, so we can better communicate Ember's value proposition to others who might find similar success.By taking a few minutes to answer these questions, you can help influence the messaging behind Ember's future homepage and any other marketing materials we create.We really appreciate your time, and thanks!
Community Update from the Learning Team
Ember.js Blog
Each Ember team meets in person at EmberConf. For many of us, it was our first chance to sit down in person and plan together! This is important for us because it allows us spend an entire day getting to know each other and plan for the upcoming year.In order to keep the community updated while we move initiatives forward, we'd like to share with you the major outcomes from our face to face meeting. The learning team (and friends!) spent the day reviewing our current workload, extracting all of the ideas from @locks' brain, and reviewing priorities for the upcoming year.GoalsWe had a few goals for the day:craft a mission statementidentify all of the initiatives that were in the scope of the learning teamput all of the initiatives into categoriesprioritize the categoriesWe were able to identify categories of work that naturally fell in to one of two directions - user support and marketing. Here are some of of those categories, with initiatives for each:User SupportGuidesAPI Docs (versio
Ember Node.js LTS Support
Ember.js Blog
Ember is committed to being a good steward of our collective codebases as part of the Node.js ecosystem. In that spirit we will be following the Node.js Long Term Support Schedule to provide clear guarantees of which versions of Node.js we support and how long we will support them. We will test against the same set of releases which the Node.js Long-term Support Working Group says they support: any "Current", "Active LTS", or "Maintenance" releases.What does support mean?All Ember projects can be expected to work in any of the supported Node.js versions and will support every documented feature. We will not maintain separate branches or classes of support for different Node.js support classifications. For example, Ember CLI can be expected to work the same running on a "Maintenance" Node.js version as it does on a "Current" Node.js version. Not all of our projects presently align to this pattern but we will, over time, coalesce to this state.Meeting this commitment does not come withou
The Ember 2.x Project
Ember.js Blog
For the past several years, when we've talked about "Ember releases", we were always talking about releases of the Ember codebase itself.In practice, that has meant that in order to put together the full, recommended Ember stack, you needed to figure out not only what Ember version to use, but also what versions of our other libraries and tools worked with it.Starting with Ember 2.0, we will coordinate every release of Ember with releases of the main ecosystem tools maintained by the core team:Ember CLIEmber.jsEmber DataLiquid FireList ViewAll of these tools will share a version number with Ember itself.Upgrading to Ember 2.3 means that you'll get a new version of the Ember tools and a new version of Ember. You'll also get new versions of Liquid Fire, List View and Ember Data designed to work with (and tested against) Ember 2.3.These projects will also ship betas alongside Ember itself, meaning that when Ember 2.3-beta.1 is released, there will be versions of Ember Data, Liquid Fire an
Ember 4.10 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 4.10 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 4.11 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 4.10Ember.js 4.10 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Bug FixesEmber.js 4.10 introduced 2 bug fixes.#20327 - Fix the types for the mutation-methods of NativeArray#20283 - revert TS compilerOptions.target to ES2017FeaturesEmber.js 4.10 introduced 3 feature
Ember 4.11 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 4.11 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. This release kicks off the 4.12 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 4.11Ember.js 4.11 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Bug FixesEmber.js 4.11 introduced 0 bug fixes.FeaturesEmber.js 4.11 introduced 2 features.Stable TypeScript types for the @ember/owner package (first released in 4.10).Stable TypeScript types for the
Ember 4.12 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 4.12 of Ember.js, EmberData, and Ember CLI. This release kicks off the 5.0 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 4.12Ember.js 4.12 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Bug FixesEmber.js 4.12 introduced 3 bug fixes.#20388 - Don't run getters while applying mixins, ensuring that getters are never evaluated while applyingmixins.#20398 - Fix runloop types on TypeScript 5.
Ember 4.3 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 4.3 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 4.4 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 4.3Ember.js 4.3 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Bug FixesEmber.js 4.3 introduced 3 bug fixes.A memory leak in the Router Service class is fixed (#20025). It was affecting tests and FastBoot apps.Using RouterService#transitionTo no longer adds unspecifie
Ember 4.4 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 4.4 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 4.4 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 4.4Ember.js 4.4 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Bug FixesEmber.js 4.4 introduced 1 bug fix.Calling isEmpty on instances of ObjectProxy wrapping ArrayProxy was not working, this is fixed in #16879.FeaturesEmber.js 4.4 introduced 4 features.The {{unique-i
Ember 4.7 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 4.7 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 4.8 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 4.7Ember.js 4.7 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Bug FixesEmber.js 4.7 introduced 1 bug fix.Replacing Firefox detection that used a deprecated browser APIFeaturesEmber.js 4.7 introduced 0 features.DeprecationsEmber.js 4.7 introduced 0 deprecations.For mo
Ember 5.1 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 5.1 of Ember.js, EmberData, and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 5.2 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.The headlining feature of this release is stable TypeScript support! 🎉 The framework now publishes TypeScript types built from Ember's own source code, with Ember's strong Semantic Versioning commitment baked in—bringing benefits for both TypeScript and JavaScript users. For details, a couple important caveats, and a migration guide, check out the accompanying ...
Ember 5.10 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 5.10 of Ember.js and Ember CLI. Following Ember's Major Version Policy, 5.10 is the last release of the 5.x series that will have deprecations targeting 6.0. Version 5.12 in September will be the final release of the 5.x series.This release kicks off the 5.11 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 5.10Ember.js 5.10 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Bug fixesEmber.js
Ember 5.11 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 5.11 of Ember.js and Ember CLI. Following Ember's Major Version Policy, the previous release, 5.10, was the last release of the 5.x series that will have deprecations targeting 6.0. Version 5.12 in September will be the final release of the 5.x series.This release kicks off the 5.12 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 5.11Ember.js 5.11 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprec
Ember 5.12 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 5.12 of Ember.js and Ember CLI. Following Ember's Major Version Policy, version 5.12 will be the final release of the 5.x series. This release of Ember.js is an LTS (Long Term Support) candidate. LTS candidates prioritize stability over the addition of new features, and have an extended support schedule.This release kicks off the 6.0 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 5.12Ember.js 5.12 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with b
Ember 5.2 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 5.2 of Ember.js, EmberData, and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 5.3 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 5.2Ember.js 5.2 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Bug FixesEmber.js 5.2 introduced 2 bug fixes:#20505 Remove use of this.element in component-test and helper-test blueprints.#20501 Fix the types for the mutation-methods of NativeArray.FeaturesEmber.js 5.2
Ember 5.3 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 5.3 of Ember.js, EmberData, and Ember CLI. This release kicks off the 5.4 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 5.3Ember.js 5.3 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.DeprecationsEmber.js 5.3 introduced 1 deprecation.Deprecate implicit record loading in Ember Route per RFC #774. Please see the deprecation guide for more information.Deprecations are added to Ember.js whe
Ember 5.4 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 5.4 of Ember.js and Ember CLI. This release of Ember.js is an LTS (Long Term Support) candidate. LTS candidates prioritize stability over the addition of new features, and have an extended support schedule.This release kicks off the 5.5 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 5.4Ember.js 5.4 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.FeaturesEmber.js 5.4 introduced 1 feature:
Ember 5.5 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 5.5 of Ember.js and Ember CLI.Version 5.4 of Ember.js and version 5.3 of EmberData are now promoted to LTS (Long Term Support). An LTS version of Ember continues to receive security updates for 9 release cycles (54 weeks) and bugfixes for 6 cycles (36 weeks). LTS releases typically occur every four minor versions. The previous LTS version of Ember.js was 4.12 and the previous LTS version of EmberData was also 4.12.This release kicks off the 5.6 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web a
Ember 5.6 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 5.6 of Ember.js and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 5.7 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 5.6Ember.js 5.6 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Bug fixesEmber.js 5.6 introduced 3 bug fixes.#20595 - A blueprint-generated file for an addon re-export should always be a JavaScript file, not a TypeScript file.#20603 - Internal templates should be strictMode and fix
Ember 5.7 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 5.7 of Ember.js and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 5.8 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 5.7Ember.js 5.7 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.FeaturesEmber.js 5.7 introduced 2 features.#20639 - Add an optional feature no-implicit-route-model to opt-in to the removal of the implicit loading of a model per RFC #774 and facilitated by ember-optional-features. E
Ember 5.8 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 5.8 of Ember.js and Ember CLI. This release of Ember.js is an LTS (Long Term Support) candidate. LTS candidates prioritize stability over the addition of new features, and have an extended support schedule.This release kicks off the 5.9 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 5.8Ember.js 5.8 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Bug fixesEmber.js 5.8 introduced 1 bug fix
Ember 5.9 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 5.9 of Ember.js and Ember CLI.Version 5.8 of Ember.js is now promoted to LTS (Long Term Support). The current LTS version of EmberData remains at version 5.3. An LTS version of Ember continues to receive security updates for 9 release cycles (54 weeks) and bugfixes for 6 cycles (36 weeks). LTS releases typically occur every four minor versions. The previous LTS version of Ember.js was 5.4.This release kicks off the 5.10 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Em
Ember 6.1 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 6.1 of Ember.js and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 6.2 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 6.1Ember.js 6.1 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Bug fixesEmber.js 6.1 introduced 1 bug fix.#20782 - Fixes Ember keyword shadowing: keywords should always be superseded by in-scope lexical variables.FeaturesEmber.js 6.1 introduced 1 new feature.#20787 - Publish ember
Ember 6.2 Released
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember project is releasing version 6.2 of Ember.js and Ember CLI.This release kicks off the 6.3 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.You can read more about our general release process here:Release DashboardThe Ember Release CycleThe Ember ProjectEmber LTS ReleasesEmber.jsEmber.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.Changes in Ember.js 6.2Ember.js 6.2 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bug fixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations.Bug fixesEmber.js 6.2 introduced 1 bug fix.20811 - fixes a type bug that prevented using the latest version of TypeScript.FeaturesEmber.js 6.2 introduced no new features, but it did include several pieces of clean up:2
Security Releases - Ember 1.2.2, and 1.3.2
Ember.js Blog
Because developers trust Ember.js to handle sensitive customer data inproduction, we take the security of the project extremely seriously. Infact, we're one of the few JavaScript projects that has a clearlyoutlined security policy and alow-traffic mailing list exclusively for securityannouncements.Today we are announcing the release of Ember.js 1.2.2,1.3.2, and 1.4.0-beta.6 that contain an important security fix:1.4.0-beta.6 -- Compare View1.3.2 -- Compare View1.2.2 -- Compare ViewThese releases contain the fix for an XSS vulnerability thatyou can learn more about on our security mailing list:CVE-2014-0046It is recommended that you update immediately. In order to easeupgrading, the only major change in each release is the security fix(other than 1.4.0-beta.6, which is a normal beta channel release withthe fix rolled in).We would like to thank Hyder Ali of Zohofor responsibly disclosing and working with us on the patchand the advisory.If you discover what you believe may be a security i
Ember v4 TypeScript Support Update
Ember.js Blog
The Typed Ember team—Chris Krycho (@chriskrycho), Dan Freeman (@dfreeman), and James Davis (@jamescdavis)—is happy to announce that the @types type definition packages, maintained on Definitely Typed, now have full support for Ember 4.x!TypeScript is "JavaScript with syntax for types.… a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript, giving you better tooling at any scale." Using Ember will never require using TypeScript, but we aim to provide a best-in-class experience of using TypeScript, with benefits for JavaScript users too. Want to try it out? Follow the docs for ember-cli-typescript.This update for Ember v4 types brings two major changes with two big benefits.The two major changes:All APIs which were deprecated during the 3.x cycle and removed in Ember v4.0.0 have been dropped from the types. Amusingly, this includes a number of things which were deprecated in 2.x and removed at 3.0, and even a few which were deprecated the 1.x era and removed at 2.0! Additionall
EmberConf 2017: State of the Union
Ember.js Blog
Ember.js (or should we say Amber.js) turned five years old last December. In some ways, five years is a short amount of time. But when measured in web framework years, it feels like a downright eternity.As Yehuda and I were getting ready for our keynote presentation at this year's EmberConf, we tried to remember what developing web apps was really like in 2011. We knew that the web had changed for the better since then, but I think we both had repressed our memories of how truly awful it was.The Web in 2011The most popular browser in 2011, by a wide margin, was IE8. Today, for most people, IE8 is a distant, half-remembered nightmare.Today, we freely use new language features like async functions, destructuring assignment, classes, and arrow functions. We even get to use not-quite-standardized features like decorators ahead of time thanks to transpilers like Babel and TypeScript. In 2011, however, everyone was writing ES3. ES5 was considered too "cutting edge" for most people to adopt.D
EmberConf 2023
Ember.js Blog
We're thrilled to announce that EmberConf 2023 will take place on July 20-21 at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, OR. The venue is state-of-the-art and fully accessible. We're excited to offer both in-person and live online attendance options. Tickets are on sale now!This is the first conference back in person since the pandemic, and we're taking all the necessary precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone attending in person (check out the FAQ page for details on our specific precautions). For those attending online, we're working hard to provide an engaging and interactive experience as well. You might not be there with us in person, but we’ll try our best to make everyone feel included!As we celebrate 10 years since Ember 1.0, we’ll focus on not just Ember’s longevity, but Ember’s modern-day community. The talks and workshops have been specifically chosen to help meet users where they are right now, and the practical challenges they face day-to-day.We
Ember.js Native Class Update - 2019 Edition
Ember.js Blog
(This post was originally published on www.pzuraq.com)These are exciting times in Ember! With Ember Octane just around the corner, native class support has officially landed in v3.6 (with a polyfill supporting v3.4+), and the Decorators RFC has been merged and will be implemented soon (pending decorators moving to stage 3 in the January meeting). Some time ago, I wrote an article that detailed how to use native classes in Ember, along with best practices for writing them. Since then, some major changes have occured, and I wanted to give a quick update for early adopters and folks who are curious about them in general.This post will focus on changes since the original article and current best practices. We'll be talking about:The Native Class Constructor Update RFCnew vs. createconstructor vs. initClass Fields vs. extend()Avoid Class Field Arrow Functionssuper vs. _super()When It's Ok to Use extend()Avoiding reopen and reopenClassAvoiding EmberObjectMisc. Class TipsIf you're new to nati
Embroider Initiative: Progress Update
Ember.js Blog
This post was originally published on mainmatter.comFor anyone who has clicked the link to this blog post but doesn't already know,Embroider is a new build pipeline that compiles Ember apps into spec-compliant,modern JavaScript. Before Embroider, it was somewhat difficult to participate inmodern build-tooling optimisations such as code-splitting and tree-shaking.Embroider allows you to opt-into these behaviours out of the box.Embroider is of critical importance for the entire Ember ecosystem, yet has beenin development for many years with no clear end in sight. The EmbroiderInitiative is spearheaded by Mainmatter with the support of a group of sponsorsto help speed up development on Embroider so that we can make it the defaultbuild system for newly generated Ember apps as soon as possible. This will allowEmber developers to continue leveraging its advantages while benefiting from amodern build system. We hope to see Ember apps being built with Vite before theend of the year.The Embroid
Evolving Ember’s Major Version Process
Ember.js Blog
We recently made a significant shift in how we think about versioning in Ember, with RFC 0830: Evolving Ember’s Major Version Process. Starting in the current 4.0 cycle, Ember major versions will be 18 months long, running from the .0 release up to the .12 release, and then starting a new major version.For example, in the current 4.x cycle, we will do minor releases up through 4.12 in April 2023, and then release 5.0 in May 2023. Then we will repeat, with 5.12 arriving in September 2024 and 6.0 coming in November 2024.This is a pretty significant change, so it’s important to say up front the things that aren’t changing:Our approach to minor releases is not changing. We will keep releasing on the same steady cadence. Features will be in, or not, based on whether they’re ready.Our approach to Long Term Support releases is not changing. That means that every major version will have 3 LTS releases over its life: the .4, .8 and .12 releases. Having a minimum of 3 LTS releases is important t
Ember.js Face-to-Face Meeting Summary, Q4 2018
Ember.js Blog
Last month, members of the Ember.js Core Team met in-person and remotely to review the direction that the framework API is headed, work through some architectural design questions, and figure out next steps. In this article, we’ll share a summary of the discussions and themes of the weekend.What happens in a F2F meeting?"F2F" stands for face-to-face, a meeting where members of a core team get together to work on problems or brainstorm in a way that is difficult to do remotely or in one-hour meetings. Each of the core teams of Ember meets at least once a year, often right after EmberConf.All core teams make an effort to keeps notes of their meetings, and you can find the agenda and notes (covering day one) for the framework F2F in the core notes repo.Read on for a summary of what was covered.Octane RFC reviewThe F2F agenda focused on discussing and commenting on open RFCs, especially those related to Ember “Octane”. Octane will be Ember’s first edition release, a minor version release o
The Ember JS Framework Takes the GAAD Pledge
Ember.js Blog
As we join Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) in celebrating its tenth anniversary, we are delighted to announce that the Ember JavaScript Framework has taken the GAAD pledge to make accessibility a core value of our framework.For those who know the project well, this will come as no surprise. It’s no secret that we think that accessibility is an integral part of quality code. Ember.js is committed to providing a well-lit path for developer success, and our plans to make it easier for developers to write accessible code are part of that. In 2020, the Ember Accessibility Strike Team became the Ember Accessibility Working Group, demonstrating our commitment to long-term accessibility growth in the framework.What We've Done So FarEmber has also been shipping improvements with the “accessibility by default” developer experience in mind. These improvements include support for default app language (RFC #635), default page titles (RFC #645), added content to the guides specifically for
Celebrating Accessibility in Ember
Ember.js Blog
As we celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), I also want to take the time to celebrate the incredible progress that the Ember community has made in our accessibility (a11y) efforts. Over the past few years, the Ember community has been purposefully strategic about accessibility improvements; it hardly came as a surprise that we made our commitment to accessibility even more visible by taking the GAAD Pledge last year to make accessibility a core value of our framework.Getting Started: Setting GoalsAfter completing an analysis of the accessibility-related shortcomings shared both across all JS Frameworks and in Ember specifically, a tangible list of items that could be improved emerged. It was also clear that additional education of the community was needed to increase mindshare regarding accessiblilty in general.Of course, there is a forever-long list of accessibility improvements to be made across the web; to avoid trying to boil the proverbial ocean, it was important to
Glimmer's In Canary, Test Your Apps!
Ember.js Blog
After months of work, Glimmer is landing in Canary today.What this means:The test suite passes.We have tested Glimmer on our own apps, and, for the most part, apps boot andrun correctly.There are still known issues (see below), including with the test helpers.At this point, we need community help to identify compatibility issues notcovered by the test suite.We expect to continue improving compatibility with the pre-Glimmer engine forsome time, as new issues come to light.Glimmer is the new rendering engine the Ember community has been working on forthe past several months. It is the first ground-up change to the templatingengine since SproutCore 2.0, and takes advantage of the groundwork laid byHTMLBars to dramatically improve re-rendering performance. It also sets thestage for more performance improvements during the 2.x series, andReact-inspired improvements to the Ember programming model. Best of all, we arelanding Glimmer in Ember 1.13, compatible with the full public API of Ember1
Glimmer.js Progress Report
Ember.js Blog
At EmberConf in March of this year, we announced Glimmer.js, alibrary for building modern UI components optimized for the mobile web. I wantedto give an update on what we've been working on since then.There were two primary motivations for releasing Glimmer.js as a standalone project:We wanted people who aren't "all in" on Ember to have a way to incrementallyadopt part of the framework.We wanted a laboratory where we could freely run experiments on what anext-generation component library might look like, without creating churn forEmber users.Because Ember's rendering layer is built on top of the shared Glimmer VM,successful experiments have a clear path to make their way upstream to Emberusers. And, once stabilized, we'd like Glimmer.js to be the default componentAPI for new Ember apps—but it's still too premature to set any timelines forthat today.Unlocking ExperimentationWhile Ember is known for incorporating the best ideas from across the JavaScriptecosystem, it's important that we
Announcing Glint 1.0
Ember.js Blog
After two years in public preview and contributions from dozens of community members, the EmberTypeScript team is excited to announce the release of Glint 1.0!While Glint has been available as an unstable prerelease for some time, the project has nowreached a level of stability and functionality that we're comfortable recommending it even forlarge applications with a low tolerance for churn.What is Glint?In an Ember application, templates are the connective glue that bind together all the differentpieces of your codebase. On its own, however, TypeScript can't see what's happening in yourtemplates, so any typechecking or other helpful aids it provides can only ever operate uponsmall islands of disconnected code, and all of your connections are completely opaque to thetooling.Glint enables TypeScript to understand your templates as well, meaning you getend-to-end type safety for your entire application. You also get editor support for things likedocumentation and type info on hover, jump
Global Accessibility Awareness Day
Ember.js Blog
Happy Global Accessibility Awareness Day!To mark this occasion, I'd like to talk about the ways Ember already helps you make accessible applications, give you an update on what Ember has been doing to make it easier than ever to create accessible Ember applications, and finally a few things that you can do starting today to make your applications more accessible.Accessibility in EmberBecause Ember is an HTML-first framework, it is straight-forward to write accessible applications from day one. Here are just some of the ways that we have provided a solid foundation for you to build your applications, no matter what scale or what size team you have, or what level of talent you have on your team.Accessibility on our Core Team - As an accessibility expert, I provide feedback on new features while we are designing them, to ensure that we're setting our users up for success. Having that kind of representation on a framework's core team demonstrates Ember's commitment to accessibility and rec
Hacktoberfest 2020
Ember.js Blog
Have you ever spotted something in Ember code or documentation that needed fixing?Did you want to get involved in contributing to open source, but you have no idea where to start?Good news! It's Hacktoberfest 2020, and you are invited to participate in Ember-focused special events and mentorship opportunities through the month of October.You can make some commits, meet some new people, and maybe get some free stuff!What is Hacktoberfest?Hacktoberfest is an annual, worldwide celebration organized by DigitalOcean and sponsored by many companies that use open source software.Here is the premise:Sign up anytime between October 1 and October 31.Make 4 valid Pull Requests to any public repositories on GitHub.If you are among the first 70,000 developers who complete the challenge, you get a prize. This year, you can select between a T-shirt and a tree planted in your name.Many open source project maintainers put in some extra effort during Hacktoberfest to make it easy and fun to participate
Handlebars Version Compatibility
Ember.js Blog
Handlebars 2.0 was released a few weeks ago, and since its release we have received manyrequests to update Ember to allow the use of the latest version. Handlebars 2.0 containsa number of changes the list below represents a few that are likely to affect yourEmber application:Precompiler output has changed, which breaks compatibility with prior versions of theruntime and precompiled output.A JSON polyfill is required to run the compiler in IE8 and below. It's recommendedthat the precompiler be used in lieu of running the compiler on these legacy environments.Lines containing only block statements and whitespace are now removed. This matches theMustache spec but may cause issues with code that expects whitespace to exist but wouldnot otherwise.For more information about the changes please review the release notes.Since the release of Ember 1.0.0, Ember has required Handlebars 1.x. As each new version ofHandlebars has been released we have needed to update our version requirement to allow
How To Todo In Ember Template Lint
Ember.js Blog
IntroductionAt the time of this writing, this feature is available in [email protected] new todo feature in the ember-template-lint addon provides a new option to the existing states for linting rules.With this new functionality, linting issues can be converted into a todo and developers can strategically plan the work to resolve issues in existing code. A todo can be set to automatically become a warning, then an error with the use of a supporting feature called decay days.Previously, running the lint:hbs script (default in an Ember app) would cause ember-template-lint to run on all of the .hbs files, and return a result that included number of warnings and number of errors found.Now, however, we have a new option—we can also include number of todos. First, update the lint:hbs script in the package.json file to use the --include-todo flag (we want to be reminded that we have todos!):"lint:hbs": "ember-template-lint . --include-todo",Next, run the command yarn lint:h
Internet Explorer 8 Support Will Be Removed in Ember 2.0
Ember.js Blog
After reviewing this thread, it seems clear that the vast majority ofEmber users who have responded, including people working at largecorporations, are comfortable with dropping IE8 support in Ember 2.0.On the other hand, while there is enormous support for dropping IE9support as well, a number of people still rely on support for IE9, andthe benefits of dropping IE9 in Ember 2.0 are not as strong.After reviewing discussion on the RFC proposal, many in-person conversations with Emberusers in large companies, and reviewing the private data sent to us viaemail, we have decided that Ember 2.0 will support IE9+.So how are we going to manage this transition, and what should you doif your business still requires IE8 support for the time being?1.13 with Extended Browser SupportThe core team will continue to periodically release point releases inthe 1.13 series to patch security bugs and browser compatibilityissues, including issues in IE8.No new features will be added, and we should be clear t
Igor Terzic Joins the Core Team
Ember.js Blog
Today I'm happy to announce that Igor Terzic is joining the Ember.jscore team.Igor has been instrumental in the development of Ember Data. He has bothfixed bugs relentlessly and landed major new features, such as therecent work on modelling relationships as entities with a single sourceof truth.Thanks to his hard work, Ember Data is rapidly approaching a stablerelease, and it's no exaggeration to say that we couldn't have done itwithout him.Igor has been maintaining Ember Data diligently for some time now, andwe are overdue in recognizing his efforts via membership to the coreteam. As Ember Data is more than ever a core part of the Emberexperience, we're looking forward to even tighter coordination betweenthe two projects.You can follow Igor on Twitter ifyou'd like to keep tabs as he travels the world. Thank you, Igor, forall of your hard work, and welcome to the core team!
