Web Platform Monthly Updates

February 2025 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
February 2025 web platform updateWidely availableThe following features are now widely available:Array findLast() and findLastIndex(): The findLast() and findLastIndex() methods of arrays and typed arrays search an array in reverse order for the first item that satisfies a test function. Individual transform properties: The translate, rotate, and scale CSS properties apply single transformations independently, as opposed to applying multiple transformations with the transform CSS property. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Atomics.pause(): The Atomics.pause() static method gives a hint to the CPU that the code calling the method is in a short-duration wait for shared memory, known as spinning or a spinlock. Attribution reporting: The Attribution Reporting API measures when an ad click or view leads to a conversion, such as a purchase on an advertiser site. Container scroll-state queries: Container scroll-state queries with the @container scroll-state(...)

January 2025 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
January 2025 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Popover: The popover HTML attribute creates an overlay to display content on top of other page content. Popovers can be shown declaratively using HTML, or using the showPopover() method. Promise.try(): The Promise.try() static method returns a promise that takes a callback of any kind (returns or throws, synchronously or asynchronously) and wraps its result in a Promise. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:Style containment: The contain: style CSS declaration permits the browser to avoid slower layout calculations by preventing modification to counter (counter-increment and counter-set) and quotation styles (content property quote values) beyond the element's descendants. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Device posture: The device posture API provides information about the physical posture of a device, such as whether a foldable device is

December 2024 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
December 2024 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Page setup: The @page CSS at-rule sets the page-specific dimensions and margins for content such as printed documents, ebooks, or slides. ruby-align: The ruby-align CSS property sets the spacing and alignment of ruby annotation text when it does not fill its available space. ruby-position: The ruby-position CSS property sets the position of a ruby annotation in relation to its base text. Annotations can display over, under, or interleaved with the base text. scrollbar-gutter: The scrollbar-gutter CSS property reserves space for the scrollbar, preventing unwanted layout changes as the scrollbar appears and disappears. scrollbar-width: The scrollbar-width CSS property sets the width of the scrollbar. ::target-text: The ::target-text pseudo-element allows you to style text highlighted by a URL text fragment such as #:~:text=snippet. Garbage collection (WebAssembly): Garbage collection tracks referen

November 2024 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
November 2024 web platform updateWidely availableThe following features are now widely available:dynamic-range media query: The dynamic-range CSS media query sets styles based on whether a device can display at least standard range colors or at least high range colors. Non-visual devices will match neither. prefers-contrast media query: The prefers-contrast CSS media query sets styles based on whether the user prefers more or less contrast, the difference between foreground and background colors. Exception handling (WebAssembly): Exceptions break the normal control flow of execution to represent exceptional behavior, such as an error. You can respond to the exception in JavaScript code. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:::details-content: The ::details-content pseudo-element selects the expandable content of a <details> element, excluding the <summary>. font-variant-emoji: The font-variant-emoji CSS property sets the default presentation for emoji characte

October 2024 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
October 2024 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Fetch priority: The fetch() priority option and the fetchPriority HTML attribute give hints to the browser about which requests to do before other requests of the same type. requestVideoFrameCallback(): The requestVideoFrameCallback() method for <video> schedules a function that runs with the next video frame. It is similar to requestAnimationFrame(), but for video. Scroll to text fragment: Text fragments are URL fragments on the form #:~:text=snippet and link to a snippet of text within a page. The browser may scroll, highlight, or otherwise bring that text to the reader's attention. text-wrap-mode: The text-wrap-mode CSS property sets whether lines may wrap with the values wrap and nowrap. It is a longhand property for both white-space and text-wrap. text-wrap: stable: The text-wrap: stable CSS declaration wraps text using the default algorithm, but does not change wrapping on earlier lines whil

September 2024 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
September 2024 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:backdrop-filter: The backdrop-filter CSS property applies graphical effects such as blurring or color shifting to the area behind an element. willReadFrequently: The optional willReadFrequently parameter of a canvas's getContext() method permits the browser to optimize for frequent getImageData() calls by avoiding hardware acceleration. Also known as multiple readback. cookieEnabled: The navigator.cookieEnabled property returns a Boolean value for whether the browser accepts or ignores attempts to write cookie data. Mutually exclusive <details> elements: Multiple <details> elements which use the same name attribute are mutually exclusive. When one member of the group is opened, all other members are closed. getHTML(): The getHTML() method of Element and ShadowRoot objects serializes an element's DOM to an HTML string. HTTP/3: HTTP/3 is a major revision of the HTTP network protocol, providing imp

August 2024 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
August 2024 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:transition-behavior: The transition-behavior: allow-discrete CSS declaration allows transitions for properties whose animation behavior is discrete. Such properties can't be interpolated and swap from their start value to the end value at 50%. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:color-scheme: The color-scheme CSS property sets which color schemes (light or dark) an element uses and may prevent automatic dark mode adjustments by the browser. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:document.caretPositionFromPoint(): The document.caretPositionFromPoint() method finds an insertion point, represented by a DOM node and an offset within that node, for given coordinates in the viewport. Promise.try(): The Promise.try() static method returns a promise that takes a callback of any kind (returns or throws, synchronously or asynchronously) and wraps its resul

July 2024 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
July 2024 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Alt text for generated content: The / notation in content CSS property values adds alternative text to generated content. For example, the content: url('upvote-icon.svg') / 'Upvote' declaration adds accessible 'Upvote' text to the SVG icon. Also known as alternate text. font-size-adjust: The font-size-adjust CSS property preserves apparent text size, regardless of the font used, by scaling fonts to the same size with respect to a specific metric, such as x-height. This can help make fallback fonts look the same size. Unsanitized HTML parsing methods: The Document.parseHTMLUnsafe() static method parses HTML into a DOM tree, while the setHTMLUnsafe() method of Element and ShadowRoot parses and inserts HTML into an existing tree. No sanitization applies to these methods, so never call them with user-provided HTML strings. Registered custom properties: The CSS.registerProperty() static method and the @pr

June 2024 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
June 2024 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Async clipboard: The navigator.clipboard API asynchronously reads and writes to the system clipboard. Gradient interpolation: Gradient interpolation controls how the colors between gradient stops are calculated in CSS. For example, linear-gradient(to right in oklch longer hue, red, red); calculates in the oklch color space, with the hue going all the way around the hue circle from red back to red. <link rel="dns-prefetch">: The rel="dns-prefetch" attribute for the <link> HTML element is a hint to the browser that the page or user is likely to request resources from another domain, so the browser should preemptively resolve DNS for the href value's domain. Set methods: The difference(), intersection(), isDisjointFrom(), isSubsetOf(), isSupersetOf(), symmetricDifference(), and union() methods of the JavaScript Set object performs operations between two sets. Widely availableThe following features are n

May 2024 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
May 2024 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:light-dark(): The light-dark() CSS function accepts two colors and uses one depending on the current color scheme. round(), mod(), and rem(): The round(), mod(), and rem() CSS functions compute rounded values and the remainder after division. :state(): The :state() CSS pseudo-class matches custom elements based on their custom state, set through the ElementInternals.states API. text-wrap: balance: The text-wrap: balance CSS declaration balances the length of each line when text is broken into multiple lines. Also known as headline balancing. zoom: The zoom CSS property scales the size of an element. Unlike the transform property, a zoomed element affects page layout. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:enterkeyhint: The enterkeyhint global HTML attribute sets the label for a virtual keyboard's Enter key. For example, enterkeyhint="search" may label the key with a magnifying

April 2024 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
April 2024 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:align-content in block layouts: The align-content property vertically aligns content in block layouts, like it does in flex or grid layouts. Intl.Segmenter: The Intl.Segmenter API creates a locale-aware text splitter that can separate a string into meaningful graphemes, words, or sentences. transform-box: The transform-box CSS property sets the position and dimensions of the reference box relative to which an element's transformations are calculated. Vertical form controls: The writing-mode CSS property orients form elements (such as radio buttons, progress bars, or select menus) vertically when the writing mode is vertical-lr or vertical-rl. The direction CSS property sets whether inputs flow from top to bottom or bottom to top. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:image-rendering: The image-rendering CSS property sets how images are scaled, retaining smoothness for photo

March 2024 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
March 2024 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:AbortSignal.any(): The AbortSignal.any() static method combines an iterable of abort signals into a single signal, with the abort reason taken from the first signal to abort. Array grouping: The Object.groupBy() and Map.groupBy() static methods group values of arrays and iterables based on a function that returns a key for each value. checkVisibility(): The checkVisibility() method checks if an element is potentially visible, with optional parameters for the kinds of visibility to check. For example, it checks whether the element has the style display: none, but can also check for visibility: hidden. Promise.withResolvers(): The Promise.withResolvers() static method is an alternative to the Promise() constructor that returns both the promise and resolution functions. You can use this to access resolve and reject outside the scope of the executor function. text-wrap: The text-wrap CSS property sets h

February 2024 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
February 2024 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Declarative shadow DOM: The shadowrootmode attribute on <template> creates a shadow root without the use of JavaScript. It is a declarative alternative to the attachShadow() method. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:tab-size: The tab-size CSS property sets the width of the tab character. Visual viewport API: The visualViewport API provides a way to query and modify the user-visible viewport of a web page. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Read unsanitized clipboard data: The optional formats.unsanitized parameter of the navigator.clipboard.read() method reads unsanitized text/html data from the system clipboard. Iterator methods: The Iterator object is an abstract base for objects that implement the iterator protocol. It provides methods common to built-in iterators, such as filter(), find(), map(), and reduce(). You can also use the sta

January 2024 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
January 2024 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Array.fromAsync(): The Array.fromAsync() static method copies items from an async iterable object to make a new array. AVIF: AVIF (AV1 Image File Format) is an image format based on the AV1 video format. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:ClipboardItem.supports(): The ClipboardItem.supports() static method checks if the browser supports writing data types such as "image/svg+xml" or other custom formats to the system clipboard. EditContext: The EditContext API allows you to build rich text editors that support advanced text input, such as Input Method Editor (IME) composition, an emoji picker, or other platform-specific editing UI. font-palette animation: You can animate color fonts between two font-palette values. Remote playback: The Remote Playback API initiates and controls playback of media on connected remote devices, such as smart TVs with AirPlay or Chromecast c

December 2023 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
December 2023 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Canvas reset(): The reset() method clears a canvas to its initial state. cap unit: The cap CSS length unit corresponds to the height of Latin capital letters. counter-set: The counter-set CSS property creates (and optionally sets a value for) a counter, the numbers for a series of headings or ordered list items. :dir(): The :dir() CSS functional pseudo-class matches elements by text direction, either right to left (rtl) or left to right (ltr). pow(), sqrt(), hypot(), log(), and exp(): The pow(), sqrt(), hypot(), log(), and exp() CSS functions compute various exponential functions. :has(): The :has() CSS functional pseudo-class matches an element if any of the selectors passed as parameters would match at least one element. linear() easing: The linear() easing function for animations and transitions interpolates linearly between the control points, and can be used to approximate complex easing fun

November 2023 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
November 2023 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Clip path boxes: The fill-box, stroke-box, and view-box values for clip-path set an edge of the element's box to use as the clipping shape. lh unit: The lh CSS length unit corresponds to the requested line height, the computed value of the line-height property. Some lines may be higher than this based on their content. rlh unit: The rlh CSS length unit is a font-relative length relative to the line height of root element. User activation: The navigator.userActivation API reveals whether the user has interacted with the page through an "activation" gesture such as a click, tap, or key press. User activation gated APIs (such as the fullscreen API) fail without user interaction, and this API allows you to predict such a failure. :user-valid and :user-invalid: The :user-valid and :user-invalid pseudo-classes match form controls that have been marked as valid or invalid based on their validation const

October 2023 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
October 2023 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:ARIA attribute reflection: WAI-ARIA attributes have corresponding properties on Element and ElementInternals objects. <search>: The <search> HTML element is a container that represents the parts of the web page with search functionality. String isWellFormed() and toWellFormed(): The isWellFormed() method of strings returns a boolean indicating if the string contains any Unicode lone surrogates. The toWellFormed() method returns a new string where all lone surrogates are replaced by the Unicode replacement character. Web authentication easy public key access: The getAuthenticatorData(), getPublicKey(), and getPublicKeyAlgorithm() methods of AuthenticatorAttestationResponse access credential data inside attestationObject without the need to parse it. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:AudioWorklet: The AudioWorklet API runs module code in a separate thread, specifically

September 2023 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
September 2023 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Clearing site data: The Clear-Site-Data header deletes browsing data (such as cookies, storage, or cache) associated with the requesting website. contain-intrinsic-size: The contain-intrinsic-size CSS property sets the intrinsic size of an element. When using size containment, the browser will lay out the element as if it had a single child of this size. @counter-style: The @counter-style CSS at-rule sets custom counter styles for list items. For example, you can use a sequence of specific symbols instead of numbers for an ordered list. Device orientation events: The DeviceMotion and DeviceOrientation events report the movement and orientation of the browser's device in physical space. Note that coordinates can differ noticeably between platforms and devices. Hyphenate character: The hyphenate-character CSS property sets the character or string to use at the end of a line before a line break. Hy

August 2023 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
August 2023 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:dirname: The dirname attribute of <textarea> and <input> HTML elements includes the field's writing direction as form data on submission. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:AbortSignal.any(): The AbortSignal.any() static method combines an iterable of abort signals into a single signal, with the abort reason taken from the first signal to abort. Federated credential management: The IdentityCredential API delegates authentication to a third-party identity provider, instead of using third-party cookies. Also known as FedCM. Popover: The popover HTML attribute creates an overlay to display content on top of other page content. Popovers can be shown declaratively using HTML, or using the showPopover() method. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:AbortSignal.any(): The AbortSignal.any() static method combines an iterable of abort si

July 2023 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
July 2023 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:animation-composition: The animation-composition CSS property chooses how to combine animations that affect the same property. Array by copy: The toReversed(), toSorted(), toSpliced(), and with() methods of arrays and typed arrays return changed copies of arrays. They stand in contrast to methods such as sort() or reverse() that change arrays in place. Two-value display property: The display CSS property accepts multiple keyword values, such as inline flex or block flow, to explicitly set an element's inner and outer layout mode. Also known as 2-value, multi-keyword, or multiple value syntax. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:clip-path: The clip-path CSS property and SVG attribute set the visible area of an element. Everything outside the area will be hidden. :is(): The :is() CSS functional pseudo-class takes a selector list as its argument, and matches any element that

June 2023 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
June 2023 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:calc() keywords: The e, pi, infinity, and NaN keywords represent well-defined constants accepted in CSS math functions such as calc(). JavaScript modules in workers: The Worker() constructor accepts { type: "module" } to load scripts that use import and export. Also known as ECMAScript modules or ESM in workers. window.print(): The window.print() method opens the browser's print dialog. New in EdgeThe following features are now available in Edge:Idle detection: The IdleDetector API is used to notify a webpage of the user's idle, active, and locked state. JSON source text access: To serialize and parse JSON in a lossless way, JSON.stringify() handles rawJSON values and JSON.parse()'s reviver callback takes a source context parameter. overflow: overlay: The overflow: overlay CSS declaration is an alias to overflow: auto. Historically, it caused non-standard behavior, allowing scrollbars to overlay cont

