Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Go from blinking cursor to deployed serverless app in 66 seconds. Experience the next wave of cloud computing with Fermyon.

Looking Ahead to WASIp3
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
A look at Preview 3 (WASIp3) the next major release of WASI - which brings composable concurrency to Wasm components.

Protect Your REST APIs with Service Chaining
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Communicate from one component to another without crossing the network, and lock down those REST APIs

The Third Annual Wasm I/O Is Coming Up
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
The premier WebAssembly conference happens at the end of March in Barcelona, Spain

Stream Data from Linode Object Storage using the AWS S3 SDK
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn how to stream data from Linode Object Storage using the AWS S3 SDK in a Spin application. This tutorial walks through setup, implementation, and deployment of a Spin app written in TypeScript that streams and transforms files.

Chrome for Developers: Thorsten Hans talks with Thomas Steiner
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Our Senior Cloud Advocate, Thorsten Hans, joined Thomas Steiner on episode at Chrome for Developers - exploring the world of WebAssembly serverless functions and microservices.

Spin Joins CNCF Sandbox: Strengthening Adoption and Benefits for Organizations and Developers
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Spin has been accepted in the CNCF Sandbox. This milestone brings many benefits to the Spin ecosystem.

Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for your Spin Apps
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn how to create SBOMs for Spin apps, meet regulatory requirements, and secure your software supply chain with open-source tools like Trivy

Advent of Spin 2024 Wrap-up
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Wrapping up Advent of Spin 2024 - Looking back at the fun coding challenges to help you learn Spin and Serverless WebAssembly

What Isn't A PaaS
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
The promise of PaaS is that developers can build an app, and then deploy it without having to do any additional infrastructure configuration. But a few recent tools claim to be PaaS, yet force developers to do infrastructure engineering. These tools are not actually PaaSes.

The 2024 Highlights
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
One year closes, and another one opens. Here are some of our highlights from 2024 -- and a hint about what's coming in 2025.

Scaling Spin Apps With KEDA
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn how to scale Spin apps on Kubernetes with SpinKube and KEDA. Explore event-driven autoscaling using AWS SQS queues to optimize resource usage and enhance application efficiency.

Using SpinKube on Kairos
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
A guide showing how to install the SpinKube bundle on Kairos

You Are Already Using Wasm In Production
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
I am often surprised when I hear folks ask, “When will WebAssembly be ready for production?” There seems to be some lurking suspicion that something is holding WebAssembly back.

Announcing Advent of Spin 2024
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Announcing Advent of Spin 2024 - A fun coding challenge to learn Spin and Serverless WebAssembly

Observing Spin Apps with OpenTelemetry and the .NET Aspire Dashboard
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn how to observe your Spin apps using the otel plugin for Spin and the .NET Aspire Dashboard.

Spin gh - Generate GitHub Actions for your Spin Apps in seconds
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Get started using the Spin CLI gh plugin to easily generate GitHub Actions for your Spin Apps

Spin Selective Deployments: A Leap Forward for Distributed Applications
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Compose a single codebase (even in multiple languages). Edit it in one project. Compile it with one build command.

Introducing Spin 3.0
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
The latest major release of Spin is here - with new features like Component Dependencies, Selective Deployments, Otel Integration, and Spin Factors.

WebAssembly Jobs and CronJobs in Kubernetes with SpinKube & the Spin Command Trigger
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn how to run WebAssembly apps as Kubernetes Jobs and CronJobs using Spin Command Trigger and SpinKube

Lightweight Kubernetes and Wasm is a Perfect Combo
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Squeeze more out of your lower-powered hardware with lightweight Kubernetes distros and SpinKube

Measuring Crowd Engagement with an MQTT-based IoT App
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn how to build a Spin application that is triggered by an MQTT-based sound sensor and deploy that application to a Kubernetes cluster with SpinKube

Automating API endpoint testing with Spin
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
How to use Spin's in-built SQLite, Hurl and GitHub Actions to automate API endpoint testing.

How I Wrote A Kinesis Trigger Plugin For Spin
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn why and how I built an AWS Kinesis trigger for Spin.

Spin Verman - The Version Manager Plugin
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Get started using the Spin CLI Version Manager plugin to easily switch between versions of Spin

Integrating Spin with Azure services
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Get started using Azure's blob storage and storage queue services with a Spin application.

Telemetry for Spin Apps with the OTel Plugin
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Get started using the Spin CLI OTel plugin for viewing your Spin applications logs, traces and metrics.

More Ways to Deploy via the Spin Hub
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Check out some changes we’ve made to the Spin Hub (formerly known as Spin Up Hub) and some new templates & samples that have been added by our community members.

Move Over SEO, It's Time For AIO
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
As AI displaces search, AI-optimized content will displace SEO. Here's how.

Introducing our Next-Generation JavaScript SDK
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
We Created a Completely New, Much Improved JavaScript SDK Without Breaking Existing Code

Summer of Spin 2024
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Fermyon's Summer of Spin is a Spin-off on the Advent of Spin, consisting of fun coding challenges!

The Spin Project - A Community Snapshot
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
As Spin adoption and contribution grows, we express gratitude and take a look at community metrics.

Exploring the MQTT Trigger for Spin: Simplifying Real-time Communication
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) Trigger for Spin.