Improved RFC Process
Ember.js Blog
The Ember project is pleased to announce that an improved RFC ("request for comments") process has been implemented.As proposed in RFC #617 "RFC Stages", RFCs will now progress through several stages that now include tracking implementation, release, and completeness of features, as well as design:0 - ProposedA new proposal for a change to Ember or its processes that is offered for community and team evaluation. In practical terms, this is an open pull request on the emberjs/rfcs repo.1 - ExploringAn RFC deemed worth pursuing but in need of refinement. This stage is marked by labeling the opened PR as 'Exploring'.2 - AcceptedA fully specified RFC. Waiting for or in the process of implementation. An FCP is required to advance to this stage. This stage is marked by updated frontmatter in the text of the RFC and by being merged to the main branch of the emberjs/rfcs repo. When the RFC is merged, a PR to advance to the next stage is automatically opened on the repo to provide a coordinatio
Inside FastBoot: Faking the DOM in Node
Ember.js Blog
As we announced in the inaugural blog post in our Inside FastBootseries, wehave begun working on giving Ember.js developers the ability to runtheir apps in Node.js. Once complete, this feature will allow your usersto see HTML and CSS right away, with the JavaScript downloadingin the background and taking over once it has fully loaded.Before the holidays, we had already succeeded in getting the Ember.jsframework loading in Node.js (where it cannot rely on things like theDOM) without throwing any exceptions. We also were able to get Emberapps booting, parsing URLs, and completing most of the functionalitynecessary to start the app, including loading controllers, routes andmodels, etc.This week, we've made good progress on the next major piece offunctionality: allowing HTMLbars templates to render in Node.js where,again, there is no native DOM available.So how does HTMLbars, a DOM-based templating library, work in anenvironment without a DOM?As it turns out, we can introduce a "virtual DO
Inside FastBoot: The Road to Server-Side Rendering
Ember.js Blog
Using JavaScript to write fast, interactive web applications has exploded in popularity over the past few years. JavaScript apps offer many strengths over traditional server-rendered applications. Most notably, rich interactions and lightning-fast responses to user clicks allow for UIs that previously were only the domain of native apps.The first JavaScript-heavy applications were productivity apps, and the experience of loading an app on the web, even with a spinner, was far better than the equivalent experience of downloading and installing a native app.Increasingly, though, content-rich destinations such as news or video sites are starting to move to JavaScript to gain the benefits of improved interactivity. Unlike productivity apps, where the user logs in once at the beginning of the day and stays logged in, content sites are loaded many times per day, often via search engines or social sharing.In this context, where the JavaScript app looks like a "normal" web page, loading spinne
Introducing Subteams
Ember.js Blog
I'm very happy to share with you our plan to scale Ember's day-to-daydecision-making and coordination—something we're calling Subteams. We mentionedsome of this in this year's EmberConf keynote, and wanted to expand on thespecific details.Ember.js was once only a view layer for rendering templates in thebrowser, but has grown to become a complete SDK for the web. With onenpm install, you get everything you need to create a modern webapplication.Making things simple for developers often means a lot of coordinationand decision-making behind the scenes. As the number of pieces making upEmber has grown—encompassing not only Ember.js but Ember CLI, EmberData, the Ember Inspector, documentation, and more—we want to ensurethat the Core Team does not become a bottleneck for progress.At the same time, we believe that having a strong vision that everyonecan rally behind is critical to building software that feels cohesive.So how do we ensure that everyone is pulling their cart in the samedirecti
Introducing Zoey
Ember.js Blog
Over the last few years the Ember project and community have grown, and along with it, the Ember brand. We took care and caution to craft an experience and feel that while exciting and ambitious, stayed friendly and approachable. A big part of that is thanks to our friendly neighborhood mascot, the Tomster.The time has come to expand the family. Introducing Zoey.When chatting about the origins of the Tomster for an EmberConf talk last year, Jamie White and Tomster illustrator Lindsey Wilson had chuckled about how a mascot needed to be a little bit like the perfect pop song. Distinct, but just generic enough that all different sorts of people could see themselves in it, just like the one right lyric in the song makes it the anthem of a million different emotions and situations.Tomster's done a great job of that until now, and with the addition of Zoey, even more amazing Ember developers will be able to see themselves in Ember.While Tomster will always be the original friendly face of Em
Making Ember.js Easier
Ember.js Blog
We frequently receive feedback from new developers about how frustratingit can be to get started with Ember. Yesterday, one of the most activecomment threads on HackerNews was largely about that.We hear you loud and clear. Ember.js is not easy to get started with, and we take that very seriously. We are all working nights and weekends to make the framework as approachable as humanly possible.One of the Hacker News commenters, kanja, nailed it. In response to another commenter who felt like the negative reaction was strong:It's incredibly out of proportion - but people really want to use ember (because it promises all these great things!) and they're frustrated by the docs (because they're not really good for first time users) so this is kind of a flash point.Absolutely right. Ember promises—and, we think, delivers—tremendous value. But ramping up to that point is not easy, and we received this feedback repeatedly and take it very seriously.There was another common sentiment that we'd l
Introducing the new Ember Mentorship Program
Ember.js Blog
We're pleased to announce the creation of the new Ember Mentorship Program!Mentorship has been a strong theme throughout Ember’s existence. We started with our first core team members pairing together at the creation of Ember, and today it’s one of the foundational parts of our DNA. Now we’re formalizing many of the things we already do, into a more structured, community-wide initiative, so we can do an even better job.Mentorship is a responsibility shared by our entire community, and we’re excited to help it grow. It’s a celebration and elevation of the work that many, many people have contributed to, and a public statement that this is something we care about, prioritize, and intend to keep on doing.Established InitiativesIn addition to some fun new plans, the Ember Mentorship Program umbrella captures and unifies a bunch of existing efforts. Some are face-to-face events, others are remote, and some combine the two.Some of the things we've already been doing:The annual Mentorship Wor
The Post-1.0 Release Cycle
Ember.js Blog
Now that we've shipped Ember 1.0 final, it's time to look forward to futurereleases.The plan moving forward is to adopt a Chrome-like release cycle: more frequent releases with more clarity about where features are in the pipeline.TL;DRThe Ember.js 1.x Schedule:Every six weeks: A new stable version of Ember.js.Every week: A new beta of the next version of Ember.js. WhenEmber 1.1 is released, the first beta of Ember 1.2 will be releasedat the same time.Every day: A new "canary" build, which is the last successful build ofthe day.Every successful build: The ember-latest.js build is updatedAll builds will be available on the new Ember.js Builds section of theEmber website.All new features will start out on the master branch behind a feature flag. Canaryand latest builds will ship with all experimental features, enable-ableat runtime.Beta and Stable releases will only ship with features that the core teambelieves are stable.Read on for more details about how we plan to organize new feature
Community Update: Octane Documentation
Ember.js Blog
The preview of the Octane edition of Ember is coming soon, and with all these fantastic new features comes a lot of documentation. Since this requires coordination of many moving parts, we want to outline the approach we're taking, and outlining some ways that the community can contribute.PreparationIn order to prepare for the new edition, the Learning Core Team spent time figuring out how to best transition the existing docs in such a way that was consistent with iterative innovation.One of the goals of improving the guides in general was to improve the learning flow in the guides (see RFC #431). As such, we determined that a change to the table of contents was in order.Updating the guidesAs per the usual standard, we have planned out this work to be able to complete it in an iterative fashion. This was particularly important because we are updating guides as new features for the Octane release are merged into Ember.PhasesThis is roughly the planned phases of the documentation work fo
Octane is Here
Ember.js Blog
Ember 3.15 is Octane! Curious what Octane means for web development? This blog post will get you oriented.For a write up of the technical details (upgrade strategies, deprecations, new Ember Data features) see the Ember 3.15 Release blog post.What is Ember Octane?Ember Octane is the best way for teams to build ambitious web applications.Ember has always focused on building the best framework that people with different levels of skill can use together to build web applications. Octane updates Ember's components and reactivity system to make them more modern, easier to use, and just more fun.The Ember Project Recommends OctaneAs of Ember 3.15, the Ember project recommends Octane for new applications and addons. If you create a new app using ember new with 3.15 or later, you will get a new Octane application.Octane is More FunThe Ember Octane edition is, first and foremost, about making it easier and more fun to build Ember applications.The centerpiece of Octane's ergonomic improvements a
Octane is coming in v3.14
Ember.js Blog
Update: The timeline has changed since the initial publishing of this post, and Octane is not 3.14.See the Octane Release Update for the latest news.The Ember community is wrapping up the work for Octane, and we expect to get it over the finish line in time for v3.14!Ember Octane describes a set of new features that, when taken together, represent a foundational improvement to the way you use Ember. It has modern, streamlined components and state management that make it fun to build web applications. With seamless interoperability for existing apps, teams can migrate at their own pace, while developers building new apps start out with the best that Ember has to offer.This article will cover the release plan and how your team can prepare.Release planThe next release of Ember is 3.12, which is an LTS (long term support) candidate. Check out the release blog posts to learn which of Octane's features are already available in stable releases like this one.Ember 3.13 will be feature-complete
Octane Release Update
Ember.js Blog
The short version: We're still learning from the community as they adopt Octane,and won't be recommending Octane as the default Ember mode in the Ember's 3.14release. You can continue to opt-in to Octane in Ember 3.14, and the developerexperience of doing so is continuing to improve.Octane Feedback has been positiveEmber developers have been able to opt-in to Octane since Ember 3.13. By theirown estimation, some developers have been shipping Octane apps toproduction!This has, as expected, resulted in substantial feedback from the community.The feedback about the new programming model has largely been positive.Not anew app, but @intercom has beenincrementally moving to Octane for the past few months. As of this week,we're running Glimmer components in production. I spent this week pairingwith lots of colleagues, most coming from @reactjs. There isuniversal excitement with Octane!— Gavin Joyce (@gavinjoyce) October5, 2019PolishEmber 3.13 is feature-complete for Octane in the core framewo
Organizing Our Contributors
Ember.js Blog
Open source project management is different than inside a typical software company. It's an example of the purest form of leadership: you’re getting a bunch of peers all moving in the same direction, despite no formal hierarchy or authority structure. It comes down to building consensus, persuasion, and setting the right examples.The Ember Core Team was formed in 2011 because even decentralized open source communities need leadership and shared direction. As our community and core contributor group grew, there was too much going on to keep all the work under the direct attention of the Core Team. And so multiple other teams emerged organically; first the Ember CLI team and Ember Data, and later the Learning team.The work that all these teams do is equally important. But the historical accident of Ember Core being the first team left Ember Core with numerous varied jobs. It became the coordination point for both technical leadership and overall community support.As often happens, the wa
Plain Old Functions as Helpers
Ember.js Blog
Ember 4.5 introduced a long-awaited feature: the ability to use normal JavaScript functions as helpers.Today, this means two things:You can use (bound) methods on your backing class as helpers directly.You can define function-based helpers without importing and using helper().In the future, it will also work extra nicely with the upcoming <template> feature!Let's see what each of those looks like.Using methods as helpersEmber developers have often wanted to be able to call methods on a backing class as helpers. This often comes up in an {{#each}} loop where you want to calculate some value using state in the backing class for each item. You could work around this by introducing some other intermediate object via a getter, or by extracting a helper you could call with the state and the item from the loop… but now you can call a method exactly like you would in JS code!Here's a simplified example with a component which can choose to hide items from a list passed in.Backing class:import C
Requiring two-factor authentication on our GitHub organizations
Ember.js Blog
As of today, we are requiring all members of Ember GitHub organizations to have two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled.The following are the relevant organizations:Ember.jsember-cliGlimmer.jsember-dataEmber Learning Teamember-enginesEmber FastBootOnly members of these organizations--those with potential write access--are required to have 2FA enabled. It is NOT required to open an issue, make a PR, or otherwise interact with the organizations on GitHub. However, we strongly recommend enabling 2FA, especially for any account with write access to public repos.When we enabled this requirement any members without 2FA enabled were automatically removed from the above organizations. If you were removed from one of those organizations today, please enable 2FA and contact katie in the community slack or your favorite organization admin to be re-invited. We have formalized this policy after self-auditing our security policies in the wake of yesterday's npm incident. Because developers trust Emb
The Transition to Ember 2.0 in Detail
Ember.js Blog
As we approach the eve of the release of Ember 1.13-beta, it's a goodtime to talk about the transition plan for those of us who have Ember1.11 and 1.12 applications.The high level:Ember 1.13-beta.1 will be released early this week. It will come with thenew Glimmer engine and a series of new deprecations, preparing forcruft removal in Ember 2.0.Ember 1.13 will ship with support for angle bracket components,which also serve as the opt-in for one-way data flow and the entiretyof the other React-inspired programming model improvements.We will continue to fix regressions caused by the Glimmer enginethroughout the 1.13 beta cycle.We plan to release Ember 2.0-beta.1 on June 12, as announced atEmberConf.We will release a point release of Ember 1.13 (likely 1.13.1)together with the release of Ember 2.0. This release will continueto fix regressions caused by the Glimmer engine, and help smooth thetransition to Ember 2.0.We will likely release additional point releases of Ember 1.13 tohelp addres
Security and Bugfix Releases - Ember 1.10.1, 1.11.2, 1.11.3
Ember.js Blog
Because developers trust Ember.js to handle sensitive customer data inproduction, we take the security of the project extremely seriously. Emberremains one of the few JavaScript projects that has a clearlyoutlined security policy and alow-traffic mailing list exclusively for securityannouncements.Security Releases: Ember.js 1.10.1, 1.11.2Today we are announcing the release of Ember.js 1.10.1 and 1.11.2, whichcontain an important security fix.1.10.1 -- Compare View1.11.2 -- Compare ViewAdditionally the stable, beta, and master branches have all been patchedThese releases contain a fix for an XSS vulnerability thatyou can learn more about on our security mailing list:CVE-2015-1866It is recommended that you update immediately. In order to easeupgrading, the only change in each release is the security fix.We would like to thank Phillip Haines of Zestiafor working with us on identifying the issue and on the advisory process.If you discover what you believe may be a security issue in Ember.j
Security Incident - AWS S3 Access Key Exposure
Ember.js Blog
On November 29th, 2016, the Ember security team was notified that version 2.11.0-beta.1 of the ember-source npm package inadvertently included a file that contained an AWS access key. This access key had permissions for full read/write access to the Ember S3 buckets.These buckets are used to distribute pre-built versions of Ember.js and related libraries and host other static content:Ember.js via builds.emberjs.comEmber Data via builds.emberjs.comBackburner.js via builds.emberjs.comHandlebars.js via builds.handlebarsjs.com.s3.amazonaws.comRSVP.js via rsvpjs-builds.s3.amazonaws.comRouter.js via routerjs.builds.emberjs.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.comEmber guides and API documentationWhile the vast majority of Ember users retrieve new releases from Bower or npm, the builds on S3 are frequently used with online tools like JSBin and Ember Twiddle or anywhere it is more convenient to add a <script> tag.After performing a full audit, we concluded that the key was not accessed during th
Security Releases - Ember 1.11.4, 1.12.2, 1.13.12, 2.0.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.1
Ember.js Blog
Because developers trust Ember.js to handle sensitive customer data inproduction, we take the security of the project seriously. The Emberproject maintains a clearly outlined security policy and alow-traffic mailing list exclusively for securityannouncements.Security Releases: Ember.js 1.11.4, 1.12.2, 1.13.12, 2.0.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.1Today we are announcing the release of Ember.js 1.11.4, 1.12.2, 1.13.12,2.0.3, 2.1.2 and 2.2.1, which contain an important security fix.1.11.4 -- Compare View1.12.2 -- Compare View1.13.12 -- Compare View2.0.3 -- Compare View2.1.2 -- Compare View2.2.1 -- Compare ViewAdditionally, the stable, beta and master branches have been patched.These releases contain a fix for an XSS vulnerability that you can learnmore about on our security mailing list:CVE-2015-7565It is recommended that you update immediately. In order to easeupgrading, the only change in each release is the security fix.We would like to thank Roman Shafigullin at LinkedIn for reporting theissue, as wel
Stabilizing Ember Data
Ember.js Blog
Yesterday, we gave you an update on our progress making Ember.js easierto use. One thing we didn't discuss was our plan for Ember Data.It's no secret that, while many developers are building awesome appswith Ember.js, Ember Data still causes lots of frustration due to bugsand a changing, complex API. Documentation about it is also mixed inwith Ember.js documentation, making it difficult for new developers tounderstand what is stable and what is not.To be clear, Ember Data is not a dependency of Ember.js.Discourse, for example, usesits own wrapper around$.ajax.Even though Ember Data is not a dependency of Ember.js, loading datafrom the server is an extremely important part of most web applications,and it's a problem that every Ember.js application will have to dealwith.Our long-term goal is as follows: we don't think most web developers shouldhave to write any custom XHR code for loading data. Strong conventionson the client and strong conventions on the server should allow them tocommu
Stable TypeScript Types in Ember 5.1
Ember.js Blog
The headlining feature of Ember 5.1 is stable TypeScript support! 🎉 The framework now publishes TypeScript types built from Ember's own source code, with Ember's strong Semantic Versioning commitment baked in—bringing benefits for both TypeScript and JavaScript users. This dedicated blog post walks through all the details.Getting startedJavaScriptTypeScriptCaveatsStabilityMigration GuideFrom the preview typesFrom DefinitelyTypedBackgroundOnwardGetting startedBoth JavaScript and TypeScript developers can benefit from using these new type definitions. If you are JavaScript developer, this will make automatic imports, in-editor framework documentation, and other features work much better for you in your Ember app or addon. If you are a TypeScript user, you will get all of those benefits as well as the strong type safety guarantees and refactoring capabilities you are used to.JavaScriptIn your app/app.js, add this single doc comment to the bottom of the file:/** * @typedef {import('ember-...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 100
Ember.js Blog
Happy 🎉 100th 🥳 Ember Times, Emberistas! 🐹This week:how to conditionally wrap components 💝,check out the Ember Sinon 4.0.0 release 💯,Ember CLI Mirage 1.0.0 release 🎉,Ember File Upload 2.7.0 release 🆙,ES6 Class Syntax Codemod 🤖,and last, but not least,mythical null and error handling with True Myth 3.0 🔮!Conditionally Wrapping Components with Ember.js 💝Last year, we learned how to yield an Ember component in multiple places.This month, @baroquon shares step-by-step instructions on how to extend this work so that we can conditionally wrap components.The best news? With angle bracket syntax, we can dramatically simplify our template! 💯Find out how today!Ember Sinon 4.0.0 Release! 💯Ember Sinon, an Ember CLI addon adding support for Sinon.JS, released a breaking change in version 4.0.0 which includes the latest Sinon.JS release – Sinon 7.3.2, EmberJS 3.10, and drops Node 6 support to match the latest Ember CLI blueprints.Sinon.JS provides standalone test spies, stubs, and mocks ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 101
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹This week:put your thoughts to paper for the #EmberJS2019 Roadmap RFC 🛣🗺,a new addition to the Learning Team 👏,a sneak preview of ember-query-params-service ❓,and a retro of 💯 Ember Times. 🎉#EmberJS2019 🛣🗺Blog posts wanted! 🚨 We would like you to write a blog post to propose goals and direction for Ember for the next year. The content of these posts will help the Core Team to draft their next Roadmap RFC. Don't have a blog? #EmberJS2019 tweets or GitHub Gists are a-ok! Please share your posts by Monday, June 17th.Read the Roadmap RFCLooking to see what's already out there? Posts are being gathered at this community repo - thanks @abhilashlr! We wanted to share some highlights with you from posts we've read this week.@ijlee2 wants Ember to Build a Larger Community.Our community, while truly amazing and supportive, is yet small. To flourish, we need support from developers who don’t work with Ember daily. These developers may professionally work with React, Angul...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 102
Ember.js Blog
добры дзень Emberistas! 🐹This week: more #EmberJS2019 posts wanted! ✏️, RFC for an alternative to Controllers 🎛, and tips for adding TypeScript 🌟!More #EmberJS2019 Posts Wanted! ✏️Don't forget. This Monday, June 17th is the deadline for your #EmberJS2019 post to be a part of Roadmap RFC! Please write a blog post, GitHub Gist, or tweet, then share it with [email protected] and Discord community. 🧡Read the Roadmap RFCFor ideas and inspiration, you can check out all #EmberJS2019 posts at our community repo. If time's not on your side, feel free to write and share your post even after the deadline.Here are the highlights from this week's posts:@Turbo87 focused on Ember being able to support existing technologies:@yarnpkg PnP is a fantastic way to reclaim some/a lot of disk space. I started some work last year to support it in Ember CLI, but couldn't finish it in time. We should revisit this!@efx shared thoughts on existing posts.I think we should treat learning as important as the te...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 103
Ember.js Blog
हॅलो Emberistas! 🐹This week:submit to the Ember Camp Chicago CfP 🌭,celebration of 55 posts for #EmberJS2019 🎉,unravel the mystery of Ember testing syntax 💡,examine alternatives to the input helper 🤔,watch the Visual Regression Testing Made Easy talk video 📺,more expressive dependency injection ⬅️,and clean out unused components from your 🐹 app!EmberCamp Chicago on September 16th! 🌭The EmberCamp Chicago CfP is open until June 30th. If you are interested in doing a talk, mini-talk, activity, workshop, or keynote, please submit soon!Tickets are on sale now, with an Early Bird sale of $99 until July 8! If you want to receive announcements about EmberCamp, sign up on embercamp.com.Also, last year's sessions have all been published as a playlist. If you only want to see Trek's awesome intros, there's a separate playlist for that. 🥁Thank You for Participating in #EmberJS2019! 🎉Over the last few weeks, we saw 55 blog posts, GitHub Gists, and tweets that described how Ember can contin...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 104
Ember.js Blog
Halò Emberistas! 🐹This week is all about Embroider:Readers' Questions: What is Embroider? 🤔,live Embroider Demo by Edward Faulkner 🖥️, and anRFC for Embroider v2 Addon Format 💬. Also, help out in the Prettier Glimmer Quest Issue 🎀✨!Readers' Questions: What is Embroider?In this week's brand new Readers’ Question it's all about Embroider: What is it about and should you use it in your Ember app?In her write-up @jessica-jordan will give a high-level overview of the motivation for the project, its benefits and where to learn more about it. Read the full answer on the offical Ember forum.Read moreSubmit your own short and sweet question under bit.ly/ask-ember-core. And don’t worry, there are no silly questions, we appreciate them all - promise! 🤞Live Embroider Demo by Edward Faulkner 🖥️You might be wondering next, how do I start using Embroider in my app? How exactly do Embroider options affect my build? 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️At EmberATX, Edward Faulkner showed how you can build the familiar Sup...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 105
Ember.js Blog
Hoi Emberistas! 🐹This week:help design the Ember skill tree 🌱,observers going async ⏱,RFC to support populating head tag ⛑️,RFC to add load hook to Route 🎣,an update on Ember Inspector 🕵️‍♀️,submit your EmberFest 2019 talk today 🎤, and anEmberWeekend episode featuring Luke Melia 🔈!Help Design the Ember Skill Tree 🌱Recall your first day as an Ember developer (or mentor). Did you feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things that you felt you needed to learn (teach)?What skills do I need to learn now? 😕What skills do I learn next? 🤯What resources are available to me? 🥺Enter Ember skill tree. It helps you visualize important skills and the steps to acquire them. It aligns with the Ember guides too.The only problem? The tree doesn't exist yet.@gossi and the Ember Learning Team would like your help with creating the Ember skill tree. We encourage you to participate today! Please share your experiences of learning and teaching Ember. 💞RFC to Add load Hook to Route 🎣A new RFC has...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 106
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹This week: find out how Ember Data has been repackaged in 3.11 📦,a tutorial to learn how to build an Ember Octane PWA from scratch 👨‍💻,see EmberJS powered blogging in action at DublinJS 🎥,checkout updated Ember Igniter articles 🔥,and last, but not least, an exclusive "I contribute to Ember" interview with @st-h 🎙!Ember Data Repackaged in 3.11 📦Starting with Ember 3.11, Ember Data will be shipped as a collection of small packages under the namespace @ember-data. This helps you import only the packages that you need, identify the API that you can replace, and know where to start if you want to contribute to Ember Data. 🎉Say hello to the new import syntax:import Model, { attr, belongsTo, hasMany } from '@ember-data/model';Previous styles of import will be deprecated in a future release. Don't worry. Before that happens, a codemod and lint rules will be available to help you migrate your code.We encourage you to learn today about Ember Data packages in 3.11 and the...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 107
Ember.js Blog
What's happening, Emberistas? 🐹This week:read the new RFC on Deprecation Removal Policies 📋,Ember 3.11 is out! 🚀flexible imports with Ember Auto Import ⏬,learn how to make an Electron app with Ember 🖥️,and last, but not least, improving your DX on Ember 💯!RFC: Major Version Release for All Deprecation Removal 📋An RFC was proposed by @kerrick to have a major version release for all deprecation removals. The main issue revolves around the Intimate API policy which can catch some developers off guard when upgrading Ember versions.Certain private APIs are considered "Intimate API" because there are addons and consumers who use them despite being private. We sometimes have issues when deprecating these private APIs. This is because not all private APIs would warrant a deprecation warning (and therefore a major version change). The RFC proposes to have a major version release for all deprecation removals.Read, comment, and discuss the full RFC on GitHub!Ember 3.11 is Out 🚀A lot of coo...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 108