May 2023 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
May 2023 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:color(): The color() function picks a color from a given color space. Wide gamut color spaces like display-p3 allow showing more vibrant and saturated colors than the standard srgb color space. color-mix(): The color-mix() function mixes two colors in a given color space and by a given amount. Commonly, lighter or darker variations of a color are created by mixing with white or black. Compression streams: The CompressionStream and DecompressionStream interfaces compress and decompress data using the gzip or deflate formats. Lab and LCH: The CIE Lab color space expresses colors in terms of lightness and how red/green and blue/yellow a color is. LCH is a variant of Lab with polar coordinates. These color spaces can be used with the CSS color(), lab(), and lch() functions. Also known as CIELAB and CIELCH. :nth-child() of <selector>: The of syntax for the :nth-child() and :nth-last-child() CSS functional

April 2023 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
April 2023 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Canvas createConicGradient(): The createConicGradient() methods draw a conic gradient to a 2D canvas. Canvas roundRect(): The roundRect() methods draw a rounded rectangle to a 2D canvas. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:Multi-value (WebAssembly): Instructions and blocks can produce multiple result values. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:animation-composition: The animation-composition CSS property chooses how to combine animations that affect the same property. Tail call optimization (WebAssembly): Tail call optimization discards a caller frame and replaces the call with a jump instruction. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:animation-composition: The animation-composition CSS property chooses how to combine animations that affect the same property. Tail call optimization (WebAssembly): Tail c

March 2023 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
March 2023 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Constructed stylesheets: The CSSStyleSheet constructor creates a new stylesheet which can be shared between a document and multiple shadow roots using adoptedStyleSheets. Fetch metadata request headers: The Sec-Fetch-Dest, Sec-Fetch-Mode, Sec-Fetch-Site, and Sec-Fetch-User HTTP headers provide extra information about the way a request was made, to help servers reject certain kinds of malicious requests. font-synthesis-small-caps: The font-synthesis-small-caps CSS property sets whether or not the browser should synthesize small caps typefaces when they're missing from the font. font-synthesis-style: The font-synthesis-style CSS property sets whether or not the browser should synthesize italic and oblique typefaces when they're missing from the font. font-synthesis-weight: The font-synthesis-weight CSS property sets whether or not the browser should synthesize bold typefaces when they're missing from

February 2023 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
February 2023 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available::autofill: The :autofill pseudo-class matches <input> elements that have been filled in automatically by the browser. color-gamut media query: The color-gamut media query sets styles based on the colors a device can display. Container queries: Container size queries with the @container at-rule apply styles to an element based on the dimensions of its container. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:String replaceAll(): The replaceAll() method of strings returns a new string where all matches of a pattern (a string or regular expression) have been substituted with a replacement string. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Launch handler: The launch_handler web app manifest member, with the client_mode property, configure how web app launches behave when an instance of the app is already open. For example, you can choose to focus the existing app

January 2023 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
January 2023 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:MathML: MathML, or the Mathematical Markup Language, describes mathematical notation, such as expressions and formulas. Also known as MathML Core. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:column-span: The column-span CSS property controls whether a child element extends across all columns of a multi-column parent. line-break: The line-break CSS property sets how strictly to apply rules for wrapping text to new lines, especially for symbols and punctuation. min(), max(), and clamp(): The min() and max() CSS functions return the minimum or maximum of the arguments, while clamp() clamps a value to a given range. Numeric separators: To improve readability for numeric literals, underscores (_) can be used as separators. For example, 1_050.95 is equivalent to 1050.95. Pointer Events: Pointer events, such as pointerdown, and the PointerEvent API, represent general pointing inputs,

December 2022 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
December 2022 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Small, large, and dynamic viewport units: The sv*, lv*, and dv* CSS viewport units are relative to the smallest, largest, and current (dynamic) viewport size. They are used to size elements in relation to the viewport's dimensions. OES_draw_buffers_indexed WebGL extension: The OES_draw_buffers_indexed extension for WebGL 2.0 contexts allows you to control blending on a per-color basis when writing to multiple color buffers simultaneously. New in EdgeThe following features are now available in Edge:content-visibility: The content-visibility CSS property delays rendering an element, including layout and painting, until it is needed. Origin private file system: The navigator.storage.getDirectory() method returns a FileSystemDirectoryHandle that is restricted to a specific origin and invisible to the user's actual file system for faster file-based applications, such as SQLite databases. New in Firefo

November 2022 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
November 2022 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:font-palette: The font-palette CSS property selects a color palette from the font, optionally overriding individual colors in the @font-palette-values at-rule. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:content-visibility: The content-visibility CSS property delays rendering an element, including layout and painting, until it is needed. Origin private file system: The navigator.storage.getDirectory() method returns a FileSystemDirectoryHandle that is restricted to a specific origin and invisible to the user's actual file system for faster file-based applications, such as SQLite databases. Small, large, and dynamic viewport units: The sv*, lv*, and dv* CSS viewport units are relative to the smallest, largest, and current (dynamic) viewport size. They are used to size elements in relation to the viewport's dimensions. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now availabl

October 2022 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
October 2022 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Grid animation: Grid animation allows you to animate the grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows CSS properties. ic unit: The ic CSS length unit corresponds to the width of CJK ideographic characters. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:image-orientation: The image-orientation CSS property corrects the rotation of an image using the image's metadata, such as EXIF. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Raw camera access for WebXR: The XRView.camera property provides direct access to pose-synchronized camera images within a WebXR session. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:Raw camera access for WebXR: The XRView.camera property provides direct access to pose-synchronized camera images within a WebXR session. New in EdgeThe following features are now available in Edge:Hyphenate character: The hyphe

September 2022 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
September 2022 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Inline-size containment: The contain: inline-size CSS declaration prevents the element's inline dimension from being set by the element's contents. This permits the browser to avoid slower layout calculations. Forced colors: The forced-colors CSS @media rule detects when a user has chosen to use a forced colors mode, also known as high-contrast mode, and the forced-color-adjust CSS property sets whether forced colors apply to an element. :modal: The :modal pseudo-class selects elements that put other elements into a non-interactive state, such as a fullscreen element or a <dialog> element used with showModal(). Motion path: The offset CSS property animates an element along a defined motion path. overflow: The overflow CSS property sets the behavior for when content doesn't fit in an element. overscroll-behavior: The overscroll-behavior CSS property disables default scrolling behaviors when the e

August 2022 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
August 2022 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Array findLast() and findLastIndex(): The findLast() and findLastIndex() methods of arrays and typed arrays search an array in reverse order for the first item that satisfies a test function. Individual transform properties: The translate, rotate, and scale CSS properties apply single transformations independently, as opposed to applying multiple transformations with the transform CSS property. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:EXT_sRGB WebGL extension: The EXT_sRGB extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds sRGB support to textures and framebuffer objects. Media playback quality: The getVideoPlaybackQuality() method of HTMLVideoElement returns metrics that can be used to determine the playback quality of a video, such as how many frames were dropped. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Custom formats for clipboard items: The web prefix for Clipb

July 2022 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
July 2022 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Style containment: The contain: style CSS declaration permits the browser to avoid slower layout calculations by preventing modification to counter (counter-increment and counter-set) and quotation styles (content property quote values) beyond the element's descendants. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:all: The all CSS property is a shorthand for all CSS properties, except for direction and unicode-bidi. It accepts only the keywords for explicit defaulting (such as initial and inherit), since they are the only values supported on all CSS properties. Array flat() and flatMap(): The flat() and flatMap() methods for arrays creates a new array such that each nested array item is concatenated into it. Async generators: Async generator functions (async function*) create iterators that return multiple promises, one after another, on-demand. Async iterators and the for await..o

June 2022 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
June 2022 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Streams: The streams API creates, composes, and consumes continuously generated data. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:ARIA attribute reflection: WAI-ARIA attributes have corresponding properties on Element and ElementInternals objects. Fetch priority: The fetch() priority option and the fetchPriority HTML attribute give hints to the browser about which requests to do before other requests of the same type. Local fonts: The window.queryLocalFonts() method returns an array of locally-installed fonts, each represented by a FontData object. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:ARIA attribute reflection: WAI-ARIA attributes have corresponding properties on Element and ElementInternals objects. Fetch priority: The fetch() priority option and the fetchPriority HTML attribute give hints to the browser about which requests to do before

May 2022 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
May 2022 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:dynamic-range media query: The dynamic-range CSS media query sets styles based on whether a device can display at least standard range colors or at least high range colors. Non-visual devices will match neither. prefers-contrast media query: The prefers-contrast CSS media query sets styles based on whether the user prefers more or less contrast, the difference between foreground and background colors. Exception handling (WebAssembly): Exceptions break the normal control flow of execution to represent exceptional behavior, such as an error. You can respond to the exception in JavaScript code. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:File handlers: The file_handlers web app manifest member registers an installed web app as a handler for files with specific file extensions or MIME types. Column breaks: In columnar layouts (created by the columns or column-count CSS properties), the

April 2022 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
April 2022 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:HWB: The hwb() CSS function picks colors using hue, whiteness, and blackness channels. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:font-palette: The font-palette CSS property selects a color palette from the font, optionally overriding individual colors in the @font-palette-values at-rule. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:Digital goods: The window.getDigitalGoodsService API connects to stores or billing services for in-app products and subscriptions. font-palette: The font-palette CSS property selects a color palette from the font, optionally overriding individual colors in the @font-palette-values at-rule. New in EdgeThe following features are now available in Edge:font-palette: The font-palette CSS property selects a color palette from the font, optionally overriding individual colors in the @font-palette-values at-rule. OES_draw_b

March 2022 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
March 2022 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:appearance: The appearance CSS property controls the appearance of form controls. Using appearance: none disables any default native appearance and allows the elements to be styled with CSS. Array at(): The at() method of arrays and typed arrays returns the item at an index, including negative indices for getting items relative to the end of an array. Also known as the relative indexing method. ::backdrop: The ::backdrop CSS pseudo-element is a box underneath an element in the top layer, such as a <dialog>. It can be used to create obscuring effects distinguishing a modal element from the elements underneath. background-attachment: The background-attachment CSS property sets whether an element's background image or gradient moves as the element scrolls. BroadcastChannel: The BroadcastChannel API allows you to send messages between same-origin browsing contexts, such as between the same page loaded i

February 2022 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
February 2022 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:color-scheme: The color-scheme CSS property sets which color schemes (light or dark) an element uses and may prevent automatic dark mode adjustments by the browser. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:COLRv1: COLRv1 is a font format that supports multi-color glyphs. COLRv1 extends COLRv0 to support gradients, transforms, and blending modes. dynamic-range media query: The dynamic-range CSS media query sets styles based on whether a device can display at least standard range colors or at least high range colors. Non-visual devices will match neither. structuredClone(): The structuredClone() global method creates a deep copy of an object. Values that cannot be cloned can instead be transferred, making the original value no longer usable. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:COLRv1: COLRv1 is a font format that supports multi-colo

January 2022 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
January 2022 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:font-synthesis: The font-synthesis CSS shorthand property disables all font synthesis except the given kinds. To disable a specific kind of font synthesis, instead use the longhand properties such as font-synthesis-style and font-synthesis-weight. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Array findLast() and findLastIndex(): The findLast() and findLastIndex() methods of arrays and typed arrays search an array in reverse order for the first item that satisfies a test function. font-synthesis-small-caps: The font-synthesis-small-caps CSS property sets whether or not the browser should synthesize small caps typefaces when they're missing from the font. font-synthesis-style: The font-synthesis-style CSS property sets whether or not the browser should synthesize italic and oblique typefaces when they're missing from the font. font-synthesis-weight: The font-synthesis-weight CSS p

December 2021 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
December 2021 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:inputmode: The inputmode global HTML attribute gives a hint about what type of data is to be entered into an <input> element, such as text, numeric, or email, so the browser may help the user enter data using an adapted input mechanism, such as an on-screen virtual keyboard. SharedArrayBuffer and Atomics: The SharedArrayBuffer object represents bytes shared between multiple workers and the main thread. The Atomics object safely accesses SharedArrayBuffer data to make sure predictable values are read and written and that operations are not interrupted. Threads and atomics (WebAssembly): Threads in WebAssembly run code in parallel, while atomic memory instructions can guarantee that no two threads can read or write to shared memory at the same time. New in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:Page setup: The @page CSS at-rule sets the page-specific dimensions and margins for c

November 2021 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
November 2021 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:enterkeyhint: The enterkeyhint global HTML attribute sets the label for a virtual keyboard's Enter key. For example, enterkeyhint="search" may label the key with a magnifying glass icon. fit-content: The fit-content CSS keyword expands a box as needed to fit its contents until the maximum size is reached, preserving the content's preferred aspect ratio. Reference types (WebAssembly): The externref type can be both a value type and a table element type, while funcref can be a value type. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Protocol handlers: The protocol_handlers web app manifest member registers an installed web app as a handler for a specific protocol. When a user follows a link with the specified protocol, the installed app opens the link. Application shortcuts: The shortcuts web app manifest member registers common actions of an installed web app with the device. Th

October 2021 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
October 2021 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:image-rendering: The image-rendering CSS property sets how images are scaled, retaining smoothness for photos, or hard edges for pixel art and QR codes. Navigation timing: The navigation performance entry and the PerformanceNavigationTiming API measures navigation events, such as loading time or the number of redirects. Bulk memory operations (WebAssembly): Bulk memory operations, such as copy and init, mirror the efficiency of native memcpy and memmove operations. Non-trapping float-to-int conversion (WebAssembly): Saturating floating-point to integer conversion operators return the maximum or minimum integer value on overflow instead of trapping. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:URLPattern: The URLPattern API creates patterns that can be matched against URLs or URL components. Exception handling (WebAssembly): Exceptions break the normal control flow of execution t

September 2021 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
September 2021 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:aspect-ratio: The aspect-ratio CSS property controls the width-to-height ratio of elements. For <img> and <video> elements, the width and height attributes used together with height: auto control the aspect ratio while the image/video is loading. BigInt64Array: The BigInt64Array and BigUint64Array typed arrays represent 64-bit integers, signed and unsigned respectively. Error cause: The cause property of errors records the specific original cause of the error, particularly for errors that have been re-thrown. EXT_color_buffer_float WebGL extension: The EXT_color_buffer_float extension for WebGL 2.0 contexts adds color-renderable floating point formats to renderbufferStorage(). System font: The font-family: system-ui CSS declaration uses the operating system default font for text. IndexedDB: The IndexedDB API is a local storage transactional object database. Logical properties: CSS logical proper

August 2021 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
August 2021 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:tab-size: The tab-size CSS property sets the width of the tab character. Visual viewport API: The visualViewport API provides a way to query and modify the user-visible viewport of a web page. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:accent-color: The accent-color CSS property sets a color for checkboxes, radio buttons, and other form controls. Error cause: The cause property of errors records the specific original cause of the error, particularly for errors that have been re-thrown. EXT_texture_compression_bptc WebGL extension: The EXT_texture_compression_bptc extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts adds the BPTC compressed texture formats to compressedTexImage2D() and compressedTexSubImage2D(). EXT_texture_compression_rgtc WebGL extension: The EXT_texture_compression_rgtc extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts adds RGTC compressed texture formats. RGTC is a block-based t