Running SpinKube on Rancher Desktop: An Update.
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Running SpinKube on Rancher Desktop has never been easier!

Announcing Spin 2.6
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Experimenting with WebAssembly Components, WASI 0.2.0 and Registries in Spin 2.6

Moving to a Fully Open Planning Process for the Spin Project
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
The Spin Project's Planning Process Is Now Fully Open.

SpinKube and Flux automated, on Kubernetes 1.30
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
A recap of our livestream with Kingdon Barett, maintainer of the Flux project

Why Serverless Is Trending Again
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
The resurgence of serverless is due to a clearer definition, increased productivity, success stories, and WebAssembly improvements.

Turbocharging Broken Link Checking
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Automated broken link checking using WebAssembly-powered distributed computing.

It Took Me 20+ Years To Learn This Lesson About Dev
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
I’m not one to dispense advice often, but having made the same mistake over and over again in my career, I feel like I have one good piece of advice to share.

Spin Cron Trigger
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Automate web apps with time-based events using Spin and WebAssembly, featuring cron-triggered tasks.

Azure Cache for Redis as Key-Value Store with SpinKube
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
See how to run Spin Apps on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and use Azure Cache for Redis as Key-Value Store

The History and Evolution of WebAssembly in Kubernetes
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Discover how WebAssembly and Kubernetes evolved together to create ultra-efficient, high-performing modern cloud environments.

Visit Fermyon at Microsoft Build
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
We're at Microsoft Build next week in Seattle, with demos and sessions on running WebAssembly-powered apps on Azure Kubernetes Service.

Announcing Spin 2.5
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Spin 2.5 introduces private endpoints in Spin apps, additional support for OpenTelemetry, and several other enhancements!

Announcing Spin Test
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Today we’re happy to announce the very first alpha release of spin-test, a plugin for that runs tests written in WebAssembly against a Spin application where all Spin and WASI APIs are configurable mocks.

Building Serverless Apps with Spin and HTMX
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Walkthrough of the process to build an app with HTMX and WebAssembly - with Fermyon Spin

Scaling Sidecars to Zero in Kubernetes
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Revolutionizing Kubernetes: Discover Zero-Cost Sidecars with SpinKube.

WebAssembly in Azure with Azure Kubernetes Service and SpinKube
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Let's run a simple Spin App on Azure Kubernetes Service with SpinKube.

Startup Lessons from 25 Years and 5 Startups
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Lessons learned from my 25-year journey, essential topics for anyone contemplating launching a startup as a founder.

Python, Wasm, and Componentize-Py
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Interested in using Python to write Wasm apps? You are in the right place!

Fermyon Platform For Kubernetes Part 2: Enterprise Architectures and Patterns
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
In this post, we'll review what makes workloads a great fit for Spin and look at a few enterprise architecture and patterns used by those workloads on Fermyon Platform For Kubernetes for increased efficiency and developer productivity.

Announcing Spin 2.4
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Spin 2.4 introduces service chaining in Spin applications, experimental support for OpenTelemetry, and several other enhancements!

Intro To Fermyon Platform for Kubernetes
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Introducing Fermyon Platform for Kubernetes - the hyper-efficient platform for running enterprise-grade WebAssembly applications on Kubernetes

Can We Achieve Secure and Measurable Software Using Wasm?
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Can software creators use WebAssembly to better secure the building blocks of cyberspace?

KubeCon Paris: Launching SpinKube and Shaping the Future of Kubernetes with WebAssembly Integration
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Discover how SpinKube and Fermyon Platform for Kubernetes are redefining cloud computing, boosting application density, and streamlining the developer experience from concept to deployment.

From Theory to Action: Unleashing the Power of WebAssembly Components at Wasm I/O
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Explore the transformative potential of the WebAssembly component model unveiled at Wasm I/O 2024, highlighting polyglot programming, asynchronous computing innovations and how we will be curating reusable components.

Announcing the Submission of SpinKube to the CNCF Sandbox
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
The SpinKube open source project has been submitted to become a CNCF sandbox project - helping WebAssembly become a first-class workload in Kubernetes.

Run SpinKube on Rancher Desktop
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Let's build a simple JavaScript app and deploy it into our Rancher Desktop cluster via SpinKube.

Introducing SpinKube and Fermyon Platform for Kubernetes
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Enabling Kubernetes to get first-class support for running Spin WebAssembly applications so that you can run your apps far more efficiently and with higher density across any processing architecture in your Kubernetes cluster.

High Performing Startups — Hiring for Values (Segment 3)
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Bringing new team members into the organization who share values.

Announcing Spin 2.3.1
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Spin 2.3.1 brings improved support for multiple trigger types in Spin applications, working with OCI registries, and upgraded PHP templates to support PHP 8.2!

Fermyon @ Wasm I/O & KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 24
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Fermyon is headed to Wasm IO and KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 24. Read on for our full activities at each conference!

Wasm, Kubernetes, and Sustainable AI at Civo Navigate NA 24
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Fermyon attended Civo Navigate NA ‘24 as Platinum sponsors. Read on for a summary of our experiences at the conference and what’s coming up next.

