

Turbocharging V8 with mutable heap numbers
At V8, we're constantly striving to improve JavaScript performance. As part of this effort, we recently revisited the JetStream2 benchmark suite to eliminate performance cliffs. This post details a specific optimization we made that yielded a significant 2.5x improvement in the async-fs benchmark, contributing to a noticeable boost in the overall score. The optimization was inspired by the benchmark, but such patterns do appear in real-world code.The target async-fs and a peculiar Math.random #The async-fs benchmark, as its name suggests, is a JavaScript file system implementation, focusing on asynchronous operations. However, a surprising performance bottleneck exists: the implementation of Math.random. It uses a custom, deterministic implementation of Math.random for consistent results across runs. The implementation is:let seed;Math.random = (function() { return function () { seed = ((seed + 0x7ed55d16) + (seed << 12)) & 0xffffffff; seed = ((seed ^ 0xc761c23c) ^ (seed >>> 19)) & 0xf
Introducing the WebAssembly JavaScript Promise Integration API
The JavaScript Promise Integration (JSPI) API allows WebAssembly applications that were written assuming synchronous access to external functionality to operate smoothly in an environment where the functionality is actually asynchronous.This note outlines what the core capabilities of the JSPI API are, how to access it, how to develop software for it and offers some examples to try out.What is ‘JSPI’ for? #Asynchronous APIs operate by separating the initiation of the operation from its resolution; with the latter coming some time after the first. Most importantly, the application continues execution after kicking off the operation; and is then notified when the operation completes.For example, using the fetch API, Web applications can access the contents associated with a URL; however, the fetch function does not directly return the results of the fetch; instead it returns a Promise object. The connection between the fetch response and the original request is reestablished by attaching
WebAssembly JSPI has a new API
WebAssembly’s JavaScript Promise Integration (JSPI) API has a new API, available in Chrome release M126. We talk about what has changed, how to use it with Emscripten, and what is the roadmap for JSPI.JSPI is an API that allows WebAssembly applications that use sequential APIs to access Web APIs that are asynchronous. Many Web APIs are crafted in terms of JavaScript Promise objects: instead of immediately performing the requested operation, they return a Promise to do so. On the other hand, many applications compiled to WebAssembly come from the C/C++ universe, which is dominated by APIs that block the caller until they are completed.JSPI hooks into the Web architecture to allow a WebAssembly application to be suspended when the Promise is returned and resumed when the Promise is resolved.You can find out more about JSPI and how to use it in this blog post and in the specification.What is new? #The end of Suspender objects #In January 2024, the Stacks sub-group of the Wasm CG voted to
The V8 Sandbox
After almost three years since the initial design document and hundreds of CLs in the meantime, the V8 Sandbox — a lightweight, in-process sandbox for V8 — has now progressed to the point where it is no longer considered an experimental security feature. Starting today, the V8 Sandbox is included in Chrome's Vulnerability Reward Program (VRP). While there are still a number of issues to resolve before it becomes a strong security boundary, the VRP inclusion is an important step in that direction. Chrome 123 could therefore be considered to be a sort of "beta" release for the sandbox. This blog post uses this opportunity to discuss the motivation behind the sandbox, show how it prevents memory corruption in V8 from spreading within the host process, and ultimately explain why it is a necessary step towards memory safety.Motivation #Memory safety remains a relevant problem: all Chrome exploits caught in the wild in the last three years (2021 – 2023) started out with a memory corruption v
WebAssembly JSPI is going to origin trial
WebAssembly’s JavaScript Promise Integration (JSPI) API is entering an origin trial, with Chrome release M123. What that means is that you can test whether you and your users can benefit from this new API.JSPI is an API that allows so-called sequential code – that has been compiled to WebAssembly – to access Web APIs that are asynchronous. Many Web APIs are crafted in terms of JavaScript Promises: instead of immediately performing the requested operation they return a Promise to do so. When the action is finally performed, the browser’s task runner invokes any callbacks with the Promise. JSPI hooks into this architecture to allow a WebAssembly application to be suspended when the Promise is returned and resumed when the Promise is resolved.You can find out more about JSPI and how to use it here and the specification itself is here.Requirements #Apart from registering for an origin trial, you will also need to generate the appropriate WebAssembly and JavaScript. If you are using Emscrip
Static Roots: Objects with Compile-Time Constant Addresses
Did you ever wonder where undefined, true, and other core JavaScript objects come from? These objects are the atoms of any user defined object and need to be there first. V8 calls them immovable immutable roots and they live in their own heap – the read-only heap. Since they are used constantly, quick access is crucial. And what could be quicker than correctly guessing their memory address at compile time?As an example, consider the extremely common IsUndefined API function. Instead of having to look up the address of the undefined object for reference, what if we could simply check if an object's pointer ends in, say, 0x61 to know if it is undefined. This is exactly what the V8’s static roots feature achieves. This post explores the hurdles we had to take to get there. The feature landed in Chrome 111 and brought performance benefits across the whole VM, particularly speeding up C++ code and builtin functions.Bootstrapping the Read-Only Heap #Creating the read-only objects takes some
V8 is Faster and Safer than Ever!