July 2021 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
July 2021 web platform updateWidely availableThe following features are now widely available:Page breaks: In printed page layouts, the break-after, break-before, break-inside CSS properties control where printed pages start and end. Also known as pagination or page breaking. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Array at(): The at() method of arrays and typed arrays returns the item at an index, including negative indices for getting items relative to the end of an array. Also known as the relative indexing method. Color management for 2D canvas: The optional colorSpace parameter of a 2D canvas's getContext() method chooses the color representation, such as "srgb" or "display-p3". String at(): The at() method of strings returns the character (one UTF-16 code unit) at an index, including negative indices for getting the character relative to the end of the string. Also known as the relative indexing method. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now av

June 2021 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
June 2021 web platform updateWidely availableThe following features are now widely available:Constraint validation API: Methods that validate form controls before submission, such as checkValidity(), reportValidity() and setCustomValidity(). Interaction media queries: The pointer, any-pointer, hover, and any-hover CSS media queries set styles based on the presence of pointing devices and their ability to hover over elements. For example, most smartphones match the (hover: none) and (pointer: coarse) media query. New in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:aspect-ratio: The aspect-ratio CSS property controls the width-to-height ratio of elements. For <img> and <video> elements, the width and height attributes used together with height: auto control the aspect ratio while the image/video is loading. Event timing: The event and first-input performance entries and the PerformanceEventTiming API measures the latency of user input events, such as mouse clicks or keypres

May 2021 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
May 2021 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Accelerometer: The Accelerometer, LinearAccelerationSensor and GravitySensor APIs read the acceleration applied to a device in three dimensions, either including the effect of gravity, without its effect, or only its effect, respectively. @counter-style: The @counter-style CSS at-rule sets custom counter styles for list items. For example, you can use a sequence of specific symbols instead of numbers for an ordered list. JavaScript modules in service workers: The navigator.serviceWorker.register() method accepts { type: "module" } to load scripts that use import and export. Also known as ECMAScript modules or ESM in service workers. Fixed-width SIMD (WebAssembly): 128-bit SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) performs one instruction on multiple units of data, when running on hardware that supports such instructions. Also known as vector instructions. New in Chrome AndroidThe following feature

April 2021 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
April 2021 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:AudioWorklet: The AudioWorklet API runs module code in a separate thread, specifically for non-blocking, low latency audio processing. ::file-selector-button: The ::file-selector-button CSS pseudo-element selects the button of a <input type="file"> element. Flexbox gap: The gap CSS property in a flexbox layout sets the size of the space between items. Date and time <input> types: The <input type="date"> and <input type="time"> HTML elements show date and time pickers. Intl.DisplayNames: The Intl.DisplayNames API provides localized names of language, region, script, and currency codes. Intl.ListFormat: The Intl.ListFormat API creates a locale-aware formatter that turns iterable objects into localized strings. OES_fbo_render_mipmap WebGL extension: The OES_fbo_render_mipmap extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts attaches any level of a texture to a framebuffer object. OfflineAudioContext: The OfflineAudioCo

March 2021 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
March 2021 web platform updateWidely availableThe following features are now widely available:font-variation-settings: The font-variation-settings CSS property sets an "axis of variability" on a variable font, such as weight, optical size, or a custom axis defined by the typeface designer. When possible, use other CSS font properties, such as font-weight: bold. Also known as variable fonts. Speech synthesis: The SpeechSynthesis API converts text to speech with artificial voices. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Share targets: The share_target web app manifest member registers an installed web app as a handler for shared content. When a user shares content by using the device share dialog, the installed app can be listed as an option for handling the shared content. ::file-selector-button: The ::file-selector-button CSS pseudo-element selects the button of a <input type="file"> element. Forced colors: The forced-colors CSS @media rule detects when a user h

February 2021 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
February 2021 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox::autofill: The :autofill pseudo-class matches <input> elements that have been filled in automatically by the browser. Intl.DisplayNames: The Intl.DisplayNames API provides localized names of language, region, script, and currency codes. New in Firefox for AndroidThe following features are now available in Firefox for Android::autofill: The :autofill pseudo-class matches <input> elements that have been filled in automatically by the browser. Intl.DisplayNames: The Intl.DisplayNames API provides localized names of language, region, script, and currency codes.

January 2021 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
January 2021 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:clip-path: The clip-path CSS property and SVG attribute set the visible area of an element. Everything outside the area will be hidden. :is(): The :is() CSS functional pseudo-class takes a selector list as its argument, and matches any element that can be selected by one of the selectors in that list. <link rel="preload">: The rel="preload" attribute for the <link> HTML element requests resources, such as images or style sheets, that the page needs soon, so the browser may prioritize them for loading before rendering begins. :not(): The :not() functional pseudo-class matches elements that do not match the selectors in its argument. :where(): The :where() CSS functional pseudo-class takes a selector list as its argument, and matches any element that can be selected by one of the selectors in that list. It is functionally equivalent to the selectors in the list, but doesn't affect the CSS rule speci

December 2020 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
December 2020 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox::not(): The :not() functional pseudo-class matches elements that do not match the selectors in its argument. New in Firefox for AndroidThe following features are now available in Firefox for Android::not(): The :not() functional pseudo-class matches elements that do not match the selectors in its argument.

November 2020 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
November 2020 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Conic gradients: The conic-gradient() and repeating-conic-gradient() CSS functions create backgrounds that progress between two or more colors around a center point. text-underline-offset: The text-underline-offset CSS property shifts underlines on text from the initial position by a given distance. The initial position is affected by the text-underline-position property. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:Array iterators: Arrays are iterable with the for … of statement and enumerable with the methods entries(), keys(), and values(). JavaScript modules: JavaScript modules allow code to be organized into reusable units. Modules use import to load other modules and export to declare what is available to import from other modules. In HTML, modules are loaded with <script type="module">. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Atomics.waitAsync: Th

October 2020 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
October 2020 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Multi-value (WebAssembly): Instructions and blocks can produce multiple result values. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:Beacons: The navigator.sendBeacon() method asynchronously sends an HTTP POST request with a limited amount of data, typically for app state, events, and analytics data. The one-way beacon is guaranteed to be initiated before the browser unloads the page, but the sender does not get to handle the response. EXT_blend_minmax WebGL extension: The EXT_blend_minmax extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds two blend equations, the minimum and maximum color components of the source and destination colors. isSecureContext: The isSecureContext global property is a boolean for whether the current browsing context is secure. This is primarily a check that the page has been served over an HTTPS URL. OES_vertex_array_object WebGL extension: The OES_vertex_array_obje

September 2020 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
September 2020 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:BigInt: The BigInt JavaScript type represents integers of any size, including integers too large for the primitive Number type. EXT_color_buffer_half_float WebGL extension: The EXT_color_buffer_half_float extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts renders 16-bit floating-point color buffers. Intl.Locale: The Intl.Locale API parses Unicode locale identifiers, with language, region, and script codes, such as zh-Hans-CN or en-GB. Intl.RelativeTimeFormat: The Intl.RelativeTimeFormat API creates a locale-aware formatter that turns an object representing a relative time (such as '1 day ago') into a localized string. Logical assignments: The logical AND assignment (&&=) and the logical OR assignment (||=) operators short-circuit the respective binary logical operators. Nullish coalescing: The nullish coalescing (??) and nullish coalescing assignment (??=) operators return (or assign) its right-hand side

August 2020 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
August 2020 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:String replaceAll(): The replaceAll() method of strings returns a new string where all matches of a pattern (a string or regular expression) have been substituted with a replacement string. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:AVIF: AVIF (AV1 Image File Format) is an image format based on the AV1 video format. counter-set: The counter-set CSS property creates (and optionally sets a value for) a counter, the numbers for a series of headings or ordered list items. Logical assignments: The logical AND assignment (&&=) and the logical OR assignment (||=) operators short-circuit the respective binary logical operators. Nullish coalescing: The nullish coalescing (??) and nullish coalescing assignment (??=) operators return (or assign) its right-hand side operand when its left-hand side operand is null or undefined, and otherwise returns its left-hand side operand. page-orientat

July 2020 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
July 2020 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:column-span: The column-span CSS property controls whether a child element extends across all columns of a multi-column parent. line-break: The line-break CSS property sets how strictly to apply rules for wrapping text to new lines, especially for symbols and punctuation. min(), max(), and clamp(): The min() and max() CSS functions return the minimum or maximum of the arguments, while clamp() clamps a value to a given range. Numeric separators: To improve readability for numeric literals, underscores (_) can be used as separators. For example, 1_050.95 is equivalent to 1050.95. Pointer Events: Pointer events, such as pointerdown, and the PointerEvent API, represent general pointing inputs, from a wide range of devices, such as a mouse, pen or stylus, or touch with one or more fingers. Not to be confused with the pointer-events CSS property. Promise.allSettled(): The Promise.allSettled() static method

June 2020 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
June 2020 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:Intl.ListFormat: The Intl.ListFormat API creates a locale-aware formatter that turns iterable objects into localized strings. Preloading responsive images: The imagesrcset and imagesizes attributes with the rel="preload" attribute for the <link> HTML element starts fetching responsive images before they're found in the body of the document. :read-only and :read-write: The :read-only and :read-write CSS pseudo-classes match elements that are read-only or read-write, respectively. For example, :read-only matches <input> and <textarea> elements with the readonly attribute. String replaceAll(): The replaceAll() method of strings returns a new string where all matches of a pattern (a string or regular expression) have been substituted with a replacement string. BigInt to i64 conversion (WebAssembly): Integer values pass bidirectionally between JavaScript and WebAssembly, converted to i64 values in

May 2020 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
May 2020 web platform updateWidely availableThe following features are now widely available:spellcheck: The spellcheck global HTML attribute sets whether the browser may check an element for spelling errors. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:contain-intrinsic-size: The contain-intrinsic-size CSS property sets the intrinsic size of an element. When using size containment, the browser will lay out the element as if it had a single child of this size. line-break: The line-break CSS property sets how strictly to apply rules for wrapping text to new lines, especially for symbols and punctuation. requestVideoFrameCallback(): The requestVideoFrameCallback() method for <video> schedules a function that runs with the next video frame. It is similar to requestAnimationFrame(), but for video. Trusted types: Trusted types allow you to lock down insecure parts of the DOM API and prevent client-side cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. DOM overlays for WebXR: A DOM overl

April 2020 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
April 2020 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:image-orientation: The image-orientation CSS property corrects the rotation of an image using the image's metadata, such as EXIF. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:<data>: The <data> element links a given piece of content with a machine-readable translation. Grid: CSS grid is a two-dimensional layout system, which lays content out in rows and columns. <time>: The <time> HTML element represents a time, such as a calendar date, clock time, or duration. It may include the datetime attribute to translate dates into machine-readable format. Viewport units: The vw, vh, vmin, and vmax CSS viewport units are relative to the size of the viewport, and are used to size elements in relation to the viewport's dimensions. WebAssembly: The WebAssembly.instantiate() and WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming() global static methods load WebAssembly code (also known as Wasm), a portable binar

March 2020 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
March 2020 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:display: table: The display: table CSS declaration renders an element with the box layout of a <table> HTML element. Child elements may use equivalents to <table> internal elements such as display: table-row for <tr>. dominant-baseline: The dominant-baseline CSS property sets the specific baseline used to align an elements's text and inline-level contents. font-optical-sizing: The font-optical-sizing CSS property sets whether text rendering is optimized for viewing at different sizes. Hashbang comments: The #! comment at the absolute start of a script or module is treated as a normal comment and is ignored by the JavaScript engine. Opacity (SVG): The fill-opacity, and stroke-opacity SVG attributes and CSS properties control the transparency of a stroke or fill of an SVG element. Q unit: The Q CSS length unit is an absolute length anchored to the physical measurement of quarter-millimeters. 1Q is equ

February 2020 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
February 2020 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:EXT_sRGB WebGL extension: The EXT_sRGB extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds sRGB support to textures and framebuffer objects. Media playback quality: The getVideoPlaybackQuality() method of HTMLVideoElement returns metrics that can be used to determine the playback quality of a video, such as how many frames were dropped. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Compression streams: The CompressionStream and DecompressionStream interfaces compress and decompress data using the gzip or deflate formats. Fetch metadata request headers: The Sec-Fetch-Dest, Sec-Fetch-Mode, Sec-Fetch-Site, and Sec-Fetch-User HTTP headers provide extra information about the way a request was made, to help servers reject certain kinds of malicious requests. JavaScript modules in shared workers: The SharedWorker() constructor accepts { type: "module" } to load scripts that use import and export. Al

January 2020 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
January 2020 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:all: The all CSS property is a shorthand for all CSS properties, except for direction and unicode-bidi. It accepts only the keywords for explicit defaulting (such as initial and inherit), since they are the only values supported on all CSS properties. Array flat() and flatMap(): The flat() and flatMap() methods for arrays creates a new array such that each nested array item is concatenated into it. Async generators: Async generator functions (async function*) create iterators that return multiple promises, one after another, on-demand. Async iterators and the for await..of loop: Asynchronous iterator objects, such as those returned by promises or generator functions, are iterable with the for await .. of loop. Autonomous custom elements: Autonomous custom elements are HTML elements with a hyphenated tag name (like <example-element>) that have behaviors you define. background-blend-mode: The backgr

December 2019 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
December 2019 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:font-optical-sizing: The font-optical-sizing CSS property sets whether text rendering is optimized for viewing at different sizes. min(), max(), and clamp(): The min() and max() CSS functions return the minimum or maximum of the arguments, while clamp() clamps a value to a given range. WebXR: The navigator.xr API represents the browser's virtual reality or augmented reality system. You can use to request a WebXR session. Gamepad (WebXR): The gamepad attribute of an XRInputSource represents an XR input device, such as a motion controller, that reports data from physical inputs (such as buttons, touch pads, and triggers). New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:font-optical-sizing: The font-optical-sizing CSS property sets whether text rendering is optimized for viewing at different sizes. min(), max(), and clamp(): The min() and max() CSS functions ret

October 2019 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
October 2019 web platform updateWidely availableThe following features are now widely available:Async functions: The async and await keywords allow you to use the asynchronous, promise-based behavior of a function without using promise chains. Composition events: The compositionstart, compositionupdate, and compositionend events fire when an input method editor adds characters that might not be commonly available on keyboards. Examples of these characters are emoji, logograms in Asian languages, or input from speech recognition processors. Custom properties: Custom properties are CSS properties prefixed with -- that set values you can reuse with the var() function. For example, you can set a --key-color property to reuse as border-color: var(--key-color). Also known as CSS variables. font-feature-settings: The font-feature-settings CSS property sets low-level OpenType feature tags for a font. When possible, use font-variant instead. Outlines: The outline-color, outline-style, and outli

September 2019 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
September 2019 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:download: The download attribute for <a> elements loads the target URL as a file to be saved, instead of navigating to it. An optional attribute value sets a default file name. Intl.PluralRules: The Intl.PluralRules API creates a locale-aware object that tells you which of the language's pluralization rules apply based on a given number. Print events: An alternative to @media print queries, the beforeprint and afterprint events allow you to change the page for printing and and restore the page after printing. Sticky positioning: The position: sticky CSS declaration positions an element in the normal flow until it crosses a specified threshold, at which points it becomes fixed (stuck) at that position. touch-action: The touch-action CSS property sets whether an element on a touch screen can be panned or pinched to zoom. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:Clipboard eve

August 2019 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
August 2019 web platform updateWidely availableThe following features are now widely available:Border images: The border-image CSS property draws an image around an element.