Visit Fermyon at Civo Navigate NA ‘24 in Austin, TX
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Fermyon will be Platinum sponsors at Civo Navigate NA ‘24. Be sure to catch our talk, workshop, and sponsor booth to learn about WebAssembly, Spin, and serverless.

Announcing Spin 2.2
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Spin 2.2 introduces support for the new stable WASI 0.2.0 via Wasmtime 17 and support for multiple trigger types in a Spin application.

Linking Fermyon Cloud Spin Apps to Custom Key Value Stores
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
You can now link Fermyon Cloud Spin applications dynamically to custom Fermyon Cloud key value stores at runtime.

High Performing Startups — Founding Values (Segment 2)
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
The most essential effort before you coalesce your founding team or hire your first person.

Building Comprehensive Compute Platforms
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
In this blog post, I’ll dive into what the component model can do for platform builders and platform engineers to take on more responsibility, not by arguing for a shift right movement, but by showing how the interfaces provided by platforms to developers, can be at much higher abstractions than what we are used to today.

The Spin and Kubernetes Story
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn how to package Spin applications with OCI and run them on Kubernetes.

Introducing Fermyon Spin with Openshift
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Announcing support for Spin on Red Hat Openshift

Advent of Spin 2023 Wrap-up
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Announcing Advent of Spin 2023 - A fun coding challenge to learn Spin and Serverless WebAssembly

High Performing Startups — The Fermyon System (Segment 1)
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
One of our goals is to be the best place our employees have worked. In 2023, we ranked #9 on the Will Reed Top 100 List for startups.

Leveraging Python Standard Library via WebAssembly
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Explore how Python's extensive libraries, when compiled to WebAssembly, simplify solving complex mathematical problems over the web

A Look Back at 2023, and a Look Forward to 2024
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
I predicted that 2023 would be the year of WebAssembly. It was certainly a productive year at Fermyon. But some of the things I am most excited about will come around in 2024.

The Doctor Is In: Converting Spin 1 Apps to Spin 2
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Spin has a command called 'doctor' that can fix up problems with your code. One of the things it can do is automate the conversion of v1 apps to v2. Let's take a look.

Announcing Spin 2.1
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Spin 2.1 brings a new WASI snapshot, support for registering multiple components for the same Redis channel, improvements to plugin configuration and upgrading, and several bugfixes and other improvements!

Wasm All the Way - From Client to Server With Leptos, Rust and Spin
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Leptos is a fast, fun, expressive way to build Web sites in Rust - and now it runs on Spin

How to Streamline Your Web Hosting
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Discover How Fermyon Cloud Transforms Your Web App Experience

Find Fermyon at AI.dev for Our Last Conference of 2023
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Fermyon’s last conference of 2023 will be AI.dev, co-located with Cassandra Summit in San Jose, California. Come by our sponsor booth or watch our session to learn about our Serverless AI offering.

Building a social photo app using Spin, KV & Nuxt.js
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
In this post we will show you some pictures from Behind The Scenes @Fermyon and also walk you through how we built this using Spin.

Persisting Data in WebAssembly Applications Using Redis
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Unleash the power of WebAssembly with Spin 2.0 as we guide you through using Redis for state-of-the-art data persistence in cloud-based applications.

Announcing Advent of Spin 2023
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Announcing Advent of Spin 2023 - A fun coding challenge to learn Spin and Serverless WebAssembly

5 Fermyon Releases: What We Did at KubeCon
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
KubeCon Chicago felt like a celebration. We released Spin 2.0. We got to reconnect with friends we made during our India trip this summer.

It’s Time to Reboot Software Development
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
How the WebAssembly Component Model is Transforming Software Development.

Fermyon Presents: Phippy’s Field Guide to Wasm
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Fermyon releases a new book in The Illustrated Children's Guide to Kubernetes book series focused on WebAssembly.

Introducing Spin 2.0
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Spin 2.0 — the open source developer tool for building, distributing, and running WebAssembly (Wasm) applications in the cloud.

Fermyon @ KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA '23
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn about all of Fermyon’s activities during the week of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA '23

Local AI Development with Cloud GPUs
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
This blog describes

Fermyon Cloud's First Birthday - Year in Review 🎂
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
It's been one year since we've announced Fermyon Cloud. Let's review the journey together and unwrap a few new features in the process.

Serverless Sources: Our Team’s Favorite Places to Read & Learn in 2023
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Exploring tech resources, emphasizing WebAssembly, open-source development, and related communities and events.

Savvy Silicon: How I Made a Crossword Puzzle Helper With AI
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Master Crossword Puzzles with AI: Your Ultimate Clue-Solving Companion!

Fermyon Serverless: Solving Key Market Problems According to Leading Analyst Firm
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
IDC Research looks at Fermyon's WebAssembly PaaS and Serverless AI announcement

Serverless AI Inferencing Using Python
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Serverless AI Inferencing Using Python: Deploy Python-based serverless AI with Spin effortlessly. Dive into our step-by-step guide to unlock seamless AI inferencing on Fermyon Cloud.

DockerCon 2023: Embracing Wasm And AI
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
DockerCon 2023 embraced Wasm and AI in an engaging way through groundbreaking sessions, experts' insights, and is well and truly in sync with the pulse of tomorrow's tech.

WebAssembly, WASI, and the Component Model
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
WebAssembly has evolved to support many languages and environments beyond browsers, enhanced by WASI for system interactions, and is utilized in Fermyon's Spin platform for serverless functions.

