Scott Logic

This blog shares Scott Logic's thoughts and ideas, covering topics across Tech, UX Design, Testing and Delivery.


Could cars help predict the weather?
Scott Logic
The increase of in-car instrumentation over the years has opened up the opportunity to use this data as an input into weather modelling. Are we all driving around in mystic minivans and clairvoyant coupés?
NoJS 2 - Stochastic Boogaloo. Making a tic-tac-toe game with 'randomness' using pure HTML and CSS. Without JavaScript!
Scott Logic
Everyone loves CSS! Continuing in my obsession, I have created a tictactoe game, with an option to have a CPU that plays randomly. This was made without any JavaScript, only HTML and CSS. In this blog post I discuss how I made it
Navigating Knowledge Graphs - Creating Cypher Queries with LLMs
Scott Logic
This blog demonstrates how to generate graph database queries using a large language model. This allows users to ask natural language questions in order to understand their data presented in a knowledge graph better! This can be done without extensive understanding of the querying language.
LangGraph - cycling through multi-agent LLM applications
Scott Logic
Exploring LangGraph and its applications in the context of multi-agent Large Language Model (LLM) applications.
Beyond the Hype: UK GOV AI – Is innovation guided by principles enough?
Scott Logic
In this episode, I'm joined by Jess McEvoy and Peter Chamberlin for a discussion about the UK government’s approach to addressing AI challenges with its pro-innovation mantra, and whether this creates the right environment for success.
Securing a public AWS load-balanced server without your own domain
Scott Logic
Meanderings on securing a load balancer without needing your own domain
Measuring energy consumption in the cloud
Scott Logic
This is the second blog from our internal project looking at the Carbon Footprint of Mobile Computation. In it we reveal how we got around the problem of how to measure energy consumption on AWS, and how we built a test harness in Java to run our benchmarks.
Knowledge Graphs - What Are They?
Scott Logic
I'll admit that for me knowledge graphs and graph databases were always something of a mystery, so I spent some time investigating to see how they compare to more traditional relational databases. Are they more than just circles and lines?
Measuring Energy use of Android Devices
Scott Logic
A post about how to gather power usage of Android devices without the needs for external tools or equipment.
Are we ready to put AI in the hands of business users?
Scott Logic
Lots of businesses want to use AI, if they can find the right business case for it. We look at some new and enhanced AWS products which take a low-or-no-code approach to using AI to enhance Business Intelligence tools.
Async APIs - don't confuse your events, commands and state
Scott Logic
This blog is about the different types of message you can put on systems like Rabbit MQ and Kafka. It discusses the differences between commands, events, state and gives a few tips around how to structure your messages.
Apache Spark - What does going from 2.4 to 3.5 get you?
Scott Logic
We look at what has changed between Apache Spark 2.4.x and 3.5.1, describing some of the new functionality and the significant boost in performance .
Monitoring AWS CodeBuild Build Status
Scott Logic
Adventures into event-driven and serverless architecture…
Beyond the Hype: Are Data Mesh and Data Fabric just Marchitecture?
Scott Logic
In this episode, Oliver Cronk, Andrew Carr and David Hope talk about the ever-changing world of data, with conversations moving from data warehouse to data lake, and data mesh to data fabric. They discuss the importance of data ownership and common tooling, and their view that data mesh is an approach rather than an architecture.
Is Agile always the answer?
Scott Logic
In software development we often make the assumption that Agile is the best way to manage process on a project but just what do we mean by that, is it true and, if so, why are there so many examples of it not working for teams? In this post I try to take a deeper look at some of these questions.
How Can CxOs Spot Technology Greenwashing?
Scott Logic
In the era of increasing environmental awareness, many organisations are eager to showcase their commitment to sustainability. However, not all claims of "green" or "eco-friendly" technology are accurate or substantiated. As an executive, it is becoming increasingly important to distinguish between genuine sustainability efforts and greenwashing -- the practice of making misleading or unsubstantiated claims about the environmental benefits of a product or service. This blog introduces approaches that can help you cut through the noise and make informed decisions about your organisation's technology sustainability.
The Changing World in Life, IT, Software Testing and Artificial Intelligence
Scott Logic
This blog looks at the changing world of the IT industry and the psychology behind the changes.
Carbon Hack 24: Leveraging the Impact Framework to Estimate the Carbon Cost of Cloud Storage
Scott Logic
This is a post on Scott Logic's contribution to the Green Software Foundation's 2024 Carbon Hack. Focussing on the energy cost of object storage in the cloud, this post details our process, challenges and experiences during the hackathon.
How to make ChatGPT do anything you want
Scott Logic
Using an example project this article explores the possibilities of integrating a Large Language Model with custom logic to improve its utility and power.
Carbon Emissions of End-User Devices: Part One - SWD Method
Scott Logic
This is the first of a series of blog posts that examine the various methods of measuring carbon emissions on end-user devices. In this post, we take a closer look at the Sustainable Web Design Methodology.