Ember.js Blog
🤙 Emberistas! 🐹This week:learn how to use Sentry to track production errors 📈,get your new hires off to the best start 📚,learn about the newest – and hopefully last! – way to handle events in Ember with the {{on}} Modifier 🔛,a cheat sheet for modern Ember components ✨, and last, but not least,find out how to create static sites with Prember and Ember Data 🔥!Sentry Error Reporting for Ember.js 📈Sentry is an open-source error tracking tool that helps you monitor and fix production errors in your Ember app. In 2018, Sentry announced a new SDK for browsers, called @sentry/browser.To help you get started, @Turbo87 published a blog post. 🧡 In particular, you can learn how to:migrate from ember-cli-sentry addon to the official @sentry/browserreport messages and exceptions to Sentry at willfilter out errors that aren't criticaladd metadata to errorsWe encourage you to deliver high-quality Ember apps today!How to Hire and Train Developers when You Don’t Use React 📚@jenweber wrote an aw...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 109
Ember.js Blog
🙌 Emberistas!Read the newly published Ember 2019-2020 Roadmap RFC 🐹,tune in to learn about GraphQL and Ember 👨‍💻,join EmberCamp Chicago (Sept 16th) 🍕,learn why you shouldn't use observers 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️,small things matter ✏️,and Super Rentals tutorial in Octane 🚀!Ember 2019-2020 Roadmap RFC 🐹@tomdale posted the first draft of the Ember 2019-2020 Roadmap RFC. This document is a distillation of multiple sources ranging from the blogs from the Call For Blog Posts, the Community Survey, discussions on Discord, Twitter, Ember Discuss, and more!The high level goals for 2019-2020 are:Reducing the size and conceptual complexity of Ember.Improving ease of adoption.This will be done by continuing to simplify Ember, modernizing our build system, enabling better accessibility (a11y) by default, and optimizing for growth by sharing how Ember Octane is modern, productive, and fun.Check out the full RFC on GitHub!Tune in for This.JavaScript: GraphQL👨‍💻Mark your calendars! In partnership with Ha...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 110
Ember.js Blog
Aloha Emberistas! 🐹This week:{{on}} & {{fn}} in Octane Guides 🔥,Foreign Key Attrs Blog Post 🔑,watch This.JavaScript: State of Frameworks on Tuesday 📜,build JAMstack websites with Empress 🍓,versioned Ember API links added to the Guides 🔢,and last, but not least,an Update for Co-Located Templates in the Guides ☝️!{{on}} & {{fn}} in Octane Guides 🔥Many thanks 👏 to @NullVoxPopuli and all the other contributors that worked on the awesome PR updating the preview of the Ember Octane Guides section dealing with @action, the {{on}} modifier & {{fn}} helper!These updates to the Guides relate to event handling, binding of context and partial application of functions, and affect the way that actions are used in Ember Octane.Check out the PR here. For more context, see the blog post from @pzuraq.Foreign Key Attrs Blog Post 🔑Ever have issues handling foreign key attributes in Ember Data?Check out the clear and concise blog post by @skaterdav85 that continues his work on Ember Data.The post ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 111
Ember.js Blog
Здраво Emberistas! 🐹This week:learn how to write async-aware tests 🕰️,there's a new Zoey on the block 📷,outer HTML semantics on the Crash Log Podcast 🎙,and last, but not least,the release of Ember Table 2.0 🎉!Settle Down; Ember's Test Framework Has Your Async Covered 🕰️"The Ember community has spent a lot of time thinking about how to make your tests easy to write, dependable, and most importantly, async aware." It's easy in Ember to ensure that your synchronous tests wait for asynchronous actions to complete. 💎@scalvert gives a great overview of how the settled helper plays a pivotal role. Thanks to settled, the test helpers that we use every day⁠—render, click, visit, and triggerEvent⁠—know when async operations have completed. We can also use settled directly to complete an async operation that @ember/test-helpers doesn't manage.The author also covers 2 additional tools that help us write async-aware tests:ember-test-waiters, to mark the start and end of an async operation th...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 112
Ember.js Blog
Gi suilon Emberistas! 🐹This week:announcing the official Ember Octane release plan 🏎🐹,watch talks from the first Chennai EmberJS Meetup 🇮🇳,read up on fun state management using Microstates 💡,get your tickets to EmberCamp Chicago 🍕,and last, but not least,help improve the EmberArray documentation 👩‍💻👨‍💻!Ember Octane Is Coming 🏎🐹The time has come: Ember Octane is coming to your Ember application very soon!As recently announced in the official Ember Octane release plan, the very first edition of Ember is going to be released at the same time as the planned release date of Ember v3.14.But what does it mean? By the time Ember 3.14 is published, the framework will include all Octane-related features and enable them by default. Additionally, the "Octane way" will be the primary and recommended way to build Ember apps. This will also be reflected in Ember's official documentation (API Docs and Guides) and migration tools.Wanna learn more about what is going to happen between now a...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 113
Ember.js Blog
Tach Emberistas! 🐹This week:brand new content in the Ember Guides 🤓,use Ember Engines and Yarn Workspaces to maximize happiness 🤗,add visual regression testing to your Ember app using ember-backstop 🧪,and last, but not least,learn how Ember is organised and thrives 🌺!Check Out New Content in the Official Ember Guides 🐹🤓The most popular learning resource for early and advanced Ember developers,the Guides, is waiting up for you with some brand new content!The Guides now features a new section entirely dedicated to accessibility. It teaches you how to create your own accessibility strategy for your application, and how to implement keyboard accessible, screenreader accessible and overall barrier-free user interfaces with Ember. If you haven't done so, be sure to check it out today and leave either feedback or support for improving this section in the #topic-a11y channel on the Ember Discord- and thanks to @melsumner for working on it!Additionally, a soon-to-be-released version of t...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 114
Ember.js Blog
Hiya Emberistas! 🐹 This week:read the Octane Update for the Modern Ember Tutorial 🎁,participate in the discussion of deprecating eventing 💬,join the crowd at EmberFest 2019 🐹🎉,and suggest ideas for the upcoming Ember Octane issue ✍️!Ember Octane Update for Modern Ember Tutorial 🎁@CodingItWrong updated his Modern Ember tutorial to use octane-app-blueprint.This tutorial provides an intro to:Angle bracket syntax for componentsEasy ES6 imports of NPM modulesDecorators for clear and expressive component implementationsTracked properties to automatically rerender components and recompute derived dataand Co-locating component templates and classes for easy developmentTry out Ember Octane today which @CodingItWrong calls the “simplest, most straightforward, most productive frontend framework!”Emberistas from Europe and Beyond: Get Ready for EmberFest 2019 🐹🎉If you're using Ember, you're based in Europe or you're planning your next trip there soon, be sure to mark October 17th and 18th ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 115
Ember.js Blog
👋 Embereños! This week: Meet @model for route templates 🆕,share your thoughts on Apple Music being an Ember app 🍎,contribute to Octanify allthethings 📝,a designer's & developer's story of transitioning to Ember ⚛️➡️🐹,and celebrate the 4.0 release of Ember Sinon QUnit 🎉!Meet @model for Route Templates 🆕Starting with Ember Octane (3.14), you can use a named argument, @model, in the route template to refer to your data from the model() hook. The Ember Octane Guides have been updated to show uses of @model.<h2>List of Scientists</h2><ul> {{#each @model as |scientist|}} <li>{{scientist}}</li> {{/each}}</ul>@model was introduced to help new developers quickly learn templates. By avoiding this.model, they would not need to understand another concept—the controller—to build their first Octane app. By using a named argument, we can also reinforce the idea that @ is used to denote things that are "passed as arguments" to the template.You can try out @model now on canary, or wait for 3.14 ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 116
Ember.js Blog
🏄‍♂️ Emberistas! 🐹Check out the new Octane Super Rentals Tutorial 🚀,the 1st EmberJS Meetup in Nizhny 🥳,and an Ember Times exclusive "I contribute to Ember" interview 📝 with Michelle Santarsiero!Octane Super Rentals Tutorial 🚀Godfrey Chan @chancancode and Vaidehi Joshi @vaidehijoshi did some great work writing new tutorial content for Octane. You can now preview the revamped Super Rentals tutorial in the Octane guides.What’s more amazing about this Super Rentals tutorial is that it is automatically generated. It runs the commands from markdown files and edits the files the same way that the reader would. It even captures the output and screenshots for the published tutorial. This way, if any steps stopped working due to a change in Ember itself, we would know right away from a CI failure.If you are looking to contribute, or if you have any feedback on the content, check out the super-rentals-tutorial repo on GitHub!The Inaugural EmberJS Nizhny Novgorod Meetup 🥳Recently, the Ember...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 117
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Celebrate the release of Ember 3.13 (Octane Preview) 🎉,Adopted Ember Addons welcomes ember-sortable 🐣,learn about what happened at EmberCamp 2019 🐹🏕,read the updates to the Ember Octane Guides 🚀, andcheck out the latest feature for Ember SVG Jar 📇!Celebrate the Release of Ember 3.13 (Octane Preview) 🎉Ember Octane (3.14) is arriving soon! Today, in 3.13, you can try out all stable features of Octane, including 5 new features:Tracked properties (@tracked)Component co-location (part 1)component-class generatorBuild-time detection of edition for addon authorsupdateComponent hook for addon authorsIn addition, version 3.12 of Ember has now been promoted to LTS (Long Term Support). An LTS version of Ember will receive security updates for 9 release cycles (54 weeks) and bugfixes for 6 cycles (36 weeks).We encourage you to learn more about the new features and migration path to 3.13 by checking out the official announcement. We'd also appreciate your help with completin...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 118
Ember.js Blog
Happy fall 🍂, Emberistas! 🐹This week:Podcast: The New Ember with Mike North 🎙️,listen to 2 podcast episodes with Leah Silber 🎧,celebrate Ember Madrid on stage at Codemotion 2019 🇪🇸,EmberMap 🎥 on animating across routes with Ember Animated ✨,ember-cli-typescript 3.0.0 release 💚, andwatch EmberCamp 2019 🍿🎥!Podcast: The New Ember with Mike North 🎙️A recent JavaScript Jabber podcast had Mike North @mike-north discussing the “New Ember” and how it is a lot more approachable now. This “New Ember”, or Ember Octane, brings Ember from having the steepest learning curve of the popular JavaScript frameworks to hardly having to learn anything at all.Mike also talks about how Ember provides stability for developers using them by having a long track record for providing tools and education to make the upgrade seamless and even have old components living next to brand new ones with updated syntax. As a testament to this, Mike mentions that his original Frontend Masters course – Intro to Em...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 119
Ember.js Blog
✌️ Emberistas! 🐹Read the blog post on handling Promises and UI states with Ember.js 🔄,learn how Ember has helped Intercom evolve since 2014 📖,a mutable future with Ember Octane 🐹🏎,and Ember and GraphQL: a quick example 📹.Promises and UI States in Ember.js 🔄Sabin Hertanu @herzzanu wrote a blog post on handling promises and UI states with Ember. Examples of this range from providing loading states when sending a post request to enabling complicated behaviour such as a backoff period before being able to interact with the UI again.The idea was to write promise-based operations as generator functions using the provided ember-concurrency APIs.Read the full blog post for more details!Ember and GraphQL: A Quick Example 📹Watch an introduction to using GraphQL with Ember.js in Rocky Neurock @jneurock's new video! The YouTube video ⚡️quickly ⚡️ demonstrates how to get up and running with Ember.js, GraphQL, Apollo and EmberCLI Mirage.If you've been interested in learning how to set up an ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 120
Ember.js Blog
🏄‍♀️ Emberistas! 🐹Ember Bootstrap 3.0.0 released 🎉,dive into Octane features with EmberMap 📚,learn about ember-engines 📝 ,help wanted for Ember Octane linting rules 🤖,and greetings from the Ember Times team at Emberfest! 🐹🎉Ember Bootstrap 3.0.0 Released 🎉Just a few days ago, Ember Bootstrap 3.0.0 was released. Ember Bootstrap brings the Bootstrap library to Ember without requiring any of the Bootstrap JavaScript. Instead, it rebuilds the dynamic features of Bootstrap with native Ember Components.The UI library enters the Octane-era with this new major version: It introduces full support of angle bracket component invocation syntax and an updated documentation. All components have been refactored to native classes.Ember Bootstrap v3 drops support for some very old versions of Ember, but still supports 2.18+ to ease the migration path. The commitment to backwards compatibility introduced some technical challenges because Ember 2.18 isn't supported by native class polyfill.In add...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 121
Ember.js Blog
Hallöchen Emberistas! 🐹The EmberConf 2020 CFP is now open! 🗣️Watch Gavin rewrite an Ember 1.5 app in Octane 🥁and get started with Glimmer Components ✨!EmberConf 2020 CFP Now Open! 🗣️Next year’s EmberConf, which is going to be held in Portland, Oregon, USA from March 16 to 18, 2020, has opened its CFP (call for papers) for submission!You can submit either a 15 or 30 minute conference talk, a workshop, a 30 minute BonusConf talk, or a 5 minute MiniTalk proposal. Remember the first several rounds of reviews in the CFP are anonymous, so please refrain from including biographical information in your talk abstract or details.The deadline to submit your talk is December 1st at 11:59pm PST. EmberConf is intended to be an inclusive, welcoming conference for everyone. You can learn more about inclusiveness and diversity efforts at the EmberConf website.Submit your talk on the CFP app today!Ember Octane Livestream: Build a Drum Machine 🥁If you haven't yet, we encourage you to watch Gavin Joy...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 122
Ember.js Blog
हॅलो Emberistas! 🐹An important announcement about the Octane release 📝,release of qunit-assertions-extra 🎉,fine-tune validations with Ember Model Validator 3.10 🔍,better builds for the Guides 🏗,and the Ember Simple Auth 2.0.0 release 🛳!Octane Release Update 📝Yesterday, the Ember team announced that the upcoming 3.14 release will not include Octane as the default mode.While several developers are successfully using Octane in production already, a few key ingredients are missing in order to make Octane a success story for everyone. The remaining tasks are:Make removal of jQuery optional to help with your migration (completed in 3.14 ✅)Finish updating Ember Inspector to support Glimmer componentsDocument the Octane programming model in the Ember GuidesWhat will this announcement mean for you?If you tried out Octane in Ember 3.13, please keep on using it. The features that make up Octane are stable and backed by semantic versioning.If you were waiting for Ember 3.14 to try out Octan...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 123
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹This week: join the EmberConf CFP Brainstorm 🧠⛈️, use Ember Add Listener Helper to pub/sub with confidence 📣, watch EmberFest from the comfort of your home cinema 🎬, and an update on getting Ember API Docs Ready for Octane 📖!EmberConf CFP Brainstorm 🧠⛈️This coming November 14, 2019 at 10:00am PT the annual Ember CFP Brainstorm is happening over BlueJeans!The session will go through the content of next year’s EmberConf which is happening between March 16-18, 2020. We'll chat about the CFP, the topics we hope to see, and answer community questions about ideas and proposals. The EmberConf 2020 CFP closes on Dec 1, 2019.Sign up for a reminder on the EmberConf CFP Brainstorm website!Ember Add Listener Helper Released! 📣Thanks to Ben Demboski (@bendemboski), you can use Ember Add Listener Helper to pub/sub with confidence! Both classic and Glimmer components will listen to and unsubscribe from events as needed.You can learn more how to use the addon from the README and...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 124
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹This week: 400 Releases on the Ember.js Repo 🎉, share your thoughts for RFCs #549 and #554 💬, learn how to use telemetry helpers to power up your codemods 📡, release of Octane Super Rentals Tutorial Part 2 🚀, enjoy the new and shiny Ember-powered Apple TV 🍏📺, and check out a new accessibility-focused ember-bootstrap release ✨!400 Releases on the Ember.js Repo 🎉The ember.js repo hit 400 releases on GitHub this week! We’ve had over 770 contributors between May 2011 to November 2019. A big thank you ❤️ to the numerous efforts of all all these community members!RFC #549: Ember Dev for Other Platforms 💬Adam Baker (@bakerac4) has proposed the need to better advertise Ember as a cross-platform solution: Use 1 framework to create web, mobile, and desktop apps! The possibility of marketing Ember as cross-platform exists already, thanks to projects like Corber and Glimmer Native.How can we market Ember as cross-platform and support developing for other platforms? Be sure...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 125
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Check out the Ember 3.14 release 🐹✨,"I Contribute to Ember" with Ryan Mark 👨‍💻,submit your EmberConf 2020 proposal today 🎤,VS Code Plugins for Octane 🤖,beta releases for Ember Basic Dropdown and Ember Power Select ⭐,listen to a new episode of Ember Weekend 🎧,and a brand-new Readers' Question about the future of DDAU 🤓!Ember 3.14 is Out! 🐹✨The latest release of Ember is out! Ember 3.14 brings many new features, bug fixes and improvements for the Ember.js library, Ember Data and Ember CLI.The release includes performance improvements for fetching relationships via links and the new @model syntax in Route templates as described in Request for Comments (RFC) No. 523, among other updates. Additionally, the Octane Preview continues in the latest version of Ember - allowing you to try out Ember Octane in your app today!Learn all about the new and shiny Ember 3.14 release and how to opt-in into Octane by reading the official release announcement."I contribute to Ember"...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 126
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹More Improvements Coming to Ember Inspector Soon 🚀,represent Ember in the State of JavaScript 2019 survey 📃,give thanks to Octane Guides contributors 🙏,Ember got more real with RealWorld 🌟,the EmberConf CfP closing on Dec 1st 📆,and Ember + Tailwind CSS tips and tricks 🎨!More Improvements Coming to Ember Inspector Soon 🚀A huge shoutout and thank you are owed to Godfrey Chan (@chancancode) and Robert Wagner (@rwwagner90), the maintainers of the Ember Inspector, and everyone else involved for all their amazing work in getting the new and improved Ember Inspector ready for Octane! 🔥🔥🔥With the release of Octane coming it is welcomed news that Octane's Glimmer components work in Ember Inspector now, in both the component tree and the object inspector. Other improvements include revamping the component hover inspection tool to match Chrome's inspection style, many bug fixes and a complete rewrite of the component tree logic that is more future proof.Godfrey Chan (@c...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 127
Ember.js Blog
Happy DecEmber Emberistas! 🐹"I contribute to Ember" with Ben Demboski" 👨‍💻,become an Ember author in DecEmber ✍️🎄,a reminder to help test the new Inspector 🔬,release v3.0.0 of ember-test-selectors 🎉,and try out Ember Electron v3 beta today 🖥️!"I contribute to Ember" with Ben Demboski 👨‍💻In our fourteenth edition of our contributor interview series, community member Ben Demboski (@bendemboski) talks about his work on ember-electron.We’d like to thank Ben for his contributions to the Ember community, and for all of his help keeping ember-electron up and running!Check out the full interview on the Ember Discuss forum.Read moreThe idea behind these interviews is to provide community members with more information and insight into open source contributions, learning resources and community events. Contributors to the community gain a platform to share their thoughts on their own experiences and learnings as they were contributing to Ember. Our hope is that it gives first-time and ad...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 128
Ember.js Blog
Happy Friday the 13th 👻, Emberistas! 🐹Updates for the Octane/Classic Ember Cheat Sheet 🎮,check out the new accessible controls for ember-sortable 🎛️,introduce adaptive loading to your app with Ember Device 📶,a new testing codemod from Freshworks 🎉,and more DecEmber 📆 updates!New Release of the Octane vs Classic Cheat Sheet 🎮Ember's first edition, Ember Octane, is around the corner. And did you already know that you can find all the cheat codes you will ever need to move classic Ember apps to Octane ones in this official cheat sheet? It compares many of the APIs, patterns and best practices that you might already be familiar with from the classic Ember world to the new paradigms used in Octane applications.In the past weeks plenty of community members worked on getting the cheat sheet ready for the upcoming launch of Ember Octane. Recently, they added information on how the Data Down, Actions Up pattern compares between classic and Octane apps, template co-location, how to migra...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 129
Ember.js Blog
Happy Holidays, Emberistas! 🐹🌲⛄️Ember Octane is here 🐹🎉,new ember-autofocus-modifier 💡,3 new RFCs for template helpers 3️⃣,ember-apollo-client v2 released 🎉and join us for the last 11 days of DecEmber 1️⃣1️⃣!Octane Is Here 🎉Ember 3.15 was released this week. In addition to the usual new features, improvements and bug fixes, this release also marks the official release of Ember's first edition - Ember Octane!But what is Ember Octane? Ember Octane is the new, recommended way for developers to build Ember applications and addons.Octane features a new reactivity model, a renewed practice of building components and a stronger focus on HTML driven web development than ever before. It aims to make the development of performant Ember apps not only more easy and productive, but also more fun right from the start. And on top of that, Ember Octane is fully opt-in and interoperable for existing Ember apps - which means you can try out the new way of building modern Ember Octane apps gradual...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 130
Ember.js Blog
Happy New Year, Emberistas! 🐹This week, we have an Ember Octane Special Edition for you!We've collected as much info as possible about this new Ember edition. So throughout this post, you will find useful information to help you get the most out of Ember Octane.Octane is modern Ember, and I’m psyched that we got it over the finish line. Have fun building apps! ~ Yehuda Katz (@wycats)This week: What is the Octane Edition? 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️,where can I learn more 🤓,how to migrate to Octane 🐹🏗️,community feedback from Outdoorsy 👏,conquer Octane with Ember Atlas 🗺🌍,and Octane at EmberConf 2020 📢!What is the Octane Edition? 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️Ember Octane introduces the idea of editions. Let's look at what an edition means in Ember and what features you can find in the Octane edition.What is an Edition?In Ember, an edition represents a cohesive programming model and can focus on a particular theme. For example, the Octane edition is focused on productivity and performance!Having editions helps you ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 131
Ember.js Blog
Привет, Эмберисты! Hello, Emberistas! 🐹Help improve Ember's autotracking and reactivity system 💬, read the new test waiters RFC ⏳, optimize your app with Ember Data 📈, the Russian Ember community 🇷🇺, and learn about powerful debugging at EmberConf 💻!4 RFCs on improving Ember's autotracking and reactivity system 💬Ember Octane features a new reactivity system thanks to tracked properties. They simplify syncing the DOM with JavaScript changes. Find out how autotracking works from the Ember Guides.To help address some shortcomings, Chris Garrett (@pzuraq) proposed introducing the decorators and classes listed below. We encourage you to participate in RFCs and provide feedback!566. @memo decoratorUnlike computed properties, autotracked getters don't cache their values. @memo will let you opt in to memoization.567. @use decoratorThe @use API will leverage autotracking to solve two issues:Allow Glimmer components to define a behavior with its own lifecycle, independently of the templat...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 132
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Get together at EmberConf meetups 🍦, learn how to use RouteInfo.metadata from EmberMap 🧩, try an Octane & JAM sandwich at EmberConf 🏎🥪🍓, monitor Ember app performance with Tracerbench ⏱, and try out the Related Files Hopper VSCode extension 🤸!Get together at EmberConf meetups 🍦🎲🗻Besides learning a lot from the talks at EmberConf, it is also an amazing place to meet people and get to know them. One of the easiest places to do that is at the meetups that can be organised by you.Last year there were a lot of different meetups, from delicious food and drink gatherings, to a nerve-racking chess tournament, and bouldering.If you have a great idea for a meetup, you can sign up here. Keep an eye on this page as well if you want to know about all the meetups and when they will happen.Learn how to use RouteInfo.metadata from EmberMap 🧩Ember uses the RouteInfo object to send route information. These include route name, query parameters, and parent route. Since Ember 3.1...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 133
Ember.js Blog
✌️ Emberistas! 🐹This week:Check out the RFC for Improved Ember Registry APIs 🗒️®️,Octane community feedback from FlashRecruit 👏,contributing to OSS with confidence at EmberConf 💪,and meet two developers who write short Ember posts regularly ✏️!RFC: Improved Ember Registry APIs 🗒️®️Chris Krycho (@chriskrycho) proposed adding a new, object-based API for all registry APIs; deprecate the current string-based microsyntax registry APIs; and introduce a capabilities property to the resolver to safely support existing resolvers.The RFC: Improved Ember Registry APIs covers the problems with the microsyntax and the lack of TypeScript support. The RFC recommends adding a new Identifier API which would contain the name, type, and optionally the namespace fields instead of the current microsyntax. For example:From:getOwner(this).lookup('service:session');To:getOwner(this).lookup({ type: 'service', name: 'session' })From:class Example { @service('global@session') session;}To:class Example { @se...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 134
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹This week: Polyfilled ember-data packages syntax for all Ember apps 📦,use Figma with Storybook to make your developer life easier 🎨,QUnit DOM announces v1.0 release 🎂,and check out the ember-changeset 3.0.0 release 🎉!Back to the future with ember-data packages polyfill 📦🚀The ember-data packages API allows you to import objects and methods from smaller packages in the ember-data module following guidelines similar to the ones established in the Ember Modules RFC#176. With real and resolvable package paths, many developers can directly benefit from them with improved code reference information in their IDE. The ember-data packages API is available since ember-data 3.11.There's nothing like a new, shiny API that makes your developer life easier. Even better if you can already use that API in your application without any upgrading! Users of ember-data with version 3.10 and below get to benefitfrom the new way of importing with the help of the ember-data packages poly...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 135
Ember.js Blog
Happy Valentine's Day, Emberistas! 💌Learn about Native Decorator Support from EmberMap 🐹🗺️,review the RFC for splarguments 💖,autotracking! a blog series on reactivity systems 🤖,JSParty podcast with Jen and Chris 📻, andthree reasons to switch to angle bracket syntax in Ember Octane 💡!EmberMap: Learn about Native Decorator Support 🐹🗺️Check out the latest EmberMap episode of "What's New in Ember." It talks about what the Native Decorator Support feature from Ember 3.10 means for you and why Decorators are important for Ember's adoption of ES classes.With Ember 3.10, all the core APIs and surrounding ecosystem libraries can start adopting decorators as per the stage 1 or "legacy decorators" implementation which would pave the way for ES classes in Ember. However, the happy path is still to wait until your app is on the Octane release or 3.15 or beyond to start using both ES classes and decorators together for all of your Ember app code.To check out how to upgrade your app, check o...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 136
Ember.js Blog