Using Generative AI to Stand on the Shoulders of Giants
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
This article explores using generative AI to translate publicly funded academic research into layman's terms, assessing the initiative's value and resources.

What Is It Like to Be an LLM?
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Discussing common misconceptions about AI-based software through a philosophical thought experiment (or two).

Empowering Developers With AI Inferencing: A New Coding Essential
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Developers harnessing AI to boost their coding capabilities; an AI Coference 2023 wrap up.

OSS EU and Rethinking Open Source Licenses
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Striving for Open Source Purity and Commercial Viability

Can we put the AI in hAIku?
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
In a time where Large Language Models (LLMs) are continuing to blossom, do you think that we still hold a discernible edge over Artificial Intelligence (AI) when it comes to writing hauki poetry?

How I Built an AI Inferencing API With Llama2 on Spin
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
We build a simple sentiment analysis API using Fermyon Serverless AI and Spin.

Fermyon @ The AI Conference 2023
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Check out Fermyon Serverless AI at The AI Conference in San Francisco

A “Silly Walk” through Fermyon Serverless AI
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
If you’re new to AI and want a quick and entertaining way to get started, this post is for you.

Announcing Spin v1.5
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Spin adds support for AI inferencing, concurrency performance improvements, and more!

WasmCon 2023: The Rise and Realization of the WebAssembly Component Model
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
The inaugural WasmCon happened last week. Here are the highlights.

Fermyon @ Open Source Summit EU '23
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn about Fermyon’s activities at Open Source Summit EU '23!

How to Use NFC and Spin to Create an App
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Using Near Field Communication (NFC) and Spin to create a web UI and JSON REST API to work with iPhone Shortcuts.

Carbon Neutral AI Inferencing
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Turning waste heat from computing into usable energy, making Fermyon's new Serverless AI a cleaner cloud solution.

How We (Accidentally) Wrote the Ideal AI Platform
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
A short story on creating a developer platform for writing and deploying serverless AI applications.

Introducing Fermyon Serverless AI
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Fermyon Serverless AI gives you the building blocks for integrating Artificial Intelligence into your serverless applications, with AI inferencing for Large Language Models (LLMs) for Llama2 and CodeLlama, support for generating sentence embeddings and storing them in a vector-ready database, built-in key-value storage, and a seamless developer experience.

Fermyon @ WasmCon '23
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Check out all of Fermyon’s activities at WasmCon '23!

Introducing Componentize-Py
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Componentize-Py is a new tool for packaging Python apps and their dependencies as WebAssembly components.

Join Us at Civo Navigate EU in London
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Fermyon is sponsoring Civo Navigate, and there are many great talks about WebAssembly, Spin, and serverless.

TypeScript and Fermyon Cloud Key Value Storage
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.

Fermyon @ Copenhagen Developers Festival 2023
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn about Fermyon's activities around Copenhagen Developers Festival '23!

NoOps and Serverless Are the Perfect Pair
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
This article teases apart the operational aspects of serverless application development and shows how Fermyon provides application developers with the right infrastructure to focus on their code. Simply put, NoOps and Serverless are the perfect pair.

WeAreDevelopers Wrap Up
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Summary of the Berlin event from the 27th & 28th of July, showcasing a couple of our new feature releases and announcements.

From Bare Metal to Kubernetes: 6 Ways to Spin
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn about the many ways you can execute Spin serverless WebAssembly apps - locally, with Kubernetes, Nomad, Fermyon Cloud and more

Spin Application Structure
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
This how-to guide discusses the 'spin new' command app structure and tips on how to organize larger apps.

One Small Step For Slats, One Giant Leap For Cloud Computing
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
We’ve released a major update to Finicky Whiskers, showcasing Fermyon Cloud's features in action.

Announcing Fermyon Cloud’s SQLite Database
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Serverless workloads often need to store state in between application invocations, and Spin applications are no exception to this rule.

Announcing Custom Domains on Fermyon Cloud
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Today, we are excited to announce support for custom domains on Fermyon Cloud - bring your domain, and we’ll handle the rest.

Announcing the Spin Up Hub
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Announcing the launch of the Spin Up Hub - a single location to find and use Spin resources such as templates, libraries, and plugins

5 Things We Learned in India
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Reflections on the 'Disruptive Tech: Wasm Edition' tour of India.

Fermyon @ WeAreDevelopers World Congress '23
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn about Fermyon's activities around WeAreDevelopers World Congress '23!

Docker Desktop and Spin for Serverless WebAssembly Apps
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
With the release of Docker Desktop 4.21, Fermyon Spin is built-in. See how to build and run a serverless WebAssembly app using Spin with Docker Desktop.

Meet a Fermyon Friend: Sohan
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
A new series of meet and greets with our team - starting with Sohan Maheshwar who many of you will know from the AWS community.

Announcing Spin v1.4
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Spin 1.4 introduces automatic SQLite storage, application troubleshooting with the Spin Doctor, and more!