July 2019 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
July 2019 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Async clipboard: The navigator.clipboard API asynchronously reads and writes to the system clipboard. backdrop-filter: The backdrop-filter CSS property applies graphical effects such as blurring or color shifting to the area behind an element. beforeinstallprompt: The beforeinstallprompt event fires when a Progressive Web App (PWA) is installable, usually on page load in browsers that support installing PWAs. You can use this event to prevent the install prompt from appearing until after the user interacts with an element on the page. Event timing: The event and first-input performance entries and the PerformanceEventTiming API measures the latency of user input events, such as mouse clicks or keypresses, and the latency of the first user input. First Input Delay (FID) is a common metric for perceived responsiveness. KHR_parallel_shader_compile WebGL extension: The KHR_parallel_shader_compile e

June 2019 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
June 2019 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:EXT_float_blend WebGL extension: The EXT_float_blend extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts adds 32-bit floating-point components to blending and draw buffers. Numeric separators: To improve readability for numeric literals, underscores (_) can be used as separators. For example, 1_050.95 is equivalent to 1050.95. Bulk memory operations (WebAssembly): Bulk memory operations, such as copy and init, mirror the efficiency of native memcpy and memmove operations. Non-trapping float-to-int conversion (WebAssembly): Saturating floating-point to integer conversion operators return the maximum or minimum integer value on overflow instead of trapping. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:Desynchronized 2D canvas: The optional desynchronized parameter of a canvas's getContext() method permits the browser to draw a 2D canvas independently of the event loop. Thi

May 2019 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
May 2019 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:EXT_float_blend WebGL extension: The EXT_float_blend extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts adds 32-bit floating-point components to blending and draw buffers. Hashbang comments: The #! comment at the absolute start of a script or module is treated as a normal comment and is ignored by the JavaScript engine. prefers-color-scheme media query: The prefers-color-scheme CSS media query sets styles based on the requested color scheme, light or dark. revert: The revert CSS keyword resets any property to its previous default, provided by either the user or browser stylesheets. For example, setting display: revert on a <div> will likely result in display: block, the browser default style. This is often confused with initial. String matchAll(): The matchAll() method of strings matches a string against a regular expression and returns an iterator of all results, including capturing groups. word-break:

April 2019 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
April 2019 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Background fetch: Background fetch downloads data in the background even when the web page is closed. Hashbang comments: The #! comment at the absolute start of a script or module is treated as a normal comment and is ignored by the JavaScript engine. Intersection observer visibility tracking: The trackVisibility parameter for the IntersectionObserver constructor enables tracking the visibility of an element, to detect if it may be obscured by other content or visual effects. Also known as IntersectionObserver v2. Intl.Locale: The Intl.Locale API parses Unicode locale identifiers, with language, region, and script codes, such as zh-Hans-CN or en-GB. prefers-reduced-motion media query: The prefers-reduced-motion CSS media query sets styles based on whether the user prefers to minimize the amount of non-essential animations on the device, such as scrolling, panning, zooming, and strobing. Thread

March 2019 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
March 2019 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Abortable fetch: If you construct a fetch request with an AbortSignal, you can cancel the request. AbortController and AbortSignal: The AbortController and AbortSignal APIs allow you to cancel an ongoing operation, such as a fetch() request. Encrypted media extensions: The mediaKeys property of HTMLMediaElement and the navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess() method control the playback of content subject to digital rights management. Also known as EME. Intersection observer: The Intersection Observer API asynchronously observes changes in the intersection of a target element with an ancestor element or with a top-level document's viewport. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:Array copyWithin(): The copyWithin() method of arrays and typed arrays shifts or copies items of an array to another index of the array without changing its length. Array fill(): The fill() method of

February 2019 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
February 2019 web platform updateWidely availableThe following features are now widely available:Content Security Policy (CSP): Content Security Policy (CSP) helps to mitigate certain security threats, including cross-site scripting (XSS) and clickjacking attacks. It consists of a set of directives from a website to a browser, which instruct the browser to restrict the things that the site is allowed to do. OES_texture_half_float WebGL extension: The OES_texture_half_float extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds texture formats with 16-bit (also known as half float) and 32-bit floating-point components.

January 2019 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
January 2019 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Page breaks: In printed page layouts, the break-after, break-before, break-inside CSS properties control where printed pages start and end. Also known as pagination or page breaking. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Intl.ListFormat: The Intl.ListFormat API creates a locale-aware formatter that turns iterable objects into localized strings. Screen capture: The navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia() method asks the user to choose a screen or portion of a screen (such as a window) to capture as a media stream. User activation: The navigator.userActivation API reveals whether the user has interacted with the page through an "activation" gesture such as a click, tap, or key press. User activation gated APIs (such as the fullscreen API) fail without user interaction, and this API allows you to predict such a failure. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now av

December 2018 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
December 2018 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Constraint validation API: Methods that validate form controls before submission, such as checkValidity(), reportValidity() and setCustomValidity(). Interaction media queries: The pointer, any-pointer, hover, and any-hover CSS media queries set styles based on the presence of pointing devices and their ability to hover over elements. For example, most smartphones match the (hover: none) and (pointer: coarse) media query. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:ANGLE_instanced_arrays WebGL extension: The ANGLE_instanced_arrays extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts draws the same object multiple times or groups of similar objects multiple times, if the group shares the same vertex data, primitive count and type. EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic WebGL extension: The EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts adds anisotropic filtering (AF). AF improves t

October 2018 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
October 2018 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:<meter>: The <meter> element represents a scalar value within a known range or a fractional value, typically shown as a progress bar. <output>: The <output> element represents the result of a calculation, user action, or form entry. overflow-wrap: The overflow-wrap CSS property breaks a line of text onto multiple lines inside the targeted element in an otherwise unbreakable place to prevent overflow. The legacy property is word-wrap. Promise finally(): The promise finally() method executes a function when the promise settles (resolves or rejects). resolution media query (compatibility prefixes): The -webkit-device-pixel-ratio, -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio, and -webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio CSS media queries are standardized compatibility alternatives to resolution media queries. tabindex: The tabindex HTML attribute make an element focusable, and sets the element's relative ordering for sequent

September 2018 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
September 2018 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:font-variation-settings: The font-variation-settings CSS property sets an "axis of variability" on a variable font, such as weight, optical size, or a custom axis defined by the typeface designer. When possible, use other CSS font properties, such as font-weight: bold. Also known as variable fonts. Speech synthesis: The SpeechSynthesis API converts text to speech with artificial voices. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:Classes: Classes are an object-oriented syntax for JavaScript prototypes. DOMParser: The DOMParser API parses XML or HTML source code from a string into a DOM Document. <picture>: The <picture> element is used for art direction in responsive images, where a different image is displayed based on the <source> element. unset: The unset keyword resets any CSS property, removing any values previously set by the author, user, or browser. Inherited properti

July 2018 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
July 2018 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Cursor styles: The cursor CSS property styles the pointer, allowing you to provide hints to the user on how to interact with the hovered element. Gamepad haptic feedback: The gamepad.vibrationActuator property represents a gamepad's haptics hardware, which allows you to control the vibration motors in a gamepad. Keyboard lock: The navigator.keyboard.lock() API allows you to capture keys that are normally reserved by the operating system. It can be used to provide an immersive fullscreen experience such as games. Page lifecycle: The page lifecycle API helps you safely handle page suspensions or discards from memory. The freeze and resume events fire when the browser suspends or resumes a page from memory while the document.wasDiscarded property reports whether the page was reloaded after being dropped. resolution media query: The resolution CSS media query sets styles based on the pixel density,

June 2018 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
June 2018 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:Server timing: The serverTiming property of the PerformanceResourceTiming API contains server timing information about network requests. String trimStart() and trimEnd(): The trimStart() and trimEnd() methods of strings return a new string with whitespace removed from the beginning or end of the string. New in Firefox for AndroidThe following features are now available in Firefox for Android:Server timing: The serverTiming property of the PerformanceResourceTiming API contains server timing information about network requests. String trimStart() and trimEnd(): The trimStart() and trimEnd() methods of strings return a new string with whitespace removed from the beginning or end of the string.

May 2018 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
May 2018 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Array iterators: Arrays are iterable with the for … of statement and enumerable with the methods entries(), keys(), and values(). JavaScript modules: JavaScript modules allow code to be organized into reusable units. Modules use import to load other modules and export to declare what is available to import from other modules. In HTML, modules are loaded with <script type="module">. Widely availableThe following features are now widely available:initial: The initial keyword resets any CSS property to its initial value as defined by the specification. For example, the initial value of the display property is inline, regardless of the element being styled. Not to be confused with revert, which resets to the user or browser default style. <template>: The <template> HTML element holds HTML fragments which you can clone and insert into the document using JavaScript. New in ChromeThe following features are n

April 2018 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
April 2018 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Beacons: The navigator.sendBeacon() method asynchronously sends an HTTP POST request with a limited amount of data, typically for app state, events, and analytics data. The one-way beacon is guaranteed to be initiated before the browser unloads the page, but the sender does not get to handle the response. EXT_blend_minmax WebGL extension: The EXT_blend_minmax extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds two blend equations, the minimum and maximum color components of the source and destination colors. isSecureContext: The isSecureContext global property is a boolean for whether the current browsing context is secure. This is primarily a check that the page has been served over an HTTPS URL. OES_vertex_array_object WebGL extension: The OES_vertex_array_object extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds vertex array objects (VAOs) which encapsulate vertex array states. These objects keep pointers to vertex data an

March 2018 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
March 2018 web platform updateWidely availableThe following features are now widely available:Animations (CSS): The animation CSS property animates an element's style over time, using keyframes described in @keyframes rules. Channel messaging: Channel messaging communicates one-to-one between browsing contexts on the same origin, such as between <iframe> elements or two documents using a shared worker. CSS object model: The CSS object model API reads, creates, and modifies CSS stylesheets and inline styles. Also known as CSSOM. Flexbox: Flexbox is a one-dimensional layout system, which places content either horizontally or vertically, with optional wrapping. HTTP/2: The HTTP/2 protocol is a major revision of the HTTP network protocol, providing improved performance and efficiency by using a single TCP connection to send multiple streams of data at once. Performance: The performance global object and the Performance API provide access to performance-related information for the current e

January 2018 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
January 2018 web platform updateWidely availableThe following features are now widely available:<a>: The <a> element creates a hyperlink to any resource that's accessible via a URL, such as web pages, files, email addresses, or locations within the same page. <abbr>: The <abbr> HTML element represents an abbreviation or acronym. Absolute positioning: The position: absolute CSS declaration removes an element from the normal flow and positions it relative to its containing block, which is often the root element, or closest positioned ancestor. accesskey: The accessKey global HTML attribute gives a hint for generating a keyboard shortcut for the current element. The attribute value must consist of a single printable character. <address>: The <address> element represents contact information for a person or people, or for an organization. Alerts: The window.alert(), window.confirm(), and window.prompt() methods open modal dialogs for notifying the user, asking for confirmation, or entering

December 2017 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
December 2017 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Async generators: Async generator functions (async function*) create iterators that return multiple promises, one after another, on-demand. Async iterators and the for await..of loop: Asynchronous iterator objects, such as those returned by promises or generator functions, are iterable with the for await .. of loop. EXT_color_buffer_half_float WebGL extension: The EXT_color_buffer_half_float extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts renders 16-bit floating-point color buffers. font-variant-east-asian: The font-variant-east-asian CSS property controls glyph substitution and sizing in East Asian text. Intl.PluralRules: The Intl.PluralRules API creates a locale-aware object that tells you which of the language's pluralization rules apply based on a given number. overscroll-behavior: The overscroll-behavior CSS property disables default scrolling behaviors when the edges of a scrolling area are

November 2017 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
November 2017 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:spellcheck: The spellcheck global HTML attribute sets whether the browser may check an element for spelling errors. New in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:Abortable fetch: If you construct a fetch request with an AbortSignal, you can cancel the request. AbortController and AbortSignal: The AbortController and AbortSignal APIs allow you to cancel an ongoing operation, such as a fetch() request. Async iterators and the for await..of loop: Asynchronous iterator objects, such as those returned by promises or generator functions, are iterable with the for await .. of loop. Date and time <input> types: The <input type="date"> and <input type="time"> HTML elements show date and time pickers. Storage manager: The navigator.storage API provides information about the availability and persistence of the data that a site stores on the device, by using APIs such as the Cache API or

October 2017 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
October 2017 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:<data>: The <data> element links a given piece of content with a machine-readable translation. Grid: CSS grid is a two-dimensional layout system, which lays content out in rows and columns. <time>: The <time> HTML element represents a time, such as a calendar date, clock time, or duration. It may include the datetime attribute to translate dates into machine-readable format. Viewport units: The vw, vh, vmin, and vmax CSS viewport units are relative to the size of the viewport, and are used to size elements in relation to the viewport's dimensions. WebAssembly: The WebAssembly.instantiate() and WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming() global static methods load WebAssembly code (also known as Wasm), a portable binary instruction format. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:captureStream() for <audio> and <video>: The captureStream() method for <audio> and <video> elements retur

September 2017 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
September 2017 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Brotli compression: Brotli is a lossless data compression algorithm. When used as a content encoding, it often provides better compression than gzip. Intl: The Intl API provides language sensitive string comparison, number formatting, date and time formatting, and more. Media capture: The navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() API requests access to devices that produce audio or video streams, such as microphones or video cameras. Resource timing (initial support): PerformanceResourceTiming entries report when network events happen while loading a resource, such as when connections start and end. You can use this information to measure loading times. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:CSS.supports(): The CSS.supports() static method returns whether the browser supports a CSS declaration (given by two arguments, a property and value) or an @supports at-rule condition s

August 2017 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
August 2017 web platform updateNew in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:Credential management: The navigator.credentials API provides generic storage for authentication credentials. Other credential APIs represent specific kinds of credentials, such as password or public key credentials, that the credential management API stores. Destructuring: The destructuring assignment syntax is a JavaScript expression that unpacks values from arrays, or properties from objects, into distinct variables. :focus-within: The :focus-within CSS pseudo-class matches an element if the element or any of its children are focused. font-display: The font-display CSS descriptor sets whether to show a substitute font or nothing while a font face loads. The property manages what's known as a flash of unstyled text or flash of invisible text. font-stretch: The font-stretch CSS property selects a font face from a font family based on width, either by a keyword such as condens

July 2017 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
July 2017 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Credential management: The navigator.credentials API provides generic storage for authentication credentials. Other credential APIs represent specific kinds of credentials, such as password or public key credentials, that the credential management API stores. Destructuring: The destructuring assignment syntax is a JavaScript expression that unpacks values from arrays, or properties from objects, into distinct variables. :focus-within: The :focus-within CSS pseudo-class matches an element if the element or any of its children are focused. font-display: The font-display CSS descriptor sets whether to show a substitute font or nothing while a font face loads. The property manages what's known as a flash of unstyled text or flash of invisible text. font-stretch: The font-stretch CSS property selects a font face from a font family based on width, either by a keyword such as condensed or a percentage

June 2017 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
June 2017 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:createImageBitmap: The createImageBitmap() global method creates an ImageBitmap object from a source such as an image, SVG, blob, or canvas. An ImageBitmap object represents pixel data that can be drawn to a canvas with lower latency than other types, such as ImageData. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:background-blend-mode: The background-blend-mode CSS property blends an element's background image and background color using blend modes like multiply, difference, or color. createImageBitmap: The createImageBitmap() global method creates an ImageBitmap object from a source such as an image, SVG, blob, or canvas. An ImageBitmap object represents pixel data that can be drawn to a canvas with lower latency than other types, such as ImageData. New in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:shapes: The circle(), ellipse(), inset(), po