ഹലോ Emberistas! 🐹Call for videos for the EmberConf keynote 📢,Ember 3.16 released 🚀,Minesweeper meets Ember Octane 💣,check out the journey to your first published addon 📅,2020 Ember Community Survey 📝, andlearn how to forward element modifiers in < 10 mins ⏰!Call for videos for the EmberConf keynote 📢Hi, Embereños! It's me, Yehuda.I'm collecting some videos of people's Ember stories for possible use in this year's EmberConf keynote.You can make the video as long or as short as you want, but if you're not sure, 2 minutes is probably a good target length.Here are some topics you could cover to help flesh out your story:What were you doing before you were a web developer or before you became a member of the Ember community?What made you try Ember?Have you enjoyed your experience as a member of the Ember community?Don't feel restricted to details about Ember features. Feel free to talk about intangible details, like how it feels to be part of a community that works together, your ex...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 137
Ember.js Blog
Bonjou Emberistas! 🐹Learn about how autotracking works 👣,try out the latest ember-template-lint v2 ✅,Ember website redesign 🔥,2020 Ember Community Survey reminder 📝, andbeta test ember-cli 3.17 🧪!How autotracking works 👣Chris Garrett (@pzuraq) wrote a new blog post in his autotracking blog series, previously he wrote on what is reactivity and on what makes a good reactive system.In How Autotracking Works, Chris discusses how autotracking fulfils the reactivity design principles exploring how it's implemented and why. In the blog, we go through memoization, referential equality, revisions, tags, and how they all work together to provide autotracking for Ember.Memoization, a technique where we cache the previous arguments that a function was called with along with the result they produced in order to minimize excess work, is the foundation of autotracking. However, due to how equality works in JavaScript, we need to make use of referential equality to perform a faster deep-equal wh...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 138
Ember.js Blog
Happy International Women's Day, Emberistas! 🐹2020 Ember Community Survey due this Sunday 📈, the possible future of app hooks and testing directories 📂, the evolution of Ember and Intercom 🚀🐹, splitting & migrating your project to a monorepo 🐘, read the blog post on modifiers 🦄, and find out how to use Ember with WebAssembly (Rust) 💡!2020 Ember Community Survey due March 8th! 📈If you haven't yet, please take a brief moment of your day to fill out the annual survey! Your feedback can help everyone shape Ember better. 💞Discuss the future of app hooks and testing directories in Ember 📂Since the early days of the framework, the Ember CLI has been a major factor for productivity and great developer ergonomics when developing Ember apps. And a while ago Mehul Kar (@mehulkar) submitted two new Requests for Comments (RFCs) to suggest even more improvements for the favorite productivity tool of any Emberista!In RFC#575: Test Directories a new directory structure for testing is propos...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 139
Ember.js Blog
வணக்கம் Emberistas! 🐹Join the all-virtual EmberConf 2020 📺🎉,JHU COVID-19 dashboard - made with Ember! 🐹,Ember Twiddle supports Octane features up to Ember 3.17 💖,videos of the EmberJS Chennai meetup 🇮🇳,ember-models-table v3.0.0 🌟,QR scanning without bundle size growing 📷,check out handy examples of tests in Ember 💡, anda new RFC for handling destroyables 💥!EmberConf 2020 is on (and goes virtual) 📺🎉Despite the current health situation, resulting difficulties with travel and event restrictions, EmberConf 2020, March 16th-18th is around the corner and will definitely be on! As usual, you can enjoy inspiring talks about Ember, the web and open-source from community members from all around the world at EmberConf's first-ever all-virtual conference!100% of the conference talks will be delivered remotely at the regularly scheduled time at emberconf.com - ready to watch together with your colleagues and Ember friends. Hangout with other conference attendees at #ember-conf on the E...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 140
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Meet Ember 3.17 🆕,tell us about your EmberConf experience ❤️,read about testing best practices on the Ember Testing Guide 📗,comment on the co-located test RFC ⛓,embrace easier release management for your apps 📦🙌,learn how to add CI with GitHub Actions ✅,and respect the underscore 🙇.Ember 3.17 released 🆕On March 16—just in time for EmberConf!—Ember 3.17 was officially announced. This release marked Ember 3.16 as an LTS and kicked off the 3.18 beta cycle.Ember 3.17 introduced these changes:Ember.jsSignificantly updated the Glimmer rendering engineEmber CLIRemoved internal usage of RSVP in favor of native promisesRemoved ember-cli-eslint and ember-cli-template-lint in favor of eslint and ember-template-lintEnsured that npm test or yarn test fails when lint:js or lint:hbs failsEnsured that npm test or yarn test in an addon fails if ember-try scenarios failRemoved a number of older experiments (module unification and delayed transpilation)To learn more about upgrading...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 141
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Yehuda's Octane Tutorial 🔥,a quick tip for refactoring your templates 📑,dive into angle and curly bracket invocations 🔍,easier porting of websites with Percy ✨,Feeder Corona Dashboard 📰,track JavaScript's built-in classes 💯,Ember autostash modifier 💾,read about how to use a ember-template-lint rule from an addon ✅,decorator positioning now enforceable ↕️,and last, but not least, stand alone EmberConf 2020 videos are out 🎥!Yehuda's Octane tutorial 🔥There's an awesome new Octane tutorial in town 🤠 and it's written by none other than our very own Yehuda Katz (@wycats)!!!In the tutorial you'll build the schedule page for a conference like EmberConf. It feels like just the right thing to build after our amazing virtual EmberConf 💙💚💛💜🧡.The first part in this tutorial, Let's Go, begins with something that not all JavaScript tutorials cover, HTML and CSS, using CSS Grid and Flex. You'll learn how to go from mocks to a deployed app in very little time.The second p...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 142
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Community support for the Ember API Docs 📓❤️,release of ember-arg-types 🍎🍊,Ember CLI improvement tips 🚀,betas of Glimmer.js 2 🎉, and last, but not least,watch 3 virtual talks from EmberATX 📽️!Community support for the Ember API Docs 📓❤️The Ember API Docs have been one of the cornerstones of Ember's official learning resources since the early days of the project.But did you already know that right now there are plenty of efforts underway to modernise the app? In this regard, we'd like to thank Gaurav Munjal (@Gaurav0) in particular for bringing in lots of new upgrades, awesome refactors and improvements to the API Docs ❤️!If you are interested in helping with modernising the Ember API Docs - be it contributing code, triaging issues, or reviewing changes - make sure to chat with the Ember Learning team. You can do so either on an issue discussion on Github or on the #dev-ember-learning channel through the Ember Discord!Release of ember-arg-types 🍎🍊Jon Kilroy (@j...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 143
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Destroyables RFC in final comment period 💬,Ember Engines documentation rewrite ⚙️,Ember Octane at Square 💻,check out the new Ember CLI documentation 📚,introducing qunit-wait-for ⏰,and last, but not least, power up your Ember app with ember-glue ✨!Destroyables RFC in final comment period 💬The Destroyables RFC entered its final comment period today. That means you have 7 days (until April 17) to provide feedback.The Destroyables RFC proposes an API that the Ember community can follow so that Ember's built-in constructs, which include components, services, routes, controllers, helpers, and modifiers, can clean up after themselves when destroyed. For example, a request in a data-fetching component would be cancelled if the parent is destroyed.Please visit the RFC page to learn more. Be sure to provide your feedback on time!Ember Engines documentation rewrite ⚙️Michael Villander (@villander) announced a rewrite to the documentation for the Ember Engines Guides to improv...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 144
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Call for a11y-focused contributors ❤️,quest issue: drop mixins from ember-simple-auth 🔐,RFC roundup 📣Ember Conf 2020 trainings 🚀,and last, but not least, state management with ember-statecharts 📈!Call for contributors: join the strike team for accessibility in EmberThe Ember community put in lots of work into framework features and addons to allow us to build accessible and user-friendly applications. But still there is more work to be done to address accessibility issues in Ember.js and to improve the future of how we build JavaScript apps.Do you want to be part of these efforts to help modern Ember apps become more accessible?Then be sure to join the #st-a11y strike team on the Ember Discord chat! The recently founded strike team for creating an accessible JavaScript framework has already put together a detailed list of issues to work on and is counting on your support. On top of that, there are several accessibility-related issues in ember-template-lint that cou...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 145
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Ember Styleguide 4.0.0 release 🔥,autotracking case study with TrackedMap 🐾🗺,simple drag and drop in Ember Octane 🐺,meet 2 developers who became Ember developers 🎉,and last, but not least, watch the new EmberMap video on the {{fn}} helper 📺!Ember Styleguide 4.0.0 release 🔥A new Ember Styleguide release was cut today 🛳 and it represents a massive amount of work by a number of contributors over the last year: 372 commits, 719 files and 13 contributors to be exact! 😱 Check out the app here on the web as well.To see any of the individual changes, please look at the pre-release versions in the changelog. The changes are too many to capture here, but here are a few of the high level overviews:Remove ember-cli-addon docs in favor of field-guide for better SEORemove components that are not actively being used in any projectImplement base styles that are common across all of the Ember websitesImplement common CSS helpers for things that don't need a dedicated componentU...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 146
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Ember website(s) redesign call for contributors 🎨🐹,Yehuda's Octane tutorial continued 🔥,contribute to the Global Accessibility Awareness Day blog series ✍️,ember-bootstrap 4 release candidate 🛳,strict mode templates RFC accepted 💖,and last, but not least, check out the Yahoo Knowledge Graph COVID-19 Dashboard 🗺️, built with Ember!Call for contributors: Shipping the Ember website(s) redesign 🎨🐹Early last year, the community came together to discuss the future of the design strategy of official Ember sites. After plenty of time and work investments from individual contributors, companies and the Ember Core team, the redesign for the main site emberjs.com shipped successfully!Many other official resources for the Ember community, such as the Blog, API Docs, and CLI Guides, are looking forward to get a new look & feel as well - and you can help with that! A call for contributors is looking for those who have experience with JavaScript, HTML and CSS and who want to ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 147
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Ember 3.18 is out 🎉,investigate arguments with Ember Inspector 🕵️‍♀️,read the blog post comparing Ember Octane and React 🐹⚛️,explore autosave with Ember Octane 💾,review Embroider & memoization RFCs 💬,and last, but not least, check out the ember-keyboard RFC ⌨️!Ember 3.18 is out 🎉The latest versions of Ember.js, ember-data and ember-cli are out with the 3.18 release!This new minor release version is full of bug fixes for the core libraries that power your Ember application, so be sure to upgrade soon.For more info on the current release schedule of Ember check out our releases page and for information on Ember v3.18, you can give the official release post a read.Investigate component arguments with the new Ember Inspector 🕵️‍♀️The brand-new, 4.0 version of Ember Inspector - the best tool for inspecting and debugging your Ember applications - is out! The recent release comes not only with lots of valuable bug fixes, but also with many amazing features, including:I...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 148
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Watch the new EmberMap video on the {{on}} modifier 🔦,mut and set autotracking in Octane 📖,Ember Twiddle updates 🌟,Ember performance tweaks 🏎,preview deployments with ember-cli-deploy and GitHub Actions ✅,and last, but not least, see helpers spawn from JavaScript files ✨!EmberMap: The {{on}} Modifier 🔦Check out the new EmberMap video on the {{on}} modifier, a new way to attach events in Ember. It can be attached in either a plain HTML element or an Ember component.<Toggle @checked={{this.isAdmin}} @onChange={{this.toggleIsAdmin}} {{on 'mouseenter' this.showTip}} {{on 'mouseleave' this.hideTip}}/>The {{on}} modifier accepts two arguments: the event name and the function handler. The event name is actually the same argument that the vanilla JS API element.addEventListener(eventName) accepts. And the function handler is any action, meaning any properly bound function. It can either live on the component instance or be passed in as an argument.<span role='checkbox' ar...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 149
Ember.js Blog
🏄‍♂️ Emberistas! 🐹Ember Engines acceptance testing guides 📝,check out the new EmberMap video on Tracked Properties 👣,polyfills for in-element and named blocks 🚀,setting up Coveralls for your Ember addons 💪,Ember in COVID-19 research 🔬📖🐹,Global Accessibility Awareness Day Ember blog post 📖🐹,"My Experience with Ember.js" video series 🎥,and last, but not least, read the prettiest RFC in Emberland 💅!Ember Engines acceptance testing guides & Octane 📝Michael Villander (@villander) and team have fleshed out docs about the acceptance test story in the Ember Engines ecosystem, touching on some bleeding-edge cases. Also, the entire doc examples were migrated to Ember Octane! Visit the official site to see Ember Engines' new acceptance testing guides. Many thanks to Dan Gebhardt (@dgeb), Gabriel Csapo (@gabrielcsapo) and Thomas Gossmann (@gossi) for their reviews and tips!Using Ember Engines? Chat about it in the #ember-engines channel on the Ember Discord.EmberMap: Tracked Properti...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 150
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Ember Octane vs Classic cheat sheet is in Octane 🔥, Ember tutorials on MDN 🎉, test directory RFC FCP closing 🚨⏳, new router service refresh RFC ♻️, and last, but not least, "My Experience with Ember.js" Part 2 🎬!Ember Octane vs Classic cheat sheet is in Octane 🔥Ember Octane vs Classic Cheat Sheet is a quick reference to understanding how to convert a classic Ember syntax to an Octane one. The website is nearing its one year anniversary! 🎂 What better way to celebrate than being upgraded from vanilla JS to an Ember Octane app?Thanks to work by Jen Weber (@jenweber) and Isaac Lee (@ijlee2), the project is now built on a few well-known solutions: ember-code-snippet, ember-prism, ember-intl, ember-cli-deploy, and GitHub Actions for CI.What's in store for the future? The project can use your help with updated content, mobile responsive design, and—perhaps what's most cool—translations to languages besides English. If you'd like to help, please reach out to the Ember L...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 151
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Ember.js for #BlackLivesMatter 🤝,participate in the ember new --lang RFC 🌐,change the way you load your data with ember-await ⌚,beta release of ember-data-model-fragments 🚢,connect an Ember App to an OAuth2 Python Flask Server 🔐,and last, but not least, integrate Netlify with empress-blog 🚀!Ember.js for #BlackLivesMatter 🤝You may have noticed that emberjs.com is currently offline, as a small mark of respect, and expression of solidarity for #BlackLivesMatter. The Ember.js guides, community code of conduct, and legal information remain available.ember new --lang RFC 🌐There is an RFC to introduce the --lang flag to Ember CLI and help brand new Ember apps meet a Level A guideline for WCAG. (Level A is the minimum level of conformance.) If the flag is used with a valid language code, the CLI will assign the lang attribute to the root <html> element in app/index.html.How will the lang attribute help your end users?"Both assistive technologies and conventional user ag...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 152
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Meet the long-awaited ember-collection v1.0 release candidate 🎉,use a modern keyboard API with ember-keyboard v6.0 ⌨️,learn how to make your existing app accessible 💪,introducing ember-concurrency-async 🚀,and last, but not least, an interactive way to create new Ember apps RFC ✨🐹!Meet the long-awaited ember-collection v1.0 release candidate 🎉After two years, a new version of ember-collection is here! You can use this addon to incrementally render a large list of items. The official v1.0 will be released soon.Two of the most notable changes are:Ember upgrade from 2.18 to 3.12!Improved continuous integration and auto-release processPlease thank Alon Bukai (@Alonski), Gaurav Munjal (@Gaurav0), Robert Wagner (@rwwagner90), and Vasanth (@vasind) for their help with maintaining ember-collection. If you currently use the addon, we ask that you upgrade and check that your app and tests continue to pass.Use a modern keyboard API with ember-keyboard v6.0 ⌨️Are you ready for...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 153
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Set up fast with ember-new-plus ⚡️,read through the Type Stability for Addons RFC 💠,stories of becoming a developer 📖,new LinkedIn group for Ember.js developers 🐹,practice responsive design in Octane with ember-container-query ✨,farewell Ember A11y Strike Team, hello Working Group for Digital Accessibility 🚀,and last, but not least, handle asset urls with confidence in Ember & Cordova 📱🐹!Set up fast with ember-new-plus ⚡️Aseem Taneja (@atej) has created a bash script that automates the setup of some often-used tools in an Ember project. To further enhance your DX, it also recommends VS Code extensions and generates settings to integrate with them.Based on your selections, you get:Linting and formatting with ESLint + PrettierUtility-first CSS with Tailwind CSS + PostCSSGit hooks with HuskyPre-commit linting of staged files with lint-stagedAdherance to conventional commit messages with commitlintA launch configuration for in-editor debugging with VS Code's Debugger...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 154
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Check out the new addon ember-stargate 🌟,a new addon to integrate Netlify CMS with empress-blog 🎉,learn to SEOptimize your Ember app 💪 ✨,and last, but not least, a Readers' Question on how to become a writer for The Ember Times 📝!Get ready for ember-stargate 🌟Simon Ihmig (@simonihmig) announced a new addon called ember-stargate – a modern and lightweight take on portals in Ember.“Portals” are a way to render things in a different place of the DOM tree than they are logically defined in the app. There are a number of existing solutions in the Ember ecosystem for the same problem such as ember-wormhole, ember-elsewhere, the native {{in-element}} (previously using the ember-in-element-polyfill).The ember-stargate addon aims to solve this problem without using private APIs, Ember's component helper, or having to jump through hoops to implement. All you need to make a portal work is to define the content that should be sent through the portal using <Portal @target="som...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 155
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹2020 Ember Roadmap published 🧭,release of Ember.js 3.19! 🎉,Rock & Roll with Ember.js Octane edition is here 🔥🐹,Ember 101: new video tutorial series for beginners 💻,State of Frontend survey 📊,and last, but not least, ember-meta 1.0.0 release 🚢!The 2020 Ember Roadmap 🧭Hot off the press is The 2020 Ember Roadmap. We highly encourage you to have a look and share the news with developers in the wider JavaScript ecosystem!This year, our 2 headline priorities are:Polish the practical and conceptual details of Octane (tracked properties, Glimmer components, related tooling, accessibility, performance and payload improvements).Make Ember easier to try and adopt. Lower barriers for Ember developers when collaborating with the greater JavaScript project. We will do this through improvements and simplifications to the framework, and through focused communication with the greater JavaScript community.There's much more exciting news from the Roadmap than we can possibly incl...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 156
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Read the blog post on using ember-concurrency with TypeScript 🤝,reusable DOM behavior in React vs Ember 🪔,and last, but not least, Mirage JS with GraphQL 🏝!Using ember-concurrency with TypeScript 🤝James C. Davis (@jamescdavis) wrote a blog post summarizing how to use TypeScript with ember-concurrency as well as some best practices.ember-concurrency is an addon that manages asynchronous tasks in Ember applications. The addon traditionally exports a task function which is used similarly to a computed property.import { task } from 'ember-concurrency';export default Component.extend({ myTask: task(function*() { yield foo; return bar; })}The blog post goes through how to use ember-concurrency with Ember Octane and TypeScript. For Octane, we need to use Native Class Syntax. The ember-concurrency-decorators package was created to make this work for ember-concurrency.However, decorators cannot change the type of the thing they decorate. To allow TypeScript, the ember-concu...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 157
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹LexasCMS releases official support for JSON:API and more 🎉,Deprecation Stages RFC is out 🚀,tweaking UI behavior with Ember Data queries 📝,learn what reactivity means with an example 💡,read the blog post series of lessons learned working with Ember 📔,and last, but not least, "Ember Data in the Wild" Octane edition is here 📣!LexasCMS releases official support for JSON:API and more 🎉Have you been looking to integrate a headless CMS with your Ember.js application?LexasCMS recently shipped a new JSON:API compliant content delivery API which aims to make this integration easier than ever before.Read the release blog post for more information.New Ember Data addon for LexasCMS releasedMichael Donaldson (@mike183) has published the new ember-data-lexascms addon for easily integrating LexasCMS with any Ember.js application.The step are: install the addon, configure your space ID and application adapters/serializers, and begin pulling content directly from LexasCMS using E...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 158
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Ember 3.20 Released 🚀,a series of blog posts on ember-modifer and its internals 🎉,detect when Ember components enter or leave the viewport 🔍,a blog post and RFC on Ember.Component 📖,and last, but not least, document Ember apps with Docfy 📗!Ember 3.20 Released 🚀A new Ember.js blog post is up to announce the release of version 3.20 of Ember.js, Ember Data and Ember CLI!3.20 includes several new features for the ecosystem.In Ember.js, the {{in-element}} helper is available as public API. This helper solves rendering challenges similarly to ember-wormhole and ember-elsewhere. It allows rendering content into a destination elsewhere on a page.Ember Data explicitly supports the combined use of EmbeddedRecordsMixin and JSONAPISerializer through the isEmbeddedRecordsMixinCompatible property.Ember CLI allows syncing Blueprints when running npx ember-cli-update, which avoids some potential issues that previously existed when running this flow. Check out the related RFC to ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 159
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Community addon updates: stable version of ember-bootstrap v4 released 💥, and check out ember-dayjs-helpers 🕰️!Just released: stable version of ember-bootstrap v4 💥Simon Ihmig (@simonihmig) announced the stable release of ember-bootstrap v4, tweeting that it's another step toward a full Octane refactoring! Glimmer components are coming next.Bootstrap users can check out the full list of changes in the changelog. For breaking changes, give ember-bootstrap-codemods a try. We are appreciative of all the codemods in the Ember community!Not familiar with ember-bootstrap? It's an Ember CLI addon that provides a collection of Ember components that mimic the original Bootstrap plugins and components in an Ember-friendly way, replacing the need for bootstrap.js. For more info, check out the website and the corresponding repo.Check out ember-dayjs-helpers 🕰️Rajasegar Chandran (@rajasegar) created the ember-dayjs-helpers library which contains over 30+ template helpers based ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 160
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹"I contribute to Ember" with Isaac Lee and Jared Galanis 🙌,how to participate in the Ember RFC process 🚀,EmberFest: share your virtual Hello with us! 🐹,learn how to use csz in your Ember app 🌟,and last, but not least, ember-cli-next: an experimental terminal UI for ember-cli 🔥!"I contribute to Ember" with Isaac Lee and Jared Galanis 🙌In the 15th edition of our contributor interview series, we're highlighting The Ember Times' very own Isaac Lee (@ijlee2) and Jared Galanis (@jaredgalanis). We'd like to thank Isaac and Jared for their contributions to the Ember community, and congratulate them for joining the Ember Learning Core Team!Check out the full interview on the Ember Discuss forum. They discuss their biggest motivations in contributing to Ember and how they got started in open source.Read moreThe idea behind these interviews is to provide community members with more information and insight into open source contributions, learning resources, and community eve...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 161
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹ember-component-template-colocation-migrator now supports addons 🎉,built with Ember.js: 10001 virtual art exhibit 🎨,ember-mobile-menu v2 released 📱,help with Embroider readiness 🔥,and last, but not least, new free video and instructor at EmberMap 📹!Release of ember-component-template-colocation-migrator 1.1.0 🎉The ember-component-template-colocation-migrator codemod co-locates component JS and HBS files as described in the Component Templates Co-location RFC. The v1.1.0 release adds support for migrating addons, but templates shared by multiple components are excluded. In this case, it is up to end users how to list those; they are reported in the same way other skipped templates (like partials) are. Similarly, mixins that use layout are not migrated.When running the codemod, instead of:your-addon/ addon/ components/ some-component.js templates/ components/ some-component.hbsYou will get:your-addon/ addon/ components/ some-component.js some-component.hbsTry it ou...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 162
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Update from the Accessibility Working Group 🙌,syntax highlighting in markdown with ember-showdown-prism 🔦,testing your Mirage.js setup 🧪,and last, but not least, read the proposed {{id}} helper RFC 🆔.Update from the Accessibility Working Group 🙌In March 2020, a group of Ember developers formed the Accessibility (A11y) Strike Team, now known as the Ember A11y Working Group. The group wanted to address the issues that were outlined in RFC #595: Technical A11y Issues in New Ember Apps.This week, Melanie Sumner (@MelSumner) published an official blog post to provide a status update. We encourage you to read the blog post. Accessible apps are for everyone and the discussions, RFCs, and addons started by the A11y Strike Team may influence your app development.As always, we give a big shout-out to all community members who participated in the A11y Strike Team. 💜A new way to add syntax highlighting to your code blocks, with ember-showdown-prism 🔦Chris Manson (@mansona) ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 163
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Learn what's new in the Ember 3.21 release 🎉,Embroider preparation blog post 📖,get ready for Hacktoberfest 2020 👩🏽‍💻🧑🏽‍💻,CI with GitHub Actions for Ember Apps: Part 2 🎥,and last, but not least, celebrate 3 addon major releases 🌟!Learn what's new in Ember 3.21 release 🎉The Ember Blog announced the v3.21 releases of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. The occasion also marked the LTS release of Ember v3.20. It will receive bug fixes until May 2021 and security patches until September 2021.The release of version 3.21 may affect your development workflow in a few ways:getWithDefault (both the function and class method) has been deprecated per RFC #554.ember new --lang support has landed per RFC #635.ember-try configuration for addons has been updated to include ember-lts-3.20 and exclude ember-lts-3.12.The release also kicked off the 3.22 beta cycle. If you can, please help with testing beta builds and reporting bugs before version 3.22.0 is published. 💜Embroi...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 164