Exploring Spin Application Variables
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Discuss use cases of application variables and build an example

Building a Host for the Spin Runtime - and Creating the World's Laziest Control Plane
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn how to build hosting environments for Spin applications

Available Now: Growth Plan Subscription Tier for Fermyon Cloud
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Introducing Starter, Growth, and Enterprise subscription tiers for those of you who would like to expand your usage of Fermyon Cloud

The Fermyon Cloud Plugin
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
The Spin Cloud Plugin: What It Is and Will Be

Announcing Spin v1.3
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Spin 1.3 introduces a separate Cloud plugin experience, setting application variables in the Cloud and more!

Elegant Web UIs with Dioxus in Spin
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn how to use Dioxus to build user interfaces with Rust in Spin

Spin watch - live reload for Wasm app development
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
This article shows how Spin applications can be configured to rebuild and/or restart whenever changes to applicable files occur.

Spinning around India with WebAssembly
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Join us at meetups in Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Thane, as well as KCD Mumbai this June 2023

Integrating Spin with Static Site Generators
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Providing a Frontend for Your WebAssembly Backend

The Next Generation of Serverless is Happening
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
The roots of serverless can be traced back to CGI in the early nineties. But at this moment, a new generation is emerging. And it is exciting.

Generative AI & Future Technologies @ GlueCon 2023
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
GlueCon 2023 had an exceptional lineup of speakers exploring the latest advancements in technology.

Raising the Limits of Fermyon Cloud
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Introducing a new subscription plan to raise your Fermyon Cloud resource limits.

Fermyon at the Innovation Showcase of the MIT Sloan CIO Symposium
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
On May 15-16, 2023, Fermyon was featured as one of the ten Innovation Showcase finalists at the MIT Sloan CIO Symposium

Open Source Summit NA 2023 Roundup
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
This year's OSS NA happened in Vancouver. It was a fantastic event with plenty of WebAssembly and Finicky Whiskers.

Announcing Spin v1.2
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Spin 1.2 introduces an expanded Rust key-value SDK, an Azure CosmoDB key-value store, updates to `spin watch`, and more!

A Guide to Getting Involved With the Spin Community
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Do you wish you knew more about Spin and Fermyon Cloud? Join us for a series of informative events and be sure to bring your questions along.

Know Before You Go: Open Source Summit North America 2023
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.

Debugging With the Key/Value Store Explorer
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
A guide to using the Spin key/value explorer

How I Built a Like Button for My Blog with Spin
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
In this post I'm going to walk you through how I built a simple and persistent like button for my blog with Spin

Building a social app with Spin (4/4): Key-Value storage and Fermyon Cloud
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
I’m Justin Pflueger - In this iteration, we'll be exploring a couple of ways to use the new key-value feature in Spin and automating the deployment our application to Fermyon Cloud.

Introducing the Fermyon Cloud Key Value Store
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
With the introduction of the Fermyon Cloud Key Value Store, you can now persist non-relational data in a key/value store that is always available for your serverless application within milliseconds, with no cold starts.

Introducing Spin 1.1
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Spin 1.1 brings improvements to the developer experience through a new `spin watch` command, the ability to configure the Spin key/value store, new HTTP routers for Rust and Go, and more!

Fermyon @ KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU '23
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Check out where Fermyon will be during KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU '23

Component Templates with Spin
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
MacKenzie Olson here - looking forward to chatting about authoring and sharing Spin components templates

Highlights from Wasm I/O 2023
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
The Wasm I/O conference in Barcelona, Spain brought together a veritable who's who of Wasm developers.

Building Your Own WebAssembly Cloud
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
You can build your own WebAssembly Cloud using our Open Source Components. Let us show you how.

New Fermyon Cloud Features: GitHub Actions and App Metrics
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
MacKenzie Olson here - excited to walk through a few of the new features we've built on Fermyon Cloud recently: GitHub Actions and app metrics for your Spin apps

Why Do We Need Another Kind of Cloud Compute?
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
We talk about WebAssembly as the next wave of cloud computing. But why do we need another wave of cloud computing. The answer is serverless functions.

Spin 1.0 — The Developer Tool for Serverless WebAssembly
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Introducing the first stable release for Spin, the open source developer tool for building, distributing, and running serverless applications built with WebAssembly.

Building a social app with Spin (3.5/4): Go Postgres Usage
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
I’m Justin Pflueger - In this add-on blog post, I'll build on the work from last week where I generated Spin SDK bindings for Go as we implement persistence with Postgres.

Fermyon @ Wasm I/O '23
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Check out where Fermyon will be during the week of Wasm I/O '23

The Four Domains of Wasm
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
What is WebAssembly good for? We all know about its value to the browser. But there are other intriguing cases.

Spin 1.0 Release Candidate - Community Bug Bash
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Spin 1.0 Release Candidate is ready for testing.

Building a social app with Spin (3/4): Post API and Spin SDK Bindings
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
I’m Justin Pflueger - In this iteration, I'll be taking you through the process of adding a Go component to our app. We'll also take a look at generating Spin SDK bindings for a feature that your language may be missing.

Announcing Spin v0.10.0
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Spin user experience updates, key/value store improvements, deprecations and more

Introducing the Spin Python SDK
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
The Spin Python SDK enables developers to build rich serverless applications using one of the world's most popular programming languages.

Announcing Spin v0.9.0
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Preview support for a built-in key/value store, running applications from registries, new Redis APIs, and more!

