Better world by better software

Find Specs For The Given URL By The Test Effort
Better world by better software
<p>If your project has a lot of E2E specs, picking the specs to run first is a challenge. You pick specs based on the <a href="/blog/using-t

Run Cypress Tests For The Given URL
Better world by better software
<p>Imagine you are testing an online e-commerce store. You modified something on the product page <code>/item/:id</code>. What end-to-end te

Collect All URLs Visited During Cypress Test
Better world by better software
<p>Imagine you have a simple end-to-end test</p><ul><li>visit the page</li><li>find a link and click on it</li><li>confirm the browser g

Cypress Journey To Page Objects And Back
Better world by better software
<blockquote class="pullquote"><p>🎁 I wrote this blog post following recording 4 short videos showing how I prefer to write tests that need

Mock But Verify
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<p>Network API calls made by your frontend code are a contract. The frontend code A sends a request following a certain protocol (REST /

Watch Mock And Reload
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<p>How can you develop your frontend website faster? By removing the slow parts during the "code - test" development cycle where t

Type cy.task Command
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<p>Imagine your Cypress spec calling a <a href="">cy.task</a> command to run some code in Node.js. For this exampl

Magic Backed Inspection Mode
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<p>In my previous blog post <a href="/blog/magic-backend/" title="Magic Backed For E2E Testing">Magic Backed For E2E Testing</a> I have show

Magic Backed For E2E Testing
Better world by better software
<p>I want to show you something cool I have been working on: <a href="">cypress-magic-backe

Deal With Flaky APIs From Cypress Tests
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<p>Imagine you are testing an item's HTML page. You need an item, and to remove any dependencies, you create the item from the test itse

Type Check Your Test Tags
Better world by better software
<p>Cypress test runner does not have built-in test title grep or test tags. Thus you need to use my <a href="

How To Check Broken Image Urls In The New Blog Posts
Better world by better software
<p>Imagine you write and publish a blog post only to check it later and see a broken image link:</p><p><img src="../images/check-images/bro

Custom Cypress Should Read Assertion
Better world by better software
<p>Checking a single item text in Cypress is easy:</p><ul><li><code>cy.contains(selector, text)</code> if you know the precise text or par

Code Coverage On The Fly
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<p>If you want to see which parts of your source code are covered by E2E tests, you can use code coverage. The problem is often instrumentin

Cypress Namespaces For Custom Commands
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<p>Cypress has a lot of built-in <a href="">commands</a>. You can <a href="">a

I Endorse Kamala Harris For US President
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<p><strong>TL;DR</strong> if you are an American citizen, please <a href="">register</a> and vote on November 5th for Democ

Cypress Local Storage Example
Better world by better software
<p>Let's take a small application that stores its data in the <code>window.localStorage</code> object. The value starts with 0 and the u

Cypress Env Types
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<p>Let's say you store the user login information used during tests in your <a href="">Cypress config

Testing CSS Print Media Styles
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<p>Sometimes the users might need to print the website pages either in paper or to a PDF file. The site should look good and make sense. Whe

Retry Network Requests
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<p>Imagine you are testing a page. The backend might take a little bit of time to respond. How do you ping the backend to know when it is re

Parse Email Url
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<p>Imagine the application opens your email client and sends a message. This is possible by opening a browser window with an email url, some

Return A Fake Window Object
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<p>When dealing with <a href="/blog/cypress-second-tab/" title="Deal with Second Tab in Cypress">Deal with Second Tab in Cypress</a> there m

Skip Dependent Cypress Tests On Failure
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<p>Sometimes you want your tests to be dependent on each other. For example, instead of a single long E2E test, I have created small focused

Refactor Cypress Network Tests
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<p>Recently I have seen an example screenshot showing two Cypress tests using the great <a href="">cy.interce

Check URL Search Params Using Cypress
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<p>This blog post shows how to validate the URL search parameters (the part of the URL after the question mark, like <code>?id=123&name=

Get All Intercepted Network Calls In Cypress
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<p>This blog post describes a topic really hidden in Cypress documentation: using <code>alias.all</code> to get all intercepted network call

Highlight Elements During Testing
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<p>Recently I saw a <a href="">Linkedin post</a> showing how to hig

Testing Pseudo-elements Using Cypress
Better world by better software
<p>Imagine you have a product store like the one I am using in the course <a href="">Swag Store</a>.

I Stopped Using Twitter
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<p>Twitter is dead. The platform went noticeably downhill after musk has purchased it. Every time I check it, the responses to any climate o

How To Pick Cypress Plugins You Can Trust
Better world by better software
<p>Recently a Cypress user asked a good question:</p><blockquote><p>One of Cypress's powerful features is its support of plugins and t