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Hacktoberfest + The Ember Times ✍️,a new reference page for Ember CLI commands 🔖,migrating off of mixins in Ember Octane 👋,async data and autotracking in Ember Octane ✨,autotracking developer experience 🔥,ember-concurrency 2.0.0.beta-1 🎉,and last, but not least, EmberJS with REST API 💪!Hacktoberfest + The Ember Times ✍️Hacktoberfest is a celebration of open source open to everyone in the global GitHub community. Whether you’re a developer, student learning to code, event host, or company of any size, you can help drive growth of open source and make positive contributions to an ever-growing community. All backgrounds and skill levels are encouraged to complete the challenge!Need ideas for Hacktoberfest contributions? Or looking to get started in open source? We suggest working with us on the next Ember Times issue! As you may know, The Ember Times is the newsletter for the official Ember Blog. As writer, you will take on an active role in the Ember community and k...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 165
Ember.js Blog
வணக்கம் Emberistas! 🐹Hacktoberfest 2020 events and info 🎃,read the new RFC to deprecate tryInvoke 📜,tips for switching from Ember Data to Ember Orbit 💡,read the blog post on Ember Octane with Glimmer Components ✨,and last, but not least, September EmberJS Chennai Meetup 🇮🇳 !Hacktoberfest 2020 events and info 🎃Have you always wanted to contribute to open source, but don't know where to start? The month of October is the perfect time to give it a try!Hacktoberfest is an annual celebration of open source happens around the world, in thousands of projects on GitHub. Here in Ember land, we have lined up special events, mentoring, pairing, and more. You can read the full details in the Ember blog, but here are the highlights:Tomorrow on Saturday, October 10th, drop into a pairing session! You can join voice chat on Ember Discord, where mentors are available to to take your questions, give some advice, and do pair programming during two sessions. Just jump into the "General" voice chan...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 166
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹New RFC to Deprecate transition methods of Controller and Route ✍️,learn what's new in the Ember 3.22 release 🎉read the blog post on React component patterns in Ember ⚛️,Glimmer VM tracking video 📹,Deprecate tryInvoke RFC enters Final Comment Period 📜,EmberMap Octane conversion video 📼,and last, but not least, built with Ember: Emojible 🥳!RFC: Deprecate transition methods of Controller and Route ✍️Jeldrik Hanschke (@jelhan) proposed a new RFC to Deprecate transition methods of Controller and Route in order to reduce public API exposed related to routing.The RFC aims to deprecate the methods transitionTo and replaceWith of the Route object and the methods transitionToRoute and replaceRoute of the Controller object. The existing methods transitionTo and replaceWith of the RouterService object should be used instead.The RFC proposes that the existing methods are today not documented properly so there are likely timing differences between the different routing calls e...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 167
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹New Release and APIs for ember-a11y-testing 🎉,two deprecation RFCs merged 🙌,new Octane ready release of the a11y focused ember-select-light 🔦,and last, but not least, ember-key-manager v1.0.0 ⌨️!Release 4.0.0 of ember-a11y-testing 🎉Steve Calvert (@scalvert) released 4.0.0 of ember-a11y-testing which included changes to the API to make it hands off in terms of running accessibility audits. The ember-a11y-testing library is a wrapper around Deque Labs' axe-core accessibility testing engine. It integrates into your testing environment using either a one-time setup, or in individual tests using an a11yAudit() test helper.With the new 4.0.0 release, you can do audit of your code using the regular test helper APIs by importing the setupGlobalA11yHooks function and invoking it in tests/test-helper.js. The setupGlobalA11yHooks function lets you write your own strategy on when to invoke the audit using the shouldAudit argument so you can run it all the time, for all the con...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 168
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Read the blog on yieldable named blocks 📛,keep up to date on @use and Resources RFC 💡,ember-bootstrap Octane updates 🏎,and last, but not least, from Phorest: Ember is still a good decision in 2020! 🙌Blog: Modal Dialog Using Yieldable Named Blocks 📛A blog post by Balint Erdi (@balinterdi) goes through how Named Blocks allows us to have more than one block when invoking components using the angle-bracket syntax.With the Yieldable Named Blocks RFC accepted and the ember-named-blocks-polyfill already implementing it, we can use yieldable named blocks in our Ember apps today. The blog goes through using the {{yield to=""}} syntax to implement multiple named blocks in a modal example.Named blocks are useful anywhere where it makes sense to provide several "slots" that the user of the component can customize. Read the full post today on Balint’s blog!Introducing @use 💡In October, Chris Garrett (@pzuraq) published a blog post and an addon to highlight updates regarding t...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 169
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Watch a deep dive on component primitives 📺, and check out the "Rock & Roll with Ember band" interview series 🎸!Watch: Component primitives deep dive 📺Chris Garrett (@pzuraq) and Scott Newcomer (@snewcomer) deep dived into Ember's component primitives such as the setComponentTemplate, setComponentManager, and precompileTemplate APIs.Chris walks through the problem of formalizing relationships between the JavaScript component and its Handlebars template. This is done by preprocessing the template via the precompileTemplate API and then establishing that relationship to the JavaScript component using the setComponentTemplate API.These primitives are actually public so anyone can make a transform or parser to build their own custom template import syntax. This flexibility means we can experiment using these primitives before finalizing the API. We can even iterate on it later on to find the best fit for our ecosystem.Watch the full video discussion on YouTube!The "Rock...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 170
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Ember 3.23 released 🎉,explore Ember/Glimmer component performance 🚅,read the blog post on the Ember Octane mental model ✍️,Ember + Tailwind 2.0 🎨,learn how to use WebSockets with Ember Data 📟,Glimmer apps with Snowpack 🔥️⛄,and last, but not least, meet fractal-page-object ❄️!Ember 3.23 Released 🐹Version 3.23 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI was released on December 14th! Please use the ember-try addon to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.Ember.js 3.23 included improved error ergonomics, the invokeHelper from JavaScript Helper Invocation API RFC, and the helper manager from Helper Managers RFC. There were no deprecations in Ember 3.23.Ember Data 3.23 deprecates najax requests when ember-fetch is installed to better guide users on how to update their app. If you do not have jQuery enabled, this deprecation does not apply to you.There were no significant changes in Ember CLI 3.23.Read the full Ember 3.23 release notes for the co...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 171
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Speakers wanted for EmberConf 2021 📆,Ember 3.24 release 🙌,read the blog on understanding args in Glimmer components ✍️,announcing the launch of the redesigned Ember Blog 📝,five RFCs for Ember 4.0 milestone 💬,and last, but not least,micro-frontends with Glimmer.js and single-spa 🔥!Speakers wanted for EmberConf 2021 📆This year's EmberConf has been announced to take place March 29-30, 2021! EmberConf is 2 days of Ember talks, sessions and fun — streaming live virtually anywhere. Want to give a talk at EmberConf? We're now accepting proposals.EmberConf is great because our speakers are great, and you could be one of them. The Call for Papers (CFP) is public, starts out blind, and features a collaborative process to help applicants improve their proposals. Proposals will be accepted through January 31st at 11:59pm PT. Learn more at the EmberConf 2021 CFP site.There are a lot of options for talks this year. Conference talks can be 30, 15, 10, or 5 minutes total. Have a...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 172
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Get your EmberConf talk proposals in ASAP, TypeScript in Ember guide, Storybook for Ember tutorial, building a Router component for Glimmer.js, and building prototypes with Ember.Remote EmberConf talk proposals due this Sunday! 🗣Developers around the world are invited to submit talk proposals for EmberConf 2021! The deadline for submissions is this Sunday, January 31st at 11:59pm ET.Is there something cool you learned recently that you would like to share? Do you want to build up your speaking and teaching skills? Did you build something you are proud of?This is your chance to share it! Talks are pre-recorded and the conference is fully remote.If you have questions or need some help, visit the #emberconf channel on the Community Discord. Good luck!Video tutorials: TypeScript basics with Ember.js 🔤Ilya Radchenko (@knownasilya) did a couple of videos on getting started with TypeScript for your Ember.js applications.The first video goes through setting up ember-cli-type...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 173
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Beta release of ember-template-lint v3, Prettier for .hbs, learn more Ember.js in 2021, new Ember-related podcasts, Pro Ember Data book, and the EmberConf community spotlight!Beta release of ember-template-lint v3 ✅ember-template-lint which is a linter for template files in Ember has released a beta version of 3.0.0. Thanks to Steve Calvert (@scalvert) and Rob Jackson (@rwjblue), this release will include the TODO feature which will help teams adopt the latest version of ember-template-lint and immediately apply linting rules to new code while allowing time to resolve existing issues.As part of the 3.0.0 beta release, a lot of rules have also been turned on in the default recommended config. This version will also promote the octane config into the default recommended config.Check out the full plan for the 3.0.0 release on GitHub and the related blog post.Prettier for .hbs 😀Prettier is coming to an Ember .hbs file near you! Prettier is a popular opinionated code forma...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 174
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Podcast on native apps and Ember, keep up with the latest in template linting with the Tailwind CSS linter, release of ember-browser-services, and real-world Ember roundup.Building native apps with Ember.js 🎙️The first Ember Report podcast is live! You can find it on all the podcast platforms, like Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Kenneth Larsen (@kennethlarsen) and Jan Butschen (@buschtoens) tell you all about the ins and outs of building native apps with Ember.js. Kenneth asks all the critical questions, you as a listener might have, and Jan shares his expertise on how they embedded their Ember.js app in Capacitor, the successor to Cordova.With practical examples and a ton of show notes, this podcast will get you started in the world of native apps as an Ember developer. From discussing the technology and the developer experience to discussing the future of native apps vs PWA’s, they’ve got you covered.Rediscover class sanity with Tailwind CSS linter for Ember templates ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 175
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Ember Community Survey 2021, official TypeScript support RFC, EmberConf Contributors Workshop, Ember - a beacon of productivity, ember-responsive-image v2 released, Mirage JS for complex testing, and new podcast episodes!Ember Community Survey 2021 📆The annual community survey is up - please take the survey today and let us know what you think about Ember!Totally Anonymous: No personal identification is attached to survey responses. Last year, over 1000 participants shared information about themselves, their businesses, and applications.At EmberConf, the results to the 2021 survey will be shared with a comparison to the 2020 results. Detailed aggregate and individual responses will also be made public.Take the 2021 Ember Community SurveyQuestions? Feedback? Please join us in the #dev-ember-learning channel on the Discord community chat, or email the survey team via [email protected]. Please spread the word about the survey, ask your friends and coworkers to fill ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 176
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹EmberConf is this Monday, get into the EmberConf vibe with Leah and Kenneth, meet Glint, a typed-template solution for Ember, and the release of ember-electron v3!EmberConf is this Monday 🎉EmberConf is the best place to meet the folks behind the magic, and Virtual EmberConf 2021 is this upcoming Monday and Tuesday! 🙌 EmberConf is two days of Ember talks, sessions and fun -- streaming live virtually everywhere.Hop onto the Ember Discord to start chatting with your Ember friends in the #emberconf channel. Starting this Monday, most EmberConf chatter will take place in #ec-hallway and the dedicated-per-session channels under the "Virtual EmberConf" category.Here at the Ember Times, we are super excited about the conference lineup. Monday is an optional day of workshops and BonusConf streams, from "Debugging Your Brain" to "Introducing Template Imports". Tuesday's main event will be a full day of keynotes and technical sessions, including "Ending the Plague of Memory Lea...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 177
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹EmberConf videos, virtual Ember Meetups, achieving a11y automation testing, and serverless functions in Ember and Glimmer.Virtual EmberConf 2021 🔥 📼Heyo! Did you miss out on Virtual EmberConf 2021? Did you see some talks, but missed others? Did you watch all of the content, but want to re-watch things!? 👀 Fear not, the suite of full conference talks can now be found online now as individual videos.If you didn't get a chance to see them, you shouldn't miss the Keynote Part 1 and Keynote Part 2 by none other than our own Yehuda Katz (@wycats) and Godfrey Chan (@chancancode).Also not to be missed are talks by Chris Garrett (@pzuraq) on template imports, and a stunning talk on building robust and reliable software by Chris Krycho (@chriskrycho).There was also a beautiful and inspiring 💖 talk about Learning Ember in 2021 by Lenora Porter (@lenoraporter).For sure, whatever you do, do not miss the absolutely mind blowing 🤯 closing keynote by Edward Faulkner (@ef4) about ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 178
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Find out about the Ember 3.26 release, updated release of Unstable Ember Language Server, and addon roundup.Ember 3.26 released 🥳Ember 3.26 release was announced on April 12, 2021. The release patched a few bug fixes in ember-source and ember-cli. It also introduced several deprecations in ember-source in preparation of the upcoming Ember 4.0 release.We encourage you to make time to address deprecated patterns in your apps and addons. The Deprecations Guide provides examples of how you might update your code.Here are 3 quick tips for what you can do for Ember 3.26:To make a route transition in a controller or route, inject the router service and use its transitionTo or replaceWith method. You can check the API Guides to learn more about the router service.For new code, using the router service shouldn't cause an issue. When you update existing code, however, your app may behave differently when the route transition occurs. Before any update, write tests that cover the...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 179
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Global Accessibility Awareness Day, Readers' Question: Embroider status update, @use with Ember Apollo Client, and how JS frameworks solved the problem of rendering fast.May 20th is Global Accessibility Awareness Day 💟Global Accessibility Awareness Day, an awareness day focusing on digital access and inclusion for the more than one billion people with disabilities and impairments, will be celebrated on May 20, 2021. Here are some suggestions from Melanie Sumner (@MelSumner) on how you can get involved in some accessibility (a11y) related open source projects!Help convert ember-component-patterns from Gitbook to an Ember appHelp with a11y-automation.dev which is a project to track a11y automationCheck out the help wanted page for issues in the ember-a11y GitHub organizationHelp write some a11y-related linting rules for ember-template-lintFor more ideas please check out the Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) website!Readers' Question: What’s the current status of...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 180
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Ember's 10 year anniversary, Prettier for Handlebars support, Embroider in 3.5 weeks, GAAD pledge, quickstart to authentication, built with Ember: Fleetbase, and new and shiny add-ons ✨Happy 10 year anniversary, Ember.js! 🎉Many thanks to Natasha Fel and Andrey Fel (@andreyfel) for sharing their photos from Ember Nizhny Novgorod's Meetup, which featured a celebratory Nizhny Novgorod Tomster cake for Ember's big anniversary! Check out more photos from the meetup here.Prettier for Handlebars support 🙌Prettier can now officially format HTML templates with Handlebars (HBS) in the newly released version 2.3.0. Thank you to Cyrille David (@dcyriller) for pushing this initiative, which started in 2017, through the finish line.Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. It enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and reprinting it with its own rules that take the maximum line length into account, wrapping code when necessary. This removes all bikeshedding on what rules...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 181
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹EmberFest, remodeling an Ember app, Ember CLI history, ember-auto-import, web bundling, ember-concurrency release, Ember Data roundup, rwjblue podcast, and keeping a clean git history.EmberFest 2021 is happening! 🏛️Mark your calendars for September 30th – October 1st of 2021 – EmberFest will be back as a hybrid on-site/virtual event! EmberFest is the European Community Ember Conference. The location will be a secret until ticket sales are open so stay tuned.The EmberFest team is confident that this year’s conference can happen in person. At the same time, they realize that some people can’t or might not want to travel yet, so for the first time, EmberFest is going hybrid: there will be both on-site and remote tickets for a livestream available. Early bird tickets will start on June 11, 2021.If you’re interested in seeing what it’s like, check out the last EmberFest conference in 2019, which was in Copenhagen!Ember CLI history, ember-auto-import, web bundling & more 🌎...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 182
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Using the in-element helper, migrating Controllers to top-level Components, Ember Upgrade Sprints, Ember development on Twitch, and remodeling an Ember App Part 2.Using the in-element helper ⛳Faith Or (@faith-or) wrote a blog post on how they migrated from ember-wormhole to the built-in in-element helper introduced in Ember 3.20.Ember Wormhole is an addon that renders a child view somewhere else in the DOM outside of the component.The in-element helper renders its block content outside of the regular flow, into a DOM element given by its destinationElement positional argument.Common use cases for both include when a piece of UI is a logical child of a component but needs to render somewhere else such as a loading screen, a modal, tooltip or even a dropdown. The differences between the two are slight. Faith goes into more detail in the blog post.There are 3 main takeaways.in-element needs the destination to exist before we use it, while ember-wormhole does not.With in-e...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 183
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹New release of Unstable Ember Language Server, share code snippets on Twitter using Ember, the difference between ember serve and npm run start, and an addon roundup!Release of uELS v2.0.16 ✅Unstable Ember Language Server is a fully featured fork of Ember Language Server. While the name says unstable it actually has been stable and ready to use for day-to-day development!Thanks to both Alex LaFroscia (@alexlafroscia) and Alex Kanunnikov (@lifeart) for new version release which provides:Support workspace/didChangeConfiguration eventImproved startup speed by delaying template tokenizationAutocomplete now use global registry and file change events, not fs lookup, but we still do fs lookup on project initializationAdded template-lint severity supportImproved template-linting speedTry out uELS today:VSCode MarketplaceneoVimEmacs using lsp-modeUse Open VSX for hosting extensions with GitPod, Onivim, Coder, VSCodium, and Theia.Share code snippets on Twitter using Ember 🐦Do y...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 184
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹The Road to Ember 4.0, introducing a11y-disabled-modifier, Emberliners talks, and get your update for ember-engines 0.8.18.The Road to Ember 4.0 🛣Matthew Beale (@mixonic) from the Ember Core Framework and Steering Committee teams, writes about The Road to Ember 4.0 on the official Ember blog.Announcing Ember 4.0: Ember 4.0 will be released around September 20th. Ember 4.4 will be the first LTS candidate of the 4.x series.Whats in a 4.0?: As a major version of Ember, there are no new features. This sections discusses the removal of deprecated APIs. For example, Ember.Logger is removed in favor of native console APIs. Also, sendAction is removed in favor of calling closure actions like any other callback.Planning your upgrade to 4.0: Consider using the ember-cli-deprecation-workflow addon as part of your upgrade process.Contributing to Ember 4.0: Join us on Discord in the #dev-ember-js, #dev-ember-data, #dev-ember-cli, or #dev-ember-learning channels to find out how you...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 185
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹New Educative course, using Ember with XState, let codemods upgrade your app & deal with jQuery, Ember.js: The Good Parts, new release of ember-deep-tracked, why blueprints are cool.Developing Robust Ember.js Applications course on Educative 🆕Based on the popular book, Rock and Roll with Ember.js, Educative has a new (paid) course, Developing Robust Ember.js Applications by Balint Erdi (@balinterdi). Balint chose to partner with Educative because their courses are interactive: there are quizzes and coding challenges at the end of most chapters, which will help reinforce understanding and learning.Takeaway skills:Understand how Ember.js works in web applicationsHelp the user understand how the different building blocks, including components, routing, and services, make everything work in Ember.jsLearn how to use Ember CLILearn how to completely develop and Ember.js applicationWe look forward to giving the course a spin!Using Ember with XState ❎Over the past year, the f...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 186
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Read the blog post on Avoiding Lifecycle in Components, announcing Glimmer Apollo, new release for ember-responsive-image, and code in public: Ember dev streaming on Twitch.Blog post: Avoiding Lifecycle in Components ✍️NullVoxPopuli (@NullVoxPopuli) published a blog post on Avoiding Lifecycle in Components, namely the lifecycle hooks that come with ember-render-modifiers.For some context, ember-render-modifiers was created from RFC 415: Render Element Modifiers which introduced three new generic element modifiers: {{did-insert}}, {{did-update}}, and {{will-destroy}}. The caveat however was that these modifiers were meant for quickly migrating away from classic Ember components to Glimmer components, because they largely allow you to use the same lifecycle hook methods you've already written while attaching them to these modifiers.The blog outlines several possibilities to avoid using these modifiers:Creating your own custom modifier when behavior is tied to a particula...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 187
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Release: ember-engines-router-service, ember-scroll-modifier and ember-user-activity updates, and Coding with the Dead on Twitch.⚙️ Release: ember-engines-router-serviceMichael Villander (@villander) released the ember-engines-router-service addon which provides the Router service for ember-engines.The addon gives you access to the RouterService API inside each engine. This allows you to inject the router service as usual to your component within an engine and use APIs such as transitionTo and even transitionToExternal which help link externalRoutes together.import Component from '@glimmer/component';import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';import { action } from ‘@ember/object’;export default class SomeComponent extends Component { @service router; @action transitionToHome() { this.router.transitionToExternal('other.route'); } @action transitionToAdmin() { this.router.transitionTo('admin.route'); }}To learn more, try it out today in your application or read ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 188
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Ember 3.28 and 4.0 Beta Released, open source contributors wanted for Ember v4, reactively handle audio in Octane with ember-stereo, and Twitter thread: Ember is data-first.🎉 Ember 3.28 and 4.0 Beta ReleasedAfter 3.5 years and 28 minor releases, Ember 3.28 marks the end of the project's 3.x series. To ensure a smooth upgrade path going into the 4.x series, 3.28 has been declared an LTS (Long Term Support) candidate. In six weeks, the latest patch version of 3.28 will be promoted to be the latest LTS release and replace 3.24-LTS.We're also announcing the start of the Ember 4.0 beta cycle for all sub-projects. Following the process set in previous major versions, Ember 4.0's beta introduces no new features. Instead, it removes support for deprecated public APIs. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a stable release in six weeks' time. We also encourage everyone to help maintainers...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 189
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹RFC: Asset Import Spec, ember-element-query v4, EmberFest 2021 - best of both worlds, Glimmer cheatsheet, and Glimmer Apollo v0.4.0.✍️ RFC: Asset Import SpecEdward Faulkner (@ef4) proposed a new RFC which defines the standard semantics for what it means to depend on files that are not JavaScript or CSS, like images, fonts, and other media. The ecosystem today mostly relies on broccoli-asset-rev which is a Broccoli plugin that adds fingerprint checksums and CDN URLs to your assets. The RFC argues that the broccoli-asset-rev plugin does not take advantage of the newer capabilities we have in ember-auto-import and embroider. The proposed pull-based design lets code declare what assets it needs and then not worry about how those assets will get delivered is safer and easier to change in the future.import myImage from './hello.png';class extends Component { myImage = myImage}<img src={{this.myImage}} />If this is something you are interested in, please read and discuss the ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 190
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹It's October…and that means it's time for Hacktoberfest! Also, try out the first beta release of Ember 4.0 today, plus a release of ember-popperjs🎃 HacktoberfestHacktoberfest is an annual, worldwide celebration organized by DigitalOcean and sponsored by many companies that use open source software.Many Ember projects are participating this year! If you complete the challenge,you can get a prize!To participate:Sign up anytime between October 1 and October 31.Make 4 approved Pull Requests to public repositories on GitHub that have the hacktoberfest topic.Take a moment to learn about what goes into an "approved" Pull request.If you are among the first 50,000 developers who complete the challenge, you get a prize. This year, you can select between a T-shirt and a tree planted in your name.Join the #hacktoberfest channel in the Ember Community Discordto collaborate with other participants!Ember projects you can help out withAre you wondering what to work on?There are 100 a...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 191
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Ember 4 is approaching, checkout v4.0.0-beta.9 🐹,Ember.js Template Imports Blog Series 📚,New Releases of uELS published to VSCode ✅,tracked-built-ins v2.0.0 🔥,Announcing Checkup v1.0.0 🩺,Addon roundup 🙌,GlimmerX Workshop Resources ✨,Migrating an Ember addon to the next-gen v2 format 🚀Ember 4 is approaching, checkout v4.0.0-beta.9 🐹If you've been following along with the progress on Ember 4 you might know that the next major version of Ember is approaching.If you are able to, you should check out Ember v4.0.0-beta.9 in your cutting edge codebases now. A few minor API removals remain, but the vast bulk of planned changes from 3.28 are in this release.For more details on the road to Ember 4.0 see this blog post.Ember.js Template Imports Blog Series 📚There's a fantastic new 5 part series from Chris Krycho (@chriskrycho) on template imports that goes into great detail comparing the various options for template imports that are on the table for the Ember and Glimmer ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 192