Building a social app with Spin (2/4): Vue.js app and Token Verification
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
I’m Justin Pflueger - In this iteration, I'll be taking you through the process of adding a static website with authentication to our app. We'll explore the static fileserver, routing and token authentication.

Fermyon @ DeveloperWeek '23
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Check out where Fermyon will be during the week of DeverloperWeek '23

Announcing Spin v0.8.0
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn all about the new Spin v0.8.0 release!

The Complex World of Wasm Language Support
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Developers will not fall in love with WebAssembly unless we can utilize one of its core promises: run all kinds of code regardless of the source language. It's been a year since Fermyon launched our Wasm language guide. What have we learned?

Serving Static Content via WebAssembly
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn how the Spin Fileserver helps serve static content for your server-side WebAssembly applications.

Building a social app with Spin (1/4): Project Setup and first API
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
I’m Justin Pflueger - I'll be taking you through the process of creating and shipping an app using WebAssembly, step-by-step. I'll start with Project Setup and creating the first API.

Rounding off the Advent of Spin 2022
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Thank you for participating in our Advent of Spin and learning some WebAssembly

Watch: WebAssembly Development is Easy - Cloud Native WASM Day 2022
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.

Software Engineering Daily Podcast with Fermyon's Matt Butcher
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Matt chats with Mike Bifulco about cloud native WebAssembly

PHP, Spin, and Fermyon Cloud
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
In this post, we’ll create a new PHP application with Spin and then run it in Fermyon Cloud.

Announcing Spin v0.7.0
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn all about the new Spin v0.7.0 release!

Introducing the Spin JavaScript and TypeScript SDK
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
The Spin JavaScript and TypeScript SDK enables developers to build rich serverless applications using familiar tools like NPM, Webpack, React, and more.

Advent of Spin
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Fermyon's Advent of Spin is a series of fun challenges (with awards and prizes!) that are running during the month of December

Bots With Spin and Fermyon Cloud
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
We’ve been seeing hundreds of users trying out the Fermyon Cloud, and we’ve been busy playing around with a variety of use cases ourselves. This blog post showcases using Spin and Fermyon Cloud to host a Slack bot.

Kubecon Recap: Official Videos & Announcing the Open Beta of the Fermyon Cloud
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Thank you for visiting us at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2022. If you could not attend in person, this article will provide you with official footage and links to resources about Fermyon Cloud, Spin and more.

Happy 1st Birthday Fermyon
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
On November 1st, 2022, Fermyon turned one year old. And it has been an exciting year as we launched several projects in pursuit of our goal to pioneer the next wave of cloud computing.

Video: Fermyon Behind the Curtains
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
David Flanagan (rawkode) interviews Matt Butcher and Radu Matei about Fermyon, WebAssembly, and the return of the 1990s

Introducing Fermyon Cloud
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Fermyon Cloud is the place to host Spin applications. We are proud to introduce the open beta of Fermyon Cloud, free to use and ready for development!

Persistent Storage in Webassembly Applications
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
This article outlines the importance of persistent storage and shows how persistent storage in WebAssembly applications is entirely possible with a little help from Fermyon's Spin framework.

PaaS Is Not Dead
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
We’ll look at a few ideas of what failure is, apply them to PaaS, and then evaluate whether PaaS has failed. The conclusion is resoundingly clear: PaaS is a highly successful endeavor, alive and well, and likely to be so for quite some time.

Building With Spin at Open Source Summit Europe 2022
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
This blog post shows how to build Spin and then create an application through the use of Spin templates.

WebAssembly for .NET Developers: Introducing the Spin .NET SDK
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Fermyon announces an experimental SDK for using C# and .NET to build Spin applications.

The Risks of WebAssembly
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
WebAssembly is a new enough technology that there are still several risks to consider when adopting. In this post, we cover four such risks.

Chinchilla Squeaks Podcast Ft. Matt Butcher
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.

Announcing Fermyon Community Meeting: September 2022
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
The Fermyon community meetings are an excellent opportunity for you to ask questions and have a great conversation with our team. Please join us on the 8th of September 11 AM PST, there will be a live demo of a new exciting SDK, so don't miss out!

Build Your Own Content Management System (CMS) From a Template
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Repository templates allow you and others to generate new repositories with the same directory structure, branches, and files. This blog post shows you how to build your own CMS from a template. The process is very quick and once up and running you can go ahead and customize your CMS to meet your needs.

Implementing Rich Results in a Content Management System (CMS): A Guide for Bartholomew CMS Users
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Rich results go beyond the standard blue link, helping to represent videos, images, events and more. This blog post shows how to implement rich results inside Fermyon's Content Management System (CMS) called Bartholomew.

The WebAssembly (Wasm) Content Management System (CMS) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO): A Short Story
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
This blog post shows you how to make a noticeable impact on the Web when using Fermyon's WebAssembly(Wasm) based Content Management System (CMS) called Bartholomew. The short story in this blog is about how a user made their Bartholomew CMS implementation better for search engines, through a process known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Listen: Open-Source WebAssembly Tools
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Matt Butcher joins Robby and Tim to chat about Fermyon, WebAssembly, and startup life

See Fermyon in Dublin, Ireland: Open Source Summit Europe 2022
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Fermyon Technologies Inc are thrilled to be a silver sponsor of the Open Source Summit Europe 2022. See Fermyon in Dublin, Ireland to experience the next wave of cloud computing.

