NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog

Master hands-on Node.js security with Node.js Secure Coding education and learn how to defend against JavaScript Command Injection vulnerabilities and gain backend development skills to exploit and prevent Path Traversal attacks by reviewing real-world vulnerable npm packages and insecure code.


Secure JavaScript Coding Practices Against Command Injection Vulnerabilities
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
Secure JavaScript coding practices are essential to prevent command injection vulnerabilities in Node.js applications. Learn how to avoid common pitfalls and protect your code from exploitation.
To IDOR or Not to IDOR: Insecure Direct Object Reference in JavaScript Applications Explained
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
Can you spot an Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR) vulnerability in your JavaScript application? Learn what IDOR is, how it can be exploited, and how to prevent it in your code.
npm vulnerabilities: reviewing the security of your dependencies
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
Learn about recent npm vulnerabilities in popular npm packages and how to protect your applications from security reports disclosed in 2024.
Disclosing code injection vulnerabilities in safe-eval-2 npm package
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
A project fork is not without risks, and this time it's the safe-eval-2 npm package that is vulnerable to code injection attacks.
Introducing Node.js Security Permissions Model, Threat Model, and Security Releases
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
Learn how to secure your Node.js applications with the new Permissions Model, stay informed about security releases, and understand the Node.js Security Threat.
Common Node.js Security Issues and How to Mitigate Them
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
Learn about common Node.js security issues and how to mitigate them. This blog post covers Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks, DNS rebinding attacks, unintended package publication, information exposure via timing attacks, and command injection vulnerabilities.
How JavaScript developers should embrace npm security
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
The npm ecosystem is a minefield of security risks. How can JavaScript developers protect from these threats and adopt npm security best practices? Here's how.
The XZ backdoor CVE-2024-3094: a JavaScript perspective
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
The XZ backdoor CVE-2024-3094 already happened in JavaScript 5 years ago but now the xz and liblzma malware bundled onto Linux distributions is bringing forth a world-wide threatening event in cybersecurity that jeopardizes the trust, sustainability and security concerns in the open-source ecosystem.
Node.js Security Best Practices
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
Level up your Node.js security game! This guide explores essential best practices to safeguard your server-side code and build robust, secure applications.
The Case for Node.js Secure Configuration
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
How do you maintain Node.js secure configuration? Learn how to protect your Node.js applications from vulnerabilities and unauthorized access.
Protecting Against Common Node.js Vulnerabilities
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
Node.js applications can be vulnerable to issues like command injection, path traversal, and insecure APIs. Learn how to avoid these common Node.js security pitfalls.
Input Validation Security Best Practices for Node.js
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
Building secure node.js applications starts with applying essential input validation best practices and techniques to prevent common security vulnerabilities.
A Node.js Vulnerability Scanner to Avoid Security Risks of EOL Runtime Versions
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
Don't let vulnerabilities slow you down: Introducing is-my-node-vulnerable, the Node.js vulnerability scanner. Securing your Node.js applications in production is crucial. This blog post explores is-my-node-vulnerable, a free and easy-to-use scanner developed by Node.js expert Rafael Gonzaga.
JavaScript Security Issues in Node.js Applications
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
Introducing JavaScript security issues in Node.js applications such as Cross-site Scripting (XSS) and Content Security Policy (CSP).
OWASP Node.js Authentication, Authorization and Cryptography Practices
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
Properly implementing authentication and authorization is crucial for securing Node.js apps. This section covers guidelines like proper session management, password hashing, and attack prevention.
OWASP Node.js Best Practices Guide
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
Learn how to secure Node.js applications with OWASP's comprehensive best practices guidelines and practical techniques for authentication, authorization, cryptography, input validation, and more.
Secure JavaScript Coding to Avoid Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR)
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
Insecure direct object references (IDOR) are an important web application security concept that every developer should understand. IDOR vulnerabilities allow attackers to access unauthorized data and functionality by manipulating object identifiers used in web applications. In this post, I'll explain IDORs and provide examples to help you prevent these issues in your Node.js and JavaScript server-side applications.
North Korea malware on npm and Ledger connect-kit crypto heist
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
North Korean state hackers compromise npm supply chain with malicious packages; crypto thieves exploit Ledger Connect kit library published to npm, stealing $600k before detected; incident highlights risks of uncontrolled open source usage and need for better validation, monitoring of third party code.
10 Best Practices for Secure Code Review of Node.js code
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
Learn best practices and strategies to identify and prevent command injection vulnerabilities in your JavaScript projects. Discover the power of secure code reviews, secure API usage, and Node.js-specific tips. Explore further with our book, 'Node.js Secure Coding: Defending Against Command Injection Vulnerabilities,' and fortify your skills.
Node.js and OWASP Top Ten Command Injection: Don't Let Your App Go 'BOOM'
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
Exploring the OWASP Top Ten list, and dissecting how Node.js applications can fall prey to command injection attacks. With practical insights, learn how to fortify your Node.js projects against this top security risk. Command injection may be no laughing matter, but this engaging exploration will have you smiling as you enhance your Node.js security expertise.
Secure Code Review Tips to Defend Against Vulnerable Node.js Code
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
How do you identify vulnerable code patterns? Can you spot insufficient input validation? Enhance your Node.js development security with this guide to secure code review.
Destroyed by Dashes: How Two Hyphens Cause Argument Injection Vulnerability in blamer npm Package
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
Let's explore a recently disclosed argument injection flaw in the popular 'blamer' npm package that allowed overwriting arbitrary files by exploiting the 'git blame' command. By passing unchecked user input directly to the Linux command, attackers could trigger damaging behavior.
Securing Your Node.js Apps by Analyzing Real-World Command Injection Examples
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
This article explores real-world command injection vulnerabilities that have impacted popular applications, emphasizing the need for secure coding practices. We take you through the background of Node.js and its vast user base, setting the stage for understanding the gravity of command injection attacks.
An Introduction to Command Injection Vulnerabilities in Node.js and JavaScript
NodeJS Security & NodeJS Secure Coding’s Blog
Command injection vulnerabilities pose a significant threat to Node.js and JavaScript applications' security. By understanding the risks involved, referencing real-world incidents, and following best practices, developers can effectively mitigate these vulnerabilities. Remember, validating and sanitizing user input, utilizing command argument separation, and following the least privilege principle are essential steps toward creating secure applications.