April 2017 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
April 2017 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Async functions: The async and await keywords allow you to use the asynchronous, promise-based behavior of a function without using promise chains. Composition events: The compositionstart, compositionupdate, and compositionend events fire when an input method editor adds characters that might not be commonly available on keyboards. Examples of these characters are emoji, logograms in Asian languages, or input from speech recognition processors. Custom properties: Custom properties are CSS properties prefixed with -- that set values you can reuse with the var() function. For example, you can set a --key-color property to reuse as border-color: var(--key-color). Also known as CSS variables. font-feature-settings: The font-feature-settings CSS property sets low-level OpenType feature tags for a font. When possible, use font-variant instead. Outlines: The outline-color, outline-style, and outline-width

March 2017 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
March 2017 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Clipboard events: The "copy", "cut", and "paste" events fire on elements when the user starts an action with the clipboard. column-fill: The column-fill CSS property sets the distribution of content across columns in a multi-column layout. Exponentiation operator: The exponentiation (**) operator returns the result of raising the first operand to the power of the second operand. Fetch: The fetch() method makes asynchronous HTTP requests. Gamepad: The navigator.getGamepads() API accesses and responds to signals from game controllers. <input type="range">: The <input type="range"> element represents a slider for choosing an inexact value between a minimum and maximum value. Multi-column layout: Multi-column layout flows an element's content across one or more columns in a single row, without affecting the display property of its children. Selection: The Selection API controls and modifies user text se

February 2017 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
February 2017 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Border images: The border-image CSS property draws an image around an element. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:EXT_color_buffer_float WebGL extension: The EXT_color_buffer_float extension for WebGL 2.0 contexts adds color-renderable floating point formats to renderbufferStorage(). System font: The font-family: system-ui CSS declaration uses the operating system default font for text. overflow-anchor: The overflow-anchor CSS property sets an element as a possible scroll anchor, reducing unintended scrolling when document changes occur above the current scrollport. This is enabled by default where supported. PerformanceTiming and PerformanceNavigation: The window.performance.timing and window.performance.navigation APIs report performance timing information for events that occur during the loading and use of the current page. Remote playback: The Remo

January 2017 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
January 2017 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Border images: The border-image CSS property draws an image around an element. EXT_color_buffer_float WebGL extension: The EXT_color_buffer_float extension for WebGL 2.0 contexts adds color-renderable floating point formats to renderbufferStorage(). System font: The font-family: system-ui CSS declaration uses the operating system default font for text. overflow-anchor: The overflow-anchor CSS property sets an element as a possible scroll anchor, reducing unintended scrolling when document changes occur above the current scrollport. This is enabled by default where supported. PerformanceTiming and PerformanceNavigation: The window.performance.timing and window.performance.navigation APIs report performance timing information for events that occur during the loading and use of the current page. Sticky positioning: The position: sticky CSS declaration positions an element in the normal flow unt

December 2016 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
December 2016 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Async functions: The async and await keywords allow you to use the asynchronous, promise-based behavior of a function without using promise chains. Animatable clipping paths: The clip-path property can be animated using CSS transitions and animations. isSecureContext: The isSecureContext global property is a boolean for whether the current browsing context is secure. This is primarily a check that the page has been served over an HTTPS URL. Motion path: The offset CSS property animates an element along a defined motion path. Pointer Events: Pointer events, such as pointerdown, and the PointerEvent API, represent general pointing inputs, from a wide range of devices, such as a mouse, pen or stylus, or touch with one or more fingers. Not to be confused with the pointer-events CSS property. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:Async functions: The asy

November 2016 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
November 2016 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:Border images: The border-image CSS property draws an image around an element. Layout direction override: The unicode-bidi and direction CSS properties override the Unicode layout algorithm. They are intended for Document Type Definition (DTD) designers. For HTML documents, you should use the dir global HTML attribute and <bdo> HTML element instead. Link selectors: The :link CSS pseudo-class matches unvisited links, :visited matches visited links, and :any-link matches both. Pointer lock: Provides access to raw mouse movement by locking the target of mouse events to a single element and hiding the mouse cursor. New in Firefox for AndroidThe following features are now available in Firefox for Android:Border images: The border-image CSS property draws an image around an element. Layout direction override: The unicode-bidi and direction CSS properties override the Unicode layout algorithm. T

October 2016 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
October 2016 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Autonomous custom elements: Autonomous custom elements are HTML elements with a hyphenated tag name (like <example-element>) that have behaviors you define. BroadcastChannel: The BroadcastChannel API allows you to send messages between same-origin browsing contexts, such as between the same page loaded in multiple tabs. Host: The :host CSS pseudo-class selects the containing element of the shadow tree in which it is used. The :host() CSS pseudo-class selects the that element only if it matches the provided selector. host-context: The :host-context() CSS pseudo-class selects the containing element of the shadow tree in which it is used if that element or an ancestor matches the provided selector. Resource size: The decodedBodySize, encodedBodySize, and transferSize properties of the PerformanceResourceTiming API reports the size of resources loaded. text-size-adjust: The text-size-adjust CSS

September 2016 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
September 2016 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Array copyWithin(): The copyWithin() method of arrays and typed arrays shifts or copies items of an array to another index of the array without changing its length. Array fill(): The fill() method of arrays and typed arrays sets all or some items of an array to a given a value. Array find() and findIndex(): The find() and findIndex() methods of arrays and typed arrays search an array for the first item that satisfies a test function. Array.from(): The Array.from() and typed array .from() static methods copy items from an iterable or array-like object to make a new array. Array includes(): The includes() method of arrays and typed arrays returns whether a given value appears in the array. Array.of(): The Array.of() and typed array .of() static methods create new arrays from the values of any number of arguments. background-repeat: The background-repeat CSS property sets how a background image is

August 2016 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
August 2016 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Content Security Policy (CSP): Content Security Policy (CSP) helps to mitigate certain security threats, including cross-site scripting (XSS) and clickjacking attacks. It consists of a set of directives from a website to a browser, which instruct the browser to restrict the things that the site is allowed to do. OES_texture_half_float WebGL extension: The OES_texture_half_float extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds texture formats with 16-bit (also known as half float) and 32-bit floating-point components. New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:COLRv0: COLRv0 is a font format that supports multi-color glyphs. COLRv0 supports only solid colors. filter: The filter CSS property applies one or more graphic effects to an element. You can use filter functions, such as blur() and drop-shadow(), alone or combined to produce different effects. Web app manifest: A web app manifest fi

July 2016 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
July 2016 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:contain: The contain CSS property sets limits to the scope of styles, layout, and paint rendering for speed and efficiency. The none keyword value disables containment, strict is equivalent to contain: size layout style paint, and content is equivalent to contain: layout style paint. Layout containment: The contain: layout CSS declaration isolates the inside of an element such that it cannot affect the layout of the rest of the page or be affected by the rest of the page. This permits the browser to avoid slower layout calculations. Paint containment: The contain: paint CSS declaration prevents an element's descendants from being drawn outside the boundaries of the containing element, with any overflow clipped. This permits the browser to avoid slower painting calculations. Size containment: The contain: size CSS declaration sets an element's dimensions exclusively by its height and width prope

June 2016 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
June 2016 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:ANGLE_instanced_arrays WebGL extension: The ANGLE_instanced_arrays extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts draws the same object multiple times or groups of similar objects multiple times, if the group shares the same vertex data, primitive count and type. EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic WebGL extension: The EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts adds anisotropic filtering (AF). AF improves the quality of mipmapped texture access when viewing a textured primitive at an oblique angle. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:Brotli compression: Brotli is a lossless data compression algorithm. When used as a content encoding, it often provides better compression than gzip. captureStream() for <canvas>: The captureStream() method for <canvas> elements returns a MediaStream which includes a CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack representing real-tim

May 2016 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
May 2016 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:captureStream() for <canvas>: The captureStream() method for <canvas> elements returns a MediaStream which includes a CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack representing real-time video of the canvas image. You can use this to record the canvas, or send it elsewhere, such as another canvas or WebRTC connection. contenteditable="plaintext-only": The contenteditable="plaintext-only" global HTML attribute allows the user to edit the content of an element, but prevents rich-text formatting. Federated credentials: The FederatedCredential API represents the details required to authenticate a user using a third-party identity provider. Not to be confused with federated credential management (FedCM).

April 2016 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
April 2016 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Brotli compression: Brotli is a lossless data compression algorithm. When used as a content encoding, it often provides better compression than gzip. column-fill: The column-fill CSS property sets the distribution of content across columns in a multi-column layout. column-span: The column-span CSS property controls whether a child element extends across all columns of a multi-column parent. <link rel="preload">: The rel="preload" attribute for the <link> HTML element requests resources, such as images or style sheets, that the page needs soon, so the browser may prioritize them for loading before rendering begins. Multi-column layout: Multi-column layout flows an element's content across one or more columns in a single row, without affecting the display property of its children. Page breaks: In printed page layouts, the break-after, break-before, break-inside CSS properties control where print

March 2016 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
March 2016 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Classes: Classes are an object-oriented syntax for JavaScript prototypes. DOMParser: The DOMParser API parses XML or HTML source code from a string into a DOM Document. <picture>: The <picture> element is used for art direction in responsive images, where a different image is displayed based on the <source> element. unset: The unset keyword resets any CSS property, removing any values previously set by the author, user, or browser. Inherited properties (like color) reset to the parent element's computed value. Non-inherited properties (like display) reset to the specified initial value (inline). New in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Background sync: The background synchronization API registers a service worker callback to run only when the device is no longer offline. You can use this to let users continue using your app while offline and synchronize with a server after rec

January 2016 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
January 2016 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:font-feature-settings: The font-feature-settings CSS property sets low-level OpenType feature tags for a font. When possible, use font-variant instead. Layout direction override: The unicode-bidi and direction CSS properties override the Unicode layout algorithm. They are intended for Document Type Definition (DTD) designers. For HTML documents, you should use the dir global HTML attribute and <bdo> HTML element instead. text-combine-upright: The text-combine-upright CSS property displays multiple characters in the space of a single character in vertical text. This is used in East Asian documents to display Latin-based strings such as components of a date or letters of an initialism. text-orientation: The text-orientation CSS property sets the how text is typeset within a line when the writing mode is vertical. writing-mode: The writing-mode CSS property sets whether text is laid out horizon

December 2015 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
December 2015 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Array includes(): The includes() method of arrays and typed arrays returns whether a given value appears in the array. :placeholder-shown: The :placeholder-shown CSS pseudo-element selects <input> and <textarea> elements when no value is set and the element's placeholder attribute is not empty. Not to be confused with ::placeholder, which selects the placeholder text itself. Presentation API: The Presentation API shows or controls content on another display, such as a network-connected TV or projector. requestIdleCallback(): The requestIdleCallback() API queues a function that runs in idle browser time, either at the end of a frame or when the user is inactive. Also known as the background tasks API. text-align-last: The text-align-last CSS property sets the alignment of the last line of text before a forced line break. WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc WebGL extension: The WEBGL_compressed_tex

November 2015 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
November 2015 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:initial: The initial keyword resets any CSS property to its initial value as defined by the specification. For example, the initial value of the display property is inline, regardless of the element being styled. Not to be confused with revert, which resets to the user or browser default style. <template>: The <template> HTML element holds HTML fragments which you can clone and insert into the document using JavaScript. New in EdgeThe following features are now available in Edge:Classes: Classes are an object-oriented syntax for JavaScript prototypes. Encrypted media extensions: The mediaKeys property of HTMLMediaElement and the navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess() method control the playback of content subject to digital rights management. Also known as EME. Generators: Generator functions (function*) create iterators that return multiple values, one after another, on-demand. <picture>: The <

October 2015 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
October 2015 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:CSS.escape(): The CSS.escape() static method escapes a string so that it can be used in a valid CSS selector. fit-content: The fit-content CSS keyword expands a box as needed to fit its contents until the maximum size is reached, preserving the content's preferred aspect ratio. <link rel="dns-prefetch">: The rel="dns-prefetch" attribute for the <link> HTML element is a hint to the browser that the page or user is likely to request resources from another domain, so the browser should preemptively resolve DNS for the href value's domain. <link rel="preconnect">: The rel="preconnect" attribute for the <link> HTML element is a hint to the browser that the page or user is likely to request resources from another origin, so the browser should preemptively start a connection to the href value's origin. min-content and max-content: The min-content and max-content CSS keywords represent the smallest

September 2015 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
September 2015 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:Animations (CSS): The animation CSS property animates an element's style over time, using keyframes described in @keyframes rules. Channel messaging: Channel messaging communicates one-to-one between browsing contexts on the same origin, such as between <iframe> elements or two documents using a shared worker. CSS object model: The CSS object model API reads, creates, and modifies CSS stylesheets and inline styles. Also known as CSSOM. Flexbox: Flexbox is a one-dimensional layout system, which places content either horizontally or vertically, with optional wrapping. HTTP/2: The HTTP/2 protocol is a major revision of the HTTP network protocol, providing improved performance and efficiency by using a single TCP connection to send multiple streams of data at once. Performance: The performance global object and the Performance API provide access to performance-related information for the current exe

August 2015 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
August 2015 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:String includes(): The includes() method of strings returns whether a search string appears within the string. Unicode point escapes: Unicode point escapes (\\u{}) represent Unicode characters within strings. New in Firefox for AndroidThe following features are now available in Firefox for Android:String includes(): The includes() method of strings returns whether a search string appears within the string. Unicode point escapes: Unicode point escapes (\\u{}) represent Unicode characters within strings.