The Future of WebAssembly in the Cloud: Our Glimpse
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
WebAssembly and Containers are complimentary (this is a blog, about a presentation, that shows how Fermyon uses both as part of the future of WebAssembly)

Open Source Summit 2022: Keynote, Finicky Whiskers, and a Pizza Party
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
At Open Source Summit NA 2022 in Austin, Fermyon brought Finicky Whiskers to our first booth, Matt Butcher gave a keynote, and we hosted an evening of games, pizza, and community

Better Than Overprovisioning: Underprovision Your Cloud Services
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
As a matter of routine business, we have gotten comfortable with overprovisioning our cloud services. We might think that the best solution is to come up with a better way of right-sizing our provisioning. But the best solution might just be underprovisioning.

Watch: Matt Butcher Shares How WebAssembly and Containers Work Together
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
In this video, part of DockerCon 2022, Fermyon's Matt Butcher shares Finicky Whiskers and explains how it uses containers and WebAssembly together, playing to the strengths of each.

Join Fermyon at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
The event is held from the 24th to the 28th of October 2022, in Detroit Michigan. Fermyon is a Silver Sponsor of this event. We welcome you to connect with the incredible [Fermyon team](https://www.fermyon.com/about/#about-team) to discuss our frictionless WebAssembly (Wasm) microservices platform and how we may accelerate your productivity and potentially assist in streamlining your cloud computing and microservice efforts.

Watch: Building Microservices with Wasm, Rust, and Spin
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Radu Matei hung out with the Rust Linz folks, discussing WebAssembly, the component model, and building spin applications

Join Fermyon at NGINX Sprint in August
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Fermyon's Matt Butcher will be on the ecosystem panel at NGINX Sprint. Registration is free.

Why WebAssembly Belongs Outside the Browser
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Members of Suborbital, Cosmonic, and Fermyon jointly discuss why WebAssembly belongs outside the browser.

Spinning with Swift
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Get started using Apple's Swift language to write Spin WebAssembly applications for the cloud. This step-by-step tutorial covers installing SwiftWasm, writing a simple Wasm app, and runing it as a Wagi HTTP handler on Spin.

HashiConf EU 2022: Finicky Whiskers, Nomad, Spin, and Minecraft
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Fermyon participated in HashiConf EU 2022. Matt Butcher presented on how we use Nomad to power Finicky Whiskers, and HashiCorp built a Minecraft frontend to the world's most adorable manual load generator.

The WebAssembly Component Model
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
The WebAssembly Component Model proposal aims to make module composition easy and efficient. In this post, we'll build an intuition for how it works by analogy with how native code is linked, loaded, and run on popular operating systems.

Announcing Spin v0.3
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn all about the new Spin v0.3 release!

Introducing Fermyon, the Frictionless WebAssembly Platform
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Today we are excited to introduce the preview of Fermyon, the frictionless WebAssembly platform for writing microservices and web apps. We've released the Fermyon installer, a quick and easy way to install Fermyon on your own host or in AWS.

Fermyon's Values: The How and Why
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
One of the first efforts we undertook when starting Fermyon was setting for ourselves a core set of values. Values function for us as a critical component of company culture. We want our values to be meaningful virtues that we genuinely aspire to enact.

Finicky Whiskers (pt. 4): Spin, Containers, Nomad, and Infrastructure
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
In this final post of the Finicky Whiskers series, we discuss the platform on which we run the word's most adorable manual load generator.

Writing Webhooks with Spin
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Bookhook is a simple Spin application that uses an inbound webhook from Trello to trigger an outbound webhook to Slack. We'll see how to create webhook applications in Spin and WebAssembly.

Finicky Whiskers (pt. 3): The Microservices
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
In this third part of the Finicky Whiskers series, we look at four microservices that drive game play. Rust, Ruby, HTTP, and Redis are covered in this post.

Finicky Whiskers (pt. 2): Serving the HTML, CSS, and static assets
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn how Finicky Whiskers uses the Spin Fileserver to achieve an impressive 99 out of 100 on the Google Page Speed test.

Why (and How) We Built a WebAssembly CMS
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Bartholomew, the CMS that powers Fermyon.com, is the first content management system for WebAssembly. Fermyon's Matt Butcher and Radu Matei recently spoke about it at WasmDay during KubeCon EU 2022.

Finicky Whiskers (pt. 1): The World's Most Adorable Manual Load Generator
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Finicky Whiskers isn't just a game. It's the world's most adorable manual load generator.

Spin up WebAssembly on DigitalOcean in Minutes
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Sometimes you want to get your WebAssembly Spin app out in public right away. Here we use DigitalOcean to create a Droplet running Spin. Then we use VS Code to live-edit on the Droplet.

We're talking about Nomad, WebAssembly, and Next Wave Microservices @ HashiConf EU
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn how we use service discovery, secret storage, and Nomad task drivers to run a huge number of next-wave microservices on a surprisingly small Nomad cluster.

Why You Shouldn't Repatriate Your Servers - Addressing Cloud Overconsumption
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
A year ago, a16z published an article illuminating the true cost of cloud. We are skeptical of their assertion that repatriating to the datacenter is the correct approach. Instead, rethinking microservices will get us farther.