Welcome to the thrilling world of V8, where speed is not just a feature but a way of life. As we bid farewell to 2023, it's time to celebrate the impressive accomplishments V8 has achieved this year.Through innovative performance optimizations, V8 continues to push the boundaries of what's possible in the ever-evolving landscape of the Web. We introduced a new mid-tier compiler and implemented several improvements to the top-tier compiler infrastructure, the runtime and the garbage collector, which have resulted in significant speed gains across the board.In addition to performance improvements, we landed exciting new features for both Javascript and WebAssembly. We also shipped a new approach to bringing garbage-collected programming languages efficiently to the Web with WebAssembly Garbage Collection (WasmGC).But our commitment to excellence doesn't stop there – we've also prioritized safety. We improved our sandboxing infrastructure and introduced Control-flow Integrity (CFI) to V8,
Maglev - V8’s Fastest Optimizing JIT
In Chrome M117 we introduced a new optimizing compiler: Maglev. Maglev sits between our existing Sparkplug and TurboFan compilers, and fills the role of a fast optimizing compiler that generates good enough code, fast enough.Background #Until 2021 V8 had two main execution tiers: Ignition, the interpreter; and TurboFan, V8’s optimizing compiler focused on peak performance. All JavaScript code is first compiled to ignition bytecode, and executed by interpreting it. During execution V8 tracks how the program behaves, including tracking object shapes and types. Both the runtime execution metadata and bytecode are fed into the optimizing compiler to generate high-performance, often speculative, machine code that runs significantly faster than the interpreter can.These improvements are clearly visible on benchmarks like JetStream, a collection of traditional pure JavaScript benchmarks measuring startup, latency, and peak performance. TurboFan helps V8 run the suite 4.35x as fast! JetStream
A new way to bring garbage collected programming languages efficiently to WebAssembly
A recent article on WebAssembly Garbage Collection (WasmGC) explains at a high level how the Garbage Collection (GC) proposal aims to better support GC languages in Wasm, which is very important given their popularity. In this article, we will get into the technical details of how GC languages such as Java, Kotlin, Dart, Python, and C# can be ported to Wasm. There are in fact two main approaches:The “traditional” porting approach, in which an existing implementation of the language is compiled to WasmMVP, that is, the WebAssembly Minimum Viable Product that launched in 2017.The WasmGC porting approach, in which the language is compiled down to GC constructs in Wasm itself that are defined in the recent GC proposal.We’ll explain what those two approaches are and the technical tradeoffs between them, especially regarding size and speed. While doing so, we’ll see that WasmGC has several major advantages, but it also requires new work both in toolchains and in Virtual Machines (VMs). The l
Control-flow Integrity in V8
Control-flow integrity (CFI) is a security feature aiming to prevent exploits from hijacking control-flow. The idea is that even if an attacker manages to corrupt the memory of a process, additional integrity checks can prevent them from executing arbitrary code. In this blog post, we want to discuss our work to enable CFI in V8.Background #The popularity of Chrome makes it a valuable target for 0-day attacks and most in-the-wild exploits we’ve seen target V8 to gain initial code execution. V8 exploits typically follow a similar pattern: an initial bug leads to memory corruption but often the initial corruption is limited and the attacker has to find a way to arbitrarily read/write in the whole address space. This allows them to hijack the control-flow and run shellcode that executes the next step of the exploit chain that will try to break out of the Chrome sandbox.To prevent the attacker from turning memory corruption into shellcode execution, we’re implementing control-flow integrit