Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed

Frontend Masters Boost is a blog about web development. It's written by the team at Frontend Masters, course instructors from the industry, and curated guest authors. The goal is to help you on your path to becoming a senior developer, or to be an even better one.


Exactly How to Deploy Local Files to Make a Live Website
Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
A very basic step-by-step guide of exactly how to do it for static files like .html, .css, and .js files.
CSS… 5?
Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
Some of you likely worked through the “CSS3” thing. It was huge. People damn near stopped saying “CSS” for a few years there. Everything was “HTML5” and “CSS3”, such was the success of that marketing effort. There was a logo and everything. It was a little cheesy, but it was a good thing. People saw […]
Prefetching When Server Loading Won’t Do
Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
Let's get into the challenges and strategies of loading data in web applications, focusing on the comparison between client-rendered sites and server-rendered applications. There are some clear negative performance impacts of SPAs and server-rendered apps are *usually* better here, except when data is slow. Then what?
Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
It’s worth noting that Automattic shipped a thing called Studio: … a fast, free way to develop locally with WordPress. Share your local sites with clients or colleagues and keep your local development process smooth and simple. It’s amazing to me that WordPress got to be as dominant as it is without any real answer […]
The Classic Border Radius Advice, Plus an Unusual Trick
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Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
When you nest elements with border-radius, the inner element needs less radius than the outer element.This is some classic advice on this, and a future-looking fix.
Actually Learn Git (and Podcast Interview with ThePrimeagen)
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Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
Git is one of the most important tools to any software engineer. It can also be one of the biggest headaches when attempting a complex merge or unwinding a tangled mess of commits. But what if you didn’t need to rage-quit and start over with git reset –hard? Well, ThePrimeagen is here to teach you Everything […]
Using CSS Scroll-Driven Animations for Section-Based Scroll Progress Indicators
Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
A scroll progress indicator is a pretty straightforward thing to build with a scroll()-style scroll-driven animation. But here, we'll build indicators for each section of a page using the view() style.
Printing music with CSS Grid
Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
What is sheet music if not icons placed in particular vertical and horizontal positions? Stephen Band turned the system of sheet music into a CSS grid system where you control the placement of everything with classes and data-attributes.
Five Basic Things About JavaScript That Will Help Non JavaScript-Focused Web Designers
Frontend Masters Boost RSS Feed
Let's say you don't know JavaScript. You're a web designer and you're focused largely on UI and UX. Let's look at some things you could learn in a day that will give you that bang for the buck.