Meet the Fermyon Team @ Open Source Summit 2022
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Join us in Austin, TX this June 21-24 at Open Source Summit where we will be hanging out, talking about WebAssembly, and giving away some awesome schwag

Announcing a new Spin release
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Learn all about the new Spin v0.2.0 release, with improved developer experience and support for external services such as Redis.

Shrink Your TinyGo WebAssembly Modules by 60%
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Cutting down on the size of a Wasm binary has advantages for performance and transfer speed. This post covers some tricks for reducing the size of Go code projects when compiled to WebAssembly with TinyGo

Accessing external APIs from Spin applications
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Come learn how you can leverage experimental Spin features to enable outbound HTTP support

Scheduling WebAssembly-backed services with Spin and Nomad
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Come learn how to run WebAssembly-backed services with Nomad and Spin

Come learn how we use Bartholomew @ WasmDay EU 2022
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
This May 16th, our founders will be presenting speaking a WasmDay EU in Valencia, Spain about how we implmented a WebAssembly CMS

Matt Butcher @ DockerCon May 10, 2022
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
This May 10th, Matt Butcher will be virtually presenting Containers and WebAssembly at DockerCon 2022.

Running .NET in WebAssembly
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
C# and other .NET languages can now be compiled to Wasm. In this post, we show how to run cloud-side .NET in a WebAssembly runtime.

WebAssembly Languages
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
With WebAssembly gaining momentum, a new breed of WebAssembly-specific languages have arrived on the scene. In this post we cover a few of these, including Grain and AssemblyScript

Writing a WebAssembly Service in TinyGo for Wagi and Spin
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Of the growing list of WebAssembly capable programming languages, Go is one of our favorites. In this post, we build a real (but tiny) service with TinyGo.

What is Bindle
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Bindle is the silverware drawer for Wasm objects. It provides an efficient and flexible packaging system for component-based applications that have variable dependencies.

5 Fun Wasm Projects (that you might not have known about)
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
In this post, we're going to explore some of our favorite WebAssembly projects that you may not have heard of before

Come join the Fermyon Discord community!
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Come join a thriving community of passionate WebAssembly engineers and thought leaders where you can learn about current and upcoming Fermyon projects

The Scale to Zero Problem
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Rather than run an application all the time, what if we could only start it when it was needed, and thus avoid the cloud cost of running unused services? This was the idea behind scale-to-zero. WebAssembly has an answer.

Why the Bytecode Alliance is important to the Wasm ecosystem
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
For any ecosystem to grow, it's important for standards to be implemented that establish trust with users within the community. This is the motivation behind the Bytecode Alliance, a non-profit standards setting organization devoted to building secure-by-default software.

Introducing Spin
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Spin is our new, open source WebAssembly framework - for building, distributing, and running WebAssembly apps.

A Reckoning for Serverless
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Serverless did not quite live up to its promise. But why? Partly, it was never well-defined. Also, the vision overreached the technology available at the time. But things are different now. Has serverless failed or is it about to hit a renaissance?

Running Python in WebAssembly
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Python can now be compiled to Wasm. In this post, we show how to run cloud-side Python in a WebAssembly runtime.

Introduction to WebAssembly on the Cloud
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
WebAssembly may have started as a browser technology, but it has moved outward. One hugely promising space for WebAssembly is in the cloud. Its security, speed, size, and flexibility make it a great basis for building cloud services.

Wasm.Builders: The Site for Learning WebAssembly
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Introducing a new community for sharing WebAssembly news and information

Is WebAssembly Susceptible to Log4Shell-style Attacks?
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
The recent Log4j attack provides an opportunity to talk about that characteristic and see why WebAssembly is resistant to this kind of attack.

Scripting Languages and Compiled Languages in WebAssembly
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
The promise of WebAssembly is that it can be a common runtime for all sorts of languages. But there are differences between how we traditionally write in scripting languages (JavaScript, Python, Ruby) versus compiled languages (C/C++, Go, Rust). In this post, we survey the WebAssembly landscape to see what is happening along these fronts.

Containers vs. WebAssembly: What's the Difference?
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
It is common to hear WebAssembly compared to Docker Containers (or OCI Containers). What's the difference? We look at the key differences between Wasm and Docker Containers.

Rethinking Microservices
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Microservices are serving us well in many ways. But in some ways, we can do better. Will microservices v2 be powered by WebAssembly?

How to Think About WebAssembly (Amid the Hype)
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
What is WebAssembly? Is it the JavaScript killer or a performance tool for the browser? Is it a replacement for Docker? Or a clone of Java? Or is it a better eBPF? Lots of ideas are swirling. So let's get to the heart of the matter.

Why LibreOffice in WebAssembly is a Big Deal
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
LibreOffice in WebAssembly (LOWA) is a promising project. But more exciting is what this new project demonstrates about the WebAssembly ecosystem.

Introducing Bartholomew
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Fermyon is proud to introduce our new lightweight WebAssembly (Wasm) content management system (CMS) that we call Bartholomew. With support for handlebars templates, custom scripted functions, and markdown, it's a svelte way to run a CMS.

Hello World
Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
We're Fermyon, and we are building the third wave of compute with WebAssembly.