Rafael Gonzaga - Home
Tech insights on Performance, Security and Node.js from Rafael Gonzaga, Node.js TSC member

Announcing bench-node
Rafael Gonzaga - Home
Announcing bench-nodeI’m excited to announce the release of bench-node, a Node.js benchmarking librarydesigned to measure operations per second (ops/sec) for small, focused blocks ofJavaScript code. Originally, this project was intended for inclusion in Node.jscore, but microbenchmark accuracy ... read more (Feed generated with FetchRSS)

State of Node.js Performance 2024
Rafael Gonzaga - Home
State of Node.js Performance 2024The year is 2024, and Node.js has reached version 23. With two semver-majorsreleased per year, it might be difficult to keep track of all aspects of Node.js.This article revisits the State of Node.js performance, with a focus on comparingversions 20 through 22. ... read more (Feed generated with FetchRSS)

Node.js 2023 Year in An Article
Rafael Gonzaga - Home
Node.js 2023 Year in An ArticleTwo months into 2024, I’ve decided to summarize the achievements in the Node.js space from 2023. As always, this list is curated by me, so I may overlook some pull requests due to the vast amount of work completed by Node.js collaborators and areas where I need more ... read more (Feed generated with FetchRSS)

Why you should pin your GitHub Actions by commit-hash
Rafael Gonzaga - Home
Why you should pin your GitHub Actions by commit-hashSupply chain attacks are not something new; we have heard about them extensively, and the maximum we can do is mitigatethem as best as we can. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that these types of attacks will always exist. With thatin min... read more (Feed generated with FetchRSS)

State of Node.js Performance 2023
Rafael Gonzaga - Home
State of Node.js Performance 2023The year is 2023 and we’ve released Node.js v20. It’s a significantaccomplishment, and this article aims to use scientific numbers to assess the state of Node.js’ performance.All the benchmark results contain a reproducible example and hardware details. To reduc... read more (Feed generated with FetchRSS)