July 2015 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
July 2015 web platform updateNewly availableThe following features are newly available:<a>: The <a> element creates a hyperlink to any resource that's accessible via a URL, such as web pages, files, email addresses, or locations within the same page. <abbr>: The <abbr> HTML element represents an abbreviation or acronym. Absolute positioning: The position: absolute CSS declaration removes an element from the normal flow and positions it relative to its containing block, which is often the root element, or closest positioned ancestor. accesskey: The accessKey global HTML attribute gives a hint for generating a keyboard shortcut for the current element. The attribute value must consist of a single printable character. <address>: The <address> element represents contact information for a person or people, or for an organization. Alerts: The window.alert(), window.confirm(), and window.prompt() methods open modal dialogs for notifying the user, asking for confirmation, or entering text. Arr

May 2015 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
May 2015 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Animations (CSS): The animation CSS property animates an element's style over time, using keyframes described in @keyframes rules. document.elementFromPoint() and document.elementsFromPoint(): The document.elementFromPoint() and document.elementsFromPoint() methods find the top-most element at a given point in the viewport, or all elements at a given point in the viewport, respectively. Web MIDI: The Web MIDI API enables selecting MIDI input and output devices and sending and receiving MIDI messages. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:Animations (CSS): The animation CSS property animates an element's style over time, using keyframes described in @keyframes rules. document.elementFromPoint() and document.elementsFromPoint(): The document.elementFromPoint() and document.elementsFromPoint() methods find the top-most element at a given point in the viewpo

April 2015 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
April 2015 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Classes: Classes are an object-oriented syntax for JavaScript prototypes. Encrypted media extensions: The mediaKeys property of HTMLMediaElement and the navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess() method control the playback of content subject to digital rights management. Also known as EME. Fetch: The fetch() method makes asynchronous HTTP requests. tab-size: The tab-size CSS property sets the width of the tab character. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:Beacons: The navigator.sendBeacon() method asynchronously sends an HTTP POST request with a limited amount of data, typically for app state, events, and analytics data. The one-way beacon is guaranteed to be initiated before the browser unloads the page, but the sender does not get to handle the response. Classes: Classes are an object-oriented syntax for JavaScript prototypes. Encrypted media extensi

March 2015 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
March 2015 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Clipboard events: The "copy", "cut", and "paste" events fire on elements when the user starts an action with the clipboard. HTTP/2: The HTTP/2 protocol is a major revision of the HTTP network protocol, providing improved performance and efficiency by using a single TCP connection to send multiple streams of data at once. image-rendering: The image-rendering CSS property sets how images are scaled, retaining smoothness for photos, or hard edges for pixel art and QR codes. Interaction media queries: The pointer, any-pointer, hover, and any-hover CSS media queries set styles based on the presence of pointing devices and their ability to hover over elements. For example, most smartphones match the (hover: none) and (pointer: coarse) media query. isolation: The isolation CSS property creates a new stacking context, which impacts z-index ordering and blend modes. mix-blend-mode: The mix-blend-mode C

February 2015 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
February 2015 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:HTTP/2: The HTTP/2 protocol is a major revision of the HTTP network protocol, providing improved performance and efficiency by using a single TCP connection to send multiple streams of data at once. isolation: The isolation CSS property creates a new stacking context, which impacts z-index ordering and blend modes. Media capture: The navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() API requests access to devices that produce audio or video streams, such as microphones or video cameras. object-fit: The object-fit CSS property sets how images, videos, and other replaced elements are scaled within their container. object-position: The object-position CSS property places images, videos, and other replaced elements within their boxes. scroll-behavior: The scroll-behavior CSS property controls whether scrolling is smooth or snaps, for scroll actions not performed by the user such as those triggered by nav

January 2015 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
January 2015 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Constraint validation API: Methods that validate form controls before submission, such as checkValidity(), reportValidity() and setCustomValidity(). EXT_sRGB WebGL extension: The EXT_sRGB extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds sRGB support to textures and framebuffer objects. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:Constraint validation API: Methods that validate form controls before submission, such as checkValidity(), reportValidity() and setCustomValidity(). EXT_sRGB WebGL extension: The EXT_sRGB extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds sRGB support to textures and framebuffer objects. New in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:filter: The filter CSS property applies one or more graphic effects to an element. You can use filter functions, such as blur() and drop-shadow(), alone or combined to produce different effects. mask-type:

December 2014 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
December 2014 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:Array copyWithin(): The copyWithin() method of arrays and typed arrays shifts or copies items of an array to another index of the array without changing its length. font-feature-settings: The font-feature-settings CSS property sets low-level OpenType feature tags for a font. When possible, use font-variant instead. font-language-override: The font-language-override CSS property sets which language-specific glyphs are displayed. font-synthesis: The font-synthesis CSS shorthand property disables all font synthesis except the given kinds. To disable a specific kind of font synthesis, instead use the longhand properties such as font-synthesis-style and font-synthesis-weight. font-variant-alternates: The font-variant-alternates CSS property, along with the @font-feature-values at-rule, chooses when to use a font's alternate glyphs. font-variant-caps: The font-variant-caps CSS property sets whe

November 2014 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
November 2014 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Beacons: The navigator.sendBeacon() method asynchronously sends an HTTP POST request with a limited amount of data, typically for app state, events, and analytics data. The one-way beacon is guaranteed to be initiated before the browser unloads the page, but the sender does not get to handle the response. Generators: Generator functions (function*) create iterators that return multiple values, one after another, on-demand. :indeterminate: The :indeterminate CSS pseudo-class selects any form element whose state is indeterminate, such as checkboxes that have been set to an indeterminate state with JavaScript, or radio buttons which are members of a group in which all radio buttons are unchecked. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:Generators: Generator functions (function*) create iterators that return multiple values, one after another, on-demand.

October 2014 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
October 2014 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Battery status: The navigator.getBattery() API obtains information about the device's battery, including charge level and status. Also known as the Battery API. EXT_blend_minmax WebGL extension: The EXT_blend_minmax extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds two blend equations, the minimum and maximum color components of the source and destination colors. EXT_frag_depth WebGL extension: The EXT_frag_depth extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts adds setting the depth value of a fragment from within the fragment shader. EXT_shader_texture_lod WebGL extension: The EXT_shader_texture_lod extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts adds texture functions to the OpenGL ES Shading Language such that the shader writer explicitly controls of the level of detail (LOD). File API: The File API represents and reads from file data and metadata. Typically, you get files through other APIs, such as the <input ty

September 2014 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
September 2014 web platform updateNew in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:all: The all CSS property is a shorthand for all CSS properties, except for direction and unicode-bidi. It accepts only the keywords for explicit defaulting (such as initial and inherit), since they are the only values supported on all CSS properties. ::backdrop: The ::backdrop CSS pseudo-element is a box underneath an element in the top layer, such as a <dialog>. It can be used to create obscuring effects distinguishing a modal element from the elements underneath. <dialog>: The <dialog> HTML element represents a modal or non-modal dialog box, such as a confirmation prompt or a subwindow used to enter data. hardwareConcurrency: The navigator.hardwareConcurrency read-only property returns the number of logical processors available to run threads on the user's computer. Pointer lock: Provides access to raw mouse movement by locking the target of mouse events to a single elem

August 2014 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
August 2014 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:all: The all CSS property is a shorthand for all CSS properties, except for direction and unicode-bidi. It accepts only the keywords for explicit defaulting (such as initial and inherit), since they are the only values supported on all CSS properties. ::backdrop: The ::backdrop CSS pseudo-element is a box underneath an element in the top layer, such as a <dialog>. It can be used to create obscuring effects distinguishing a modal element from the elements underneath. <dialog>: The <dialog> HTML element represents a modal or non-modal dialog box, such as a confirmation prompt or a subwindow used to enter data. hardwareConcurrency: The navigator.hardwareConcurrency read-only property returns the number of logical processors available to run threads on the user's computer. Pointer lock: Provides access to raw mouse movement by locking the target of mouse events to a single element and hiding the

July 2014 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
July 2014 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:@font-face: The @font-face CSS at-rule creates a custom font-family value. The at-rule's descriptors set the font's name, source, and various display settings. touch-action: The touch-action CSS property sets whether an element on a touch screen can be panned or pinched to zoom. 2D transforms: The transform CSS property and its 2D transform functions allow rotating, scaling, skewing, and translating an element. Arbitrary 2D transforms are also possible using a transformation matrix. 3D transforms: The transform CSS property and its 3D transform functions allow rotations and other transforms in three dimensions, including perspective transforms. WeakMap: A WeakMap object holds key-value pairs that do not create strong references to its keys, such that value data can be associated with a key without preventing garbage collection of the key. WeakSet: A WeakSet object stores unique values of any ty

June 2014 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
June 2014 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:background-blend-mode: The background-blend-mode CSS property blends an element's background image and background color using blend modes like multiply, difference, or color. 2D canvas opacity: The optional alpha parameter of a 2D canvas's getContext() method sets whether the canvas has an alpha transparency channel. If set to false, then this permits the browser to optimize compositing for an opaque canvas. OES_texture_half_float_linear WebGL extension: The OES_texture_half_float_linear extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds linear filtering with half floating-point pixel types for textures. WEBGL_color_buffer_float WebGL extension: The WEBGL_color_buffer_float extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds the 32-bit floating-point type RGBA32F as a color-renderable format. New in Firefox for AndroidThe following features are now available in Firefox for Android:2D canvas opacity: The optional alpha

May 2014 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
May 2014 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:background-blend-mode: The background-blend-mode CSS property blends an element's background image and background color using blend modes like multiply, difference, or color. Font loading: The document.fonts API dynamically loads custom fonts and tracks when fonts are loading or ready to use. Gamepad: The navigator.getGamepads() API accesses and responds to signals from game controllers. OfflineAudioContext: The OfflineAudioContext API represents an audio processing graph that writes to an AudioBuffer instead of an output device. Web Audio: The Web Audio API creates graphs of audio nodes that handle sound inputs, synthesize sounds, apply effects, create visualizations, and output to audio devices. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:Font loading: The document.fonts API dynamically loads custom fonts and tracks when fonts are loading or ready to use. Ga

April 2014 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
April 2014 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic WebGL extension: The EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts adds anisotropic filtering (AF). AF improves the quality of mipmapped texture access when viewing a textured primitive at an oblique angle. font-variant-ligatures: The font-variant-ligatures CSS property sets how characters can be visually combined for readability or stylistic reasons. String normalize(): The normalize() method of strings returns a Unicode normal form of a string as a new string. More than one code point sequence can represent the same characters. You can use the normalize() method to find canonically or compatibly equivalent strings. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic WebGL extension: The EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts adds anisotropic fil

March 2014 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
March 2014 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:willReadFrequently: The optional willReadFrequently parameter of a canvas's getContext() method permits the browser to optimize for frequent getImageData() calls by avoiding hardware acceleration. Also known as multiple readback. File API: The File API represents and reads from file data and metadata. Typically, you get files through other APIs, such as the <input type="file"> element or drag-and-drop events. You may also send file data to other APIs, such as creating images or drawing on canvases. WEBGL_draw_buffers WebGL extension: The WEBGL_draw_buffers extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts enables a fragment shader to write to several textures, which is useful for deferred shading, for example. New in Firefox for AndroidThe following features are now available in Firefox for Android:willReadFrequently: The optional willReadFrequently parameter of a canvas's getContext() method permits the bro

February 2014 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
February 2014 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:font-kerning: The font-kerning CSS property sets whether kerning data from a font is used to adjust the space between letters. Page visibility: The document.visibilityState and document.hidden properties tell you whether the page is visible to the user (for example, it's not minimized or in a background tab). Speech synthesis: The SpeechSynthesis API converts text to speech with artificial voices. text-underline-position: The text-underline-position CSS property sets the position of underlines on text. For example, text-underline-position: under places the underline below the text, avoiding crossing descenders. The underline may be further adjusted by the text-underline-offset property. WEBGL_debug_renderer_info WebGL extension: The WEBGL_debug_renderer_info extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts exposes information about the graphics driver for debugging purposes. New in Chrome AndroidTh

January 2014 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
January 2014 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:ANGLE_instanced_arrays WebGL extension: The ANGLE_instanced_arrays extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts draws the same object multiple times or groups of similar objects multiple times, if the group shares the same vertex data, primitive count and type. 2D canvas opacity: The optional alpha parameter of a 2D canvas's getContext() method sets whether the canvas has an alpha transparency channel. If set to false, then this permits the browser to optimize compositing for an opaque canvas. object-fit: The object-fit CSS property sets how images, videos, and other replaced elements are scaled within their container. object-position: The object-position CSS property places images, videos, and other replaced elements within their boxes. Promise (initial support): A promise represents an asynchronous operation which eventually succeeds or fails. URL: A URL object represents a web address, like https://e

December 2013 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
December 2013 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:Generators: Generator functions (function*) create iterators that return multiple values, one after another, on-demand. image-orientation: The image-orientation CSS property corrects the rotation of an image using the image's metadata, such as EXIF. New in Firefox for AndroidThe following features are now available in Firefox for Android:Generators: Generator functions (function*) create iterators that return multiple values, one after another, on-demand. image-orientation: The image-orientation CSS property corrects the rotation of an image using the image's metadata, such as EXIF.

November 2013 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
November 2013 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Device orientation events: The DeviceMotion and DeviceOrientation events report the movement and orientation of the browser's device in physical space. Note that coordinates can differ noticeably between platforms and devices. DOMParser: The DOMParser API parses XML or HTML source code from a string into a DOM Document. Media source: The MediaSource API is a custom data source for media elements commonly used for adaptive streaming. Also known as Media Source Extensions (MSE). Wheel events: The wheel event fires when the user moves a mouse wheel or similar spatially rotating input device. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:Device orientation events: The DeviceMotion and DeviceOrientation events report the movement and orientation of the browser's device in physical space. Note that coordinates can differ noticeably between platforms and devices.

October 2013 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
October 2013 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:background-repeat: The background-repeat CSS property sets how a background image is tiled. Base64 encoding and decoding: The atob() and btoa() global functions encode and decode strings to and from base 64, respectively. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:ANGLE_instanced_arrays WebGL extension: The ANGLE_instanced_arrays extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts draws the same object multiple times or groups of similar objects multiple times, if the group shares the same vertex data, primitive count and type. background-repeat: The background-repeat CSS property sets how a background image is tiled. Base64 encoding and decoding: The atob() and btoa() global functions encode and decode strings to and from base 64, respectively. New in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:background-attachment: The background-attachment CSS property se

September 2013 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
September 2013 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:Focus events: Focus events, such as focus and blur, fire when an element gets or loses focus. OES_element_index_uint WebGL extension: The OES_element_index_uint extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds support for gl.UNSIGNED_INT types to WebGLRenderingContext.drawElements(). OES_texture_float_linear WebGL extension: The OES_texture_float_linear extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts adds linear filtering with floating-point pixel types for textures. String repeat(): The repeat() method of strings returns the original string repeated a number of times. New in Firefox for AndroidThe following features are now available in Firefox for Android:Focus events: Focus events, such as focus and blur, fire when an element gets or loses focus. OES_element_index_uint WebGL extension: The OES_element_index_uint extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds support for gl.UNSIGNED_INT types to WebGLRenderingCo

August 2013 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
August 2013 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Flexbox: Flexbox is a one-dimensional layout system, which places content either horizontally or vertically, with optional wrapping. OES_texture_float_linear WebGL extension: The OES_texture_float_linear extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts adds linear filtering with floating-point pixel types for textures. OES_texture_half_float_linear WebGL extension: The OES_texture_half_float_linear extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds linear filtering with half floating-point pixel types for textures. Resource timing (initial support): PerformanceResourceTiming entries report when network events happen while loading a resource, such as when connections start and end. You can use this information to measure loading times. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:Flexbox: Flexbox is a one-dimensional layout system, which places content either horizontally or vert

July 2013 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
July 2013 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:CSS object model: The CSS object model API reads, creates, and modifies CSS stylesheets and inline styles. Also known as CSSOM. @supports: The @supports at-rule applies styles based on a browser's support for CSS features, such as a CSS property and value. Also known as feature queries. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:calc(): The calc() CSS function computes mathematical expressions such a calc(100%/3 - 1em). CSS object model: The CSS object model API reads, creates, and modifies CSS stylesheets and inline styles. Also known as CSSOM. @supports: The @supports at-rule applies styles based on a browser's support for CSS features, such as a CSS property and value. Also known as feature queries. WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc WebGL extension: The WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts adds PVRTC compressed texture form

June 2013 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
June 2013 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:background-clip: The background-clip CSS property sets the extent of the background: the padding box, the content box, or the default border box. background-origin: The background-origin CSS property sets the background starting position relative to the border and padding of an element. Clipboard events: The "copy", "cut", and "paste" events fire on elements when the user starts an action with the clipboard. CSS object model: The CSS object model API reads, creates, and modifies CSS stylesheets and inline styles. Also known as CSSOM. <data>: The <data> element links a given piece of content with a machine-readable translation. Notifications: The Notification() constructor shows a message to the user, typically using the notification system of the host operating system. Notifications from service workers and installed apps: Notifications via service worker registration's showNotification() met

