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Just another curious 🐜


Updates from the 101th TC39 meeting
DEV Community:
There were several items on the agenda, this post focuses on feature proposals and their progress from the 101th TC39 meeting [8-11th April 2024].Stage 1:Error.isError: Error.isError tests if a value is an Error instance, irrespective of its Realm origin.Signals: A declarative programming model for updating based on changes to state.Strict using: Proposal to mandate the use of using for certain resources.Stage 2.7:Math.sumPrecise: summation method.Promise.try: an ergonomic, readable, and intuitive way to invoke a function and always get a Promise.Stage 3:Redeclarable global eval-introduced vars: Make eval-introduced global vars redeclarable.Dynamic code brand checks:Flexible brand checks before dynamic code loading.Stage 4:Set Methods: New Set methodsDuplicate named capture groups: allow regex capturing group names to be repeatedHemanth HM
Updates from the 100th TC39 meeting
DEV Community:
There were several items on the agenda, this post focuses on feature proposals and their progress from the 99th TC39 meeting [6-8th Feb 2024].Stage 1:Iterator Unique: add a method to iterators to produce an iterator of only its unique values.Micro and mini waits: Micro and mini waits in JS.Joint Iteration: synchronise the advancement of multiple iterators.iterator chunking: add a method to iterators for producing an iterator of its subsequences.Improved Escapes for Template Literals: raw string literals that can contain any arbitrary text.Math.sum: add a method to sum multiple values.Module Sync Assert: Attempting to resolve issues with an async module in the dependency graph causing bugs or breaking changes in the current module.ESM Phase Imports: Solves the static worker module analysis problem by defining phase imports for Source Text Module.Function and Object Literal Decorators: Decorators for Function Expressions and Declarations.Discard" (void) Bindings: void discard bindings fo
Updates from the 99th TC39 meeting
DEV Community:
There were several items on the agenda, this post focuses on feature proposals and their progress from the 99th TC39 meeting [27-30 November 2023].Stage 4:Array Grouping: A proposal to make grouping of array items easierPromise.withResolvers: Returns a promise with its resolution and rejection functions exposed.Stage 1:Math.sum: add a method to sum multiple values.Module Sync Assert: Attempting to resolve issues with an async module in the dependency graph causing bugs or breaking changes in the current module.ESM Phase Imports: Solves the static worker module analysis problem by defining phase imports for Source Text Module.Withdrawn proposals:Operator overloading.Extensible numeric literals. @gnumanth
Updates from the 98th TC39 meeting
DEV Community:
There were several items on the agenda, this post focuses on feature proposals and their progress from the 97th TC39 meeting [26-28 September 2023].Stage 4:Resizable ArrayBuffer: Resizable and growable ArrayBuffers.Sage 2:ShadowRealm: ECMAScript Proposal, specs, and reference implementation for Realms [Stage 3 -> 2].RegExp.escape: Proposal for investigating RegExp escaping for the ECMAScript standard.Stage 1:Joint Iteration: synchronise the advancement of multiple iterators.Locale Extensions:Allow Web platform engines to use limited system-defined user preferences.Iterator Sequencing: Create iterators by sequencing existing iterators.Negated in and instanceof:negated in and instanceof operators.Stable Formatting: Stable Intl-inspired formatting options.Withdrawn:FinalizationRegistry#cleanupSome: This method was planning to enable library authors to clean up without yielding to the event loop.Symbol.thenable: Was planning to avoid thenable behavior, a modifier should be added to an obje
Updates from the 97th TC39 meeting
DEV Community:
There were several items on the agenda, this post focuses on feature proposals and their progress from the 97th TC39 meeting [Jul 11 - Jul 13 of 2023].Stage 3:Array Grouping: A proposal to make grouping of array items easier.Promise.withResolvers: Creates a Promise with the reject,resolveandpromise functions placed as methodsSource Phase Imports: Proposal to enable importing modules at the source phase.Time Zone Canonicalization: Stacked on Temporal to improve handling of changes to the IANA Time Zone Database.Stage 2:Deferred Import Evaluation:a way to defer evaluate of a module (previously known as "Lazy Module Initialization").Stage 1:DataView get/set Uint8Clamped methods: getUint8Clamped and setUint8Clamped on DataView.prototype.Optional Chaining assignment: add support for optional chaining on the left of assignment operators: a?.b = c.