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Release of ember-functions-as-helper-polyfill 🎉,First pre-release of ember-template-lint v4 🧹,Phorest Interview of Balint Erdi 🎙️,Paired Programming 👭,Ember.js Template Imports Blog Series Finale 📚,Deprecate Bower Support RFC ⏰Release of ember-functions-as-helper-polyfill 🎉NullVoxPopuli (@NullVoxPopuli) released the ember-functions-as-helper-polyfill addon which implements RFC 756: Default Helper Manager. The addon lets you use plain functions as helpers, check out the example below:import Component from '@glimmer/component';export default class MyComponent extends Component { myHelper = x => x * 2;}{{this.myHelper 3}}This reduces the need to create traditional helpers especially when a helper is only really used within the same component. This addon reduces the amount of boilerplate code written and is a more representational model of how template and JS interact.Try out this functionality today with the polyfill!First pre-release of ember-template-lint v4 🧹Bry...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 193
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Happy 10th Birthday Ember 🐹,Ember Addon Roundup 🌎,First-Class Component Templates RFC 📖,Author Built-In Blueprints in TypeScript RFC in FCP ⌛️,Defaults & Initial Values in Octane 🔥,Uploading images to S3 in Ember 📸Happy 10th Birthday Ember 🐹On December 8th Ember.js completed another trip around the 🌞 and turned 10 years old! 🥳Yehuda Katz (@wycats) recently tweeted about the milestone for Ember and called out some of the most notable things that have been achieved in Ember's history:we adopted promises and made them the primary way to do async in Ember (2013)we added first-class support for JS modules via ember-cli (2014)we adopted React-style one-way data flow via Glimmer (2015)we landed the VM architecture (Glimmer 2) as a drop-in, backwards-compatible change (2016). This change was cited by React as one of the technical motivations for Hooks.Moved the primary Ember API from Ember.* (global) to an intentionally designed JS module API (2016)Landed support for n...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 194
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Ember 4.0 and 4.1 released 🐹,Ember Ignite virtual mini conference 🔥,Ember at LinkedIn Eng 2022 🎉,Why Ember at Gavant 💛,ember-template-lint 4.0 released 🧹,ember-focus-trap 1.0 released 🛳,Polyfill for Plain Functions as Modifiers ✨,Ember Templates in Glimmer Cheatsheet 📚,Whiskey, Web and Whatnot Episodes 🎙Ember 4.0 and 4.1 released 🐹Ember released version 4.0 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. Ember's 4.0 release focuses the framework by removing long-deprecated APIs and support for legacy platforms.While Ember Octane APIs have been the default for new applications since Ember 3.15, the framework has continued to support "Classic" framework features in accordance with its semantic versioning commitment. Ember 4.0 takes a step forward and drops already-deprecated classic APIs, however the foundational EmberComponent and EmberObject/computed APIs are not removed in this release.Notable changes in the Ember 4.0 release includes:Dropping Internet Explorer (IE) ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 195
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Submit your questions for the Ember Framework AMA, Feb 4th 🙋‍♀,RFC: Add Ember Cookbook 🍳,Ember.js Triaging Office Hours 📚,Ember v4 TypeScript Support Update ✨,Pass me the remote - meetup recordings about V2 addon format and teaching Ember 📹,Mel Sumner on the ShopTalkShow Podcast 🎙,Router Analysis Survey 🚀,How to's with Ember 🔥,Ember Addon Roundup 🌎Submit your questions for the Ember Framework AMA, Feb 4th 🙋‍♀️On February 4th at 2 pm Eastern Time, the Ember.js Framework team will livestream some community questions and answers.Would you like to submit a question or two?Use the Ember Times reader question form, bit.ly/ask-ember-core."AMA" stands for "ask me anything - the team would love to hear what you are wondering about!Livestream details will be posted on the Ember.js Twitter.The session will be recorded and published online, so if you miss the livestream, don't sweat it.RFC: Add Ember Cookbook 🍳Ketaki Deo (@ketakideo) opened an RFC to add a cookbook secti...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 196
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Extended CFP deadline for Ember conf 📢,Ember.js Framework Core Team AMA 🙋‍♀️,Chris Krycho is added to the Framework Core Team 🎉,Ember Addon Roundup 🌎,Whiskey, Web and Whatnot with guest Chris Thoburn 🔊,Ember Ignite Reminder 🔥Extended CFP deadline for Ember conf 📢If you're still thinking about submitting a talk for Ember Conf you should know that the call for CFP's has been extended by 48 hours (end of 2/16), so you still have a little more time to get your talk idea submitted. 🎉For talk ideas or to get feedback on your talk head on over to #talks or chat more about EmberConf in #emberconf.Ember.js Framework Core Team AMA 🙋‍♀️If you did not get a chance to listen to the live awesome Ember.js Framework Core Team Ask Me Anything (AMA) live stream event hosted by Karl Becker (@karlbecker) and Jen Weber (@jwwweber), don't worry! You can listen to the recorded session today! 🔥Ember Core Team members Yehuda Katz (@wycats), Tom Dale (@tomdale), Melanie Sumner (@melsu...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 197
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Ember Annual Community Survey is here 🙋‍♀️,First-Class Component Templates RFC is merged 🎉,Official TypeScript Support in Ember RFC is merged 🥳,TypeScript Adoption Plan RFC is open 📓,Add Ember Cookbook RFC is in FCP ⌛️,State of Frontend calls for you ❓,Ember 4.2 Released 🔥,Mocks with MSW Demo 🤖,Whiskey Web and Whatnot Episodes 🎙,EmberFest 2021 Videos 📹,Component Architecture Talk Slides 📽,ember-eui releases 🚀Ember Annual Community Survey is here 🙋‍♀️It’s that time of year again 😀, the annual official 2022 Ember Community Survey is here! Once again we would love your help to learn about who is in the Ember community and how they work with the framework.Last year over 1000 people participated in the survey. As always, your participation is invaluable so please do consider participating.If you're ready, you can go ahead and fill out the survey here now. 🔥🔥🔥If you have any questions, feel free to email the survey team via [email protected], or ping us in #d...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 198
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Fill out the Ember Community Survey by April 7th! 🗳,Hybrid Ember.js Europe Meetup, featuring Ember Data 📽,Ember TypeScript Core Team 🔥,Upcoming free technical writing workshop 📝,EmberConf on April 19th 🐹,Blog post: Making your dynamic Ember components work with Embroider 💥,lint-to-the-future demo video 📹,Glimmer component Signature type RFC in FCP ⌛️,Ember Addon Roundup 🌎Fill out the Ember Community Survey by April 7th! 🗳The annual Ember Community Survey helps guide direction in the Ember ecosystem. The data informs project prioritization, sparks new ideas, and reveals opportunities for growth. The Ember core teams would love to hear from you!The survey is primarily intended for developers who use the Ember JavaScript framework, either for work or personal use, although any developer is welcome to fill out this survey. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete in full, though all questions are optional.Learn more about the survey and fill it ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 199
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Fill out the Ember Community Survey by April 7th! 🗳,EmberConf on April 19th 🐹,Upcoming free technical writing workshop 📝,Chris Ng is added to the Learning Core Team 🥳,Decorators are in TC39 Stage 3 🎉,Whiskey Web and Whatnot Episodes 🎙,Dynamic component import demo 😎,Ember Addon Roundup 🌐Fill out the Ember Community Survey by April 7th! 🗳The annual Ember Community Survey is open for only a few more days (until 4/7)! This is another reminder that the Ember core teams would love to hear from you!The annual Ember Community Survey helps guide direction in the Ember ecosystem. The data informs project prioritization, sparks new ideas, and reveals opportunities for growth.The survey is primarily intended for developers who use the Ember JavaScript framework, either for work or personal use, although any developer is welcome to fill out this survey. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete in full, though all questions are optional.Learn more about ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 200
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹TypeScript in Ember 🤝,Addon Roundup 🌐,Time to watch some movies 🍿,Using Ember in 2022 🏙,TypeScript in Ember 🤝As you might have noticed during EmberConf 2022 TypeScript and Ember are becoming more and more a thing. Chris Krycho (@chriskrycho) gave a talk about Ember's road towards TypeScript. He wrote multiple interesting blogposts about TypeScript: Misusing TypeScript Assertion Functions for Fun and Profit and SemVer for TS in Practice. Krystan Huffmeme (@gitKrystan) updated her blog post about TypeScript with the latest and greatest Ember + TypeScript practices. Not only in the realm of blogposts is TypeScript hot and happening, ember-responsive-image latest update (v3.4.0) adds Glint support to the add-on.Addon Roundup 🌐NullVoxPopuli (@NullVoxPopuli) released several minor versions of ember-resources, an addon that implements the Resource pattern, which added a simplified API (in v4.7) for creating inline, one-off, resources -- using "plain functions". Addition...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 201
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹EmberFest 2022 🇫🇷,Embroider is legit 🧵,Starbeam 🤩,Testing Tasks and Flexible Components Posts 📖,Advanced template support in Intellij Idea 💻,ember-statechart-component 6.0.0 📊,Whiskey, Web and Whatnot Episodes 🔊EmberFest 2022 🇫🇷EmberFest 2022 is happening on September 22-23 in Paris 🇫🇷, and tickets are now on sale! 😊If you’re looking for updates on the latest and greatest in Ember and Glimmer this is the place to be. EmberFest is also a great opportunity to get in touch with the European Ember Community (and friends from abroad) and hiring Ember talent.Don't wait too long to book your ticket and travel as September will be here before we know it!Embroider is legit 🧵Embroider has been declared stable since v1.0.0, or around 6 months ago (released mid-January 2022). Embroider is the 2nd generation build pipeline to Ember Apps that enables the usage of “Standard JavaScript” and leverages standard JavaScript packagers such as Webpack.Since even before v1.0.0,...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 202
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Ember 4.5 Released 🚀,RFC: Evolving Ember's Major Version Process 🌲,RFC: Standardize npm yarn use ✨,RFC: public types for Owner, Transition, RouteInfo in FCP ⌛️,Ember Addon Roundup 🌐,Whiskey Web and Whatnot Episode with Dan Gebhardt 🔊,Modern CSS in an embroider enabled app 📖,Ember Chessboard Videos 📼Ember 4.5 Released 🚀Ember 4.5 was recently released and it included a few new features for Ember.js around using plain functions as helpers and a new renderSettled test helper. Ember CLI also introduced a few deprecations and various bug fixes.Head on over to the release post to get more details.RFC: Evolving Ember's Major Version Process 🌲Chris Krycho (@chriskrycho) published an RFC on Evolving Ember’s Major Version Process. The RFC proposes to put major versions on a predictable 60-week cadence, similar to the 6-week minor release cadence.The RFC argues that while Ember mentions that it aims to "make major releases as rare as possible” since it forces development t...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 203
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Ember 4.6 Released 🔥,Plain Old Functions as Helpers 😎,Deprecate Proxies in Ember Data RFC ✨,Speed Improvements in Ember Data Tests 🏎,eslint-plugin-ember 11.0 Released 🧹,Ember Addon Roundup 🌐,Whiskey Web and Whatnot Episode with NullVoxPopuli 🔊,Ember Chessboard Videos Part 3 📼,Migrate ember-data models to Octane 📓,Effects in Ember 🙌,Prevent Load Flashing ⚡️Ember 4.6 Released 🔥Ember 4.6 was recently released!This release included a few bug fixes for Ember.js, 1 deprecation for Ember CLI, and 9 bug fixes for Ember Data. The release also includes 8 deprecations for Ember Data and improvements to Ember Data's build size!Head on over to the 4.6 release blog post and give it a read today!Plain Old Functions as Helpers 😎In case you missed it, there's a new post by Chris Krycho (@chriskrycho) that covers a long-awaited feature that was released recently in Ember 4.5, plain old JavaScript functions as helpers! 😎As the post indicates, this means two things today:You c...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 204
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Ember Security Releases Blog Post 🔒,Ember 4.8 released 🐹,prettier-plugin-ember-template-tag released 🙌,more-confetti-addon released 🥳,Dive into modern @ember-data 🏗️,Learn how to overwrite the default transition after authentication 🗝️,Deprecation of Ember array prototype extensions 🧹,Watch the movies 🎞,Evolving Ember’s Major Version Process ⭕,Announcing the Official TypeScript Types Public Preview 🔥,Ember Resources Release 🎉Ember Security Releases Blog Post 🔒Ember.js 3.24.7, 3.28.10, 4.4.4, 4.8.1, and 4.9.0-beta.3 were recently released to patch a security vulnerability for apps that pass untrusted input as paths to EmberObject.setProperties or EmberObject.set, or the corresponding standalone functions setProperties or set. Apps that do this may get surprising results that, in combination with other application bugs, could lead to cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.Head on over to the blog post to read more about the security patch.Ember 4.8 released 🐹Em...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 205
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Ember 4.10 released 🐹,ember-template-lint 5.0 released 🧹,EmberConf News 🎤,New addons ✨,Updated addons 📬,Ember 4.0+ upgrade survey 🐹,Call for support with TS support in Ember 📦,Wacky Tricks We Use in Publishing TypeScript Types ▶️,A new codemod to migrate addons to v2 format 📣Ember 4.10 released 🐹Ember 4.10 was recently released!This release included several new features for Ember.js including the introduction of the @ember/owner package as specified in the API for Type-Only Imports RFC, 2 bug fixes for Ember.js and several deprecations. The release also includes 5 new features for Ember CLI.Head on over to the 4.10 release blog post and give it a read today!ember-template-lint 5.0.0 released 🧹Version 5.0 has been released for ember-template-lint, the linter for best practices with Ember handlebars templates.The key changes include:Linting embedded templates by defaultAdding nearly a dozen rules to the recommended configChanging a few rule names and option defa...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 206
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Polaris Update 🚀,EmberConf 2023 🎙️,EmberFest 2023 🇪🇸,Open Core Team Meetings 💻 ,a modern way to write codemods 🤖,a codemod to help introduce Glint ✨,Ember Inspector in Safari 🔎,release of prettier-plugin-ember-template-tag 🔥,make VS Code ready for EmberJS 📦,Europe Ember.js Video 🇪🇺,start contributing today 🐹🚀 Update: The Polaris Edition of EmberWe’re trying something new with this edition of Ember-- using a GitHub Project! The Polaris Project is not only a great way to keep track of the active updates to the work being done for this edition, but also look for ways that you can participate!While we are still working to define success for this edition (stay tuned for that!), using standard project management has been an improved way to give more transparency to our work and our hypothesis is that it will also increase community member participation as a result.The Polaris edition intends not only to continue deprecating Ember features that now have native we...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 207
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹EmberFest 2023 is a wrap 🇪🇸, Ember 5.3 is released 🚀, ember-shiki 🌈, Ember videos 🎞️, Whiskey, Web and Whatnot 🎙️, Addon releases ✨, Embroider addon audits 🧀🇪🇸 EmberFest 2023 is a wrap!EmberFest 2023 happened this past week and it was full of exciting talks that hopefully you were able to see in person or remotely. There were talks from Ed Faulkner (@ef4), Chris Thoburn (@runspired), Preston Sego (@NullVoxPopuli) and more!A huge thank you to all who were involved in coordinating and presenting and otherwise helping to put EmberFest together. We are already excited for next year's event 🎉🐹🔥🇪🇺!EmberFest videos may be forthcoming at some point in the not too distant future hopefully 🤞. We'll post here in the Times if and when they are, so keep an eye out!🚀 Ember 5.3 is releasedEmber 5.3 has been released. There were a few deprecations for Ember and Ember CLI. Ember CLI now officially supports --pnpm🔥. EmberData shipped quite a bit of work around RequestMa...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 208
Ember.js Blog
👋 Welcome to 2024, Emberistas! 🐹EmberFest 2023 videos 🇪🇸, Ember Europe meet-up video 🇪🇺, Glint Deep Dives 🤿, Practicle Blogposts 📝, Addons since 1st of JanuaryWelcome to 2024!It's been an irregular year when it comes to this amazing blog/newsletter. This edition does its best to wrap up some of the important resources released in the last quarter of 2023. It will not cover all the releases of the addons we usually cover. Starting this February we'll try to send out the Ember Times bi-weekly again and we could use your help. If you are interested in writing for the Ember Times, please reach out on Discord (#support-ember-times)!If you are interested in keeping up with all that is going on within the Ember Core teams, you can join the meetings on our Discord server. Since the last time we published this list, two things changed. The RFC meeting happens twice on Friday to make it more accessible for people in/around the EU timezone. With Polaris coming up, on Monday you can join t...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 209
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Modern EmberData 📜, faster components 🚀, v2 addons, learning EmberJS at AuditBoard, help the adopted-ember-addons📜 Modern EmberDataChris Thoburn (@runspired) walks you through one of the key changes that come with RequestManager that highlights the advantages of the changing architecture, as well as tease a bit of what is still to come: All requests should use EmberData. The blog post will highlight what's to come and what has happened over the last years to set EmberData up to be ready for the future that is schema and spec-driven.🚀 Are template-only components faster?Preston Sego (@NullVoxPopuli) puts components to the test in this clear blog post and explains how you can test your components. So if you are interested in the answer to the question "Are template-only components faster?", check out their blog post!✨ All addons to v2With all the work on embroider more and more addons are publishing major versions in which they upgrade to be a v2 addon.This week we h...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 210
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹News 🗞️, EmberData updates 🛸, Addons ✨, EmberEurope Q1 videos 🇪🇺, Webpack Subresource Integrity plugin for Embroider 📦, ember-serviceable-helper 🚚, Generate Glint template registry 🗂️ and Gember 🫚🗞️ Noteworthy newsGitHub now has full support for syntax highlighting the template tag component authoring format. (.gjs/.gts). Thanks to everyone who contributed by converting their files 👏.Ember's Discord server has now an amazing showcase channel. The goal of this place is to share amazing apps or addons build with Ember!EmberConf is happening in New York City 🗽 on the 31st of May. With this short timeline, the opened CFP will close on the 17th of April and talks will be accepted on a rolling basis. So do you want to share your Ember story from the Big 🍎, send your CFP now!🛸 EmberData updatesEmberData has made some exciting updates recently. A TypeScript Guide has been added to their in-repo guides, along with badges that show the latest published versions for ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 211
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹EmberConf 2024 videos 🗽, Live coding WarpDrive 🌌, Ember Europe Q2 🇪🇺, Games with Ember 👾, New addons & libraries 🎊, Updated addons 🌟, EmberData v5.3.x 📦, Security fix for ember-cli-polyfill-io 🔓, read up on template tag & named blocks in the guides 🧱🗽 EmberConf 2024 videosWe enjoyed an energizing EmberConf on the 31st of May in New York City. If you missed the conference or want to watch specific talks back, you can check out the playlist on YouTube.🌌 Live Coding at EmberConf 2024: WarpDrive Legacy Relationships SupportJoin us as we dive into the exciting world of WarpDrive (previously known as EmberData) live from New York City! Despite the hustle and bustle, we're tackling some critical updates and sharing our progress with you. Apologies for the background noise, we couldn't find a quiet spot, but the energy of the city is all part of the experience. Stay tuned for insights, discussions, and a peek into our development process in this vibrant atmosphere!...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 52
Ember.js Blog
Emberistas שלום! 🐹Read either on the Ember blog or in our e-mail newsletter what has been going on in Emberland this week.Those Request for Comments (RFCs) keep coming and this is why we present 4 entirely new proposalsthat you shouldn't miss this week.We also have an amazing tutorial for creating accessible web applications for you, to give you a head start in developing, shipping and testing your apps for a11y 👭Check out what's been going in Emberland 🐹 these days:An Object Upgrade with Class 🌟For Ember the road ahead is beset with native ES classes.Last summer the first Request for Comments (RFC) for making ES classesa real thing in Ember had been merged and changed the future outlook for Ember's public API drastically.The proposal crafted the idea of making the well-aged EmberObject model cross-compatible with the more modern ES Class syntax.This paved the way for Ember to evolve with the latest state of the JavaScript ecosystem in mind.Since then, early adopters in the communi...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 53
Ember.js Blog
Mholweni Emberistas! 🐹Read either on the Ember blog or in our e-mail newsletter what has been going on in Emberland this week.And this week we not only have an insider tip on how to dramatically reduce your app build times 🕐 for you,but we're also reporting back on easy-peasy module imports 🙌 and - last, but not least! - presenting you a brand-new Readers' Question 💯 in this edition of the Ember Times.Check it out!Need for Speed: Ember Edition - Speed Up Ember BuildsHave Ember CLI build times been causing you grief? Do you want to shave 20 seconds from your rebuilds?Tomasz Smykowski has been experimenting with building on SSD vs RAM Disk. He has seen up to 32x speed improvements! Speedups were found when upgrading to a faster processor and using an SSD.Upgrading RAM wasn't found to be helpful however the biggest gain was found by using a RAM disk to hold the project folder which allowed 3x speed gains during builds. The drawback of this is that when the computer shuts down the RAM ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 54
Ember.js Blog
привет Emberistas! 🐹Read either on the Ember blog or in our e-mail newsletter what has been going on in Emberland this week.This week you can read all about the 📦 Ember 3.2 and how the 🐹 Core Team has reorganised.There's also a great tip on how you can improve your testing with the new and improved 🚀QUnit DOM.At last, there's news about 👩‍💻 Twiddle as well as a nice 📹 video on the Ember Styleguide. Enjoy!Organising the OrganisersThe Ember Team has published a new blog post outlining some structural changes to the Core teams. It contains two changes: A new Steering Committee and a renaming of some of the existing teams.The Steering Committee will be responsible for areas like community guidelines, managing Ember’s brand, dealing with legal questions and much more.The renaming of the Ember teams means that moving forward, all the official teams will be known as Core teams: Ember.js Core, Ember CLI Core, Ember Data Core, and Ember Learning Core.The intent here is to make it clear t...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 55
Ember.js Blog
nuqneH Emberistas! 🐹Read either on the Ember blog or in our e-mail newsletter what has been going on in Emberland this week.This week you can learn about updating your Ember app 💁🏻. Learn from firsthand experience how to become an addon maintainer 💪. Get some tips on writing your own RFCs ✨. Check out the new SEO tactics of Ember 🔎 and last but not least learn about the potential move of Ember to a new chat platform 💬. Go ahead and enjoy!Don't Worry, Ember CLI Got You Covered 💻The number one tool for updating Ember.js apps or addons got even better. The newest version of ember-cli-update now runs qunit-dom-codemod for you. This means that you, with close to no effort at all, can utilize this great addon for your tests.And the cool thing is that ember-cli-update fetches new codemods during runtime - so no need to update to get this nice codemod! To run the codemod, type ember-cli-update --run-codemods and magic will take care of the rest for you.You can visit the addon page for e...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 56
Ember.js Blog
Ia orana Emberistas! 🐹Read either on the Ember blog or in our e-mail newsletter what has been going on in Emberland this week.Learn more about lazily loaded dependencies with ember-auto-import ✨, the latest update of Ember in TodoMVC, the obligatory"Hello World" example for JavaScript libraries 📝, and the latest Ember 3.3 release ⬆️.Be sure to also join us on a tour 🚌 through recent RFCs (Request for Comments) proposing features that will landin an Ember app near you soon! 🚀Got Dependencies? 📦We’ve previously highlighted the great ember-auto-import by the wizardly Edward Faulkner🌟 as a way to import npm packages into your Ember app. With the latest update, it got way cooler.As he demonstrates in this nice screencast, with v1.2.0 you can now lazy load dependencies via import()! The dynamic import() will load the dependency as well as all its recursive dependencies via a separate JavaScript file at runtime. That’s really awesome.To get started, watch the screencast or dive into the...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 57
Ember.js Blog
~ Γεια σου Emberistas! 🐹Read either on the Ember blog or in our e-mail newsletter what has been going on in Emberland this week.This week you can learn about how to make ember-inspector best inspector ever ✨, single word angle-bracket invocation, and how Ember + WebAssembly are now the best of friends 👐. Find out when to grab a snack 🍿 and join the ember-data live streams 🎥 . Confused about ember-lifeline and ember-concurrency? Checkout the brand-new Readers' Question 💯 in this edition of the Ember Times to unravel the mystery.Ember Inspector - Help shape the future! 🔍We're pushing hard to make Ember Inspector the world class DevTools you deserve, and would love to get your input and help!We would like to hear about feature requests and ideas you have, pain points you have experienced, and anything and everything you can think of, that you would like to see make it into future iterations of Ember Inspector. Please check out the discuss post and leave your thoughts, and feel free ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 58
Ember.js Blog
Xin chào Emberistas! 🐹Read either on the Ember blog or in our e-mail newsletter what has been going on in Emberland this week.This time we have a call-to-action to shape the future of the new Ember homepage 🎨👩‍🎨 for you, as well as a brand-new RFC for the Ember CLI Docs 📖,important accessibility updates for ember-toggle 🔘 and a special thank you note for some of our dedicated contributors ✨The Quest for Better DocumentationThere’s a brand new RFC (Request for Comments) for restructuring and refreshing the Ember CLI docs. Jen Weber prepared a great overview of what needs to change to improve Ember CLI documentation. This is especially important since these changes could empower new contributors, correct outdated information and make the learning process way easier.Besides a restructure of the information architecture, Jen proposes to use personas as a way of understanding what changes are needed, as well as transforming the site into an Ember app.Community feedback is as always ap...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 59
Ember.js Blog
Merhaba Emberistas! 🐹Read either on the Ember blog or in our e-mail newsletter what has been going on in Emberland this week.This week's edition is jammed packed! Take a journey and find out how to use Ember to create Chrome Extensions. Test drive the latest Ember-CLI beta features. Dive deep into the Component Manager Bounds RFC. Learn how to help ship Mirage 1.0. Need Ember powered A/B experiments ? Outdoorsy open sourced an addon that might help.A framework for ambitious Chrome Extensions ⚙Esteban wrote an article on how he used Ember to create Chrome Extensions by combining multiple addons from around the community. He found a ton of of great starter and boilerplate projects on GitHub and identified some key ember-cli projects that make working with Chrome’s Extension API much easier.Specifically, Esteban mentions 3 ember-cli addons: ember-cli-deploy-chrome-app, ember-cli-post-build-copy, and ember-cli-concat that was instrumental in creating ambitious Chrome Extensions using Embe...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 60
Ember.js Blog