May 2013 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
May 2013 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:ch unit: The ch CSS length unit is a font-relative length based on the width of the zero (0) character. OES_texture_half_float WebGL extension: The OES_texture_half_float extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds texture formats with 16-bit (also known as half float) and 32-bit floating-point components. :scope (pseudo-class): The :scope CSS pseudo-class matches the scoping root, for instance the element that querySelector() is called on, or the root of a DOM subtree specified with @scope. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:ch unit: The ch CSS length unit is a font-relative length based on the width of the zero (0) character. OES_texture_half_float WebGL extension: The OES_texture_half_float extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds texture formats with 16-bit (also known as half float) and 32-bit floating-point components. :scope (pseudo-class): The :scope C

April 2013 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
April 2013 web platform updateNew in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:Composition events: The compositionstart, compositionupdate, and compositionend events fire when an input method editor adds characters that might not be commonly available on keyboards. Examples of these characters are emoji, logograms in Asian languages, or input from speech recognition processors. Gradients: The linear-gradient() and radial-gradient() CSS functions and their repeating counterparts create backgrounds that progress smoothly between multiple colors. <main>: The <main> element represents the dominant content of a document. It is commonly used together with <header> and <footer>. MutationObserver: The MutationObserver API watches for changes to the DOM tree and calls a callback function when DOM changes occur. <template>: The <template> HTML element holds HTML fragments which you can clone and insert into the document using JavaScript. Transitions (CSS): The tran

March 2013 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
March 2013 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:calc(): The calc() CSS function computes mathematical expressions such a calc(100%/3 - 1em). Composition events: The compositionstart, compositionupdate, and compositionend events fire when an input method editor adds characters that might not be commonly available on keyboards. Examples of these characters are emoji, logograms in Asian languages, or input from speech recognition processors. Gradients: The linear-gradient() and radial-gradient() CSS functions and their repeating counterparts create backgrounds that progress smoothly between multiple colors. <main>: The <main> element represents the dominant content of a document. It is commonly used together with <header> and <footer>. MutationObserver: The MutationObserver API watches for changes to the DOM tree and calls a callback function when DOM changes occur. <template>: The <template> HTML element holds HTML fragments which you can clo

February 2013 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
February 2013 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:background-position: The background-position CSS property offsets the initial position of background images relative to the background origin. Content Security Policy (CSP): Content Security Policy (CSP) helps to mitigate certain security threats, including cross-site scripting (XSS) and clickjacking attacks. It consists of a set of directives from a website to a browser, which instruct the browser to restrict the things that the site is allowed to do. Widows and orphans: The widows and orphans CSS properties set the minimum lines included in a text fragment created by page, column, or region breaks. New in Chrome AndroidThe following features are now available in Chrome Android:background-clip: The background-clip CSS property sets the extent of the background: the padding box, the content box, or the default border box. background-origin: The background-origin CSS property sets the backgr

January 2013 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
January 2013 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Intl: The Intl API provides language sensitive string comparison, number formatting, date and time formatting, and more. mask-type: The mask-type CSS property on an SVG <mask> element sets whether the mask is a luminance or alpha mask. OES_element_index_uint WebGL extension: The OES_element_index_uint extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds support for gl.UNSIGNED_INT types to WebGLRenderingContext.drawElements(). OES_vertex_array_object WebGL extension: The OES_vertex_array_object extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds vertex array objects (VAOs) which encapsulate vertex array states. These objects keep pointers to vertex data and names for different sets of vertex data. requestAnimationFrame(): The requestAnimationFrame() method schedules a function that runs before the next repaint. You can use it to animate content with JavaScript. New in FirefoxThe following features are now available in F

November 2012 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
November 2012 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:overflow-wrap: The overflow-wrap CSS property breaks a line of text onto multiple lines inside the targeted element in an otherwise unbreakable place to prevent overflow. The legacy property is word-wrap. Text tracks: The <track> element is used as a child of the media elements that lets you specify a timed text track to be displayed in parallel with the media element. Time-relative pseudo-selectors: The :future and :past CSS pseudo-classes match upcoming or prior elements during media playback. WebVTT: WebVTT is a captions and subtitles format. WebVTT files are loaded using the <track> element, and the VTTCue API can be used to create or update cues dynamically. WebVTT cue settings: The VTTCue API updates various aspects of cues dynamically, such as alignment, size and position. New in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:Sandboxed iframes: The sandbox attribute for t

October 2012 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
October 2012 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:Animations (CSS): The animation CSS property animates an element's style over time, using keyframes described in @keyframes rules. calc(): The calc() CSS function computes mathematical expressions such a calc(100%/3 - 1em). 2D transforms: The transform CSS property and its 2D transform functions allow rotating, scaling, skewing, and translating an element. Arbitrary 2D transforms are also possible using a transformation matrix. 3D transforms: The transform CSS property and its 3D transform functions allow rotations and other transforms in three dimensions, including perspective transforms. Transitions (CSS): The transition shorthand CSS property sets how changes to an element's styles may occur over time. Transitions can be applied to specific CSS properties, all properties, or none. New in Firefox for AndroidThe following features are now available in Firefox for Android:Animations (CSS):

September 2012 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
September 2012 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Touch events: Touch events touchstart, touchmove, touchend, and touchcancel fire when users interact with a touch-sensitive surface, such as a screen or drawing tablet. These events are similar to mouse events. New in Safari on iOSThe following features are now available in Safari on iOS:accesskey: The accessKey global HTML attribute gives a hint for generating a keyboard shortcut for the current element. The attribute value must consist of a single printable character. <bdi>: The <bdi> element isolates text that may have a different text direction from its surrounding text. This prevents the browser's bidirectional text algorithm from affecting or being affected by the direction of the surrounding text. box-sizing: The box-sizing CSS property sets whether an element's width and height are calculated based on the content-box, which does not count the size of borders or padding, or border-b

August 2012 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
August 2012 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:word-break: The word-break CSS property sets how lines break within words. New in Firefox for AndroidThe following features are now available in Firefox for Android:word-break: The word-break CSS property sets how lines break within words.

July 2012 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
July 2012 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:background-clip: The background-clip CSS property sets the extent of the background: the padding box, the content box, or the default border box. background-origin: The background-origin CSS property sets the background starting position relative to the border and padding of an element. background-size: The background-size CSS property scales or stretches a background based on the size of the element (with the contain and cover keywords), a length, or percentage. New in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:MutationObserver: The MutationObserver API watches for changes to the DOM tree and calls a callback function when DOM changes occur. New in SafariThe following features are now available in Safari:accesskey: The accessKey global HTML attribute gives a hint for generating a keyboard shortcut for the current element. The attribute value must consist of a single printable c

June 2012 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
June 2012 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:srcdoc: The srcdoc attribute for the <iframe> HTML element sets a string of HTML to embed in the document. The value of srcdoc overrides loading a document from the src attribute. <input type="color">: The <input type="color"> HTML element shows a color picker from which users can choose a color value. Date and time <input> types: The <input type="date"> and <input type="time"> HTML elements show date and time pickers. Notifications: The Notification() constructor shows a message to the user, typically using the notification system of the host operating system. Notifications from service workers and installed apps: Notifications via service worker registration's showNotification() method, sent from installed web applications (for example, saved to the Home Screen on Safari for iOS), show a message to the user, typically using the notification system of the host operating system. New in Chrome A

May 2012 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
May 2012 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:SMIL SVG animations: The <animate>, <animateMotion>, and <animateTransform> SVG elements declaratively animate SVG elements. Also known as SMIL. translate: The translate HTML attribute marks whether an element's text should be translated.

April 2012 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
April 2012 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:DOMParser: The DOMParser API parses XML or HTML source code from a string into a DOM Document.

March 2012 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
March 2012 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Min and max width and height: The min-width, min-height, max-width, and max-height CSS properties set the minimum and maximum size of an element. Sourcemap header: The Sourcemap HTTP response header links generated code to a source map, so the browser shows the original source in a debugger. This makes it easier to work with minified or transpiled code. New in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:hashchange: The hashchange event fires when the URL fragment identifier (the part of the URL starting with #) of the current page has changed. WebSockets: The WebSocket API opens a two-way communication channel between the user's browser and a server.

February 2012 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
February 2012 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:accesskey: The accessKey global HTML attribute gives a hint for generating a keyboard shortcut for the current element. The attribute value must consist of a single printable character. dirname: The dirname attribute of <textarea> and <input> HTML elements includes the field's writing direction as form data on submission.

January 2012 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
January 2012 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:<bdi>: The <bdi> element isolates text that may have a different text direction from its surrounding text. This prevents the browser's bidirectional text algorithm from affecting or being affected by the direction of the surrounding text. <bdo>: The <bdo> element overrides the directionality of text, so that the text within is rendered in a different direction than the surrounding text. OES_standard_derivatives WebGL extension: The OES_standard_derivatives extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds the GLSL derivative functions dFdx, dFdy, and fwidth. New in Firefox for AndroidThe following features are now available in Firefox for Android:<bdi>: The <bdi> element isolates text that may have a different text direction from its surrounding text. This prevents the browser's bidirectional text algorithm from affecting or being affected by the direction of the surrounding text. <bdo>: The <bdo> ele

December 2011 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
December 2011 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:<bdi>: The <bdi> element isolates text that may have a different text direction from its surrounding text. This prevents the browser's bidirectional text algorithm from affecting or being affected by the direction of the surrounding text. cubic-bezier() easing: The cubic-bezier() CSS easing function interpolates along a smooth curve, creating animations and transitions with continuous changes in speed. The ease, ease-in, ease-out, and ease-in-out keyword values are presets for common Bézier curves. hashchange: The hashchange event fires when the URL fragment identifier (the part of the URL starting with #) of the current page has changed. New in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:background-size: The background-size CSS property scales or stretches a background based on the size of the element (with the contain and cover keywords), a length, or percentage. Custom ell

October 2011 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
October 2011 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:<dfn>: The <dfn> element marks a term to be defined, styling text as italic by default. Page setup: The @page CSS at-rule sets the page-specific dimensions and margins for content such as printed documents, ebooks, or slides. New in Safari on iOSThe following features are now available in Safari on iOS:Array.isArray(): The Array.isArray() static method checks whether a value is an array. background-clip: The background-clip CSS property sets the extent of the background: the padding box, the content box, or the default border box. box-shadow: The box-shadow CSS property applies shadow effects around an element's frame. This can create drop shadow and inner shadow effects. Dataset: The dataset API attaches and accesses custom data on elements, using either the dataset property of HTMLElement or attributes prefixed with data-. Dedicated workers: The Worker() constructor runs a script in its ow

September 2011 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
September 2011 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:download: The download attribute for <a> elements loads the target URL as a file to be saved, instead of navigating to it. An optional attribute value sets a default file name. New in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:Performance: The performance global object and the Performance API provide access to performance-related information for the current execution context. Text overflow: The text-overflow CSS property sets how hidden overflow content appears to users. The property can clip content, truncate content with an ellipsis (…), or truncate with a custom string. New in Firefox for AndroidThe following features are now available in Firefox for Android:Performance: The performance global object and the Performance API provide access to performance-related information for the current execution context. Text overflow: The text-overflow CSS property sets how hidden ov

August 2011 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
August 2011 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:registerProtocolHandler: The navigator.registerProtocolHandler() method declares a site's ability to handle an address scheme (also known as a protocol). For example, an email site can register to open mailto: URLs or a VoIP site to open tel: URLs. New in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:Dataset: The dataset API attaches and accesses custom data on elements, using either the dataset property of HTMLElement or attributes prefixed with data-. Device orientation events: The DeviceMotion and DeviceOrientation events report the movement and orientation of the browser's device in physical space. Note that coordinates can differ noticeably between platforms and devices. Input events: The input event fires when a form control changes or an element with the contenteditable attribute changes. Keyboard events: The keydown and keyup events fire for each key press (or, with modif

July 2011 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
July 2011 web platform updateNew in SafariThe following features are now available in Safari:background-clip: The background-clip CSS property sets the extent of the background: the padding box, the content box, or the default border box. background-origin: The background-origin CSS property sets the background starting position relative to the border and padding of an element. background-size: The background-size CSS property scales or stretches a background based on the size of the element (with the contain and cover keywords), a length, or percentage. box-shadow: The box-shadow CSS property applies shadow effects around an element's frame. This can create drop shadow and inner shadow effects. box-sizing: The box-sizing CSS property sets whether an element's width and height are calculated based on the content-box, which does not count the size of borders or padding, or border-box, which does count them. Dataset: The dataset API attaches and accesses custom data on elements, using ei

June 2011 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
June 2011 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:<details>: The <details> element is a disclosure widget which can be expanded to reveal additional content. When closed, only the nested <summary> element is visible. ping: The ping attribute for <a> elements sets a URL to send a POST request to when the <a> is clicked. This is typically used for outbound link reporting. New in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:accesskey: The accessKey global HTML attribute gives a hint for generating a keyboard shortcut for the current element. The attribute value must consist of a single printable character. resize (CSS property): The resize CSS property sets whether an element can be resized by the user, and on which axes. New in Firefox for AndroidThe following features are now available in Firefox for Android:accesskey: The accessKey global HTML attribute gives a hint for generating a keyboard shortcut for the current element. The

April 2011 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
April 2011 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:getComputedStyle(): The getComputedStyle() global method returns an CSSStyleDeclaration object that represents all CSS declarations applied to a given element. Selection: The Selection API controls and modifies user text selections within the page. Web Cryptography: The Web Cryptography API performs low-level cryptographic operations, such as encryption, decryption, and signature verification. Also known as the Web Crypto API.

March 2011 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
March 2011 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:box-shadow: The box-shadow CSS property applies shadow effects around an element's frame. This can create drop shadow and inner shadow effects. box-sizing: The box-sizing CSS property sets whether an element's width and height are calculated based on the content-box, which does not count the size of borders or padding, or border-box, which does count them. :default: The :default CSS pseudo-class matches the default element in a group of related form controls, such as checkboxes and radio buttons with the checked attribute. Form validity pseudo-classes: The form validity CSS pseudo-classes match <form> elements based on the constraints of a form field, such as validity (:valid, :invalid, :in-range, :out-of-range) and necessity (:optional or :required). OES_standard_derivatives WebGL extension: The OES_standard_derivatives extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds the GLSL derivative functions dFdx,

February 2011 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
February 2011 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:window.external: The window.external.AddSearchProvider() and window.external.IsSearchProviderInstalled() do nothing. Historically, they added external search providers to the browser. matchMedia: The window.matchMedia() method checks whether a media query applies to the document. spellcheck: The spellcheck global HTML attribute sets whether the browser may check an element for spelling errors. WebGL: The WebGLRenderingContext API is the "webgl" rendering context for the <canvas> element. It represents a space for drawing two- and three-dimensional graphics and animations. WebP: The WebP image format is a raster graphics file format that supports animation, alpha transparency, and lossy as well as lossless compression.

December 2010 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
December 2010 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:<figure> and <figcaption>: The <figure> and <figcaption> HTML elements represent an illustration, diagram, text, or other self-contained reference content, with an optional caption.