Updates from the 96th TC39 meeting
DEV Community:
There were several items on the agenda, this post focuses on feature proposals and their progress from the 96th TC39 meeting [May 16 - May 18 of 2023].Stage 4:Atomics.waitAsync: asynchronous atomic wait.RegExp v flag: RegExp v flag with set notation + properties of strings"Well-Formed Unicode Strings: method to determine if a String is well-formed Unicode.Stage 3:Decorator Metadata: Extend the Decorators proposal by adding the ability for decorators to associate metadata with the value being decorated.Float16Array: Float16 on TypedArrays, DataView, Math.f16roundStage 2:Base64 for Uint8Array:ArrayBuffer to/from Base64Promise.withResolvers: Creates a Promise with the reject,resolveandpromise functions placed as methodsTime Zone Canonicalization: TC39 Proposal (stacked on Temporal) to improve handling of changes to the IANA Time Zone Database.Stage 1:Intl.ZonedDateTimeFormat: Intl Format for Temporal.ZonedDateTime
Updates from the 95th TC39 meeting
DEV Community:
There were several items on the agenda, this post focuses on feature proposals and their progress from the 95th TC39 meeting.Stage 3:Async Explicit Resource Management: Address a common pattern in software development regarding the lifetime and management of various resources (memory, I/O, etc.).import attribute: Import Assertions re-adanced to Stage-3. Proposal for syntax to import ES modules with options, e.g. for JSON modules.Stage 2:Async Context: proposal is to provide a mechanism to ergonomically track async contexts in JavaScript.Float16Array: Float16 on TypedArrays, DataView, Math.f16round.Iterator.range: A proposal for ECMAScript to add a built-in Iterator.range()Stage 1:Await Dictionary: A proposal to add Promise.ownProperties(), Promise.fromEntries()Class Method Parameter Decorators: Decorators for ECMAScript class method and constructor parametersPromise.withResolvers: Creates a Promise with the reject,resolveandpromise functions placed as methodsTime Zone Canonicalization:
Updates from the 94th TC39 meeting
DEV Community:
There were several items on the agenda, this post focuses on feature proposals and their progress from the 94th TC39 meeting.Stage 4:Change Array by Copy: Provides additional methods on Array.prototype and TypedArray.prototype to enable changes on the array by returning a new copy of it with the change.Intl.NumberFormat V3: Additional features for Intl.NumberFormat to solve key pain points.Symbols as WeakMap keys: Permit Symbols as keys in WeakMaps, entries in WeakSets and WeakRefs, and registered in FinalizationRegistriesStage 3:ArrayBuffer transfer: proposal to add ‘ArrayBuffer.prototype.transfer’(transfer, transferToFixedLength, detached)Stage 2:Import Assertions: Proposal for syntax to import ES modules with assertions (P.S: Important to note import assertions was demoted from stage 3) DetailsIntl era/monthCode: To specify necessary details about era, eraYear and monthCode usage with Temporal in internationalization setting (for calendars other than iso8601)Symbol Predicates: propo
Updates from the 93rd TC39 meeting
DEV Community:
There were several items on the agenda, this post focuses on feature proposals and their progress from the meeting that was held between 29th November to 1st December 2022Stage 4:Intl Enumeration API: Return supported values of options, such as timeZone, calendars, numberingSystems, currencies, unitsStage 3:Set Methods: Proposal for new Set methods.Explicit Resource Management: Address a common pattern in software development regarding the lifetime and management of various resources (memory, I/O, etc.).Iterator Helpers: Methods for working with iterators.Well-Formed Unicode Strings: Method to determine if a String is well-formed Unicode.Stage 2:eraDisplay option for Intl.DateTimeFormat: Intl.DateTimeFormat displays era field only if date displayed is in same era as today's.Async Explicit Resource Management: This proposal relates to async functionality deferred from the original Explicit Resource Management proposal and shares the same motivation.ArrayBuffer.prototype.transfer: This p
Updates from the 92nd TC39 meeting
DEV Community:
There were several items on the agenda, this post focuses on feature proposals and their progress from the meeting that was held between 13-16th September 2022.Array.fromAsync: Array.fromAsync is to for await as Array.from is to for.Well-Formed Unicode Strings: a proposal for a method to determine if a String is well-formed UnicodeExtractors: Extractors (a.k.a. "Extractor Objects") to ECMAScript.@gnumanth
Updates from the 91st TC39 meeting
DEV Community:
There were several items on the agenda, this post focuses on feature proposals and their progress from the meeting that was held between 19-21st July 2022.Hashbang Grammar: match de-facto usage in some CLI JS hosts that allow for #! Shebangs / Hashbang.Duplicate named capturing groups: allow regex capturing group names to be repeated.Import Reflection: Proposal for syntax to import ES modules with import reflection attributes.Symbol Predicates: proposal to introduce ways to differentiate symbols.Policy Maps and Sets: proposal for Maps and Sets with cache replacement policies like LRU and LFU.Function Memoization: Function memoization.Object pick/omit: Ergonomic Dynamic Object Restructuring.Extra:This meeting was conducted in Google SF and below is the lunch time view!@gnumanth
Updates from the 90th TC39 meeting
DEV Community:
There were several items on the agenda, this post focuses on feature proposals and their progress from the meeting that was held between 6-9th June 2022.Array find from last: Proposal for .findLast() and .findLastIndex() methods on array and typed array.Symbols as WeakMap keys: Permit Symbols as keys in WeakMaps, entries in WeakSets and WeakRefs, and registered in FinalizationRegistriesString.dedent: For multi-backtick templates with automatic margin stripping.Duplicate named capture groups:Allow regex capturing group names to be repeated.JSON.parse source text access: Extending JSON.parse to expose input source text.Faster Promise adoption: Reduce the number of microtask ticks required to adopt the state of a promiseRegExp Atomic Operators: Syntax to regular expressions to control backtracking in certain scenarios by treating certain portions of a pattern as "atomic", where backtracking information specific to that portion of the pattern is discarded when it matches successfully.More