Olà Emberistas! 🐹Read either on the Ember blog or in our e-mail newsletter what has been going on in Emberland this week.This week's Ember Times is all about cool web fonts 😎, community chat migrations and encouraging your inner Ember Data RFC champion 🛡. We also have lots of Ember app wizardry ✨ with ember-cli-create, a guide for using learning resources of all Ember versions efficiently and - last, but not least - a brand-new Readers' Question for you! 💁🏻Taking Web Fonts to the Next Level 🔠Do you like web fonts? Then it’s a good thing that ember-cli-webfonts released version 1.0 🎉Now you can use the webfonts-generator to generate web fonts as part of your ember build process. By default the addon expects to find SVG files in app/webfont-svg but all of this can be customised alongside with class prefixes, base selectors, font names and much more.All you have to do is run ember install ember-cli-webfont and you’re ready to go. Check out the Github repository for more information...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 61
Ember.js Blog
Ħelow Emberistas! 🐹Read either on the Ember blog or in our e-mail newsletter what has been going on in Emberland this week.This week we have a fresh RFC for modifying your HTML elements 🛠 for you, as well as long-awaited async news from Ember Data 🕓, an empowering podcast session ❤️ and truthful updates for ember-truth-helpers! Check it out ✨Jazz Up Your Tags with Modifiers ✨A new Request for Comments (RFC) might bring new life to your HTML tags:The proposal for Modifiers presents a possible future API for components in Ember which allows toadd custom behaviour, like event listeners or styles, to DOM nodes in your components. Reliable access to DOM nodes will be guaranteed by the means of these element modifiers, alleviating issues with the outerHTML semantics mentioned in the this.bounds RFC which proposed a new way of accessing the root element of future Ember components.This RFC is a successor of the previous RFC#112: Element Modifiers and aims to bring many of the previously men...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 62
Ember.js Blog
Привет Emberistas! 🐹Read either on the Ember blog or in our e-mail newsletter what has been going on in Emberland this week.Have a look into the next year of Ember with the official 2018 Roadmap RFC 🌆 and read up on plans for Module Unification with Ember Addons 🐹. We also prompt ❗️you to check out Ember CLI Update for fresh ✨ updates and last, but not least, we have a brand-new 🔥 Readers' Question 🌿 in for you this week:RFC: Ember 2018 Roadmap 🛣Tom Dale published an RFC (Request for Comments) for the Ember 2018 Roadmap based on the feedback collected from the #EmberJS2018 call for blog posts earlier this year. Tom identified 3 key goals for Ember in 2018 along with 2 real world use cases to focus on.Goals:1. Improve communication and streamline decision-making, and empower new leaders.Make users feel empowered to become contributors and at the same time expanding and refining the core team structure which includes mentoring new leaders and cross-pollinating knowledge between tea...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 63
Ember.js Blog
Sholem-aleykhem Emberistas! 🐹Be sure to join the new Ember community chat on Discord 💬! This week, you can have a look into Ember Data's Meta Quest 🔜, some fresh 🍎 RFCs, thoughts on fostering the Ember community 💛, and a special thank you to @mmun 🎉.Meet your Ember 🐹 friends at Discord 🗨The time has come: The Ember Community is starting its big move over to Discord. As proposed in the original and recently accepted RFC (Request For Comments) for the migration you can now chat with your Ember friends 🐹👭👬👫 from all around the world on the Ember Discord server. This comes - among other benefits - with the advantage of unlimited message history.Check out the new community chat today, be sure to set up your profile as described in the #setup-profile channel and to join #discord-server-admin to gain access to your favorite discussions 💬.Ember Data: RecordData Meta QuestThe Ember Data team is looking for community help to bring RecordData to a stable release! You can read more ab...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 64
Ember.js Blog
Olá Emberistas! 🐹This week we're sharing news about the 🆕 Ember community Discord chat 💬, some fresh 🥑 RFCs, the State of JavaScript 2018 Survey 📝, Ember Data Help Wanted 🏗, and welcoming new Learning Team members 👋!Everyone's Moved! 📦 Meet Your Ember 🐹 Friends on Discord 🗣It's done! 👌 The community chat has finally moved over to Discord!Even more modern than IRC and ICQ combined, you can now chat with other Emberistas from all around the globe in many different topic channels with unlimited message history 💌✨.Join today and be sure to get setup as described in the #setup-profile channel. To start chatting, request the community-member role in #discord-server-admin, so the undaunted org admins can make sure THAT YOU ARE NOT A BOT BUT A REAL HUMAN LIKE US HA-HA 🤖.A Public Factory 🏭 for Your ModelsA brand-new 🔥 Request For Comments (RFC) makes addon authors' and Ember power users' 💪 hearts ♡ leap for joy:The previously deprecated Ember Data store method modelFactoryFor is...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 65
Ember.js Blog
Ahoj Emberistas! 🐹In this week's edition we're sharing news about a fresh 🥒 RFC to deprecate .property(), exciting addon updates 🚀 for sparkles-component and ember-css-modules, and how Ember is a modern framework 🎉 - tell your friends!Deprecate All the Property 🏠 ModifiersRemember .property()?fullName: computed(function() { // ...}).property('firstName', 'lastName'),This modifier for computed properties in Ember has been around for quite a while.And even though computed properties have already allowed to pass in dependent keys as an argument directly, e.g….fullName: computed('firstName', 'lastName', function() { // ...}),…the modifier hasn't been deprecated yet. The main obstacle for the deprecation has beenthe one valid use of .property(): It is required for cp macros, such as filter or map which receive a callback function as their argument.A brand-new 🔥 Request for Comments (RFC) 🚒 proposes to transition away from the usage of .property for these macros to allow the deprecati...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 66
Ember.js Blog
Emberistas سلام! 🐹Don't miss brand-new 🔥 RFCs for collocated addon tests and Router served query params this week!We also have news from Ember CLI Deprecation Workflow and a Lost & Found 🕵🏾‍ from the Ember API Docs for you,as well as a Thank You note for the most amazing Issue Triaging Experts! 🙂The Addon Test Is Right Where It Belongs ❤️Spending too much time looking for the test files of your in-repo addon? Feeling too exhausted to maintain a large test suite in which addon and host app test cases are meshed together? It doesn't have to be this way.Read more about how collocated in-repo test files are able to make your developer life easier in this shiny, new Request for Comments (RFC). And as always, be sure to leave your questions or ❤️ emojis right below the RFC's pull request description! ✨ember-cli-deprecation-workflow 1.0.0 Release 🎉This week, @rwjblue (with help from @mixonic, @atsao, and @gaurav0) released 1.0.0 of ember-cli-deprecation-workflow!ember-cli-deprecation-wo...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 67
Ember.js Blog
Hello, pleased to eat you, Emberistas! -Dracula 🦇🍂 Fall is here and so is Hacktoberfest for Ember, CodeSandbox for Ember, and Storybook for Ember! We're also advertising Help Wanted for the new Ember CLI docs and the latest Ember Twiddle release! Read on in this week's issue…Hacktoberfest 🎃🍻👨‍💻Trick or treat! The fifth annual Hacktoberfest is here! Support open source and earn a limited edition T-shirt by making five pull requests this month to any public repos…why not all Ember ones?!Looking for something to work on? Pop into the #hacktoberfest channel on the Ember Community Discord and ask away with questions! Here are some issues to get you started:ember-learn/cli-guides-sourceember-learn/ember-api-docsember-learn/ember-styleguideember-learn/guides-sourceemberjs/dataemberjs/websitekaliber5/ember-bootstrapWant to help improve Ember Observer? Have a friend or coworker looking for their first open source pull request? A mere 977 addon repos on emberobserver.com/lists/invalid-repo...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 68
Ember.js Blog
Hola Emberistas! 🐹EmberConf 2019 is here, is this the year for you to submit a talk idea?! 🗣 In this week's issue we're highlighting some ways to contribute to Ember: the Ember Help Wanted App 🚧, the new Ember CLI guides 📚, and Module Unification 📝. We're also celebrating some Hacktoberfest 🕸 wins. Read on!Find Ways to Help Out with the Ember Help Wanted App ✨Too much spare time at hand and don't know what to do? Wanna contribute to open-source? Then check out the sparkling ✨ new Ember Help Wanted App ✨!!The Ember Help Wanted App lists all current open issues across Ember repositories, like Ember CLI, Ember Data, the EmberJS Website and more which could use some support. The website is also a great resource if you're still looking forward to get your contributions in for Hacktoberfest, so be sure to check it out.EmberConf 2019 Call for Papers 📝Huzzah, the announcement is here! EmberConf 2019 will be held March 18-20 in Portland, OR! EmberConf is three days of activities, session...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 69
Ember.js Blog
Namaste Emberistas! 🐹This week we're discussing 4️⃣ fresh RFCs 🥑: bringing truth helpers to Ember core ✍️, new error handling methods 🚨, jQuery-free Ember apps by default 😄, and some improvements to relationship links 🔗. We're also highlighting test coverage for docs when Ember is upgraded 🚧, the new ember-self-focused addon 👁‍🗨, the EmberConf 2019 CFP brainstorm 🧠⛈, and more…read on!Help Yourselves to Default Template Helpers 🍽️If you find yourself often reaching for the addon ember-truth-helpers in your templates then this new RFC by @cibernox is for you. This Request for Comments (RFC) proposes bringing in some of the template helpers in ember-truth-helpers into Ember Core.The reasoning behind this is that a few helpers from this addon are so common in Ember apps that it makes sense to add them into Ember Core itself to reduce the friction of needing to install an addon to get them.Another reason that might even be more important is that this could open up Glimmer VM low l...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 70
Ember.js Blog
G'day, Emberistas! 🐹This week we have an Ember standard for i18n 🌍, more convenient transitions through your Ember apps with the new Router Helpers & Element Modifiers RFC, artisan ☕️ deprecations for setting your component managers, a new version of Ember, an exciting new Readers' Question 🤔 on the future of controllers, using GraphQL in Ember 💥, and more!ember-i18n Deprecation and Release of ember-intl 🌐@snewcomer and @cibernox announced a new way to internationalize Ember apps, ember-i18n is now deprecated in favour of ember-intl! This will provide Ember with a standard package for internationalization.There are many reasons to make the change such as:Using the ICU message format which is a standard in the i18n industryLocale-aware numbers, dates, times, currencies, decimals, and percentages!Uses the Native Intl APITranslations are way more powerful and can contain logic (like gender-dependent translations)Advanced addon support to provide translations to the host appThere is e...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 71
Ember.js Blog
Bonjour Emberistas! 🐹This week your help is needed to bring tree-shaking 🌳 to Ember apps! RFCs on route actions and dynamic tags are ready for your comments 📢. We're also highlighting Ember for CodeSandbox ✨, and the awesome #30DaysOfEmber 📆 series. Read on!Make Tree-Shaking 🌲 Ready for Landing ✈️ - Your Help is Wanted!A promising approach to reduce the size of Ember apps dramatically is known as tree-shaking. This describes a way to exclude any code from your bundle which is ultimately not needed for your application to work as expected.The Packager RFC (Request for Comments) for bringing tree-shaking to Ember apps was accepted in April this year. Since then, lots of progress has already been made on the Ember & Ember CLI side of things. There is even the experimental addon ember-cli-tree-shaker that has been a tangible product of recent efforts to allow you to try out tree shaking today. But there's still a lot more to do. Your help is needed!If you're feeling up to the task to ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 72
Ember.js Blog
Kedu Emberistas! 🐹We need Emberistas at JSConf EU, so submit a talk to the newly opened CFP! 🗣️ There's an update to the RFC about RFCs 📜! You can also read about more informative Routes 🤓, watch a tutorial on how to build a live updating league table ⚽️ in Ember 3.5 📹, or help upgrade the test coverage of official Ember projects! ✍️JSConf EU CFP is Now Open! 👐JSConf EU, which will be held from June 1 – 2 2019 in Berlin, has officially opened their Call for Papers (CfP) for talks regarding JavaScript, the web, or a clever hack.This is a good opportunity for us, as Ember developers, to showcase our work to the greater JavaScript community. Similar to the EmberConf process, the CfP starts out blind and later gets de-anonymized.The call for speakers this year is open until December 23rd. JSConf’s sibling conference, CSSconf, even published a blog on How to write a great talk proposal for a tech conference.”Pick the topic you feel most passionate about. This is your conference.” is t...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 73
Ember.js Blog
Suilad Emberistas! 🐹Last call for your talk submissions to EmberConf 2019! 📣 In this week's issue: eslint-plugin-ember v6.0.0 is out 🚓, watch all the talks from EmberFest 🎥, try out hot reloading in Ember ️🔥, and a sneak peak at DecEmber 😄…Your Last Chance to Become a Speaker at EmberConf 2019 🎤Never tried public speaking before, but you're curious to share your thoughts on something interesting you learned recently? Are you already an experienced meetup speaker and looking for the next stage? Have you spoken at conferences before and want to try something new?No matter what your experience level is, we're looking for you to become a speaker at EmberConf 2019. The CFP (Call for Proposals) will be open for only another 2 days, so be sure to get your talk proposal in this very weekend before Sunday, Nov 18, 2018 at 11:59pm MST.Out of ideas? Be sure to check out the Brainstorm CFP to inspire yourself!Not feeling ready yet? Be assured, that you are ready to tell us your story - we'r...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 76
Ember.js Blog
εte sεn Emberistas? 🐹Join us with your contributions for DecEmber 🐹🎄, read more about using @tracked in the new RFC 👣, fill out the npm JavaScript Ecosystem Survey 📝, JSON:API 🇯 is getting an update for the holiday season 🎉🎊🎈 and Ember's linting future needs your input 💬!Jingle Bells 🔔, Jingle Bells 🔔, ✨ DecEmber 🐹🎄 All the Way!Find one of the issues 🔍 Ember Learn project December label in use chat unchecked.Send in a PR ⬅️24PullRequests are worthwhile! 🐹Jingle bells, jingle bells, DecEmber all the way! 🐹🎄Tracked Properties RFC Is Up for Review! 👣The Tracked Properties RFC introduces a simpler and more ergonomic system for tracking state change in Ember applications.Developers can identify if a property or a getter should be autotracked by adding a @tracked decorator to it. This allows that value to have its dependencies automatically detected as it is used.Because tracked properties are a very thin layer on top of native JavaScript, setting and accessing tracked pro...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 77
Ember.js Blog
Salut Emberistas! 🐹This week boolean component arguments 👻 are in for an RFC, learn more about component patterns 📚🧐, Ember 3.6 released 🚀, and the EmberConf speakers have been announced! 👏Boolean Dreams Come True ☁️Ever wanted to pass boolean arguments to your components like you would pass boolean attributes - like checked or readonly - to an HTML element?This fresh RFC (Request for Comments) discusses how this could become reality!Leave your thoughts on how boolean arguments could be implemented for Ember components in the comments below the original proposal.Ember 3.6 Released 🚀Ember 3.6 is out and ready to use. This release contains the last step of the Native Class Constructor Update RFC. This introduces native classes in Ember but with some caveats so remember to read the release post carefully before refactoring your code base.Ember 3.6 also contains the final stage of the router service RFC which includes some new methods that can improve the way you deal with routing. ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 78
Ember.js Blog
مرحبا Emberistas! 🐹This week: Find out what's new in Ember Inspector and Extensible Ember Inspector 👨‍💻, read about the Glimmer Components RFC ✨, register for EmberConf 2019 📆, and a new RFC on Render Element Modifiers 🔨!What's New in Ember Inspector and Extensible Ember Inspector 🐹The Ember Inspector team has been working hard over the past few months to close out lots ofsuper old issues (some from several years ago!), as well as adding newfeatures to Ember Inspector. Thanks to @nummiyou can now keep up with the changes being made as well! Whenyou open a new version of Ember Inspector, you'll now be shown an info tabwith all the changes since the last version.We also did a few third party library swaps and updates,most notably switching from ember-pikaday toember-flatpickrand using ember-table for the data tab.@rwwagner90 championed the date picker switch, which resolved several issues withpikaday, and also removed our dependence on jQuery.@thorsteinsson championed the ember-tab...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 79
Ember.js Blog
Blein Vie Noa, Emberistas! 🐹🎆🎇The new year starts off with loads of new RFCs! Read more about suggested deprecations of Route render methods and selected ApplicationController properties 🈸! We also have a new RFC for a brand new look of emberjs.com, performance improvements 🏎 for the API Docs search, a new beta release of ember-cli-babel and an advanced testing exam for you!Website Redesign 🎨The official Ember website is due for a new look and feel. That is why a new RFC proposes a completely new look 💅 for emberjs.com. A side effect of not having updated the look and feel of the website for some years is that for people who aren’t involved in the day-to-day of Ember development, it’s easy to miss just how well the framework has kept up over the years.The redesign aims to modernize, update and improve all the things on the website so that the impression given to the general public matches reality.There’s already a good discussion going on in the RFC comment section, and we would...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 80
Ember.js Blog
Grüezi mitenand Emberistas! 🐹This week you can read about the 🦄 magical gifts 🎁 of DecEmber ❄ and the decorators RFC moving into FCP 🎉! Check out a video on the State of Ember today 📺 and read our exclusive interview with community contributor @hakilebara 🧠!DecEmber ❄ is over? Collect your gift! 🎁DecEmber has wrapped up and it seems to have been a big hit! There were many contributions to ember-learn repos and it is all thanks to the awesome Ember community!Did you participate in DecEmber? We'd like to send you a thank you gift! Fill out the form and enjoy!Decorators in FCP 🤓The decorators Request for Comments (RFC) has been moved into Final Comment Period (FCP). This means that if you have thoughts about decorators now is your chance to add your comment.The motivation for the decorators RFC is that native decorators bring a more natural way of declaring computed properties to native classes than the current computed macros.As always, feel free to read the RFC and share your th...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 81
Ember.js Blog
Salam Emberistas! 🐹This week we have news from the latest 3.7 release of Ember 🚀, an exclusive contributor interview with @serenaf 🎙,and a new RFC on Restructuring the Guides Table of Contents 🔖 for you!Ember 3.7 is Out! 🎉In the past week version 3.7 of Ember.js, Ember CLI and Ember Data has been released. The new release comes with lots of important bug fixes for Ember and new features for Ember CLI, including a new compatibility table for addon authors to be used in their projects' READMEs.Read all about the new release and how you can upgrade your app in the official release blog post."I contribute to Ember" with Serena FritschThis week we'd like to highlight the work of community member Serena Fritsch, also known as @serenaf.In an exclusive interview with the Ember Times she talks about her learnings contributing to the Ember Deprecations App and why she believes that every contribution counts.You can read the full interview on the Ember Forum.Read moreRFC: Restructuring the G...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 82
Ember.js Blog
హలో Emberistas! 🐹This week you can read all about a new RFC for accessible routing 🗺, angle brackets coming 🔜 to the guides, a new way to decorate with Ember Decorators 🖼, a contributor interview with @bekzod 💬, check out the upcoming Ember.js documentary 🎬🍿🎥, a new RFC for contextual helpers 🎒 and more!New RFC: Accessible Routing in Ember 🗺Currently, routing in Ember is not natively accessible for users with assistive technology. This means that whenever the user navigates to a new route within an Ember application, screen readers do not read out the new content or appropriately move focus. This new RFC by @MelSumner proposes a solution to this so Ember routing can be natively accessible for users with assistive technology.Feel free to read the RFC and leave your thoughts as a comment.Coming Soon: Angle Brackets to the Guides 🎉A quest issue to convert the guides to angle bracket invocation is gaining traction. This effort will bring RFC 311 to the documentation in the next ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 83
Ember.js Blog
გამარჯობა Emberistas! 🐹2019 is coming in strong with a staggering amount of RFCs in FCP ⌛, an update on native classes in Ember 🚀, Ember.js Core Team Face-to-Face Meeting 😄, as well as an upcoming This.JavaScript: State of Frameworks! 🎉We also have an exclusive contributor interview with @jenweber for you! 🙌RFCs in Final Comment Period 🖊️⌛2019 is coming in strong with a staggering amount of RFCs in Final Comment Period (FCP). So come and check out these awesome work!Tracked Properties RFC by @pzuraq which introduces a simpler and more ergonomic system for tracking state change in Ember applications.Contextual Helpers & Modifiers RFC by @chancancode or supporting first-class helpers/modifiers in our templates.Two deprecation RFCs by @chadhietala are now in FCP - Deprecate Application Controller Router Properties RFC and Deprecate Route Render APIs RFC.Finally the Restructuring the Guides Table of Contents RFC by @jenweber where the Guides will be rearranged to provide a natural le...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 84
Ember.js Blog
ሰላም Emberistas! 🐹This week we have a new 🆕 EmberWeekly.com, ✨ the new documentation site for Ember Mirage, an introduction to the EmberConf 2019 closing speaker – Sarah Allen 🗣️, a new theme 🖤 for your Ember Twiddles and an exclusive interview with Ember contributor @rwwagner90!EmberConf 2019 closing speaker: Sarah Allen 🗣️It was recently announced that Sarah Allen – @ultrasaurus – will be the closing EmberConf 2019 speaker!Sarah founded Blazing Cloud, a mobile development firm, and Bridge Foundry, a diversity and inclusion nonprofit. She previously served as Presidential Innovation Fellow in the Obama Administration at the Smithsonian Institution, and was an early engineer on After Effects, Shockwave, and Flash video. She now leads Google Cloud Platform infrastructure teams working on server-side events and security policy.So be sure to register for EmberConf if you haven’t yet!🆕 EmberWeekly.com 💥Our friends at Ember Weekly launched a new EmberWeekly.com. @ebryn tweets that the...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 85
Ember.js Blog
こんにちは Emberistas! 🐹In this week's issue: watch the Ember.js Documentary 🍿, check out the Ember.js core team panel 📹, there's a big update to the guides 📐, a new RFC to deprecate computed().meta() 🚀, and we have an exclusive interview with Ember contributor Lisa Backer! 🎉Ember.js: The Documentary is Now Released! 🍿JavaScript was not always the dominant force in the web. Today a lot of SPA features we see around the web were pioneered by Ember. Explore the story of why and how Ember.js came to be in Ember.js: The Documentary!Here are a couple of quick snippets from the film. Tom Dale said:JavaScript frameworks don’t have to be disposable software. Web applications don’t have to be disposable software. You don’t need to tell your manager we need to stop writing any new features for the next 6 months because it’s been 2 years and we need to rewrite – Ember is a symbol of the fact that that is a false dichotomy.Yahuda Katz said:I really hope the best of Ember is ahead because I think...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 86
Ember.js Blog
สวัสดี Emberistas! 🐹Fill out the 2019 Ember Community Survey! 📝 We have RFCs galore: two follow-up RFCs to make Tracked Properties better 👣, the full deprecation of Partials 🥛, the renaming of htmlSafe and the deprecation of with 🚫, and a RFC Roundup Redux episode of Ember Weekend 🔈 for you. This week we're also highlighting a wholesome Ember community experience 🤝, and last, but not least, an exclusive interview with Ember contributor @cibernox! 💬2019 Ember Community Survey 📝The official 2019 Ember Community Survey is here! We would like your help to learn about who is in the Ember community and how they work with the framework.This is the fifth year we're learning about the community's makeup and interests, and we look forward to sharing the results at EmberConf 2019 on March 18th. Over 1300 participants took part in the survey in 2018 (2018 survey results) and we are aiming for even more participation this year!Completing the survey should take about 15 minutes. We've added...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 87
Ember.js Blog
Happy Friday, Emberistas! 🐹This week: Take and share the 2019 Ember Community Survey 🐹, Ember 3.8 released 🚀, SFC & Template Import Primitives RFC 🔬, Contribution Guides RFC in FCP ✏️, dig through the Classic Class Owner Tunnel RFC 🕳, Help Wanted 🚧, and a brand-new Readers' Question 🤓 for you!Let Your Voice Be Heard in the 2019 Ember Community Survey 🗣With 2019 already under way the Ember Core team would like your help to learn about who is in the Ember community and how they work with the framework. The 2019 Ember Community Survey is anonymous and only open until March 12th!Be sure to take survey today and spread the word among your colleagues and Ember friends!Take the surveyEmber 3.8 Released 🚀New versions of Ember, Ember CLI and Ember Data have been released. Not only does this release contain features like the Element Modifier Manager and the array helper - it also marks 3.8 as a new LTS candidate. Both the features and the LTS information can be found in the release post...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 88
Ember.js Blog
👋 Emberistas! 🐹Be heard by filling out the Ember Community Survey! 🗣 Check out a video preview of Ember.js Octane tech 🎥, the latest release of ember-ajax 🎉, learn how to contribute to Ember Times 📰, a new full-stack livestream series 📹, and read about angle bracket component invocation syntax for built-in components 📐!Only a Few Days Left to Complete the Ember Community Survey 🚀This upcoming Tuesday, March 12th is the deadline to complete the Ember community survey. If you have already answered the survey, thank you! 🎉 Don’t forget to poke a lot of people around you to complete it too!If you have not yet completed it, please do. Your answer will give a better view on the Ember community and how it is used all around the world!Ember.js Octane Tech Preview 🎥Check out an awesome new video preview by @GavinJoyce explaining some of the features and improvements available as part of Ember Octane!The video briefly covers Module Unification and relevant changes to file structure in...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 89
Ember.js Blog
Talofa Emberistas! 🐹 We hope to see you at EmberConf next week!Polish up the Guides preview for Octane ⛽️, invoke nested components with angle bracket syntax 📐, an update on module unification 📝, check out the new Yieldable Named Blocks RFC 📇, an Ember Data Development Plan RFC 💾 and more!Copy Editors For the Octane Guides Needed 📝Do you have a few minutes to read a page of the Work in Progress (WIP) of the new Octane Guides and send a PR for any kind of small fix? It's all about spelling, typos and factual accuracy in this round of copy-editing for the Octane Guides, and your help - however big or small - is greatly appreciated! 🖤Your work will contribute to a big initiative the Learning Core team and friends have been working on for a while and which will be highlighted at EmberConf next week!You can read more about how to contribute and what to look out for in the description of the related Quest Issue and thank you for your support - every little bit helps! ⭐️Invoking Compon...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 90
Ember.js Blog
هيلو Emberistas! 🐹This week has been super busy with The Ember Times team reporting from EmberConf 2019 in Portland Oregon! We are sharing highlights from the conference with you 🐹, learn about Ember Octane ⛽️ in a series of blog posts 📖, read and comment on the new Bind Helper RFC 💖💪, and turn {{on}} the power with a new {{On}} Modifier RFC 🔌.Greetings from EmberConf 2019This week EmberConf - the biggest, annual Ember conference - took place in Portland, Oregon, United States. Ember developers from all around the world came together to learn more about the newest features of the framework, best practices, case studies and most importantly meet online Ember friends.Pictured are Jared Galanis, Melanie Sumner, Kenneth Larsen, L. Preston Sego III, Anne-Greeth Van Herwijnen as Zoey(!), Jessica Jordan, Jen Weber, Ryan Mark, Chris Ng, Amy Lam, and Ricardo "locks" Mendes. Not pictured: Robert Wagner, Alon Bukai, Edward Faulkner, Gaurav Munjal, Miguel Braga Gomes, and Sivakumar Kailasam....