November 2010 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
November 2010 web platform updateNew in Safari on iOSThe following features are now available in Safari on iOS:<article>: The <article> element represents self-contained content, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable, such as a comment, a blog post, or news article. <aside>: The <aside> element represents a portion of a document whose content is only indirectly related to the document's main content. background-size: The background-size CSS property scales or stretches a background based on the size of the element (with the contain and cover keywords), a length, or percentage. border-radius: The border-radius CSS property rounds the corners of the border drawn around an element. Channel messaging: Channel messaging communicates one-to-one between browsing contexts on the same origin, such as between <iframe> elements or two documents using a shared worker. Device orientation events: The DeviceMotion and DeviceOrientation events report the movement and orientat

October 2010 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
October 2010 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Dataset: The dataset API attaches and accesses custom data on elements, using either the dataset property of HTMLElement or attributes prefixed with data-. <input type="number">: The <input type="number"> HTML element represents numeric input data. <mark>: The <mark> element represents text which is marked or highlighted for reference or notation purposes. Typed arrays (initial support): Typed arrays are ordered lists of JavaScript values, where all values are of the same numerical type, such as 8-bit integers or 32-bit floating point numbers.

September 2010 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
September 2010 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:<meter>: The <meter> element represents a scalar value within a known range or a fractional value, typically shown as a progress bar. Performance: The performance global object and the Performance API provide access to performance-related information for the current execution context. <progress>: The <progress> element displays an indicator showing the completion progress of a task, typically displayed as a progress bar. Server-sent events: The EventSource API creates a connection to a server and listens to a stream of events sent by the server.

June 2010 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
June 2010 web platform updateNew in SafariThe following features are now available in Safari:Array.isArray(): The Array.isArray() static method checks whether a value is an array. <article>: The <article> element represents self-contained content, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable, such as a comment, a blog post, or news article. <aside>: The <aside> element represents a portion of a document whose content is only indirectly related to the document's main content. border-radius: The border-radius CSS property rounds the corners of the border drawn around an element. Channel messaging: Channel messaging communicates one-to-one between browsing contexts on the same origin, such as between <iframe> elements or two documents using a shared worker. :default: The :default CSS pseudo-class matches the default element in a group of related form controls, such as checkboxes and radio buttons with the checked attribute. Form validity pseudo-classes: The form validit

May 2010 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
May 2010 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:<article>: The <article> element represents self-contained content, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable, such as a comment, a blog post, or news article. <aside>: The <aside> element represents a portion of a document whose content is only indirectly related to the document's main content. Geolocation: The navigator.gelocation API requests the user's latitude, longitude, heading, and speed. <header> and <footer>: The <header> and <footer> HTML elements represent content that precedes and follows the main page content, respectively. <hgroup>: The <hgroup> element represents a heading and related content. History: The window.history API manipulates the browser session history, from navigations to state management, in the tab or frame that the current page is loaded in. Sandboxed iframes: The sandbox attribute for the <iframe> HTML element sets many security restrictions

April 2010 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
April 2010 web platform updateNew in Safari on iOSThe following features are now available in Safari on iOS:<abbr>: The <abbr> HTML element represents an abbreviation or acronym. Array iteration methods: Array iteration methods autofocus: The autofocus HTML attribute gives focus to an element on page load. ::before and ::after: The ::before and ::after CSS pseudo-elements select inline boxes preceding and following an element. They are often used with the content property to generate cosmetic content. CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing is an HTTP-header based mechanism that allows a server to indicate any origins (domain, scheme, or port) other than its own from which a browser should permit loading resources. Also known as CORS. currentColor: The currentColor CSS value allows you to reuse an element's computed text color for other properties. Drag and Drop: The Drag and Drop API lets users drag and drop elements and external files such as images onto web pages. Developers can customi

January 2010 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
January 2010 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Array.isArray(): The Array.isArray() static method checks whether a value is an array. border-radius: The border-radius CSS property rounds the corners of the border drawn around an element. Channel messaging: Channel messaging communicates one-to-one between browsing contexts on the same origin, such as between <iframe> elements or two documents using a shared worker. CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing is an HTTP-header based mechanism that allows a server to indicate any origins (domain, scheme, or port) other than its own from which a browser should permit loading resources. Also known as CORS. Dedicated workers: The Worker() constructor runs a script in its own thread, which can send and receive messages with the script that created it. Also known as web workers. HTTP Strict Transport Security: The Strict-Transport-Security HTTP response header informs browsers that the site should only

September 2009 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
September 2009 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:Array iteration methods: Array iteration methods <audio>: The <audio> element plays sound such as audio effects or music, optionally with controls provided by the browser. Drag and Drop: The Drag and Drop API lets users drag and drop elements and external files such as images onto web pages. Developers can customize which elements can become draggable, the type of feedback the draggable elements produce, and the droppable elements. JSON: The JSON API provides static methods for parsing values from and converting values to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), a serialization format for objects, arrays, numbers, strings, Boolean values, and null. setInterval: The setInterval() global function repeatedly executes provided code on a given delay, and the accompanying clearInterval() cancels the interval. setTimeout: The setTimeout() global function executes provided code after a given duration of

June 2009 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
June 2009 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:<audio>: The <audio> element plays sound such as audio effects or music, optionally with controls provided by the browser. CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing is an HTTP-header based mechanism that allows a server to indicate any origins (domain, scheme, or port) other than its own from which a browser should permit loading resources. Also known as CORS. Drag and Drop: The Drag and Drop API lets users drag and drop elements and external files such as images onto web pages. Developers can customize which elements can become draggable, the type of feedback the draggable elements produce, and the droppable elements. Geolocation: The navigator.gelocation API requests the user's latitude, longitude, heading, and speed. getComputedStyle(): The getComputedStyle() global method returns an CSSStyleDeclaration object that represents all CSS declarations applied to a given element. JSON: The JSON API pr

May 2009 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
May 2009 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:<abbr>: The <abbr> HTML element represents an abbreviation or acronym. attr() (content only): The attr() CSS function, in content property declarations, sets a ::before or ::after pseudo-element's content to the value of the specified HTML attribute. @charset: The @charset CSS at-rule specifies the character encoding of an external style sheet. Counters (CSS): The counter-reset and counter-increment CSS properties and the counter() and counters() functions automatically number headings or ordered list items. font-weight: The font-weight CSS property controls the thickness of a font. It is set explicitly with the keyword bold or a number, or relative to the inherited thickness with the keywords bolder or lighter. <input type="file">: The <input type="file"> HTML element shows a file picker from which users can choose a file to upload with the form. Online status: The navigator.onLine property ret

December 2008 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
December 2008 web platform updateNew in ChromeThe following features are now available in Chrome:<a>: The <a> element creates a hyperlink to any resource that's accessible via a URL, such as web pages, files, email addresses, or locations within the same page. Absolute positioning: The position: absolute CSS declaration removes an element from the normal flow and positions it relative to its containing block, which is often the root element, or closest positioned ancestor. Accessor methods: The __defineGetter__() and __defineSetter__() methods of objects bind a function to a property, which is called on setting or reading the property. <address>: The <address> element represents contact information for a person or people, or for an organization. Alerts: The window.alert(), window.confirm(), and window.prompt() methods open modal dialogs for notifying the user, asking for confirmation, or entering text. arguments.callee: The callee property of the arguments variable in a non-strict func

July 2008 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
July 2008 web platform updateNew in Safari on iOSThe following features are now available in Safari on iOS:attr() (content only): The attr() CSS function, in content property declarations, sets a ::before or ::after pseudo-element's content to the value of the specified HTML attribute. <base>: The <base> element sets the base URL (the URL that relative URLs are relative to) for all relative URLs in the document. Change event: The change event for <input>, <select>, and <textarea> elements fires when the user modifies the element's value. Unlike the input event, the change event does not necessarily fire on every alteration to an element's value. :empty: The :empty CSS pseudo-class matches elements without child elements. Focus events: Focus events, such as focus and blur, fire when an element gets or loses focus. <form>: The <form> element contains interactive controls for submitting information. Input events: The input event fires when a form control changes or an element with the con

June 2008 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
June 2008 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:Alternative style sheets: The rel="alternate stylesheet" attribute for the <link> HTML element offers an alternative style option to users. Array iteration methods: Array iteration methods display: table: The display: table CSS declaration renders an element with the box layout of a <table> HTML element. Child elements may use equivalents to <table> internal elements such as display: table-row for <tr>. ime-mode: The ime-mode CSS property sets the state of the input method editor for text fields. <input type="file">: The <input type="file"> HTML element shows a file picker from which users can choose a file to upload with the form. postMessage: The postMessage() global method sends cross-origin messages to windows and workers, including popups and iframes. Also known as cross-document messaging. Stable array sort: Stable array sort() function SVG: The SVG image format, represented by the <svg

March 2008 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
March 2008 web platform updateNew in SafariThe following features are now available in Safari:attr() (content only): The attr() CSS function, in content property declarations, sets a ::before or ::after pseudo-element's content to the value of the specified HTML attribute. <audio>: The <audio> element plays sound such as audio effects or music, optionally with controls provided by the browser. :empty: The :empty CSS pseudo-class matches elements without child elements. Focus events: Focus events, such as focus and blur, fire when an element gets or loses focus. Input events: The input event fires when a form control changes or an element with the contenteditable attribute changes. <input type="range">: The <input type="range"> element represents a slider for choosing an inexact value between a minimum and maximum value. Input selectors: The :checked, :disabled, and :enabled CSS pseudo-classes match form elements based on their state. :lang(): The :lang() CSS functional pseudo-class mat

October 2007 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
October 2007 web platform updateNew in SafariThe following features are now available in Safari:Accessor methods: The __defineGetter__() and __defineSetter__() methods of objects bind a function to a property, which is called on setting or reading the property. BarProp: The visible property of the window.locationbar, window.menubar, window.personalbar, window.scrollbars, window.statusbar, and window.toolbar APIs historically represented the visibility of a browser user interface. For privacy reasons, it now represents whether the window is a pop-up. <base>: The <base> element sets the base URL (the URL that relative URLs are relative to) for all relative URLs in the document. Beforeunload: The beforeunload event is fired when the current window is about to be unloaded. Typically this is used to display a dialog to confirm if users really want to leave the page when there is unsaved data that would be lost. <body>: The <body> element represents the content of an HTML document. <br>: The

June 2007 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
June 2007 web platform updateNew in Safari on iOSThe following features are now available in Safari on iOS:<a>: The <a> element creates a hyperlink to any resource that's accessible via a URL, such as web pages, files, email addresses, or locations within the same page. Absolute positioning: The position: absolute CSS declaration removes an element from the normal flow and positions it relative to its containing block, which is often the root element, or closest positioned ancestor. Accessor methods: The __defineGetter__() and __defineSetter__() methods of objects bind a function to a property, which is called on setting or reading the property. <address>: The <address> element represents contact information for a person or people, or for an organization. Alerts: The window.alert(), window.confirm(), and window.prompt() methods open modal dialogs for notifying the user, asking for confirmation, or entering text. arguments.callee: The callee property of the arguments variable in a non-s

October 2006 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
October 2006 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:Device media queries: The device-aspect-ratio, device-height, and device-width media features describe physical properties of the displaying output device. window.external: The window.external.AddSearchProvider() and window.external.IsSearchProviderInstalled() do nothing. Historically, they added external search providers to the browser. registerProtocolHandler: The navigator.registerProtocolHandler() method declares a site's ability to handle an address scheme (also known as a protocol). For example, an email site can register to open mailto: URLs or a VoIP site to open tel: URLs. spellcheck: The spellcheck global HTML attribute sets whether the browser may check an element for spelling errors.

November 2005 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
November 2005 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:::before and ::after: The ::before and ::after CSS pseudo-elements select inline boxes preceding and following an element. They are often used with the content property to generate cosmetic content. <canvas>: The <canvas> HTML element is a space to draw graphics in, using the 2D canvas API, WebGL, or WebGPU. 2D canvas: The CanvasRenderingContext2D API is the "2d" rendering context for the <canvas> element. It represents a flat, two-dimensional space for drawing graphics and animations. @charset: The @charset CSS at-rule specifies the character encoding of an external style sheet. currentColor: The currentColor CSS value allows you to reuse an element's computed text color for other properties. <embed>: The <embed> element represents an external resource such as a PDF or SVG document. It was historically used for plugins such as Shockwave Flash. Online status: The navigator.onLine property

April 2005 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
April 2005 web platform updateNew in SafariThe following features are now available in Safari:background: The background CSS property is a shorthand that sets several background properties at once. background-image: The background-image CSS property sets the graphics to display behind the content of an element and in front of the background color. Graphics may be any combination of images or gradients. <canvas>: The <canvas> HTML element is a space to draw graphics in, using the 2D canvas API, WebGL, or WebGPU. 2D canvas: The CanvasRenderingContext2D API is the "2d" rendering context for the <canvas> element. It represents a flat, two-dimensional space for drawing graphics and animations. Min and max width and height: The min-width, min-height, max-width, and max-height CSS properties set the minimum and maximum size of an element. opacity: The opacity CSS property sets the transparency of an element. :target: The :target CSS pseudo-class matches the element with an ID matching the URL

November 2004 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
November 2004 web platform updateNew in FirefoxThe following features are now available in Firefox:<a>: The <a> element creates a hyperlink to any resource that's accessible via a URL, such as web pages, files, email addresses, or locations within the same page. <abbr>: The <abbr> HTML element represents an abbreviation or acronym. Absolute positioning: The position: absolute CSS declaration removes an element from the normal flow and positions it relative to its containing block, which is often the root element, or closest positioned ancestor. Accessor methods: The __defineGetter__() and __defineSetter__() methods of objects bind a function to a property, which is called on setting or reading the property. <address>: The <address> element represents contact information for a person or people, or for an organization. Alerts: The window.alert(), window.confirm(), and window.prompt() methods open modal dialogs for notifying the user, asking for confirmation, or entering text. arguments.c

February 2004 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
February 2004 web platform updateNew in SafariThe following features are now available in Safari:initial: The initial keyword resets any CSS property to its initial value as defined by the specification. For example, the initial value of the display property is inline, regardless of the element being styled. Not to be confused with revert, which resets to the user or browser default style. Keyboard events: The keydown and keyup events fire for each key press (or, with modifier keys, a combination of key presses) on a keyboard. Outlines: The outline-color, outline-style, and outline-width and outline-offset CSS properties style a line around an element, outside of the border.

October 2003 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
October 2003 web platform updateNew in SafariThe following features are now available in Safari:window.print(): The window.print() method opens the browser's print dialog. ::selection: The ::selection CSS pseudo-element selects text a user has highlighted. text-shadow: The text-shadow CSS property sets the position and styles of shadow on text.

June 2003 web platform update
Web Platform Monthly Updates
June 2003 web platform updateNew in SafariThe following features are now available in Safari:<a>: The <a> element creates a hyperlink to any resource that's accessible via a URL, such as web pages, files, email addresses, or locations within the same page. Absolute positioning: The position: absolute CSS declaration removes an element from the normal flow and positions it relative to its containing block, which is often the root element, or closest positioned ancestor. <address>: The <address> element represents contact information for a person or people, or for an organization. Alerts: The window.alert(), window.confirm(), and window.prompt() methods open modal dialogs for notifying the user, asking for confirmation, or entering text. arguments.callee: The callee property of the arguments variable in a non-strict function body's local scope is the function that arguments belongs to. Array (initial support): Arrays are ordered lists of JavaScript values. Array splice(): The array splic