The Ember Times - Issue No. 91
Ember.js Blog
හෙලෝ Emberistas! 🐹Read some RFCs around extending EmberObject 💡, learn how to build Hangman with Ember Octane 🎬, plus check out the Record Data Errors RFC 📇, an "e"mpressive EmberWeekend podcast with @mansona 🎙, and the Singleton Record Data RFC for Ember Data 💾! Last, but not least, catch our exclusive interview with Ember contributor @kategengler. 🚀RFCs around EmberObject Base Class 💡@pzuraq opened 2 new RFCs around using the EmberObject base class.The @classic Decorator RFC adds a set of warnings for users who adopt native class syntax with EmberObject base classes. By using the @classic decorator, the warnings around edge cases such as init vs constructor or use of Mixins are turned off. These warnings are used as a guide for components to slowly migrate away from extending from EmberObject to more standalone such as GlimmerComponent.The Injection Hook Normalization RFC supersedes the submitted Classic Class Owner Tunnel RFC. This RFC looks to answer how we should handle de...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 92
Ember.js Blog
હેલો Emberistas! 🐹The video recordings of EmberConf 2019 are now available! But first, read about the benefits of volunteering at a tech conference 💪, an RFC on adding npm dependency lint ✨, a new {{fn}} Helper RFC 🎉, data loading and animation patterns in your Ember app 🌟, and you don't wanna miss tips on mentoring Ember developers 👩‍🏫! Enjoy some ✨ fan art by @delusioninabox 👩‍🎨, and read the exclusive interview with Ember contributor @pzuraq! 💬3 Reasons to Volunteer at a Tech Conference 💪🏼@lisaychuang shares her experience from this year’s EmberConf, and encourages newcomers in any tech community to attend a tech conference (and possibly volunteer!).As a volunteer, you can get:A warm welcome to the communityBehind the scene accessA chill home base during the conferenceCurious to learn more? Check out her post on Medium: 3 reasons why you should volunteer at a tech conference.Dependency Lint RFC ✨@Alonski proposed that the addon ember-cli-dependency-lint should be added to...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 93
Ember.js Blog
ഹായ് Emberistas! 🐹Welcome to a Survey Special of The Ember Times! Besides a call for contribution to the Ember Engines Guides MVP that we're featuring this week, this issue will highlight the results of this year's Ember Community Survey. With over 1200 responses, thanks to you, the results of this survey give a nice insight into the Ember Community, where we currently are and also what we can improve upon. You are welcome to read the results yourself, but we as Ember Times writers will give you a nice overview and highlight three main reasons why the community still loves to use Ember today, as well as ways that we can reflect and improve. So enjoy the read. 📜Reason #1. Community 🏆One great reason to use Ember is the community that you are/will be a part of. Ember provides a wide platform for everyone to be an active learner and contributor. Where will you discover yourself next?This year, we surveyed 10 different ways to learn and contribute!Our 5 most favorite places to learn: (d...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 94
Ember.js Blog
Bonghjornu Emberistas! 🐹This week: calling nested components in Angle Brackets Invocation Syntax 🔍, 2 RFCs for improving Ember Data 💬, an exclusive interview with Ember contributor @danielleadams 🎙, user impersonation with Ember Simple Auth 👤, check out code splitting on routes 🖖, a brand-new blog post about @action, {{on}} & {{fn}} 🚀, and last, but not least, EmberCamp videos are live! 🍿Nested Components in Angle Brackets: A First Look 🔍Starting Ember 3.10 (currently in beta), we can call nested components in angle brackets! 🎉🎉🎉 Recall, we want to use angle brackets to add clarity to code.EmberMap gave us a first look at the new syntax and how to incrementally migrate our templates. For example, the template,{{#ui-grid columns='md:2 lg:3' gutters='md:3' as |grid|}} {{#each sortedEpisodes as |episode|}} {{#grid.column}} {{podcast/components/podcast-card episode=episode}} {{/grid.column}} {{/each}}{{/ui-grid}}would become,<Grid @columns='md:2 lg:3' @gutters='md:3' as |grid|>...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 95
Ember.js Blog
What's up Emberistas! 🐹This week you can read about the Component Templates Co-location RFC 🖇️, the story behind ember-model-select 📔, the launch of ember-intl-analyzer 🚀, and EmberFest 2019 announced 🇩🇰!Component Templates Co-location RFC 🖇️@chancancode opened an RFC around placing the component’s class and template in the same directory on the file system. The proposed change is to move the templates from being located at app/templates/components into the app/components directory, co-locating it with the component’s JavaScript file.This change provides component class/template coupling, a single source of truth for components, resolves deviations from route template conventions, and the lack of a single import. If you'd like to learn more, please take a look at RFC #481. Read, comment, and spread the word about it! 🖊️The Story Behind ember-model-select 📔Often, inspiration for a new idea comes from combining the best of existing ideas.For his first blog post, @nickschot share...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 96
Ember.js Blog
Spring has sprung, Emberistas! 🐹This week: arrival of decorators in Ember 3.10 & Octane ✨, a new season of May I Ask a Question 🙋, contributions from the EmberJS Paris contributor workshop 🇫🇷, easier navigation through concurrency in your app tests 🕗, interview with Edward Faulkner on Embroider 🎙️, and building an e-commerce app with Octane 🔥! Read on…Decorators Arrive in Ember 3.10 & Octane ✨It's official: Decorators will be shipped with Ember 3.10 and Octane! 🎉In his latest coverage of Octane, Chris Garrett explains which decorators Ember supports, why others from ember-decorators addon weren't included, and how we can use a polyfill to start using decorators now.Please look forward to the launches of Ember 3.10 and Octane. Learn more about decorators today!P.S. Send your congratulations to Chris on his wedding and honeymoon! 💐Season 2, "May I Ask a Question" Begins! 🙋Jen Weber and Chris Manson kicked off the month of May with a new season of May I Ask a Question.Each week,...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 97
Ember.js Blog
Kaltxì Emberistas! 🐹This week: the EmberFest 2019 CFP is now open 📝, build a GitHub Gist clone in Octane ⛽️,RFC proposing deprecation of mouseenter + mouseleave Ember Events 🐁, and last, but not least, an interview with Yehuda Katz 🎙️!EmberFest 2019 CFP is now open! 📝EmberFest – the European Community Ember Conference – will be held at Mogens Dahl in Copenhagen this year from October 17-18, 2019. They have recently announced that the CFP is now open with a deadline at August 1, 2019.EmberFest is looking for a wide range of talks, from in-depth technical talks to broader talks covering other aspects of software development. While Ember-related is best, EmberFest is open to considering talks that cover more general software / tech related topics that would be of interest to Ember developers.Submit your talk today!Build a GitHub Gist Clone in Octane ⛽️In this free video tutorial, Program with Erik and Jeffrey Biles pair program on building a simplified GitHub Gist clone in Octane. Je...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 98
Ember.js Blog
Goeie dag Emberistas! 🐹This week:model hook illuminated in Ember.js Guides 💡,EmberCamp CFP open 🏕,Ember podcasts to keep us happy 📻🍩🎧,a proposal to use Empress to render the Ember RFCs 📃,a new release of the ember-shepherd addon 🚢,the new EmberWork.com ✌️,FAQs about Ember.js in 2019 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️, and last, but not least,trapping focus 💥 for better a11y in your Ember apps!model Hook, Illuminated in Ember.js Guides 💡If you haven't yet, please revisit and share the latest Ember.js Guides on Specifying a Route's Model! You will find beginner-friendly, comprehensive explanation of what you can do in a route's model hook. 💖In particular, our guide now shows:Why we want to use the model hookHow to use model, depending on your use case and knowledge of EmberHow to use dynamic segments in modelHow to debug modelThese updates are stepping stones to @jenweber's major initiative to help developers learn Ember Data. Please thank Jen for her positive work, as well as @acorncom, @lisaychuang...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 99
Ember.js Blog
你好 Emberistas! 🐹Submit your input for Ember's 2019 Roadmap ✍️,Ember 3.10 released 🔟,new ways for you to mock requests in Fastboot tests 👢💨,faster builds on Windows with Docker 🐳,new addon ember-did-resize-modifier released 📐,and last, but not least, Crash Log: a new Ember and more podcast 🎙!Ember's 2019 Roadmap: Call for Blog Posts ✍️It’s that time of the year again! With the 2018 Roadmap underway, it’s time to think about what Ember will look like in 2019! The Roadmap process is part of Ember’s ongoing effort to have collaborative, clear, and published project-wide goals each year.We want your input on what the priorities are for Ember in 2019. You can talk about Ember Data, Ember CLI, learning, tooling, the community, addons, and anything else Ember-related. To start you off, we have early 2019 blog posts from @MelSumner, @wycats, and @NullVoxPopuli! Make sure you get yours in before the June 17th deadline (it can be anything from a company blog post to a GitHub gist)!To contr...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 43
Ember.js Blog
Ola Emberistas!This week we try out another format for the newsletterand bring it right to the Ember blog - making it accessible to even more Ember enthusiasts in the community.And this week we not only have news about the 2018 roadmap for Ember CLI for you,but also highlights from the latest Ember 3.1 release.Last but not least, a new Readers' Question about a neat new syntax feature is waiting for you.Here's what's happened this week 🐹:The Road Ahead for Ember CLI in 2018This week the Ember CLI team has published their official roadmap for thecommand-line tool to keep the Ember community posted on which shiny new thingsmight be landing in an Ember app near you soon.The current project goals for 2018 include a dedicated transition story toModule Unification, enablingTreeshaking, adding service worker supportto the blueprint of Ember apps by default and many other exciting topics.You can read more about the roadmap on the Ember Forumand give your thoughts and suggestions in the discus...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 44
Ember.js Blog
ಹಲೋ Emberistas!You can find our newsletter in both the e-mailand the blog format.Share it with all your Ember friends!In this edition, we will share updates for Ember CLI, what's upcomingfor Ember documentation very, very soon, and the latest Ember patch release thatneither you nor your apps should miss.Here's a recap of what happened in Emberland these days ✨Ember 3.1.1 Released 🐹✨This week, a patch for Ember was released. It includes several bug fixes, but here are a few selected ones:A bug was introduced in Ember 3.1 that caused ariaRole to not be appended if this was initially set as being false. The expected behaviour here is that if you initially set the ariaRole to false it should not be appended, but you might want to dynamically change this later on. This is now fixed with Ember 3.1.1.After upgrading to 3.1 some people started seeing errors like Cannot read property 'syscall' of null. This was caused by ComponentDefinitions leaking heap space. This has been fixed in Ember 3.1...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 45
Ember.js Blog
こんにちは Emberistas!Lots of Ember programmers and writers have been busy this week! We have several new data-driven RFCs (📝 Requests for Comments), community efforts, and an outstanding update to Ember Inspector to present to you.As well as a sincere reminder to eat your veggies! 🥒🥕I hope my build never lets me down again in Ember 🐹Have you ever made a change in the source code of your Ember app and subsequently awaitedthe reload of your app's browser tab, to no avail?Seconds, minutes, a coffee later—you might have checked your terminal window—then at last, you find that syntax error in your templatethat led to a failing build, preventing the reload.This week's RFC proposes the automatic inclusion of ember-cli-build-notificationsinto new Ember apps. It's an addon providing system notifications for failing Ember app builds by default.The RFC proposal also discusses several alternative techniques to improve developer ergonomics regardingapp builds. If you're curious, check out the full ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 46
Ember.js Blog
හෙලෝ Emberistas!Again you can enjoy reading The Ember Times in both the e-mail and the blog format to share it even better with your Ember friends.This week we'll highlight a new RFC deprecating features from ancient Ember times and a sweet reminder for blogging about your best wishes for Ember and - last, but not least - we have a brand-new Readers' Question❓✨ for you!Moar #EmberJS2018 blog posts wanted!We've already seen a lot of thoughtful blog posts from the Ember team's call for community blog posts. But we're hoping for more! Have something to say?Write a blog post by May 30th to propose goals and direction for Ember in the remainder of 2018. The content of these posts will help the core team to draft their first Roadmap RFC.Looking for inspiration? Check out the #EmberJS2018 hashtag on Twitter or @zinyado's repo collecting posts on GitHub.Global resolution and more for Ember 🐹@Gaurav0 has submitted an RFC to finally deprecate the Globals resolver and the related API. The Global...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 47
Ember.js Blog
안녕하세요 Emberistas!Again you can enjoy reading The Ember Times in both the e-mail and the blog format to share it even better with your Ember friends.This week we have several RFCs from the Ember Data 📟 project for you, as well as an #EmberJS2018 countdown, a new way to cast some template transform magic 🎩 and a recap of what has happened in Readers' Questions for you:Meta and Link all the Things in Ember Data 🐹This backwards compatible Request for Comments (RFC) allows ember-data users to associate optional meta and links on records alongside the top-level document meta (mandatory) and links (optional). Sadly, ember-data currently stores this information only on relationships and not individual records. The RFC design is pretty straightforward and proposes that all meta and links:will be honored in any resource that is part of a JSON API compliant documentwhen defined on resource identifiers (e.g. links inside a relationhip that link to other resources) will be ignoredwhen defined on...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 48
Ember.js Blog
你好 Emberistas!Read either on the Ember blog or in our e-mail newsletter what has been going on in Emberland this week: We have some news for Ember CLI bundled up for you, as well as documentation highlights from the folks from ember-cli-addon-docs, a final reminder to hand in your Ember Roadmap blog post and a pretty big announcement from the Learning Team for you! 🙆🏾What is your wish for Ember in 2018?🌟There’s a week left of the Ember’s 2018 call for blog posts. There’s already been a lot of great blog posts from the community, but we’re hoping for more!Write a blog post by May 30th to propose goals and direction for Ember in the remainder of 2018. The content of these posts will help the core team to draft their first Roadmap RFC.Looking for inspiration? Check out the #EmberJS2018 hashtag on Twitter or @zinyado’s repo collection posts on GitHub.A Package out for delivery to Ember CLI 📦♥︎🐹Recently, lots of work has landed 🛬 in Ember CLI to bring the long-awaited Packager feature...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 49
Ember.js Blog
Breaking News: Just import from NPM! 🚨Just before the editorial deadline, we received reports from the internet that there is now a way to easily npm install a package and import it into your Ember app. The addon ember-auto-import will allow zero-configuration imports out of the box today and should be a suitable until the packager feature lands in Ember CLI. Reports also claim that addon author and Ember Core team member @ef4 stated that his work was heavily inspired by a particular blog post series using the hashtag #EmberJS2018.ਸਤ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ Emberistas!This week we have a 🌟 Special Edition 🌟😲 for you: we'll take a look into the internals of the newEmber Guides website, which has had a complete makeover and relaunched this month to finally run on an amazing Ember app. This will finally make contributions through the Ember community immensely easier. ✨In this special edition of The Ember Times, @real_ate who championed the migration of the Guides will let us have a peek into the ne...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 50
Ember.js Blog
Sawubona Emberistas! 🐹Read either on the Ember blog or in our e-mail newsletter what has been going on in Emberland this week:We have a couple of fresh 🥒 Ember RFCs (Request for Comments) in for you this week, a status update from the long-awaitedPackage 📦 feature in Ember CLI 💻, a call-to-action for creative writers ✍️ andlast, but not least, a brand-new Readers' Question for you 📚:Lets Send SendAction Away!The time has come. component#sendAction has served the Ember community well for years but in a new RFC by @cibernox he proposes to deprecate this feature. In the old days, before v1.13, component#sendAction was the only way to bubble up actions from components. Since v1.13 we have closure actions which are more intuitive and flexible and they are the current recommended Ember Way™ for doing actions in components.Closure actions have been the recommended way to do actions in components for almost 3 years. Also component#sendAction is not even mentioned in the guides anymore so ...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 51
Ember.js Blog
העלא Emberistas! 🐹Read either on the Ember blog or in our e-mail newsletter what has been going on in Emberland this week.We have a reminder for a RFC (Request for Comments) which has entered its Final Comment Period (FCP),as well as a look into the Future of Ember and an engine-powered Roadmap highlight for you.This is what's happened in Emberland this week 🐹:Back To the Future 🤖✨A polyfill that is now available is ember-named-arguments-polyfill which polyfills the named arguments feature to work for Ember 2.10+.This is helpful for add-on authors who want to leverage the named arguments feature for a cleaner template. So, components receiving an argument named foo can now do:{{@foo}}. This allows you to distinguish arguments from local variables, computed properties and such.Named arguments already landed in Ember 3.1 so this polyfill is for anyyone who didn't upgrade but still wants to use the feature.The Future of Ember is nowQuite recently a plethora of RFCs (Request for Comment...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 74
Ember.js Blog
This week we are thankful for our Emberistas! 🐹Check out the new Ember Data public packages 📦, this week's work by dedicated contributors 💪 to the Ember Guides, an improvement to the guides tutorial 🗺️, and the Ember in VSCode tutorial 💻!RFC for @ember-data packages 📦@runspired dropped a big RFC on Ember Data packages. The RFC proposes public import path changes for ember-data and moving ember-data into the @ember-data namespace.The motivations for these changes revolve around improving the TypeScript experience, reduce bike shedding, simplify the mental model, engage more contributors, improve CI time, and more! By breaking down the single large package into smaller consumable chunks, end users can pick and choose which parts they need and do not need as well as make the ecosystem easier to navigate.There are detailed designs on where each package will move towards so read more about it in the RFC on GitHub!With Learners in Mind: Improving the Ember Guides 🐹This week a set of c...
The Ember Times - Issue No. 75
Ember.js Blog
Hallo Emberistas! 🐹This week we have: the Learning Team's first annual DecEmber ❄️, a sneak peek at the new Ember CLI guides 📖, final comments on RFC RFCeption 🤔, upvotes for the Ember subreddit ⬆️, a reminder to watch the first season of EmberFest 2018 🍿📽, a how-to for building your own painting game 🎨, and a guide to start writing components you'll love 💖!First Annual DecEmber Event! ❄️This year, the Ember Learning Core Team is sponsoring our first annual DecEmber, a hackathon event specifically targeted at Learning Team efforts! For an extra bit of awesome, it’s running at the same time as 24 Pull Requests, so contributions to DecEmber will count for both!Maybe December is a busy month for you, because of the holidays and family obligations—and that’s totally okay—we hope you have a great time! But for some, December is a time of the year with a lot of downtime. Maybe that’s you! Are you wondering what to do with all your vacation time in December? We’ve got ya covered!Partic...
The Road to Ember 3.0
Ember.js Blog
Today the Ember.js Core Team is happy to announce our plans for the release of Ember 3.0. Ember 3.0 will arrive 2.5 years and 18 minor revisions after the release of Ember 2.0. The final release of the 2.x series will be Ember 2.18 on January 1st, 2018.Ember 3.0 removes public API deprecated in Ember 2.x releases. 3.0 does not introduce new public APIs or breaking changes.Traditionally, major releases of software are centered around marketing pitches and new functionality. In contrast, major releases of Ember are “garbage collection” releases. Ember APIs that were deprecated during 2.x but were still supported are purged from the codebase in 3.0. The APIs remaining in 3.0 reflect what we think of as the idiomatic way to build an Ember app.Ember 2.0 was the project’s first attempt at a major release where the transition path for apps and addons was a priority. The community took several important lessons from the 2.0 release cycle, and these have shaped our plans for 3.0. Please take a
The Road to Ember 4.0
Ember.js Blog
Contributors to the Ember project have been hard at work since Ember Octane was released in December 2019.Over the duration of a challenging (and sometimes devastating) year and a half, we've shipped a powerful new feature (Named Blocks) and supported an ecosystem shifting to Octane conventions. We've more closely aligned Ember with wider frontend conventions through improved publishing & build tooling (Embroider) and better support for TypeScript (both through ember-cli-typescript and reducing reliance on type-unsafe framework features).Check out Godfrey's EmberConf 2021 keynote fora more complete walk-through of recent changes in Ember.Announcing Ember 4.0In his EmberConf 2021 keynote, Yehuda shared a name for Ember's next edition: Polaris. In order to unblock Polaris providing the best, most productive experience the Ember project can build, we're going to remove already-deprecated APIs in a 4.0 release.Ember 3.27, which has already been released, was the final version of Ember to i
The Road to Ember Data 1.0
Ember.js Blog
TL;DR Ember Data 1.0 is coming soon. We have a few last features to land before wecan confidently make guarantees around not breaking the API. Specifically:A guarantee that if one side of a two-way relationship changes, the otherside will remain in sync, even if it hasn't loaded yet.All relationships will become async, but DataBoundPromises will make themwork well in observers, computed properties and in templates.Recall how it took us a few attempts to get the router right, but now we'vegot the best one in JavaScript. Getting Ember Data right has taken longer thanwe thought, but it's here and it's almost ready for a 1.0.Ever since the 1.0 release, developers building apps on top of Ember.js haveappreciated the stability and forward-momentum that our commitment to SemanticVersioning allows.We frequently get asked, "Ember.js is great, but what about Ember Data?" Today,we'd like to give you an update on where Ember Data is and where it's headedsoon.First, the good news: there is only one
This Week in Ember.js
Ember.js Blog
There's been a lot of exciting changes going in the Ember.js community, here's a recap of some of the biggest updates.Data Format AgnosticismWhile we believe the vast majority of Ember.js apps will be using JSON forcommunication, there's no reason to restrict it so.To this end we've made two changes to Ember Data's DS.Store:A new extractId method has been added to the adapter for extracting the ID from a data hash, by default this asks for data.id.Any method with the term JSON has been renamed to use Data instead, for instance DS.Serializer's toJSON method has been renamed to toData.If you are using the built-in DS.RESTAdapter, these changes do not affect you.Check out BREAKING_CHANGESfor more information.Adapter Dirtiness HooksIn line with the efforts to decouple Ember.js from REST specifics, we've madesome more changes to how the adapter dirties records in relationships.Previously the store would dirty all the objects involved when a relationship was modifiedand let the adapter decid
This Week in Ember.js
Ember.js Blog
Only a few more days left, I hope everyone's had a great 2012,while you get ready for the New Year, here's what's been happening in Ember.New Router APIThe new router API has been merged!We've spent a lot of time incorporating feedback about our firstiteration of the router, and we think you're going to really love whatwe've come up with. It helps you get started quickly, andeliminates the old API that forced you to write unwieldy nested objects.There is a short walkthrough thatdescribes the thinking behind the new API. Full documentation should belanding this week.Embedded RecordsAfter a massive refactor of the Ember Data library, it now fullysupports embedded records, amongst other goodies.As always, check out BREAKING_CHANGESfor information about updating your apps.DS.JSONSerializerIn the last post we talked about the changes in the serialization API's renaming methodsto remove the JSON specificity whilst adding hooks to manage relationship dirtiness.We've now fully extracted all th
This Week in Ember
Ember.js Blog
It's been a big month for Ember.js, and we're excited about the progressthat we've made. With so much going on, it can be hard tokeep up-to-date with the project, so here's what you need to know.Ember CampWhile we have an incredible network of local meetup groups, EmberCamp is the first national event for the Embercommunity.We've been working hard on making sure that this event is both fun andeducational, and we'll be announcing the lineup of speakers soon.Unfortuately, tickets have sold out, so if you didn't get yours thistime, make sure you grab a ticket next year!While Ember Camp is happening, keep an eye on this website and on ourTwitter account. There will be several announcements you won't wantto miss!PeepCodeWe were fortunate enough to get to spend a day with Geoffrey Grosenbach,reviewing his in-progress PeepCode screencast about Ember.js. He spent alot of time getting to know Ember in-depth, and we think the finalproduct will be invaluable for new developers getting started wit
This Week in Ember.js
Ember.js Blog
There's a lot of work happening on Ember.js and sometimes it's hard to keep track of what's going on. Here's what me and Yehuda got done this week.MeetupThe SF Ember.js Meetup on Tuesday (which we actually held in MountainView this month) was a success! It was sponsored by our friends atAddepar, who are also funding me and Yehuda to work on Ember Data forthe next few months. So, big thanks to them!Tony Sherbondy gave an overview of the Addepar app and described howEmber.js has helped them. The biggest "a-ha" moment for me was when hedescribed how they completely changed out the table view that powers bigchunks of the UI, and didn't have to make any changes in the rest of theapp. It's exactly this type of encapsulation that makes Ember a win, andI'm glad to see it happening in real life.I gave a talk on Ember Data, and discussed some of the new APIs we'll beworking on over the next few months. Yehuda gave a talk about the routerproposal. The pork belly buns from the Chairman Baofood tru
Typed Ember is now the Ember TypeScript Core Team!
Ember.js Blog
Last Friday, the Ember project merged RFC #0724: Official TypeScript Support, committing to make TypeScript an officially-supported language for Ember.js. To make that a reality, we also need to have a team dedicated to maintaining Ember’s types and its TypeScript compiler integrations.Happily, we already have a group of people who do that! For the last five years, Ember has had community-driven TypeScript support, led by the past and present members of the Typed Ember team.The Typed Ember team joins the Framework, Learning, CLI, and Data Core teams as a new Core sub-team: the Ember TypeScript Core Team. Its initial members are the current Typed Ember team: James Davis (@jamescdavis), Dan Freeman (@dfreeman), and Chris Krycho (@chriskrycho).The team will continue to do all the things they have been doing:maintaining TypeScript build integration with ember-cli-typescript and ember-cli-babelinvesting in type-checked templates via Glintsustaining the community types on DefinitelyTyped (un
Update - The Ember Website
Ember.js Blog
With the initial launch of the website redesign complete, we're now working on the various sub-domains that all come together to make up the Ember Website experience. We want to share these plans with the community, so that those who want to help know where to pitch in.Community members that want to help should familiarize themselves with the ember-styleguide addon - this is the UI addon that we're using to help us consistently apply the branded look and feel to all of the sub-domains within the website. We've created a handy documentation site, so those who want to help out should read through that before getting started.Next up, we plan to work on the blog! To help out with that, visit the Emberify and Redesign the Ember Blog project board on GitHub. Let us know that you want to help in the #st-website channel on the Ember Discord chat server.The project board shows, roughly, the order in which we plan to do the rest of the work:BlogGuidesAPI DocsDeprecation AppHelp WantedEmber CLI G
Update on Module Unification
Ember.js Blog
Ember's conventions for project layout and file naming are central to thedeveloper experience. It's crucial that we get both the technical andergonomic details right. I wanted to provide an update about ModuleUnification and our plans for the file structure in Ember Octane.In short, we do not plan to ship Module Unification in Octane. Instead,Octane will ship with today's file system layout, with one change: supportfor nested components in <AngleBracket /> invocation syntaxBecause Octane apps will continue with today's file system layout, we want toaddress the largest barrier to <AngleBracket /> adoption today: componentsnested inside other directories.For example, if you have a component located atapp/components/icons/download-icon.js (i.e., nested inside an iconsdirectory), you can invoke it with curly invocation syntax like this:{{icons/download-icon}}However, it's not possible to invoke the same nested component with anglebracket syntax without resorting to clunky workarounds.As pr
Updates To The EmberData Lockstep Versioning Strategy
Ember.js Blog
Updates To The EmberData Lockstep Versioning StrategyToday the EmberData team is excited to announce changes to how we manage lockstepversioning with the broader Ember.js project.The primary goal of these changes is to improve version-to-version stability for our consumers. We see this being beneficial in several ways.First, by releasing fewer versions that contain no effective changes other than the version bump, we believe consumers will be able to navigate version-by-version and LTS-by-LTS upgrades with greater stability and clarity.Second, if the only changes are bug fixes then these fixes are applied to the latest minorinstead of becoming strung out across multiple minors.Third, this should enable the project to move more carefully at times when more substantive changesare being made.We hope that this new policy will improve the ability for us to invest in upgrade paths forconsumers using older versions by focusing on providing the most robust release targets we can.Policy Changes
What's Coming in Ember in 2014
Ember.js Blog
Every few months, the Ember core team likes to get together to discussissues face-to-face and set our priorities for the following quarter.This time, we all converged on Portland, Oregon for the weekend tofigure out where to focus our energy in 2014.Build Tools & ModulesWe spent the majority of our time discussing a unified plan thatcombines ES6 modules with fast, robust, full-featured build tools forEmber developers.One thing I love about the Ember community is that it values qualityover raw implementation speed. For us, it's more important to solveproblems than to solvescenarios,because scenario solving leads to fragmented solutions that don't scaleor compose as your app grows.So far, we've held off on endorsing any particular build tool because,while we've investigated all of them thoroughly, the currently-availableoptions all have fatal flaws that make them unpleasant to use as yourapp gets larger.Many people have also been asking us about modules. When we startedEmber, there were